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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 21, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 21, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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196 At Sea In -- Ensign Lau- U.S.C.G., while on P of a four-month tour the Coast Guard which is an oceanographic the Kara and Bar- of Russia, en- unexpected ex- 13, after depart- y, the North- call from Orion which in 30-foot seas ,580 miles north- The rescue of aboard was ef- Northwind is con- homeward journey through the Pan- and on to Seattle• in Oslo, Laurie was and visit with his Mr. and Mrs. cousins Rolf and of Drammen. commenced in the Saturday with kill over the Of A1 and Hilda 14-year-old of Shelton who Saturday. from Gorst to try with Fred and Mickey and My- -neither here nor area were they SUCCess. take heart, how- sages confidently downpour this week will beasties out of CELEBRATIONS portion of the week. her seventh birth- little Denise Re- with the en- school. Lat- StaVdt residence, of honor at the Which was corn- and ice cream. aleph ski brought gham into the ~0m ~k on his 14th l• - ng her birthday Myron Polk who at a din- rMs. the Polks occasion of and rMs. Bob son Ronnie and ,urmet beef by, not cake and ice as well, for ~dy ! who have the Polks for ~, ,were giv- 'akes made a quick trip up to Oalc Haz~- bor where they helped to cheer ~on Bob's Oak Harbor Junior High school Panthers on to a 26-0 vie- tory over the Anacortes Junior Higll school. Following dinner, they effected an immediate return to Shelton where they left dad Walter Eckert to keep up the home front by atending the Shel- ton Highcllmbers' taming of the South Kitsap Wolves, 34-0. Saturday, the Eacretts, this time accompanied by Walter Eck- ert, returned again to Oak Har- bor ,to spend a leisurely overnight family visit, their first since last January. Our local bowlers have been making quite a mark for them- selves in the Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. League in Shelton, for neck-in-neck in a three-way tie are the Grapeview Grocery, Pur- dy Realty and Eacrett Lumber teams! Representing our Grapeview Grapenuts at 4-H Achievement Night held last Saturday evening at the Mason Co u n t y Fair Grounds were Art and Kim Nick- laus, Bonnie and Mike Benson and Georgia Clayton. PARENTS' DAY at Western Washington College, not only af- forded the Arthur Zehes an oppor- tunity to spend Sunday with daughter Elaine, but also to spend Saturday and Saturday night in Everett with Art's mother, Mrs. Frederick Zehe, while on the way to Bellingham. Perhaps, the most delightful single offering of Sun° day's program was the Choral Concert but also very interesting were the introductions to various phases of Elaine's college life. Mrs. Jim Vickers has received word that her mother, Mrs. Flo- rence Palms has arrived safely in Colorado Springs where she plans to make a visit of several weeks with her grandson, Gary Jones and family. Gary is an A-1/c with the U.S.A.F. A now-established program of our Grapeview Volunteer Fire De- partment is based on a series of three fire drills a month and one regular meeting. This arrange- ment, not only keeps all members acquainted with the latest fire- fighting methods but also meets the requirements of the insurance underwriters to keep this district in a class 8 rating. The three training committee members han- dling the weekly drills are Don Pogreba, Bill Spooner and Phil Hardie, with Fire Chief Les Rice overseeing the whole program. DON'T FORGET to keep in mind the Grapeview Mothers' Club Game Night which will be Nov. 19 at 7:30 at the Grapeview Grade school. Not only will a their Thanksgiving Basket be given departure with away but a homemade candy sale dinner Monday will also be held! Sounds like fun! Jubie Hicks' resi-t The Sarah Eckert Orthopedic ~.aow~ Mr. Harris t Guild met last Friday at tlie ~n the Army near lTreasure Island home of Mrs. ~ka, 30 years ago, I Fred Collins• Fifteen members and enjoyed ~t~h~p~uests attended, the guests Ed were [q~eing~ Mrs, Don -Pennebera~ Mrs. only fishing I Ed Harris and Mrs. Norman but netting Grigg. The Country tSore--Bake While the ladies Sale to be held the morning of and visiting• served to lure to Seattle for "dinner out" for Was modified to a [ng at home to a more rapid respiratory infec- earlier in the IG:Ly MILD case of threat- forced