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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 22, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 22, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa 10 iii Skilled TV Repairs By Top Technicians Only the tope in TV service oan guarantee the beet in pioture enjoyment. Let us provide both for you. Ex-Cha tuber President Just Call On LEROY'S Television Sorvioo MT. VIEW 2218 Olympia Hiway No. PHONE HA. 6-3172 q-TLON-MAflON COUNTV JOI_rRNAL- Published in " "  -7 q- " Ohr, tea tern, I..A., ,qhe|ton, Washington SocialEvents ] Boaohoombero Plan ENGAGED Baked Food Booth Tile Beachcombers Garden Club voted at the last meeting of the group to take part in the annual VFW Halloween carnival at Bel- fair, Oct. 31. The club will have a booth of home-baked goods. The afternoon program consist- ed of a panel discussion on bulb planting led by Mrs. W. A. Calder and Mrs. R. Shepherd, Mrs. Fred Lockwood gave instructions on how to layer azaleas, heather, etc. An interesting talk on the study of trees was given by Mrs. G. Skene. Floral arangements were made by Mrs, Clay Jones and Mrs. W. A. Anderson for Judging after the meeting. Two new members were welcomed into the club, they were Mrs. Fred J. Givens of Grapev|ew anti MI. Steve Boyce, of Allyn. The next meeting of the Beach- comers wiU be held a,t the home of Mrs, W. A. Anderson, Nov. 12. i1| RENTAL SERVIOE Home Edger and Vibrator Types FLOOR SANBERS FLOOR POLISHERS Mo00an & Eaore00 Lum00 Co. Hill rest (Eleanor & H g Uy) Phone HA 6-4S22 THE ENGAGEMENT and cam- hg marriage of Miss Carolyn A.,thworth to Mr. Robert Green is being manouneed by her Imr- enta, the Rev. It, F. Aahworth and Mrs. Aahworth of Stunner. Mr. Ashworth  the former pas- tor of the Shelton Assembly of God. Paxeat of Mr. Green are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest (Ireen, Ephrta. The dding will be held in the llyallup A,embly of God church, Nov. 7. Dirt Dobbers Gardeners The Dirt Dobbers Garden Club will meet at 10:30 a.m.. Tuesday .in the Girl Scout Littlehouse, Kneeland Park. Members are ask- od to bring samples and sugges- tions for Christmas gift ideas to the meeting. All interested gardeners are re- mindt of the Cross-Sound Christ- mas show, Nov, 19 and 20 at Sher- idan Park, Bremerton. limited time Southside Board Plans Carnival The Southside PTO executive board met Oct. 12 at the soutil- side school to plan for the com- ing Couthstde carnival, Nov. 14. Mrs. Arthur Meli was named chaimnan of the event with Mrs. Jesse Stites, Mrs. Roy Longacre and Mrs. Art Bakke as co-chair- men. Committee chairmen appointed were Mrs. George Snyder. Mrs. Glenn Has'lean, kitchen; Mrs. Art Bakke, Mrs. Russell Schroe- der, Mrs. Robert Bostrom and Mrs. Robert Dethlefs, gift booths; Mrs. Wally Anderson. Mrs. Jolene Beets, food sale; Mrs. Shirlie Da- vidson, Mrs. Walter Merifield. Mrs. Jack Palmer, decorations. Mrs, Roy Longacre, Mrs. Pal- mer. Mrs. Lee Richey, Mrs. Norm Smith, Mrs. D. P. Hartwell and Mrs. J. B. Stroud. door and cash- iers; George Snyder, Art Bakke, Chuck Jackson, Russell Schroeder, Howard Ytfle, construction: Law- rence Bedel], Brian Snyder, Art Bakke, popcorn star.