October 21, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 21, 1971 |
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Letter box: .......
Does everyone in Mason County receive equal )- Editor, The Journal: the city if repairs.i
consideration under the law? This letter is also addressed soon• There are n~
You be the judge. ! "to whom it may concern" be it except several bl0O
the mayor, city commissioners, service station. IJ1~l~
park department or residents of took my little e'
Shelton. under the bleaclaers
Since a member of my family same - ugh, what
coached one of your local teenage that was. -.,,a~
f ~," , , /,/ baseball teams last season, I have The thought 0c~
on several occasions occupied a as I watched theSet~;i
seat as a spectator in the stands at if any one el A~'~
your city park (Loop Field)• Also, criminal or a ~'~
I have attended games in other hundreds of do~,,'~
comparable areas and the contrast spent to "save" and "'-1
is appalling• them• -~e.4
" Don't you folks care at all? Let's spend,,S_°~'il~
Maybe someone should tape the money for the g°~'.~llE
/ most uncomplimentary remarkshave a diam°nd ~¢'Y ~l
_ voiced by visiting teams to wake city can, be prou.d 0~
~ i/ I certainly be c°ncerned that a citizens' businesslll"¢Udl~il
inconvenient, broken-down next season. ~
I Wl ! The day will come when j
D,ngerous pree.!
Staff Writer ' " :il;
Allen Strong is dead. His body was found August 12 in a ] per nOWcentsurcnargeOnon imports The National Observer
Hoodsport parking lot. An autopsy fixed the cause of death
as a stab wound which pierced his heart. =
Why did he die? Who inflicted the mortal wound? What
were the other circumstances surrounding his death?
Mason County Prosecuting,Attorney Byron McClanahan,
who also serves as the county s coroner, announced shortly " , ,
after the event that he wou!d probably call a coroner's "t
inquest in a week or ten days to help clear up the myst 'ry. . . r _. ,,
Allen Strong has now been in his grave at the Skokomish /"
Indian Cemetery for more than two months and no official A ;--"--'~ - I you up. You should most Maybe a cornm
move has been made by the coroner to shed light on his
death, f ~ '" " ~ I public facility is in such a dirty, can make some .... J'
Who cares? Apparently nobody who has the political or I condition.
social clout to demand action. _-- .*
Would the relatives and friends of - for instance - a local someone will be injured and sue
attorney still be waiting two months later for the facts
surrounding his death if he had been found dead in a parking
,o,, I
You be the judge.
,tt I !i WePle cS!d t°
King Richard h" " has really socked it to the small
businessman with his latest economic fiat-in-the-dark, afte tYlUlIjk o e
The misguided wretch who has stubbornly continued to help d been bilking the U.. .
You might angrily - and reasonably- dernaaa
operate a morn-and-pop store or a five-employee-and- the press kept this information secret from
three-offspring emporium in an economic system designed to election. The answer could be that, back 1d'4
beenbenefitdealtbig business,the coopbigdeelab°rgrass,andasbig governmen tthey say aroundhaS finallYroyal "We (eed in "Alice In Wonderland" and "198,4" and o:t comes "Goicte]ines SupremepentagonCOUrtpapersleftcase.Standing a dangerouS pre - tie
households. For Phase II Of The New Prosperih/. The precedent was set when the courts
At hand is a notice from the Chameleon-in-Chief's Office
newspaper articles so the Government could tlY'4
of Emergency Preparedness which states, to-wit: in American history temporarily halted the
to prove that the articles should be permane 0'
'The Office of Emergency Preparedness announced OI do[ 11 e as a danger to national security. More than
today that merchants must have a list of ceiling prices 'lobs collision C! the Supreme Court lifted the ban on publlC a h ' l
available for public inspection on or before November 1, • • • •
1971." )rtalrlon ][ Government had not proved its case. But
restraining order remained intact as a legal preC_o t
This means that a small merchant must prepare a list To fully understand the danger of this
containing the ceiling price of each item in his store. In the that a week before the 1984 PresidentJ ',0a .
