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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 22, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 22, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa 12 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in " " Chmsfmastown " Shelton Washin 8ympfoms of Drstress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS, DUZTO EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST ()vex five million packages of the t/SJID TltF.aTMtatr have been sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stmmgh and Duodenal Ulcers due to Exeess Acid--- Poor DIBNtion, Sour or Ulet Stomoehp GiRosI, Htartburn, Sleeplessness, etc. dut to Ifxcmt Acid. Ask for "Willlrd'$ ge" whicll fully uplama  home taatment--'-at PREPP'S REXALL STORE MoCON KEY'S PHARMACY .00SI'ORTS'00 DAB STEWART'S 630 LEADS INDUSTRIAL MEN'S INI)USTRIAL W Cole & Myhre Service ..... 15 Lumbermen's Merc ........ 14 20th Century Thriftway 11 Pantorium Cleaners .......... 9 Waterfront Realty ............. 9 Morgan Transfer .............. 8 Shelton Motors ................ 7 13 Grant Lumber .................... 7 13 High game  Bab Stewart 226 High total  Bab Stewart 630, Ray Rice 629 FAST, DEPENDABLE SERVICE On Applianoes & T.V. All Makes, Models Bab Stewart and Ray Rice un- L limbered their heavy guns to born- 5 bard the Timber Bowl pins for re- 6 spectivc 630 and 629 series in 9 men's Industrial leagm bowling play last week, feats which lifted 11 11 the L.M. and 20th Century to 12 shutout successes. Stewart paced the Merks past Grant Lumber (Lionel Leman 519) and Rice steered the grocers :over Morgan Transfer (Ken Wal- den 511). Other matches went by] 3-1 counts, leading Cole & Myhrel Mobil Service (Charlie Cole 530) downing Pantorium Cleaners (Mark Fredson 551) and Shelton Motors (Jess Phillips and Bus Calktns 491 each) spilling Water- front Realty (Dick Moulton 519}. KEEP RSHInGTOn D & K SERVIDE HA 6-2441 110 COTA ST. 1:1,01111 GIBSON Wears Glasles Call Hoodalrt TR. 7-Ii2 Our Hood Canal RepreaentaUve KIMBEL MOTOP,8 Chrysler-Plymouth Carl International Truoke Bulldogs Give Bearcals Tighter Tussle Than 33-9 Count Indicates CENTRAL LEAGUE W L Tptsl'F PA Chehalis ........ 2 0 0 4 87 15 No. Thurston 2 0 0 4 27 0 Montesano .... 2 1 0 4 30 45 Shelton .......... 0 1 1 1 7 13 Elms .............. 0 2 1 1 13 34 St. Martins .... 0 2 0 0 12 68 Last Week Chehalis 33, Montesano 9 North Thurston 20, Elma 0 Pasco 26, Shelton 0 St. Martins 13, Rochester 0 This Friday Shelton at Montesano Bellarmine at St. Martins Chehalis at Elma North Thurston bye Chehalis and North Thurston rolled to their second straight Central League victories Friday, the Bearcats hanging the first conference defeat on Montesano by a deceptive 33-9 count while the Rams blitzed Elms, 20-0, with an aerial attack. Montesano played the powerful Bearcats virtually even in all the statLtics except the important one on the scoreboard, the Bull- dogs displaying a strong running attack. Dale Ford did the passing and also the lion's share of the scor- ing in North Thurston's success, completing 12 of 25 throws and registering 13 points personally. Mac Arrington of Chehalis was another 13-pointer for the week but neither threatened Allan Allie's individual scoring lead. AI- lie tallied a Chehalis touchdown and now has 30 points in two con- ference games. Here are the individual point statistics: TD PAT Pts Allan Allie, Chehalis.. 5 0 30 Dale Ford, NT ............. 