-o Mrs. Alma Hurst. teachers and Lvewires 4-H Club will be in charge: of the silhouettes; Mrs. Frank Wolf, games; Mrs. Russell Rickards, Mrs. Adlai Heinies. Mrs. Rex Hendrick, Mrs. Paul Arm- strong, rummage; Mrs. Richard LaFnd, Mrs. Tony Kriefels, Mrs. James Waldrip, publicity; Mrs. Howard Yule, Mrs. Luther Rod- gets, white elephants; Art Moll, Art Bakke, clean-up and Mrs. JeSse Stltes. cake walk. Don Rodgers, principal of the school announced the student body primary election results. Club Schedules Autumn Dance An autumn dance is scheduled by the Dance Club for Satl-day evening. Dancing will be to the music of Fred Keeton's orchestra from 9:30 until 1 a.m. A social hour will begin at 9 p.m. Local guests are welcome. CommCttee for the dance are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sowers, Mr. and M. Fred Crow and Mr. and Mrs. William Schirmer. HONEYMOON IN CANADA : !i:>i: i!i ¸: i: +  iii!!iii?  MR. AND MRS. ROGER RAYMOND RICHERT will be honored at an open house at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Richert, Sko- komish Valley, from 1 to S p.m. Sunday. (Hutchison photo, Pull- • mail.) The newly married Mr. and Mrs. Roger Raymond Richert are mak- ing their home in Seattle follow- ing their honeymoon at Itarrison Hot Springs, B. C. The bride is the former Mary Anne Holter, daugh- ter of Mrs. M. C. Holier, Pullman and Mr. Richert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rlchel:, Shelton. The couple repeated their vows in a double ring candlelight ,cere- mony in St. James Episcopal church, Pullman. The Roy. Dun- can McCoy officiated at the nup- tials. The "Wedding Prayer" was sung by Miss Diane Simon ac- companied by Mr. P. Dean Van- derwall. Chrysanthemums a n d gladiolas decorated the chapel for the ceremony. Mr. Robert N. Brown gave his cousin in marriage. For her wed- ding, the bride chose a full length gown of white silk taffeta and chan411y lace. The sabrina neck- line was trimmed with pearls and sequms. Her fingertip veil was caught by a ero of petlrls. Bur- nished gold and pearl earrings, de- signed by the bridegroom, com- pleted her ensemble. She carried white rose buds centered by a bronze orchid. Maid of honor was Miss Norma Holter, sister of the bride, in a green iridescent taffeta sheath. with draped panels. She carried an arm bouquet of chrysanthemums tied with talEsmen ribbon. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Jerry Richert, sister-in-law of the bride- g]'oom of Shelton, Miss Arlene Stack, Spokane. They were dress- ed in gowns of the same design as the maid of honor and carried arm Brown and Vicki Brown, cousins of the bride in Capachine irides- cent taffeta prince style gowns. Mr. Richert asked his brother, Jerry to be best man, and his brother George and Mr. Ronald Pyeatt, ushers. Mrs. Holter, chose an Ice blue brocade sheath wlth matching &c- cessories and gardenia corsage for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Richert, mother of the bridegroom wore a beige brocade sheath with matching accessories and talis- lnan rose corsage. Fall flowers decorated the church parlors for the reception following the nuptials. A five tier- ed wedding cake decorated with brown and orange chrysanthe- mums, and yellow tapers graced the bride's table. Serving the appointments were Mrs. Nolan Brown, Mrs. Robert Brown, Mrs. Chet Wayman, Miss Betty Yost, Miss Rita Hoyes, Mrs. Donald Bafus, Miss Gall McCall and Mike Brown. Mrs. Roger Richert was gradu- ated from Pullman high school, W a s h i n g t o n State University, where she was affiliated with Al- pha Phi sorority. She is employed at Northern Life Insurance as a secretary. Mr. Richert was gradu- ated from Irene S. Reed high school and Washington State Uni- versity. He is a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity and is em- ployed as an architect \\;vitl Jones Lovegren, Helms and Jones, Se- attle. Among the out-of-town guests attending the wedding were Mrs. F. D. Heald, Mrs. Wendell Allen g Thor, day District President Lauds VFW Aux. Mrs. Margaret Casey, fifth dis- trict