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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 21, 2021     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 21, 2021
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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n my spare time, I think up Ititles for country-western songs. The practice provides an opportunity to explore the themes that country-western music is known for. Here are some: “My Boyfriend’s a Dirty, Low-Down, No-Account, Lying, Cheating, Bird-Dogging Fool, But I Hate Him Anyway” “You’re the Grout in My Log Cabin of Love” “There’s a Deer in My Beer” “Pardon Me For Squintin’ ” “He Stole My Heart So I Thursday, Oct.‘ 21, 2021 Shelton-Mason County Journal Page A—5 'If it Ain’t Country, I Ain’t Drinking’ “My Liver’s Living on Seams” “Let’s Fight! It’s High Noon Whiskey River” Somewhere!” ‘ “Mommas Don’t Let Your “String Him Up Girls!” Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboy “Mange, Mange on the Fans” ‘ Range” “The Ballad of Sidney Hirschbaum” “I Misplaced My Cows” “Pass the Gruyere, Cowpoke” “I Spat Chaw on My “You Never Forget Your “50 Cent Ain’t Two Bits'to mm” EREGSQN Bunkmate’s Whoozit” first Momma” Me” it ~ “Bushwhacked at the “C’mon. My Branding Iron “Sunsets, Songs and Canned Marriott” Needs Heating” Hams” “Outgunned, Out-Trucked and Outta Here” Low-Cut, Acid-Washed Jeans” “If You’re Ever in Amarillo, I Stole His Smokes” “I Have High Friends in LETTERS TO THE EDITOR lvermectin thonghts Editor, the Journal, After reading some letters to the editor criticizing the unvaccinated for not getting the experimental jab that apparently doesn’t work anyway, I wonder why ivermectin works so well in India? Their cases dropped like a rockwhen they started using it. Japan is now, why not use it here? Is there another agenda afoot? It will not kill you. It’s been on the market for years and besides that my wife and I would be dead now. Ralph E. Aldrich Shelton Blame It-on Biden Editor, the Journal, We’re nine months into the Joe Biden presidency; where does America stand? Biden said he’d get Americans out ofAfghanistan; he didn’t. He left $85 billion of military equipment be- ‘ hind; theserweapons now belong to the Taliban and will be used against us. Dozens of ships at Los Angeles, Se- attle and other ports are backed up, waiting to off-load cargo. Lack of port facilities and truckers is the cause as dozens of container ships await port facilities for 12 days. Biden blames cor— porate leadership; he wouldn’t know leadership if he tripped over it. ’ Biden canceled US. oil leases and then pleaded with the Middle East to increase oil exports as we approach a gallon for gas. Attorney general has weaponized the FBI to go after domestic terror— ists, defined as parents protesting school boards in Virginia. Burn afed- eral building in Portland, Oregon, you won’t be charged. Yelling at a school board meeting in Virginia and you get arrested. Biden allowed over 1 million un— vaccinated illegals into our country; it’s estimated that over illegals have been released from ICE custody with COVID-1 9. Biden’s using a small airport at Abilene, Texas, miles west of Dallas, to send illegals all over the US. Millions of folks, including health care and police, might be fired all over the US. because of Biden’s vac- cine mandate; yet unvaccinated ille- gals are OK. Mexican cartels now shoot at Texas National Guard brought in to protect the border Biden’s abandoned. Biden is arrogant and has utter con- tempt for the American people. Quinnipiac University Polling shows Biden is no leader, not trustworthy and incompetent. Biden’s rating: Open border 23% approve, disapprove; 50% of Democrats and 82% of independents disapprove his handling Know a Good Place for Sushi” “She Drove Her Dirty Pickup . Thru My Three-Car-Garage r “U Ain’t Nothin’ If You’re Not Droppin’ the G Thang” Heart” “Let’s Git to Gruntin’ ” “I Got Drunk with Jack & , Jill Daniels” I Contact Kirk Ericson at “Eating Beans, Splitting Journal Letter Policy The Journal encoUrages original letters to the editor of local interest. Diverse and varied opinions are welcomed. We_wi|l not publish letters that are deemed libelous or scurrilous in nature. All letters must be signed and include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number, which will beused for verification purposes only. All. letters are sabject to editing for length, grammar and clarity. To submit a letter, email, drop it off at W. Cota St, or mail it to PO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. of the border. Biden’s aiding and abetting illegal immigrants. Only believe Biden’s' honest; 56% believe he’s not; believe he’s a good leader and 56% says no; 49% believes he cares about people, 48% believes he doesn’t. His use of military, approve; disapprove. Foreign