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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 21, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 21, 1971
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," Real Estate • / Z, Mr.lealy State 4o - ,,, / ANGLE AGENCY II rl (= I Join TheWise Ones... I nvest I n Property! Q NEARLY AN ACRE on Picketing W'd~ Pass with beach access. Only $4700.00. Cash or contract. ~~ ANGLESIDE -- 3 bedroom home in excellent neighborhood area. - Home has fireplace in living room, 1]/z baths, TV room, double HUGE REC ROOM- * 1,800 sq. ft. living area * Built-in appliances * 1'/2 baths * Fenced back yard * F.H.A. Financing * Close to school VACATION ALL YEAR That's right!! You can vacation the year round when you own this attractive A-frame at Lake Limerick... just a hop and skip from the lake at $12,750. DOWNTOWN - How 'bout a really big 3-4-5 bedroom home on a large lot in the downtown area. We have an oldster here with all kinds of charm. By appointment only so call now for more information. , MT. VIEW- $ ,2s0 * Convenient corner lot * Gas furnace heat * 2 bedrooms * Excellent condition * Close to shopping * F.H.A. financing SMALL WATERFRONT HOME - Sparkling from all the tender loving care and nestled close to town is a near perfect small 3 bedroom home with a beautiful beach, a nice view and good road frontage for just $17,500. Terms can be worked out too. Here's your chance for a waterfront home at a good price. See or Call.. F.H.A. TERMS- $12,500 * 2 bedrooms * W/VV carpet * Oil Heat * Fenced back yard * Close to school * Ideal for young families carport, and private patio for outdoor enjoyment. This home shouldn't last long at $22,500. 3 BEDROOMS well cared for Mountain View rambler. Family room, fireplace in carpeted living room, new washer and dryer; range and refrigerator included. $24,000. THREE BEDROOM downtown home has been newly decorated. Its cheerful rooms are large and well arranged. Has fireplace, bath and half, separate dining area, attached garage. $21,500. OLD, OLD HOME downtown. House isn't much but lot is worthwhile and located in area for building. Asking $7,500. 4 BEDROOMS - Downtown location with plenty of room for the large family. Your chance to move to a ''down-home'' environment. All this is yours for $]4,500.00. SMALL FARM - The location is close to town, there's a big newer 3 bedroom home, part of the 6 acres are planted in Christmas trees. Full price just $24,950.00 and the owner will finance. SPACIOUS, INEXPENSIVE - You'll be amazed when you see this 3 bedroom Hillcrest home, with new kitchen and bath. You'll be equally amazed at the price. Only $9,950. Hurry. MT. RAINIER VIEW - There is some finishing work to be done to complete this brand new 3 bedroom home so finish it yourself and save. The owner is transferred so he says "sell it as it is for just $23,500". Call us on this. YOU'LL LOVE THE YARD - You will adore the house. It's a rare combination of charm in a home that makes this 3 bedroom suburban likely to please on first sight. Look at the price -- just $22,500.00. We can talk a trade in of your present equity on this one. Get details on it. SOUTH OF TOWN - 5 or 10 acres of prime land, partly cleared, partly wooded with young fir and a nice little old 3 bedroom 11/2 story farm house south of Shelton. The house and all 10 acres are just $22,000.00. This is a nice listing and you should see it. DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- "SKIP" NESS 426-3049 DAVE THACHER 426-8635 -- CARL JOHNSON 426-8407 DICK BOLLING, Closing Broker 426-8162 VINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-6501 MORLEY PREPPERNAU -- 426-8676 Ii 1717 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH "A Trusted Name in Real Estate" MINUTES FROM TOWN Most everyone would like to have a 3 bedroom home on about an acre close to town, right? Well, we have just listed