3 1 19 RAILROAD FEATHERBEDDING: s500,00000,00'0 LoSS TO THE NATION INCLUDING YOU-EVERY YEAR Featherbeddin On the railroads - pay for work not done or not needed- is costing the Amer- ican people the shocking total of more than $500,000,000 a year. You pay for Revery time you shop, because featherbedding costs are hidden in the price of everything you buy. Obsolete union work rules, involvin the rail- road operating employees, are responsible for this gigantic burden. Right now, for instance, these rules require every diesel locomotive to carry a fireman--even though diesels have no fires to stoke, no boilers to tend. The forthcoming negotiations between the rail- roads and the unions are urgently important to the whole nation. In asking the unions to drop these featherbeddin rules, all the railroads ask for is o fair day's work for a fair day's pay. AMERICAN RAILROADS I PAS¢O OUTSPEEDS SHELTON FOR 26-0 WIN IN INTERSECTIONAL PREP GRIDIRON BATTLE PASCO Fancy Pasco footwork! out-matched accm'ate S h e I t o n aerial efforts here Friday night as the Bulldogs of the Inland Em- pire Big Seven Conference hung up a 26-0 victory over the High- climbers of Southwest Washing- ton's Central League in an inter- sectional prep football game. Three touchdown rams cover- ing a total of 220 yards imple- mented Pasco's first success in five starts this season and em- phasized in clear-cut manner the tremendously superior speed which was the Bulldogs' main weapon against the Climbers. Clark Henderson, 165-pound senior halfback, put the Bulldogs on the score board by racing 67! yards over right tackle in the late moments of the first quarter, the second time Pasco held posses- ion of the ball. Ray Amstadt, senior fullback, place-kicked the extra point. THE FIRST TIME Pasco own- ed the ball in the second quarter Bob Mooney, 155-pound junior halfback, romped around left end for 75 yards for another Bulldog touchdown, and Bobby Cleveland 150-pound sophomore halfback, closed the evenings footwork by breaking over the middle and sim- ply out-running Shelton's defend- ers for a 78-yard scoring gallop with just 30 seconds of the game remaining. Amstadt also kicked the try-for-point. Pasco's other touchdown (No. 3) came on the fourth play of the fourth quarter when Mooney skirted the left side from eight yards out to close a drive which started after Amstadt intercepted Bud Wedin, Chehalis 2 3 Mac Arrington, Cheh 2 1 George Raines, Monte 1 3 Dave Dowling, Cheh 1 2 Larry Barnes NT ...... 1 1 Craig Gunther, Cheh 1 1 Bob Beerbower, Elms 1 1 Will Rodgern, Shelton Hugh Antonson, St. M 1 l 0 AI Lougheed, Monte.. 1 0 AI Beaulieu, Monte .... 1 0 Stan August, Elms .... i 0 Wayne Monroe, St. M 1 0 Joel Gunther, Cheh .... 1 0 Les Ramsey, Cheh .... 1 0 Archie Morrison, Mon I 0 Rawlin Mclnelly, Shel 0 1 Tim Dills, Montesano 0 1 Rick Wirta, Chehalis 0 1 George Bickel, Cheh 0 1 TOTALS .............. 26 17 PREP FOOTBALL SCORES Pasta 26, Shelton 0 Chehalls 33, Montesano 9 Nm'th.Thurston 20, Ehna 0 Aberdeen 18, Stadium 0 West Bremerton 20, Wilson 0 East Brem 20, South Kit 0 Nm'th Kitsap 7, Sequim 6 Central Kit 41, Pt. Townsend 14 Port Angeles 40, Bainbridge 9 Hoquiam 25, Mark Morris 13 Mt. Vernon 41, Marysville 0 Contrails 19, Longview 7 Oak Harbor 13, Concrete 0 St. Martins 13, Rochester 0 Olympia 18, Lincoln 7 Blancher 7, Bellarmine 0 ,| TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and 50 min. later and plus 3.0 ft. Friday, Oct. 23 Low ................ 2:47 a.m. 1.3 ft. High .............. 10:17 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low ................ 4:12 p.m. 7.0 ft. High .............. 8:22 p.m. 8.7 ft. Saturday, Oct. 24 Low .................. 