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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 21, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 21, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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C Pure i iii RISCO SUPER SAVERS Vegetable For Cooking NUC Regular Cubes Nu Made 2B-oz. l-lb. Pkg. reme Marshmallow 7-oz. Sale starts Wed- nesday October 20th through Sat- urday October 23rd. No sales to dealer- ~COPVRIGH~ 1960. SAFEV~AY $~ORES, iNCORPORATED Macaroni & Cheese 7 1/~ -OZ. Pkg. C Sandwich Loaf Biltmore Qu°,ty '2cZ 33' Long Grain Rice Town House Lynden Dinner Ch,ckea Noodle Boned Chicken Lynden Quality 2-lb. eJa c Pkg. J7 14-oz. ,=39* 53* Grape Preserves Empress 2B-oz.~nc Quality Jar .,/'I Empress Grape Jelly 2,-o,.ca, Jar J7 Purex Detergent No 49-oz.70, Phosphates Pkg./7 Dry Dog Food Poach ,-,h.CO, Quality Bag J 7 Pooch Dog Food OrySiy,e "-'h.S113 Favorite Bag I Dven GRANULATED For Table Use or Cooking 5-lb. Bag DOXSEE Full of Clams i New England 15-oz. Can Baked 28-oz. Lucerne !I-oz. II LOW EVERY DAY PRICES REFRIGERATED ITEMS Golden Ripe Good So Many Ways Washington Fancy, Red Starking Apples 8-lb. Bag Crisp Romaine S.,od ,o.15' I Favorite Cut Squash ,hick Fo, Ho,owoe° Ass**d Moated Shapes and Sizes. Goblin Approved Large Celery Cris, Fresh ,..19' Pascal Solid 10c Cranberries Green Cabbage ,°ads ,o. Freeze 1 Bag ~llJ Pomegranate ,idsLove E. 19' Them Fresh Spinach B,-, 2 B,hs.29* Leaf Medium Cheddar Safewoy Cheese ,h97' Monterey Jack snfewuy Cheese Buttermilk -=oer,e Half GaS. 54~ Safeway Coffee .-,b.. ,,hal, $1.47 Bag UI ,h88 Edwards Coffee 2-,bs $,. ,,h 3-1bs.$2.35 Can U/ at. ~ll~C Dressing Pkg.~ll Ctn Uncle Dan's Mix Southern B oz a, B & M Brown Bread ,6o, o, Ctn. ~.lll Can ~/1 Iodized Salt .,,,u,.,2,..,.,, • Crown Colony Ctn. I • •¢ QITI Lucerne. Your Choiceof Asst'd. Half Flavors. Gal. Party Dips Lucerne B.,.a,,pure Asso,od Orange Juice ,ari,oo, Fresh Milk ,,ossom,im, Bel-airFruzen Homogenized Grape Juice Pure Concord Party ! Whip ToppingPride Ltines Green Beans Eel-air Regular or French Style Cream Cheese Lucerne B-oz. Smooth Pkg. 35c Cereal Blend ,ucere, Pint/} c Non-Dairy Cfn A, ulP %23' '-°*2i* Can Cla. 1-- Whipping Blend Lucerne Melrose Crisp, Tasty Half Pint 29* 14b. C Broccoli Spears '2rn Sliced Cheese Lucerne Pkg. Bel-air Cauliflower '%33' Assorted . Whole10-oz. c Ic o,I ,own Po orn ,c ,e rCutCorn e,e '0 , FreshIO-oz. C • . Town ,-,h. , Bel-a,r Green Peas Frozen Pkg"20 Seedless Raisins .ous, Pkg. 65 IC |tS Breakfast Prunes 69* CHEESE SAUSAGE Bakersr12-oz. "" " "" '-- '"°"09' Plzzq )lzza MISSIOn rigs .o., Pkg. ll ael-air Tasty Uel air FroZen C Silverbow Honey Variety Jar 79c 16-oz. C I9-oz. Dog Food Pooch.,oyol"~°u'n23* ,k,. ,, Pk,. Beef Flavor C SAFEWAY RAIN CHECKS INSURE SPECIALS! Sometimes an extra heavy demand will exhaust our supply of a special. If this happens, just ask our checkout clerk for a rain check (oversold certificate). It guarantees you the items at the sale price as soon as new supplies come in. LOW EVERYDAY PRICES SAFEWAY SKYLARK Freshly Baked Pkg. of 8 Cinnamon Rolls ,,,,. Wrights ekg. 70c ell2// Sesame Bread Skytark 22 ½-oz. L..,37' Fresh Donuts ,,,,.wri,h,, Pk, S9, I~ors Oazn of 13 72~-az. a'Jl~ c Oven Joy Bread Fr.,~ ,--f~7 Baked Busy Baker Busy Baker Big Assorted Snaps Family Assortment 2-lb. c Pkg. BufferinTablets ,a,n Bot,,... Relief of 100 • Crest Toothpaste 79' Protein 29 ..,,Oroom For Men Pepto-Bismol Soo,hin 4.;tt69c Action VOS Hair Spray Ban Spray Deodorant %q" Ban Anti-Perspirant ';~s14~ BAND-AID Sheer 2, 87' Strips ters Serving Suggestion MEDALLION Flash Frozen U.S. Inspected lb. Banner Sliced Bacon SweetSmokod lb. 53' Under Fresh Spareribs ,h. 69 T-Bone Steaks choice Si4, Beef lb.. plumP & JulaY Safeway Franks ,b. 59' High in lb. 59* Sliced Beef Liver ,,on TENDER Roasts, All White Meat Boneless Steak Choice ,~.88' Beef Chuck Boneless Roast u.s.choi, 88' New York Steaks ch.ic. S2. Beeflb. Top Sirloins o~.i.,..f ,s1. Boneless Steaks . an. U.S.D.A. Choice Boneless xew BeefCubes ,h.89' SMOKED Pierce 6-8 Pounds Water Added Pirn; ' Pierce Smoked 6:8 Ibs.A~¢ Sliced _..,.,.~, Water Added Ib" "~'" Snfewoy Pkg. Bologna Thkk Silted Seafood Values/ Cooked Haddock Seafood ,b. 89¢ Trent Shrimp Meat Treat lb. Page 1.2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 21, 1971