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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 21, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 21, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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stands: week: Ladies, questions I am for you? Don't mention your just try to answer here are of terms at a football continue our i' When a player runs direction for a - when he direction for a in one game, Option - in the wrong a touchdown and he has the around and run that is what you that appears on during a game. of beer (one how did that get is definately a ass __ when a pass another player's - when your and you use 22 a player does of what the is what you the players after on Loop Field. is what you go on game to relax all many railroad crossings there are between Shelton and Montesano? Between Shelton and McCleary? Between the Jr. High and Kamilche? From the minute you cross the threshold of a rooter's bus you are in a different world. With 65 kids yelling what you think must be 65 different yells, you have difficulty in keeping everything straight. One teacher described a rooter's bus as: "A bus full of screaming little kids and teachers with headaches". You are not even on the freeway yet when someone starts in on "99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer; Take one down and pass it around and there's 98 bottles of beer on the wall. 98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles, etc. etc. etc..." That one takes you back twenty years. It is hard to believe they are using some of the same "rooter bus" songs. Who says there's a generation gap? You notice there are two cheerleaders on the bus. Then it dawns on you there must be two on each of the other buses. Everyone is having lots of fun; but in between times, the girls bring everyone back together with a few good strong yells. These girls do a tremendous job encouraging the young people and leading them in various yells and school songs. You feel they must'put in as much practice time and hard work as the players on the field. You do not realize how sharp these girls look and how well they do their job until you see them in action. You begin to feel you may ablings - The weather the storm after all, and RS did it again everyone begins to calm down Opponents by a somewhat. (But believe me, it is is harder each never, ever quiet on a rooter's Up With a different bus.) • a game with that Then some traitor puts e. I could say like McCleary right in the middle of VIS and SETTLE our path. And anyone that has :lin~ of' ARNDT. ever been on a rooter s bus knows t TIISON did fine what happens when you go ;nse; WOOD and through a town. You scream and 0so ne fine kicking yell a lot. What else! and that is and LAUGEN and exactly what happens. After all, ~'N called a fine they are going to watch their say all that, but heard it all before. this problem contacted the Jr. W days before the a ride on a to Montesano. fled my head the School at 5:30 find the young to As 200 of how those in to achieve any out of what chaos. Why? immediately Within hearing at is happening. full of and you can be leave Shelton, town will hear BLAZERS play the Montesano Bulldogs - and everyone between here and there is going to hear about it. "What do we eat? Doggie meat! How do we eat it? RahI Rah! What do we eat? Doggie meat! How do we eat it? Rah! Rah!" (Keep repeating for what seems like forever.) That was one of Shelton's messages to the town of McCleary. Do we ever make it to that final railroad crossing? Find out next week as the BLAZER rooters invade "Monte". helton Runners Undefeated buses arrive is when you the powers apparently the and all the which bus : Unbelievable as tn less than five have all and ready to is 5:45 and we find yourself out first and the caravan (the the bus is 21). becoming bus 9) and (but is really Don't give out of town One sure thing the whole when we raining when and school at railroad ou know how Shelton's harriers are continuing their run toward the league crown as they downed three more opponents during the last week to give them a 10-0 record. In a close meet last week the Chmbers downed Chehalis, 27-28. Mark Lewis took first with a winning time of 13:50. Shelton runner Rich James took third. Other Shelton runners to place were: Mike Hays in fifth, Bill Madison in ninth place, Ken O'dell in eleventh and Steve Daze in fifteenth place. Shelton also defeated Mark Morris in that same meet by a score of 17-59. Rich James took first at the Timberline meet with a winning time of 13:50. Mark Lewis finished on James' heels in second. Mike Hays took fourth place for the Climbers, while Paul Dwyer took sixth. Other Shelton placers were Ken O'Dell in ninth and Steve Daze in tenth place. Hoquiam will be the next foe of the Climbers. Now available in L.p., 8-Track Tape and Cassette OVER HERE" & Tape Center OPEN Noo, ro 8 p.