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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 21, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 21, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Phillips, Scout Tumwater Area Scouts of America, day the results of :hool Night to join 1141 boys FOURTH GRADERS in Robert Dethlefs class at Mt. View School sponsored an antique show last Thursday. Members of the class originated the idea in connection with their study of Shelton, Mason County and Washington State history and invited other students to bring items for display. This group of girls stands behind a spinning wheel and other items which were brought in. have signed up to join Scouting in either the Cub Scout or Boy Scout program. The breakdown by counties is 84 boys in the Shelton area, 626 in the Olympia/Thurston County area, follow. The Shelton Public Library has a varied collection in this area. The Prevalence of Nonsense by Ashley Montagu and Edward KRAMER SUPerstitions make they illuminate customs we still Request Line Wo) approximately 225 cubic yards of sand, gravel and clay fill for a boat launching facility for local residents of Hartstene Pointe. Interested parties are requested to submit, in writing, any comments or objections that they may have to the proposed work. The decision as to whether a permit will be issued will be based on an evaluation of the impact of the proposed work on the public interest. Factors affecting the public interest include, but are not limited to, navigation, fish and wildlife, water quality, economics, conservation, aesthetics, recreation, water supply, flood damage prevention, ecosystems, and, ,in general, the needs and welfare of the people. Comments on these factors will be accepted and made part of the record and will be considered in determining whether it would be in the best public interest to grant a permit. Replies to this notice should be mailed to reach the Seattle Corps office not later than Oct. 25 to insure consideration. has been received Office of the U.S. )f Engineers from )rporation and 'rnpany Bellevue, of the Army in Case Inlet on k includes concrete boat ranap and placing :ar Club Car Club ing of the season and Pat President Don gave a report tours and Club attended, day camp-out which was a the Antique Car this month. e discussed and 3Ween party to be 23 at Howard may bring mterested in Enrollment At WSU Reported The official fall semester enrollment at Washington State Tom Demmon, University is 14,463, Registrar C. nd Mrs. Fred James Quann said. bring your containers and clippers. and 431 in Lewis County. 378 new adult leaders were also signed • up to take various positions such as Den Leader, Cubmaster, Committeemen, and Scoutmasters. 26 new Cub Packs Darling presents scholarship rolling a hoop as it considers the cheerful and sometimes ghastly untruths by which we live -even we in the last third of the Twentieth Century. Are You Superstitious? By Lore Cowan has a thousand fascinating glimpses of the wonderous yet curiously real world of human superstitions, wishes and fears are here at the turn of the page, set down in a light manner to interest and amuse the reader. Edwin and Mona Radford have compiled the Encyclopedia of Superstitions. Some 2,300 superstitions are listed by subject. Side by side with our beliefs are ram and Scout Troops were started throughout the council area. Phillips also added that those boys and parents who could not attend the School Night meetings at their schools are mailing in their applications to the council office - Post Office Box 1308, Olympia, Washington, 98507. Mail signup has been from 12 to 18 boys per day since Sept. 23. The Council Executive is asking the indulgence of all parents of boys who are joining to be patient with the professional and volunteer staff, as the overwhehning response has put the council behind. Phillips stated that many volunteers are putting in a second shift after finishing their regular day's work to help in placing the training new boys and leaders. All boys who signed up through School Night are assured of being actively participating in the program by Oct. 30. The new boy signup does not count the number of new Explorer Posts which were announced by the Council President, Sel W. Vender Wegen, at the September board of Nearly 200 teachers, school administrators, business leaders and other citizens interested in their schools were registered for the WEA Association of Classroom Teachers Conference Oct. 15-16 at the Sea-Tac Holiday Inn. The classroom teacher organization is the largest department of the 4 0,000-member Washington Education Association to which most of the state's educators belong. ''Accountability in Education" was the conference theme. Participants, grouped by area, will work together at the conference to develop ways to promote the idea of accountability in education in their own communities. A newspaper man and educators were the keynote speakers. Willis Tucker, editor and general manager of the Western Sun edition of the Everett Herald, has been active in south Shohomish county civic affairs as president of both the Mountlake Terrace and South Snohomish County Chambers of Commerce and a director, for Rotary. Bruce Piland