October 21, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 21, 1965 |
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SI-IELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAE-- Published in ¢CChristmastown, U.g.A.", SheKon, Washington
MATLOCK -- The Matlock
Grange will have a mlmmage sale
this Wednesday and Thursday at
the PUD 3 building• There will
be bedding, clothes for children
and adults, and all kinds of things.
This community sympathizes
with the Bob Trenckmann family
as their house burned Saturday.
It was caused by a chimney fire
early that morning, and then
broke out again around 11 a.m.
They were able to save all their
things on the lower floor, as car-
loads of hunters were going by
and all stopped and gave a helping
hand. The Elms Fire Department
came out and got the fire out
before it burned in the lower part
of the house, but water damaged
the things a lot.
MRS. SAM DIGGLE attended
the Homemakers' convention at
Bellingham for three days last
The Ladies' Club met last week
Wednesday with Mrs. Sadie Daw-
son and Mrs. Nellie Rossmaier
hostess and they presented Mrs.
James Pike with a folding high
chair for her baby.
Dumont PorLman of ShelLon
spent Wednesday with Carl Port-
man. Mrs. L. D. Portman came
after Ladies' Club.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing
were dinner guests Wednesday of
Mr. and Mrs. William Duckwitz
of Rochester.
Dick Cockburn spent the week-
end east of the mountains hunt-
MR. AND MRS. James Church-
ill 'of Dayton spent Saturday eve-
ning with Mrs. Augusta Portman
and Carl Portman.
Ronnie LeGarde and three chil-
dren of Shelton, called at the
Portman home Saturday after-
Saturday callers at the R. E.
Bradberry home were Clifford O1-
son and Don HesLer of BremerLon
and Gary Goodburn of Puyallup
and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Goodburn
and children spent the weekend
at the Bradberry home. The men
all went hunting, but no luck.
Our sympathy is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry as
they received word that Elmer's
mother, 91 years, passed away in
Texas Saturday.
burn and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Chamberlin and children,
all of Shelton spent Satul'day and
Sunday at the Lud Rossmaier
Word was received that our
Matlock boys who are in the ser-
vice, Sam Valley, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Valley, left Mon-
day for Europe, and Gene Breh-
meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb-
ert Brehmeyer Sr., was sent to
South Viet Nam.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
and son David spent Sunday in
Tacoma with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mrs. Earl Walker took her
granddaughter Janet Walker to
Tacoma last week and spent the
week with relatives. The Larry
Walkers are now settled and have
moved to Tacoma.
The square dance was a success
at Matlock Grange Hall Friday
night. The next one will be the
third Friday night in November.
Miss Zelma Cowan of Bayview,
Idaho, spent a couple days last
week with Rev. and Mrs. James
The Matlock church young folk's
group enjoyed a hayride and wie-
ner roast last Friday evening on
Bingham river. About 22 attended.
SOUTHSIDE --- SheriTyn Byrd
Orthopedic is sponsoring a hard-
tithe dance at Dayton Hall Oct. 23.
Prizes will be awarded for the best
costume, admission to be $1 apiece,
and will have local live music.
Come one, and all, for an evening
of flm !
Sherilyn Byrd Orthopedic met at
the home of Helen Kunl,.el last
Tuesday with Dee Crank as hos-
tess. Attending were Helen Kunkel
~gy~d daughter Vi Height, Ann
Wheeler, Dee Crank, Augusta Me-
KiSsick, Joyce Byrd, Ruth Snyder,
project meetings. Doug Carlberg
is a new member of the club. 4-H
members are having a skating
party Oct. 30 for their Halloween
party. John Wilson served cookies
for treats and 4-H'ers played
games and sang 4-H songs. The
next meeting will be Nov. 10 at
6:30 p.m.
