October 22, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 22, 1959 |
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Pa 14
Rotary Official
To Talk Here
?::Arthur H. Wickens, Governor of
trlct 502, Rotary International,
iB xnaking his annual official visit
feach of the 10 Rotary Clubs on
Vdhcouver Island and 32 Rotary
Clubs in western and southwestern
Vhshington. He will address the
1 club and confer with Predi-
Ct Lloyd Gruver and Secretary
Jb!hn Halvorsen and committee
irmen on Rotary Administra-
tlWa and service activities on Oct.
2, at an evening meeting in the
lton Hotel.
;!rt is vice-president or B. A.
Kenzle & Co., Custom House
kers in Tacoma, Washington,
has served as secretary of the
oma Rotary Club for the past
) years.
HE WAS elected District Gov-
eor for the fiscal year 1959-60
Rotary's 50th annual eonven-
tn, held in New York City last
J0me, and IB one of 261 District
(vernors supervising the aetivi-
of 10,291 Rotary Clubs which
lve a membership of nearly
5(I@,000 business and professional
executives in 114 countries thru-
out the world.
Each year this world-wide ser-
vice organizzttlon continues to
grow in members and strength
and during the past 12 months 375
new clubs were organized in 54
I countries, bringing the total num-
ber of Rotary Clubs to an all-time
Mgh of near 10,300 and 5 countries
were added to Rotary's roster- ....
British Guiana, Ghana, Madagas-
car, Nepal and Tahiti.
Li//iwaup News
By Jean McKasson
:Thc Lilliwaup Community Club
met Oct. 9th at the club house in
Iaflliwaup. 'lle club had a busi-
ness meeting and held an election
Of officers. President, Mrs. Chris-
e Ahl; vice president, Mrs. Mat-
Backlund; secretary, Mrs. Mar-
i Cave; treasurer, Mrs. Ew:lyn
-holeon. The next business
tieettng will tee Nov. 6th. Card
re played after the meeting,
th high score going to Mrs.
ristine Ah], for the women, and
1gh score for the men went tel
'. Dick Schaufler. The next:
ard party will be. Oct, 23. The
public is invited.
.... Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dunlap left
fOr Kingston, Idaho, Saturday
lorning. They will spend some
e visiting' Mrs. Dunltp's Ist:e¢.
ls. Dunlap is the former Mrs.
SSlla McKesson.
he Tiny Tim Orthopedic Guild
t Tuesday night at the home
Jean McKesson. The group
rked on candle holders made of
¢les and seed pods. There will
" a display of the em, ndle holders
arid also some aprons the guild
mlde. The display will be in the
wIdow of Calahan's Canal Sup-
ty. Anyone interested in buying
candle holders or aprons can
dQ so by contacting Mrs. James
an for the candle holders or
Mrs. Don Warman for aprons.
rMrs. Oma Stewart returned
hOme from the Shelton Hospital
ere she had been confined fol-
lowing an automobile accident.
:Mrs. Susie Anderson received
news of the arrival of a new
SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin
By Dora Hearing
Don't forget the Harvest Dinner
at the Mary M. Knight school this
Saturday night, Oct. 24. They
will serve from five to eight, and
a roast beef dinner and all the
trimmings will be served at very
reasonable charge.
About 75 people attended Mat-
lock Grange Booster Night last
Friday and they all enjoyed the
grand program our lecturer, Mrs.
Lud Rossmaier, put on.
Mrs. Augusta Portman, Mrs.
Lud Rossmaier and Mrs. Elvin
Hearing attended a birthday din-
ner in honor of Mrs. L. D. Port-
man at the home of Mrs. Leo
Bishop in Shelton last Wednesday.
with his daught,,r and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford.
Sunday afternoon callers at the
I. C. Ford home were Mrs. Roy
Boothe and family of Hoquiam
and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer, Jr.,
and family.
Clayton McCrum ts ill and is in
a Seattle hospital. We hope he
will be able to be home soon.
Mr. and Mrs, James Churchill
and sons, Charles and Carl, spent
Sunday evening with Mrs. Aug-
usta Portman and Carl Portress.
Mrs. Bob Trenckmann and
daughter, Joan, called on Mrs.
Augusta Portman Friday after-
Cloquallum News
By Don Eveleth
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Brockley
(Judy McAlfrey) have a new sm
bm-a Oct. 9. He is named Tor-
rance Lee.
Mrs. Ge)rge Johnson and Mrs.
Marion Eveleth were guests of
Mrs. Russell Walker at a dinner
party Thursday evening in Elms.
Diana Whiting was an overnight
guest of Janet Hepworth.
Friday evening a group of Clo-
quallum residents attended Mat-
lock Grange's Booster Night. Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Walko, Mr. and Mrs.
Boney Loertscher, Charles Oppelt,
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Eveleth, Mrs.
George Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Eugene Anderson
Returns From Sea
Et.lgone D. An(l('r,ou, l)oihrvian
third class. I:SN, s()l: f Mr, and
Mrs..lalll(!s t, .Middl('lcm ¢)f St:tr
Route 1, B)X 271), Stwlton, re-
turned to San Diego, Calif., ()el.
We!i Drilli
Bedell Drilling
Phone HA. 6-4713
Route 3, Box 170, Shelton
Bolduc and Wilma. till enjoyed tim
outstanding program.
Marcia "Witing was an over-
night guest of Theresa Kearney
Gary Anensen and Bob Creek-
paum were weekend guests of Don
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Whiting and
Frank, Diazta and Marcia, Don
Eveleth and Bert Rau, all helped
Mrs. Rau celebrate her birthday
Sunday, Oct. 18.
11, ab.:rd the radar t)i<:l\