3:39 a.m. 1.9 ft. High .............. 11:14 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low ................. 5:22 p.m. 6.7 ft. High .............. 9:31 p.m. 8.3 ft. Sunday, Oct. 25 Low ................ 4:37 a.m. 2.3 ft. High .............. 12:06 p.m. 11.2 ft. Low ................ 6:24 p.m. 6.1 ft. High .............. 10:59 p.m. 8.1 ft. Monday, Oct. 26 Low ................. 5:39 a.m. 2.8 ft. High .............. 12:50 p.m. 11.3 ft. bow ................ 7:14 p.m. 5.2 ft. hty Oct. 27 Tuea ':27 a.m. High .............. 8.4 ft. Low ................ 6:38 a,m. 3.2 ft. High .............. 1:30 p,m. 11.4 ft. Low ................ 7:56 p.m. 4.1 ft, Way, Oct. 28 High .............. 1:40 a.m. 9.1 ft. Low ................ 7:34 a.m. 3.5 ft. High .............. 2:04 p.m. 11.6 ft. Low ................ 8:34 p.m. 2.9 ft. Thursday, Oct. 29 High .............. 2:41 a.m. 9.9 ft. Low ................ 8:26 a.m. 3.8 ft. High .............. 2:35 p.m. 11.8 ft. Low ................ 9:12 p.m. 1.6 ft." TOM KENDALL a Shelton pass on the Bulldog 42 three plays before the end of the third quarter. Henderson's 26- yard romp around right end gave the march its main impetus. Shelton's aerial bombs began exploding in the second half, when quarterback Ray Manke pulled the trigger 23 times and hit his tar- gets eleven times for 130 yards. He completed eight of 19 for 104 yards in the fourth quarter. THEY PROPELLED the Climb- ers into Pasco territory twice in the last period, but interceptions at the 36 and 14 yard lines stymied the attacks. The latter made Cleveland's s e n s a t i o n a 1 final 15 touchdown run possible when Mel 13 task, I55-pound junior quarter- 9 back, made the theft and return- 8 ed to the 22. Cleveland broke 7 loose on the next play. 7 Two other Mazke passes fell in 7 Bulldog arms, his last throw in the third quarter on the Shelton 42 to set up Pasco's third touch- 6 down, and his final toss of the 6 game on the Shelton 45. 6 In all Manke took to the air 6 28 times with 13 successes for 6 154 yards, but in the first half 6 he threw only five times for 24 6 yards on two completions. 1 Shelton's ground game looked 1 like it might go places in the 1 early going, the Climbers racking 1 up two first downs right after 173 the opening kickoff, but a couple of five-yard penalties clapped the brakes on the move and forced a punt. DURING Tills SERIES the Climbers made 26 of their game total of 65 yards from atoning plays. In the entire second half Shelton gained only ten yards on the ground, running the ball only seven times wifile passing 23 times. At the same time, two pass plays which failed to jell lost 17 yards. In blanking Shelton it was the 3-WAY DEADLOCK IN JUNIOR LOOP STANDINGS WON Lost Moose Lodge .................... 11 5 Joslin Insurance ............ 11 5 Clark Logging Company 11 5 Bernie's ................................. 9 7 Angle Insurance ................ 9 7 Hembroff Insurance ........ 9 7 Ladies Auxiliary ................ 2 10 Beckwith Jewelry ............ 2 10 High Scores Boys' Game --- Everett McCoy 224 Girls' Game -- Nancy Wilson, 154 Boys' Total -- Gary Clark, 487 Girls' Total -- Nancy Wilson, 405 Clark Logging Company (Gary Clark, 487} tallied the only 4-0 shutout over Ladies Auxiliary (Donna Clark, 284) to move into a three team tie for first place with Moose Lodge (Don Hanson, 465) and Joslin Insurance (Wayne Carlson, 463) who split 2-2. Hembroff Insurance ( S an d y Martin, 393) whittled Bernie's (Tom Longacre, 398) with a 3-1 victory, putting both teams in contention for second place along with Angle Insurance (Everett McCoy, 478) who