Eagles 4-H Club met at the
home of their leader, Lynn Wilson
Thursday evening for their first
meeting of the new year. There
were 11 members present. The
club had minutes of last year's
meetings and discussed achieve-
Homecoming Activities Start Tonight, Bonfire
Aud Car Caravan; FootbMl Game Friday Night
night Homecoming '65 officially
gets under way with the car cara-
van and bonfil~e. The bonfire is
scheduled to begin at dusk and the
car caravan will follow. The cara-
van will leave the Sam and Mary
Theler playground, and head out
to Allyn, the South Shore; down
the North Shore and the Old Bel-
fair Highway, winding up in Bel-
fair again.
Friday there will be a big pep
assembly, chock full of yelling
contests between the different
classes and the band. The game
with Forks starts at 8 p.m. Fri-
day night. During halftime, the
marching band will present a pro-
gram dedicated to the candidates
for the homecoming court and to
the alumni. Coronation will take
place during halftime. This year's
dance has the theme "Homecoming
'65" and will last from 10-12.
The Homecoming court was se-
lected Oct. II. Finalists are Mil-
dred Kisler, Laura Foster, Chris
Bixenmann, Jay Allen, Charlie
Drake, and Steve DeMiero. The
student body chose a queen and
king Oct. 18, but the results are
being held until the game. Mason
students have been working hard
to make this the best Homecoming
ever. We'd like to see lots of adults
and alumni at the activities.
esti and Ken Jarstad, are attemp-
ting to start a ski club at N.M.
The club would go skiing on the
average of once a month. Anyone
interested in joining should con-
tact either of these two boys, or
the club advisor, Donn Nelson.
The results of the elections for
representatives to the Girl's and
Boy's Clubs have been announced.
The Girl's are senior Sue Smith,
junior Susan Fisher, sophomore
Chert Bishop and freshman Nancy
Baselt. The boys are senior Mary
Fields, junior Bill Hughes, soph-
omore Dave Dietz, freshman Mike
Seniors have been having their
senior pictures taken during the
previous week. Appointments were
scheduled for Oet. 9, Oct. 12, and
Oct. 13. Dean Palmer of ShelLon
was the photographer.
The rally squad has been con-
2ucting yell contests at the pep
assemblies. At last Friday's as-
sembly, the contest was narrowed
down to two groups--the junior
class and the band. After a loud
yell-off, which left the gym walls
vibrating, the juniors were declar-
ed the winners. Next week Lhc sen-
iors will Lake on all comers.
The C.A.A. has challenged the
Letterman's Club to a money-rais-
ing contest• The proceeds would go
to the football light fund. The girls
aren't telling what their projects
would be; it's highly confidential.
But they haven't a lot to worry
about. As yet, the Lettermen
haven't accepted or refused the
challenge• It will be interesting Lo
see whether or not the boys are
willing to compete with the girls.
Much attention is being given to
them because of the slow response
of the boys. It's a worthwhile cause
at any rate.
It has been announced that student
council has approved the girls
latest venture--bringing the Har-
lem Clowns to Mason. The date has
been set for Nov. 11. Our school
has never had an undertaking of
this sort. It's bound to be a suc-
cess and bring in quite a lump
Visiting basketball teams seem
to be quite the thing this year.
" 4-11 Club
By MABEL KIDD J Mr. and Mrs. Albert tanning and
DAYTON --- All children inter- son, Jerry of HoodsporL. Jerry
ested in becoming 4-H members shared honors with Paul as he
present yourselves at Dayton Hall left on Sunday evening for Plaits-
tonight at 7 p.m. Come on boys berg, N.Y., where he will be sta-
and girls, let's get a good club go- tioned for about six months with
ing again, the Air Force.
Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey and Mrs. J. W. Rayson and Mrs.
children took off for Walla Walla Clyde Barton, Tacoma, spent a
last Friday evening and visitedcouple of days last week with
with her mother, M~s. Nell Parker. Dave Rayson.