president, from Montesano, xva honored at lhe last VFW Auxiliary meeting. She praisect the auxiliary (m their standing in the district as an outstanding gl'oHp. Tie auxiliary received a trophy for the largest percentage at their meetings. Mrs. Ann Young, dis- trict color gnard fronl Ai)er(le(m and Mrs. Ruth West, department color guard and district secretary, also attended the meeiing. A report of a Western State hospital party was given by Mrs. Colleen Gephart. Mrs. Virgie Cleveland, Mrs. Betty Godwin and Mrs. Lucy Edmiston also attend- ed. Thank yeas were given to the members donating cakes for the party. All memhers are asked to save all kinds of clean rags for the pa-: tients projects and magazines to turn them in at the meetings or contact Mrs. (;ephart or Mrs. Cleveland. Miss Marian Johnson gave a re- port of the last Cascade Council meeting which she attended as a V F W Auxiliary representative. She thanked the members that baked 25 dozen cookies for Amer- ican Lake Hospital• President, Mrs. Betty Godwin appointed Mrs. Beatrice Gray as senior citizen chairman. The charter was draped in mem- ory of Mrs. Josephine Rnbillard, a deceased member. Mrs. Fae Robinson, essay chair- man, reported progress matte on essay contest sponsored by tim auxiliary in the high school titled "Civil Defense--An American Tra- dition". The auxiliary is making a strong effort to have 100 per cent paid up membership by Dec. 31, so they can be eligible for a special award. Please mail or bring dues to Mrs. Florence Ham- ilton, treasurer. MASON CO. DAN Saturday, Daylon MUSIC BY Easiest BIG ALL HOM % • all now • on y 23 poUc (loss bar and' • tells trees up in diarnetet • Ht,arartee for 7 motif hs " Have a free SAE MOTOI Phone HA HI, HONEY! THE SkL[00S IS CO ISU HE TALK T pla' etH by .Inlqlqmg4 LS '1.OO fo you buy an! | • vlng brasc. e3.95 and up Playtx makes thi offer becovu know that you'll always wear a Playtax Uving Era after you try te first eke. All day long you'll enjoy the heavenly comfort of America's #1 dmtlc bro. You'll lay! the way that only Playtex stretches with you, breathes with you, yet always stays in place. So right now buy o Playtex Living Era and Playtex will send you $1,00 far any tired, worn-out old bra you send in. But hurry, offer good for a short time Gay. Q. Phlytex Uvin. [ka with ny!el cupS, ,*_,.erlCO'S #l elastic brcl. Block er whltt. |2A tO 42¢, .g& '' siU, bt.g&. b. toytex Uvin 9 L(mglbe  with the exciting el=tic maglc.midri bt th# imMbe bust-to-hlp line ever. 2A to 44C. White at new low price of $$,95. "0" size $6.9S. €. Playtex Uving ira with Magic-Circle T Cotton Cups. For the first time ever, circular =filch cups that won't shrink o€ twist out of shape- keep their lovely shape wash after wash. White. 32A to d2C. $3.95. "D" sizes $4.9.5. d. Ploytex Living Iko with Beauty.Shape M Cups. No# padded, but pro-shaped to shops you naturally for new ]oung Ioveltne,. Whlte. 32A to 38 $4.95. ii i i t i ii i i i OREDiT PLANS . • Contracts • Legionnaire • Revolving Credit Plan • Regular 80-Day Accounts M • R€ A  T I L g • 90-Day Special Accounts i1,1 i ,i q H H,II,, , I ii IH i II I i i ill u II II I IIII i II i i i i i I[ ,ll J Ill Ill I mill IIl I II jl I l I I Iii I I II I] I i i i i i i Ill Illll I I I I I I bouquets of chrysanthemums. Candlelighters were Misses Susan Youth Holds Topic At Woman's Club The problems of entertainment for youth groups in the commu- nity was the topic of the guest speaker at the afternoon program of last Thursday's Hood Canal Woman's club meeting. Mrs. Hel- ena Adamson of the Washington State educational department at Olympia was guest speaker. Mrs. Betty