took 3-1 from Beckwith's (Allan Longacre, 344). JUNIOR HIGH SCORES Hopkins 21, Shelton 6 Centralia 13, Miller 6 Jefferson 21, Washington 6 West Blem 20, East Brem 13 North Kitsap 13, Whitman 6 Thursday, first lime this season Pasco has held its rivals to less titan four mag,* touchdowns. The defeat was Shcl- fivet°WSgames.f°urth against one tie in FIRE Tim Climbers played under some rathe,' severe manpower ROBT A handicaps. Guard-tackh, P e t e • m Bueehel, who never snapped a ball before, played practically all the 200 E. game at center because Roger Hermes was out with a foot in- Jury for the second straight game and Ran Ellis aggravated a rib injury early in the first quarter to be forced into an early exit from action. IIALFBACK WIl,l, ROD(;EI{S didn't suit tip becaose of an ankle injury and zserve guard Ken Martig didn't make the trip be cause of a hip injury. In his place Coach Bob Sand started B squad halfback Mack Elliott, who had seen no varsity action before at all. Halfback Tom Kendall returned: to action for the first time since the opening game and became Manke's favorite pass target, catching four for 75 yards and being the intended receiver on see five incompletions. Pasco, stlcking to the ground business end almost entirely (no completed Tt passes in four attempts) gained It 442 yards, of which 280 came in 0UTB0JI five runs of 26 to 78 yards. The lineups: SHELTON 0--- Close, Sharpes, Somers, Schneider ends; Good- paster, Ueitler, Temple, Cowan tackles; Spiker, Matti., Myers, Smith guards; Ellis, Ruechel cen- ter; Make quarter; Mallory, EI- liott Kendall, Osterberg, Wingard, Lord halfbacks; Mclnelly, Dennis fullback. PSCO 26 ...... Keane, Whitmire, " ---r/V I Andrews, Hoover, Smith ends; 7:." Hansen, Trlebwasser, Snider, Bran don, Richards tackles; Randy sl Schultz, Arbogast, Adams, Ran Schultz, Keller glmrds; Mineke, Yarnall center; Evans, Romans, o be Larsen, Galbraith, Louk quarter- back; Henderson, Mooney, Knive- Itc.h it !'0€€1 ton, Cleveland, Beard halfbacks; Amstadt, Emmons, Blakely full- SAV back. Seorhg Pasta .................... 7 6 0 13---26 Shelton ................ 0 0 0 0 .... 0 Touchdowns- Mooney 2, Hen- derson, Cleveland. SEE IT Conversions---Amstadt 2 (place- meats}, at STATISTICS S !' First downs .................... 11 10 rushing ........................ 5 10: passing .............................. 5 O i penalties ........................... 0 0 Passes attempted ........ 28 4 completions .................. 13 0 intercepted ..................... 4 1 Rushing yardage ............ 65 442 Passing yardage ............ 154 0 Yardage losses ................ 22 16 Net yardage .................... 187 426 Penalties ............................ 5 6 yards penalized ............ 45 50 Punts ............................... 6 3 average punt ................ 2 giL .... 31 Fumbles ............................ 0 2 lost ball ........................ 0 1 Shelion H I LLC REsl' IflflNRUD NOTICE NOW IN EFFECT THRU PULLMAN AND CONNECTING coACH UNION PACIFIC'S DOMELINER CITY OF PORTL Leaves East Olympia 9:48 ,.e. FOR EARLIER ARRIVAL IN CHICAGO 8:as • Only rail service from the Northwest Thru DENVER and with EARLY MORNING ARRIVAL IN CHICAGO. • Convenient for all connections East and • Low one way, round trip and family fareS.  