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SKOKOMISH - Jim Hunter,
Chester Rosenberg and Claud
Dugger attended the fall Kitsap
County Christmas Tree tour held
near Bremerton, Oct. 14.
Demonstration plots featured
shearing and pruning Douglas fir
on Boise-Cascade Tree Farm.
A wig style show at Hood
Canal Women's Clubhouse,
Potlatch today at 2 p.m. will
School Board Approves
Revised Dress Code
The Mary M. Knight school
board unanimously approved the
newly revised student dress code.
The code was presented to the
board by a three student
committee. In the committee were
Tim Frodsham, Teresa lverson and
Brian Clevenger. "We are
happy to see that the students are
interested enough to come up
with such a workable dress code,"
said Herb Brehmeyer Jr., board
chairm an.
At the board meeting plans
for new seating in the gym was
discussed. The new plans, as
proposed by Jim Getchman, the
coach, were met with approval by
the board. The board allocated
the project $70 out of the school
building fund. This Thursday
the students of M.M.K. had a
(,oodwill clothing drive. Articles
of clothing were collected from
students from all grades in an
effort to help the needy.
At the board meeting Oct. 12,
preliminary plans for the future
gymnasium, which the school will
get in about three years, were
looked at. The only thing about
the plans the board didn't like
was the fact that they would leave
the school without a cafeteria or
feature styling, color and
modeling of wigs, Mrs. Roy
Howard of Peoples Wig Boutique,
Lacey, will display the wigs. All
are welcome and there is no
One lucky hunter, Jim Young
of Seattle got his deer Sunday.
Jim and his brother Tom Young
spent the weekend with the
Kelsey Tanners. Mr. and Mrs.
lsaacson of Olympia were also
weekend guests of the Tanners.
Earl Loehr and a friend, now
stationed at Fort Lewis, visited
Earl's aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Les Crossan. The Loehrs,
former Shelton residents now live
in Bend, Ore.
Skokomish Grange drill team
will put on the third and fourth
degree work in Skokomish (.;range
hall, Nov. 5. Potluck supper. The
regular meeting, Oct. 22, has been
The Chct Valleys and Hulbert
family visited nephew Chet
tlershey in Puyallup and shopped
at the Tacoma Mall last Sat.
Clothing Drive
Is Planned
Elementary school students in
the Shelton, Olympia, North
Thurston, Yelm, Rochester,
Tenino, Tumwater, Rainier and
Mary M. Knight School Districts
will participate in the Annual
School Clothing Drive for
Goodwill Industries today.
Thousands of specially
designed Goodwill Bags have been
distributed to the students to be
tilled with clothing, toys and
small household items their
families no longer need.
'lhe donated materials
collected in this drive help
provide employment and
(m-the-job training for physically,
mentally and emotionally
disabled men and women at
G o o d w i 11 I n d ustries. The
reconditioned materials are then
sold in the Goodwill store and
sales incorne is used to pay wages
and operating expenses.
Winter weather generally can
be counted on to plague
Washington State motorists
between November and April of
each year. So, with the advent of
foul weather conditions, the
Washington State Highways
Department today (October 14)
released more information
concerning the use of studded
A 1938 law prohibiting tires
with studs was amended in 1969
by the Washington State
Legislature making the use of
studded tires legal between
November 1 and April I, only.
The law permits motorists to
use studded tires on the state's
highways under certain
conditions. Again this year.
ttighways l)epartment signs
particularly on mountain passes
where snow and ice dangers are
the greatest will either
recommend or require chains or
studded tires on cars, or in
extreme conditions will require
tire chains only.
Most [~quent c
motorists i~ficlude: "Why
studded tires legal only :from
November to April 17" and
"why can't studded tires be put
on cars soonel thall November
and later than April when the
weather is had'?" l'he answer
comes from Vern Dorsey,
Assistant Director oftlighways
for Maintenance, whosays the
law stipulates that studs are illegal
at all times of the year except
between November 1 and April 1.
"The most damaging wear on
highways from studded tires
comes lrom continuous,
high-speed driving, rather than
from starting and stopping action
- which, incidentally, causes
great wear as well," explained
Dorsey. "The studs also eat up
the stripes and pavement
markings which are safety aids to
motorists at a time of year when
they cannot be replaced."
"Studs in tires are safe when
they are new, but after some high
speed commuting on highways
the stud edges wear away
making the studs less effective for
safe driving on ice and snow, and
less effective than snow tires and
plain highway tires in making safe
stops," said Dorsey.
