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21 1965
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY 30URNATi-- Published in rt hrisfmasfown, U.S.A.", SheI~on, Washin
yourself while you
~? It's a great way
s blues !
with the world
surrounded by
clothing, as always
You feel family re-
in on you.
~:d grumble. Tell
the agitator.
will be the pat-
answer. Then,
worries go right
Try it.
while you sort
Dorothy E.
last week's dirt
through washday
|rt Soaking!
uniform, for
the kid grows up
you'll never be
were last Friday
home base safe.
filthy? So what?
bought the washer
soaking cycle.
Don't forget to
Chocolate icecreamed
you may forgive
SUndaes in the bed-
while these are
frilly things rea-
peppermint Dacron
now, wasn't she
in church
we talked wom-
thought, maybe
~to teach her to do
L1, any youngster
an automatic
out of it, too.
to put towels
'era out that
of that scrub-
in between. It's
dump 'era in the
out soft and
less than 20 rain-
Mother says
too. Some of these
him do a washing,
What it means to
Hot water or
or two, regular cy-
bet he couldn't
ether this is cotton
he coughed
getting growly
and count my
EXTRA-SLOW" SPEEDS on the new automatic washers, like this
Norge, make it possible to machine wash the dressiest dresses.
Nearly all hand wa~thahlea are safe in the slow-speed automatics.
cited about that thing they call
the "electronic sensor," specially
if you explained the complications.
Like the fact that a load of undies
sometimes requires only 15 drying
minutes, while a load of towels
can take 40 minutes or more to
dry . . . and with low-end dryers
somebody must remember how
long to dry what, how fast, how
hot. Now, these new top-models
shut themselves off at "dry
enough" --- there's no guess work,
no timing. More important, no un-
derdrying, no overdrying.
Enough of this c]lit-chatl Better
start that load of jefms, then I can
go b~ck to the sink and do the
On second though, maybe this
is the day I really start trusting
my automatic washcr all the way.
Those manufacturers say I can put
nyion hose in a net and do 'era
quite safely in a 2-speed washer.
Some even say I can machine-wash
those washable woolens, If I use
slow speed and low agitation. Sup-
pose it's true? They ought to
know .... they have flocks of home
PUSHING a few buttons on LIGHTED, color.keyed push ric in uniforms worn for institu-
Easy automatic washer and dry- buttons ease cycle selection on tional purposes. The fast wash-
er completely processes clothes, Philco washer and dryer, ing and drying process now avail-
............... able with modern electric wash-
and again to take 'em down. Sis- ors and dryers, according to the
blessings. Like tlmt lint filter --[ Live Better Electrically Program
I can remember when I thought ter, that's work! of Edison Electric Institute, has af-
white specks belonged on dark Wonder how many women use fected the selection of uniform lab-
socks. Like that bleach dispenser[this argument on their husbands rice.
-- not so long ago I had to baby-sit l when they're asking for a dryer? With today's flameless electric
the washer, just wait around stup- It's not the best argument, you washers and clothes dryers the
idly until time to add the bleach, know -- makes you seem kinda new man-made fabrics can be
I Can Remember -- lazy. How much wiser to point out washed easily and emerge practi-
Like that wash-and-wear cycle how much nicer the laundry is cally wrinkle free- or requiring
-- I can remember when no-iron when it's tumbled dry, soft and only the minimum amount of iron-
clothing really needed ironing. Like fluffy, ing. The fabric in school uniforms,
that "shut itself off at dry enough" Wash-and-wear things, for ex- even the habits of nuns, are being
thing on the dryer -- I used to ample. With today's Wash 'n Wear made of wash and wear fabrics. -
have to nmke timing decisions my- drying cycles, you really can wear The laundering advantages of
self. the clothing right after washing, these new fibres not only enable
Good glory! I'm beginning to What's more, there are no drip- quick changes but require less uni-
sound like'a commercial, dry shirts, slips and dresses drip- form purchases. Many institutions,
Even more so when I start talk- drip-dripping armmd the bathroom such as schools, business concerns
ing to, and about, my dryer. Then -- that's a convincing point for and hospitals, where uniforms are
I really wax poetic, any man who has ever stepped out required, consider the instaUation
Or am I beginning to take it of a shower into a faceful of wet of total electric laundry centers a
for granted? Have I forgotten clothing, good investment for care of such
how it used to wuz, hanging things Would Man Understand ? garments.
