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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 21, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 21, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10 -- Published in "Ohr sfmastown hel%on Washln BY LIZ ALLISON HARSTINE --- As usual never a dull moment on Harstine! Now that the grapes are harvested, peo- ple are beginning to realize this beautiful Indian Summer weather Will end soon. Therefore, cleaning up the yards and gardens for win- question mark in white on his nose a flock of moscovie ducks, they and looks like a sure winner. Fun- quacked too loud and are dirty. ny thing about this horsie busi-Next came a couple of adorable Ill- ness, I'm told by all horse peo-tle pigs• Like the ducks they my- ple that horses are all one year old on Jan. 1 or all have birthdays the same day each year, come what may we will bet on Deep Question. Heodspm't Hunters Have Poor Luck ;ening Day By LOIS PIERCE steriously disappea/'ed ahd now HOODSPORT --- Hunting season the Capt. has two goats, LiSa is b'perfed SatUrday with the woods pu/'~ white and Rorha is black flfll 6f hur/ters scouting for their and deer 1All s'~) fat" I have heard of Dn0red In By NORMA TAYLOR who hasn't received these degrees, on even tern[s, 12-12. Final score KAMILCHE Tuesday eve-{plan to attend. A potluck hmch- was 30-12. The return game will ning, many friends and neighborscon will follow the degree played herc in the near future. honored Byran Lord with a pot- Ttle H,'u~k Ungers were dinner Last Friday proved to be pro- luck dinner at. Skookum Bay Hallguests Saturday evening at Mrs. fitably spent by Kamilche teach- in his honor. Byran is celebrating Winuefred Carr's home in Shel-crs; each traveling to an educa- 25 years in lhe'Navy and his first ton. tionai meeting of special interest• leave home in three years. Follow- Tuesday evening, Mrs. FlorenceSeveral meetings tcntativcly ache- brown, they are Impbrtant r ter, putting summer ,furniture I've known him since day one. anl~nals having pedigrees and are nnlv tWO |tmkxP hunters from ing the dinner, Evan Adams sup- Taylor, Mrs. Emma McDonald, duled imd to be canceled, but Mrs. away and out came the ' No Tres-The Williams have many rein- registered WRh so'fne Goat Sbciety. 1 H0~)dsnort anal~o~]v abi~ to verify plied the entertainment with col- Mrs. Mac Roberts and Mr. and Page attended at Longview, Mr. ~Arour C41~i passing Signs", and "No Hunting tires in this area and are fre- Asked the Capt. if he intends to cm, '~I ~rllmh ~nw~ed a nice. orcd slides taken in Alaska on a Mrs. Edwin Taylor and son, Ed- Whitener at Hoquiam and Mr. Signs, needing repainting as we quently off the Island for a night set~,e goat milk from now on. No [tW0 "dint durin~ a snow storm recent trip. win were dinner guests at the re- Keller attended a social science prepared for the evil day, opening to visit them. On Oct. 9, Gar and decision yet! Anyhow it is al~ay~[~fl X~ WasEin/,t~n Saturday a r ........ ~, .,. Geri Nagel celebrated her nineth sidence of Mrs. Carrie Durand inmeeting at Highline. of deer hunting Oct. 16. The Hat- Hilda went to Bellevue for the t eat to visit Capt Gortz andI h Pupils and teachers are enjoy- wedding of their granddaughter,his petS, hear his tales when he]William Gilbert returned ome birthday at. home Sunday with a Shelton. aline Grange will hold its annual . Hunters Breakfkast in the Corn-[Nancy Lee Lewis who married Lt. sailed the Seven Seas. Capt Gortz[ fl~lnda~ aftenrn°°nShf;~on shPe;d~ag1 family diuner party. He,' brother,Mr. and Mrs. Don Nelson and ing the new textbooks aud work- m uity Hall Oct. 23 starting at 7:30 [ Rondel Lee Cole Jr. of Tacoma, in was born' in' Germanvnear,"" ' Dus-:l on: ,-.'ee.. aay,~ ................ a ed" pM-sMarvin, was home for the week- children, Bryan and Dianne of Ta- books. Students appreciate Lhem seldorf on thq lower ~l~iine l~fver. [ ..... ':" .... "~~ ~" ' "'1 the ~ast interesting fields that were not a.m. until 2 p.m. everyone, wheth- [ a candle light service, in The , ........ , • . an{1 *~ zeenng rouen ]mprov . r . end from Seattle to help make itcoma were Saturday g~msts at theas it opens up ncw modern and er hunter or not is welcome. Its I Methodist Church in Bellevue. The when a~e 14 h~ We~,t i,, sea V¢o~'t" /ijuoerE WhO nas seen u ,. a very special day. Al Lord home. ,... ,~.. ~'~x.~. ~'~:~,. ~'~.~'~ ',x ~,;~.,['.~ [ tW6 We'eks is reported better at Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. How- Monday evening dinner g~msts available in the past a good idea to attend the break- Cole's are LTPS graduates. Fol-,,,~ uv ,,~,,. ~,~ ,~u ~, ~g~,~ ,~.~.. :~__ ... ~_ _:~ _::. ,..~.~,, to sa-" fast to meet some of the hunters, I lowing the marriage the couple an:~ ,.~..,,,^.~,c, ~";' ~^a *~'~ ~J--t I'tats wmung we ~ru -spry y. at'(] Islick and family, who moved of the Ed Taylors were the Jerry Uupils in the various grades are Solicit their cooperation in shoot- [ traveled to Webb Air Force Base tweflt'),"0nSe~e~r~'~a's'Wit'l~~ V~ev- [- ~f/'S. l~.ule f:lt6kinson, fell in her into our community over the week- Samples of Shelton, planning halloween parties for Oc- ing, and at the same time help the]in Texas, where the bridegToom erh'a~t/er gtea~nShip CO,. R%t[r~d[~0m'~ F rid~ fflorrflng, injuring end. They are making their home George EgKert and wife, Edna,tuber 29. Several mothers will pro- Harstine Grange with some of its will begin training as a pilot, and befo're fg~$ 60 b'ecat:tg~ 5't ~1 health.lh:.Car 15~Ck: She was able to re~n in the house formerly owned by of Vancouver were overnight vide the special treats and with manYEveryoneWOrth onWhlleHarstinePr°jectS'has petsIlatto thebecomeSame atimelawyer.Will beonlyStUdying150 H a" s~fff~ot~z1~-~qit~d/f ~%;~:(i ,~n [ ~y/~e l~0P ~ ~,: %~Qe canu~id~rcaalgll hee BerthaFriday,Shea.Mrs. Alice Haines too- guestSMr, andThUrsdaYMrs. Jeromeat theBurke.home of awhatwithgameGriffen;conditionCOmingittheUPis playersthed°ubtfulSamewillJUstdaYbe Wcarha t,~.r] ,e v@ and they take a lot of time. But ] miles from Webb Air Force Base, - ~ -' : ....... .,g. :: : ,, -,:, i s0~L 0o/'~¢t/, at Work He in turn tored to Lakewood to spend the Associate Superintendant of ne~,.,~ ouy la~(l an~ DtllRl a ~i0P//e ~re, , ,,, : .... ." that is not work, for nothing like[lives another granddaughter of Lik'e ~ne"~' F0stman ~: ~':; ........... who goes zor" .... a|C~'~ ...... :l~[t~s. John~, Shortsleevs. who day visiting her mother. IC u s t o d y, Floyd Powell of the in; but we will leave the details to we can !~|~ loving pets! Gar Williams told us, [ the Williams. Karron and Bob . ^-.- -- ,..,z ,~. ~b, ~,~ ~.~. ,,..