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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 22, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 22, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 22, 1.959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chrtmasfown Shelton, Washin Pa 15 o Reservation Oenter - Ship - Bus CRUISES • HOTELS or HA 6-4134 Avenue WASH. FIR Dayton Women Pay Honor to Mrs. Cecil McLain By Malml Kidd Anyone interested in joining a You To Go To e DAYTON --- A group of ladies gtthered on Friday afternoon in the home of Mrs. A. E. Lemke for a going away hmcheon honoring Mrs. Cecil McLain. Present be- sides the honored gxmst were Mes- dames A. E. Lemke, Clifford Combs, Dick Leonard, Walt Chap- pell, Gary Cole, Kenneth Wolden, Perry Rose Sr., Manley Michler, Harold LeGarde, Carrel McHenry, Edward Bunnell, Robert Gokty, William Rietdorf, Ray Dillenberg, and Mrs. Gertude Scott. TIlE McLAIN family will be making a new home in Seattle. We'll miss you, Betty, Cecil and children. Ladies' Club met on Wednesday, October 14 with Mrs. Harold Le- Garde as hostess. The birthday of Mrs. Ray Dillenberg was observed. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 28 with Mrs. A. E. Lemke as hostess. Just a reminder to remember the Christmas Gift open house to be held on Tuesday, Oct. 27 at the Armory and sponsored by the Ma- son County Homemakers Council. Don't Let Your Parents Down They Brought You Up NOW -- GET YOUR TEEN OOMHANDHENTS • Key Rings • Bookmarks PENNIE SURRATT 1517 DIVISION H A 6-8207 We're proud to join Frigidaire dealers all over America in the biggest Frigidaire Laundry :Value event of the year! Right now, from Coast to coast--and right here in town-- we're out to prove it costs no more to own the finest--Frigldaire. $11op these Frigidaire laundry values. Compare tam fHtures. Check the quality against any other machines on the market. Then we know you'll agree, "The Price Is Rightl" Now's the time to buy! As little as 1960 FRIGIDAIRE Custom DeLuxe AUTOMATIC WASHER It's one of the fine models In 1580'= finest line of automatic washers, • Wash & Wear cycle with speciat, slower, gentler spin • Automatic Bleach and Dye Dispenser • New Lid opens to the side--sup. ports a full 10ad of clothes • 1.year Warranty plus 4-year Protec- tion Plan 99 a week after down payment Red Cross First Aid Class is ask- ed to call either Mrs. Perry Rose at HA 6-3764 or Mrs. Carrel Mc- ilenry, HA 6-8776. I gmss Jim ,.eman mus. De feel- ing just a little smug as it only took him about ten minutes of hunting on Friday morning to down a nice two point. His mother just couldn't believe it when he told her but after helping him get it to the house she was con- vinced. With a little help he man- aged to dress it out and still get to school on time. Kenneth Evans of Alsea, Ore. spent Saturday overnight and Sun- day as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Kidd. Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stoner were Mr. and Mrs. Earl King of Pouls- be and Jack Stoner of Longview. MR. AND MRS. William M. Brown and children were birth- day dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robertson on Sunday. Honor guest was Charles Robertson who was twelve years old. Saturday potluck dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Rtetdorf were Mr. and Mrs. James Hiekson I • Choose a Date and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Who Would and children and Mr. A1 Johnston Make a of Shelton. Dropping in, in time Good Mate for coffee were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morgan and children of Matlock. • Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits at- tended the S.E.A. Reno Night on Saturday evening held in Olym- pia at the Eagles' Hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rayson and Dave motored to Elma Sunday afternoon and called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luhm who recently mov- ed from this community. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Troup and children of Tacoma spent Satur- day overnight and Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams. Fred Lament of Sheiton enjoyed spending Saturday night with Richard and Bill Roberts. Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde were .Tim Xigorrcs and Don Herren of Tacoma, Don Clark of Arcadia and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest LeGardc of Tacoma. Cindy and Clint Tibbits spent Saturday night with grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams. Weekend guest or Darrell Coch- ran of Panhandle Lake was Bobby Barnes, of Kamilche. