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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 21, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 21, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.Imerick Kissler, immediately named !LIMERICK-GeorgeJ. Clevinger chairman of the was Security Committee. Lake Limerick Kissler's appointment last Inc., at Saturday's month of Executive Secretary 0 f T r u s t e e s Norman F. Schreck as treasurer, fill the seat of Duane an officer vacancy created by Damen's resignation, was Anthony F. confirmed by the board. A1 Hill in the absence was elected assistant secretary. of President Everett Like Damen, Clevinger's lot is in Division 3 where he and his wife, Gena, enjoy weekends and vacations in their camper. He will continue as an active member of the Architectural (Building) committee. All present including representatives of the Architectural Committee and Mrs. Olie Bieniek, an owner-member from Division 5, participated in SSO ' ltEARING - The Mary M. Association will have and pot luck p.m. Friday night at Hall. The furnish coffee and Grange had its pot Friday night and The charter tn memory of two Bozarth and and State Master They took in five and Mrs. Gene and Mrs. riley ~nd Patricia Stuck. is Nov. 5 and will officers. Lud Rossmaier house guests last a CI Ion week their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Duehler of Oberon, N.D. Denise Avery and April Henderson spent last weekend with their folks, the William Averys and the Henderson family. The girls are attending Mr. Lee's Beauty School. Carl Portman spent from Monday to Friday with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. William Avery and Mrs. Essie Rebman were Wednesday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash to help Max Cash celebrate his birthday. Mrs. David Chamblin and children of Alderwood Manor spent Friday at the Max Cash home. Gordon Palmer of Shelton ida HA !IDE Bachelors 4-H evening with and one new. ,'re Mike Wheeler, Arney Swenson, Chris Buchanan, Eric Johnson, and one new "cted officers and Project they will are president, vice president, Secretary, Rodney treasurer, Chris reporter, Todd Ricky Nault; S w e nson ; Service, Roger Murray; refreshmentsl Mike Wheeler; telephone, Chris Buchanan; junior leaders, Chris Rickards and Teresa Murray; project leaders, Mr. Swenson, small engines, Mrs. Murray, food and Ann Wheeler, other projects. Their next meeting will be Nov. 1 and will be the Halloween party• T. A. Weston of Seattle was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weston and family last week for five days. Friendship club met Oct. 13 at the home of Grace Wright. There were 15 members and one guest present. They celebrated the October birthday. The next meeting will be Oct. 27 at the home of Ester Horton. visited the Max Cash and Elvin Hearing homes Saturday afternoon. Capt. and Mrs. Gerald Shaw are parents of a daughter born at Topeka, Kan. Oct. 6. Grandparents here are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Landis. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker spent the weekend with their folks Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Walker of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Duehler spent Friday at the Ralph Neer home in Chehalis. The Paul Rossmaier family of Tumwater and the Carl Goodburn family of Shetton were Sunday guests at the Lud Rossmaier home. Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes Sr. spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ford. Friday Mrs. Dick Tupper and Susan and Mrs. Alan Tupper spent in McCleary and Olympia shopping. Miss Susan Tupper and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Tupper spent the weekend in Edmunds with Mrs. Jessie Tupper. The Alan Tuppers were Sunday dinner guests at the Dick Tupper home. Mr. and Mrs. David Smith and family of Humptulips and David Davis of Wishkaw were weekend guests at the Archie Kelley home. Saturday afternoon Mrs. Ralph Pauley was a visitor at the Kelley home. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brehmeyer and baby of Grisdale spent Sunday with their folks the Herbert Brehmeyer Sr's. There will be a Pinochle Party this Saturday night at the Matlock Grange Hall. Mrs. Dick Cockburn returned from Penticton, Canada, last • week Tuesday after spending 12 dayS there with her church group at a c6fivention. New Forest... Same Lands Providing jobs and recreation Mason County residents for years. to Hunters are welcome to Simpson forest lands and each should practice Caution to protect the woods from fire while driving or hiking. With the increased use of logging roads by the "Public, both the men driving the logging equipment and visitors must increase their driving caution. Remember litter is everyone's Problem, so please carry a litter bag While traveling in the forest or on the highways. an informal discussion of measures to improve sanitary disposal of all sewerage and sink drainage. Protection of the community's two lakes and numerous streams from pollution is the goal. By mutual agreement, all proposals were tabled until the regular Board meeting in November, as Paradise described it, "to give more time to think it over". Any new regulations finally adopted would be designed to assist the Thurston-Mason County Health Department