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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 21, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 21, 1971
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i, as.ro1#xo ~u.los zoJ poau oq.l l#Od It happened again last week. Another car, headed south, making a left-hand turn onto the Grapeview road just south of the Sherwood Creek bridge, was hit. How many accidents do there have to be in one spot before the authorities admit that some improved method of cautioning drivers of the danger in that particular area is needed? Just before crossing the Sherwood Creek bridge is a sign warning of "left turns ahead". But as a driver begins to cross the small bridge, there, before him, is one of the few long stretches of straight roadway on Highway 3 in Mason County and if he has been following a car going ten or fifteen miles under the speed limit it is probable that his one thought is "Good, I can finally pass that joker." And he doesn't remember the warning sign a few feet back that should have told him some traffic might be turning left onto the Grapeview road. A couple of times I have suggested to some law enforcement official that a yellow "no-passing" strip be painted reaching to a point just beyond the Grapeview road turnoff. Or that the "left turns ahead" sign, whose indirect warning obviously is not getting across, be replaced with a sign reading "No Passing for 500 feet" or however far it is from the sign to the road. The answer I get is always "They aren't supposed to pass there, anyway; it's illegal to pass on a bridge." Maybe they aren't supposed to, but they do. In fact, there is room for a car waiting to get off the bridge before passing to swing out in the left lane and still hit a car starting to enter the Grapeview Road. I know because, if I hadn't been aware of the problem at that corner, and was watching closely, I would have been hit the other day when I turned onto the Grapeview Road. I had gone through Allyn at the posted speed of 40 miles an hour and as I crossed the bridge I slowed down, turned on my left-turn blinker, and prepared to turn left onto the Grapeview Road. But I had noticed that there were two cars following closely and I didn't trust the second one to see my b~/"~edt ~laix. M~s. ~/entlandt hoped that many citizens whouid attend School Board meetings to be aware of what is going on. She mentioned the financial problems of school districts who are forced by legislation to follow certain procedures, but are not allocated any money by the legislators to carry out the programs. Her aim, while on the Board, she said, would be to do the greatest good for the greatest number. Bob Sills said he had been impressed by the present School Board's activities, especially the special meeting held in Tahuya before the second levy vote last spring. It will be his aim, while on the Board, to include Tahuya (referred to as outer-Siberia) more closely in School Board matters. It was noted, following a question from the audience, that all voters in North Mason School district will vote for all three positions on the Board. With school Board candidates taken care of, it was then the turn of the Allyn Port District commissioner candidates, of which three of the four men running were present. Roy Mitchell, the incumbent candidate for the North and South Shores area, who was appointed to his post six months ago upon the resignation of Ed Berberet, stated that the present Board is now trying to get the Port District back on its feet. He mentioned the accomplishments of the present Board in the past six months; letting of the contract to repair the North Shore pier which will be completed by Dec. 31 and calling for bids to pave turn signal so I rolled down the window and extended my parking areas on North Shore Port t District properties. He said there arm, and sure enough, as I glanced back, I saw the car move were still a lot of things to be back into the right-hand lane behind the car behind me. d o n e a n d m e n t i o n e d a It should have been obvious to him that I was slowing down to turn; I had been going the speed limit so why would I suddenly slow down when we came to a straight stretch of road posted 60 miles an hour unless I had to slow to turn off the road? The sign should have warned him of the left-turn roadway ahead but if it did, it was lost when he saw that nice straight stretch of road, no cars coming in the opposite direction and what he thought was a perfect chance to pass those two slow cars in front of him. And he was over the bridge by the time he was starting to pass the car behind me, so it would have been "legal" if he'd hit me but I doubt if that would have been of much comfort to me. Or to him. Some day someone will be hurt seriously in an accident at that intersection.., maybe then they will erect a "No Passing" sign or paint the yellow line.., until then, WATCH OUT when you make that left-hand turn.., don't trust any cars behind you not to decide to pass you just as you start to turn out of your lane. PeeWee basketball signup being held All boys 9 through 13 years who wish to play basketball with the newly formed North Mason Poe Woes are asked to call Gerald Hunter, at CR5-6719 or Lowell Gunselman, CR5-6751, as soon as possible. Sign up for this season was started last week and time is running short. All boys must have a birth certificate or proof of birth which can be sent to the main council for registration. About 30 boys registered Wednesday night at the Pee Wee meeting. Plans are going ahead for the fund raising dance and the paper drive is still being conducted. The area is again asked to keep their papers. Anyone collecting too many and the boys haven't been around, please call. ~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~llllll~ll~~~~l~~l~~~~ll~~~~l~~l~~~~~~~~lll~~~~~~~l~~l~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~ll~lllll~~~l~~~~~lll~~~ll~ll~~l~ A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal serwng as the voice of Belfair, Aliyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore and North Shore. Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone CR 5-6680 LOU DONNELL ............................. Editor BARBARA NELSON .......... Advertising Representative Published by Shelton Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 430, Shelton, Washington 98584; telephone 426-4412. comprehensive plan as one because "it is possible to get federal aid for recreational facilities but a Port District is not eligible for federal funds without a comprehensive plan." Allyn's incumbent Port commissioner, Harold Hillman, who was appointed to the Board a year ago when Charles Amacher resigned, agreed that a lot is being done by the present Board but said there was still a lot to do, especially in Allyn. He mentioned the recent action of the Board to meet monthly instead of quarterly as had been done in the past. He felt the present Board was keeping on top of things and hoped they'd be given a chance to finish projects already started. He told of plans to improve the Allyn dock and mentioned that the Subscription: $5~00 per year in Mason County; $6.00 per year elsewhere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n~~~u~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~ rt~ awaxen~s o4 and ~g~xtations to protect the ecology o[ten stowed • things down. Hillman's opponent, Del Griffey, was not present. But Mitchell's opponent in the upcoming election, Leo Livingston, was and he introduced himself as the guy who's been bugging the Port commissioners to DO something. He said he had been attending Port District meetings for 14 years when he could find out when and where they were being held, and congratulated the present Board for establishing reforms which he felt were long overdue. Since 1962, he said, the district has levied $77,700 and, until recently, spent more on legal fees than on port facilities. During the past two years he has been part of a citizens' committee formed to prod the Port District to do better things and he expressed gratitude that they were now doing better things. However, he felt there were still lots of things to be done and mentioned the suspected faulty sewage system of the North Shore rental home belonging to the district. He said the condition was first reported to the district in March but that the pollution still remains. During the question period Mitchell told of the commissioner's efforts to get the County Health District out to test the sewage system and reported that they still had not come. Livingston thought they could have bought some dye and tested it themselves when the Health district failed to appear. Livingston also told of living next door to the Port launching area which makes the Port of Allyn a part of his daily life as he lets persons using the facilities use his phone or helps them with boat problems. He said he has become involved in Port District problems just from watching the activity next door. The question period following the Port District candidates' speeches was the longest of the evening. Answering one question from the audience brought out one difference of opinion between Mitchell and Hillman. Mitchell would be for some method of determining out-of-County users of Port facilities and charging them; Hillman would not want to charge outsiders. He said Mason County residents can launch their boats free at Pt. Defiance Park in Tacoma, why should Tacoma residents have to pay to launch a boat in Hood Canal? Mt e " ~k~tTk, e.~. commission po~ts. ~o~a ~ande~, whose opponent, incumbent less Cotes, was not present, is running in the Tahuya Fire district. He said he had served two years as chief in the district and felt the Tahuya commissioners lacked contact with other districts, which is available through the County Association of Fire Commissioners and Chiefs meetings but not attended by Tahuya commissioners. He said that when he was chief he appleaed to local property owners for money to update the fire district and collected enough to buy much-needed, equipment which helped lower insurance rates in the area. If elected, he stated, he would work towards a closer relationship with other districts. Incumbent commissioner of Fire District 5, Lou Donnell, who is running unopposed, spent her allotted time promoting the $160,000 special levy before District 5 voters on November 2. She said that an exact accounting of how the money would be spent could not be given because it would depend on prices in effect when the money was available and whether or not good used trucks could be found or if new ones had to be ordered. She stressed the need for new trucks in the district to replace old ones now being used which are undependable and costly to repair. New radios in the trucks are needed and hose to replace some that is so old it, too, is undependable. She mentioned that the special levy would save on the interest which would have to be paid