a dandy and the price is right at $]5,950, so if you don't want to miss out, we would suggest you call at once... EXCELLENT STARTER!! Move into the Mt. View, 3 bedroom rambler close to churches, stores. A perfect home for growing family. Assume a low interest loan. A fine buy at $16,900.00. YOUR OWN PARK- $17,500 * 3 bedrooms * Full basement * Gas heating system * Formal dining room * Angleside location * Name your terms LINCOLN ARCH ITECTURE! ! Raise your family in a charming log home with room galore. O1' Honest Abe would look with envy at the super fireplace in the spacious living room. With about 11/2 acres of land on the Arcadia Road. It needs a bit of work, but you can create a home with an unusual personality. All for $14,500.00. 4 BEDROOM- * 3,000 sq. ft. floor plan * Spacious master bedroom * 3 baths * Kitchen appliances * Rec room w/pool table * View of mountains ANGLE AGENCY Real Estate & Insurance Since 1890 HERB ANGLE DICK ANGLE JACK STEWART "" PAUL WOOD BARBARA NELSON BOB HARVEY Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426-8272 MUST GO THIS WEEK -- This 5 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 fireplace family home on Angleside must be sold this week. The exceptionally large living room, formal dining room and downstairs rec-room plus all the other features make this a good buy at $18,750.00. F.H.A. or you can assume an existing 7% interest contract. SMALL FAMILY? -- Or cozy for a couple who can make do with this exceptionally well-kept 2 bedroom Hillcrest home. By paying $],850.00 down you can assume a real estate contract with monthly payments of only $65.00. Full price $7,450.00. TRICK OR TREAT- Instead of being Tricked into a high-priced old house, Treat yourself to a brand-new Lundstrom built 3 bedroom home on Mt. View. Only $550.00 cash outlay and F.H.A. terms. Or if you qualify because of low income, you may need only $200.00 and balance less than rent. THERE'S BEEN A CHANGE -- in our last weeks Ranchette ad. The owners will now sell this older but sound 3 bedroom home on Arcadia Road with 41/4 acres. 330 feet of road frontage, an excellent horse barn with large hay-loft, corral, many fruit trees and it's within a l/z mile from city limits. $17,950.00 with only $1,950.00 down -- and they'll even consider giving a little extra time on part of the downpayment. Better call quick on this one. TRADE YOUR EQUITY -- for the equity on this charming 4 bedroom Angleside home. It's too much house for its owner and he'll trade down to a smaller home or he'll take land or what have you. Call Bobble for details. EXCEPTIONAL BAY-SHORE VIEW -- This property is large enough for 2 building sites. The price is $2,750.00 and owner will take $1,000.00 down, $25.00 per month. 'MT. VIEW RAMBLER -- Very attractive 3 bedroom home with family room, fireplace, carpeting, fenced yard and attached carport. Price of $23,950.00 includes new range, refrigerator, washer and dryer. Owner will assist with financing. Better arrange to see it today. LARGE MOBILE HOME TRACTS --with septic tank, power, water and telephone to the property. $3,350.00 and only $45.00 per month Many additional benefits. " 70 FT. WATERFRONT, WITH 2114 ACRES -- on Hammersley. Unimproved, wooded, secluded anoJ ohIve. aDout. 4 miles from r,tv' limits. Cahforn=a ownp_r~ ;ei(ing at loss at $8,950.00 anc will even listen t~ a $8,500.00 offer with sUDS an~lal clown payment. MANN REAL ESTATE 21 R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime Evening, Call BOBBLE GOODWlN 426.3503 IRA EDWARDS~ CR 5-2751 f Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 21, 1971 Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate ,i 5 Acre Ti act ;, Arcadia Road Has several waterfront & golf course homes for rent. 1,9 Call Reasonable rates --Call today' Bill Griffith 2 OFFICES TO SERVE yoU:, UNION -- 898-2581 Real Estate HOODSPORT -- Ig CR5-2433 7 DAYS A WEEK! Evenings