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21 1965 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY 30URNAIJ---Published in "tChristmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 9
ng ment
Proposal Set In Pioneer Area
Per Month By NADINE RHODES I es everyone to attend in order to
PIONEER .... A special neigh- I learn how little this actually costs
--,~,.~ovmmo borhoocl meeting for all residents and how important it is to the
k H.._.n.. n__ of the Pioneer School District will District. This meeting had origi-
} mU~'~ ~][ be held Oct. 29 at 8 p.l~. at the nally been set for Oct. 28, but
426-4302 school• Purpose of the meeting is w~ts changed to Friday evening.
on., Wed & Fri to explain a.nd answer questions on [ At the regular meeting of the
~os ,-ri,,'a.~n "the proposition oeIore the voters[Pioneer School Board last Tues-
......... Nov. 2 to maintain the 14 mill]day, the 1965-66 budget was cor-
....... school levy. The School Board urg- reeled Lo read $121 000 in the
.~ " ......... ] Building Fund Expenditure Ac-
~'~-- ~ count• This represents the final
figure after adding the amount re-
~f~i ce{ved from State funds.
i~i~ ~]b|~| It was approved to invest $15,-
r~~iiii~ ~wl--j~l~ [000 of Building funds in 91 day
~:~:i:.L!ii~ ___ I U S Treasury notes
~ MDI~TMA~: I The yearly NDEA project ap-
:~ OH li~l~aawafl~BlP plication will be completed this
.~ ...... = ~. ~IiL I~A month The Board discussed mater
='~'~|~==~ ials needed Under this Fede~ial
:i~i. m~ulmm ~R..~ project, the school may purchase
~i :;~i!!i iiii ~ ..... i lkl~|lll equipment for which it might oth-
~: !tli:!:i:''( V~ I~i~VV -g erwise be unable to budget
ii!i~:. ~ Albert Studer offered' to lightly
;iiii~~ ~ disc the playfield and spread th'e
;i ; i i i A $100 additional increment in.
n~ / (~ ~. ~ [the sa!ary schedule for teachers
] a~Y~-/ "~ [ ws.s approved to provide the 5 per
~ ~ ~ ~ @ ~ ~, / ~// [cent raise required by the State
/ ~,j__ // Legislature.
l mTr]ll ~" MRS. GERALD DILLON'S re-
O~'O VOUr / "Y~[~O.o - i quest to return to the job of dr[v- AMSTERDAM MORE LIKE VENICE THAN VENICE
-_ "V.*.. / _~11 .~'~ ,~J=._ .~ ling the bus was approved effec-- 500Miles of Canals Fascinate Shelton's ylorence Lawton
!~7:~:l~efo/C~ .. ~?~/ [ ~~idmabeaSt d~n~.f°r ga~t ~he (Sth in series fr°m diary °f I They t°°k us f°r a b°at ride been drained and is rich farm land'
2~/2-month trip to Europe taken [ on the canals last night. Left at ~ The rest will be completed within
lb# ~ / ~~- ~ ~ [G g • earlier this year by Mrs. Florence 9:30, back at 11:30. It is more]the next few years. It is a huge
/ "~[~=~"- ~ [ The meeting of the Pioneer PTO Lawton of Shelton). beautiful at night with all the [ lake. The draining will cost $66
-~[~ ~ [Executive Board will be held Oct -- i lights of the city• There are 500 [million, not gilders• We went to a
-'~'~ ~ 27, instead of Oct. 28. ' July 4, Amsterdam]miles of canals with 600 bridges in]large island which will be part
.. "~ --~ • i Bill Townsend, of Shelton, and I wonder how you are celebrat- Amsterdam• The lady who was]of the mainland when drained.
~ ~ @ $ @ ~,#m~ I/are ~ ISherry Luhrs, of Longview, plan ink the 4th! .... telling us about eve~Tthing saidlThey used to use windmills in the
]~ L~2-f~ ~ ~ ~_ ] a summer wedding next year. Yesterday I said ta ta to ton- i sometimes cars go over into the I draining but now have electricity.
~] ~.~/~ "~[~ lid Sherry is the daughter of Mr. and don and arrived in Amsterdam[ canals. The cars are parked th!ck n AT THE FIRST STOP the shops
~r~ "~ '~ [Mrs. Bernie Luhrs. The Luhrs at 1:00 p.m. It was rather cold[along szae wttnomy a ~.~ue p~pe[were open• I got a pair of wood-
~~.~ ~/~ ~ [spend a !eL of their summers at and I was sent to the American[to Keep tnem ~rom going over• l en shoes• Things are not cheap,
ed to be m She said it costs 40 gilders to get but level
f[ ~|~\ ~ [ their cabin on Spencer Lake. Sher- Hotel, which is suppos 'c-.[ .... ' ...... [ y. I also got pictures of
ut a roe a car out o~ the canal t)u¢ that man un
• [ry is a senior in Longview High er than the Appolo, b m[was chea as ~t included a car[ y in their Dutch cost ,es.
~x ~/~ ~ ~ ~x~ ~_~ ~ [ school. The future bridegroom is without "t bath, just a wash bowl / P " ~t ~, .... * ,.~ ~o~,, ~;,~ .~.
