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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 21, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 21, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r PHONE 15 words or less -- $1.50 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . oo For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale Used Cars ROTOTILLER, TWO 9x12 rugs, GARAGE SALE, Oct. 23, washer and dryer, dining table- Saturday, 2217 Laurel St. 9-5. four chairs, chrome table -- two Misc. items. J10/21 chairs, coffee table, picnic ':able, gas lawn trimmer, Scotts spreader, CORN FOR sale phone 426-4039. long pruner, electric heaters, misc. Arvid A. Johnson. J10/14-21 tools. 426-4007. W10/21 Steer beef half or lb. Call 426-6046. P. 30 inch cement reasonable. Call Otel, 877-5301. Lowboy camper. rues. ;600.00 or ]Iz ton miles, power matic, extra gas 426-1381. For your Bucket To go Phone 426-2002 MINOR'S RA~Jt~ respirator. Call /21 JGHT and sold. :Din appraisals. By only. Olympic -=orge T. Booth, .Gtfn ORATION Materials * Sand & Gravel * Crushed Rock * Ready Mix 1729 Olympic Hwy. N. AL'S CUSTOM MEATS Farm Slaughtering SATURDAY ONLY or *Cutting * Smoking *Wrapping *Curing Call 426-8782 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. anytime after 4 p.m. OR Call Elma 482-2203 anytime after 9 a.m. 10/21 tfn RHODODENDRONS POURS SPATCHED TRUCKS 120 Varieties AZALEAS A w,de range of plant material &- Park Street ' 2~1~1t fn Finest In: SEPTIc TANKS Eb ROCK Homewood Nursery 1 1 7 East C Shelton 426-6358 5/6tfn * GRAVEL New Homelite Chain Saws $149.00 & up Sande's Boats and Motors BELFAIR Hatchers Eggs POURS G.E. REFRIGERATOR, white, WANTED TO trade '58 very good condition, good family International 4-speed, % ton size. $25.00. You haul. Phone pickup for V2 ton pickup. Phone 426-4740. M 10/21 426-6228. A9/30-10/21 i:i: WOOD COOK stove, chest of drawers, 8 millimeter movie PErojector, school bell, oak rocker. 2 winches. venings 426-8157. D10/14-21 NlO/21-11!11 LIKE NEW, 10" radial saw. 1965 CHEVELLE super sport, 4 Phone 426-2557. B10/21 speed $850.00. 1958 Cadillac, $100.00. Phone 426-4718. 30:30 SAVAGE rifle for sale also B10/21 Phone 426-2582. 1969 MERCURY Montigo, extra good condition, good rubber. Phone 426-3273. O10/21tfn Used Cars INTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC furnace, 2 years old, 52,000 B.T.U. Hidden Haven Trailer Court, Box 47, 426-4778. W10/14-11/4 1960 FORD Galaxie 4-door sedan, good condition $200. Call 426-6295 afternoons and evenings. H 10/21-11/11 SECRET -- LOSE water weight, 1961 FOUR-door Impala body bloat, puffiness, etc. X-Pel hardtop, power steering, brakes, 1968 BLACK Ford l/z ton pickup. water pills only $3.00 or money $325. Phone 426-8778. One owner, $1800.00. Low back refund. Evergreen Drug, F10/14tfn mileage. Excellent conchtlon. Shelton. P10/7-11/4 Phone 426-3464. $10/21 1966 CHEV. Impala 2 door ATTENTION AMATEUR radio hardtop, 6 cyl, standard operators and electronic buffs! transmission, new paint. Receivers, oscilloscope, meters, 426-1016. V10/21-28 transformers, etc, 426-6495 Friday after 5 p.m. 10/14tfn 1964 GMC pick-up. New tires, excellent condition. $875.00. FOR SALE: 9x9 umbrella tent, 426-3929. J10/21tfn $30, 2 cots with mattresses, $20, all new, never used. Camp heater 1960 INTERNATIONAL pickup, and 2 burner camp stove $5 each. short, wide box, good tires, $225. Phillips Lake 426-3628. Phone 426-4036 after 11:00a.m. L10/14-21 A10/14-11/4 G.E. dishwasher, $25.00. 