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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 21, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 21, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 18 SEELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAIJ--Published in ('Ohr,lsfmasfown, U.S.A.'; Shelton, + J m For Sale I[ , For Sale II Used Cars Sporting Goods Wa ted For Rent Real Estate ~ALDWIN SPINET.piano, $695;' Stor-iTRAvELEZE VACATION TRAILER, I FOR SALE -- 1'937 Plymouth 4-dr. BOATS MOTORS TRAILERS equip- L ~ LARGE 37ROO'~ ~ completely DO YOUR"~OORS~'~OK DINGY no NOTICE OF SA~E cy aria clark spmet piano $695'1 23 ft $25(}0 vame for sale or will] Body real good Five good tires merit'at Walt's' Marine Sup'ply, on FOMES LARICES (Quinine Conks) furmsne~ oni•soutn of Hood matter what you do? Cleaning Serv- STATE OF ~ 'ASH[t~ Thomas two-keyboard org~:l', $495: I take 'in, trade 16 ft. to 18 ft. deep | Extra mOtor. Perfect to restore, beautiful Hood Canal• Phone Hoods- Top prices paid Interested in large uanal. 1~ m les n'o!n ~nelton. $50. ices Co• phone 426-4376, 426-8138. MENT OF NATU~ Shermal and Clay, 205 West 5th, ]hull cabin boat ~vith trailer. Tom I Phone 426-4645. R 10/7-21 port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn quantities Collectors write Box MP, Olympia• Phone 352-3791. S 7/1 tfn I Snyder Star Rt. 1 Box AS0. Shelton. I ~ c/o The Journal Phone Union 898-2276. C 10/14:2.8 1/7 tfn Bert L; Cole, Com~ ~,~ I Eight 'miles north, two blocks of I FOR SALE -- 1956 Buick Century LICENSED, equipped 40 ft, Charter 10/7 21 11/4 1~ I~/~ 1~ EDGEWOOD APTS -- Two bedrooms ~ Lands #u~ ~ -- o~v~r=~ suuu u,~u 1 ' n " " - - "-~ ---'-~ ¢ .... ~oho~ Large rooms ~._ ^~ .... TWO LEVEL cleared canyon edge NOTICE IS HER] freezer~ .e...._.~.,.._^.~ __~ ...... [ 01 highway. 10/21-28 [ Wagon, Good rubber, plus two s ow boat. Radio, depth finder, Moored ;~::=/ . %^~.,¢,~[~_u~ ~;~u .~_~L=~-I~I tires. Runs good. $325. Hoodsport at Westport, $3,500 cash. Phone 426- ~.~r~..~,~ ~^r ~ ........ :~'~"'~,'¢,~",~ ~n~l°neat .~'~'~_~2 u~ ~?P" building lots. Insidecity on Capitol on Tuesday, the 26[ tvwu. L~,. w~rrua ~c~r,~urat~on, /FREE PIANO LESSONS while you ~o-~o nh.~ ~'m ~g~ ~o/1~ ~ ~o~ ~z ~/~ .~ ................ ~ ~ -- we'll sell ~;'~.'~':, =:~..~o~' ~permontn. Hill, $350 each. Your terms• Phone 1965, commencing at 127 ou h e o .................. - .........." .......... " ..... S t S c nd. W 7/1 tfni rent a new suinet piano Only $12] .... anything you have on consignment.. ............. - ........... ~-o~o~• 426-8536. N 6/10 tfnforenoon of said da 3/18 tfn Court House in the k Such as lawn mowers boat aud ~~ I per month. Johnny's Music Box, 205 I 1956 CHEV. -- 2-door hardtop• Six cyl- 19.65 RAINIER travel trailers and S Y7 : .... ' ........ ~ • a - house traile meat mi~ o ~=~ --'su~)~'l'i~.~n'~'~"~';~'~"~r. aT~ [ Cota. Open Monday, Wednesday and ] inder, stick shift, $350. Radio, heater, lark horse trailers on sale now a~ - ." - "~' ~ . ~" , . FOR RENT -- Mt. View Community ISLAND LAKE for summer fun or county of Masolt, St. ............ i ni l 1 fn tfn Shelto o 3 2 an~ trucks woos saws tractors woos aft~e'r 5:00 n m "]~em-nst-~'tion's:"~ .... I Fr day eve rigs 't II 8:30• 0/14 t I Phone 426-6539. P 9/16 . n Union Service Stati n 3 ~ ~ .. ] . ' , Club House, anytime. For informS- year round living, 115 ft. of water- , DY the. uo.unty.Aual,[ , ........ _ r,._ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ So 1st St R 10/15 tm anu ou s~oves, plumvmg suppnes, tion call 426-3959 or 426-2406. ~r, ont su!mble for one or two faro- i.~ne Imiowtn.g aes[f]~© : ~t ~/7 un ] ~ ~.~ ~, .... ~. ..... ~ ~.~/1952 WILLEYS 6 cyl for sale as is, ............. ' ...... ] tools, power "saws, outboard motors, M 6/1~ tf~ rues' enjoyment. Call 426-8589 any- Ilanas, together Wlt~, "CHRISTMASTOWN U S A." rubber I chain saw, used six hours, like new, { $65. 1952 Dodge, $125• Phone 426-3747. GUNSMITHING new and used guns, I ..c. Come see us,.