policy, approve; disapprove. . The Trafalgar Group poll says only 39% ofAmericans approve of Biden ’3 presidency; 56% disapprove. Biden’s $3.5 billion Build Back Better bill will bankruptAmerica; CNN says two- thirds ofAmericans oppose this bill. Inflation’s up over 6% in just nine ‘ months. Gallup says Republicans better handle international crises than Demo- crats: 54% to Republicans better handle the economy by 41 The public sees GOP is better for pros- perity and security. America can’t af- ford Biden’s incompetence. Run-away Joe gives a speech, then runs away taking no questions. Dou— ble—digit murders every weekend in many cities butJoe worries about vac- cinations. We have a dishonest presi- dent who lies and a do—nothing vice president who giggles. Ardean Anvik Shelton For shame Editor, the Journal, For shame. Comparing a public health’crisis response to the Holocaust is ludicrous. I hope Sandy Tarzwell’s quote in last week’s Journal was per- sonal and not representative of the school board. Otherwise, I would have to be grateful I no longer have a child in the Shelton School District. ' Judy Bidwell ‘ Shelton A vote for Joe Editor, the Journal, Joe is a military veteran, gave his time and energy as a volunteer fire- fighter and is a constant leader for this community. Many times, I have watched him make quick and accu— ~ rate decisions in complex situations. Therefore, I supported him three and a half years ago when he first ran for the Shelton City Council. -He continues to have my support and I ask you to sup- port him ‘as well. Thank you, Joe Schmit, for your continued passion to serve. Bob Burbridge ' ‘ Shelton The public good Editor, the Journal, Regarding the statement made by Sandy Tarzwell, school board member: If she doesn’t believe that public good should triumph individual rights, does that allow her to drive 100 mph down . Interstate breeze through stop signs or disregard wearing a seatbelt? Margaret and Chuck Chambers Shelton . Tarzwell needs to read ‘ Editor, the Journal, ' Your front-page quote of Shelton School Board member, Ms. Sandy’Tar— zwell, commands a comment. Let me explain: Last weekend, my wife and I at— ' tended a memorial celebration for the husband ‘of a family friend who died from uncontrolled sepsis. He died be- cause he needed specialized care that was not availabk: in any hospital from Olympia to Seattle. That care was not available because all the units with the equipment and stafi‘ he needed were fiill. Full of unvaccinated COVID—19 patients who received treatment while our friends’ husband, fully vaccinated, died waiting for a bed that did not be- come available. This tragedy needn’t have happened. It shouldn’t have happened. Had the equipment and space been available he would have made a full recovery. Ms. Tarzwell, however, apparently believes someone’s personal conviction is more important than a dying man’s needs. « i If a citizen wants to play Russian roulette with his or her life, that’s their business. But you pays your money and you takes your chances. Forcing someone to forego life-saving medical care just because you want to make a ‘ point is not OK. Finally, Ms. Tarzwell’s comparison of COVID and the Holocaust betrays an astounding ignorance of the Holocaust. . Ms. Tarzwell needs to take a trip to one of her school libraries so she can read about Auschwitz,_Dachau, Sobibor, Bergen-Belsen and dozens more. These were “camps”where millions of people were murdered after ghastly torture, ' disease and depravities beyond normal comprehension. To compare vaccines that save millions of lives with the Ho— locaust is an insult of the highest order. Bob Dick Shelton What about kids? Editor, the Journal, What a mess our world has become. With the blame games, fear factors, mandates and much more. As we see health care workers, law enforcement, firefighters and all.those who have ’ worked tirelessly fromthe beginning of this pandemic, only now are told they will take the vaccine or be let go, this is so wrong on many fronts. Those with natural immunity and those who carry the antibodies from having the virus are being told they must take the vac- cine. This is [against not only our Con- stitution, but our human rights. Now, our children’s education is at stake. We see a superintendent who has theauthority to make exceptions but has chosen not to. Why? We are not Seattle, (King County) we are Ma— son County'strong, and we are against. forced job losses. To Mr. Jessee, if you want support and financial support, you need to listen to the parents and the voters. Keep these teachers. Even when influenza has forced school clo- sures, rarely, flu shots were voluntary. To all those who are threatened, con— tact the WA Civil Rights Council and ask for a copy of “Doctrine of Informed Consent.” Irene Goldsby Shelton see LETTERS, page A-6