October 22, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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P ]8
I ........... " ooNs00
"He thinks it's a SLOW LEAK
• , . I'm waitin' to see!"
We like to see yotl around...
but we won't keep yon wait-
ing for service!
week for doing nothing but mess-
ing up her room and sassing her
nlother. I think that's pretty darn-
ed good pay for that kind of work,
don't you ?
Piggy Bank Poppa
Dear Piggy,
Excellent pay, to say the least.
Until she assumes a little more re-
sponsibility and shows the proper
respect for Morn, keep your hands
out of your pockets and extend
no more charity. If this cut in pay
doesn't work try belting her tqgllt
in the chops. It may give her a
complex of some kind but at least
you'll be getting something for'
your money,
Dear Adam,
I like peanut butter and mayon,
naise sandwiches. My Mamma
says I'm silly and Just trying to
show off when I ask her to make
me one, I'm not. I really do like
them. She said to ask you and if
you think it's okay to have pea-
nut butter and mayonnaise all
straggled up together for a sand-
wich she will think it's okay too
flI-TELTON-MA,q0N COUITT " JOURNAL- Published in "Christma.ntow,n, U.S.A.,"
ADAMS WISDOM-" .... .... .... I=r ..., ..---,,,--
m m mlwmw vm w m | Around Mason County with
How do I break my 12 year old old Penn | Cotmty Extension .gent
daughter of contintally bumming i)ear Penny, " Yll Jane Jones Winasor
me for money? She gets a regu- . Bless you, child. Unti! your let- You may think nothing will sti
lar allowance of two dollars a l;el' came I man't even Know now people av¢(y fronl It television set
First and Pine Streets and she will take your advice and Deal' Adam,
let me have one once in a while. My wife is no spring chicken so
Phone HA 6°3906 I really do like them so please say to make her feel good, young; and
yes. I am a girl. I am eight years flattered 1 bought her one of
- - [, those semi-invisible negligee's uau-
*V,-.:,; ......... ' .......... It ................... ',.,;...:,[ally dl,ped over the frames of
--d| bubbling and wiggling young show
[] [ B[ gh'ls. G$dzooks! I have loosed a
BB I B[ monster. M. !ovipg spouse is five
BII ,I B| feet tall, wide and every other di
W , B[ mansion impel-taut to female van-
D' [ ]| lty. The problem is this. She is ira.
I | mensely pleased with the garment
: .... , R|and struts about the house be-
... especially our donub
Plain Donuts ................ 60¢ per doz.
to spell mayonnaise.
I remember that when I was
about your age I had some very
strange likes and dislikes concret-
Ing foodstuffs. I remember I hat-
ed peas, turnips, spinach, and jells
because somebody told me it was
made out of horses' hooves. I lov-
ed horses. I dearly loved to eat
big, black ants, various grades of
worms and pink thistle fuzz. I still
sneak a small pinch of thistle fuzz
once in a while.
Tell Morn she's very lucky that
peanut butter and mayonnaise is
the worst of your cravings. (I
tried one. They're good, aren't
Dear Adam,
' What is the difference between
Puppy Love and Mature Love ?
; Amy
Deal, Alny,
I have never been very strongly
attracted to puppies, amorously,
that is, and r don't know what a
Mature is. 'Fraid I can't help you
much. Try a veterinarian.
Jeanne's Bakery...
lleving she is a modern day Sal-
sine when she actually more close-
ly resembles a large, ungainly
eausage. How can I tell her what
I've todd you without running the
risk of being assassinated ?
Miserable Al'thur
Dear Miserable,
It won't be a case of assassina-
' tton, You'll be committing suicide.
If you can't just drop dead unas-
sisted keep your eye open and the
next time she goes out to chop
wood for the fireplace take that
ridiculous nightie out of the .closet
and burn it. Undoubtedly, she will
permanently maim you for it, but
that's better than a slow, violent
death. In any case, don't send me
any more problems like this. I
like living, too.