Schwab, Hoodsport Girl Scout leader, spoke on scout- ing and suggested ways for the club women to help with troop ac- tivities. Esther Johnson, Cathy Drebiek, Jenny Knautz and LomJne Des- let" gave accounts of their experi- ences at Girls' State last June. They also sang a song about Girls' State. Each year the chkb helps sponsor a girl to attend Girls' State. Mrs. Ethel Dalby was elected second vice president of the club. A letter was read from Kang Nam Ha, Korean orphan, which the club supports. A. CHstmas package is being mailed to her by the members. A lovely luncheon was served by Mrs. Alpha Brown, Mrs. Oletha Stark, Mrs. Bessie Mawson and Mrs: Nina Miller. B.P.W. Hears Heart Speaker Members of the Shelton Busi- ness and Professional Woman's Club had as their guest and speak- er at the last meeting of the group, Marjorle L. Morrill, region- al program consultant for the Washington State Heart Associa- tion. The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Maybell Daniels. Mrs. Marie McKay was also a guest. Mrs. Mabel Burk, vice president, reported on her attendance at the recent district conference at Ho- quiam. Miss Mary Dobson, district director, of Shelton presided at the meeting. Rummage, Plant Sale A rummage and plant sale will be held today, Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the old dime store next to M & S Grocery store on Cola Street. The sale will feature plants, clothing, furniture and odds and ends. The sale is being sponsored by the three Guilds of St. Mary's Altar Society of St. Edward'e Catholic church. Journal Want Ads Pay Mrs. Karl P. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hubbard, Miss Rlta iT'S GREAT TO ViSiT H Hayes, all of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnston, Opportu- nity;Mr, and Mrs NolanBrown I LONG DISTANCE AND T and family, Cheney, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and family. Mrs., S S0 S Warren Cram, Colf.x, Mr. and MALL[ cific Mrs. Ronald Pyeatt, Seattle. ;:i :.LIL .i: this. •. Quick 'n' Easy Bullet d  Weshim- h lead t*m.  tuMled Pickles • •e M Ilelmd IMItef Ym bitored Lrendn lreod ,mk Set (dke lh delicious bullet meal caa  FI" Imred qukly oM easily... *s disli0ctWe m appearance and appetite oppool. Serve il in the modern relaxed tempo ol th t. GOLDEN GLAZED : FRYER e | Washington Grown Fryers (about 2 to 3 tbs ebch), co! into qucIt¢, Y cup butter e I tablespoon grated ohio= I lablpoon soy sauce I NO, 2 (on apricot halves . • 3 mbns dd lrsW • Arrange chicken pieces in single layer in shallow bking pan. Melt butter in smoll ucepon; stir in anion, soy saute, and • h cup syrup from conned apricots; heol to boiling; brush generously over hicken. Bake in oven preheated to 30 ° Ior e hour Brulh allen with sauce Place d[ained apn(at halves around chi¢kun during lost • 10 minutes Serve on hfed plaiter; gar- n,sh with chopped por,ley. MOy be served with remain,no sou¢e. . This vipe deteloped and Kitchen.Tested by WASHINGTON FRYER OMMItSION lir,.,n I Ow Fryer Jdr..v ol W¢.ia#t Wa gton-G FRYER Nowadays-fresh Washington fryers are an ever round food value, thanks to modern fryer growing Pound for pound, no other popular meat has more nu value. Taste for taste, fresh Washington favorite. Dollar for dollar, they are always on meat buys. Naturally Fresher .... Naturalltt Fryers should be strictly fresh when you the better. You know Washington Grown fryers are eat you can get, because they are raised on nearby ton farms-processed and packaged meticulously to your grocer. Always choose "Washington-Fresh" =,... or. =aoy-O,., rr,, nocip,, look for thiSt Please send me "Bake-A-Fryer" Recipes. Clip