• ' ~"4" ilders i *11 ~ ............~" ...... ~ ......... ~ ~'"
gl/.. " ...... - ~,\\~t ~t~7~--~\ v l employedby Simpson Timber and toilet, j was,=, u g . s ~ . [erything was closed, people out
~,~ai~k ff[[ ~ ..... ~ \\~_ [~*;"~'~'Y~'-~ ~ [Company.
ill[ o ~ IIl~ ~,.'~l~ I Mr. and Mrs. George HasBrouck I proceeded on my own to the/.. Shsalso said there are 600,000 l for their Sunday stroll, would not
.~.t.k~;~ ~\~'~]]~]- ~k~,~] ~ [of Bayshore, drove to Wenatchee airport at London as scheduled[DlcYcles in Amsteruam. I pose for pictures. It was really
~k\\r . ~. ~ ~ ~ [last Tuesday and spent some time andihm therewas soWaSwelln° la~dtr°uble'out every-[ nalTH E REthat A REare LOC KSl in the ca- i quaint.
~.~.] ~ ~/J~/ ~ i with the parents of Mrs. Has- : " g ' ' • [ s ra'sed every 24[ We boarded the boat again for
~ ~ ~ [Brouck, Mr. and Mrs. Barney I miss the "luv" and "dearie", [hours to let the sea water in and]Amsterdam• They told us God
mayhe that is why Amsterdam[ flush the canals. They are also a[ made the world but man made
~i ~! ~II . Igl l Graham.
® I Driving to Bothell over the seemed so cold with its 'ya ya".[protection against high tides• This] Holland, and how true it seems---
[]~ ~ ~ $ L weekend, the HasBroucks re- THIS REALLY IS A nice hotel• [ seems like Venice with all the ca-i never saw such waterways• Venice
t~l R~R~l~ ~1 /turned with George's mother, l~rs. I bad dinner in the dining room[ rials. [ is only a city, this is a whole
blIL ~ ~'~,~| |~ _ $ [ Georgia HasBrouck. She will stay last night but will eat in the res- [ * * * [ country.
@ ~ (~ ~ @ ~ @ @ @ ~ @ ~ ~ ~l~ O ~ [ the remainder of the week. taurant from now on as it seemed [ July 5 [There reallV was lots of wonder-
I~ERI ,, ,, .... ,, ,, AT 8 A M Saturday Ozv,lle ' -
I- 0 KK [ATE KINg PA FIRST LAOY £ ] . . • • ' quite expensive. But very wonder- [ Yesterday we took a trip from [ ful farmin~ land and Holstein cat-
~YOUrwristwltb For the 0utdoorman. Swlrl.,haped oval setI Moran and Max Mikkelsen joined ful service, with men waiters in [ 2 to 6:30 p.m. to Volendam and [ tle Dairying, cheese,etc, is the
~.17 Jewels 17 Jewels with two dazzling " r all dining rooms. I had ham, salad, [ Masken. One is a Protestant com-| bi~ industry Big canals" on the
!~'reslatant. " Sh0ck-resistant. diamonds. Facete~ ] the many hunters and spo ts~enetc., with wonderful strawberries [ munity completely, the other Cath- [ side of the z'oad,-perhaps ten feet
~,w, Orwhite. Te stmeenddateetacrystal. 17jewels. [ fern day s hunting At 10 a.m. ~or _ _
"~ glance, Yellow.~ Yellow or white. / tho~ h~nfin~ ~o~snn was ox~o,-and ice cream for dess(~rt. The| ells• After a time the bus had tel across were not for irrigation but
........... [ Each had his deer. Ronnie Barnes dairy products m England and[ drive onto a ferry to cross a large] for drainage.
Christmas, there's no gift like a watch.., and no [also hadgood !uck, nabbing a spike Holland are wonderful! Thecost[ canal. Then after a while we left[ - • • •
'¢h like a "ul v It's r ci " I .... er = on the zirst oay o~ uze season was approximately $3, so you see [ the bus and went on a boat to ] July 6
' I~ 0 a, p e ous jewe ry tnat tellS p -
t'" . .... [ Reportedly, most h u n t e r s why I'm going to eat in the res- / cross the Zuider Zee. It is not salt] HAD A NICE TRIP around
ume--a watcn you can take pride in giving becausei weren't quite so successful on taurant tonight, but a lake now because part has[ Amsterdam this morning. Will
made with pride. Made to give you more quality [ the openinghday. 01 [ have an all day trip tomorrow and
Your money. Come in soon. Our Watch Experts will [ Wretha R des has j "ned the A m l~ l~ l • / [ leave for Denmark the next mo~:n-
P You choose from our large Bulova selection. [ new 4-H horse club which is be- ~1~[~[~[~[~I K~l]~l~ Ilanr In lava [ing. And I finally had my rice ta-
ling nrganizea in Shelton. Leader [ill.lib/gill ~$Og II~ill~l Ill II--(ll[t5 . i .