By ROBERT C. CUMMINGS year to 90 days, Kramer worte: pending an appeal to the State anytalk about taking the state newspaper nails down oroof of widesprea°.£ii ! t=
case of a variety or drug store, this could encompass 10,000 At sea, if two ships continue 'In our highly mobile society a Supreme Court, with Kramer outof the liquor business," some - . WllltV
defense contracting that involves high
to 12,000 items. Morn and pop and the kids are going to be to proceed on a collision course, one-year residency requirement is named as one of the appellants, major revision of the 37-year-old Cabinet officials. • tN
busy during the next two weeks, it usually ends disastrously for u n d u 1 y r e s t r i c t ive. I t Because of its far-reaching Steele Liquor Control Act is
both of them. This is the pos!tion unnecessarily deprives otherwise significance, Chief Justice Orris receiving consideration. One ofJust as the paper is about to prim-i
Impossible? Nonsense! The people were set up under our two of Governor Dan Evans pet qualified ind!viduals from their Hamilton has set the case over to the proposals calls for repeal of all Government goes to court and wins a qu
Constitution to serve the government. Every schoolboy projects find themselves as the right tovote.' next January 10, when all nine the various state taxes collected restraining order by asserting that
imews that. So does King Richard, who received the votes of 1972 special legislative session But when six Seattle citizens judges can hear at. . on liquor. But this wouldn't would threaten national security. The Go
small businessmen lathe hope he would set up just such a approaches, challenged the residency Scotch Rel~rieve necessarily result in any cuts in . op-secret inform "
One is modification of the requirement in court, Kramer, as ...... -,.. , .,, prices, articles reveal t atlon abot] ~
program in order to make the people more responsible to 18th amendment to the the states' chief election officer ..... ~nougn rreslaent r~xxon s J u The present markup on thesystems. Following the Pentagon Papers'..,a¢.
their government, constitution to permit diversion was named a co-defendant along con'i u ....... wholesale price would be adjusted newspaper could not publish the story right a 'tlf
t n es, ~cotcn ann t~anaalan
He made his views plain in a speech on December4, 1970 of motor vehicle fuel tax revenue with. the.King County Director. of wmsKey ............. armKers m tms state, ann upward to compensate for the By the time the judge had heard the cas, s:
to mass transportation, which he Reglstratmn and Elechons andzanmers ......... oi ~mportea wmes, won t loss of taxes. The state would would be over No matter that the Governrne
when he told the nation: 'And this above all: I believe that has wanted ever since taking the,Seattle City Clerk. Kramer teet ........... me ~mpact ~or anomer mona receive the same revenue as now, merit. No matter that the Government tYer'tl¢
only if our economic system remains free can we achieve that office. The other is his "jobs hash t changed his position or ..... but all of it would come through
or so lne same goes tar mose
combination of full employment with price stability that will now" program, a proposal he views on this issue. He merely is a ~ i ..... profit, rather than part from exaggerated the facts to protect itself until _o¢0 t
WhO lean towara lmportea rums bxanu~ ~nu mmhup wu. u ~,t
be the foundation of
something Americans have never pushed unsuccessfully in the last victim of technical circumstances .... profit and part from taxes. It No matter that the judge would throw the
enjoyed in this century - a new prosperity in a full session, and which he now wants Ma-" Have Pulled Tri""er s. anonqueurs. • ne state L~quor ..... t~ontro~ rW°Uld .... simplify accountingalso woul'and It would be too late. The American" people,. ......
more urgently than ever. . . eport ng, a the available information, would have re-ele b0.
" IromcaUy, Kramer may have Board was well stocked w~th .......... n "
generation of peace. Highway-oriented legislators .... stanaarmze me margup u an
(Our leader took time out of a busy schedule with hisappear to be coming around to triggered the court challenge ~mported liquors and wmes when .~..A~ .i. ..... ,. ...... 1a be ~*
which put him in the position he the surcharge was imposed. Itby the'--~o'~,---~ Judge Murray Gurfein, the Judge.ll p~l¢~
the Governor's way of thinking " h• ' " a s ..... ....... temporary restraining order in the Penta ,,s la¢-
military advisors to deliver the speech. They were discussing on the mass transportation issue, now finds ~mself. Also m h~s ppears these tacks will last at Thorns Not Fatal who later ruled
against the Government,
the peaceful escalation of bombing runs over Lees and but the "jobs now" project may message to the Legislature, least until December 1 .....