f Reservations Coil Union Pacifi J. C. BACH, Agent, Ticket Office 407 East Fourth Ave. FL 7-3345 Olympia, Washington XAF-042 ATTENTION ALL HUNIERS . ii i H G T F ( t f4 T SPEOIAL UPRIGHT s.,Vo,::,',,0,, F R E EZ E RS UPRIGIIT 417 lbs. Capacity EITItER MODEL FOR 10% DOWN e $13,46 PER MONTH C]IEST 438 lb. Capacity 10 O I' a o t tl  EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER 123 South 2rid Phone HA Pa 12 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in " " Chmsfmastown " Shelton Washin 8ympfoms of Drstress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS, DUZTO EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST ()vex five million packages of the t/SJID TltF.aTMtatr have been sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stmmgh and Duodenal Ulcers due to Exeess Acid--- Poor DIBNtion, Sour or Ulet Stomoehp GiRosI, Htartburn, Sleeplessness, etc. dut to Ifxcmt Acid. Ask for "Willlrd'$ ge" whicll fully uplama  home taatment--'-at PREPP'S REXALL STORE MoCON KEY'S PHARMACY .00SI'ORTS'00 DAB STEWART'S 630 LEADS INDUSTRIAL MEN'S INI)USTRIAL W Cole & Myhre Service ..... 15 Lumbermen's Merc ........ 14 20th Century Thriftway 11 Pantorium Cleaners .......... 9 Waterfront Realty ............. 9 Morgan Transfer .............. 8 Shelton Motors ................ 7 13 Grant Lumber .................... 7 13 High game  Bab Stewart 226 High total  Bab Stewart 630, Ray Rice 629 FAST, DEPENDABLE SERVICE On Applianoes & T.V. All Makes, Models Bab Stewart and Ray Rice un- L limbered their heavy guns to born- 5 bard the Timber Bowl pins for re- 6 spectivc 630 and 629 series in 9 men's Industrial leagm bowling play last week, feats which lifted 11 11 the L.M. and 20th Century to 12 shutout successes. Stewart paced the Merks past Grant Lumber (Lionel Leman 519) and Rice steered the grocers :over Morgan Transfer (Ken Wal- den 511). Other matches went by] 3-1 counts, leading Cole & Myhrel Mobil Service (Charlie Cole 530) downing Pantorium Cleaners (Mark Fredson 551) and Shelton Motors (Jess Phillips and Bus Calktns 491 each) spilling Water- front Realty (Dick Moulton 519}. KEEP RSHInGTOn D & K SERVIDE HA 6-2441 110 COTA ST. 1:1,01111 GIBSON Wears Glasles Call Hoodalrt TR. 7-Ii2 Our Hood Canal RepreaentaUve KIMBEL MOTOP,8 Chrysler-Plymouth Carl International Truoke Bulldogs Give Bearcals Tighter Tussle Than 33-9 Count Indicates CENTRAL LEAGUE W L Tptsl'F PA Chehalis ........ 2 0 0 4 87 15 No. Thurston 2 0 0 4 27 0 Montesano .... 2 1 0 4 30 45 Shelton .......... 0 1 1 1 7 13 Elms .............. 0 2 1 1 13 34 St. Martins .... 0 2 0 0 12 68 Last Week Chehalis 33, Montesano 9 North Thurston 20, Elma 0 Pasco 26, Shelton 0 St. Martins 13, Rochester 0 This Friday Shelton at Montesano Bellarmine at St. Martins Chehalis at Elma North Thurston bye Chehalis and North Thurston rolled to their second straight Central League victories Friday, the Bearcats hanging the first conference defeat on Montesano by a deceptive 33-9 count while the Rams blitzed Elms, 20-0, with an aerial attack. Montesano played the powerful Bearcats virtually even in all the statLtics except the important one on the scoreboard, the Bull- dogs displaying a strong running attack. Dale Ford did the passing and also the lion's share of the scor- ing in North Thurston's success, completing 12 of 25 throws and registering 13 points personally. Mac Arrington of Chehalis was another 13-pointer for the week but neither threatened Allan Allie's individual scoring lead. AI- lie tallied a Chehalis touchdown and now has 30 points in two con- ference games. Here are the individual point statistics: TD PAT Pts Allan Allie, Chehalis.. 5 0 30 Dale Ford, NT ............. 