^Hlllcrest Hdwr. & ......... time. L 7/16 tfn situated thereon w~. stamps for sale at 'the "Journal. $1.25 ] $97. See FRANK AT JOURNAL. i S 9/23 tfn scopes and reloading. Dean's Gun i ~,ar~on~Up~y~zus olympic nwy: FOR RENT -- Unfurnished two bed- ~ I auction to the htghea each 227 West Cota 12/1 tfnl S 9/23 ttn i~ ~nop, umon, wash. ~none s~s-~, i ......... o ...... / ....... room, modern, netWo apartments,, on OWNER HAS THREE two-room cot-it°~.wi,t: .. _ , ' -" ' "I " ] 1964 PONTIA~ CATALINA 4-door , D 3/4 tfn] ~ Mr. vmw. wail-o-~ ..... earpeung, tages on Solduc River and hl~h~,a~, I ~o~e--~o one excel YOU CAN PUMP more water and I ALTO SAX FOR SALE-- Excellent | hardtop, Excellent condition, Extrem- ~ I WANTED ~ Lady for child care, two draperies, launury taculues, appl]- ~t01, Has electricity mail ~la'rg~ ]United States, or P longer with Fairbanks Morse pumps. 1 condition Call after 5 n m 426 8690 ] ely low mileage. 426-2442. N 10/7 tfn CUSTOM AMMUNITION -- Over 50 children ages 3 yrs. and six rues. ances private parking and pri~;ate trees scenic 35 mile" west '.e ~'rt declared their inte ~ee *hem at ¢=helton Electric Co = ' ,-• ~- .^7-= .." ~ ~ canoers available lowest prmes ~ Must have own trans ortation fur locked storage space, eated swim- Angeles Only $2500 terms Write ]such, can purchasa e ........ u ~u/7 tzn , ' " ' ' P ' " ~" "-2~ %00 E ....... 2 5 North Albert St., Port Angeles, I Appiicatto~t 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn I , J FOR SALE -- 59 Pontiac, Phone 426-Prepp s Re!oading Service, phone 426- , nish references and be a non smoker, ruing pool $99 50 month Contact 1 ...... I~T~wr~ T(~r~V n .... ~ro~..,o.~ ] 4/745. ~ S/ll~ ~£n 4143 eves. az~-auaz says. P 10/7-21 Light housework required• $6.00 a manager. ~none a ~-~ . ,~/z~ ttn Wash. S 10/7-21 The tidelands 0~: LAMBERT S OYSTER Bay Storemodel Cost ' new $1~'6 Now ....... $750 I day, five day week, hours 9 to 6. sale or ~ase. Liberal terms to right] Johnn~,'s Music ~ox' ~-4302 ' i l~_.S.T SELL 1965 eel.ks, station bus. TRAILS.TER 8_h,p._, good cond!tion. ! Only w/above requirements need ap- ~ ~ i owned by the State o: party• u.ou~e 1 Box 225, Sheldon. I " -- ' j ..... f. I~mKnees cancels l.~cense renewal.~150. Fnone 4zs-2~5. c lo/l~.-zz I ply. Write Box 368, Shelton. unfurnished, garage, yard, Call La-' FOR~SALE ~--^One 60,x^1.20 fL loton /u ate tn.front of, a,dtl Phone 426-8768. 9/23 tfn I ~w .... I 7,000 miles, 3us/ nKe new, ~zzou. ~: 10/14 tfa Bissoniere Agency, 426 66 or 426- - . • , ] ~ i phone 426-8775. E 10/14 tfn 1964 HONDA 150 -- Good condition, I ~ ...... D 3/29 tf~ uascaae. Terms available. Phone 426- I Lot 3, Section ,~To HOMEMADE CANDIES by A1. Peanut i ~r ~. ~on o~ w ~nm *f~ i ~ $300. Phone 426-2237• G 10/14-21 i WANTED -- Used canopy or four- = ...... 3361. H 6/24 tfnli Range 3 West, W.M., ~ IOWS : brittle, a specialty. Many others i v.~• .~ ...... - ......... "" ~ "~ I ~,.,r~ ~,~ -- .m,~ ~..;~=~, I~.~ .~-- ~ i poster bedroom suite in fair to good THREE-ROOM~en, ~ .... ~furntshed~663 c°USe10/21 fortf. REDUCED $1,000.~ Waterfront home i available. Order now! Phone 426- ]~ I mileage, $175. Phone az~ .o ~, WINCHESTER CARBINE $45. Mar- i condition also good used furniture Commencing at th~ three years old; approximately 1,050 I on the south line of 8267. E 5/20 tfn i~'~i~l~r-and ~l~l~)~¢~.", P~(;~le I ...... " .... lin, $55 Winchester, $65' Phone 426- and appli'ances of any kind, antiques ................ " = '~ "1 tfn ~ i Will pay cash on approval Phone LAMBERT'S OYSTER Bay Store for sq. ft. Two bedrooms, mahogany ]running thence alonl ~m~rm~r. rm~.~ ~ ..... *~oo~,,~ l=r=e I 426-2686. W 0/7 J 59 ENGLISH FORD -- Prefect. Gee 4951 after 5 p.m. S 10/7 tfn ........ ~ ....... ~-1o ~, ~ .... Liberal terms to right den, fireplace lovely walnut living-]meander line N 46° ........................... o ' 1 4 ~ ~o-o~u~. ~ *u/x~ t~n n..h. ~^..*- ~ ~.. 225 mhe~*-~ room and dining room with w/w feet thence N 17 06' Handand smallstore,fOr426sale.8532 Herb'Sor UnionSecond898 =~ '~'u~ ~•~.~ ~ D~E~ ,~ --- New condition, l ~ ~c°nditi°n" 426-4197• C 10/21 1/ ouo°~°~,~ ........................ ~ ~ w=~, ~up=, suu~ Ph~ ....................... ~n~ 9/23 ,~ carpeting 13 x 30 plastic-covered I thence' N 40° 06' 45" ]~ '~*~ " ~" 6"1~ tfn ] Used very little. Plywood canopy |HUNTERS--FISHERMEN --" '56 Buick condition, $75. Phone 426-2558. ADULT WILL baby-sit day or night one 426-~ ..... tf_ , o ~. ~ ~ u J for older 3/4_-ton Chevrolet p~kup: I Century station wagon, trailer hook- H 10/14-28 in your home or mine. Phone 426- ~ patio in rear, 9 x 20 covered patio ] N 36 06' 45" E 608.3 ~,~, ~ ...... =, ........ ~^.^ ,^ in front overlooking bay with cute iN 80" 06' 415" E 258.4 I ~none 4zu-uuab. ~ ~u/'P~z I up overload springs, good tires, plus ~ 4304. S 9/2 tfn ~u~ r~ -- ~v~.~- =~=~ ~,~=~ w li h r i nin o~ downtown Call 426-4426. M 10/8 tfn ttle up clstered bar tucked in co - I point of beg n g _. ~u~..~A~m -~- usea.stee~ plates, pipe. i ~ I two snow tires. $325. Hoodsport Ma- 1964 WINCHESTER over and under • ner Beautiful view of Harstine Is- thence N 59° 53' 1~ pmleys.an9 sna~. Au types sa~-iWE'RE MOVING -- Can't take them i rina Phone 877-5362 10/21 shot gun 12 gauge. Like new. 426- , ~ " , , ,.~ ~,~r~=r,c,~ ,,-¢,,--i~h~ ~ ..... land. Short sloping path to top of [ thence N 65° 23 E , rage. ~nelton Junk we., ~'lrst anu [ with us. Hotpoint range, Frigidaire ] ......................3322 G 10/21 o.oiflo ~o..~.. Mill phone 426-8626 9/8 tfn ] Freezer-Refrigerator Maytag auto- I ~OR SALE -- 1952 V-8 Ford 1-ton ........... ~Jmuu~ J. ~1, i~l~J, wa~;;~ ^..~.~. ~,~^,~ ~'a ..... Avail=hl~ new stairway down 50 steps to clean, IN 2 09 27 W 7 : ' l " ' ' ~'~-~"~= ,~,'~ho~'~ u ...... ~ lhy;~'$: gravel beach, with marine railway. ]59° 53' 16" ~-323.34 ! [ matte washer, Oriental rugs, inc her: I truck. Directional signals, all steel MODEL 94 WINCHESTER carbme 30- _ ....... _. • .... FOR SALE --- Large selection of re- ] ator, power lawn mower. All in gooa ] dump box good motor and rubber. .30. Shells, cleaning kit. Like new, J~uu~'~r~, o|ov{n rOCK Woo/ ^lnsuLa- ,~u.. ~, ~v-o.~ ............ ~ Underground power to beach• Was [ to the government I cond~ione~ eran~esl, l refm~rat~rs, [ condition. Walter .~arble. 1 ~/f~.n~ ~ Call 426-2~.78 M 10/21 tfn ward's oest Jigsaw with motor. Used ~lon guarantee°. Fn• azt~-t~alT. Wzu tzn ~--T'=":zur~m~O~ ~mu ui?~r~,~*p~ ............ or$16'800--°wnerthrow in all willour lovelySaCrifiCenew$1'000fur- [[thenceor less,Salong 30° 06'said45"°! ~ was xs, ry s. Is & va y P-i 426-3022• 0/ -2 . " once. Phone 426-3160. M 10/21-28 ~ one neuroom apar~.mems, two D IOC~S niture, plus washer, dryer, range point of beginning, pliance Center• 6/5 tfn | • ~ " o fur I FOR SALE --- 1958 Chev. V-8. Ex_- ~----- WE BUY SCRAP iron, batteries, radla- ire° DanK, snoppmg cem;ef. ~ppn- refrigerator. Bring your check book [ 3.79 lineal chains, m( ---~[ KITCHEN UTENSILS aria.s| me^. " I cellent condition Low mileage, gee° tors copper salvage of all kinds• ances nea~ no~ wa~er garnage ser- hurr" out 11 miles north of Shel , -- -" ' -- " c DON'T SELL IT~. Have _your uphol-| niture for sale; Phone az~-~U~c 9 truer I tires. Phone 426-2347.S 10/21-26 ~l~an@~l• • ~v~ta i Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill vice.. 'furnish. ' ~d.. Tiled. '. sinks" , ..bath'.. "-ton on#&llyn highway. Take Thomas" ..~,,~vad'~xceptlnghv' tnere~rsta sterCo~n~any.Cleaned b phoneY426.4376 Cleaning Servicesi or 426-8138. inquire 432 Cook°on. M /30 I . Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn rues Showers. ~mpm storage. ~umt. Road a~d fo11-w #~na R 7/s tfn ;~"'.~L~- W~ the- ^¢ 1/7 tfn] FARMALL CUB, completewith mow-I iWANTEDTO RENT., lease, or lease FURNACE CLEANING renalrln~ in- bachelorclean' attractiVeunits for'~Urr°undings'single persons,Als° FOR SALE .............. Three bedroom 1~ '~'°r'buet° the prowslonsCU~%=vPt~°"of" ~1 er, disc, narrow, plow, nlaae, power I IIIIAilli A II l~A [ wlm op.uon, well-Kept ,~ or a (or stallattons ~il ~onve'roi~o ~'~l*~n electric kitchens, tiled showers, ex- bath home b-y Mt View school WIll ]°f,1895t°~lJa~(~:; eat 925 more) neuroom umurnmned home ............. NEW MOON mobile homes~ Nation'S ] take-off and other equlpm_~ _=,$~ :, ] ' I1~1~'1~1111' iu~ I with lar~'e lot or acrca"e not mor~ Sheet Metal Co, 321 So Ti~lrd Dial haust fans, built-in dressing rooms FHA for $450 down 4~6-8526 " ' ~Z~ ......... best seller, your best buy. DeTray,s Call 426-6547. 1~ 10114-'~.t |B~II~_U UH~U I .. o. e .... ~ ' 4~R-47~2 ' " R R~ +¢.. ' " ~uo~ Mobile Homes, 1617 Fones Road, [ ~ ] ~,1~1~ ~.. mam~ I than live roues xrom town. Reliable .. ~""~" ~ w~ ~.., Three laundry remus, automatic wa- S 9/9 tfn " . .... ^ Olympia. Phone 352-2907. D 10/15 tfn | FALL SALE --- Everything goes. Pric- ] | party,_ references on request. Phone ................... ,hers, dryer. Abundance hot water ........ Appramea at ~ou.w and heat• Good beds of course! ~r,~ ~-~=. ~ ............._.,.~ $189•50. I es slasneu. J~noays. azaleas, ever-! m= ~..-~--.- u...~+..,~ ~ "l | 426-3204. S 10/14 tfn ~u~- .~z.~.u ~m~v,u~ =-- Tuner ' .,.~.~ ~.~ -- ~umu a~r~s~. ~,,~---~ 1$0 TRY OUR CATALOC~ SERVICE --1 greens, raise• fruit, and flowering] o~ muu~,~.~ ......~., --~.r *| ~ anu. tecnn~clan=e"a~egmar..uare rr~- byLawt°nappointment•Apts" 7thphone & Pine.426-212Shown• o ...... Phone 426-8113~nt~'"ra°e" "11 Cookson3/25 tf~ statutoryPUrchaserfee.mUBt a _' Many thousands of items to choose/ and shade trees, magnolias, peonies, n '64 Volvo 2 dr Sedan IWAr~.'rmu -- xronmg in my home, 90c, v.,n~_ uos~ly ~:pa~r • t~u .unympla 1 ~'='- ......... ~ ..... from. Large discounts. We pay/ daffodils and mums. The t~aruen/ , " " Ian near. Phone 426-6420• L 11/12 tfn s~a-u~,7, or ~o7-6~22, or ~nelton a2u- L 1./10 tfn ...................... Located on Torten I! freight Shelton Marine Supply Hill-[ Shop Rt 1 Box 48 Turn rigllt on |'6~ Pl"mouth Fur" I ~ 8267. G 3/12 tfn crest. • M 8/8 tfn/Insel:Isabella Road." R 10/14-28 ]" Y " I WILL DO BABY-SITTING at my home ~~~ ATroomYrNIObNedroomOVellookinghouse,HOOdLargeCanalliving HarbOrTo beinsolds°uthwesterat sheltO~ _-:==~[ ~/ '63 Fairlane Wa~on l or yours. JJay or mgnt. 426-2594• u.~J~m'z'~ ~)~k¢'r£. company coming, and kitchen, fireplace, garage on Tuesday October ~ FOR SALE -- (÷eel, effecttvc aria I WOOD -- Fir, alder, immediate deliv- | ~ | H 6/17 tfn call Cleaning Services Company, Ph. THREE BEDROOM house near school, and workshop. $5,750. Terms. Call o clocka;~.n~4 ~ r~v.l~ zstc ill ut , 426 4376 or 426 8138 1/7 tfn inexpensive advertising. J~, ' [ cry, Phone Belfair CR 5-2302. C ] 63 Countr,, Sedan I -- - - '• The Journal, 426-4412. 8/19 tfn/ any length. D 10/14-28 ] ~ i HOME REPAIR WORK, carpentry, ~ $11,950.stores andplloneehUrches.426.4791.FHA FaPpraised'9/16 tfn ~Bill Pearson 426-2471• P 7/15 tfn Commissioner~mr~ ~• ,~.~--;o~ '© --- n -----~ l '63 Ford, V8, Stick [ cement and bl:ick work, foofin~: Os- LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. For ...... ~ ~=~ ~ .=~ ~.~ ~ ~ urnitule ZENITII FRIGIDAIRE Gooa eonfll borne ~eneralContracting ~none expert a nt ng aria wall papering BRAND NEW three-bedroom, fireplace, ~ v v v v v v v v - FOR SALE -- Ilousehold f '., - , -- " • " • , P -- . .... china, cut glass, fostoria. Millwright[ tion, $35• Phone 426-2291. T 10/14-28] '63 Ford Convertible n 426-6241. O 4/1 tfn c a!•l ^Bennett Painting Co~n~an..v, rec roonl, garage. Two miles out Cole l~[~bl J~ tools Phone 426 3061 bcfole 5 p m ~z~ ~za~ j~ ±l/~ un • ' "' ' 's .~/.9 'tf~i~] 'al ah~.~let Monza [ ~ ...... - .......... Road, Call 426-4005. S 10/7-21 ...... -- ..... ~| rent a new spinet piano. Only $12J | P(rt of Shelton Industrml Park, TREES TOPPED, trimmed, removed• ~ I.~RI(~I~IIII*C,gF FOR SALE -- Spagnmn peat moss. You ]per month. Johnny's 1VIusic Box, ]'60 Ford Galaxie V8, At. i John's Prairie. Phone 426:6426=_ .. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- one to five, 10 acre tracts on Webb •~11~•#~# VO-.'-o.-- Hn D haul or we haul. Call 426-6760. I 205 Cota. upen mon~ay~ weunesaay | ...... | J ~/~ ~n 4823. 2/13 tfn Road, paved and one block front m. • ~ .... F 9/16 tfn|and Friday evenings 'all 8:30•10/14 tfn/ '60 Fore vu, /=.1:. I 2.u'ru~~Alr~TING $40 and up A no ~ 101, six miles north of Shelton. Easy ][•--.--I L..Ja--J.m. -- *: ......... , . . , " • EXPERT AUTO GLASS installation. Port Angeles Wash S 10/14-28 ==vw,~ ===,~w~,,= ..... BARBIE DOLL CLOTllES --• Reason-]~/ 59 Galax,e 2-dr. H.T., V-8, A.T. I ho~lse tra~lers/._ b()a~, .eAc_ Phone Jim Pauley Inc., 501 Railroad Ave. terms. Address: 215 North Albert St. ~['~f~l ~'~J[-~lr~ Wp.~l( able prices, dresses 50e up; skate out- [ _ I| , ....... | u~u-'~o~. *nqu.'u ~ ~u~ .~2; .~_ Phone 426-~231. 4/28 tfn ------'~" - " ........ ' .... Three bedroom bea~ fiis $].00; pajamas 75e. Many more,|| • AAIIX I/ b~ I-0r0 I1.1. | ~ ~/u ~u ~ FOR SALE -- Rental property. One ~- EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ....... ** n Contact Laura Sheffield 426-2216 /I • • || •~f I~ " ~ ' " • S 9/16 tfn/~ i II ~ ~i ~1~ m I/ '58 T-Bird " [ BACK tIOE SERVICE -- Light grad- FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fir~)hlces, bedroom, one 2-bedroom and one conolti0n, ]u~ ~*. 1-bedroomhouse Good' condition WESTGATE BUILDERS "ravel beach access - .... II •mVVllt II I ing, baek filling, sewage systems. (![~mn_eys, planters, ca. ~, ~. ,~as~m, ~ • ~ , BRAND NEW Polaroid eoh,r pack ] i ---_- -- ~_ ___~__.. || _ [ Reasonable rates. Dictz Kadoun. ph, d25-~2"1~. ;~/1 un close to school and business district. Turn Ri-ht Alrnort celled canal view. $3 cameras, Fully automatie from $59,95. |l 1~1~1~'1='71~'1~ CHF' T I/ l llAl fi I 426-6893. 7/22 tfn ~ 2328 Adams St,, phone ,]26-4238. = r z.+,e s Camora Shop • "'-+~---~7"'.--" I/ /lllll;IN I ~~ .~tVd~ i~otW~,~e~oP£~ieEX~lilo~ ~P7/16 tfn Grocery /wo-- Deoroom,'- .~..iA _____+_____]| i~U IDS. ~tp~.ulty I~ /IllVVI~V [ es paid Any length Phone days guaranteed. Bennett Plainting Co. COMFORTABLE 2 bedroom Angleside P_~MI= .~r:p r:~ME BUly aaraae with 2room ~ak table, 100|| ~..... ~fl~l~fl V ~J~ ~ I] | Chehalis" 748-3800," cwcnings 748-3530, Phone 426-3248. 5/10 tfn h tin, mec yard, garage, wood-~lted, . " ¢~ ,.Owner moving, will sacrifice. 426-4710 ExcellentNeighborhood, parlor- age space. Beach a , ~'ft. rope, bai'h tub, vine .g~apejuice|| |~J-,~|~L-• ~,~*,VV |i '63 Ford V2-ton [ C 2/11 tfn ~ after noon daily. P 7/22 tfn amic view, 3 bedrooms, )nod¢}:n and float. $16,500 "" press. Lusin. Itt• 2, Box ~us, J~gate]i l~ - ~'ALH~ d~+AI1~ | I ~ Cl-tAlrq ~AW ~I-IAI~I~I!~INI~NL~, speeuy, Dist'i't 8/5tl'n/I -- ~IMVr-- ~B~U -- I ,~ n.* .... ¢*"~'~1 I/^ Ton 4 cvl I WELL GROOMED local man, retail accuratc precision grinding, Now at 1-~-~i~0~;1,A-(~l~-~ kitchen with built in. ap.pha,pq9~ .......... ..... """ ..... -- ..... ]] ... "=: "-"~'.--.. I: ................."~ ' "'1 experience preferred. Good ehancc Saegcr Motor Shop. Hillcrcst. Phone Pwa~',c:~tl lt~l~,ways. ~i0?0 ft. hug be- spacious living room wltn Iireplace, 330 tt. Tro.tag ,L FOR A FREE IIOUR ~f be~jtY callil ~ll~ti~l~t~l~l[r~C I '63 Ford I//2 Ton, 4-Wh. Drive I for advancement. Apply Box J, c/o 426-4602, 1/15 tfn ~" "g wtys. L~v,1 grade. Could dining room, large windowed Hood Canal property for a Merle ~ornmn L:os|u(~tle Uelll-|i ....... "_" ........ l i I Journal• 9/23 tfn o+t+o. C i on0O I • ,',, ~ - • 61 Dodge I//2 t yl. ~--, SAND ...... ANDt ........ GRAVELr_.:tor top soil peat tracts or zv large Oullolng lots. un ' . • . 2~t be divided into eight..~me-h.alf acre breakfast room utility room, bath trees, view, large g~ ..-------~---E 6/4 tfn ~IQ I~]lr~ O~ ~i~.l~R.~l { '60 Ford I/~-ton Pickup WANTEDRubber Store,-- 1000Mt.recappablevicw. tlresl/10 OKtln Cree, k~tl OSand,~m& Gravel~ "' ' Co--°rK'~ phone'l' o426.hns Arcadia Road two allies east of and a half, recreation room with 2 older homes, $6 ATTENTION- Dance CluLIs! For your/| ................. I~ ..... "- - I .... 355d .... 9/12 tfn Shclton, $2500, Tcruls. call ,t26-4817 fireplace, lovely landscaped yard _ 10/ 1 tfn Look now while we wait for New Holiday Be New Years Ev~ ~arty---horns, lmts. Jn 10/21 tfn II '59 Int, H D ~2-Ton I WHAT BETTER TIME than now to ......... __ 2 I S~ noise-makers, eLc. Call 426-6784 for : ' " " [ tune-up your sewing nmchine? In ...................... -- • , . • tl .... t:I ]0/21 11/11 / | | , ......a i/ .^. ~/ n h T I Your hc me for only -¢3 75 Any nlake JJ~vu~'~ ~w~u(J~z~G -- ~anu clear- FOR SALE -- Twenty-acre ranch, four i F.H,A. appraisal, home, 2 lots,, garatl nmxe Ulfolnla ........ ~] ..... I ~o ruuu 72-~uH, --'--, ..... I ,~..m~,~ ~ ...... ~.~,~'~,~ '(',,-~- Pit' ing, road building, excavating, grad- miLes out Bayshore Road. Three bed- shop. Will taKe ta- ,~+ E l '25 Electric "~'~'~"~''~-~+ .~, | Olvln~la -'457 +1586 4/1 tfn~ ing, terracing, leveling. Dave Dick, room boule 2-ear garage. Call 426- *m~D~ /'~'¢ DADT /%Ctr~d. ¢,14000 ~()Wl.l~. LAWNMOW ~]~, $ ,.. '~..~ / I~ll¢~ll(all~aa~11~ I .... m / " ..... -" " " ~ 426-4360 Shelton D 4/15 tfn ' ' , v.v,.,, v.. r, .... ,~. , • 4086. C ]0/21 tin--~'W" P--YMENT btwn ('(tg~q" wilh ]00 ft. ('Al|)|e, ~JD. [~.v~o,~,~a~.