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barton of Tacoma called on Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rayson on Sunday morning. Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson were Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf, Alfred and Sandhi. JeAnne LeGarde had as her Saturday overnight guest Donna Albrecht of Shelton. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Chappell and daughter and Von- hie York called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews of Summit Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts and sons had dinner on Friday with Mrs. Nena Roberts of Shelton. Sunday visitors in the home of "Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf was his sister, Mrs. James Maxin Deer Hunters From Grapeview Have Good Luck Over Weekend GRAPEVIEW ...... This second week of hunting season apparent- ly brought the blessings of Diana, Goddess of the Hunt, to the Grapeview area. Johnny Stevens brought down a two point buck last Saturday, while Ed Okonek bagged a spike, also in this gener- al area this past Monday. Web Etherton got his spike up behind Camp Govey, over the weekend. MRS. VERNA JOHANSEN'S home was filled to the roof top with activity this past Sunday when a reunion of the immediate family took place. Daughter Val- di and family (husband Gene Gunkel and tiny daughter, Laurie Lou) came out from Bremerton, daughter Connie and husband Joe Cronquist and children, Cherie and Lance (plus Lance's friend, Dicky Lynn) came out from Shelton, also Mr. Herb Johansen, up from China Lake, California, to visit with his daughters and their fam- ilies. While the women kept the coffee perking and the food cook- lng, the men put a new roof on the place. The boys entertained them- dominating decor. Several of the of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. How- selves by fishing and were able to district clubs presented lovely ex- ard Duffey and Michael of Shel- boast of a good catch of perch. : hibits and the County Agent, Mr. tOn Thrill of the afternoon occurred:Charle s Peck spoke to the ladies Saturday evening, Mr. and when Mrs. Johansen's brother and on the intricacies of horticulture. Mrs. Walter Chappell enjoyed a family, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bar- Grapevlew members active in the visit from Mr. and Mrs. Warren bar and children, phoned from Beachcombers are Sarah Tschida, Carr and daughter of Shelton. Denver, Colorado, and added an Faye Soule, Mrs. Edwin GHgg and Lorna LeGarde was Saturday overnight guest of Wendy Clark of Shelton. Mr. Ernest Hull of Seattle is spending a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stoner. Visiting on Sunday in the Dell Adams home was Mrs. Glen Rick- ards and children of Chehalis. Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson and girls visited on Sunday eve- ning in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thurman of Elma. Watch Bill Cullan on "THE PRICE IS RIGHT"* Monday through Fdday on NBC.TV *The Price Is Right is a GOODSON-TODMAN PRODUCTION In Association with NBC. at Lumbermen's Mercantile during IFBII @ il DAgRE LAUNDRY VALUE DAYS! r mmm mmm= anlJ enBB mmi lilB ill ilmi li B UlBB i sain sam il #£W./ MOOIrL DCg-6O AUTOMATIC DRYER | Regulars, Delicates, Wash 'N Wear... right heat and time for everything in yourlaundry basket. • Automatically shuts off when clothes are dried "just enough" • 4-posltion Heat Selector including special "No Heat" setting • "WASH & WEAR" Cycle--many clothes actually need no ironing • Family.size capacity30 Ibs. S| wit clothes AS LITTLE AS per) Nutter stopped off in Seattle last Friday night to make an ad- ditional visit. Her hostess on this stop was Miss Virginia Matoe with whom she  worked while em- ployed by the Bell Telephone Com- pany. Outcome of this visit was a delayed departure, in that Jaekie was promptly invited by the "pow- ers-that-be" to attend the T.E.A. luncheon held by Bell Telephone last Tuesday. Faye Soule slipped home from Tacoma for the weekend, taking a break from her two weeks' stint of baby sitting for niece and hub- by, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coburn, while they visit with relatives in Reading, California. Faye then spent the weekend entertaining her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. O. Bryant of Mount Vernon. The Beachcombers Garden Ch]b entertained all the garden clubs of District No. 4 at the Belfair church in grand style Tuesday starting with a delicious hot lunch- eon served an delightfully decorat- ed tables, driftwood being the pre- $229 Pickering News By Mrs. Earl Harriman PICKERING.