and the State's ecological agency and would be enforced with their cooperation. Manager Bob Kern announced winter Limerick Inn food service hours, effective immediately, are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; I0 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays. Except for maintenance, business office and security, the Inn will be closed the month of January. Mrs. Roy J. (Josephine) Brown of 52 Dunvigan Place is satisfactorily gaining strength at home following her open heart surgery at a Seattle hospital• Mrs. James (Helen) Ellis of Saint Andrews Drive has agreed to act as historian for the Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Schindele and Mr. and Mrs. Myrvin Dimmitt, both Burien families and both of Division 3, were among those who took home their trailers for the season this past weekend. Local oman By NANCY BLOOMFIELD HOODSPORT - A trip to Palm Springs, Calif. by way of Sparks, Nev. with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McManemy of Aberdeen, recently ended at Potlatch State Park for Mrs. George Carlson. The trio left by auto, traveling to Sparks where they spent the night with Clara's daughter and granddaughter, Nancy Hollinger and Janet. From Sparks the McManemy's, Clara, Nancy and Janet drove to Palm Springs for the weekend. Sunday, the girls left the McManemy's in Palm Springs and returned to Sparks, where Clara spent the remaining four days of her vacation with her family. One evening she was the guest of the family at the Circus Room in the Nugget• They enjoyed the Carol Channing act during the floor show and as an added surprise a birthday cake appeared at the table especially for Clara. While sparklers atop the cake burned, Waitresses and busboys surrounded the table singing Happy Birthday. Clara said it was a birthday she would never forget. The Tiny Tim Orthopedic Guild members say thanks for making their Hunters Bake Sale a whopping success. A family get together took place over the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shumate's residence. Judy, of Medford, Ore. and Jane, their twin daughters were both home to celebrate their 27th birthday. Last Friday's family potluck dinner, held at the Hood Canal Community Church, had a big turnout. During the evenings entertainment, Phyllis and Roy Pierce showedpictures of their recent trip to Connecticut. The scenery pictures were all beautiful but the viewing audience agreed the one taken on the return trip, entering Hoodsport was the best. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwab had as guests, Mrs. Harry D. Larson and her son and daughter-in-law, Rick and Kathy. A letter exchange between the Schwabs and the Larson's brought both families up to date on all the happenings of their kids in Australia. Lance Williams and family, eldest son of Red and Lavern Williams, former Hoodsport Alex residents, spent two days in the area last week visiting friends. The family left for San Francisco, where Lance is stationed with the navy. After five weeks, Garfield and Stella Johnston are back home from Blynn, where they have been house sitting for Garfield's brother Leonard• During the five weeks they enjoyed the climate in Blynn, while Leonard and Mary made a trip to Van Buren, Me. to see the old home town. This first weekend of deer season passed with few deer being reported. Jerry Hanson and Bob Smith were hunting in the South Mtn. area, where Jerry downed a 2 point buck. Field dressed it weighed in at 150 pounds. Jerry Kaare, brought home a spike the second day of season. Fishing is on the upswing 1817 Olympic Hwy. No. -- Mt. View Complete Automotive Service For Appointment Call according to the Hoodsport Marina. Gary Peterson, Ray Danielson and Mike Donahue of Bremerton, caught a total of seven salmon last Wednesday. Sunday morning Gary Peterson and Frank Noel caught six salmon with 4 of them kings. Sunday afternoon, Steve Dahlquist rigged his pole with the same flat fish the men had used and soon he too had one of the up to now elusive fish. Insurance on your car, home, business, health, lilt and everything else you value. ROCKY HEMBROFF AGENCY 506 W. Franklin 426-3357 SAF'=CO INSURANCE - e lace settin - _s P gSbyloto , vston CountyFe woo,: Yes, now you can have your choice of either of three lovely place settings by famed Inter- notional Silver Company FREE, whenever you open a new savings account of only $100 here at TCF... or when you odd $100 or more to your existing account. Start your own complete set now! In either modern Seranata stainless, Camelot $ilverplate or lovely gold. Then, each time you save $25 you have the opportunity to purchase and additional placesetting for only $3. It's as easy as that. Stop by any of the three TCF offices and see these lovely placesettings for yourself. Then start towards completing your own new set, soon. Additional completer units are also available, of course. Sorry, only one Free Gift per customer, per year, according to Federal regulation. THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAl. ~AVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION • OLYMPIA--- Home Office • LACEY • SHELTON Branch Branch 41]1 Market Square 311 Railroad Avenue i • ill S:I i i i!il ;! //i !i/i :i i;i/i i:! i!I • :( ; ~:i¸ !i i :( Thursday, October 21, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15