for a ten-year bond issue, that it would all be collectable in 1973 and by that year the newly annexed area would also be paying taxes in the district. She estimated that approximately $120,000 would go for new and good used trucks, about $15,000 for building three garage-type substations, one on the west side of Mason Lake, one near Pioneer School or Deer Creek area and one in Timber Lakes region; $5,000 would pay off the mortgage on Allyn property to save additional interest costs and approximately $20,000 would go for equipment such as radios, plectron units, hose and turnout gear. The exact millage cost to taxpayers will not be known until fall of 1972 when the Assessor announces the assessed evaluation of the district for 1973 but it is estimated to be 6 to 7 mills. LOOKING FORWARD TO PeeWee basketball, the first sport to be entered by the newly formed North Mason PeeWee association, are some of the kids planning to turn out for the sports program. Left to right, Rick Maesner, Guy Hunter, Garland Hunter, Gregory Hunter and Rob Mustain. Sign-up for basketball is going on now. Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - October 21. 1971 88Z9"~ ~lS) NO.L53~Id I-I1-11" A8 ii1~ O 0 0 411iiP O 0 ,llnl~ qil~ o o o o o o ,111~ o ,llnlb o o qlIl~ o 0 o o o ~lm A bridal shower was hosted " of these men are top-notch in Montana of the death of his by Mrs. Carole Carstensen at her home honoring bride-elect, Penny Bishop. Bouquets of dahlias from the Orville Kinney garden were used as decorations with an attractive centerpiece of pompoms complementing the dessert buffet. Guests were Mesdames Alice Kinney, Leita Pruitt, Erma Roessel, Wanda Nilson, Dorothy Spongier, Izetta Dean, Virginia Kovack, Betty Matson, Mac Henningsen, KayBishop, Janet Bishop, Thelma Ogletree, and Miss Sandy Pruitt. Those sending a gift were Mrs. Eleanora Fedenk and Jean Fedenk. Grandfather Orville Kinney is happy to announce the arrival of a 9 lb. baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Featherston of Seattle on September 28. Mrs. Featherston is the former Doris Kinney. Brother Dick and sister Debbie join in the welcome of the tiny fellow on the same birthdate as that of his Aunt Lois. Love that sound of music coming from the music room at the high school on Wednesday nights. A community choir is on the way in this group of about 25 adults who just like to sing. Last week was the first time around joining with Mr. Donn Nelson. With the only goal being a musical outlet, an invitation is given to those interested to join in the song on Wednesdays from 8-10 p.m. To give an assist to the new neighbors and those who have not met our three candidates "Along the Old Belfair Highway", filing for Position No. 3 on the Mason County School Board, a thumbnail sketch may help in your voting decision. It will be difficult to make a choice as each their aims. Mr. Anthony "Tony" Hannan has lived in this neighborhood for seven years. With five youngsters of kindergarten age through high school is the asset of having one child in each school building. His schooling includes an associate degree in engineering from Olympic College plus enrollment in a correspondence course in management at the U. of W. He works as a production superintendent on the Polaris type of submarines at PSNS. He is active in youth activities, being a coach for Kiwanis baseball, a committee member for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, a Patrol Dad, assistant Boy Scout master, and has gone on the Boy Scout's 50 mile hike for 2 consecutive years. He is also a member of the PTA, Bear Creek Community Club, and Lector at St. Gabriel's Church~ Mr. Hannon's concern is the credibility gap of what the school board says and does, expense wise, so far as the hot lunch program, the extra facilities in use for the kindergarten, the activity bus after school, and the towel fees. He feels that the close relationship with the teacher's association and the school administration is not in the interest of the general public, and should be more balanced to consider all the people of the area. He would also like to see a strong vocational training program along with the emphasis on college entrance subjects and COUrses. It is with regret that Mr. Ken Leatherman, the incumbent filing for re-election is not included here. Our sympathy instead is for the sad news he received from father. Mr. J. E. "Gone" Foster is a native of Belfair, receiving his schooling in the North Mason schools. He attended Western Washington and Olympic Colleges for an associate degree in general arts. He works at PSNS as a metals inspector. He has two children, Edwin, 5 years old attending kindergarten, and Rachel, 2 years old. He is a member of the Twanoh Grange, Bremerton Elks, and sings in the Belfair Community Church choir and the newly organized community choir. As a board member, he would work for a more equitable way to provide ample funds through an adjustment by the legislators of the unequal tax base regardless of property value. This same situation was ruled unconstitutional in the California courts, and by joining forces with other school boards relying heavily on the levy he would like to bring pressure on the legislature to make this necessary change. The golden dress worn by Mrs. Blanche Caldwell during the golden anniversary was a surprise gift made by Mrs. Ev Caldwell. Among the faraway calls were those from former residents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Broadbent