and mail to: WASHINGTON FRYER COMMISSION 1019 Sacurltlao Bldg., Seattla I, Washington Name Address , City State Pa 10 iii Skilled TV Repairs By Top Technicians Only the tope in TV service oan guarantee the beet in pioture enjoyment. Let us provide both for you. Ex-Cha tuber President Just Call On LEROY'S Television Sorvioo MT. VIEW 2218 Olympia Hiway No. PHONE HA. 6-3172 q-TLON-MAflON COUNTV JOI_rRNAL- Published in " "  -7 q- " Ohr, tea tern, I..A., ,qhe|ton, Washington SocialEvents ] Boaohoombero Plan ENGAGED Baked Food Booth Tile Beachcombers Garden Club voted at the last meeting of the group to take part in the annual VFW Halloween carnival at Bel- fair, Oct. 31. The club will have a booth of home-baked goods. The afternoon program consist- ed of a panel discussion on bulb planting led by Mrs. W. A. Calder and Mrs. R. Shepherd, Mrs. Fred Lockwood gave instructions on how to layer azaleas, heather, etc. An interesting talk on the study of trees was given by Mrs. G. Skene. Floral arangements were made by Mrs, Clay Jones and Mrs. W. A. Anderson for Judging after the meeting. Two new members were welcomed into the club, they were Mrs. Fred J. Givens of Grapev|ew anti MI. Steve Boyce, of Allyn. The next meeting of the Beach- comers wiU be held a,t the home of Mrs, W. A. Anderson, Nov. 12. i1| RENTAL SERVIOE Home Edger and Vibrator Types FLOOR SANBERS FLOOR POLISHERS Mo00an & Eaore00 Lum00 Co. Hill rest (Eleanor & H g Uy) Phone HA 6-4S22 THE ENGAGEMENT and cam- hg marriage of Miss Carolyn A.,thworth to Mr. Robert Green is being manouneed by her Imr- enta, the Rev. It, F. Aahworth and Mrs. Aahworth of Stunner. Mr. Ashworth  the former pas- tor of the Shelton Assembly of God. Paxeat of Mr. Green are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest (Ireen, Ephrta. The dding will be held in the llyallup A,embly of God church, Nov. 7. Dirt Dobbers Gardeners The Dirt Dobbers Garden Club will meet at 10:30 a.m.. Tuesday .in the Girl Scout Littlehouse, Kneeland Park. Members are ask- od to bring samples and sugges- tions for Christmas gift ideas to the meeting. All interested gardeners are re- mindt of the Cross-Sound Christ- mas show, Nov, 19 and 20 at Sher- idan Park, Bremerton. limited time Southside Board Plans Carnival The Southside PTO executive board met Oct. 12 at the soutil- side school to plan for the com- ing Couthstde carnival, Nov. 14. Mrs. Arthur Meli was named chaimnan of the event with Mrs. Jesse Stites, Mrs. Roy Longacre and Mrs. Art Bakke as co-chair- men. Committee chairmen appointed were Mrs. George Snyder. Mrs. Glenn Has'lean, kitchen; Mrs. Art Bakke, Mrs. Russell Schroe- der, Mrs. Robert Bostrom and Mrs. Robert Dethlefs, gift booths; Mrs. Wally Anderson. Mrs. Jolene Beets, food sale; Mrs. Shirlie Da- vidson, Mrs. Walter Merifield. Mrs. Jack Palmer, decorations. Mrs, Roy Longacre, Mrs. Pal- mer. Mrs. Lee Richey, Mrs. Norm Smith, Mrs. D. P. Hartwell and Mrs. J. B. Stroud. door and cash- iers; George Snyder, Art Bakke, Chuck Jackson, Russell Schroeder, Howard Ytfle, construction: Law- rence Bedel], Brian Snyder, Art Bakke, popcorn star.-o Mrs. Alma Hurst. teachers and Lvewires 4-H Club will be in charge: of the silhouettes; Mrs. Frank Wolf, games; Mrs. Russell Rickards, Mrs. Adlai Heinies. Mrs. Rex Hendrick, Mrs. Paul Arm- strong, rummage; Mrs. Richard LaFnd, Mrs. Tony Kriefels, Mrs. James Waldrip, publicity; Mrs. Howard Yule, Mrs. Luther Rod- gets, white elephants; Art Moll, Art Bakke, clean-up and Mrs. JeSse Stltes. cake walk. Don Rodgers, principal of the school announced the student body primary election results. Club Schedules Autumn Dance An autumn dance is scheduled by the Dance Club for Satl-day evening. Dancing will be to the music of Fred Keeton's orchestra from 9:30 until 1 a.m. A social hour will begin at 9 p.m. Local guests are welcome. CommCttee for the dance are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sowers, Mr. and M. Fred Crow and Mr. and Mrs. William Schirmer. HONEYMOON IN CANADA : !i:>i: i!i ¸: i: +  iii!!iii?  