1966 MUSTANG, excellent Hotpoint 40" range, $35.00. condition, interior decor group. Deluxe refrigerator $30.00. Phone Can be seen days, Fifth and 426-2187. $10/21 Railroad 426-2803. $10/21 THE WOMEN of St. John's 1965 VOLKSWAGEN clean, Episcopal Church invite you to good condition $900. or best their 20th annual Antique Show offer or trade for best pickup and Wednesday Oct. 27 from noon to $500.00. 426-8904 between 8 9 p.m. and Thursday Oct. 28 a.m. and 6 p.m. D10/21 from noon to 8 p.m. in the Olympia Community Center. 1967 SCOUT 4 wheel drive, 1314 E 4th. Lunch, dinner and 4-speed, V-8, positraction, $1975. snacks will be sold both days. A Call 426-6467. $10/21 $1 admission ticket entitles 1956 FORD two-door sedan, new holder to unlimited entry to tires, brakes, shocks, tach. and show. 10/21 gauges. $200.00. Phone C O N T E M P O R A R Y 426-6148. W10/21 DAVENPORT -- 6 ft. long, good construction, needs recovering. Phone 426-1160. J10/21 SONY TC230, tape recorder, $150.00. Gibson electric guitar, ESt75D, case, $350.00. Ran McLean. 426-4120. Mc10/21 NEW X-ll reducing plan, 42 tablets $3.00 Money back ~j uarantee. Evergreen Drug. /16-11/11 1966 ~CHEVROLET a~Jtomatic transmission $75.00. Evenings 426-8649. La 10/7tfn BEIGE BATHROOM sink complete with faucets, $25.00. Evenings 426-8649. Lal0/7tfn ONE NEW 7:75x14 tire and wheel, $25.00. Evenings 426-8649. Lal0/7tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn 1946 CHEVROLET 1V2 ton truck, 16' bed with racks. Good shape. Phone Hoodsport 877-9272. F10/21-28 1955 VOLKSWAGEN sedan with sun roof. Good tires, mechanical condition. Good transportation. $150.00. 877-5328, anytime. R10/21 40 I N. Hotpoint range, good condition $25. Davenport and chair, excellent condition, brown nylon, $125. 426-2761 or 426-3828. L10/21 USED THOMAS 2 manual organ. Good condition, $260.00. Johnny's Music Box, 205 W. Cota 426-4302. J8/2tfn JHIRMACK, ALL nat-~ral A JUMBO DOZ. 8/5tfn vitamins at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel. Phone 426-4582. :ROSS FROM COURSE one FOR SALE -- Large selection of Vic'$ Quick Stop r e c o n d i t i o n e d r a n geS, refrigerators, washers, dryers. NGS AND Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 9/3tfn Apex Grocery 6/5tfn lo/z4-2] GRASS AND clover hay for sale, Barn open Saturday only. Call 426-8615 evenings. T8/26tfn SWIMMING POOL supplies for maintenance. Algae control chemicals. Muratic acid. Chlorine etc. Nye company 426-8224.5/6 tfn PORTABLE SAWMILL and edger, $1500. Write Ethel Dinning, 31 1 Cookson SBtl Shelton, Wash. 98584. D6/10tfn MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears, 426-8201. S6/24tfn ONE CLARINET, Selmer, B flat. /~=~--'-o . Olds (Cornet good condition. $50.00 each Phone 426-4566. A9/23tfn YOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S3/27tfn CORD WOOD for sale. Any length. Call Exceptional Foresters 426-1550. E10/ltfn SINGLE HORSE trailer for sale. Licensed and ready to go, $125.00. Phone 426-8808 after 5:00 p.m. Dt0/2ltfn LARGE UPHOLSTERED club-type chair, like new, $40. Call 426-6709. A10/21tfn '63 VOLKSWAGEN $350; 30:30 Winchester; Sears Kenmore mangle $20., good condition. Phone 426-3648. H10/21 GARAGE SALE 21 ft. boat, motor, tools, kitchen wares, misc. Hoodsport Marina. Starts Thursday. D10/21 2 ALUMINUM folding camp cots with mattresses $15; 2 sleeping bags $12. Phone 426-1955. B10/21 69 Datsun Wagon 68 Yolks Sq. Back 68 Chevrolet 66 Jeep 4 x 4 66 Country Sedan 65 Rambler 64 Corvair Bus. 64 Willys 4 x 4 69 Mustang F.B. 69 Olds Delta 88 67 Grand Prix 67 Camera 65 Galaxie Convert. 