of Eatontown, N.J., and Mike" Caldwell at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station. We have the sweetest neighborhood with both South Kitsap and North Mason students selling boxes of candy to raise funds for school activities. Don't forget to apply for an absentee ballot if plans are to be away from your precinct on the all important day to vote. By Rob May The Bulldogs from North Mason evened out their 1971 league record last Thursday night as they were victorious over the Forks Spartans 8-6 on the Spartan's home field. After trailing 6-0 until the third quarter, the Bulldogs recovered a fumble on their own 40-yard line. Several plays and one first down later, senior quarterback Bruce Landram swept around the left end 45 yards for the Bulldogs touchdown. The deciding extra point conversion was also scored by Landram, that made the final outcame of the game in the Bulldog's favor. North Mason now stands with a 2 win, 2 loss record in the Olympic "A" League. The Bulldogs rushed for 218 yards in the game, 136 of them by Landram in 20 carries. Don Havens turned in a fine offensive effort carrying the ball 10 times and gaining 53 yards. Earl Sande collected 20 yards for the team in 4 carries. Harrison Davis, who carried the ball 32 times for the Spartans, gained 115 yards to lead Forks. In all, Forks gained 146 yards on the ground and 14 through the air for a total of 160 net yards gained. On defense, senior Mike Dillenburg was all over the field to collect 23 tackles. Mike is the only player thus far to be honored with a white helmet, signifying outstanding play and 100% effort. Next week, the Bulldogs return home again to play the Chimacum Cowboys, who are the newest entry to the Olympic League. This marks the Homecoming activities for the team also. League Results North Mason 8 Forks 6 Port Townsend 28 Vashon 6 Sequim 8 Chimacum 6 Bainbridge 14 Lakeside 0 I TV Service-Color or B/W * HI-FI I I MARINE * AIRCRAFT * 2-WAY RADIO I I ! ANTENNAS ~' INTER-COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS I FCC LICENSED I l DAN BERISH CR 5-6654 I GETTING ACQUAINTED Mrs. Mary Wing has been teaching the second grade in the North Mason School district for 11 years. She is a graduate of the University of Puget Sound. Mrs. Wing and her husband, William, have five children; Ted, Suzy and Dan of Seattle, Tim, stationed with the Army in Germany and Paul, a North Mason high school senior. Her special interestes include painting pictures, skiing and swimming. LOST DOG A brown male cock-a-poo was reported lost October 13 in the area near the PUD building in Belfair according to a report from the local Sheriff's department. is quiet on the ~o~th Shore. Everyone we ha~e contacted claims to be leading an exceedingly uneventful life. After summer and with the start of school this is, of course, mostly true. Traffic patterns on our long road establish themselves into a more-or-less going to work and coming home pattern. School busses resume schedules. Boat launchings tend to be mostly by serious-minded fishermen. The ducks and their friends and relations have resumed possession of the water and the hunters, as of this week, have not disturbed them. On windy days it gladdens the hearts of one-time sailors to spot some sails on the rough water. It would hardly be news to report a visit here by Ruth (our sister) and Bob Southwick with daughter Susan from Seattle on the weekend, since they come so often. However, on Sunday, it being a beautiful day, we set out for the "hill" mushroom hunting, especially for Chanterelles, and found enough in a sma:l patch for dinner. Other mushrooms were in great supply and variety, though we left them alone except for a few for later identification. We ate our sandwiches near the Oak Patch on the Tahuya river. There we found a trail along the river which we followed a mile or so to Camp Spillman. This must be one of the new county hiking and h~¥ fo~ an autumn hi.~e:, • he hill above the North Shore is worthy of much investigation with a variety of flora and fauna. Next week, however, BEWARE OF HUNTERS, who will be out looking for fauna. We missed a couple of September birthdays. Allison Sonde and her father, Allan, both had birthdays and Allison had a party. SLOW CONES MISSING Red cones, placed along the Old Belfair Highway to slow traffic during work by the road crew cleaning out ditches, are turning up missing according to a deputy of the Belfair SherifFs office. "This could create a dangerous situation," he said. "These cones act as a warning to drivers to slow down. There may be a piece of heavy road equipment moving slowly just around a bend and without warning in advance, rounding the curve at a normal rate of speed could cause an accident." BREAK-IN A color TV and two Hondas were reported missing following a break-in of the McElhaney residence on Old Belfair Highway according to a complaint filed in the local Sheriff's office on Oct. 12. D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Griffey CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-47113 CANAL SECURITY PATROL Burglar Alarm Systems -Rental Tools St. Rt. l, Box 556, Belfair Mike Selby CR 5-2976 Clearing Earth Meving Read Building GRAVEL--SAND--ROCK FREE ESTIMATES Days CR 5-2837 LOCAL CONTRACTOR Eves. CR 5-2152 CR 5-2235 I ! IT'S NEW I | Electronic engine Analysis Takes The Guess Work Out Of ENGINE TUNE-UPS Let Us SAVE YOU TIME SAVE YOU MONEY CR5-2991 October 21, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7