I They returned Tuesday evening af- THE CLYDE Scrogham family
ter a most enjoyable quickie va- is the proud possessor of a regis-
cation, tered stud colt, quarter horse, a
Ladies' Club met Oct. 12 with dun with a blaze face, which came
Rose Dougherty as hostess. Mrs.to live with them Saturday. His
Elinore Zauner and Mrs. Sheila name is undecided yet as iL has
Sievert, newcomers to Dayton, to be okayed first
were guests• The next meeting Mr. and M~s. Ed Pearson spent
will be Oct. 26. last week aL Walla Walls College
Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. taking Literature Ewmgelist Trai-
Merlin Short were Mr. and Mrs. ning. Dave and Sheri stayed in
Roy Beugli and daughters of Port- Shelton with Mr. and Mrs. George
land. Adams and Becky was houseguesL
A combination birthday dinner of the Gordon DuGalh) family of
and going away party was held Olympia.
Sunday in the home of Mr. and Ted, Debbie, Candy, Michael and
Mrs. Bmme McQuilkin. Son, Paul Susan Jacobson spent from Thurs-
was birthday honoree. Guests were day evening to Sunday evening
with their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Jacobson of McCleary.
Sk0k0mish - "'U0mmunny Mrs. Alice Dielle of Shelton was
a Sunday caller in the home of
0huroh Plans Joint Mr. and Mrs. Seab Combs.
Weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. T. A. Tibbits were Mr. and
Sing Wilh Hoodsporl Mrs. Jack Kirk and Raymond of
The senior class has decided to By MARY VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. A. H, Wolden and
try and get donkey basketball as SKOKOMISH- The Skokomish children of Seattle were weekend
a fund raising project. Student Community Church will hold a guests of Mrs. A. E. Leaks. Rob-
Council has approved' the idea and joint singspiration with the Hoods- ert Lemke was down Sunday from
final plans will soon be underway, port Community Church at Hoods- Seattle to go hunting.
Money from the game will be used t)ort this Sunday evening after the Sunday visitors in the Clyde
for the Senior Ball which is March regular evening services. Scrogham home were Mr. and Mrs.
12. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Robert Vingley of Hodsport.
Work has begun on the Student Mrs. George Barkley were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Swearing-
Fund Dinner for 1965. The dinner and Mrs. Glen Smith of Seattle
--with ham and turkey on the and Mr. and Mrs. Guy ~mith of en and children and Mrs. Rose
Dennis of Tacoma called on Mr.
menu--has been slated for Nov. Bremerton. Dropping in for a visit and Mrs. Robert Swearingcn Sun-
13. Mrs. Alice Harris, high school in the afternoon were Mr. and day. The Jack Kirks also visited•
secretary, is general chairman of Mrs. Fred Lockwood of Allyn.
the event• The proceeds go to the MR. AND MRS. JOItN Anderson
general student fund. Arthur Johnson had the mis- attended the wedding reception of
fortune to injure his eye while Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Huey held
The fre,,hman class has a lot go- working at Camp Govey last Fri- Saturday evening a.t Dayton Hall.
ing. Friday they're having a car day a~ternoon. He was treated at Congratulations, belated, to Mr.
wash and Saturday a bake sale. :the doctor's office and is able to and IM:rs. Don Rutherford, who
They are also sponsoring a soc-hop continue working this week.
on Oct. 30. celebrated their sixth anniversary
Oct. 19 was the date for the! The Skokomish Grange has sus- Sunday, Don and Sue accompan-
PSAT, given to juniors and anyipended ~ts regular meeting this led by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Borst
seniors who desired to take itFriday evening as the Degree of Island Lake motored to Stem-
again. Testing time was 8:15 a.m. :Team will be conferring the Third erton to dine and celebrate this
in the cafeteria, and Fourth degrees at Progress event.