~|w~tit lmn~edl/gteIy to Mrs. Dmkin- Ella Simmons, Helen Stansbury, [Washington Corrections Center CoaChTim rummageKelley" sale held at the it takes him about half a day to Bruyson are stationed at Ft. Hood, ..... ~ ...................... alwaya ]fred off or ~e/~r tl/e s~a. ,~.u at,, A~,~., ..... ,.,. ,~,~ ~h-1 Alice Haines, Norms Richards and]will be t~e guest speaker at the • • . eurVi*d care for the needs of his three Texas. The Williams are also build-~ ....... ' ~,,v--,*~o. ,," .................... - so ~hey s~ttled of/a ]beautiful lbiece ÷a~ h~,~ hn,/n~t,l where she Ruth Nelson were Wednesday af- ] monthlyI=TO meeting Oct. 25 at 8 PUD by the PTO Friday, Oct. ]5 beautiful borseS. The thoroughbred[ing a large living room onto their ternoon guests at the home of[P.m• in the Kamilche School Multi- was a rcal financial success; as shields, colt is now almost a year old and [ farm house and last week had a of:beach ne~r Brisc0e Poffit. ~. ~/ll ~e for at~l~'ast 'a couple of Norms Taylor. [ purpose room• This meetingis open the ladies said, we had excellent clear and g pfltff15kin Center st0i~e dnHar- weeks. 1~rs. Dickinson had only the time has come to register a[new well dug for them. sti~'e has hew h0U~, ~Ibsed IVt0n- a Ye~ d~YS before returned from Working on the dance commit-[ner,]t° theprogramPubliC,chairman,and DaVidwouldWhite-like licmaterialresp0ndedf°r thein salea veryand generousthe pub- teed not name with the Jockey Club in New[ CAPT, GORTZ ALWAYS has to day and ~l'~S(~y.. 0ti~er days, Wsltiff~ 1~r daughter, Mrs. Bare- tee at Progress Grange Hall Sat-lt° have a full house. Powell is mariner. York. The proposed name must be [ have ~. bunch of pets around, of ho~i*S/,are 9/a.~h. i0.6:3{) prth,# ]ey, ih ~$attl'e. urday night were Mrs. Bertha m, bmitted before being chosen and]course Byron Von Harstine the impst the Williams have submitted 'Deep [dachshund and no-name, the cat , Nb e//t ,Qb. ",,.Bb: NtiS, .Allefl Strme ehjoyed the Lord, Byran Lord, Mrs. Florence[ very interested in working with Pupils are making excellent use Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mop [ the juvenile problem and has veryof the Bookmobile again this year Gr [ definite ideas concerning this. Fol- and with more than 2,500 books Question" for the colt• He has a are stationary, First the Gortzhad ~ng T~am i~ proud to nave ~wo company of Mrs. Lucille l~ise and kert and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis] lowing the meeting, refreshments available, the variety of material riarstine ladies on their team Dot ' • 1 .. . Mrs_ Rise S three months o d Cammack. ] will be served, seems unlimited. Tcache|'s are fin- ~mith and her daughter Maxme granddaughter, Wendy, of Arling- White. May Dunbar: of Stielton, ton over the weekend. SUNDAY, the Ed Taylors and This. p.ast week. , the. ,ladies of the ding that classwork fits in very ' who likewise Works for Northwest Mrs. I~ lorence Taylor enjoyed din- PTO installed beautiful curtains in well with this extra library mater- and is on HarStine much of the . Don't. forget the matiL~ee S.atur: net" with the Justin Taylors at a] the clas.~rooms. These are ofial made available every week. time, is a member of this team s°cYo3~r~n~nT~te ~n~evi~a°°asp°r~ their home on Oyster Bay. a very durable material, with the ....... also. Our Harstine Grange spun- ~....~.~ L. +~: ~io^d Canal p~r - Nellie Moore of Olympia, spent primary having a print and the ~ ------- ,.,=,.m a,,*,, nl...=o, '-rnituro he-air , sots a Bowling Team as part of the ...... ~ ~,,= v . _ ".~ . the day Saturday visiting her par- others, solid ochre color which .