October 21, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 21, 1971 |
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present law users must file
POST monthly detailed tax reports and
V. Cochran has been the new system will simplify
of the Pale Alto procedures for small businessmen.
anch office of DL'S CORNER
BUsiness Machines With reports of snow in the
Field Engineering pass and in the higher elevations,
~hich installs andit seems as though winter is well
on handling on its way to becoming a
equipment and reality...
systems. He was One of the best ways to face
the division's it, is the prospect of warm
center in Rochester, hospitable people waiting on you
in our friendly local stores while
Cochran you capture some of the best
from Grays bargains to be found anywhere...
and joined IBM in Just a few of the bargains to
engineer in be had this weekend are...
is married to At LUMBERMEN'S OF
A. Brinkly of SHELTON where the Frigidaire
live at 20756 skinny-mini washer and fall
Saratogawith garden values share the spotlight.
Manager Larry Knutzen has really
RULES slashed the prices on the garden
1 goodies, but don't wait too long.
This time of year, specially priced
uSinessmen usingitem's really move fast..
In their operation Need snow tires for the family
OPportunity to cut buggy? If so, drive into
and simplify SHAUB-ELLISON and let the
2.keeping starting crew fit it with the goingest tires
Paul H. Grab 'era Monday is the
of the interim
theme at MILLER'S this week.
Littee on vehicle
a hearing in Manager Ron Elledge is going to
to consider move some special items with a
to the Monday Only ticket, so don't
miss it this Monday...
authored the HARVEY'S, Olympia Feed
1971 session Co., is opening the doors this
7,000 diesel Friday at 9 a.m. Oct. 22.
service stationsAccording to manager Mark
If they can Williams, the store is still in the
new rules, truckprocess of getting ready for its
raerely have to grand opening, but stop in and
not have to filetake a look around, anyway. Also,
check the ad in this week's
Journal to find some top-notch
Service station
the diesel specials...
At PENNEY'S, you'll find
a thishard-to-beat buysduring the
a year end-of-the-month clearance.
o the state, when Manager Clint Harrington has
Those wishing gathered many items together to
use may make this e.o.m, one of the
that under the greatest ever...
Walt Rybacki, owner of
dinner special you shouldn't miss
fv for this weekend. A scrumptious
t0 Jasli . fried chicken dinner, with all of
the mouth watering goodness of a
mg quarters home cooked meal and, none of
part time the work...
able to fry Ross Gallagher and Richard
Anderson seem to have a going
$250 or best business in the IT'S OVER HERE
37. $10/21 STORE, a record and tape center.
man's They even plan on having
on Shelton instruments in the location on 5th
589. L10/21 street between Railroad and
"ken basket to Cota...
5, Box 175 at At MILLER'S SHOE SALON
n on Mt. you'll find that Kirk Criner,
manager, is selling the entire stock
of women's boots at a
f root beer to ridiculously low price. Run in
2, Box 240
Drive-In on soon and take a look...
Ken Chapman, owner of
Oct. has many items on sale this week
that seem to be just right for this
time of year. You'll find they are
re nuf! That's all "just right" for the family...
ling carpets.Everyone seems to be looking
~ooer $1.
for "Herbie sez", trademark for
,n withsand Understand that if a worthy
organization would like it's
~TURDAY, rummage sale or bake sale
'. Furniture,advertised, to contact Olympic
:s, campers, Paints and advise them of the
and used.
South date...
Olympia. That's -30- for this week,
,m South but remember what Lao-Tsze
10/21 wrote, "Govern a great nation as
as is $75.you would cook a small fish.
(Don't overdo it.)"
"uck, twin
ith hyster,
5-4477 or
Garage Sale
The Assorted Livestock
Growers 4-H Club is planning a
garage sale at the Lake Limerick
Stables from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Oct. 30.
doing good for good-for-nothing
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Your aocount transferred free
are in the United States.
$NELToN -- First & Railroad, 426-8211
(~ly.._. Home Office: Olympia ....
• ',Pta -- Montelulno -- Vancouver -" 5nelton
:iline For
Price List Information
The Office of Emergency Preparedness announced today that
merchants must have a list of ceiling prices available for public
inspection on or before November 1, 1971. The list, from which the
seller is required to provide information, must be available at the place
of sale.