"The safety and convenience
furnished by the tire studs during
short periods when they are
somewhat helpful is offset by the
damage the studs are causing
while running on bare pavement.
lhe projected cost of repairing
stud damage to highways is of
serious concern to all states. For
instance, Wisconsin estimates an
annual cost of $12 million;
Michigan, $28 million; Ontario,
('anada, $14 million; and
Minnesota, $7 million. Minnesota
and Ontario, Canada, outlawed
the use of studded tires this past
spring, and other states, including
our own, are seriously considering
taking similar action," said
(Only 2 feet wide)
Installs almost
Where the wash is-kitchen,
bath, nursery ... anywhere
you can get adequate wir-
ing, plumbing and venting.
Model LC-2
Laundry Center
HARSTINE - Last Thursday
afternoon Mi Brassfield
apparently suffered a stroke. A
short time later a man interested
in looking at her place which is up
for sale stopped in and knocked
at the door. One look at Mi told
him something was very wrong
and he went to nearby neighbors
to summon help. An ambulance
was called and Mi was taken to
the St. Peter's Hospital in
Olympia. She died early the
following morning.
Mi and her late husband, Pete
purchased their property here in
the late '40's and spent their
weekends for about two years
remodeling and adding on to the
cabin previously owned by the
Weekman family. In the early
'50's the couple moved to tire
Island permanently. A short three
or four years later Pete suffered a
stroke in October which left him
an invalid until his death just
about a year later.
Both were hard workers and
very active in community affairs.
They contributed much to the
hall both in the form of useful
items and very hard work.
The Brassfieldsand the
Lohrers were about the first
people my family became
acquainted with when they first
started coming to the Island on
weekends. Spencer Cove was a
favorite spot of the two couples
to take their boats for the
weekend. So we enjoyed many a
clam digging adventure together.
Ms, at the time of her death
was about 73. She was born in
Scranton, Pa. She is survived by a
daughter, Rehba Christopher, and
a son, William Schmidt both of
Olympia. Her sister, Mrs. Russell
Pearson lives in Seattle. She has
five grandchildren and 12
great-grandchildren. Private
Memorial Services were held in
Olympia following cremation.
Donations to one's favorite
charity are suggested in lieu of
The Pioneer School Board will
have a continuation of its Oct. 12
meeting to take up the discussion
of the Bond Issue for the new
Shelton High School. That
meeting is scheduled for today
(Thursday) at 4:15 p.m. and the
public is welcome to attend.
Theo WaSte entered the
Veterans Hospital in Seattle this
past weekend to undergo surgery.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
Theo from all your Island friends.
Jim and Ella McAuliffe set
out early last month on their
annual vacation. They took the
precaution of having their pickup
gone over with a fine tooth comb
prior to setting out on the trip.
However, part of the service was
done a bit too good, which caused
them a break down in the rush
hour traffic in Spokane. That first
night was spent in the parking lot
of a Spokane Texaco station
while a new clutch was installed
in the pickup.
Once the repairs were made
and they were on their way they
headed east into Idaho. At Sand
Point they crossed into Canada.
amidst an electrical storm. They
drove east to Waterton Lakes
National Park to find from four
to six inches of snow already on
the road and reports of a rugged
blizzard further east where they
had planned to go. Their
destination had been set for
North Dakota and reports of
severe early winter weather made
them decide to head back west.
They stopped at Penticton and
spent two or three days. They
returned home through
Wenatchee and Yakima and then
came back across White Pass and
stayed in pretty Seaquest State
Park near Castle Rock.
They spent a couple of days
at home, long enough for Ella to
get the camper trailer nicely
unpacked when husband, Jim says
lets go down to Oregon for a few
days! They drove down to the
Columbia River and stopped at
Fort Canby before crossing the
Astoria Bridge. After crossing into
Oregon they stopped at each of the
State Parks along the Coast until
they reached Humbug Mountain
State Park. (1 counted nearly 40
parks on my map between those
two points!) The weather was
perfect Indian Summer weather
Press ,
In both Washer & Dryer.
Helps no-iron clothes keep
their promise.
Dacron dryer
lint screen.
Fine mesh removes lint par-
ticles. Easy to reach for
2.Speed Washer.
Regular plus Delicate set-
tings for the fabric flexibil-
ity a family washer must
with gorgeous days and beautiful
moonlight nights. There they
turned back north and drove to
Bandon where they headed
inland. At a rest stop on
Highway 42 they ran into
Harold and Betty Sebring (former
Islanders) and discovered Jim and
Ella had been just one day behind
them all the way down the coast.
They stopped on Interstate 5
at Curtin and stayed at Past Creek
Park. The lovely setting here
includes a meandering Lagoon
with a small Island in the center
and a fountain adding a tranquil
touch. More than 200 Mallard
ducks add a note of charm to this
pretty spot. They nest on the
Island. Several of the big fat sassy
ducks wandered through the
campgrounds begging handouts.
Ella took some scraps of bread
and sat down and (to her
complete delight) soon had five of
them right in her lap!