Dear Adam,
My mother-in-law and I had a
doozy of a row. Before it was over
the battle included my wife, my
two daughters, a neighbor lady
who was attracted by the clamor,
a cop some smart aleck sailed and
our Siamese cat. They knocked
the tar right out of me. My wife
is staying at the YWCA. my kids
won't speak to me and the neigh-
bor lady has a fat lip. I was fined
twenty-five bucks for disturbing
Of Course
Open Sundays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
but there's a lot. of mileage h,ft in
the field of women's glamour.
TIlE OTHER DAY tlae Bay-
shore Golf Clubhouse was brim-
ruing with women to Ileal' the lat-
est direct from a teacher in a
school for models. The ladies, I
thought, had already learned their
lesson on being attractive. Ahuost
any one of then( could have stood
up to have tier costume and ac-
cessories counted anti come within
the "well-dressed" total.
Mind you, this was not an audi-
ence of leisure class. Most were!
women with growing children, new
houses to support and certainly
full days of work for them. Yet
they came as examples of the very
tiling that there were thez:e to
heat .... good grooming, poise and
well selected dress.
When we were in Spokane last
week at the Homemakers' Con-
vention, Gertrude Dieken, a wom-
an's editor for tim Farm Journal
spoke. Part was on the impor-
tance of homenmkers valuing
themselves and not following the
route of complete self-sacrifice
that can make their family un-
easy. Perhaps such interest in
making the most of what each
has, as shown by these golf club
guests, is part of this "h)ve thy-
Vera Troy, Bertha Taylor, Lil-
lian Portman and Evelyn Bishop
were our delegation to this con-
vention. It is the Washington Stats i
Homemakers' Council that start-
ed in 1953 and now has nearly
70(}0 members. It's the voice of
homemakers whose community
clubs use Extension for their edu-
cational programs. Miss Dieken
left some other plxffound thoughts
with the women. She reminded
them that our homemaking is be-
ing done more with our heads than
with our hands nowadays. Making
wise decisions is the best skill we
can have for this. We make our
world with what is within us. If
our world gives us a "beat" feel-
ing we might scrutinize how we
use our time. We all have the
same twenty-four hours each day.
The excuse, "I don't have time",
really means, "1 don't have time
for that". Keep track of how you
the peace. The J.P. who eard the
case warned me to keep my big
mouth shut in the future. Now I
ask you. is that fair?
Healing Slowly
Dear Healing,
Yes INDEED this is fair. The
law clearly states. "It shall be un-
lawful to disturb the peace in the
presence of a Siamese eat." I could
not print the complete text of
yotr fatty but my sweet li'l oi'
spouse read it and she told me to
tell you that you got just exactly
what you asked for.
Shelton, Washin
complished with the completion
of a 240-foot all-steel mainline
railroad bridge st)anning Prairie
River near Lake Quinault. Tile
new bridge which took five
months to complete, consisls of
one 80-foot main span with two
side spans at either end measur-
ing 40 feet each, and crosses 50
feet above the streant bed.
According to L. J. Forrest
Northwest Timber Division Man-
ager for Rayonier, the complct.ion
of the new bridge represents an
importanl step in the company's
over-all raih'oad modernization
plan. This plan includes the com-
plete rebuilding of the company's
mainline raih'oad and replacement
of remaining steam locomotives
with diesel-driven equipment.
Ronald Mason Takes
Army Training
Ronald Mason, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Nolan Mason of Shelton,
is now taking active training at
Fort Ord, Calif.
Ronald, a member of the Shel-
ton National Guard unit, will re-
ceive six months training in Cal-
ifornia as part of his military.ob-
ligation with the guard organtza-
Rayonier Builds IA Guy Wh° Can't Hell' Being Hum°r°us
An important step in the m(d-
crnization of Rayonicr Incorpor- with the Independent nmkes him
ated's h)gging railroad was :le-
a I)redigal lwlton resident (Bet:k-
Words llis Bread and Butter
use your time for a week and then
ask yourself, "Is this really the
way I want to spend it?"