65 Pontiac 64 Chevelle 64 Merc. 2-Dr. 63 T-Bird 68 Chev BeI-Air 67 LTD 4-Dr. 66 Olds 66 Buick 4-Dr. 65 Pontiac 64 Ford 2-Dr. 63 Ford 4-Dr. 63 Fairlane 62 BeI-Air 4-Dr. 69 3/4 Ton 4 x 4 69 Ford F-250 67 Ford ]/2 Ton 66 F-100 z/2 Ton 65 Ford zA Ton 64 Crew Bus 63 Dodge Pick-up 62 Ford z/, Ton 60 Ford Vz Ton 51 GMC Chassis & Cab. Bill Johnson - Bus Einarsson Bob Wolden - George HasBrouck Mt. View at Kneeland Center 426-8231 • OCT. 28- 7:30 p.m. COMMUNITY HALL OF SHELTON ON RAILROAD AVENUE ette sets, maple dining room set with 6 irs and glass enclosed hutch. Hardwood in several styles including Early American Porary. Several box springs and mattress maple bunk bed sets complete with "ront room sets in several styles. Several late refrigerators, ranges, washers and sewing machines, large assortment of anging lamps. Several occasional chairs, rs, Boston rockers, etc. Several full size With mattresses. Coffee and lamp table dtchen appliances, coffee perks, deep fat rons, electric saws, drills, bench grinders, end wrench sets, drop cords, tap and die ny more tools. Lots of miscellaneous items. more items will be sold at auction. • OCT. 28- 7:30 p.m. LEASE CARS----- '71 DUSTER Radio, pwr. steering, auto- matic, extended warrantee. ! 11,000 miles .......... $2500 '71 CORONET 4/Dr. 31 Original cost, $4400, Now . .~ 95 ---- USED CARS '67 FURY III 4/0r. htp., low m.ea e ............... $1195 '68 CORONET 2 Dr. Htp ....... $1495 '62 IMPALA 3 Spd. floor shift V-8 -- 327 ........ $ 345 "--"- DEMOS '71 DODGE DART 318 V8, auto., p:s. Only 8,000 miles .... $2995 '71 DODGE CHARGER 318 V8, auto, p.s. Only 5,000 miles ....... $3295 l £W '71 PICKUPS at BIG DISCOUNTS DODGE ¾-TON CAMPER SPECIAL $4075 PLYMOUTH * CHRYSLER DODGE * DODGE TRUCKS Bud Knutzen eves. 426.4780 Front & Railroad 426-8183 Help Wanted SUPPLEMENT INCOME with part time work as insurance reporter; no selling or collections. No experience required. Submit brief resum~ P. O. Box 12800, Seattle, Wn. 98111. 10/7-28 BABY SITTER wanted in my home, Mason Lake. Evening hours. Call 426-6921. K10/21 CASH FOR Christmas. Earn money, clothes, and have fun being a Beeline Fashion Stylist! Excellent for housewives and mothers. Must have use of car. For interview call 426-3137 or 426-8558. K9/23-I0/28 HELP WANTED MAN OR WOMAN with pickup truck for contract job Wednesday evening. Call the Journal, 426-4412. tin Wanted WANTED TO buy - exercycle or other used stationary bicycle for home exercise use. Belfair CR5-6258. H10/21 tfn TIMBER WANTED! Thin your timber before you sell! Two checks are better than one. Call for free estimates. Highest prices paid. Selective logging, our specialty. Taylor Bay Loggin~, Longbranch, Wash. 884-3778. 5/Gtfn COINS BOUGHT and sold. Estimate appraisal of coins. By appointment only. Olympic Gateway. George T. Booth, 426-4719. B8/26tfn Lost & Found LOST IRISH Setter, dark red "Zepp". Shelton area. Reward, greatly missed. Please call 426-8369. C10/14 FOUND IN Hillcrest area a grown Seal Point Siamese cat. Phone 426-8260. O10/14 Pets, Livestock GRADE QUARTERHORSE mare $225. Registered Appy. filly, $325. Both bred to registered Arabian. 