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pool Is Knotted SHELTON JUNIOR HIGH Coach Harlan Buitenveld puts his charges through their paces on Loop Field. The Blazers will host Hood Canal on October 28 at 7 p.m. in the annual Kiwanis-sponsored benefit game. HOOD CANAL'S Trojans perfect their timing in preparation for a night game with Shelton Junior High on October 28. azers, Both Hood Canal and Shelton Junior High School are getting ready for their traditional rivalry and only night game of the year to be held October 28 on Loop Field at 7 p.m. The rivalry, sponsored annually by the Kiwanis Club, gets both teams up psychologically. Hood Canal, coached by Bill Bryant and Bill Smith, has a three loss and one victory record and is going into the game with a further handicap of some strategic injuries. Shelton's team, coached by Rifle Club Slates Meeting The emphasis will be on new members when the Shelton Rifle & Pistol Club meets Thursday, October 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the upstairs clubroom at the PUD building. The indoor shooting program will also be discussed. or Harlan Buitenveld and Jack Marquett, is a strong team with some big victories this year. At present they are undefeated. Two-Ball Results Listed Low gross went to Dick McPherson and Doris Christey in Shelton Bayshore's final two-ball-foursome of the year. Other winners were: Rocky Hembroff and Ada Oltman with first low net, A1 Edson and Patty Eagen in second low gross. Gert Batstone and Roy Christey tied with Frank Travis and Dora Wager for third low net. Fourth low net was a three way tie between John Long and Kay Elhson, George Smith and Anita Kimbel, Wally Mohrmann and Hazel Durand. Closest to the pin on number three were Bill Batstone and Nora McPherson. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEN'S COMMERCIAL Men's Hi Game: Bill Nutt 232. Men's Hi Series: Jerry Christy 585. Standings: Gott Oil 16-8; B&R Oil 15-9; AirDort Grocery 14-10; Tahara Mobile Estates 14-10; Dan's Nite Hawks 13-11; Jess's Mobil 11-13; Shelton Foods 11-13; Wolden's Chevron 11-13; Verne's Clams 11-13; Photo Center 10-14; A. Roy Dunn 10-14; Morgan Transfer 8-16. B&R Oil 2, Bert Hoard 503; Gott Oil 2, Ernie Dahman 562; Dan's Nite Hawks 1, Bill Nutt 55 1 ; A. Roy Dunn 3, Jerry Christy 585; Jess's Mobil 1, Jess Phillips 549; Morgan Transfer 3, Bob Lanm'an 554; Wolden's Chevron 3, Ev LaBelle 484; Verne's Clams 1, Dave Knutzen 560; Airport Grocery 2, Joe Anderson 508; Photo Center 2. Lloyd Clark 560; Tahara Mobile Estates 1, Don Paulson 505; Shelton Foods 3, Ray Brown 486. WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL Chris Daniels 7-6-10 split. Standinqs: Certified Manufacturing ~0-8; Lamp Post 19-9; Jim Pauley's 17-11; Ogden's Radio & TV 16-12; Kelly's Furniture 16-12; Brown Logging 15-13; Lumbermen's 14-14; Ming Tree 13-15; Fuller Construction 13-15; Gott's Oilerettes 11-17; Eells & Valley 9-19; ARCO 5-23. Kelly's Furniture 1. Jean Ream 427; Fuller Construction 3, Virginia Fuller 421; Certified Manufacturing 3, Bed Brandt 479; ARCO 1, Cindy Anderson 420; Ogden's Radio & TV 3, Merge Witcraft 517; Brown Logging 1, Red Brown 468; Lumbermen's 2, Muriel Mueller 387; Lamp Post 2, Dion Strozyk 426; Gott's Oilerettes 3, Ann Pyle 481; Ming Tree 1, Kathy Motherwell 515; Jim Pauley's 3, Jean Ashley 420; Eells & Valley 1, Glenda Ettlin 451. SHELTON JUNIOR Men's Hi Game: Mark Johnson WOM E NTS CITY Women's Hi Game: Adair Neau 191. Women's Hi Series: Sonja Cochran 502. Standings: Lumbermen's 16-8; Shelton Recreation 14-10; Morgans 11-13; Millos 7-17. Morgans 4, Sonja Pearson 484; Shelton Recreation 0, Sonja Cochran 502; Lumbermen's 4, Mary Lou Wicken 496; Millos 0, Pat Wells 432. BANTAMS Men's Hi Game: Kevin Ridout 171. Men's Hi Series: Kevin Ridout 275. Women's Hi Game: Julie Frost 126. Women's Hi Series: Debbie Frost 203. Standings: Nimrod Women 10-2; Willour Insurance 9-3; VFW 8-4; Eagles 71h-41/z; Journal 7-5; Lions Club 6-6; Dahman Oysters 6-6; Hut 6-6; Cooks Plant Farm 5-7; Brush Realty 3-9; Women of Moose 21/2-91/2; Mud Bay 2-10. The Hut 1, Mary Jane Travis 166; Nimrod Women 2, Mike Lindberg 203; Eagles 3, Debbie Frost 203; Mud Bay 0, Jay Einarsson 191; VFW 2, Ivan Deshon 215; Willour Ins. 1, Kevin Ridout 275; Brush Realty 0, Jim O'Dell 205; Dahman Oysters 3, Chris Hanson 222; Women of Moose 1/2. Shelby West 198; Cooks Plant 21/z, Mike Cook 225; Lions Club 1, Debbie Coleman 199; Journal 2, Tony Benedict 254. FRATERNAL Men's Hi Game: Cedric Casey 234. Men's Hi Series: Carl Hellman 594. Standings: Eagles 17-7; Western Auto 1 5-9; Shelton Hardware 14-10; Renecker Const. 