CR5-6341 Live Where Offlers Vacation 107 RAILROAD PHONE 426-4486 $7,000 -- SPENCER LAKE - Just a few miles from town. Cleared lakefr0nt lot ready to build on. -- Real easy terms --you name it! $12,500- 100% LOAN - NO CASH NEEDED - Large 2 bedroom witll 3r0dt ossible n enc osed rear addition Automatic gas heat, extra deep', P . • , with some view and good prwacy. Out of town owner wants qul_ck 0 Payments will be less than rent. Can get full price VA loan $100 IU" 7% interest -- 30 year term. Completely redecorated. $12,950 - 2 BR, DOUBLE GAR. MT. VIEW. Delightful corner gr°uln completely fenced. Neat 2 bedroom rambler featuring good floor '0r separate utility room, covered breezeway to huge double garag the shop. This is a real special for mechanic or hobbyist. We can finance full purchase price FHA or VA. Call Today! $14,000 -- 2 BRS. -- BMT. -GAR. -- Real solid and well built older hOt furn in Hillcrest. Only a few steps from the supermarket. Gas _ dishwasher, range and refrigerator included. You name the terms ow i finance. Call today! $9,950 -- ONE ACRE -- VIEW. 2 bedroom home with fireplace, good and part basement and best of all the owner will carry private cu- with low down payment. -- Call now! $16,750 -- 3 BR. - BSMT. - ON CREEK -- Spacious older home wi! bedrooms, double garage on year 'round creek and half acre of -- terrific for kids!! $18,000 -- NEW 3 BDRM'" - NO DOWN PAYMENT. If you are married can secure a loan for full purchase price at 7V2% interest, 360 (30 years) at $128 or less, including interest -- plus tax and reserve. New 3 bedroom, built in range, deluxe bath, garage --Call now! Double wall construction. Best built ham price. , I $19,250- NEW REVERSE FLOOR PLAN- CREEK F ROBT. Deligrho new plan with living room, dining room, kitchen & master bed overlooking creek. Low down payment, separate entry hall, ful garage and all deluxe extras included in the price!! Real QualitY. $19,900 -- 12 ACRES & 2 BDRM. HOME. Separate garage & outbuildings. Good spring, nice trees & only 15 minutes from Also nice view of saltwater. Completely furnished! • -ed 10t $11,500 - H I LLCREST JEWEL -- Spacious two bedroom on good sl e tile with separate utility room, family kitchen and oil heat. You na,' terms on contract. $20,800 -- 3 Br. + FAMILY RM. - 3 bedroom rambler plus famil and double carport. Beautifully carpeted, range & hood somewhat secluded lot is just like a small park. Easy financing down pymt. City sewer & water. Terms. Moving to Olympia. empOfary $24,950- 3 BRS. - 3 BATHS - FULL BSMT.- Vacant cant mai home with full basement, finished recreation room, 2 baths ° litlliS level, 2 fireplaces & covered parking for 4 vehicles, boat, etC. plus real nice view. Easy terms or trade. Vacant now! n" farn d-Y'0f $25,500 -- 4 BRS. - BSMT. - ONE ACRE - Terrific for groWl Terrn' baths, full basement, drilled well & just minutes from town- course, or trade up today! 2 $28,500 -- LAKEFRONT CHALET. - Fabulous 3 bedroOm, stora lakefront home. Custom built, big patio, permanent foundatiOn';,d, bldg., dock & all level grounds with tall native trees. Easy finan .... $35,950 3 BR. LAKEFRONT.Easy contract terms. $3,000 down, or option. Custom built full basement home -- 2 fire bedrooms, low bank 65 ft. lakefront. Color coordinated Beautiful garden, good water. Deep lot, less than 9 miles from $49,500 - WATERFRONT FARM - 3 or 4 bedroom fabuloUS hot acres of prime low bank Hammersley waterfront Huge shoP, garage, fruit, berries. Owner will consider dividing'property" $22,500'-- FIVE SECLUDED ACRES -- 4 BDRMS. Shelton and Olympia. 1200 ft. of spacious living on dining room. Two bedrooms down & 2 upstairs. basement and garage. Mostly cleared land with small horse barn. HOMES -- FARMS -- WATERFRONT -- ACREAGI 107 W. RAILROAD PHONE 4 REID L."Mitch" MITCHELL, RE Associates 426.1369 Trine "Doc" Moorhead -" R. "Cal" Hopper .426.35B2 MEMBER WASHINGTON STATE BOARD OF RE