426-8067. L10/21 REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN terrier male puppies. Phone 426-6152. F3/25tfn Instruction SCUBA DIVING instruction. NAUI certified. Gear furnished for course. Further information, call 426-8695. H10/7tfn For Rent ~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TWO BEDROOM duplex, 642 Dearborn. Washer, dryer, stove and refrigerator furnished. Fenced yard, near store. $95.00 month plus $25.00 clean-up deposit. Call 426-4506 after 4 p.m. SlO/14tfn K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment. 426-8988.8/311fn DOG CLIPPING and grooming. For appointment, call Mrs. LaMont. 426-4164. L9/17tfn TO GIVE away 10 long-haired, 8 ~------ - ---~'---------------------" week old kittens, various colors. Mobile Homes All trained to litter box. 426-6666. M10/21 ~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CLEAN, USED mobile homes, BOARDING KENNELS, dogs only 10% down. As low as $83.00 over 20 Ibs. All cement in and out per month on approved credit, runway. $1.75 per day Mel Ru Shelton Home Center, Taylor Kennels 426-2387. NG/10tfn Towne, 426-4455.5/6tfn PUREBRED SPRINGER Spaniel :~ :~ ~ ~< :~ $ :~ :~ :~ needs hunting partner. Free to the person who will supply a good IF YOU HAVEN'T SHOPPED home. 426-8521. K10/21-11/11 SHELTON HOME CENTER AT TAYLOR TOWNE Y'OU COULD MISS YOUR BEST BUY Services PAINTING & DRY WALL Residential And Commercial Bonded & Ins. Call 426-8773 NOTICE TO ALL MUSICIANS Band or orchestra instrument need repairs? Free check-up on all instruments. We have expanded and can furnish all your musical needs. Huffner guitars in stock. Savarex strings. ROBERTS MUSIC 822]/z Park Phone ES 3-6116 Bremerton SWIMMING POOLS Septic Tank bulldozing, backhoe and dump truck service Surge water conditioners. FOR RENT: Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/gtfn LIVE IN luxury, two bedroom, waterfront, wall to wall carpeting, electric heat and more. $150.00. per month. Unfurnished 426-4951. No children, except under one year. Call after 5 p.m. sg/2tfn TWO BEDROOM partly furnished house in Potlatch, fireplace, wall to wall carpet. Phone Hoodsport 877-5471. K]0/21 MASON LAKE, two bedroom unfurnished, bath and half, den, rec. room, 3-car garage. $150.00 month. 426-8773. HlO/21tfn FURNISHED APARTMENT -- neat and clean, heat. Call 426-1654 and ask ~oaSr Mr. Savage. 10/21tfn ONE BEDROOM furnished house, good for couple only. No pets. $20 cleaning deposit. 426-8150. N10/21tfn ALDERBROOK -- THREE bedroom, fireplace, deluxe features throughout. Fantastic recreational facilities. Secluded, wooded setting, $150.00. References required. Phone 426-3503 after 5 p.m. G10/21tfn ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment. Wall to wall carpet. Inquire ]119 Franklin, Apt. 5, after 5 p.m. B10/7tfn MOBILE HOME 8 x 40', 1~/~ acres, 12 miles Lost Lake Road. $64. per month. Phone 426-6852. OlO/7tfn K I R KWOOD-B ROAD MO RE Golden West - Villa West - Olympian 426-4455 SHELTON On O!ymoia-Shelton F ree~'ay CLOSED THURSDAY and SUNDAY Work Wanted W I LL DO baby-sitting. Experienced child care. Week days. Mr. View Area. Call 426-6576. K10/14tfn ONE OR two more playmates, fenced yard, four children to play with. On welfare's baby sitter's list. Licensed for baby sitting. Reasonable rates. Very dependable and car. Hours 7 a.m. -- 5 p.m. 1726 Ridge Road, 426"3246 Permanent jobs please. W9/30-10/21 HOUSE CLEANING jobs wanted, Friday or Saturday Experienced, $2.00 per hour. Call ~,26-2810. P10/14-11/4 LICENSED BABY