MR. AND MRS. ROGER RAYMOND RICHERT will be honored at an open house at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Richert, Sko- komish Valley, from 1 to S p.m. Sunday. (Hutchison photo, Pull- • mail.) The newly married Mr. and Mrs. Roger Raymond Richert are mak- ing their home in Seattle follow- ing their honeymoon at Itarrison Hot Springs, B. C. The bride is the former Mary Anne Holter, daugh- ter of Mrs. M. C. Holier, Pullman and Mr. Richert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rlchel:, Shelton. The couple repeated their vows in a double ring candlelight ,cere- mony in St. James Episcopal church, Pullman. The Roy. Dun- can McCoy officiated at the nup- tials. The "Wedding Prayer" was sung by Miss Diane Simon ac- companied by Mr. P. Dean Van- derwall. Chrysanthemums a n d gladiolas decorated the chapel for the ceremony. Mr. Robert N. Brown gave his cousin in marriage. For her wed- ding, the bride chose a full length gown of white silk taffeta and chan411y lace. The sabrina neck- line was trimmed with pearls and sequms. Her fingertip veil was caught by a ero of petlrls. Bur- nished gold and pearl earrings, de- signed by the bridegroom, com- pleted her ensemble. She carried white rose buds centered by a bronze orchid. Maid of honor was Miss Norma Holter, sister of the bride, in a green iridescent taffeta sheath. with draped panels. She carried an arm bouquet of chrysanthemums tied with talEsmen ribbon. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Jerry Richert, sister-in-law of the bride- g]'oom of Shelton, Miss Arlene Stack, Spokane. They were dress- ed in gowns of the same design as the maid of honor and carried arm Brown and Vicki Brown, cousins of the bride in Capachine irides- cent taffeta prince style gowns. Mr. Richert asked his brother, Jerry to be best man, and his brother George and Mr. Ronald Pyeatt, ushers. Mrs. Holter, chose an Ice blue brocade sheath wlth matching &c- cessories and gardenia corsage for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Richert, mother of the bridegroom wore a beige brocade sheath with matching accessories and talis- lnan rose corsage. Fall flowers decorated the church parlors for the reception following the nuptials. A five tier- ed wedding cake decorated with brown and orange chrysanthe- mums, and yellow tapers graced the bride's table. Serving the appointments were Mrs. Nolan Brown, Mrs. Robert Brown, Mrs. Chet Wayman, Miss Betty Yost, Miss Rita Hoyes, Mrs. Donald Bafus, Miss Gall McCall and Mike Brown. Mrs. Roger Richert was gradu- ated from Pullman high school, W a s h i n g t o n State University, where she was affiliated with Al- pha Phi sorority. She is employed at Northern Life Insurance as a secretary. Mr. Richert was gradu- ated from Irene S. Reed high school and Washington State Uni- versity. He is a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity and is em- ployed as an architect \\;vitl Jones Lovegren, Helms and Jones, Se- attle. Among the out-of-town guests attending the wedding were Mrs. F. D. Heald, Mrs. Wendell Allen g Thor, day District President Lauds VFW Aux. Mrs. Margaret Casey, fifth dis- trict president, from Montesano, xva honored at lhe last VFW Auxiliary meeting. She praisect the auxiliary (m their standing