October 21, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 21, 1971 |
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Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Perry Swett
Laura Lou Hammon Weds
In the Foursquare Church of
Pendleton, Ore. on September 10,
Laura Lou Hammon became the
bride of Alfred Perry Swett, the
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Swett of
Bremerton, formerly of Shelton.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wendell C. Hammon Sr.
of Pendleton.
The double ring ceremony
was performed at 7 p.m. by the
Rev. Roy Wilson, Pastor of the
Burlington, Wa. Foursquare
Gowned in silk and lace with
a butterfly headpiece holding her
lace-edged veil, the bride carried a
bouquet of white daisies and pink
roses as she was given in marriage
by her father.
Marian Crawford of Cayuse,
Ore. was maid of honor and
bridesmaids were Susan
Richardson and Carol Chaboude,
both of Pendleton.
Best man was Keith Ashcraft
of Gresham, Ore. and ushering
were brothers of the bride Don
Hammon and Wendell Hammon
Jr., both of Pendleton.
Soloists were Bob Foster and
Mrs. Roy Wilson, who also served
as musician.
A reception was held in the
church social hall, and the couple
honeymooned at Kahneeta Hot
Springs resort.
They will reside in Pendleton,
where the groom, a graduate of
Shelton High School and of Life
Bible College, is pastor of the
Foursquare Church.
Club Meeting
Because of a conflict with the
Community Concert date, the
next meeting of the Shelton
Music Club, an affiliate of the
State and National Federated
Music Clubs, will be p~tponed
until November 2. The group will
gather at 8 p.m. in the home of
Mrs. Kevin Hamilton with Mrs.
Lloyd Goodwin and Mrs. James
Gorman co-hostessing.
Modern Opera will be
presented by Mrs. Petie Seeber of
the Olympia Opera Guild.
Fall activities of the club were
begun with an 8 p.m. meeting on
September 1 4 in the Faith
Lutheran Church. Hostesses were
Mrs. ttarry Carlon and Mrs. Edroy
New officers installed by
outgoing president Mrs. Bernice
Stewart were Mrs. Harrie Smith,
president; Mrs. Robert Puhn,
vice-president; Mrs. Edroy
Foseide, secretary; and Mrs.
James Gorman, treasurer.
A program of classical and
folk music was presented by Miss
Nancy Swanson and her
accompanist, Mrs. Richard
Potluck Planned
Mason County Senior Citizen
Council will hold a potluck dinner
at noon Friday at Second and
Cota streets.
Each person should bring a
hot dish and his own eating
Linda Faye Simpson,
daughter of Mrs. Joseph Valley
Simpson of Shelton, on August
14 became the bride of Richard
Harold Barnes, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Roland Barnes of
The Rev. Donald Maddux
performed the double ring
ceremony at 2 p.m. before an
altar ornamented with pink
gladioli and white daisies. Pink
candles were held in ivy-trimmed
candelabra, and the pews of St.
David's Episcopal Church were
tied with light pink bows. Two
baskets held pink gladioli and
white daisies.
Joseph C. Simpson gave his
sister in marriage. The full,
floor-length skirt of her
empire-waisted gown was
fashioned of white organza over
white taffeta. Hand-embroidered
French imported lace formed the
bodice and edged the cuffs of the
flowing organza sleeves and
outlined her mantilla, which
extended into a train. Seed pearls
decorated the crown, once worn
by :her mother, and the bride's
pearl earrings were a gift from the
groom. Ivy trailed from her
bouquet of white orchids and
Maid of honor Miss Christie
Lou Samples, cousin of the bride,
was attired in a floor-length gown
of pink organza over rose taffeta
Mrs. Richard Harold Barnes
styled with a square neck-line,
long sleeves, an empire waist line
and a rose velvet sash.
Matron of honor Mrs. Barry
Cox chose a full-length,
The monthly leaders meeting
for the Olympus Council Camp
Fire Girls was held on October 4
Jan Danford, Society Editor
in the home of Mrs. Peggy
A Halloween party was
planned for October 29 in the
Island Lake Fire Hall. The annual
party is held for all the Camp Fire
Girls in Shelton, and will include
a spook house, a fortune teller,
and bobbing for apples with
prizes for best costumes.
Future events are Christmas
projects and a craftorama to be
held in January. Chairmen are
Shirley Chamberlin and Carole
The Purple Flurps Blue Bird
Group, led by Mrs. Dodie Putvin,
were Flown up to Camp Fire on
VFW And Auxiliary Plan
Veterans Day Participation
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
Post and its Auxiliary will
participate in the Veterans Day
11-t 1 Club Breakfast which will
be held Monday in the Memorial
Building. Ladies of the Auxiliary
may contact President Lucille
Chapman (Phone 426-8566) to
volunteer to help serve the
At the last meeting of the
Auxiliary, Youth Activities
Chairman Mrs. Wayne Robinson
announced that a Halloween
Party would be arranged by the
Auxiliary for the boys at the
Exceptional Foresters Center. The
evening of October 30 was set as a
tentative date.