~ ~ ~ r~uv~ ~.aa~ I ,~ '~ "~ "* 1" Mason County Grange League. Thursoay evening mrs. J~ari ents the Robert Pcndergrafts at matches the interior decoration of ~ =m mm - =.,-,=~ sam I • Expert Installation II Repairing and Refinishing Last year the Harstine Grange Crumb and Judy went to~Sea::]e their home. the rooms. ~' ~11 ~I I~ JIM PAULEY, INC, ..... ... •hip. g - ~ ..... ma we|'e Sunday afternoon callers when Chert Corey i~ • ed to • .. ~ ~ SMITH FURNITURE REPAIR' There iS still aflavor of Pioneer The Misses.Jane ano Juay.~nu- at the hl Lords the Evergreen school ill Shelt0n. II ~i I~.~ ~ i~I I 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-3926 I I ............ o=-~. Days in Mason County You knowmate came home ~o spend me •....... ~ x .... ;~ ~,,,,t~a .... tnl..ctLAST WEDNESDAY, because • ~ ~ 11 ~ I~'~i [ | ! Zl~ ~0. zno, ~t, eZD ..... how the Indians and wh~ite ~eopl~ weekend and celebrate their 21st +^~em~,~"~:~ ~,;~.~ .-~-~,~ of unsettled weather conditions, ~ ~ -. m-- . , [ ..... i .... I I , i exchan~,ed food for clothes a~dlik£ birthday whicit was Friday. Mr. ~...~*'~. ........ 2"-'. ~"'."~r~.7"::~L Kamilche traveled to Mary Knight II NEWPICKUP--redesignedfromthegrounoup~ v %vlln /Vll anti IVLIS Joe~Je~ung St that!! This is Still going on, for a and Mrs. Jim Shumate took their and famli,, " ' for a football game. Both teams B] new 1300 cc engine, 4-speed stick, new • dau hters out to droner where -~ are much smalle, than last year's tomion bar stabdlzer, b~g 6'bed, up to 2000 Ib Auto Repairing . Hair Dresser , summer outfit I would never weai" •. g " ~" " ' the', sisterSkokomish Grange willput on ' . "" ; B " " " ' .' • # m =^, =,,,~,~,,,,,~ m,,,,,v I here, as I live in blue jeans, I R'ot they were jomea ny ~" . ..... " ...... but on the whole showed more [[ More£ab &load room 0uts operating costs ~, ] • Major Overhauls I I "~" T"~'~I'""TYE V_'_-7"~ I. all the corn I wanted "One Of our Mardell and brother-in-law, Bill~ne ±niru ano ~,'ourtn ueg,~es at speed and finesse in ball handling.BB ' ~.~,m~_ ~ervl~ ~peolallzlng in I • Brakes & Ignition | ! ..... I[ nei~h,.or .... a- --^i"-~' t'- Utah t~' Smith, for the happy celebration. Progress G!angc riall ori ~,riaay The first half found Kamilche on / I~'/fllg gft ._. ~~ll~t~ | • Welding & Tune-ul:m i | ..... Hazor .~u~_t|ng ..... |lhunSt and~ v~si~ f~i'en~s, he wanted Jane went back to Efiensburg Sun- night, Oct. 22 at 8:30 p.m. Anyone the short endwith an 18 to 0 score, B] I¢ ....... o~ ~~'~t Iit I Special Winterizing I I M ILLII~ 5 BI~AUTY ~ALON I[ o~,o*e~ ~,, oh~p ¢~ ,~,~,-~ w,~ ,~vb day evening and Judy to Seattle. but the second half was played ~ " ~Kled with ext~~ . "-~ _/ ~ ' ERVICE Next ,±o Barber Shop ~ .......................... ='--" . . ~'-'~ I EO S 8 I I ............. l I him some and he gave us smoked Mrs. Jim Parker, mother of Mrs. ll--.&--J al_& .... I~ ..... l ~--= !--- -- _-_ i 1.~ZD ulympl0 PIW P4 o¢:,,r~., :}11 I 112 W. Cots 426-39926 L I ' Y" " , ~" I salmon and razor clams That s Hi William Goodpaster is quite ill in UIIll~Ii Iltlll@ll~$ IB~ly I I BI _-- / f=2~= --_ - --'"I, | ' ] Burch and his wife Jean of Aber- the Chehalis Hospital. We do hope s,, ., • R, . I mlae a| [ II - -:=: -'- °- =- J I deen and Harstine who just left for a speedy recovery and that she memln~: I$ r|anne0I ..ram,m, v..v.v. I • ~~~ R.,k .rv . Heating ¢ .[ on their annual hunting trip to Will soon be able tO be back at .... w ....... I E~IA~ ~[['~'~ I ~ ~ __ .- ---~ _~t,k~~ ;"--_"-.- ~.. ...... I I * S'afet'" Check I [ Utah with the Thornburys at her home in Centralia. u'ne roans'is (.).~. ~nel~on anOn~tla: I Ig,¢l~l~O LUI~ I B " - - : ~: ~ ~/il~/ll~ I II "Cle tJ"u; ....II v s :oLa