I~I=.t~I~UIRPU,~, [of the group will be Mrs. Tulla ~ |. Went to lunch at the Bah res-
ZL~lr~lM¢I|rl ~ /Kimball of Kamilche. A fun day II I I I I ~ lUll I I ...... |laura[t, but such a meal. rm sure
• ,- " .... m ......... nwas held at the fairgrounds Sat-manuua~van nvaa llUfil* IIVaai~ann [I can't eat agatn today. First a
~lr~s • sewelry [urday Some 15 or 20 club mere- lllg[ll~[IglI.~.~I I'II~M Vl~/ llllt~t~n~mlu [big bowl of rice. then "18 accom-
',Franklin,,.. ,. , .-. _ , _ '426-3283,, libel'Sin anWithafternoontheir horseSof riding.participated By JESSIE TUPPER Sunday at the home of Mr. and/~:~i%yni2AT~;S'o~ ri Athof
LAKE NAHWATZEL Hunt M~s J B McClanah~n, m Shel
onell:On s finest Jewelry Store [ Mrs. Ann Cavanaugh, of Seattle, -- - " " " • ' "[nanas. All Javanese waiters with
[visited Richard and Codge Brooks ers began their annual trek to Iton. [head cloths.
/last weekend Mrs Cavanaugh is the woods last Wednesday, and by [ Mr. and Mrs. Keith Byrd, Shel-[ I have been going" on tours each
Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ uoage's- " mother•" " openi,lg day, Saturday the woods I t0n, visited Mrs. Lawrence Hansen [day in a taxi. ~'hisP'M I Look a
were full The rain all weekend last Mends • ' " .
' • Y. [tax~ to Anne Frank s house Re.
--=" ~~ was to the hunters' advantage. I WEEKEND GUESTS at the/member the book 'Diary of "Anne
We saw a beautiful four-point I Clifford Fords' were son, Rich~rd.[ Fa'ank'? Doesn't seem p()ssible that
brought in, and a number of two- Boothe, and family of Seattle, andl could have taken place in ~his
points an sp~kes. Hunters report ]grandson Steve Crapo, home from|peaceful place.. But remember, Iiol-
SEE lots. of ..d°eSr seen in this area,, and / college. [ land was terribly hit by the war,
--f_,ADYARR-- where thee are does, thare are/ Joining the family Sunday was/and the queen fled to the U.S. and
bucks. In s.p~te of the severe wen- [another son Leroy Booths, and Canada.
ther las~ ~ym.ter, the deer seem to family, of South Bend. The weather here has been c.)ld.
be in gooo shape, and more plen-Mr ~ ~..- ~^^ ~--~,-~ ...... , Rained during the night, but sun-
at "" t iful t]...,r wad been antl~pated, to Eastern Washington last week. shiny part of the day. Tomorrow
A~ ±uppe as one o~ ~ne zor~un-They weut first to Omak then toI go on an all-day trip, then iL is
...... . . -" ~aston, wnere tney spent several~, ~a .........,,,.
)Z~ -- 'S ate ones to tag a deer Saturday ~, - , " ,, .~ .P'ondhvo |-n "l-'fnll~
Bell ,,en lv[a.ocne, resiclen~ of thedays With th-ir ct ..... 1.,er Jud,r
resort, slipped on. a )ve~ path S~_tt- and her f~lmil~. J,,dy'~nd~ John anJd.
409 Railroad 426-6432 ul:aay nlgn~ ano t),:OKe [is ~eg. lie their daughters came home with
wltl be commed m the Shelton the Franklins, and visited here
General~tospital for about sixfrom Thursday to Monday
weeks ' • "
• Jerry Stone, nephew of Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit spent Mrs. Archie Kelley, from Federal
• Sunday in R~ymond with Mr. andWay, and a friend, spent the week-
Mrs. Howard Sill and family, end .at the Kelleys.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Barbour The Kelleys' daughter, Betty,
went to Wenatchee Lake to visit and her husband, Dave Smith,
their son, Barry Barbour, and his
family last Weekend.
The Frank Coopers dined last
Ster after semester, coeds
inate shlrts as their favorite
on... for more style, more
robe flavor, more fashion funi
Your vote herel Pick a winnerl
ELY simplc is
shirt with
Collar, tab front.
ARE for the lady
shirt with
Collar .... $4.95
Use Journal Olassifiod Ads
They Pay
~/ Lovo ,ho~o Tv ~on,~,er~ Be one'. ~o,~.
i~lllU[~=l~ Frankenstein, Lily and Herman Munster, the
!~}~t ~ .....V~:lf'"a" and ,,,any more! Want to be the prettiest
~ftll ~ th'ng in your neighborhood? :Be a lovely Fairy
p[l~! .5 Prineess~ Whethcr you want to be "pretty"
;]g4t .-II . "'" ,, ,
I pretty awful ...we ve got the ]~iggest~ W|~]eSt
?:~'~,: ~most wonderful assortment in town. All cos.
~,,,,~,,,,;~ ~ tumes are of flame-retardant rayon ... m ea, te~ m
............ "~ .fit tricksters of aI1 ages,
S.Hastings, Manager • Evergreen Square
joined the family Sunday.
Archie Kelley is still in the hos-
pital at Tacoma, but is expected
to come home this week.
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