~uuo I Im I~ • "! / .... pro,table barbecue, $5. Slide projector| Ill ll~BAHHm~u'IW i WINDOWS STREAKED? Too high to i .................. ~ .... UU I~ P~ $ witl~ carrying cas~,; $10. Walter MaI'-|CLASSES NOW BEING FORMED in ]lm llllll n-~lllllll~.~ ~ | reach"~ Call Cleaning Services Co., i~ ~ | BARGAIN -- $3,000 full priee, neat, Brand new ready to move in Secluded double b~ /) e Phone d26-302=. M 10/21-28 / baton twirling. Saturday or after awmiim m~m v~ ] phone 426-4376 or 426-8138. 1/7 tfn L ~ ~ r'~ ~ i -'littleislmtw° ..... bedr,)om bouse,,, partly.~. ~v~..n ~'~ ....~'~i~ -~h"dl•om~..--,~ .~.~.'=~,~ .....-~o ft...~-o-*=-e,,..=. 10 acres __ .-:-'---: ........... ~] school. Call 426-4214. R 9/30 tfn .......... / ~--~ F I IIIIIIIIIIIIl|/llilJilll~qlll, l.i I JUrnn ll' Xl,+, ultneWlYo l)amte~.4r- cash~aCX'lLlC- etS," "LlleQ ............... oacn anu snower living ' TWO Oil, HEATERS -- .( ~,l,e Sp ' :/ ........... Bill -- Bob --- Bus -- Dick / WANTED TO RENT garage or suit- t l iWJIIIlllI,P/.lll~lilh\lllfll I i g y 'q ' y f r $1 o0, ' . . Bal .... ~+...~ (,n~ Duo-Therm. Anso sna!mw wett [BATON LESSONS -- $1 for half hour. ~**" ~- ~"'""'~ 426 8231/ able space to sLoro 14 £t. boat. 426- i l IlllL~]IIVIII 'tg]lllPllL~J I ante. contract payable $25 nmllth, room has large picture windows, On Tr ton Covu_, ( ) 426 6056 ( 2 .+~,, ~ n~,,.u~u 4563 Z 10/14 ~1 pump with ttmk• Ch ml. ' '-.!. ~_._ | :all Tracy Hamlin 426-6136, 8'6 " / ' -2 I . I wa'ya.t~Im~ne~ ~ ~i~,, B'aYS~°]L,Jlig~l,-t fireplace, dining area, l~itei~en wit'h cottage, 77 ft. fron:~ 1¢ 10/21 tl/a/ South 5th St 10/21 11/11 ] ~ II Prompt - Guaranteed Service I --L'--~ .... "~a$''l~" ....... ~ birch cabincts, built in stove and view, good acreag ' ........... ] " ~ WANTED -- Gas nearer with mower li WHEATLI=V ~ v~&~V I ........ • , 4° .................. 80 ACRES -- GoOd t}lz'c( bed]'oonloven, patio, large garage ~15 250 n~ CORDS 16-18 inch lircphtcc slder- | D+x&~, T |=.n~4-n~|~ ~~ 35,000 B,T,U, Reasonable. Phone ~6- [ i .............. I honlc for sale. Outbuildings, good soil ~ w , • no~+,+, I^¢= with aO ""wood You haul $12 per cord, Phone ] ~L ~31~i~ 4La~W~3~U~9~ -- "-- I 4993. 1t 10/14-21 II ~'~ ~*" '=~ ~zo-qooo i eonsidcrable nmr(,hantable timber: . w~=~,,• ,~ .. f[011' ~77 ~i24 ' S 10/21]"' --- .......... ~ I ~-I'~' $28000. A D~'aper' Dll(me Rothest(r ANGLESIDE GEM nouse, O,oCK anu .~ ~'-':".... / SHETLAND PONY mare for sale. Two T~ EI|I~E_II¥ IWANTED -- Alder poles 5~ to 3~/~ [ ...... ~7- • 10/21-28 Excellent locatmn, 3 bedrooms, up ---low dew -------- "' -1 yearsold.$75,Gentle. I llone 426- ~" " I inches in diameter, 10/., nd For o 3 5768 - ' ' " tl F" = | 6794. V 10/21 tt'n: ~EI'll CARS I feet long. Price per pole, 23c, aria I .... ~ full tiled bath living room with terms. ' ~a~ / v~,# ~ I 16c at Beerbowcr Spool Mfg. Co., I MODERN 4-BEDRooM llonle, fine, se- fire lace se arate dinin • .~. I_~L___-'__.-- WT..~4. / ONE WEEK OLD -- Guernsey heifer• / Rt 1 Box 262 Elma, Wash. 98541. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT downtown eluded location three baths living, . p" ., p, ~ . !g room, .... ~ W~i laugn ermg i Phone 426:6827. R 10/21!,~O DAIUII~/~ &tiff ] " ' ' 10/14-21 i location clean, dry ~tor'age. Phone dining, fannly room. Garage, Lwo-ear large kitchen w~tb hanoy uhhty Large vmW. ion. _~¢ calpolt coxele(~ pah0 re(ely land room se al ar ala doc and o~- Cooling, earring ~. , ............. / ~ I 426-8211. L 3/4 tfn scapCa." ' : ' *'rice~" '" '~$22, 000' ' this: is $100t" , p' 'ate 2 c g • ge, Half k, float , I.$mke'a 8ervloo 426-6779 --mmm---,-~ [I 4 Door Sedan - Radio - Heater I LADY WANTS WORK of any kind. I .......... -rider FHA ann ,~;~,,~' "p,~,:,, ;-,,~-des :bath' off utility" ' room fenced yard, $5,000 --- terme, ~0=.,. - PPobst /I m~.,mnnmrn u Power Steering - Automatic I Call d26-4378 evenings. V 4/16 tfn i HOUSEKEEPING APTS. -- One and ...... • -. /m II~ilU~ll~llBm~ li .... I ~ I two rooms. Dishes, linens, utilities all appJlances, plus dishwasl]er, wa- : vcrythlng in excellent shape __ ,l! shcr, ciryer and drapes. 426-4839. 1 F.H.A. $15,000., $450. dn. 38 acres, $6,00~# ~'~ Olympl• 352-2255 /I rurru li .................. | WANTED -- Baby sitting in my home I supplied. 426-2081. B 5/27 tfn R 10/1't uni of beach access R 10/li tfn ..~'¥~ 11/21 tfll]l li D-II~IVII~L,r'I~ tJL/~OOl~.