in the district as an outstanding gl'oHp. Tie auxiliary received a trophy for the largest percentage at their meetings. Mrs. Ann Young, dis- trict color gnard fronl Ai)er(le(m and Mrs. Ruth West, department color guard and district secretary, also attended the meeiing. A report of a Western State hospital party was given by Mrs. Colleen Gephart. Mrs. Virgie Cleveland, Mrs. Betty Godwin and Mrs. Lucy Edmiston also attend- ed. Thank yeas were given to the members donating cakes for the party. All memhers are asked to save all kinds of clean rags for the pa-: tients projects and magazines to turn them in at the meetings or contact Mrs. (;ephart or Mrs. Cleveland. Miss Marian Johnson gave a re- port of the last Cascade Council meeting which she attended as a V F W Auxiliary representative. She thanked the members that baked 25 dozen cookies for Amer- ican Lake Hospital• President, Mrs. Betty Godwin appointed Mrs. Beatrice Gray as senior citizen chairman. The charter was draped in mem- ory of Mrs. Josephine Rnbillard, a deceased member. Mrs. Fae Robinson, essay chair- man, reported progress matte on essay contest sponsored by tim auxiliary in the high school titled "Civil Defense--An American Tra- dition". The auxiliary is making a strong effort to have 100 per cent paid up membership by Dec. 31, so they can be eligible for a special award. Please mail or bring dues to Mrs. Florence Ham- ilton, treasurer. MASON CO. DAN Saturday, Daylon MUSIC BY Easiest BIG ALL HOM % • all now • on y 23 poUc (loss bar and' • tells trees up in diarnetet • Ht,arartee for 7 motif hs " Have a free SAE MOTOI Phone HA HI, HONEY! THE SkL[00S IS CO ISU HE TALK T pla' etH by .Inlqlqmg4 LS '1.OO fo you buy an! | • vlng brasc. e3.95 and up Playtx makes thi offer becovu know that you'll always wear a Playtax Uving Era after you try te first eke. All day long you'll enjoy the heavenly comfort of America's #1 dmtlc bro. You'll lay! the way that only Playtex stretches with you, breathes with you, yet always stays in place. So right now buy o Playtex Living Era and Playtex will send you $1,00 far any tired, worn-out old bra you send in. But hurry, offer good for a short time Gay. Q. Phlytex Uvin. [ka with ny!el cupS, ,*_,.erlCO'S #l elastic brcl. Block er whltt. |2A tO 42¢, .g& '' siU, bt.g&. b. toytex Uvin 9 L(mglbe  with the exciting el=tic maglc.midri bt th# imMbe bust-to-hlp line ever. 2A to 44C. White at new low price of $$,95. "0" size $6.9S. €. Playtex Uving ira with Magic-Circle T Cotton Cups. For the first time ever, circular =filch cups that won't shrink o€ twist out of shape- keep their lovely shape wash after wash. White. 32A to d2C. $3.95. "D" sizes $4.9.5. d. Ploytex Living Iko with Beauty.Shape M Cups. No# padded, but pro-shaped to shops you naturally for new ]oung Ioveltne,. Whlte. 32A to 38 $4.95. ii i i t i ii i i i OREDiT PLANS . • Contracts • Legionnaire • Revolving Credit Plan • Regular 80-Day Accounts M • R€ A  T I L g • 90-Day Special Accounts i1,1 i ,i q H H,II,, , I ii IH i II I i i ill u II II I IIII i II i i i i i I[ ,ll J Ill Ill I mill IIl I II jl I l I I Iii I I II I] I i i i i i i Ill Illll I I I I I I bouquets of chrysanthemums. Candlelighters were Misses Susan Youth Holds Topic At Woman's Club The problems of entertainment for youth groups in the commu- nity was the topic of the guest speaker at the afternoon program of last Thursday's Hood Canal Woman's club meeting. Mrs. Hel- ena Adamson of the Washington State educational department at Olympia was guest speaker. Mrs. Betty Schwab, Hoodsport Girl Scout leader, spoke on scout- ing and suggested ways for the club women to help with troop