---Pickering Home- makers club had a good turnout at their last meeting and it was decided to entertain the Harstine Women's (dub at the next regular meeting in November. MR. AND MRS. Will .lohnstone of Dubuque, Iowa, are visiting lmr cousins, Amos Babcock and his sisters, of tIarstine, Pickering and Shelton. Mrs. Vera Troy has attended the State Homemakers convention in Spokane and the National Home- i makers conventior in Portland. Mrs. Isabel Droscher ente'tained over the weekend her son, Ralph Droscher, and friends of Seattle on a hunting party. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson at- tended a birthday dinner for their granddaughter, Janice, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gwin- nett of Matlock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wylie of Shelton called at the Frank Strong home one day last week. Grape harvest is in full swing in Pickering as well as other parts of Mason county. Mrs. Mabel Harrtman called at the Victor Minkler and Carl John- son homes Monday. This correspondent greatly en- joyed the tour of the Journal plant and the lunch and wants to xtend thanks to all of the stafL - LET'S NOT forget the rum- mage sale at the P.U.D. building Friday and Saturday, Oct. 23 and ket will be awarded that night. FUN SEEKERS might also be I interested in the date of the next I Grange Game Night  Novem-J ber 6 at 8 p.m.  Grapeview' PREFAB HOMES Delivered to your lot complete with pier foundation, wiring, plumbing and fixtures, roofing, insulation, Electric range, re- frigerator and hot water tank. TO SHELTON FOR 24'x26' 2 B.R. $1222.00 24'x34' 3 B.R. $1608.00 24'x50' 3 B.R. $2385.00 24'x52' 4 B.R. $2385.00 WRITE BUDGET HOUSING GO. A WEEK AFTER DOWN PAYMENT (MOnEt OCO.60l unexpected and coincidental note to the family reunion. Each mem- ber of the Barber family entered into the conversations, each hav- ing theh" own extension. (P.S. Mr. Barber is a Bell Telephone Com- pany employee ! ) Incidentally, Val- di's daughter Laurie passed her first milestone Suturday, a week ago. (Has it been a year al- ready ? ) Dean and Pat Cook "played hookey" from Grapeview last Sat- urday night and again Sunday morning, leaving month old Wil- liam B. with grandparents How- ard and Cleo Cook. Saturday night's destination was the wed- ding reception of Shelton newly- weds, the Donald Lutherfords, at the Hood Canal Women's Club, while Sunday's indulgence was a hunting trip to the Black Hills. However, they returned empty handed, having seen one beautiful four-point buck--but, alas, before daylight! George and Ruby Lewis took advantage of the Christmas Tree Tour offered by our County Ex- tension Office this past Saturday afternoon and were kind enough to take along 4-H Foresters, Lar- ry Lutz, Robert Spooner and Don- ald Pogreba. Mr. Charles Peck, our county agent, conducted the tour out to Hunter's Tree Farm where planting and "farming" methods were demonstrated and illustrated. Judy Johnson, daughter of the Emmett (Swede) Johnsons, is at- tending the Olympic College in remez'ton, where she is pursuing teacher-education courses, hoping one day to teach in the intermedi- ate grades. Judy is living with her aunt (Swede's sister) Mrs. John Hanson, a location convenient to the college. Weekend visitor to the M. J. Robinsons' was Mrs. Robinson's sister, Mrs. Alice Stafford of Se- attle. eases, Washington, located on the historic Oregon Trail, will be a place to be remembered at least by Laurie Seiners. While some of the earlier travelers left wagons and supplies along the Trail, Laurie ieft his left front tooth there, as the result of a collision with the toe of a Pasco football shoe last Friday night.' Not only did Laurie lose his tooth but, add- ing insult to injury, the High- climbers also lost the game 26-0! Newcomers (permanent resi- dents) to our community are the Joe tittles who have recently moved to their new "Cedar Home ' on Treamwe Island (across from the Julie Stock place). The tittles were formerly Seattle residents, Mr. Little having recently retired after selling out his Marina lo- cated on Rainier Avenue. Wel- come ! SURPRISE drop-in Ktest to the Pelan home on Treasure Is- land were Mrs. Marjorie Jenne and daughter Lynn, who stopped by on their way to Westport. The Jennes, who are from Seattle, were Pelans' neighbors while they lived there and have been friends since Alaskan days. Canadian g u e s t s, weekending with the Orin Soules, were Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacInnis of Camp- bell River, British Columbia. The MacInnises picked np their trail- er which they had left with the Smiles in preparation for a trip to Mexico, where they had origin- ally met the Soules, five years ago. Mr. MacInnia' occupation, prior to his retirement, was