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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 21, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 21, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iii THE ENGAGEMENT of their daughter Susan to Douglas Erickson of Stayton, Ore. is announced by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Aaron of Shelton. The groom-elect is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Erickson of Stayton. Miss Aaron is employed by the Department of Social Health Service in Olympia and her fiance is a pre-med senior in Walla Walla college. A summer wedding is planned. Seminar Is SI The National Association of Professional Mortgage Women will sponsor an educational seminar on October 30 in the Holiday Inn in Bellevue. Registration will take place from 8 a.m. until 9 a.m. with the meeting ending at approximately 3:30 p.m. Several aspects of the mortgage field will be covered. Guest speakers will represent a banking firm, the FHA Regional Office in Seattle, Boeings and a law firm. All interested persons are welcome to attend. cers International Dinner Held Epsilon Omicron Chapter of Dunnington, Bill Walden, Gene Beta Sigma Phi met for an Caldwell, John Kimmel, Pat international dinner at 7:30 p.m. Rodgers, Mike Ogden, Bill on October 9 in the Arden McHatton, Joe Lavato, Dick Merriman home. Featured were Baxter, Phil Adams, Arden foods from Japan, Canada, Merriman, Mrs. Janet Drebis and Hawaii, Holland, France, Greece, the Norm Anglins. Brazil, Germany, lran, Italy, Norway, Spain and Mexico. Each couple dressed in the garments of the country represented, and a prize for the best costume was won by Dave and Nancy Dunnington. Alice Ogden was elected vice-president, the office being vacated by Peggy McHatton's move to Tacoma. Lovey Walden is the new recording secretary and Sue Kimmel is extension officer. Attending as guests were Dave Party Is Planned A wine-tasting party will be held for all members of Women's Faculty Fellowship at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the home of Marie Grinnell at 126 Hawthorne Drive. A guest speaker from Werberger Winery and Distilling Co., Inc. will be featured. Members are asked to RSVP to Dorthee Gregg, 426-1220 or to Toni Willis, 426-8634. Golden Agers Set Halloween Dance The Golden Age Club will meet in the Memorial Hall next Thursday for a 6 p.m. potluck supper to be followed by a business meeting, after which a masked Halloween dance will be held. Those not wearing masks will be asked to donate 25 cents. The evening's entertainment will include card games, music and dancing. The last meeting of the club was attended by 73.persons ................... ESA To Meet LES AND JESSIE ELLIOTT, round dance receive a gift from a grateful class of beginners. Beta Zeta Chapter, ESA will meet Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Glen Sowers. Chairman Mrs. Jim McNamara and her committee presented a skit at the October 13 meeting held at 8 p.m. in the Nimrod Clubhouse. Guests were Mrs. Don Lyon, Mrs. Tony Nelson, Joyce Dion, Mrs. Gene Strozyk, Mrs. Evelyn Castle, Mrs. Bonita Williams and Helen Casey, a transfer from Redmond, Ore. CHARACTER: a quality built on the debris of our despair. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dirt Dobbers Club Slates Workshop The Dirt Dabbers Garden Club will meet at the PUD building at 10 a.m. Tuesday to proceed to the residence of Hazel Anthony, where a workshop will be held. Each person should bring a sack lunch. Five club members attended the Fall Festival held on October 16 by the Beach Combers Garden Club in the Community Baptist Church of Belfair. l ~ l~°''°~ ~'°°°" By JAN DANFORD A family potluck dinner will be held by the Degree of Honor Lodge at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Memorial Hall. My son B~n manager of the. His checid~u ~~ tZine ;; ;~ , "Tea bags, too. I never want to see another wet tea bag hung on the clothesline to dry!" Sandy, being a rather practical young woman, asked, at this point, from whence came the windfall. "I deposited it to our account," Ben answered in the patient tone one uses toward tiresome children. "It says so, right here on this little slip of paper." "It must be a mistake," Sandy declared. "Don't be silly," Ben admonished his worried wife, "Banks don't make mistakes. They've told me that, over and over and over - every time our checkbook is fouled up." "Let's open the rest of the mail," suggested Sandy, neatly slitting an envelope bearing the return address of the National Bank of Commerce in Olympia. "What's this?" queried Ben, snatching from her fingers an ominous-looking little