ac- tivities. Esther Johnson, Cathy Drebiek, Jenny Knautz and LomJne Des- let" gave accounts of their experi- ences at Girls' State last June. They also sang a song about Girls' State. Each year the chkb helps sponsor a girl to attend Girls' State. Mrs. Ethel Dalby was elected second vice president of the club. A letter was read from Kang Nam Ha, Korean orphan, which the club supports. A. CHstmas package is being mailed to her by the members. A lovely luncheon was served by Mrs. Alpha Brown, Mrs. Oletha Stark, Mrs. Bessie Mawson and Mrs: Nina Miller. B.P.W. Hears Heart Speaker Members of the Shelton Busi- ness and Professional Woman's Club had as their guest and speak- er at the last meeting of the group, Marjorle L. Morrill, region- al program consultant for the Washington State Heart Associa- tion. The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Maybell Daniels. Mrs. Marie McKay was also a guest. Mrs. Mabel Burk, vice president, reported on her attendance at the recent district conference at Ho- quiam. Miss Mary Dobson, district director, of Shelton presided at the meeting. Rummage, Plant Sale A rummage and plant sale will be held today, Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the old dime store next to M & S Grocery store on Cola Street. The sale will feature plants, clothing, furniture and odds and ends. The sale is being sponsored by the three Guilds of St. Mary's Altar Society of St. Edward'e Catholic church. Journal Want Ads Pay Mrs. Karl P. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hubbard, Miss Rlta iT'S GREAT TO ViSiT H Hayes, all of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnston, Opportu- nity;Mr, and Mrs NolanBrown I LONG DISTANCE AND T and family, Cheney, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and family. Mrs., S S0 S Warren Cram, Colf.x, Mr. and MALL[ cific Mrs. Ronald Pyeatt, Seattle. ;:i :.LIL .i: this. •. Quick 'n' Easy Bullet d  Weshim- h lead t*m.  tuMled Pickles • •e M Ilelmd IMItef Ym bitored Lrendn lreod ,mk Set (dke lh delicious bullet meal caa  FI" Imred qukly oM easily... *s disli0ctWe m appearance and appetite oppool. Serve il in the modern relaxed tempo ol th t. GOLDEN GLAZED : FRYER e | Washington Grown Fryers (about 2 to 3 tbs ebch), co! into qucIt¢, Y cup butter e I tablespoon grated ohio= I lablpoon soy sauce I NO, 2 (on apricot halves . • 3 mbns dd lrsW • Arrange chicken pieces in single layer in shallow bking pan. Melt butter in smoll ucepon; stir in anion, soy saute, and • h cup syrup from conned apricots; heol to boiling; brush generously over hicken. Bake in oven preheated to 30 ° Ior e hour Brulh allen with sauce Place d[ained apn(at halves around chi¢kun during lost • 10 minutes Serve on hfed plaiter; gar- n,sh with chopped por,ley. MOy be served with remain,no sou¢e. . This vipe deteloped and Kitchen.Tested by WASHINGTON FRYER OMMItSION lir,.,n I Ow Fryer Jdr..v ol W¢.ia#t Wa gton-G FRYER Nowadays-fresh Washington fryers are an ever round food value, thanks to modern fryer growing Pound for pound, no other popular meat has more nu value. Taste for taste, fresh Washington favorite. Dollar for dollar, they are always on meat buys. Naturally Fresher .... Naturalltt Fryers should be strictly fresh when you the better. You know Washington Grown fryers are eat you can get, because they are raised on nearby ton farms-processed and packaged meticulously to your grocer. Always choose "Washington-Fresh" =,... or. =aoy-O,., rr,, nocip,, look for thiSt Please send me "Bake-A-Fryer" Recipes. Clip and mail to: WASHINGTON FRYER COMMISSION 1019 Sacurltlao Bldg., Seattla I, Washington Name Address , City State