a most exciting one having to do with trapping and mining. Point of interest: Mr. Souls reports that he has found a red homemade ce, dar rowboat, about twelve feet long, which he has secured await- ing claim by owner! He has no phone but owner may call Grape- view correspondents at cither HA 6-6971 or HA 6-4054. Busy, busy weekend for the Walt Claytons, St. Saturday morn- ing visitors from Tacoma were the Walt Petersons, out to spend the day. Unexpected weekend guests were Captain and Mrs. Leonaz;d Hansman and children, Jerri Lee and Bobby. The Hansmans were in transit from their previous a.rmy station in Fairbanks, A!,as- ka to the next. station at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. While in Alaska, Capt. Mrs. Fred Givens (newest Grape- view addition to the club's mem- bership). Last Monday night, was 4-H night at the Fair Harbor Grange. After a brief and to-the-point business meeting, Grange Master Bill Spooner turned the meeting over to 4-H leaders Mrs. Bill Spooner (also the Grange Youth chairman} and Mrs. Jim Tobey. The leaders then, in turn, intro- duced each 4-H member present, who responded by summarizing their own 4-H activities and plans. Recreation for the evening was in the form of a quiz with the "Boys" vs. "Girls", the "Boys" emerging victorious. A very thoughtful gift was given by the Grange to each of the 4-H mem- bers -- a 4-H key tag and chain. 4-H "Teens" present were Linda Spooner (also a Grange member}, Pamela Clayton, Diana and Edana Strickland, Elaine Zehe, Sandra Tobey and Elizabeth Somers. 4-H "Barnacles" present were Larry Lutz, Billy Leavitt, Robert Spoon- er and "Chief" Clayton. The Ted Rauscherts were de- lighted to welcome home son Ty- rone and bride Jackie from Fort Worth, Texas last Tuesday, Oct. 13. Tyrone is now a civilian again, having completed a tour of duty with Uncle Sam's Air Force. The younger Rauscherts plan to spend a few .days with the folks before taking up residence in Tacoma. Julie Stock announces that this coming Sunday will be the last Sunday that the Grapeview Store Will be open this season, so plan your shopping accordingly! Dates to remember: Saturday, October 31 -- North Bay Emer- gency First Aid Service Masquer- ade Halloween Dance at Victor Hall -- 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. -- Jitlie Stock's Bachemian Beethovians providing the Mooosick! Next month's big moment! The Mothers' Club's Thanksgivingcard party will be held Saturday eve- ning, November 21. All interested in a Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings might do well to be Mothers' Club's Thanksgiving card Schoolhouse. 2200 Simpson Ave. HOQUIAM, WASH. Phone G.E. 9-1280 THEY DIG IN AJ IN MUD• SLUSH OR S C)W P TRACTION TIRES NBW freed ;s dedgnBd fo r’od ea row pu you through mud, slush or mmflallb, snow .... yet gives greater mileage and better perTormance on dry roads without annoying hum Or vibration. The BEST year around bad-weather tire you can buy. 6:o  15 TUBED Blackwall 116 No. First HA 6-4373 II J I 1951 Oldsmobile, . $165 I 1951 Mercury . . S 195 1968 RAMBLER REBEL OUSTOM V-8 Power brakes, steering, push button drive, reclining seats, real sharp 1957 FAIRLANE "500" 2 DOOR, V-8, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 1968 OOUNTRY SEDAN B CYL., OVERDRIVE, EXCELLENT CONDITION 1956 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR V-8 POWER WINDOWS, WHITE SIDEWALLS, AUTO. TRANS., TINTED GLA 1965 V-8 FORDOR FAIRLANE WITH OVEBDRIVE 1954 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR EXCELLENT CONDITION  REAL CLEAN 1964 OHEVROLET BEt RAY 2 DOOR, EXCELLENT CONDITION 1952 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN NEW TIRES, REAL PRACTICAL STATION WAGON 1952 MEROURY 4.DOOR RADIO  HEATER PICK-UPS .... 1--1967 FORD, ½-TON 6-GYL OVERDRIVE 1942 FORD ½-TON 60YL. m m u m m m m m,m mum i i i i r/YEW//P,,4DI,4/YT"//E4Y D#Y//Vd "--'1 Hansman was a member of a I in "Bow .,.. A,,o00 c,ub - I RED SAYS: Expert Glass Installation -- guaranteed I Giant heating element provides full sweep of heat from top to bottom el one of three known members skill- | the drum, everything dries thoroughly, evenly, safely, full enough to down one of the no water leaks. L ._ -- --,*- ............ j large and ferociotts Alaskan browTl bears.   , "-'" Jmm Pauley IIn= Ask Us About These SUNDAY ArERNOON visi- 0 GREDIT mau00 ,o,s (o the busy household the Emil Eknlan', of Grays tlarbor P • Contracts city. Mr. Ekman used to work I O with Mr. Clayton some fifteen • Revolving Credit Plan years ago and this was his first TERMS TRADES • Regular 30-Day Accounts visit to this area. M • R € A I T | L J • 90-Day Special Accounts with cousin, Mrs. John Page in On her way home from a visit FIFTH and RAILROAD PHONE HA, 6-8231 Ephrata, Mrs. Glen (Jackle Hr- October 22, 1.959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chrtmasfown Shelton, Washin Pa 15 o Reservation Oenter - Ship - Bus CRUISES • HOTELS or HA 6-4134 Avenue WASH. FIR Dayton Women Pay Honor to Mrs. Cecil McLain By Malml Kidd Anyone interested in joining a You To Go To e DAYTON --- A group of ladies gtthered on Friday afternoon in the home of Mrs. A. E. Lemke for a going away hmcheon honoring Mrs. Cecil McLain. Present be- sides the honored gxmst were Mes- dames A. E. Lemke, Clifford Combs, Dick Leonard, Walt Chap- pell, Gary Cole, Kenneth Wolden, Perry Rose Sr., Manley Michler, Harold LeGarde, Carrel McHenry, Edward Bunnell, Robert Gokty, William Rietdorf, Ray Dillenberg, and Mrs. Gertude Scott. TIlE McLAIN family will be making a new home in Seattle. We'll miss you, Betty, Cecil and children. Ladies' Club met on Wednesday, October 14 with Mrs. Harold Le- Garde as hostess. The birthday of Mrs. Ray Dillenberg was observed. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 28 with Mrs. A. E. Lemke as hostess. Just a reminder to remember the Christmas Gift open house to be held on Tuesday, Oct. 27 at the Armory and sponsored by the Ma- son County Homemakers Council. Don't Let Your Parents Down They Brought You Up NOW -- GET YOUR TEEN OOMHANDHENTS • Key Rings • Bookmarks PENNIE SURRATT 1517 DIVISION H A 6-8207 We're proud to join Frigidaire dealers all over America in the biggest Frigidaire Laundry :Value event of the year! Right now, from Coast to coast--and right here in town-- we're out to prove it costs no more to own the finest--Frigldaire. $11op these Frigidaire laundry values. Compare tam fHtures. Check the quality against any other machines on the market. Then we know you'll agree, "The Price Is Rightl" Now's the time to buy! As little as 1960 FRIGIDAIRE Custom DeLuxe AUTOMATIC WASHER It's one of the fine models In 1580'= finest line of automatic washers, • Wash & Wear cycle with speciat, slower, gentler spin • Automatic Bleach and Dye Dispenser • New Lid opens to the side--sup. ports a full 10ad of clothes • 1.year Warranty plus 4-year Protec- tion Plan 99 a week after down payment Red Cross First Aid Class is ask- ed to call either Mrs. Perry Rose at HA 6-3764 or Mrs. Carrel Mc- ilenry, HA 6-8776. I gmss Jim ,.eman mus. De feel- ing just a little smug as it only took him about ten minutes of hunting on Friday morning to down a nice two point. His mother just couldn't believe it when he told her but after helping him get it to the house she was con- vinced. With a little help he man- aged to dress it out and still get to school on time. Kenneth Evans of Alsea, Ore. spent Saturday overnight and Sun- day as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Kidd. Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stoner were Mr. and Mrs. Earl King of Pouls- be and Jack Stoner of Longview. MR. AND MRS. William M. Brown and children were birth- day dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robertson on Sunday. Honor guest was Charles Robertson who was twelve years old. Saturday potluck dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Rtetdorf were Mr. and Mrs. James Hiekson I • Choose a Date and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Who Would and children and Mr. A1 Johnston Make a of Shelton. Dropping in, in time Good Mate for coffee were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morgan and children of Matlock. • Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits at- tended the S.E.A. Reno Night on Saturday evening held in Olym- pia at the Eagles' Hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rayson and Dave motored to Elma Sunday afternoon and called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luhm who recently mov- ed from this community. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Troup and children of Tacoma spent Satur- day overnight and Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams. Fred Lament of Sheiton enjoyed spending Saturday night with Richard and Bill Roberts. Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde were .Tim Xigorrcs and Don Herren of Tacoma, Don Clark of Arcadia and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest LeGardc of Tacoma. Cindy and Clint Tibbits spent Saturday night with grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams. Weekend guest or Darrell Coch- ran of Panhandle Lake was Bobby Barnes, of Kamilche. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barton of Tacoma called on Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rayson on Sunday morning. Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson were Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf, Alfred and Sandhi. JeAnne LeGarde had as her Saturday overnight guest Donna Albrecht of Shelton. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Chappell and daughter and Von- hie York called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews of Summit Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts and sons had dinner on Friday with Mrs. Nena Roberts of Shelton. Sunday visitors in the home of "Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf was his sister, Mrs. James Maxin Deer Hunters From Grapeview Have Good Luck Over Weekend GRAPEVIEW ...... This second week of hunting season apparent- ly brought the blessings of Diana, Goddess of the Hunt, to the Grapeview area. Johnny Stevens brought down a two point buck last Saturday, while Ed Okonek bagged a spike, also in this gener- al area this past Monday. Web Etherton got his spike up behind Camp Govey, over the weekend. MRS. VERNA JOHANSEN'S home was filled to the roof top with activity this past Sunday when a reunion of the immediate family took place. Daughter Val- di and family (husband Gene Gunkel and tiny daughter, Laurie Lou) came out from Bremerton, daughter Connie and husband Joe Cronquist and children, Cherie and Lance (plus Lance's friend, Dicky Lynn) came out from Shelton, also Mr. Herb Johansen, up from China Lake, California, to visit with his daughters and their fam- ilies. While the women kept the coffee perking and the food cook- lng, the men put a new roof on the place. The boys entertained them- dominating decor. Several of the of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. How- selves by fishing and were able to district clubs presented lovely ex- ard Duffey and Michael of Shel- boast of a good catch of perch. : hibits and the County Agent, Mr. tOn Thrill of the afternoon occurred:Charle s Peck spoke to the ladies Saturday evening, Mr. and when Mrs. Johansen's brother and on the intricacies of horticulture. Mrs. Walter Chappell enjoyed a family, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bar- Grapevlew members active in the visit from Mr. and Mrs. Warren bar and children, phoned from Beachcombers are Sarah Tschida, Carr and daughter of Shelton. Denver, Colorado, and added an Faye Soule, Mrs. Edwin GHgg and Lorna LeGarde was Saturday overnight guest of Wendy Clark of Shelton. Mr. Ernest Hull of Seattle is spending a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stoner. Visiting on Sunday in the Dell Adams home was Mrs. Glen Rick- ards and children of Chehalis. Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson and girls visited on Sunday eve- ning in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thurman of Elma. Watch Bill Cullan on "THE PRICE IS RIGHT"* Monday through Fdday on NBC.TV *The Price Is Right is a GOODSON-TODMAN PRODUCTION In Association with NBC. at Lumbermen's Mercantile during IFBII @ il DAgRE LAUNDRY VALUE DAYS! r mmm mmm= anlJ enBB mmi lilB ill ilmi li B UlBB i sain sam il #£W./ MOOIrL DCg-6O AUTOMATIC DRYER | Regulars, Delicates, Wash 'N Wear... right heat and time for everything in yourlaundry basket. • Automatically shuts off when clothes are dried "just enough" • 4-posltion Heat Selector including special "No Heat" setting • "WASH & WEAR" Cycle--many clothes actually need no ironing • Family.size capacity30 Ibs. S| wit clothes AS LITTLE AS per) Nutter stopped off in Seattle last Friday night to make an ad- ditional visit. Her hostess on this stop was Miss Virginia Matoe with whom she  worked while em- ployed by the Bell Telephone Com- pany. Outcome of this visit was a delayed departure, in that Jaekie was promptly invited by the "pow- ers-that-be" to attend the T.E.A. luncheon held by Bell Telephone last Tuesday. Faye Soule slipped home from Tacoma for the weekend, taking a break from her two weeks' stint of baby sitting for niece and hub- by, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coburn, while they visit with relatives in Reading, California. Faye then spent the weekend entertaining her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. O. Bryant of Mount Vernon. The Beachcombers Garden Ch]b entertained all the garden clubs of District No. 4 at the Belfair church in grand style Tuesday starting with a delicious hot lunch- eon served an delightfully decorat- ed tables, driftwood being the pre- $229 Pickering News By Mrs. Earl Harriman PICKERING.