paper. It was an extremely cool notice that his account was overdrawn six dollars and sixty-three cents worth. "I sure can't remember spending all that money," Ben sighed. "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away," said Sandy. "Easy come, easy go," Ben agreed. He bears his ioss bravely, this stalwart son of mine. But if the oh-so-fresh produce from the Save-Rite Grocery should taste a wee bit salty, know that the succulent greenery has been well-watered by the tears he cannot quite control. Dirt poor Or filthy rich? It seems to make A difference which. had been duly accredited with his last deposit of ten mill - he did a classic double-take - TEN MILLION NINETY EIGHT DOLLARS AND FORTY EIGHT CENTS ! ! ! ! He leaped to his feet, the pipe going one direction and the slippers another. "We're rich!![" he yelled. "Hey, Sandy! We're rich! Put the light bulbs back in the sockets, and quit watering the kids' milk!" "Gee," said Sandy, "Could I maybe from now on use the coffee grounds only once?" Save-Rite Grocery near Potlatch, just lost ten million dollars. On a grocer's salary, that's not easy. Returning to his home after a long, hard day of doing whatever it is that a grocery store manager does, Ben broke out the pipe and slippers, settled down in the easy chair and turned to the day's mail. First he opened the envelope bearing the return address of the National Bank of Commerce of Olympia. Out fell a deposit slip which he scanned briefly and set aside. "ALL THAT I AM or ever hope to be in the financial world I owe to the early training received at my mother's somewhat twisted knee," declares Danford, multi-millionaire for five and a half minutes. e In LOWREY Bazaar Slated A bazaar and bake sale will be held from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. today in the PUD auditorium by Eagles Auxiliary No. 2079. Call Us About ~'~/~l~;~ OAK PARK ,~ Planned ~...~'~ 4-~ Unit Development ~~ i 426.2646 "lf;J l eRon-Mason County instructors, The October 7 meeting of the Christmas Town Rounders in the fairgrounds hall marked a midway point for the " round-dancing students instructed by Mr. and Mrs. Les Elliott. Three lessons a month have brought the beginning dancers to membership in the club. Classes will continue to be held prior to the regular dances of the Christmas Town Rounders, the first hour of which will be devoted to those routines already perfected by the newcomers. Among those welcomed into the round dancing club were Mr. and Mrs. James Grimes; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carey; Mr. and Mrs. George Kalat; Dell Dwyer and her son, Rick; Don Cress and daughter, Lynn. In behalf of the class Don Cress presented a gift to the Elliotts. The Christmas Town Rounders meet in the fairgrounds hall on the first and third Thursdays of each month. Instructor Les ElIott, assisted by his wife Jessie, instruct the group in new dances at each gathering. OI Mrs. Anita Foster presided at the regular luncheon meeting of Iota Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma held at 11 a.m. Saturday Girl Scout Leaders Hold October Meeting At the October meeting of Mason County Girl Scout leaders, Mrs. Richard Wolfer, Service Unit Chairman, announced leader and special appointments for the year. Bordeaux Brownie Troop 43 will be led by Mrs. Everett Morken, assisted by Mrs. J. G. Creasey, and Junior Troop 320 leaders will be Mrs. Alien Rasmussen and Mrs. Carl Vorse. Evergreen school leaders are Mrs. Alvie Warnes and Miss Leslie Vander Wegen, Brownie Troop 257, and Mrs. Douglas Goldsby assisted by Mrs. Walter Wright and Mrs. Edgar Cole. THE GOLDEN WEDDING anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bernard of Elma will be celebrated at an Open House in their home between the hours of 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. on October 31. Their daughter, Mrs. Alan Sinclair of Elma will be hostess. The Bernards were married in Wenatchee on October 28, 1921 and for the last ten years have resided on the Upper Satsop in the house once known as the old State Hatchery. Friends and relatives are invited. 