3 1 19 RAILROAD FEATHERBEDDING: s500,00000,00'0 LoSS TO THE NATION INCLUDING YOU-EVERY YEAR Featherbeddin On the railroads - pay for work not done or not needed- is costing the Amer- ican people the shocking total of more than $500,000,000 a year. You pay for Revery time you shop, because featherbedding costs are hidden in the price of everything you buy. Obsolete union work rules, involvin the rail- road operating employees, are responsible for this gigantic burden. Right now, for instance, these rules require every diesel locomotive to carry a fireman--even though diesels have no fires to stoke, no boilers to tend. The forthcoming negotiations between the rail- roads and the unions are urgently important to the whole nation. In asking the unions to drop these featherbeddin rules, all the railroads ask for is o fair day's work for a fair day's pay. AMERICAN RAILROADS I PAS¢O OUTSPEEDS SHELTON FOR 26-0 WIN IN INTERSECTIONAL PREP GRIDIRON BATTLE PASCO Fancy Pasco footwork! out-matched accm'ate S h e I t o n aerial efforts here Friday night as the Bulldogs of the Inland Em- pire Big Seven Conference hung up a 26-0 victory over the High- climbers of Southwest Washing- ton's Central League in an inter- sectional prep football game. Three touchdown rams cover- ing a total of 220 yards imple- mented Pasco's first success in five starts this season and em- phasized in clear-cut manner the tremendously superior speed which was the Bulldogs' main weapon against the Climbers. Clark Henderson, 165-pound senior halfback, put the Bulldogs on the score board by racing 67! yards over right tackle in the late moments of the first quarter, the second time Pasco held posses- ion of the ball. Ray Amstadt, senior fullback, place-kicked the extra point. THE FIRST TIME Pasco own- ed the ball in the second quarter Bob Mooney, 155-pound junior halfback, romped around left end for 75 yards for another Bulldog touchdown, and Bobby Cleveland 150-pound sophomore halfback, closed the evenings footwork by breaking over the middle and sim- ply out-running Shelton's defend- ers for a 78-yard scoring gallop with just 30 seconds of the game remaining. Amstadt also kicked the try-for-point. Pasco's other touchdown (No. 3) came on the fourth play of the fourth quarter when Mooney skirted the left side from eight yards out to close a drive which started after Amstadt intercepted Bud Wedin, Chehalis 2 3 Mac Arrington, Cheh 2 1 George Raines, Monte 1 3 Dave Dowling, Cheh 1 2 Larry Barnes NT ...... 1 1 Craig Gunther, Cheh 1 1 Bob Beerbower, Elms 1 1 Will Rodgern, Shelton Hugh Antonson, St. M 1 l 0 AI Lougheed, Monte.. 1 0 AI Beaulieu, Monte .... 1 0 Stan August, Elms .... i 0 Wayne Monroe, St. M 1 0 Joel Gunther, Cheh .... 1 0 Les Ramsey, Cheh .... 1 0 Archie Morrison, Mon I 0 Rawlin Mclnelly, Shel 0 1 Tim Dills, Montesano 0 1 Rick Wirta, Chehalis 0 1 George Bickel, Cheh 0 1 TOTALS .............. 26 17 PREP FOOTBALL SCORES Pasta 26, Shelton 0 Chehalls 33, Montesano 9 Nm'th.Thurston 20, Ehna 0 Aberdeen 18, Stadium 0 West Bremerton 20, Wilson 0 East Brem 20, South Kit 0 Nm'th Kitsap 7, Sequim 6 Central Kit 41, Pt. Townsend 14 Port Angeles 40, Bainbridge 9 Hoquiam 25, Mark Morris 13 Mt. Vernon 41, Marysville 0 Contrails 19, Longview 7 Oak Harbor 13, Concrete 0 St. Martins 13, Rochester 0 Olympia 18, Lincoln 7 Blancher 7, Bellarmine 0 ,| TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and 50 min. later and plus 3.0 ft. Friday, Oct. 23 Low ................ 2:47 a.m. 1.3 ft. High .............. 10:17 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low ................ 4:12 p.m. 7.0 ft. High .............. 8:22 p.m. 8.7 ft. Saturday, Oct. 24 Low .................. 3:39 a.m. 1.9 ft. High .............. 11:14 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low ................. 