~ | days, Fencea yard. Lots el expel'-I-- , il.. ..................... II t~nnt~L"t~ ]i ience. Phone 426-2241. J 10/7-21 NICE LIGHT fireplace apartment, one 50oIARbEoSek%Nf ~BB ROAD, pavcd, 2 BEDROOMS 2. -- - ,,, II ~u=~raHan .crrl©r~, ~,r~.~, II our~r~ /, ~ I beMroonh Zurnished. Inquire 718 " ~|i Registered--Small, lively,[I a n^^. ~=a=n -R evl ,, I!WANTED -- Old Havlland China. Any I North Sixth St. D 8/26 tfn ' ' , some timber Ideal Family room, large kitchen, In Ho()dgi , ........... " ~ "+~" i pattern or quantity W,'itc ~ox 1664 I 811 • i Ill ill good companions, [i Radio- Heater- Automatic [! Olympia, Wash, " ~ C 10/7-21 WARM ROOM Food Lockers fo~" runt. ~;~ 5tr~il/n~s pa,~ S~rb s2t~bdivoisix?, utility and friut room, garage, $1,- ~'" . edrO#l~ IL I/I Registered--Cute 'little II'59 RAMBLER CUSTOM ul]/CH R nSTMAputtTnRgE draHELPa:;edCrd ' "10/7-21 price $8,000.00 age and patio, r, .... I phone 426-6779. 6/3 tfn am ! ___._in .... gg g Y i _ .. = A__--S.'~.. J|| blaok fellows i] WAGON ii work. Permanent cmployn}ent, ages ITIIREE-ROOM. furnished upstairs DO YOU KNOV~:( Just 16 miles from only $700 doW• | cxce.ent [|[. one Adult Female Peklnaese II u~,.. .,,,^--~,=. ,,= e~v,, l i is to_4~ Dougm+s_ ~:~.~,n22stm.~ ~L~ I apartment. Suitable for 'quict non- Shclton you will find an idcal rata- ANGLESIDE LOCATION F,H.A. __. pSu tion or ye~tr-roun.d honm site. where 4 large bedrooms, 2 comnlete til- 2 bedroom horn=,:.. I .... .. -- Ill Smell ~able L^veabl= e35 II,.~=.~. - .~=.u.,,=~,~ - ~ ~'~'" |i Co,, .P.u. J~ox 11~. '1;:o-~1b or a~t)-,,avo ] drinker, at 528% Franklin. Also y)u Call enjoy iinl P'iv leges on Hood _~ t. .......... r ............ d 0a" I II1~11 I~IIPI~ITIIIPS~ Ill -- . v ' " " ~ I| ..... [I 10/7-14 three-room, furnished downstairs ~ ...... t ~lus lake Pri~c'" " .. uu uutnu, ~ zlreplaces, recreauon oT Mooosport ~,,-, I ~,~=~u ,+,-,,,=+---~ i/i ~-mmn I~Pl~lSl~l~l~ II '60 VALIANT V-200 /I ~--~] apartmcnt suttable fol- quiet non- .a ....... 'rages on ute . . p I --------- III auu ¢nviu¢ II ~=~,.,. II WANTED -- Christmas ~ee stumpage. I drlnkcr. 218 North 6th. l~bone 426- beautiful nl)le'!°ng..Trall's End Lake. room, workshop, k~tchen with built ..qflcr BIaek-t.oP llo~s, an~ utilities in, learn in appliances,garbage disposal, Home Sites .-~"= ' ..... lilavn Austrahan I1' Radio Heater°'--a~U~Automatici|] 8163Christmast°wn Treeco. Call 426-tfn[[ ~8113 or 426-4854. B 10/7 tfn more a~oUt tu,c auvunLages you eau landsc U , I 1---B+ltwell L~eluxe uavenporl: m. ,,, " " " " ' '1 en,oy at Trails End by calling 1,'a apcd, double carport, only in --" $!,200 and P 2 5° Terrmrs, o _ , .9/3o I excellent ,,sn,,+g, sw:ounlng, oyster; 9O ft. view ,0t', - lil . ++o ..=o +, +1++++ + r old 2500 Basen3 ] 58 DODGE D-500 4 DR. I sultants with new cosmet,c firm. For and clamS, anu so close to honle at INCOME PROPERTY .p iaqLU:e°Segat Daveno ...... $35:00 Ip IX i IJ Radio- Heater- Automatic II information call Mr. Stazd~b/2~6167/515~ ]l AVAILABLE I prices yeu can a~,mr~. ~ussell L. , , h fro," ~weany Realtor, 742 Bay Street. Port 3 bedroom home 3ust redecorat- 283 ft. beac ..o 1--Beige Naugahyde Recliner , ,, ,, ~==---------- I Cannot be told from I/ileann Kp.nnp.l.~ II 57PLYMOUTH V8 /I MATURE WOMAN WANTED+~o baby- I At the beautiful new I Orci, ard, Wash. TR 6-4464• • ed, 3 rental cabins bring in $90 right |11 t0+, ¥+:o-- , unn --n ..... v=nun,m, nv II II sit in my home for ~+,nall imsnt, Mt. II W-lrNT.In~%- ~XT~L~ I __ 10/14-28 per month $8,500. Total pur" _ ~.+|~ I new ................................ $99.50 I/I _.. II 4 DOOR SEDAN '/{ vt w a,'ea. Must have references, alUUO..+ n chase price. OI151= X 4 fi ~- W 10 21 11/4 1--Daveno, excellent ...... $59.50 St, Rt. 1, Bo ~ • . 426"-628m / 1 bed | -' "" ttre -- I/I ......... II Rad o- Heater- Automatic II II room garden oourt I room honlo, 132. +t. loor spa e, fire- -- - ce hardwooU tlOOl.% l)hLstered six I 0 h.a.^~mm pl!l~. I 1--Fuil ID,ze Ma SS O+ I/I Phone +zo-o]~z II En,,ine Reconditioned/I BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING II apartment I ~L~,~' ld oouble carport b 'l+ +n 1- ....... ,"- ~ o'~ Spring, 9-yr. warranty $89.50 t.~=m~u~=~==~ u • ~_.._ o , , ul..-... • © I ...... a-.