4-H NEWS LYNN CRESS, left, accomplishments by instructor Les Elliott. un is congratulated upon classmate Jim Grimes, Dr. Williston Will Dr. Frank Williston will be the featured speaker at the International Dinner to be held at the United Methodist Church at 6:00 p.m. today. He is a widely recognized expert on Far Eastern History and will speak on "China in our World Today". The dinner is a cooperative effort among the Faith Lutheran, St. Edwards Catholic, St. David's Episcopal and the United Methodist Churches. The charge for adults will be two dollars, and the cost to students will be one dollar. Lunc Mr. View Brownie leaders are Mrs. Joe Coogan and Mrs. Vernon . Burkman, Troop 580; Mrs. Guy Lusignan, Troop 822, and Mrs. Sandy Bernert, the new Island Lake Troop. Mrs. Richard Wolfer will lead junior Troop 603 assisted by Mrs. Caroline Pollock and Mrs. Charles Ruhl. Mrs. Howard Austin will lead Cadette Troop 323, and Mrs. S. W. VanderWegen is adviser to Senior Troop 715. Mrs. Carla Meacham is the new leader for Brownie Troop 538 at Pioneer school. At Hoodsport, Mrs. Bernard Altenbach and Mrs. Charlotte Shr"ps will lead Brownie Troop 5, ano Miss Betty Davis and Mrs.. John Darn, Junior-Cadette Troop 511. Special assignments are Mrs. Edgar Cole, Calendar Sales Chairman, Mrs. Carl Vorse, Cookie Depot Manager and Uniform Exchange, Mrs. Howard Austin, Camping Equipment Depot Manager, and Mrs. Frank Travis, Registration Aide. at Lake Limerick. Reports on the State Board meeting held in Wenatchee were given by Mrs. Joyce Gillie, Mrs. Gladys Martin, Mrs. Delight Alison and Mrs. Anita Foster. Mrs. Mildred Keenan introduced the guests who presented the musical entertainment. Guitar and.vocal selections were performed by Monica, Debbie, Bridget, and Gretchen. Guest "Speaker Mrs. Lillia-ff Gibson, Past President of Alpha It was announced that there employed by the Department of Highways would be a songfest on November groom-to-be was graduated from Shelton Your On the Right Course When you set sail for the on ,~ Sigma State, gave h~ views on responsibl~ ~' ~l women in changing tirn~ll At a previous raee~Lllsc,.1 Jane Gruver, ;4 chairman, presented ~0~l to: Mary Schmidt, $11¢~.~ School; Martha M;iI Olympia High SchOOl, ":~l Robischon, North TlaUr~l,~ School. The grants at¢~J college education. -,~ The next re ular ~:J]l November will gbe held 1~ Olympia area. And Our Famous RENT or BUY on Stop in and enjoy your favorite beverage Easy Terms along wi!h the featured dish of the "Wharfs Coakin column from the Journal. Johnny's Music IIo 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Hoodsport 205 Cota 426-4302 Journal - Thursday, October 21, 1971 MR. AND MRS. TONY JONKER announce the of their daughter Toni Lynne to Robert L. Rar Mr. and Mrs. Die Ramsfield. All are of bride-elect is a 1969 graduate of Shelton High 6, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Mr. View School to celebrate 1966 and is employed by Burlington-Northern A November 26th wedding is planned. Juliette Lowe s birthday, and the .~.~[l~l ~.~,..,,~ end of Person to Person Week. The Council's Wider Opportunities Fair will be held Winners Announced By Bridge November 13 at W.F. West High Monday night winners for the North-South Idt'~ School in Chehalis. Betsy Poe will Shelton bridge club were, for October 11 w:~ ~d~ tell of her experiences on the North-South, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Rex Umphen°,,u~'ssell./.~ Wyoming Trek, and Leslie Vander U m p h e n o u r, a n d T u e y Mrs. Warren ~sa ~¢-~ Wegen will show a slide Schumacher and Bob Quimby. winners were ffadl ill , presentation on "Pathways to East-West winners were Lynn Lloyd MacRae'~,,11 ' I~ Tomorrow" which she attended Rust and Shirley Byrne, and Bill and Helen Ru°'~'"/l~ in August at Rockford, Illinois. Batchelor and Helen R uddell. ~¢ Dazy Mays Plan Halloween Party October 29 in the home of their leader. A pizza luncheon was prepared by Shannon Stordalen and Nancy Morkert. The next luncheon will be prepared by Michele Moore and Kathy Kimbel when the group meets on November 13. By Nancy Morkert, reporter Made to Measure-Any Size Lined or Unlined NO CHARGE FOR LABOR Pay Only For Materials Choose from Immense Selection rctor Febrics ': Over 150 Patterns and Colors MATERIAL PRICED Karen Fuller called to order the October 9 meeting of the Dazy Mays 4-H club held in the home of Mrs. Alice Haines. Michele Moore led the 4-H pledge and minutes of the last meeting were read by Cheri Moore. New projects for the coming year were discussed, and arrangements were made for a Halloween party to be held on Open Friday Evening~ Until 8:30 p.m. You can have a slimmer, more attractive figure" and keep it that way for life." with the help of Weight Watchers®. • A skilled, understanding lecturer guides you every step of the way. • No pills, exercises, starvation diet~,~a • Delicious variety of foods plus snaca*, • Inexpensive. -'Orl • Ask about our exciting Maintenance I,I, h,% to help you keep your weight where it shoUlD "" A dass will be opening at LL in St. David's Epncopal Chu 4th & Cedar 7 P.M. Monday, November 1 Some talking, some listening, and a *'W|IOHT WATCHERS' AND ARE II|OIST RSD IIIADEMAEI INC. G~EAt NECk. N r~WEIO