---Pickering Home- makers club had a good turnout at their last meeting and it was decided to entertain the Harstine Women's (dub at the next regular meeting in November. MR. AND MRS. Will .lohnstone of Dubuque, Iowa, are visiting lmr cousins, Amos Babcock and his sisters, of tIarstine, Pickering and Shelton. Mrs. Vera Troy has attended the State Homemakers convention in Spokane and the National Home- i makers conventior in Portland. Mrs. Isabel Droscher ente'tained over the weekend her son, Ralph Droscher, and friends of Seattle on a hunting party. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson at- tended a birthday dinner for their granddaughter, Janice, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gwin- nett of Matlock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wylie of Shelton called at the Frank Strong home one day last week. Grape harvest is in full swing in Pickering as well as other parts of Mason county. Mrs. Mabel Harrtman called at the Victor Minkler and Carl John- son homes Monday. This correspondent greatly en- joyed the tour of the Journal plant and the lunch and wants to xtend thanks to all of the stafL - LET'S NOT forget the rum- mage sale at the P.U.D. building Friday and Saturday, Oct. 23 and ket will be awarded that night. FUN SEEKERS might also be I interested in the date of the next I Grange Game Night  Novem-J ber 6 at 8 p.m.  Grapeview' PREFAB HOMES Delivered to your lot complete with pier foundation, wiring, plumbing and fixtures, roofing, insulation, Electric range, re- frigerator and hot water tank. TO SHELTON FOR 24'x26' 2 B.R. $1222.00 24'x34' 3 B.R. $1608.00 24'x50' 3 B.R. $2385.00 24'x52' 4 B.R. $2385.00 WRITE BUDGET HOUSING GO. A WEEK AFTER DOWN PAYMENT (MOnEt OCO.60l unexpected and coincidental note to the family reunion. Each mem- ber of the Barber family entered into the conversations, each hav- ing theh" own extension. (P.S. Mr. Barber is a Bell Telephone Com- pany employee ! ) Incidentally, Val- di's daughter Laurie passed her first milestone Suturday, a week ago. (Has it been a year al- ready ? ) Dean and Pat Cook "played hookey" from Grapeview last Sat- urday night and again Sunday morning, leaving month old Wil- liam B. with grandparents How- ard and Cleo Cook. Saturday night's destination was the wed- ding reception of Shelton newly- weds, the Donald Lutherfords, at the Hood Canal Women's Club, while Sunday's indulgence was a hunting trip to the Black Hills. However, they returned empty handed, having seen one beautiful four-point buck--but, alas, before daylight! George and Ruby Lewis took advantage of the Christmas Tree Tour offered by our County Ex- tension Office this past Saturday afternoon and were kind enough to take along 4-H Foresters, Lar- ry Lutz, Robert Spooner and Don- ald Pogreba. Mr. Charles Peck, our county agent, conducted the tour out to Hunter's Tree Farm where planting and "farming" methods were demonstrated and illustrated. Judy Johnson, daughter of the Emmett (Swede) Johnsons, is at- tending the Olympic College in remez'ton, where she is pursuing teacher-education courses, hoping one day to teach in the intermedi- ate grades. Judy is living with her aunt (Swede's sister) Mrs. John Hanson, a location convenient to the college. Weekend visitor to the M. J. Robinsons' was Mrs. Robinson's sister, Mrs. Alice Stafford of Se- attle. eases, Washington, located on the historic Oregon Trail, will be a place to be remembered at least by Laurie Seiners. While some of the earlier travelers left wagons and supplies along the Trail, Laurie ieft his left front tooth there, as the result of a collision with the toe of a Pasco football shoe last Friday night.' Not only did Laurie lose his tooth but, add- ing insult to injury, the High- climbers also lost the game 26-0! Newcomers (permanent resi- dents) to our community are the Joe tittles who have recently moved to their new "Cedar Home ' on Treamwe Island (across from the Julie Stock place). The tittles were formerly Seattle residents, Mr. Little having recently retired after selling out his Marina lo- cated on Rainier Avenue. Wel- come ! SURPRISE drop-in Ktest to the Pelan home on Treasure Is- land were Mrs. Marjorie Jenne and daughter Lynn, who stopped by on their way to Westport. The Jennes, who are from Seattle, were Pelans' neighbors while they lived there and have been friends since Alaskan days. Canadian g u e s t s, weekending with the Orin Soules, were Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacInnis of Camp- bell River, British Columbia. The MacInnises picked np their trail- er which they had left with the Smiles in preparation for a trip to Mexico, where they had origin- ally met the Soules, five years ago. Mr. MacInnia' occupation, prior to his retirement, was a most exciting one having to do with trapping and mining. Point of interest: Mr. Souls reports that