Continuing on North they
stopped at still another rest stop
along the highway and bumped
into Jim Weeks, the man who had
been Jim's helper at the State
Park three years ago.
So the 'P.S.' to the
McAuliffe's trip turned out much,
much better than the planned
original vacation.
Another Island couple, Gar
and ttilda Williams also took a
marvelous vacation last month.
The first point they headed for
was Kamloops, B.C. to call on
Gar's sister, Esther Ferry and
other relatives and friends.
When Gar and Hilda were
ready to continue theirtrip
Estherhopped in the carand
joinedthem. They traveled east
from Kamloops. At one spot they
stayed at a Lobstick Motor Inn.
The name has an interesting
background. The name Lobstick
was derived from early Pioneer
days when trails were marked by
'lobbing' off all the branches on
all four sides of the tree until only
a small cluster remained at the
very top of the tree. These
marked trees outlined trails along
the Rocky Mountains from the
southern end of them clear up
into Canada.
Their route took them
through Jasper National Park
where they stayed overnight.
They were fortunate enough to
view Mt. Robson in its entire
spectacular and awesome
splendor. The natives told them
that this is a rare treat, for the
major portion of the year her
beauty is veiled in a cloud layer.
They traveled on to
Edmonton to visit Gar's nephew,
Harry Ferry and his wife and their
four children. Harry is Esther's
son. Upon their arrival there they
discovered there had been a light
snow just a short time before.
And if ever a man had an
interesting position, certainly
Harry Ferry must qualify high on
this list. For he is in charge of the
Dewline - the first line of
defence shared by the United
States and Canada
The Dewline
Arctic, 1 000
Edmonton to
Radar stations all
and he inspects the
once each month.
Electrical En
the Co-ordinator
for the United
Canadian (
Ferry is a real
these two govern:
From there
back to
spent a few days.
Esther off at home
to Delta and
brother, Allen
d o w n to Victoria
another ne
Ferry and his
very much sol
around this
returning to
his wife, who
back home.
Commissioner - Public works
(Pd. pol. adv. by Michael J. Byrl
I - • •
: .... .... :: ~ :.;~
i i;i i:•i• :i ;i!!:i
Elementary I
Schools and ~J
Shelton Senior W
High School ::1
Week of Oct. 25-29
MONDAY -- Holiday
TUESDAY -- Spaghetti with
beef, warm buttered French
bread, buttered peas, apple pie
and milk.
WEDNESDAY -- Oven grilled
cheese sandwich, potato salad,
carrot sticks, and green pepper
rings, apple cake with caramel
icing and milk.
THURSDAY -- Pizza, cole slaw
with pineapple and sweet
dressing, spinach, canned
apricots, cookie and milk.
FRIDAY -- Browned beef in
gravy over mashed potatoes,
buttered parsley carrots,
sandwich, orange juice --
Halloween cake and milk.
Supplement your child's
diet with Plenamins from
Prepp'$ Rexoll
133 Railroad Ave.
Phone 426-4642
Permanent Press Care on both washer and dryer. Gentle agitation with cool-down
rinses. Controlled Flowing Heat with automatic cool-down period.
Together they help prevent
Exclusive wrinkles--save ironing.
Jet Circle Spray
A better way to fill----
the most thorough rinse
you can get. Rinses as it fills
from not one, but 12 pres-
surized water jets around
the tub. Sprays down from
the top so clothes get
underwater faster,
get more rinse
Easier to
load and unload.
Less stoop! Opening is a
full 19" off the floor. Less
grope! Huge 240 sq. in.
opening. Dacron Lint
Screen is easy to get to,
easy to clean. Traps
even the tiniest
lint particles.
Model WCDS
Model DC
Dryer ........ $179
Buy the pairl
Spacesaver! Together they're just 54" wide!
/ II
Of Shelton *
Gas does what you tell it to do-right now!
you turn the thermostat up... presto! Imraeu':' .
action• "Generating time" (a term generic
other type of energy) is unknown to fast-acti° se
ural gas. You'll receive the same instant resw d
when the thermostat is turned down• That su,;
performance is worth a lot if you're interestea-., i,
controlled heat And who isn't9 It's a vital
• " as
but only one of many advantages a natural g .o is
• - "lle
ing system can bring to your home. Cleanlz,,hat'
another. This civilized fuel is pollution-free. *' he
important to you, important to your neighborS s*i "
versatility of gas is outstanding. For example:
gle, compact unit can heat your house in w i ce
cool it in summer Modern gas logs in your fire r0-
• " t (jv
are remarkably realistic, more convenlenj' otlaer
pletely trouble-free. What's more, these
multiple uses will combine to bring you imw
rate advantages-and savings.
Distributors of Naturalgas&tlsf&otion
Page 14 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, October 21 1971