5:22 p.m. 6.7 ft. High .............. 9:31 p.m. 8.3 ft. Sunday, Oct. 25 Low ................ 4:37 a.m. 2.3 ft. High .............. 12:06 p.m. 11.2 ft. Low ................ 6:24 p.m. 6.1 ft. High .............. 10:59 p.m. 8.1 ft. Monday, Oct. 26 Low ................. 5:39 a.m. 2.8 ft. High .............. 12:50 p.m. 11.3 ft. bow ................ 7:14 p.m. 5.2 ft. hty Oct. 27 Tuea ':27 a.m. High .............. 8.4 ft. Low ................ 6:38 a,m. 3.2 ft. High .............. 1:30 p,m. 11.4 ft. Low ................ 7:56 p.m. 4.1 ft, Way, Oct. 28 High .............. 1:40 a.m. 9.1 ft. Low ................ 7:34 a.m. 3.5 ft. High .............. 2:04 p.m. 11.6 ft. Low ................ 8:34 p.m. 2.9 ft. Thursday, Oct. 29 High .............. 2:41 a.m. 9.9 ft. Low ................ 8:26 a.m. 3.8 ft. High .............. 2:35 p.m. 11.8 ft. Low ................ 9:12 p.m. 1.6 ft." TOM KENDALL a Shelton pass on the Bulldog 42 three plays before the end of the third quarter. Henderson's 26- yard romp around right end gave the march its main impetus. Shelton's aerial bombs began exploding in the second half, when quarterback Ray Manke pulled the trigger 23 times and hit his tar- gets eleven times for 130 yards. He completed eight of 19 for 104 yards in the fourth quarter. THEY PROPELLED the Climb- ers into Pasco territory twice in the last period, but interceptions at the 36 and 14 yard lines stymied the attacks. The latter made Cleveland's s e n s a t i o n a 1 final 15 touchdown run possible when Mel 13 task, I55-pound junior quarter- 9 back, made the theft and return- 8 ed to the 22. Cleveland broke 7 loose on the next play. 7 Two other Mazke passes fell in 7 Bulldog arms, his last throw in the third quarter on the Shelton 42 to set up Pasco's third touch- 6 down, and his final toss of the 6 game on the Shelton 45. 6 In all Manke took to the air 6 28 times with 13 successes for 6 154 yards, but in the first half 6 he threw only five times for 24 6 yards on two completions. 1 Shelton's ground game looked 1 like it might go places in the 1 early going, the Climbers racking 1 up two first downs right after 173 the opening kickoff, but a couple of five-yard penalties clapped the brakes on the move and forced a punt. DURING Tills SERIES the Climbers made 26 of their game total of 65 yards from atoning plays. In the entire second half Shelton gained only ten yards on the ground, running the ball only seven times wifile passing 23 times. At the same time, two pass plays which failed to jell lost 17 yards. In blanking Shelton it was the 3-WAY DEADLOCK IN JUNIOR LOOP STANDINGS WON Lost Moose Lodge .................... 11 5 Joslin Insurance ............ 11 5 Clark Logging Company 11 5 Bernie's ................................. 9 7 Angle Insurance ................ 9 7 Hembroff Insurance ........ 9 7 Ladies Auxiliary ................ 2 10 Beckwith Jewelry ............ 2 10 High Scores Boys' Game --- Everett McCoy 224 Girls' Game -- Nancy Wilson, 154 Boys' Total -- Gary Clark, 487 Girls' Total -- Nancy Wilson, 405 Clark Logging Company (Gary Clark, 487} tallied the only 4-0 shutout over Ladies Auxiliary (Donna Clark, 284) to move into a three team tie for first place with Moose Lodge (Don Hanson, 465) and Joslin Insurance (Wayne Carlson, 463) who split 2-2. Hembroff Insurance ( S an d y Martin, 393) whittled Bernie's (Tom Longacre, 398) with a 3-1 victory, putting both teams in contention for second place along with Angle Insurance (Everett McCoy, 478) who took 3-1 from Beckwith's (Allan Longacre, 344). JUNIOR HIGH SCORES Hopkins 21, Shelton 6 Centralia 13, Miller 