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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 21, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 21, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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By JEANNINE PETERSON -- 426-381 5 ll~ 00~lll~ 000000 O 0000 Q 00 Q 0000~ 00 Winter is here, I guess; I have with your windows closed and a Jean said it was "rotten" and two out of three of my boys tape recorder is given you they should have been real sick. By JULI PRESTON CR 5-6288 The Timberland Regional Mother waded out to see who was Library Bookmobile runs alongup or down in all the splashing our shore twice a month on the that was going on we were all a 2rid and 4th Wednesdays. Patrons sopping bunch! may borrow a reasonable amount of material using a simple Feel the need for some exercise? Adult recreation programs for both men and women are scheduled for Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. zn the high school gym at North Mason High School• Nominal fees will help defray costs for this informal h School News By RONA HARPER H o m e c o m i n g i s t he A very surprising thing is twenty-second of this month• The happening at our school right now home from school. In fact, describing the animals and points (no reflection on your wine, signature checkout" system and Belfair Auxiliary school-sponsoredprogram, king and queenwillbeannounced -instead of taking money the Tuesday morning my twins wereof interest. The tour was theJohn!) return the bo.oks to the _ Recreation for men began last at half-time. School is giving it back• Now, ill, my mother and even mom's highlight of their trip. This is the 5th robbery that bookmobile or the Community collecting [la~le$ af week, with Art Guidi in charge, The court has already been before everyone rushes to the cat. I took the cat to the vets and Heading home, they stoppedthe Moores have had in the last 4 Library which is located at the • • • but it is not too late to join. voted on by the student body and office to get some, 111 explain the twins to the doctor. What a at San Simeon, Cal. to visit the years. This makes two for therear of Belfair T.V. shop. la~a| [er~|~llllall Women's recreation will begin the king and queen will be chosen what's going on. Last summer the Wednesday, Nov. 3, with Shirley from these six people: Dawn students who took Driver s Ed way to start the week. Being Irish, Hearst Castle which is a sight to Marina, their Mobile home at There is no charge for overdue It's that time of the year again Aries in charge. Anderson, Jodi Hagen, Nettlehad to pay $30 for the class I believe things come in three's, be seen. They,,arrived back to Paradise was broken into last year books, but a replacement cost is and the Belfair Fire Department Like breaking dishes, (if I break Gods Country in timeforRon and two robberies at their asked when material is lost. If you Auxiliary" " would yearly Cost for participation is $5 Reynolds, Alan Baselt, Don because the school was only • • • g for the season, $1 per month or Havens, and Bruce Landram. planning on getting a certain one I always break two more), to celebrate his birthday at the Chehalishome. wash to request material that is appreciate the names and 25 cents for one session only• Come to the game to see who is amount of money from the state sickness and bad luck! Not in one MBC club. They believe that a boat was not on the bookmobile, the addresses of local servicemen. Participants mr-st provide their chosen. , to help finance this program. But, day as a rule though! The entire trip was made with used to hit the stores and possibly ..person in charge will try and get it Overseas boxes will be mailed -~ My oldest boy, Mark, perfect weather. Although it was the summer homes, for you. You may request books, during November, so please turn ~ own gym shoes andwearing The Homecoming dance willmore money was given to the i~ apparel, be Saturday, October 23 fromschools for Driver s Ed so all the returned a week early from his 103 degrees at Tucson, Ariz. they The Women's Auxiliary met magazines, pamphlets, films or in all names by November 10, Activites available to the 8:30 to 1 !:30 p.m. The band will students who took the class in the three-month cruise with the Coast kept cool in their new last week with 22 members records. 1971. Names can be turned in at group inclu de volleyball, be "Lynx' from Shelton. summer and paid $30 are entitled Guard to Japan. Sure was air-conditioned Dodge Polara.present. Chief Dick Knight, and Our South Shore schedule is the firehaU, or b~ calling CR surprised when he called from Theirs' has to be the perfect his staff all appeared to explain Oct. 27, Nov. 10, 24, Dec. 8, 22, 5-6155 "r '~R~ 2940 or to basketball, badminton, table Another of the events that is a to receive a $15 refund. u '~ ~- tennis, weight lifting, calisthenics, tradition of Homecoming week is We finally did it! The ASB Seattle. We wanted to meet his retirement, the levy to be on the ballot in Jan. 12, 26, Feb. 9, 23, Mar 8, 22, Johanna at the Bellefaire jogging, gymnastics and general the Box Lunch Social sponsored ratified the one lunch period ship. Twenty four hours after he Lou Donnell celebrated