Coming events: Oct. 27 - Air Grange Hall. It is hoped all who Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lamont
Force aptitude for seniors. Oct. 28 can will go and support, the team. are enjoying a visit from her rod-
- careers opportunity day; Honor The meetmgwill open at ~:~yp;m:ther, Mrs. Louise MayoLte, who
Society films. Oct 29 - football! ~wr. ann Mrs. ~nes~e*" v a,,eyflew into Sea-Tac f,.oh~ Milwau-
at Vashon" G.A.A initiation Oct :called at the Elbert Trexmr nome kec, Wis., where she had been vis-
30- Frosh'Halloween dance; "soph~ :near Bayshore Sunday afternoon, iting another daughter. Mrs. La-
omore bake sale. MRS. ROGER Mahlendorf en- mont hadn't seen her mother for
_______ tertained with a birthday party about nine years so there is much
I...,-- I Saturday for her daughter Tammy, news to get caught up on. Mr:;.
~|J|~,[who celebrated he," fifth birthday. Mayotte is busy getting acquaint-
~GIA beautifully decorated cake serv- ed with all her great grandchild-
cd as centerpiece for the five ten.
Honor Roll For First Six Weeks Announced;
Girls Start Intramural Basketball Play
guests present. Games were play-
ed, refreshments were served and
everyone enjoyed the afternoon.
Marie Frazier and Toni Matson.
PTO Annual Carnival will be
Nov. 6, from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. at
Southside. PTO is busy working
on the carnival and they will have
a delicious ham dinner for 85 cents
that will be served from 5:30 to
7 t).m.
en Barbara Fuller Sunday eve-
ning at the home of Lynn Wilson,
given by hostessess Ann Wheeler,
Kathy Height and Lynn Wilson.
Attending were Vi Height, Alice
Wheeler, Leona Frisken, Mrs.
Howard 'Fuller, Mrs. T. Tough,
Virginia Fuller, Barbara Fuller,
Ruth Cormier, Karen Evans, Thel-
~a Evans, Mrs. Tom Skillman
$r, Mrs. Hazelm Huntley of Olym-
pia, Mrs. Rosalie Baldwin of Olym-
pia and hostesses Ann Wheeler,
Kathy Height and Lynn Wilson.
SenZ[in~ gifts, bnt unable to attend
were Mrs. Abner Huntley, Mrs.
Shirley Weaver and Mrs. Jerry
Kirk. Games were played with
prizes won by Alice Wheeler and
Lepna Frisken, door prize was
won by Mrs. Tom Skillman Sr.
',Cake, coffee and ice cream were
.served by hostesses. All had an
ienjoyab~e evening and Barbara
.Fuller received wonde,fful gifts.
'~ SOUTHSIDE Grangers met on
.Friday evening at 8 p.m. for'a
;short business meeting at South-
,side and then attended the Hal-
:loween party given by Shelton
~Valley Grange and all had a good
!time and enjoyed it very much.
:The annual witches' contest was
i:~von by Winifred Carr of the
~.Southside Grange.
7 Guests of Nil'. and Mrs. Don
,Clark were Mr. and Mrs. David
~Rogers and three childre~ of Ta-
;.coma who spent the weekend and
iNIr. and Mrs. Earl Owens also
visited with the Don Clarks and
':David Rogers.
', Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck are
"ihe great grandparents of a son
'born to Mr. and Mrs. A1 Atkison
~0f Hoquiam over the weeken~l.
.... Vulcher's 4-H Club members met
,',Thursday evening at the home of
~their leader Lynn Wilson with 10
hnembers attending. 4-H members
~talked about a money making pro-
iject going to Achievement Night
dent, Ken Zukowski; treasurer, Brownies attending. Kim Wheeler
Jim Stone; program chairn~an, rejoined the troop. Brownies made
Shirley Sykoya; recreation chair- little elves they had cut out of
man, Rebecca and Malwin Simp- colored paper, Christy Bacon
~son; community service, Lonnie brought the treats. Valerie All-
i Simpson; reporter Toni Olson; and noch is to bring the treats for the
~and set up the dates for their sargent of arms, Renee Simpson. next meeting.