Members of the Post and its
Auxiliary are urged to pay their
1972 dues as early as possible.
The Post's membership dues are
payable to Howard Swope, Route
3, Box 415, Shelton and the
auxiliary dues are payable to
Marge Witcraft, Route 1, Shelton.
Delinquent membership
committee appointed by
President Lucille Chapman is: lla
Chase, Fae Robinson, Colleen
Gephart and Jo Sparks. Every
effort is being made to have all
membership 100% before the end
of November in order that a paid
up membership report may be
given at the next district meeting
to be held in Westport on
December 4.
President Lucille Chapman,
Fae Robinson, Jessie Cox and Jo
Sparks attended the official visit
of District President Mrs. Frank
Pennel in Aberdeen on October
The Mason County Home-
makers Association will hold its
fall meeting at the Fairgrounds in
the recreation hall on Tuesday,
starting at ten a.m. Southside will
be the hostess club and Matlock
will be in charge of registration.
A business meeting will begin
at 10:30 a.m. with installation of
new officers and a report on the
state convention held in Richland.
A potluck lunch will be served
at noon and each person should
bring his own table service.
In the afternoon Robert H.
Hamil from the Olympia office of
Social Security Medicare will
A white elephant table and
plant sale will be supervised by
Hillcrest Homemakers.
Miss Jeanette Marie Waldrip
became the bride of Stephen Kent
Geron on August 7 at 5 p.m. in
the Presbyterian Church of the
Covenant in Houston, Texas. The
bride was given in marriage by her
father, Nat A. Waldrip, of
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Hibler of
Houston, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs.
Nat A. Waldrip of Olympia. The
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank W. Geron, of Houston,
For her wedding the bride
chose a gown of re-embroidered
lace. The empire bodice was
highlighted by a jeweled Sabrina
neckline, long puffed sleeves, and
a soft flowing train which draped
to chapel length from the
shoulders. A veil of silk illusion
fell from a lace camelot cap. She
carried a nosegay of Jack Frost
roses and baby's breath, and wore
a pearl necklace belonging to her
grandmother, Mrs. James S.
Waldrip of Shelton and a pearl
ring borrowed from her mother.
Her lace handkerchief was
borrowed from the Kent Family.
Attendants of the bride were
Miss DeeAnn Davidson of
Shelton and Miss Deanna
Honeycutt and Miss Jonell Parker,
both of Houston. They wore
empire gowns of aqua Saki cloth
and carried multicolored nosegay
bouquets of miniature mums.
Best man was Scott Geron
and groomsmen were Charles
Dicker and Horace Cumming, all
of Houston. Joe Waldrip,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Kirkland
Mrs. Ida M. Bergendorff and
Carl P. Kirkland were married on
September 24 at 7 p.m. in the
First Baptist Church of
Bremerton with the Rev. Paul
Felthouse officiating.
Mrs. Dorothy Cambell of
Bremerton was Matron of honor
in the double ring ceremony. Best
man was Dick Kirkland of Seattle,
brother of the groom.
The bride was given in
marriage by her son, D. L. Watson
of Santa Anna California. A
reception was held at the VFW
hall in Bremerton. The "
newly-weds honey-mooned in
Hawaii and are making their home
at 1701 High Ave. TZ.~~
The groom is a former
resident of Shelton, and is a Past
i commander of the 4th Dist
.... V.F.W. of Kitsap County. A~
~, o Photo Center
/ A Planned
426-2646 124 N. 2nd * Shelton
formerly Ziegler's ;tudio
long-sleeved, square necked dress
of pink organza over pink taffeta
tied at the waist with pink velvet.
Attendants wore hand-painted
pins on velvet ribbons around
their throats and carried baskets
of white daisies, pink rose-buds
and baby's breath.
A pink silk organza coat
topped the sleeveless pink and
silver brocade A-line dress
selected by the bride's mother.
Her accessories were white lace
gloves, white lace shoes and a
pink silk petal hat. A white
butterfly orchid was her corsage.
The warm beige sleeveless sheath
worn by the mother of the groom
was accented by an avocado sash
and shoes.
Best man was John L.
Eastery, brother-in-law of the
groom, and guests were seated by
LaVerne Libby and Lawrence
Libby. Acolyte Dan Eveleth
lighted candles and Harold
Hanson was organist.
Assisting at the reception held
in Lake Limerick Inn immediately
after the ceremony were Mrs.
