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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 22, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 22, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 22, 1959 reduelng meth- fad diets. But I Ayds works best of all ! Take Ayds Clinically- in two flavors. or money back! supply $;,&apos;.25. g's Pharmacy !0RUG CENTER SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNALm Publistled in "Chritmastown, U.S.A./' Shelton, Washington ,, Boys Made to Work Southside Party H Coupl v,,m00 By Jushce Ooud VValter (?happel] lelling of their t b','ank M. Gaskill, 16, Ricke,, E. Irips in the Easterl, slates this G()wle,', IIi, Jim Litchfieht, ]7,'and siHilll,,}r', al,d }( l,ice time was an- LarFV (h,stischef, 17, all f ]aJrciu- .j,,yed I)y dl [(I'IOI{ were ..ntenced lo 30 days Sold hsi(l,, Granoe is hoh|in K ill jail with 25 days suspended last By Mrs. Ray Kratcha SOITHSIDE, A welcome par- ty was h'ld on Mr. and Mrs. B,'rm= Evans Tuesday (,re,nil1K who ,'e- ee,,tly were ma,','ied. It was Iwl(I in the home of Mr. al,d MI's. ]:{t.l',la Evalls. Tll()St altelldill wel'( M,'. and Mrs. Phil Hal'di(L M,'. and Mrs. Lewis Asche, Mr. a,,d Mrs. Walter Chappell of Mill C,'eelL Mr. a,ld Mrs. Cla,'encc Saeg(q'. M,'. and Mrs. Carl Emsley, M,'s. Wini- fred Cam', W'dte,' Six,(,, E,'nie Swigcr, Mr. al,d Mrs. Joe Glassey and the newly htm()red cl)nl)lO, Mr. al,(l Mrs. ]=h,r'na FvaIls. The (,ve- ,,ing was spent by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ensley and Mr. and Mrs. ,I ,h, ct l is, n) nt From where I sit... Ay Joe Mrs. Davis Ignores the "ADvice" pense of the old• Take the idea of tolerance, for instance. It's been arouad for centuries... but it's something we can never bypass. Tolerance de- mands daily respect for the other fellow's preference and that includes beverages• Tolerance doesn't mean that you have to like a glass of beer for Saturday night sapper just as I don't have to choose buttermilk..lust respect the next man's choice. the Clarion ad- g couYse the Woman's Club. fine idea to me," told me later, "so I Ly wife. Told how to do new efficiently, too." he did was look at Red continued. she said, 'always of more work for Learn new things? even got the the old ones!' " :Where I sit, a lot of us the new at the ex- Bo,)sl;(:r Nighl Saturday, Oct. 2.t. Chicken, a,,d noodle supper' will bc s(,l'vt,d at 6 pall. I'()F the (Ira,lg('l'S an(i their frie,l(ls. The :Mill C,'(('k What Nots 4-tt (.hlb ltwt al th,tly KIlhlll,Js fell' lhc fir'sl ,)l(eting of the ,low y(!ar all(t elt!cli()ll of officers was hehl. Those (qccted were, presidenl, H.ita Swearing,,n; vice p,'esid(mt, Vicki LaChance; secretary, t'atlla Shwn,o; and repo,'i:(w, Rm,ie Rod- gel's. Mrs. Ben Drake served cup cakt'S al/(t k()ol-aid. The next it)elating will be h(,ld at Mrs. Ban 1)rakes (m Mill Creek on Oct. 26. gel'eli Wolf and Diane Groshong ()f the lave Wircs .t-H Club will n,eet with the Mill Creek What- noi,q as jnllior leadel's. Kat'en Wolf will assist with demonstra- tions and Diane Groshong will as- sist with recreation. Mrs. Myrtle Brobeck visited her g,'eat grandsons last Monday who were born recently to her grandsons, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Horaski, Sr., of Buckley, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Leslie, Jr., of Taconla. Diekie Itoltorf, son of Mr. and Irs. John Holtorf, celebrated his 14th birthday• Those helping him celebrate were Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Staley of Seattle, Mr. and airs. Gerald Coleman and family md Mr. and Mrs. John Holtorf and family. Willing Workers 4-H Club met at Chuck Sheppards Thur,,lay and new officers for the new year were elected• Those elected were, president, Kevin Wetter; vice )resident, Jeffrey Heinis; secre- tary, Terry Hartwell; treasurer, Scott Puhn; reporter, Roy Bailey; community service chairman, Jim- my Swayze; historian, David Puhn; recreation leader, Charles week in justice Collrt for slealing gasoline fronl a car on the No,'l.h Sho)'e road near Belfair. The youths were orde,'ed by the COlll't to pert'o,'nl hard lal)or fix- inb collnty bl|ildirlgs and digging !}}!S!L':?: ......................... Stleppard, and flag hearer. Robert Kiwi)el. They discuss(,d their new i,r()jeet, "Let's cook." Ed- w,rd Whinery was. a guest of the Willing W'orkcrs. The meeting was climaxed hy a Hallowe'en l)arty given by Mrs. Charles Shep- imrd. Two cakes in the shapes of witches heads were decorated and served, also noise-makers, hats, ('andy, cider and games were played. The next meeting will be held at Kevin Wetters on Nov. 19. Mr. and Mrs. John Holtorf at- tended the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutherford on Saturday evening at the Hood Canal Women's club house at Pot- latch. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett at- tended the Eagles district meeting at Centralia Sunday and also were dirmer g,mst, of Mr. and Mrs Howard Rowe of Centralia Sun- day. Janice Kratcha attended the wedding and reception of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Turner Friday evening at the Mt. Olive Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boysen visited June and Walter Kratcha and Bob Farr Tuesday evening. Mrs. Myrtle Brobeck and Mrs. Harriet Potter of Bremerton mo- tored to Westport one day last week. Visitors of June Kratcha Wed- nesday were Mrs. Ellen Hickam and Midge, Mrs. Maybelle Hickam, Mrs. Marion Giving and Mrs. Myr- tle Kratcha. Copyright, 1959, United States Brewers Fouudatioa DR BEEGAN'S HISTORY OF MASON COUNTY Let's, returning at the close of the Civil War in 1866. Charlie, too, was a successful dairyman, rais- ing Jersey cattle on his large farm located in Isabella Valley. Charhe Saeger's family included Mel, Har- )is and Frank. In the Kamilche Valley, Win Taylor, a native of the State or Maine, had a large dairy farm in the upper wdley. In this same lo- cality was the McDonald beef farm. Just east of the McDonald farm, Edwin Taylor, Gene Tay- lor's father was a successful farm- er who settled in Kamilche in 1890. One of the largest farms in the county was that of Tom WELL, Sz'., a Holstein cattle ranch of the Lower Skokomish Valley. The Fred Bell and William Hunter ranches were located in the Mid- dle Skokomish Valley. On the northside of the south fork of the Skokomish River, in the tipper Valley, Aaron Kirkland and broth- er, Jesse, raised beef cattle. Aaron a habitual poker player, would come into Shelton and gamble for months at a time. Kirkland sold out to a Mr. Garrison and Garri- son to Ted Richert. Lawrence and Ray Bailey were raised on the dairy farm of their parents in the Dayton district. In the Matlock district, Jim Car- stairs, a native.of Scotland, set- tled in 1896 on a 200 acre farm. He raised Durham cattle, Angora goats and sheep. In the same dis- Never before such a car prt'ced with the lowest/ :<..:\