George Lincoln, Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness,
ruled that the ceiling price list may be a single master list for the entire
establishment or, alternatively, separate lists of ceiling prices for each
section or department of the establishment. Until the ceiling price
information is available, sellers must provide this information in accord
with new procedures outlined today by the Office of Emergency
The new procedure, to be promulgated in the Federal Register,
requires that:
(a) There shall be posted on each floor of the seller's establishment
at least one sign, (minimum of 30 inches by 40 inches) as specified
below, announcing availability of ceiling price information:
Information regarding the lawful ceiling price for any item sold by
this store may be obtained by filling in a ceiling price information
request form available at (specify location) and by handling it to (fill
in). You will receive a speedy answer by mail.
(b) There shall be made available in at least one location on each
selling floor, "Ceiling Price Information Request Forms," as specified in
the following illustration.
Ceiling Price Information Request Form
Please furnish me with your ceiling price for the following item sold in
your store.
Retail Price
Style No.
Dept. Where Sold
(c) The seller shall respond to each such written request for ceiling
price information within 48 hours from receipt of request, using a form
letter as specified below, and signed by the owner or by an officer of
the company:
City, Zip
In reply to your request, we are pleased to inform you that our ceiling
price for is $
(Owner or Company Officer)
Would you like a say in the
management of the Inn Quest?
If so, now is the time to get
involved. The Inn Quest is seeking
nominations for its Executive
Board. Seven positions are open
for nominations. All positions
except that of Administrator may
be occupied by youth.
Nominations for the open
positions will be taken at the Inn
Quest on the weekends of
October 22 and 23 and October
29 and 30 from 6 p.m. until 2
a.m. Elections will be held on the
following Friday and Saturday,
November 5 and 6. The elected
must then be approved by the
Board of Directors.
The positions open are
chairman, vice chairman,
treasurer, secretary, administrator
and program director.
Among the chairman's duties
are supervising all activites at the
center, including presiding at all
meetings of the Executive Board
and of the general membership.
The vice chairman aids the
chairman, acts in his absence and
performs other activities that the
chairman directs.
The duties of the secretary
include keeping all the records of
the executive board and of the
corporation. The secretary shall
also give notice of all meetings.
The treasurer's duties include
handling all the funds and giving
financial reports to the executive
board and board of directors.
Responsibilities of the
program director include
counseling the executive board in
the purposes and objects of the
corporation and supervising and
assisting in the planning of
The office of administrator
must be occupied by an adult.
The administrator is director of
the drop-in center and is
responsible for carrying out the
directions of the board of
directors and the executive board.
Anyone interested in
becoming a member of the Inn
Quest's executive board can gain
more information by attending
the Inn Quest on October 22, 23,
29 or 30 or by writing to the Inn
Quest at 1400 Olympic Highway
South, Shelton.
Open House Set
Shelton Pre-School will hold
an Open House at 7 p.m. next
Thursday in the United Methodist
_ I
Make sure your car is running
at peak efficiency by letting
us tune Your car now before
cold weather is here. Look to
us for... Steam Cleaning...
Brake Relining . . . and Major
5th & Railroad
Two Ja
Two men, arrested in the
Potlatch area in the early hours
Monday morning have been
charged with being drunk in
public and with firearms
Thomas B. Hurley, 51, Rt. 5,
Box 557, Potlatch, was charged
with being drunk in public and
with unlawful discharge of
firearms. Stanley L. Meyer, 52,
1900 9th W., Seattle, was charged
with being drunk in public and
intimidating a public officer.
They were arrested at
Potlatch shortly after 1:30 a.m.
Monday by Sheriff John
Robinson and Sgt. James Sisson
of the Sheriff's Department.
The arrests followed
investigation by officers of a
report from Mrs. Dorothy Hurley
at the Marc I Drive Inn at
Potlatch that someone there had a
There were several shots fired,
but, no one was injured.
Both of the men were booked
into jail originally on charges of
second degree assault with bail set
at $5,000.
After further investigation,
the charges against them were
reduced and they were released
on their personal recognizance.