is coordinator of special education. for the Clover Park school district south of Tacoma. A special guest was Ohio teacher Don Wilson, immediate past president of the National Education Association's Association of Classroom Teachers and a candidate for NEA president-elect for 1972-73. Conference co-sponsor was WEA's state Teacher Education and Professional Standards Commission. Mrs. Carol Cue of Seattle and Mrs. Dolores McDaniels of Spokane were c o- c hairmen. Attending were Shelia Rogers, Nola Parsons and Helen Ruddell from Shelton. Marilou Smith At Seattle Pacific Marilou Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley K. Smith of 335 Island Lk. Dr., Shelton, has enrolled as a freshman at Seattle Pacific College• She is a graduate of Shelton High School. She is part of a freshman class numbering about 430 which.took part in a week long orientation Sept. 21-26. instanced exactly similar beliefs directors meeting. The 27 new ! held by totally unrelated groups Explorer Posts currently being [ ""='~~ of the human race. organized will have approximately I ca° u~ Ab~t ~"~FI~f Bergen Evans has written The 324 additional young men and OAK PARK Spoor of Spooks and Other women of high school age. ~ Planned ~.+'~,~$~¢'J Nonsense that sheds the cool light The Tumwater Area Council Unit Development~~ of common sense into many is an active member of the United 426-2646 ii [I cluttered and musty corners of Good Neighbors. HIMLIE REALTY, INC.'~- dark human life. Among the victims are ghosts, talking horses, the activities of supermen and various myth ridden departments of the law. Couched in sparkling humorous terms, this is a basically serious frontal assault on illogic and wishful thinking. Prominent American Ghosts by Susy Smith is a fascinating investigation of the tales and legends surrounding famous and not so famous American haunts and hauntings. Whether or not you believe in good luck, black cats or broken mirrors you can find some interesting reading at the Shelton Public Library. The library is open from noon to 5:30 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Monday through Friday and noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday. was recently The enrollment total use clearance represents a slight decrease of 47 a presidentialstudents from the 1970 record FROM 13 David, the fall enrollment of 14,510, or .003 at in Maryland. per cent fewer students. NEll OSen for this WSU's enrollment was limited Serv, ing on the by the state legislature not to tram. He served exceed the 1970 total because of • lna and as a guard budget cutbacks and the 1971 at Great Lakes, total is just about what was expected, Quann said. "FRUIT COCKTAIL'" ~ ,,Fruit cocktail,, is a siena term I PE$! UPIC ,eo ,, ,o0,, ..... I x u ung drug abusers, t refers to the ora tica f tossing various tablets an'dcCa'p;um°i of medicine into one bow Tho bowl is then Passe,~ -- ", '.'.'~ group an? each perso'n°t~;kesm: ha;u U;rOit the Dills and swallows Island Belle and Golden Chasselas CoCktail.,, Themost frequently, used SOurce for grapes are now ripening on the vine "frult-cockta)l,, ingredients is the family medicine chest, for you to pick. The modern treatment of illness and disease depends, in part on the usei of many life-saving medicines wn cn contribute to your health and well-being. You can help keep these valuable medicines from being misused by taking them as directed, by keepiLlg them away from children and YOUng people, and by disposing Of them in a safe manner after discontinuing their use. The manufacturer takes precautions. Your Pharmacist takes precautions. Will you? near the Hartstine Island bridge) Nell's Pharmacy E mergency Ph. 426-2165 Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 III __ Supplies may be limited! Prices good Thursday through Saturday Only ULTRA FEMININE HAND LOTION By Helena Rubinstein Regularly $3.50 ,, NOW . DESERT FLOWER 1/2 PRICE SPECIAl • Moisturizing Hand & BOdzy Lotion 16 w. oz. .I111 111111 a . o . • Reg. $4 ,,r--~v,w Reg. $2.50 ~11 NOW NOW @ Friction Lotion for After Bath 8 FI. Oz. Reg. $2.50 NOW SWEDISH FORMULA By Max Factor Regularly $2.95 NOW Naturally Fresh Fruitglossers .... by Tussy JAM POTS FOR LIPS FOUR iii Halloween Cards by Norcross Open 9:30 to 7:30 weekdays and 9:30 to 6 P.m. Saturday 5th & Franklin III 426-3327 III I II II- I1" ' It GARDEN AND PET SERV m 41 4c ,Ic We will still be getting things ready for our Grand Opening but from Friday on will be in Shelton to serve you. II KING ALFRED DAFFODILS RED MATADOR TULIPS Reg. 95¢ Dozen DOZ. SPECIAL 24 Bulbs Reg. $1.49 SPECIAL 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. - 6 DAYS A WEEK • 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. SUNDAYS ORTHO DORMANT SPRAY Pints OUR BEST All fine grasses, l-lb. covers 200 sq. ft. LB. Ea. i LAWN RAKE 12-4-8 Lawn fertilizer with added ferrous sulphate --kills moss dead! 50 Ibs. cover 5,000 sq. ft. SACK From WATCH THIS SPACE FOR THE DATE OF OUR GRAND OPENING! NEON TETRA, BABY PARAKEET Your Choice From GOLDEN MANTELS Squirrels For COMET GOLDFISH" Ea GUINEA PIGS From CHIPMUNKS Only Only 98 - U-LOAD Yd. TRU-TEST INTERIOR LATEX SAT-N-HUE Choose your color. Reg. $9.98 G.E. STEAM IRON Use with steam or dry. Non-stick soleplate ......... BLACK & ) DECK il