her to re- treatment at the Hospital last by Saturday were so she was able 25th reunion of class which of the Ocean continued whenLouise was to Grapeview to Nov. 13--was the main topic of discussiDn. In preparation for this enterprise, two work parties were scheduled. The Seascape, painted and donated by Mrs. Edwin Grigg has been put on display at the Clothesline in Belfair, with Mrs. Sarah Tschida handling contribu- tions in that area, while any of the local Guild members can be contacted in our own Grapeview area. The Seascape will be given away at the Country Store. Comes the Eve of Oct. 29, all friendly folk, spirits, ghosts and goblins are invited to attend the Halloween Party to be held at the Grapeview Grade school. Haunt- ing is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. and fainty phantoms can be refreshed following festivities with food provided by the winsome "witches" of the Mothers' Club. USE JOURNAL WANT ADS of Shelton Thurs- and Ann Eacrett 'i'• ":; i vlt, • • 'i! . "% in milk give you v altty. That's why you never outgrow need milk. Enjoy a gla with every 1need, keeps you going-- e a . • itali~ moral: milk makes a meal WA,IIHIH I'ON DAIRY pROOUCTS COMMISSION, SEA'rI' Ei iimitl Oak/tartan in Year --- SI-IELTON--MASON m,a eJ a tee w ekemi t # Evangelisl Giving Foursquare Services Rev• Arthur Colble, evangelist, will be continuing with setTiees at the Foursquare Church tonight and tomorrow night with services beginning at 7 p.m. He will be also speaking at both services Sunday with morning worship bc- ginnin'g at 11 a.m. and the evening evangelistic services at the 7 p.m. hour. Rev. Mr. Goble is a pioneer preacher and teacher. The youth meetings will convene at 6 p.m. The Sunday school will meet at 9:45 a.m. with classes for all ages. Rcv. Lewis Wysong extends a special invitation to all who do not attend church SEMI-ANNUAL 1° 2 Items for the Price of One Plus lc I i I i i i i i i I I I I!11 iiii JI II ii iii ii I ii ii Center Cut Rib FRESH wAsH. GROWN tb. ................... }}" Ibs. ::: ........ .. lb. Nec~==_Heart= & Gizzara=---'; ........ ..... lb. ~v~ Fryer Livers ............. MJB Regular or Drip lb. Tin Tradewell Coffee 3 lb. Tin 1.83 Hi-Country Half Gal. 49 3 OZ. Choice of Flavors Snow Mist Chunk Style No. ½ Tins WONDERS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM - 6th Week All Packets on Sale for 19c Final Sale Date - Nov. 27th. Album on Sale for 29c 40 OZ. 6c off label ...................................................................... Pkg. Derma-Fresh .................................................... Reg. Betty Crocker 4 lb. 10c off label ........................................ Pkg. i¢ ........................................................ Reg. 40 Oz. Berryland StraWberry ............................................ Tin 13 oz. LanOlin Plus 3 Kinds ........................................ Size Shasta .............................................................. 46 oz. $1 Tins 4 oz. Hormel Vienna ........................................................ Size t2 oz, Horrnel's Spam ................ , ................... Size °°' 4 oo, '1 Monte .......... . ................................... Btls. 24 oz. Dinty Moore ................................................................ Tin Blue Ribbon Fancy 5 15 °'" $1 GOlden Delicious .................... . ................. Jars Lynden Chicken : ............. • ......... 14 oz. $1 Pkgs. Bango 2 lb. White or Yellow. ......................................................... Pkg. £7 28 OZ. Big G ................................... :: ................ : .... Pkg. Pt. "Stsley's ................................................................ Btl. " o, 3?° Big G ......................................... : ...... ; ........... Pkg, Tradewell .............................................................................. Pkg. Standby .................................................... 303 Tins Betty Crocker Creamy .................... Pkg. .,~ ..... ~,~ ...... ~. ~ ~ ~. . ............................. .... ,.. ~ . ~ ' , ' ." : :~ .:@~:..*i,!~i~"~::." ' Prices effective thru Sat., Oct. 23, 1965. No sale to dealers• Reserve Right to Limit Quantity. Equal Opportunity Employer. Famous Mambo Variety • lb. Plump-n Flavorful SNOBOY lb. pkg. Long Green Stalks ... lb. sweet Boiling ,ONIONS 3 lb. ....................... Bag SNOBOY Unpltted 1} lb. ............... Plastic Cup i'