October 21, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 21, 1965 |
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PAOE 16.
Mothers Like Second Laundry Idea Don't Play Union Man
Families withe number of young dren, In the summer time they ab- Injury in
++ ,,'ovon Joan of Arc
laundry adjacent to the baby's chaffing; in the winter soft fluffy by BETTY
room or the quarters allocated to garments are warm and fit well Are you still playing Joan of UNION -- As of
the younger set is a handy idea. under heavy outer clothing. Arc at the Stake on Wash Day? haven't heard of
A number of children's garments, As an added bonns the second Do you stand with your back up getting a deer.
are made from fine c o t t o n laundry frees the first for family against a clothes pin, entangled in Narrowly
corduroy or jersey. Ironing cansize loads of household, linen,clothes line and with piles of wet Monday
frequently be skipped with this wash mounting around you ? Or do
dyke, when on htS~
type fabric. NO FOOLING you lean toward the Camille-type his Marina his ear'
A laundry arrangement p]aced Electronic controls of automatic performance, coughing in the wind rainy highway
at a strategic point can provide dryers are so sensitive thaL if you and tile rain as you face the un-
the bank
quick care for this type of wash-~ put in dry clothes, the dryer act- certain elements of the great out- It, landed so close
and-wear clothing. It can also iually feels them, senses that they doors? couldn't be seen
prove a life saver for mothers --are dry, and immediately shuts it- Well, whichever role you are and he was
especially when children are'at an self of~. playing it is obvious you are the before being
age when they soil what they Wear victim of clothes pin fatigue, coming in and
quickly. Choosing the type of feb- GoOD POINTS Hanging up clothes is a time- filling with water.
rtcs in children's clothes that do The best wash,and-wear cottonconsuming task---and a fatiguing took him to th"e"
electric dryer. It takes ten times servation. Except:
not require ironing is also labor today is durable to repeated laSh-
saving and common sense, the Live dering, is nonchlorine retentive, more energy to hang a load of and shaken up a
Better Electrically Program of and stable against excessive shrin- clothes than it does to put iL into right.
Edison ElectricInstitutepointskage and stretch, an electric dryer. At the time I
out. Bending, stooping and stretch, column I
Flameless electric washers and tug when hanging clothes are Wheel Grocery
clothes dryers automatically cue- TONS AND MILES symptoms that predict you will ing a boWling
tom "handle" fabrics so ttmy areIf you're trying to get by with-eventually be prone to clothes pin day Housewives
practically wrinkle free when they out a clothes dryer, you haul 'n' fatigue, according to the Live Bet- makes six
A second laundry near areas where children llve and play i~ a real emerge from the clothes dryer, hang two tons of wet clothes andter Electrically Program of Edison area. Sorry fol
llfe-saver for mothers, especially when children are at an age when The fabrics that don't need iron- walk 40 miles a year if there are Electric Institute. The Union
theysoil clothes quickly, ing are also comfortable for chin four in your family. If baskets of wet wash have you met Thursday
.............. surrounded, Lhen you are tied to con. The robe
your clothes pitt wiLh your clothes hall was
line. Automatic washers eliminate with maple leaves
only half the wash day chore, LBE with the holloWeela'
points out. An automatic washer With a new flameleu electric clothe= dryer, there't no need to nlaT Chalmers and Edn$
.I takes you only half through the a modern Joan of Arc, fled to the old-fash'ioned elothel pin st=ke', the hostesses. There
washing story --- the other half, A new electric dryer save= you from clothes line fatigue,hers present at the
and the part with the happy end- ing the luncheon.
mg to it, comes only with the help was the children
of an automatic electric clothes PILLOW TALK [ " SOFT TOUCH
Pillows can be fhfffed to thetrI Wool or synthetic blankets
with these dryer, original soft plumpness again in lemerge from the dryer amazingly The a' en
Chapma n Attend pares 1,000
rA | T the electric dryer, soft and new looking.