ItOSIE SMITH and Mrs. Watt,
health nurses, are doing recon-
naissance for audiences for the
wonderful film I have coming into
the county from November 3 to
10. It's "The Medicine Man" made
to tell people the story of the
food quack. The American Med-
ical Association is the producer.
Call us if you want to use it.
Another Christmas Gift Open
House is coming. It's to be Octo-
ber 27 at the Armory in Shelton.
Mrs. H. L. Rendsland will be with
us from Tahuya to show the fine
points of making mosaic tiles.
Clubs are offering demonstrations
for many attractive gifts and .all
in plenty of time for your own
Christmas projects.
Thanks to the know-how of fel-
low County Agents, we have a
good analysis of the difference of
buying beef by the carcass versus
by the cut in the grocery store.
On a half carcass the saving not
including locker rent or home
freezer cost was 14.75 cents per
pound. The total difference was
$38.87 when beef was bought by
the half carcass. We have these
fi,nwes in more detail if you
should cart; to ltave them.
Try a Journal Want Ad
with Jeweh'y, 13). When he mov-
ed to Shelton recently he became
an ex-Union reshh.nt (Waterfront
Realty, 23. His home now is at
1520 N. 2nd (Kimbel Motors, 3)
where you call phone llA (;-4784
(Johnny's Music Box, 15) to reach
In his two separate chapters of
Shelton residence he has been an
at'tire ('ivie worker (Leroy's Tele-
vision Service, 3), former Cham-
ber president IEells & Valley, 22),
and has carrle(l a heavy l,'orest
Festival load ( LM, 22).
Through his work with Simp-
son he mites as a leader in his
flehl (Timber Appliance, 24) and
as a top PR mare (McConkey
Pharmacy, 16). It also sees that
he works hard at tree protection
(Herb Angle, 23), that le rubs el-
bows tlt VIP {Saeger Motor
S h o p, 12), is Widely traveled
(Sears, 20), and that he is in a
sense a lobbyist (LM, 9).
A man who has a "first" name He was r e c e n t I y promoted
for Ills last name, Dave James, di- (L.M., 9) by Simpson as a result
rector of Simpson Logging Corn- of his fine efforts. To become all
pony public relations, takes the these, things Dave James became
stage as the 17th mystery charac- a ..,lf-made.. top-grade, puhlic
speaker (20th Century, 24) and a
tar in the Journal's "Who's Who I4dented tastmaster (Kimbel Me-
in Mason Colmty" contest, tors, 3) with a great, repertoire of
Thirty-three clues in last week's stories (Herb Angle, 23) who
edition should have made identi- seemingly can't help being hu-
flcation simple. The problem was
to find them all. morose (20th Century, 24).
He has become quie a historian
The one quoted to open this (Kimbel Motors, 17)withhiswrit-
story was in the L.M. ad on page ings. All of this makes it evident
9. In other ads you found out he that words are his bread-and-bnt-
was rulm on a farm (Prepp's ter (Seal's, 22).
school menus, 5), his boyhood He has two children (Wheatley
nickname was "Dgo" (Eells & & Keary, 20), Evan and Karen,
Valley, 20) his middle initial is A both now in school, Evan at Shel-
{Bill Johnson's Shell Service, 20), ton senior high, Karen at the Uni-
and that he heg/m.his career in versity of Washington.
Centraih (Kitsap-Mason Dairy, About the only frivolous hobby
21) as a newspaperman, attributable to him is that he
He was raised in the Rochester love. ./uare dancing (LawSon
area of Lewis county, which Lumber, 3).
makes him an ex-strawberry Add 'em up and you have 33
picker (Waterfront Realty, 23), clues to the identity of Dave
and might have had something to James, mystery character No. 17
do with the fact that he has a in this intriguing contest.
distinctly characteristic gait (Mc- Now it's time to start hunting
Conkey Pharmacy, 16) when he for new clues to a new mystery
walks. It was at Rochester that character in this week's edition.
he met his wife of Finnl.h extrac-
tlon (Shelton Hotel, 20), a former
school teacher (Waterfront Real-
ty, 23).