Kramer orated out that the When these Appmntment oi tormer
Cambodia.) . cause them to balk. While theye ear P'res~ de 1 stocks are Tacoma Mayor A L Rasmussen the Government the benefit of the doubt 1
support the principle of "jobs on -y "dency requirement p eted, the surcharge will be ..... • • .. and would grant a temporary order, rn.,OOril
might be in conflict with the a d d e d t o t h e p r i c e o f to me State ~enate will be a morn -'0 ~,~JB~
The notice from the PEP also advised merchants thatnow,' they are adamant in their Should a President be able to te v
until the ceiling price list is completed they must provide (1) opposition to the Governor'sequalprotection clause of the newly-acquired imports. But the m the side of Senate Majority articles about corruption in Government? 0pig
U.S. Constitution. increase will be less than 10 per Leader R. R. Greive, but it won't
endanger his leadership
a sign (minimum of 30 inches by 40 inches) announcing proposal to finance it by This is exactly the contention cent. It will be computed at 10 ., ' . !. , .. The Supreme Court in its majority
availability of ceiling price information (2) ceiling price extending the sales tax to motor
vehicle fuel sales. Unless the on which the six Seattle residents per cent of the price the Liquor . Kasmussen nasnt mrgotten Pentagon Papers case did not take up-~0f
information forms to be used by customers requesting prices, Governor comes up with somebased their case, and a King Board pays, before the markup now t, rewe gerry-manaerea mm temporary restraint. Certainly, some 0t ld
County Superior Court Judgegoes on out of office with the last
and (3) a form letter on which the merchant must respond to other means of financing, heagreed The decision is now .....~ ..... '- . . legislative redistricting bill. unavoidable danger to national security
each written request for ceiling price information within 48 could lose both programs. - wrote nooouy takes sermusiy before news articles can be banned at all. l~it~,~
hours from receipt of request, win Governor Yield? plug this loop-hole as soon as the opportt ,m, r i
Meanwhile, many legislators !y $pTeft0f, 23, wl ere are you? "The time t° guard against c°rrupti°n ala- °sJOff "
If, for instance, 100 customers request 10 prices apiece, appe~ to be accepting Governor they have gotten hold of us," wrote ThO.g ,O h r i
the merchant must mail 1,000 replies within 48 hours. This is Evans proposal for establishment better to keep the wolf out of the fain v 0 tg' l
the monarch s contribution to the free economy he admires; of another super agency by
the merchants receive no government subsidy for preparing merging the Department of .~ . had he put two slips in my watch pocket? Was No. drawing his teeth and talons after he shall lea
or mailing the replies - the service is free. Highways, Department of Motor Even in the center of a lively conversation about 23 a grizzled old garment worker, or a fresh, young
Vehicles and related agencies into gir!s, I am prone to drift off into a daydream with blue-eyed blond? It struck me as great fun to call
In line with King Richard's stated belief that the a single Department of only the slightest ot provocations, the Dickie company and ask to speak to Inspector
When th s happens, I contmue to ewe theNo 23 and sa " ts " Whoever
American people are capable of disciplining themselves, Transportation. Not only has the " " ' . y, Hi, how were the pan .