=.;~. ~f. latex I/ I /I BACKHOE- DROTT LOADER II Sparkling new, carpets, drapes, I ; ge Fenced •back yard_. Located Call 426-4666 room,, f,repla~;lSp, "--='~"~ .............. ' ~ RUCK FIL DIRT I rubber cushions $8950 I/,...... ,I .......... /I DUMP T - L II Westinghouse appliances, off- I on 11o x ~1 '~" ,o~ on rot. View. • a,so 100 ft. o, - .... ' ....... • ll/'A SEWAGE SYSTEMS II street parking. I Ph°n°4 6" " M 9/9 tfn ..... beach $33,500.. I 1--7-piece Bronze Dinette, I/I us_ n s I~ IL, U S I|' II" I _ .... ~vemngs ua. " + k WIS0 r'00 18 Dr,ve by 7~h & Cedar Street. heavy duty chatrs $79 5O p . ALE --- olucr home at 604 Ce- • ~." FOR S~trcet. Makc offer. Phone 4:16 Sue Danlels 426-3434 4 bedrooms, rl~+ {I | ;? 39'5o I/I , USED TRUCK Pete Fass,o Just a few steps from .. " ,P | 1--Biltwell Swivel Rock $ • Ill .......... -' I 1--7-pc. Bronze Dinette $39.50 I11 Will ~NO1; tJompromme I/ , , - ]] 898-2452 union, Wash. II ' complete shopping I 3361. 1-I 6/24 t~n place, 75 ft, toP_q :. I'- TableLam s each,, each ..:. $10.00'+001/I O_"_~±~_ I 631NTL,,BIg Six"-3~2T PICKLl:nspeed-Cle I ~+]~+t'~ll $Orroper I ------+ .... " -" " ..... "+ +%+ ,,, ++..o =,,,+o o.o o,,,o uom.,,.,o.= .no o..o....+, front dowl}.town, two. ear garage kUME++~IEEIt~E + .... I~, ,1--Lounge Cha,r ~ "' RUUFINU ,, , // ................. }{ ~ " | workshoP, ~'car.,ti?~P~)rt" five acres: Execut{ve ,yV~. fi FItA lernls,:,~4.,• ~ow down A G E N C Y more than 180~+ ..+~pP I ottoman ........................ $29.50 I/I I/ 60 GMC 9 PASS. /! District Managers and I | ~'+~+'?~" .. ~ 10/7 tfn REAL ESTATE INSURANCE beach, excell.en~ ;~!£t, I 1--Oil Kitchen Range .... $20,00 I/I m~ Wlli.............i~ SUBURBAN i! A~gellts " " It n 3950 "liley m+.+z THE MANAGER , a+,es. .lg so 4t. o..,....,... Cana, exc,++' + 1 1--Gas K' ohon Ra ge .... $ . I/I I/ Ask About S ecial Price I: ' I drlllea we,+h n+wp+m,+t! systenl, tw(; .... "+ ........ ' ...... ,. UP 1 1--vanity & Mirror ...... $20.00 III on Johns Mmnvillm lJ p :o I Qualify for out" fabulous 17 day II ___ l bedrooms aoWn, oornl,tory up. 4"6 ........ S i. i 6-Matched Wood Din ng iil ........... ]] ,~:t~ nl~l-r,/ 1/ "P ~,,,vUp I convention trin to Europe. An all ii APT lilt I I i ..... +au. "+~-~unN 2"1" r~" ........... .+ view no.-,~ I/I ut wuiu wltnstana nurricana I uu ,,.. =., /2'', rlw,,~l'%ur I .......... ,., T ~.~.. T'~ris I ~=ma I•Vi s s I ~~~_~~ ~ ~ "+ 500 and up, I Cha rs A I $29 5O ............... winds • .,.~l.~,=o~ t,=.u ~.,z. ~' .~v.,,+...,, ~.~ ,, NEW Bedloom Chests Ma le , and it costs Rebuilt 6 Cylinder Engine f 4262549 E GR ]' p F°r)" : I " , p I/I I I ....... I ome. ".uriel and other poin o II " I & Walnut 3 dr & no more at thc ~eater ~ ~peeo ~iean I I I ' " 3 s iil li - - In I interest Take your wife too, easy{ -- ' ~1~ 4 dr $19 95 to $ 9 9 , , " i| Maple ............... Bunk Bed set, ,,|1/I n,lq 54 INT ,'.T. "AB & // to qualify. {1~ VER EEN RAILER ARK 4 bedroomm~i a~i '~' New Mattresses $69 50 II ' - , od ;i; . Ill MILLWORK CO. ,{IJ CHASSIS[/ We need proven producers and Dis-Ill /llllMt.View • ' cesS$1oo aorOSSper month.h 0 Mapic uw'n B , 8p " g, t Dual Wheels - 6 Cyl, trict Managers for expansion pro- * I New Mattress ............ $35.00 I/I Mile 8outh of Shelton li /I ...... ,. +h+,= *~ea Out" hosnital II • ~__~,~ lallll'~l Room For n Hiway 101 , .... I ~^,,,~, I/I II 51 FORD 3/4-t FLATBED IIpo.eiesare Tops in the industrY, l| PJ~WOOD MANOR | ~. ~ ml~]~~-'~ The 3 bedroo~S< " I I~lU WIUI~r'! UUVVI~I -- I/I WHERE THE SMART n~ -- • A eal Good Older Truck i have New Guaranteed Issue Plan ' " per month. 1; ~1+~ I EASY MONTHLY I/I ,-+~-. ~ ~ I{ " ~k I that We--write--re~ardl++s-+of-Pastli _~w.available - I ~~ I ':" --- • Unfurnished PAYMENTSItemsFumigated BUILDINGMA.TERZA~S LOCAL FINANCING WIT or Present health No waivers, noI ~ ~W.~a~.i!~h:: I ~ THE NATIONAL BANK I riders Nomore rejects that co { ca~n.+un~ ' n ~_walu-to-wall carpoUng 1 I/~- { OF MASON GOUNAY . I you money. [I • Draperies iAll I nn ' u I/ -----=-- • ~'°°+"°'""- '{ =, BOOTH I u.. ,,• .' i i, you have the, wo li I I I![. k L Iql I/ I I[ 1141qlBIAI IILIIAI'AW I' have something to investigate, he-In • PJ'lvate oarkl.,, 1 Constructmn & RIIIlU~I IIIiULUI come associated w,th a company rlva Edna " ) = nal Wa S~e"°"]o~:~'; IT '1'1 "