His long career in newspaper
reporting f o 11 o w e d graduation
from the University of Washing-
ton school of journalism in 1933,
making him a Ilusky alumnus
(OK Rubber Welders, 20), and in-
cluded stints on the Centralia
Chronicle, Tacoma News Tribune,
the old Shelton Independent, the
Seattle Times, and as bureau chief i
for the Associated Press in Olym-i
pie, this latter position giving rise
to the clue dt,w AP paychecks
(Kimbel Motors, 20). The post
Skirts are shortefl
izes your figure
program of
exercise. You ca
off of your waiSt
slenderize your
pletely equipped
you'll feel better 111
proving your figure,
posture and vitality
mation call today
323 FrS
We Hope to Serve You
Often In the Future
¼-Mile Past South City Limits on Olympia
OK Rubber
sports "nut"
2226 N. ulymplo Hwy.
HA 6-4832
Evergreen Texaco
Motor Tuneup, Generators,
Starters, Lubrication,
Brake Relining
1st & Franklin HA 6-3031
Kimbel Motors
707 S. First HA 6-3433
"Shelton's Favorite"
For Breakfast- Lunch - Dinner
or Just a Snack
125 Cote HA 6-3953
Shelton Union Service
• First in tlres--U. S. Royal
• Economy Car Wash
• Vacation Trailer Rentals
• U Drive Trucks
332 S. First HA 6-8002
Shelton Hotel
"If You Can Find A Better
Place To Eat Try ITS"
• Banquet Facilities
• Sat. Nits Smorgasbord
• Blue Ox Corral
We call him Willie
Ph. HA 6-3341
Leroy's Television
Motorola Television & Radios
"You Get Guaranteed Quality
In Sales and Service"
2218 N. Olympic Hwy.
HA 6-3172
Sears Catalog
"8atlsfaotlon Guaranteed or
Your Money Back"
Evergreen Square HA 6-8201
"Look to the Finest First"
Eetls & Valley
123 S. 2rid HA 6.4663
Forrest's Flowers
Cut Flowers- Plants
Floral Designs
Flowers and Gifts for
All Occasions
Flowers by Wire
In the by-line business
I Rex Floor Coverings
Floor, Wall
& Counter
HA 6-2292
1723 Olymplo Hwy. N.
Timber Appliance
Authorized Dealer
Salea & 6ervioe
Electrical Contmting
Heating -- Wiring
HA 6-4633 114 S. nd
Bill Johnson's
Sllell Serviee
',Service FirSt BaiMaotion
GOodyear Tires
NiL-Sllver Bat(ariel
Fleet & Cots HA 6-390
813 Railroad HA 6-6513
Quality at Budget Prices
Once known as a "cub"
Evergreen Squa HA 6-8293
Kitsap-Mason Dairy
"Good Milk Is Good Food"
• Milk & Cream
• Ice Cream
• Cheese
• Butter
Third at Grove HA 6-4473
Les Fields Auto Parts
Complete line of parts for all
oars & trucks
Automotive Machine Shop
Tools -- Batteries
229 8. First HA 6-3351
Waterfront Realty
Developers of Highland Terrace
Marden M. Stroud, Broker
226 No. First HA 64535
Since 1895"
J & J Service
"The Best Friend
Your Car Ever Had"
Island Laker
MS. Yew HA 6-3969
Insurance Coverage & 8erloe
Angle Agency
Insurance - Real Estate - TPII
4th & R.R. HA 6-/
Evergreen 15ae| Co.