he has found a red homemade ce, dar rowboat, about twelve feet long, which he has secured await- ing claim by owner! He has no phone but owner may call Grape- view correspondents at cither HA 6-6971 or HA 6-4054. Busy, busy weekend for the Walt Claytons, St. Saturday morn- ing visitors from Tacoma were the Walt Petersons, out to spend the day. Unexpected weekend guests were Captain and Mrs. Leonaz;d Hansman and children, Jerri Lee and Bobby. The Hansmans were in transit from their previous a.rmy station in Fairbanks, A!,as- ka to the next. station at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. While in Alaska, Capt. Mrs. Fred Givens (newest Grape- view addition to the club's mem- bership). Last Monday night, was 4-H night at the Fair Harbor Grange. After a brief and to-the-point business meeting, Grange Master Bill Spooner turned the meeting over to 4-H leaders Mrs. Bill Spooner (also the Grange Youth chairman} and Mrs. Jim Tobey. The leaders then, in turn, intro- duced each 4-H member present, who responded by summarizing their own 4-H activities and plans. Recreation for the evening was in the form of a quiz with the "Boys" vs. "Girls", the "Boys" emerging victorious. A very thoughtful gift was given by the Grange to each of the 4-H mem- bers -- a 4-H key tag and chain. 4-H "Teens" present were Linda Spooner (also a Grange member}, Pamela Clayton, Diana and Edana Strickland, Elaine Zehe, Sandra Tobey and Elizabeth Somers. 4-H "Barnacles" present were Larry Lutz, Billy Leavitt, Robert Spoon- er and "Chief" Clayton. The Ted Rauscherts were de- lighted to welcome home son Ty- rone and bride Jackie from Fort Worth, Texas last Tuesday, Oct. 13. Tyrone is now a civilian again, having completed a tour of duty with Uncle Sam's Air Force. The younger Rauscherts plan to spend a few .days with the folks before taking up residence in Tacoma. Julie Stock announces that this coming Sunday will be the last Sunday that the Grapeview Store Will be open this season, so plan your shopping accordingly! Dates to remember: Saturday, October 31 -- North Bay Emer- gency First Aid Service Masquer- ade Halloween Dance at Victor Hall -- 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. -- Jitlie Stock's Bachemian Beethovians providing the Mooosick! Next month's big moment! The Mothers' Club's Thanksgivingcard party will be held Saturday eve- ning, November 21. All interested in a Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings might do well to be Mothers' Club's Thanksgiving card Schoolhouse. 2200 Simpson Ave. HOQUIAM, WASH. Phone G.E. 9-1280 THEY DIG IN AJ IN MUD• SLUSH OR S C)W P TRACTION TIRES NBW freed ;s dedgnBd fo r’od ea row pu you through mud, slush or mmflallb, snow .... yet gives greater mileage and better perTormance on dry roads without annoying hum Or vibration. The BEST year around bad-weather tire you can buy. 6:o  15 TUBED Blackwall 116 No. First HA 6-4373 II J I 1951 Oldsmobile, . $165 I 1951 Mercury . . S 195 1968 RAMBLER REBEL OUSTOM V-8 Power brakes, steering, push button drive, reclining seats, real sharp 1957 FAIRLANE "500" 2 DOOR, V-8, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 1968 OOUNTRY SEDAN B CYL., OVERDRIVE, EXCELLENT CONDITION 1956 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR V-8 POWER WINDOWS, WHITE SIDEWALLS, AUTO. TRANS., TINTED GLA 1965 V-8 FORDOR FAIRLANE WITH OVEBDRIVE 1954 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR EXCELLENT CONDITION  REAL CLEAN 1964 OHEVROLET BEt RAY 2 DOOR, EXCELLENT CONDITION 1952 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN NEW TIRES, REAL PRACTICAL STATION WAGON 1952 MEROURY 4.DOOR RADIO  HEATER PICK-UPS .... 1--1967 FORD, ½-TON 6-GYL OVERDRIVE 1942 FORD ½-TON 60YL. m m u m m m m m,m mum i i i i r/YEW//P,,4DI,4/YT"//E4Y D#Y//Vd "--'1 Hansman was a member of a I in "Bow .,.. A,,o00 c,ub - I RED SAYS: Expert Glass Installation -- guaranteed I Giant heating element provides full sweep of heat from top to bottom el one of three known members skill- | the drum, everything dries thoroughly, evenly, safely, full enough to down one of the no water leaks. L ._ -- --,*- ............ j large and ferociotts Alaskan browTl bears.   , "-'" Jmm Pauley IIn= Ask Us About These SUNDAY ArERNOON visi- 0 GREDIT mau00 ,o,s (o the busy household the Emil Eknlan', of Grays tlarbor P • Contracts city. Mr. Ekman used to work I O with Mr. Clayton some fifteen • Revolving Credit Plan years ago and this was his first TERMS TRADES • Regular 30-Day Accounts visit to this area. M • R € A I T | L J • 90-Day Special Accounts with cousin, Mrs. John Page in On her way home from a visit FIFTH and RAILROAD PHONE HA, 6-8231 Ephrata, Mrs. Glen (Jackle Hr-