Legislature s Joint Committee appearance of a rapt listener. My eyes are fixed on No 23 was would orobablv be touched deeply that
compliance with the order is voluntary. Only those changed its name from "Joint . here didnt think of him (orh) I
the talker My head is cocked at an angle to denote someone out t - ' - er as
unAmerican types who refuse to volunteer will be Committee on Highways" to heightened interest. I keep my mouth slightly agape just anumber.
prosecuted. The Internal Revenue Service handles the J oint Co,,m mit tee on as if" to savor the words. If they only knew I am I d dn't" make the ,call. Somehow, 1 was afraid I
investigation and the penalty for non-compliance is $5,000 Transportation, but it has been miles away. might stir up a hornet s nest. I'd probably learn the
for eachviolati?n, organized along lines the My wife has learned to recognize when my worst fromthesupervisorofinspectors.,,
Governor seeks for his proposed • • P You wa t to speak to Insoector No. 23, he
attentmn span has been broken She says the off " n
If the king s bold plan is effective it should go a long way new department. There are is when, after she has held forth on a topic for ten Id say sort of like Rnh Nla~uh.,# wrmld gay it
toward eliminating the thousands of small businesses which subcommittees on aviation, motor wou........................... .-.
vehicle administration, etc.or fifteen minutes and I put in "Would you mind Tongue in cheek, with skepticism.
clutter main streets from one end of the country to the But before the Democrats repeating that?", then she knows I have drifted off "Right. How about putting No. 23 on?"
other. Then consumers can shop in huge stores which are who control the Senate will go for some place. "What are you, mister? Some kind of a nut?
operated under a free economy with the help and supervision a Department of Transportation, The other night, she recognized the vacantWhaddya wanta talk to Inspector 23 for?"
of the federal government, the Governor must retreat from symptoms again, waved her hand in front of my I am getting cold feet now, but I plow ahead.
hisdemand that he appoint the face and snapped her fingers. "Oh, just wanted to ask how the pants were.
You know, like the GUM department store in Moscow. department head, and all of the "Where are you, Mr. Mitty?" she asked. "Are You see I'm a customer. I bought a pair of. • ."
top assistants. Democratic the P-T boat guns going pocketa pocketa? Is the
senators insist the appointments, renegade tiger charging into your steady gun sight?" "Okay, okay, mister. You might as well know it
and policy-making authority, be now. Inspector 23 got fired last week."
left in the hands of a commission. Coming to, I regarded her tolerantly. "I'm a little shocked to hear it," I say. "What
This would deprive the Governor "None of those things," I replied. "I was
• - r" happened?"
of the control he now has over thinking about No. 23, the Dickies mspecto .
such agencies as the Department This stopped her completely. Especially, when I "Shouldn't tell you this, but since you're a
customer and you called long distance why not.
of Motor Vehicles, etc. It looks produced two slips of paper marked "Inspected by Inspector 23 was stuffing the pants with two slips.
Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle like another Mexican standoff. No. 23." These, I explained, I had extracted from Got away with it for several weeks before we caught
Reverse Play the watch pocket of a pair of Dickies Cotton it on a routine audit. Well, we pay on a piece work
Phone426-4412 Secy. of State Lud KramerWorsted Wash Pants, guaranteed not to shrink, basis, see, and we had to fire No. 23.,,
Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, was one of the first public which I had just purchased from Harmon's. In my "I am certainly sorry to hear that," I reply. "I
weekly, except two issues during week of Thanksgiving. officials to criticize this state's usual methodical fashion, I had removed the hope she wasn't the sole support of her bed-ridden
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, 5helton, Wa. one-year residency requirement guarantee stuck in the cuff, ripped off the card sewn mother."
for registration and voting. Now to the seat and thrown away the price tag. Then I "Inspector No. 23 wasn't a she," the chief says.
Member of National Editorial Association he finds himself in the went through the pockets. I have always gone "Well, I meant he."
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association embarassing position of having to through the pockets of a new pair of pants since I "Not a he, either." "" ii
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year in Mason County, defend it. found a dime in one when I was a kid. Santa Claus "You mean...?,,
in advance -- Outside Mason County $6.00 In a message to the 1971 has never returned. Anyway, in the watch pocket "Yes. No. 23 was a machine. We all felt like hell
Legislature, recommending a
proposed constitutional were these inspection slips. They started me a when we had to let it go.,, "Elsie, do we have anY
amendment to reduce the 'thinking. someone is here for 'Trick
residency requirement from oneWho was Inspector No. 23, 1 thought, and why from the Snohomish Tribune
Mailing Address: Box 430, Shelton, Wa. 98584
EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ...................... Henry G. Gay
Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 21.