Dlwel OH & Stove OII
AUm=t Refill Service
8t9 S, First HA 6-8103
Plumbing, Heating & Sheet
Metal Contraoting -- Plumbing
Supplies Oil Burners
623 S. Flret HA 6-3483
"Ybu Can't Better The Best"
Premium Ice Cream
At Less than Popular Prlou
422 N. First HA 6-6575
C. C. Cole & Sons
Standard Oil Procuots
"Trouble Free Fuel OII Sevlo@
for the Home"
Eats by words
118 S. Third HA 6-4411
Wingard's Sport Shop
Complete Flshlng and
Hunting Supplies
"Take Along A Buddy"
All Resident & Non-Resident
2210 OlympTc Hwy. N.
HA 6-8672
Saeger's Motor Shop
• Johnson Outboards
• HomelRe Power Saws
• 8kaglt Boats
Sales & Service
Hillcrest HA S-4602
20th Century
"with that
Country Fresh Flavor"
1st & Cedar
"Where Every Customer
Is Important"
Prepp's Rexall Store
'In Buslned8 for
Your Healt,"
419 Railroa@
HA 6-6283
Westlnghou Appllan0es
The best courts no more
Whestley & Kamry Co.
"Service and QbJlity First"
Plum.fl -- Heating
Piper Paint
817 8. FirSt HA 6-4553
M. and S. Food Store
Quality Food Low Prioee
Free Delivery
120 Cots HA 6-4892
Treasures raincoat.
UW class of '34
2nd & Cota HA 6-6311
For over 24 years It ha| been
MoOonkey's ,or Brup
"Two Locations to Serve You"
306 Railroad 329 Railroad
HA 6.3466 HA 6-4466
Make-up's important to him.
Johnny's Music Box
429 Railroad HA 6-4302
Pianos • Organs
Accordion Lsssone
Band Instruments
Sheet Music
Photographer, of sorts.
Exoiualve Dealers for
Open Bowling for the Whole
Family Friday Saturday,
Likes to bowl
Shelton Recreation
128 N. FlrSt HA 6-62S2
Budget Shop
Decorating Center
Across from Evergreen Square
Lawton Lumber Co.
• C & C Paints
• Building Materials
• Tools Rentals
420 S. First HA 6-4303
Thackeray Electric
"Electrical Contraotors"
Lighting Fixturee
Electric Heat
Wiring Supplies
and Repalre
217 Cota HA 6-6477
129 Railroad HA 6-3283
Western Auto Supply
The Name tur Quality
315 S. First HA 6-6183
Bitner's Broiler
"For Fine Foods
Reasonable Prices"
102 S. First HA 6-4223
Doema't emoke
Whore !o Look for Olues...
Copyright 1959 by B. Reinhardt. All rights reserve&
Clues may be hidden in ANY ad in this group ad.
appears in any of these ads, it means that additional
that merchant appears elsewhere in this issue of the paper,
tional clues may be hidden In any of those ads also
Clues will be scattered.., there may be from one to
any ad or none. This is a contest of skill -- and we
our best to outwit you. We invite you to do your best to
RULES Is between the heavy
issue. You may enter at
1. This l a family fun contest ]- wish! There are no
tries welcome from every member of entries will be accepted
the family old enough to fill out his tries will not be
or her own. You MAY submit one en- bsr of the family may
try per person at any or all of the tries for that family.
Sponsoring Merchants whose ads are 12 must be accompanied
in the row that is heavily bordered
6. This week's contest
this week but only one entry per receive this issue,
person at anF one store (more than ).m. Monday of the
one will d/sqalify all entries of that
time (5 p.m. next
perann for that week). Anyone may drawing will be held.
enter unleua member of your family drawn that correctly
in employed iy the JOURNAL. Sport- WHO'S WHO will win
sorlg Merelumts and their famil/es
entry also lists every
(and their employees and families) are ads of Sponsoring
most welcome to enter EXCEPT daring NUS of $35.00 "will be
the week that the Sponsoring Mer- ever this BONUS is not
chant's store is featured, added to next week's
will continue to grow
2. Nothing to buy. Use any slip of Wtnning the BONUS
paper for entry blank. DO NOT put FECT list of clues
your eltry in an envelope. Not neces- ber, and all copied
ssry to be present at the drawing to
win. 0t necemary to be a wubscriber 7, At unannounced time
to the JOURNAL to participate, the contest, a special
held to determine the
8, O'S %'JO may' be anyone In MYSTERY JACKPOT.