Annual Meeting Of ,
MAYTAG Custom De Luxe Automatic Washer~ Kenneth A. Cllapman, E~~~
with Timed Bleach Injection for complete Chlldrens Hospital
safety as well as greater effect|veness of prominent I!
n bleavh, detergent. Pre wash and soak Shelton business and civic leader, ~ (EVEN COPPERTAN) qll
cycles for maximum cleaning. "Halo of Heat"@ willmeetingsParticipateof MaryinBtSdgethe annualChild, v~.+~ Ar
Gas or Electric Dryer with electronic control . . . ren's Hospital at Tacoma. OF WHITE
an accurate, precise and completely automatic wideChapman'officials°nenamed°f theto firstthe boardarea" q~.~a~kk _ ____~ -,~~{ IkkW
Control over the drying process. High-speed of the non-profit children's hos-
drying . . . saves wear on clothes. Both pital, will attend the first session
scheduled this Thursday. The sec-
washer and dryer have zinc-bonded steel end program, which includes the
construction, With baked enamel finish, election of officers and special
reports, will be held in November. WESTINGHOUSE
THE TACOMA hospital annual- top loading or
ly provides care for many young- Laundromat
seers from Mason County. During and Electric or Gas
its 10 years of service, Mary solve every washing
Bridge has provided medical, surg- problem, aut
and 'ical or clinical care for approxi- automatic w a s h i n g
merely 40,000 boys and girls. Near- Double-action washir
Second and Cots Streets Phone 426-4663 ly 11,000 surgical operations have really thorough was
been performed and the hospital less of the size of th
........ is one of the Northwest's major features Automatic
....... centers for open heart surgery, sot . . . for the
speech and hearing therapy, and dryness you want,
EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY ~or special care of youngsters, dry for ironing to
Chapman reported that no child for folding and
FOUND ON has ever been turned away from
Mary Bridge because his parents
, ~ could not pay the cost of medical
!~ care. The hospital is supported Sheiton
. partly by funds raised by more
~[~:~ :~ l than 3,000 women and senior high 419 Railroad
d.. school girls who are members of r
• One Year's Service Lion.the Tacoma Orthopedic Associa-
iiii| • Two Years On All
~ :.
MONTGOMERY WARD Signature Automatic
:!:::: MISSION WITH FIVE Washer offers 6 cycles, 4 speed combinations
. ::::
=i: :iii YEAR LABOR WARRANTY! to launder every washable fabric
sparkling clean and fresh. Extra heavy
gauge steel cabinet for extra
SPEED durability. Matching Electric or Gas
SPEED QUEEN Deluxe Automatic Washer presents Dryer dries any washable fabric right, with
3-speed agitator selection . . . just push a button for "Truly The Work Horse of the 5 fabric selections, including Air Fluff.
Brisk, Gentle or Delicate (hand washables) action. Automatic Laundry Equipment" Extra-large fen moves more '
Smooth, sturdy stainless steel spin tub. Electric or
Gas Dryer allows selection of Automatic or Time cy- air per minute for faster drying.
cles, for all types of fabrics from extra heavy to deli- LEM WARREN
care. "Air Only" feature, too. Cool-off period reduces WASHER
wrinkling. Stainless steel cylinder guaranteed for life 2nd & Cots 426-2445
I .............
. Auto. Washers Priced ACROSS FROM
:~., from ............. i......:... $139,95 DAIRY QU'"
,,,, ~[i~i'1 Auto. Dryers Priced
.... i'% • .......................... .gss
TOP-OF,THE LINE The matching dryer has Ele¢- OVER $~'~
ironic Sensor Drying, no timer SA~, oAYS
KENMORE WASHER to set. You determine how dry IFA
you want clothes. Once setting
has been fouhd, you .never have DURING
AND DRYER to touch the dial again. Ex- ~ WIZARD Imperial Automatic We
elusive "Soft Heat" prevents Home Laundry gets clothes
over-drying, reduces baked-in clean, fluffy dry.., and all automati
wrinkles. Sprinkler Ball makes Push cycle button, turn the dJ
Fabulous 3-Speed clothes dampening a snap. automatically, washer selects c,
Was $214.95 wash-rinse water tempera
LADY KENMORE NOW ONLY agitation-spin speeds, wash-rinse t
$194,95 Electric. or Gas Dryer traps_ lint, fluffs
wrinkles, freshens garments
Installed cally. Heavy gnuI
has 3..speed washing control, with baked finish'
with extra-slow third speed forSave Extra I
gentle care to delicate washa-
bles. Rote-Flex, agitator with $10i00 I WASHER ONLY
flexible washing vanes gets When You Purchase
clothes noticeably cleaner, Both Washer & Dryer
WAS $269.95 w/t
321 Railroad Ave. ....
426 3515 . r
,...file f _mfly store* "The Family Store"