sitting. Mt. View area. Fenced yard, good care. Phone 426-1580. H10/21tfn W----~RK WANTED cabinets -- formica, finish carpentry. By hour ~ r contract. George Martin R5-2014. M 10/7tfn Services GET YOUR chimney cleaned now, before you have a fire. Phone 426-2582. N 10/7tfn ASPHALT PAVING, drive ways, parking lots, streets. Free estimate. Craig Asphalt Construction, phone Olympia 491-7222.9/30-10/21 CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate. Precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn BATHROOM AND kitchen remodeling. Roofing, patios, carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Osborne's 426-624]. ]0/15tfn TREE TOPPING, falling and clean-up. Phone 426-3532. Mc8/6tfn ROY J. Pile Driving -- constru~:tion Land or Water. Bulkheads -- Marine Facilities Drag Line -- Clam Shell -- Loaders Heavy Equip. Hauling tfn 426-6539 Shelton, R/e tfn LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tfn BOB OGDEN Installation Service Carpeting-- Formica-- Ceramic and Linoleum Licensed, Bonded & Insured Phone 426-3155 316 tfn DAY & SONS CUSTOM ROTOVATING Lawns, Gardens, Farm work- 2 machines no job too large or small. 426-8750 4/gtfn Water Problems? Call Wells - Pumps - Pump Service Water Conditioning CR 5-2015 P.O. Box 3 Allyn, Wa. 9/23tfn ii GENERAL HAULING Top Dirt Sand -,- Pit Run -- Gravel 5-Yard Dump Truck and Loader Tel. - FRANK -- 426-3153 also Light Clearing 3/4tfn HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 6/11tfn For Rent MT. VIEW Elwo o d Ma. o r Apartments ONE BEDROOM furnished or unfurnished apartment available, also a studio apartment. Lawton Apts. 723 Pine St. 8/26tfn IMMACULATE 3 bedroom home, garage, fireplace, patio. Appliances, rugs and drapes furnished. $150.00. Available about Nov. 15th. Ph. 426-2206 after 6 p.m. H10/21 FOR RENT small 2 bedroom house completely furnished plus T:V: water, garbage .paid $95. 426-2895. PI0/14-2} Mobile Home Spaces Carports - Storage Rooms Laundry Facilities Rex Mobile Manor 426-4560 MOVE IN TODAY ii One and two bedroom apm tments, with cmpet, drapes & :: appl iances. Jefferson Apts. ::::: 2329 Jefferson St., Mgr. Apt. 11 or phone 426-8663. Sporting Goods TRAILBREAKER MK IV, was $798.00 now $665.00. Trail 140 was $580.00 now $495.00. Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union, 898-2252. 10/211fn 1959 JEWEL 15 ft. camping trailer with oven $700. Call 482-2084. G10/14-2! NOW OPEN ii Olympic Yamaha of Olympia Largest inventory of accessories and Yamaha parts in the Northwest. Complete service dept. -- specializing in Yamaha repairs. Located just off Black Lake Blvd. at 2727 Westmoor Court. Open 6 days a week Monday -- Saturday 943-2999 10/21tfn Personal CONFIDENTIAL CARE for unwed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls accepted. Florence Crittenton Home. PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, We. 98178.8/28tfn REDUCE EXCESS fluids with Fluidex, $1.69. lose weight safely with Dex-A-Diet, 98c at Nell's Pharmacy.8/12-11/25 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished NEED CASH? We buy or consign almost anything. Tropics Available NOW -- No Pets Ballroom Auction, Olympia CONTACT MANAGER 943-9949. D2/26tfn ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION 4 26- 3 1 O0 and referral'center 428 Birch St. Shelton. Phone 426-4407. or 426-1391 tfn S2/12tfn Thursday, October 21, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17 V!,/ ii i!ili;i!