David and Donna Herrick spent
ment night. JoAml Johnson is
assistant leader for the Eagles. By LINDA MILLER players for Mary M. Knight in-
Election of officers was held. and RENE' PERKINS eluded Captain David Knipschield
Those elected were: president, Report cards were.given out to and sixth graders Ray RoLhrock
Darrell Kimmerly; vice president,the students on Thursday, Oct. 14. and Jerry French. Randy Reeves
Te0, Shonkwiler; secretary, Karl The students who made the honorplayed excellent on defense. The
Johnson;' £rCasurer Steve Boysen; roll are: team played good offense, but
repbi'ter,"Brian Chambers; prog- 9th graale --- Jeff Brown, Sandy much work remains to be done on
ram, Mark Heinis; recreation, Ric- Perkins and Judi Springer. endline and passing defense.
key Hawley, and Kenny Bare; llth grade -- Jane Chappell and The Northwestern Girls League
Community service, Dale Bracy; Rene' Perkins. Conference was held Oct. 16, in
son leaders, Randy Bracy and Carl 7th & 8th grade---Tins Brown, Chehalis. The three girls who were
Wilson, and membership, Cliff Teresa Trimble, Kathy Stodden sent to represent our school were
Taylor. Members got their old and Debbie Brehmeyer. Jane Chappell, Lore~ta Beerbower,
record books back, a.lso received The girls started their 'Girls and Gloria Beerhower. They were
their new reeord books for the IntramuralBasketball Games' Oct.chaperoned by Mrs. Addle Norris,
new year and everyone chose their 18. There are four teams, coached the Girls League Advisor.
projects. Karl Johnson brought by four Senior boys, Vernon Bu- The Seventh and Eighth grade
cooldes for treats. The next meet- chanan, Charlie Chappell, Tom are having a bake sale Oct. 19-20
ing will be Nov. 10 at 6 p.m., on Jeffries, and Alan Tupper. Thereduring noon. They are selling cake,
a Wednesday, instead of on Thurs- will be nine games played, with pie and cookies. The money raised
day, as usual, play-offs if necessary, from the sale will be used for a
Vulchers 4-H Club and Eagles The seventh and eighth grade seventh and eighth grade dance.
4-H Club project meetings will football team defeated Kamilche The Hunter's lunch was Oct. 16.
be held "Let's Bake" Oct. 28 at 30 to 12 last week, Outstanding It was such a great success that
Lynn Wilson at 6 p.m. Sally Wolf we are planning another one for
is the junior leader for the "Let's next year. Debbie rBehmeyer, Ka-
Bake". Rocks and minerals meets Ad~Jl Rooroalion thy Stodden, Denise A vory, Janiee
Oct. 20 at 6 p.m. at Harold John- Gwinette, Fran Trimble, Teresa
sons. Beef 8:nd poultry meets Oct. I I~ illaro'ra-I.tl¢lllCllMIlUJh''"l~'kl" Trimble, Cyndy Iverson, Jane
27 at 6:30 p.m. at Catherine Bra- Chappell and Tina Brown helped
cy's, and entomology meets Oct. serve and worked in the kitchen.
26 at 6 p.m. at Lynn Wilson's. Adult recreation on a weekly It was under the supervision of
Silver Stars met at the Drew program •will be available free of Nellie Chappell and Mrs. Brown.
Coles last Tuesday. The next any charge starting next Monday
meeting will be held at the Ralph evening in the Shelton gym
Bariekman's Nov. 2. through the courtesy of retired
MRS. GEORGE Magnett and coaches Bob Sund and Harold WiN Grealest Guy i. the
Georgia of the Silver Stars attend- son.
ed the Pacific zone meeting at They invite any adult interested W0rld,o. l~:~,~a ~ ~!!
Montesano Thursday evening, in volleyball, weight-lifting, bad-
Georgia won the door prize of a minton, ping pong, or whatever '~'~:~r :" ...... ~.,'..~!
statue of a horse, can be carried out in the gym to .:, :~'~