out on ,the clothesline? Guess no- Wonder if any man would un-
body's ever measured the energy derstand the difference between DRY FOOTING
it takes to lug the baskets, stoop just any old dryer and a top-of- Washable shoes are easy to
and stretch to hang up the clothes line model? Hc might gel all cx- in the electric dryer.
ec(momists who try out such out- lCe ..
landish notions.
New Era of Freedom
Go ahead --- live dangerously! I
just might uncover a whole new
area of washday freedom!
Now what the devil was I
grm~,bling about when I started?
Don't dare let those machines
tease me back into good humor ---
washtime is a great time to
grouch !
Electric Laundry
For New Fabrics
l~odern electric laundry equip-
ment is changing the types of lab-
Sug. Retail
Washes up to 14.pounds
of heavy fabrm- loads
Famous Filter-Flo Washing System
recirculates wash water and removes
lint fuzz to give you cleaner clothes.
3 Wash Cycles 3 Wash and
2 Rinse Temperatures Soak
Cycle Water Saver Load Se-
lection Unbalance Load Con-
trol Safety Lid Switch Por-
celain enamel top basket and
Sug. Retail
Big Features at
a Budget Price!
High Air Flow Drying automat caTly
clothes thrdttgl~ fast moving currents o~
properly warmed air, drying them natty,
rally and quickly. Clothes come out so soft
and smooth that many require little or ~ao
Up to 14-Pound Clothes Capac-
ity Variable Time Dry Control
Four Heat Selection Synthetic
De-Wrinkler Fluff Cycle, Safety
Start Switch Economy Heat Se-
lection Convenient Metal Lint
Trap Porcelain Enamel
and Top
I i i iij
Easy Terms To
Fit Your Budget
Dry Clothes at Safe Low Temperatures!
with flameless
;ctric cl, hes d
t flameless electric dryer adds so much to the joy of total electric living. Weather Worries
t ,,gone for good. All your clothes come out sunshilm fresh. And because no special flue in-
t u',cttion is required, an electric dryer can be installed wherever it's most convenient. See
c iatest models tod y at your local electric a pplkmce dealers.
Easy tO Read Easy to Operate
Touc5 a key, turn the=
dial to handle big ,'
family size or small,
delicate fabric loads.
Clothes are uniformly
cleaned as wash wat~
is recirculated and
filtered of lint fuzz.
$ Wash Cycles
2 Wash and Spin
3 Wash Temperaturos
Cold Rinse
Soak Cycle
Unbalance load
Water Saver
Load Selector
Safety Lid Switch
Sug. Retail$279.95
Save 45.00
U-HAUL ONLY $234.95
Full Factory Warranty
We Service What We Sell
High elr flow drying
fluffs clothes throuf[h
fast moving currents
of properly warmed sir,
drying them quickly a~
naturally-- ....
No Overdrying-..-
No Underdrying
3 Fabric Cycles
Safety Start Swltek
Family Size Capacity
Do.Wrinkle C]~Ie
Fluff Cydo
6ug. Retail $218.95
Save 30.00
U-HAUL ONLY $188,95
~k about our
MODEL DA-820 . usy p~ymont terse
EDWIN TAYLOR, president
JACK COLE, secretary
m i
T. WEBB, vice president
Open Friday Nights
Subsidiary of P.N. Hirsch & Co.
"Always Shop Miller's
in Shelton First"