Vernon Barnes, aunts of the bride
Mrs. Leo Martin and Mrs. Gerald
Samples, Mrs. Edwin Henry, Mrs.
Beth Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Kimbel and Leo Martin, uncle of
the bride.
The bride is a Shelton High
School graduate and her husband
was graduated from Hoquiam
High School. Both attended Grays
Harbor College. The groom has
made the US Army his career.
The couple honeymooned in
Northern Washington Peninsula.
mp Fire
October 1 in Bordeaux School.
The Ta Wa Ma Nu Ka Camp Fire
Group, led by Mrs. Carole
Hanson, assisted with the Fly-up.
Receiving their ties were Vicki
Putvin, Marlene Rogers, Kristine
Reed, Renee Fletcher, Patricia
Friend, Cheryl Hawley and
Charlene Putvin.
A new group is forming in
South Side School for third grade
girls. Anyone interested in having
a child join this Blue Bird Group
may call Mrs. Charles Heinitz at
426-4841. The name for this
group is "The Snoopy's" and one
of their projects for the year is
the growing of Douglas Fir trees
from seed.
Among accomplishments of
the Ta Wa Ma Nu Ka Camp Fire
Girls for this year are a cook-out
and fun day at Twanoh State
Park; a Zodiac Birthday party;
and at their last meeting they
learned to make jelly. They plan
to make a baby layette for the
Welfare at Christmas time and are
working on Pen Friends from
There ,are many girls who
would like to belong to Camp
Fire. Those interested in forming
a new group may call the
Olympus Council Camp Fire
office in Olympia.
formerly of Shelton, and Harman
Stockwell served as ushers, while
James Waldrip, Houston, acted as
candlelighter for the ceremony.
Members of the houseparty
were Miss Charlotte Creamer,
Morgan City, Louisiana; Miss
Lorraine Crawford, Kerrville,
Texas; and Miss Sherri Smith of
Out of town guests included
Mr. and Mrs. Nat A. Waldrip,
Olympia, Washington.; Mr. and
Mrs. Barkley Duncan, Kent,
Elcajon, California; Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Davidson, Shelton; Miss
DeeAnn Davidson, Shelton; Mrs.
Lee Riley, Kerrville, Texas; Mrs.
Ross Crawford, Kerrville, Texas;
and Miss Charlotte Creamer,
Morgan City.
Following a wedding trip to
California, the newlyweds will
make their home in Houston.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Geron
• Black Smooth
with Brown
Cobra trim
• Brown Smooth
with Black
Cobra trim
• Black Krinkle
• Brown
THE GUINEA BEAN grown by Addie
length of 45 and 3/4 inches before growth
freezing weather.
She Grows A Guinea
Addle Lindsey saw pictured in
a newspaper a bean weighing 18
pounds and measuring four feet
five and a half inches in length.
She simply had to have seed from
She sent a letter to a city in
Pennsylvania addressed to "the
man who grew the big bean". It
was successfully delivered and in
due course of time Mrs. Lindsey
received ten seeds from the huge
bean, a variety from New Guinea.
"I had expected large seed,"
she says, "but I was surprised to
find them much like those from a
Planted as early as possible in
the spring, four of the seed grew,.
"I covered them every night,"
Addle Lindsey~explains,~'but the
cold weather made them very
slow. They didn't make much
growth for a full month."
She followed carefully the
directions she had received with
the seed. She watered the plants
twice daily and fed them both
natural and chemical fertilizers.
Lacy, white morning-glory-
type flowers were eventually
replaced by beans that grew -
and grew - and grew. The first to
mature hung low on the lofty
vine, and it was necessary to dig a
hole in the ground to accomodate
its increasing length.
The largest of the Guinea
Beans, still growing, measures
45¾ inches and weighs 12
pounds. The plant is carefully
protected against frost in order to
allow the specimen to gain
maximum size.
Corn and cabbage and
regulation-size beans also grow in
the Lindsey garden and flowers
surround the house. Variegated
ivy brought from California
twines across the front porch, and
hardy fuschias flank the steps.
"I'm nol
confesses, but
She was
Shelton in 1
husband, Ro
children, seven
For the
Lindsey has
masseuse. Sh
instructor of
three yearS
"It takeS a
up the
too much
- just enough
in condition."
massage taN!
patient to
head cramped~
"In this
relaxation is
Her hobby
chief inter
pet is
up, on
How To
Scrape bean
outer skin.
inch slices.
crumbs, dip
again into
golden brOWn
Values to $16.00
Boots are rampant throughout the
fashion world and setting the value pace
is this boot sale.., they're the glovey
kind that cling to your calf like paper on
i the wall. See 'em~ Save on 'em now!
Pmj,i 6 - Sh,,lt,m-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 21, 1971