her November. Gladys Lloyd says the Apr. 12, 26, May 10,24, June 14. Boutique beauty salon. arrived, he received orders to birthday last week, but if the club needs rummage for theirThe Bookmobile stops at the The November meeting of the conditioning, by the Girl's Club to help them instead of two so we will all be report to RI for three monthswhole day went like the coming sale. Please clean out xonowmgmcauons: Belfair Fire Aux. will be held Elementary or high schoolraise money for the many able to eatlunchatthesametime Quartermaster school. He wash t beginning, she should do it all those closets' and bring those umon [rum z p.m. to 3 p.m. November 10 at the new fire hall. SPAGHETTI COMING UP! Busy in the kitchen whipping up students are not eligible for the worthwhile projects they do. This and be able to eat in the building. scheduled to go until May so it over again some other day (in a unneeded items to the Fire Hall. waterwheel from 3:10 to 4 ...... e Gla'ine Drake At .... " tlosress wm D a . some spaghetti to serve to hungry patrons of the annual program; it is for adults only. is on a Thursday this year. The This will be marvelous everytime Interested persons may register or Girl's Club officers are: it rains because we won't have to was quite a surprise. He will different manner that is). When Leave it on the porch of the Fire 4.1~to~n..~01aox No. 276 fromthis meeting an election of PTA-sponsored spaghetti dinner this Friday night are Pat receive more information by President Barbara Wright. walk all the way down to the report back to Seattle after his leaving for work, she got asfaras Hall or call BenSchnettler or "ShamrocK; romt ..... [rum 4 35- to officers will be held. Medeiros, Mike White and Bill Vetters. contacting the school Vice President-Joni Slagle. cafeteria and get all wet and school is completed though. He two doors from her home and her Gladys Lloyd. " Present officers are President, bought me some china in Japancar refused to go any farther, 5. superintendent s office, Secretary Cindy Catron. muddy. ......... Nellie DeMiero; vice president, and thought it would be home (perhaps it thought she should 5.45~teoY;rs uox r~o. 33u trom Gladine Drake; Secretary, Gloria CR5-2881. Treasurer - Dawn Anderson The Associated Student Body sooner if he mailed it, but due to take the day off!) After being The PTA is sponsoring the officers are: ~nllw ~'0rns n~_rm|~ ' , - ........ Heath; treasurer, Leone ~-~-~,- .......... "-- the dock strike I still haven t seen pushed around Paradise by ~unset ueach 6:10 to ~:z~ .......... Spaghetti Dinner before the PresidentMike Amacher a JrllI r- -- - - - ~ . . , thompson; cheer, ~laalne DraKe; it... Darn.Run and Mildred Watts moreneighb°rgas severalin andtimeS'etc., puttingit stillr~__uestl~ for work BuildingNOrth6:40- MasOnto "~ p.m. Jr. ta~gn PmemberU~UC~ty, Jonanna ........ ..... 1 nompson. All . llll ~ Taku ~ a Talk Notice given oF foodH°mec°mingis atwaysgamegoodFridaY'so go haveThe ReynoldsViCe President Nettle returned recently to their home wouldn t start. Application has been receivedNow you have the schedule s are urged to attena, request For Arm~ spaghetti and then go to the Secretary - Candy Sills on Mason Lake after a 7,315 mile Lou borrowed Hazel Sayan's from Mr. Ce cil H. Hammill, 1542 and everyone is more than DO RE MI football game. Treasurer Lou Ann Lane welcome to come and use the By L E_ENNIA CATES -- CR 5-2245 Engineer permit The cast for the Senior playParliamentarian - Kevin trip, • accompanied by their car (which was offered Lou when Bertha Avenue, Bremerton, for . Adults who like to sing are daughter Ursella Butt of Tacoma. Hazel saw her stalled down the Department of the Army permitBookmobile. "Flowers for Algernon ' has been Turner. Sam Allen is now staying at invited to join an adult singing ~-----------=-=----=-----~-----~-=-~-~ Application has been received selected and play practice has They stopped at Denver, road). Lou was only about four for certain work on Hood Canal. . grou p which m eets each Our good friend Betty Hall of are now near completion on a 37' by this office from Whitacrebeen scheduled for evenings in the Colo., where they formerly lived hours late for work. Wonder howEsisting and Proposed Work: the Allyn House and would enjoy We ........ "" anesaay mgnt from ~ to ~u visitors whenever anyone has a . _ . Maggie Lake and West Seattle was sloop. Engineers, Inc., 2124 South "K' gym.actressesAllareOfworkingthe actorShard andto ![ I¥1CnH] IPn l ()rlTt r and where their daughter was the rest of her day went? Happya. Location: Hood Canal, nearfew moments to stop by and v~sxt" • ,,Pm- ........... in the music room ot the chosen "Woman of the Year" at Incidentally the public is Street, Tacoma, Washington born, visiting old friends. From Birthday, Lou, anyway andmany Belfair, Mason County ..... w~thsome ofour semor c~t~zens ..... r~orm mason r~gn behoof, bonn the RealEstate Board Convention welcome to stop in and see this 98405 (Telephone (206) memorize their parts• The play ] North Mason there to Dows, Iowa where they more, better than that one! Washington. ...t...._ ~.o. :,~ ~. .... ~ Nelson is director ol the group, held in Spokane recently, comparatively new (in this area) 272-5144), on behalf of Mr. J.D. wilt be presented November 19 [ ................ visited with Runs sister who is Last Monday Pat Lewis, Millie b. Physical character: Repair schoolO~'leaders~"u'~ ,a~at North"~ ~"='~MasonU" . Or. maybe9 you'd rather ,play Betty's husband, Ted, whoconcept in pleasure boat Powetl, for Department of the and 20 I Schools recovering from a broken hip. Wiltse, Gladys Lloyd, Maxine and preservation of existing log High School. Among them are the proud. The group ts looking was one of those unfortunate construction. Army oermit for certain work The Freshman class had a I - - They were surprised to find Gunnarson, Kay Snarer, and bulkhead, proposed new concrete . . • toy a pianist to accompany their meeting and elected officers for Sher~ Ward and Pr~sctlla .... Boeing employee s, has started his Arlene Berchot is still on the Proposed Work: another sister from California Genette Stevenson all met at the bulkhead and placement of ............. vocal efforts more lntormatlon own construction business in not so good list. If you will recall a. Location: Case Inlet, Puget the current year• They are: [ October 25-29 there also. MBC and worked on some fun approximately 190 cubic yards of maKeHem. ~nerl was erected as . " about the group may be obtained From Dows, they went to things for the Bazaar in fill. The existing bulkhead is over President of the N.M. Chapter of . " Seattle. in one of my columns last month Sound, near Allyn, Mason President BarbaraVan by calling Lynne Foster, ' " e " ' the National Honor Society which Our congratulations to Betty she was recuperating from a gall County, Washington. Buskirk. Run s home town Lawrencevdle,D cember. Chddren s brooms, 25-years old. CR5 3106 and a good luck to Ted in his new bladder operation. Less than a Vice President Tom IlL where they visited cousins and dressed up in the Xmas spirit, c. Purpose (as explained by is an organization made up of " " b. Physical character: friends. They traveled from there were one of the projects. They are the applicant): Erosi on students selected on their venture, month after her operation she was Construct a pier with removable Johnson. I MONDAY -- Holiday. GETTING ACQUAINTED leadership, scholarship and Bill and Doris Ellison areinvolved in a head-on collision ramp and float. Secretary--George Landram.I ..... to Tallahassee, Fla. for a tour of really cute. protection. TUESDAY Turkey ale king the town. Their next stop was Perhaps a careless hunter was character. Priscilla was chosen as Mrs. Kathy Nuszbaum, a happily looking forward to (not her fault) in the DeWatto c. Purpose (as explained by Treasurer Lisa Kronquist I tUESDAy -T.Tur.key ale.king , " I over hot biscuits, buttered New Orleans, La. for several days, responsible for a brush fire above In t e r e st e d p a r ties are President of Future Teachers of second grade teacher, has been completion of their new home at area. the applicant): Provide protection The Girl's Tennis team dion't I ~ed ce'l'e~, requested to submit, in writing, America which is a group of with North Mason School district Bald , Point. Construction was It is disheartening to see one for swimmers from passing boat play their match last week onI choco/ate'cupcal BELFAIR BUILDERS SUPP be in the best public interest to ank.T e ometown bank SEPTIC TANKS--DRAIN FIELDS 24 Hr. Wrecker Service ~ ~ / / ~-~ grant a permit. Replies to this from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. TOP SOIL -- SAND -- GRAVEL -- FILL DIRT TRUSTEES MEET ~ CR 5-2077 notice should be mailed to reach INSURED- LICENSED The Timberland Regional ~ VACATION- VILLAGE thiSNovemberOffice not19711atertothaninsure15 ~ ~SeHONER MEATS Library Board of Trustees will 9 \ \ / / (~ consideration• FRANK DeMIERO .o. their regular monthly BELFAIR MOBIL ~ Ph ne ~OPEN FOR INSPECTION / S~T.~OU"S:8 - 2:30 ~ ~ --Notice: meeting on Thursday, October 21 ~ o /~ BROCHURES -- PRICES ~ , ~ESt~2~,30 ~ CIVILIZATION: a constant CR 5-6155 Belfair, Wash. at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be ~' No need to worry about higher meat held in the library's administrative ~.'~>~>~~~> . :~ ~R 5-2090 ,I" INFORMATION \ 7:=3o~.~73'0°~' quest for nonviolent means of solving conflicts. Max Ascoli prices: After Nov. 15 we will continue to Z llk Cdor/ll & W lV -Ni-A's CHANNEL MASTER ANTENNAS SERVICE ON ALL MAKES Have Tubes - Will Travel CR 5-6244 'HOURS: 10 - 6:30 DAILY -- SAT, ONlY.Y: 10- 1:30 office at 1006 Sleater-Kinney S.E. in Lacey, and is open to the public. CENSOR: a person who did not like the movie and burned the book. Jerry Dashkin I DENNIS, REAL ESTATE J SPeCializing in I Waterfront and view I I Belfair Al=ross From J CR S-22S4 Belfair State Park.| I Page 6 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - October 21, 1971 lind Gorst |uJl-|tlt|on CR 5-6110 ES 3-2785 For pick-up & delivery at UNION leave name and number at Union Tavern. cut beef sides for 69c lb., cut, wrapped, L.b. 59t[ 59t quick frozen. SLAB BACON, home cured 8-10 lb. country, fresh, PORK SAUSAGE seasoned carefully We offer special steaks on We can Pick up, custom slaughter, cut and wrap your own I=~lf with state inspection. CR5-2784 Evenings MY2-2575 October 21, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3