6 Jefferson 21, Washington 6 West Blem 20, East Brem 13 North Kitsap 13, Whitman 6 Thursday, first lime this season Pasco has held its rivals to less titan four mag,* touchdowns. The defeat was Shcl- fivet°WSgames.f°urth against one tie in FIRE Tim Climbers played under some rathe,' severe manpower ROBT A handicaps. Guard-tackh, P e t e • m Bueehel, who never snapped a ball before, played practically all the 200 E. game at center because Roger Hermes was out with a foot in- Jury for the second straight game and Ran Ellis aggravated a rib injury early in the first quarter to be forced into an early exit from action. IIALFBACK WIl,l, ROD(;EI{S didn't suit tip becaose of an ankle injury and zserve guard Ken Martig didn't make the trip be cause of a hip injury. In his place Coach Bob Sand started B squad halfback Mack Elliott, who had seen no varsity action before at all. Halfback Tom Kendall returned: to action for the first time since the opening game and became Manke's favorite pass target, catching four for 75 yards and being the intended receiver on see five incompletions. Pasco, stlcking to the ground business end almost entirely (no completed Tt passes in four attempts) gained It 442 yards, of which 280 came in 0UTB0JI five runs of 26 to 78 yards. The lineups: SHELTON 0--- Close, Sharpes, Somers, Schneider ends; Good- paster, Ueitler, Temple, Cowan tackles; Spiker, Matti., Myers, Smith guards; Ellis, Ruechel cen- ter; Make quarter; Mallory, EI- liott Kendall, Osterberg, Wingard, Lord halfbacks; Mclnelly, Dennis fullback. PSCO 26 ...... Keane, Whitmire, " ---r/V I Andrews, Hoover, Smith ends; 7:." Hansen, Trlebwasser, Snider, Bran don, Richards tackles; Randy sl Schultz, Arbogast, Adams, Ran Schultz, Keller glmrds; Mineke, Yarnall center; Evans, Romans, o be Larsen, Galbraith, Louk quarter- back; Henderson, Mooney, Knive- Itc.h it !'0€€1 ton, Cleveland, Beard halfbacks; Amstadt, Emmons, Blakely full- SAV back. Seorhg Pasta .................... 7 6 0 13---26 Shelton ................ 0 0 0 0 .... 0 Touchdowns- Mooney 2, Hen- derson, Cleveland. SEE IT Conversions---Amstadt 2 (place- meats}, at STATISTICS S !' First downs .................... 11 10 rushing ........................ 5 10: passing .............................. 5 O i penalties ........................... 0 0 Passes attempted ........ 28 4 completions .................. 13 0 intercepted ..................... 4 1 Rushing yardage ............ 65 442 Passing yardage ............ 154 0 Yardage losses ................ 22 16 Net yardage .................... 187 426 Penalties ............................ 5 6 yards penalized ............ 45 50 Punts ............................... 6 3 average punt ................ 2 giL .... 31 Fumbles ............................ 0 2 lost ball ........................ 0 1 Shelion H I LLC REsl' IflflNRUD NOTICE NOW IN EFFECT THRU PULLMAN AND CONNECTING coACH UNION PACIFIC'S DOMELINER CITY OF PORTL Leaves East Olympia 9:48 ,.e. FOR EARLIER ARRIVAL IN CHICAGO 8:as • Only rail service from the Northwest Thru DENVER and with EARLY MORNING ARRIVAL IN CHICAGO. • Convenient for all connections East and • Low one way, round trip and family fareS.  f Reservations Coil Union Pacifi J. C. BACH, Agent, Ticket Office 407 East Fourth Ave. FL 7-3345 Olympia, Washington XAF-042 ATTENTION ALL HUNIERS . ii i H G T F ( t f4 T SPEOIAL UPRIGHT s.,Vo,::,',,0,, F R E EZ E RS UPRIGIIT 417 lbs. Capacity EITItER MODEL FOR 10% DOWN e $13,46 PER MONTH C]IEST 438 lb. Capacity 10 O I' a o t tl  EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER 123 South 2rid Phone HA