Musical Program
Is Planned
Teenagers seeking musical
entertainment this Friday night
will be able to find it at the Inn
Tracy DeMiero will provide
that entertainment from 10 p.m.
until 1 a.m. Providing
entertainment is only one of the
many activities that the Inn Quest
people have been involved in
Representatives from the Inn
Quest have recently spoken at
two high schools. Janeen Deyette
spoke to two civics classes and
three Spanish classes about the
Inn Quest this week at Shelton
High School. Steve Gay spoke at
five classes in the Yelm High
School last Thursday. The
students at Yelm are interested in
setting up a youth center there
and plan to do so soon.
Through the Emergency
Employment Act the Inn Quest
may soon be able to give jobs to
four unemployed people who are
over the age of 22. The jobs will
range from director of the Inn
Quest to working in the kitchen.
Potluck Dinner
A Harvest Potluck will be held
in the Southside School at 6 p.m.
Saturday. Each family should
bring a dish to share.
Chain Saw
Automatic oiling for bar and
cutting chain - adjustable for
Hight or heavy-duty cutting.
Automatic all-weather starter
for quick 'n easy starting.
Automatic one-piece clutch -
the industry's sim~
plest, most /.= vL,L¥- _~
reliable clutch./~la_Qe~"
Come in and [ I"irq~'
3ee the 150 - ~ Menulac.turltl.
world's be-*\ suggested tetlll
o, % ,,c,*?~.l.z" •
chain saw value!~r .a chai~
:t has all the fea-
tures you'd expect
on more expensive
with every new Homelite
13.64 VALUE
Limited Time Offer
1306 Olympic Hwy. S.
$' )88
Reg. $14.99 eight inch shoe with oiled, full
grain glove leather uppers. Oil resistant sole of
Plie-tuf polymeric rubber.
Reg. $3.98. Dacron(R) polyester/combed
cotton shirts and knits of cotton & polyester.
Fashion styling in solids, prints, stripes.
for $ 50
Reg. $5. Dacron(R) polyester/combedcott'on
shirts. Fashion styling in solids, prints, stripes.
$ 88
Reg. $12.99 six inch work shoe; oiled full grain
leather uppers. Plie-tuf polymeric rubber blend
sole that's oil resistant.
$' 188
• RlR='$14=99"~%gxfor~Nith smooth elk 'finish
~,c0whjde uppers, cu-cJ~ion insole, arch cQo,ki~,.
Oil resistaht c6mposition rubber sole. " '
Women's Scarves
12 Only
Orig. $1.25 ............ NOW
Women's Purses
13 Only
Orig. $2.44 ............ NOW
Women's Sleepwear
17 only
Orig. $4 to $6 ........ NOW
Printed Fabrics
50 yds.
Orig. $1.19 & $1.29 ..... NOW
Quilted Cotton
30 yds.
Orig. $2.49 ............ NOW
Bettor Fabrics
130 Yds.
Orig. $1.79 & $1.98 ..... NOW
King Size Spreads
3 only
Orig. $30.00 ........... NOW
Queen Size Spreads
4 Only
Orig. $25.00 ........... NOW
Boys' Sweaters
20 only
Orig. $4.88 ............ NOW
Men's Sport Shirts
15 Only
Orig. $5 & $6,98 ...... NOW
Men's Sport Shirts
14 Only
Orig. $7.98 ............ NOW
Women's Shifts
18 Only
Orig. $5.00 ............ NOW
Women's Uniforms
19 Only
Orig. $4.88 to $9.00 ..... NOW $3 & $6
Women's Sweaters
6 Only
Orig. $12.00 ........... NOW
Women's Knit Tops
23 Only
Orig. $7.00 ............ NOW
Women's Blouses
37 Only
Orig. $6.00 & $7.00 ...... NOW
Women's Pants
23 Only
Orig. $6.00 ............ NOW
Maternity Tops & Bottoms
8 Only
Orig. $5.00 & $6.00 ...... NOW
Gids' Tights
43 Only
Orig. $1.99 ............ NOW
Infants Sets
10 Only
Orig. $4.00 ............ NOW
Gids' Pants
29 only
Orig. $4.00 ............ NOW
Women's Zipper Boot
24 Only
..................... NOW
The values are here every day.
Shop Daily 9:30 to 5:30 - Shop Fridays 9:30 to 8:30 P.M.
Thursday, October 21, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5