14-10; Lions Club 14-10; Fuller Const. 12-12; Bull Moose 12-12; Moose Antlers 10-14; Rotary 10-14; Moose Heads 10-14; Nimrod 8-16; American Legion After two weeks of action in the Shelton pool league, there are three teams tied for first place on the Monday night league. The Lamp Post increased their lead to four games over the Golden Pheasant on the Wednesday night league. Highlight of the week was Smith's Tavern upset victory over Bob's Tavern on Wednesday. LEAGUE STANDINGS Monday Night Won Lost Lamp Post 22 14 Bob's 22 14 Betty's 22 14 Pheasant 19 17 Town 12 24 Smith's 11 25 Last week's results: Pheasant 9 the Lamp Post 9, Betty's 14 the Town 4, Bob's 12 Smith's 6 Wednesday Night Won Lost Lamp Post 24 12 Pheasant 20 16 Bob's 18 18 Town 17 19 Betty's 15 21 Smith's 14 22 Last week's results: Betty's 9 the Town 9, Smith's 10 Bob's 8, Lamp Post 10 Pheasant 8 LEADING SCORERS Monday Night Name Team W L Allen Bob's 5 1 Wilder Betty's 5 1 Weston Pheasant 5 1 Needham Lamp Post 5 1 McClanahan Pheasant 5 1 Brown Bob's 5 1 Wednesday Night Name Team W L 214. 8-16. Armstrong Town 5 1 Shelton Hardware 3, Frank Snitzer Pheasant 5 1 Men's Hi Series: Terry Knight Willard 533 Eagles 1, Carl 600. W6ogrn. en s Hi Game: Gail Fuller Heilman 594; Renecker Const. 4, Needham Lamp Post 5 1 Dennis Renecker 517; Moose ~¢7o3men's Hi Series: Gall, Fuller Antlers 0, Pete Bloomfield 491 I Fuller Const. 3, Bill Johnson 517; ~'--"----~¢"=""~-- - Standings: Shelton JC s 14-2; Bull Moose 1 Gene Geist 516; ca, us About ~/~/~ Timber Bowl 11-5; Merv's Tirecap Western Auto' 3 Cedric Casey [ OAK PARK 10-6; VFW 9-7. Bob s Shoe Tree 576; Moose Heads 1 Ed Crossan 6-10; Eagles 6-10; Joslin Ins. 6-10; 536; Rotary 3 Don 'Brown 503; / A Planned I~"k~,2'~_Ii~l Hembroff Agency 5-11; Team 10 American Legion 1, Rusty [ Unit Development ~1~~ 5-7;The Hut4-8. Nicholson 479; Lions Club 3, / 426-2646 ]~I~7"1 Hembroff 0, Terry Knight Jerry Mallory 541; Nimrod 1, Lee IHIMLIE REALTY, INC.'~L 600 The Hut 4, Jennie Cross 345; Eaken 464. Eagles 1, Clay Keith 494; Joslin 3, - Mark Johnson 494; Merv's 3, Jim • • F Robinson 458; VFW 1, Terry / Dion 429; Bob's 0, Lonnie Austin 398; Timber Bowl 4, Mike Nolan 437; Team No. 10 0, Gary Moore 393; JC's 4, Dave Hanson 493. STARTS YOU BUYING A NEW HOME TOBINSKI & ASSOCIATES 317 S. 1st St. PHONE 491-3232 ANYTIME! CALL COLLECT! * Thresholds * Rolled Owens-Corning Insulation * Weather Stripping See Us for Prices 1332 Olympic Hwy. S. Famous Quality Sure.GriplV • Full four ply • Triple-tempered nylon cord construction • Double shoulder cleats for grip and go Size 6.00x13, 7.00x13 or 6.95 x 14 tubeless blackwall plus $1.60 to $1.95 Fed. Ex. Tax per tire and old tires USE OUR RAiN CHECK PROGRAM: Because of con- tinued heavy demand for Goodyear tires, we may run out of some sizes during this offer, but we will be happy to order your size tire at the advertised price and issue you a rain check for future delivery of the merchandise. Size Fits 5.60 x 15 6.00 x 13 7.00 x 13 6.95 x 14 C-78-14 7.35 x 14 E-78-14 7.75 x 14 F-78-14 7.75 x 15 F-78-15 8.25 x 14 G-78-14 8.25 x 15 G-78-15 8.55 x 14 8.55 x 15 H 78-14 H-78-15 Price for 2 Bieckweii Tubeless S31 90 $31.90 $33.10 $40.60 $46.90 Price fer 2 Whitewall Tubeless $39.40 $30.40 $39.4O $39.90 $47.90 $53.90 Plus Fed. EX. Tu Per Tire and Old Tires $1.60 $1.95 $1.94 $1.74 $2.01 $2.14 $47.90 $55.60 $2.16 $48.80 $55.60 $2.32 $49.90 $57.50 $2.37 $53.10 $53.90 $59.90 $61.90 $2.50 $2,54 3 WAYS TO CHARGE THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS® TIRES ABOVE BANK CREDIT CARDS HONORED AT GOOOYEAR SERVICE STORES AND MOST GOODYEAR DEALERS. BRAKES BATTERIES BALANCING RECAPPING Sth and East Main Puyailup TUNE-UP * ALIGNING * TRUCK TIRE 19th and Pacific Ave. Front and Grove 628 Burwell SERVICE Tacoma Shelton Bremerton Ketchikan, Alaska Servin Northwest Motorists for 51 Years Thursday, October 21, 1971 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Page 11