the Mason County area, Clues to his will take place
(or her) ldenflty will be hidden ONLY drawing is completed.
in ads of 8ponsorg Merchants (this regular drawing will
means any ad' In this section or any for the drawing of the
ad of the same merchant elsewhere in 3ACKPOT. Winner of
the paper). When star(s) appear in JACKPOT will be the
any ad In this section, it is your warn- drawn (after completion
lug that other ed(s) of the same mer-idrawing) which has
chant (in which there may be clues) rect identification of
appear elsewhere in the paper. Clues and a perfect list of
will be scattered--many ads will have will not be held for
no slues, while others may have as POT every week.
many a five. This Is a contest of skill,
and we intend to do our best to outwit 8. Every possible
you. We'll be delighted if you succeed taken to prevent
in outguessing us, in spite of our best that might be mistaken
efforts! errorless typography
4. If by coincidence, the name of the fisher of the
WHO'S WHO (or other facts about judge in all questionS,
him) happen to appear in news items, is final.
editoHal matter, or other places in this
newspaper, these will not count as Family participation
clues, for chance is win ttm
wife, husband, or
5, TO enter, write down the name youngster MAY spot S
you think the WHO'S WHO is. List miss!
all the clues you can find In all the don't enter!
ads of the Sponsoring Merchants in . . Rmornber, you
this issue. Don't forget your own name
and address!l Then. drop your entry Got any Perry Mason
at any SpoMoring Merchant whose ad hlnk YOU can
P ]8
I ........... " ooNs00
"He thinks it's a SLOW LEAK
• , . I'm waitin' to see!"
We like to see yotl around...
but we won't keep yon wait-
ing for service!
week for doing nothing but mess-
ing up her room and sassing her
nlother. I think that's pretty darn-
ed good pay for that kind of work,
don't you ?
Piggy Bank Poppa
Dear Piggy,
Excellent pay, to say the least.
Until she assumes a little more re-
sponsibility and shows the proper
respect for Morn, keep your hands
out of your pockets and extend
no more charity. If this cut in pay
doesn't work try belting her tqgllt
in the chops. It may give her a
complex of some kind but at least
you'll be getting something for'
your money,
Dear Adam,
I like peanut butter and mayon,
naise sandwiches. My Mamma
says I'm silly and Just trying to
show off when I ask her to make
me one, I'm not. I really do like
them. She said to ask you and if
you think it's okay to have pea-
nut butter and mayonnaise all
straggled up together for a sand-
wich she will think it's okay too
flI-TELTON-MA,q0N COUITT " JOURNAL- Published in "Christma.ntow,n, U.S.A.,"
ADAMS WISDOM-" .... .... .... I=r ..., ..---,,,--
m m mlwmw vm w m | Around Mason County with
How do I break my 12 year old old Penn | Cotmty Extension .gent
daughter of contintally bumming i)ear Penny, " Yll Jane Jones Winasor
me for money? She gets a regu- . Bless you, child. Unti! your let- You may think nothing will sti
lar allowance of two dollars a l;el' came I man't even Know now people av¢(y fronl It television set
First and Pine Streets and she will take your advice and Deal' Adam,
let me have one once in a while. My wife is no spring chicken so
Phone HA 6°3906 I really do like them so please say to make her feel good, young; and
yes. I am a girl. I am eight years flattered 1 bought her one of
- - [, those semi-invisible negligee's uau-
*V,-.:,; ......... ' .......... It ................... ',.,;...:,[ally dl,ped over the frames of
--d| bubbling and wiggling young show
[] [ B[ gh'ls. G$dzooks! I have loosed a
BB I B[ monster. M. !ovipg spouse is five
BII ,I B| feet tall, wide and every other di
W , B[ mansion impel-taut to female van-
D' [ ]| lty. The problem is this. She is ira.
I | mensely pleased with the garment
: .... , R|and struts about the house be-
... especially our donub
Plain Donuts ................ 60¢ per doz.
to spell mayonnaise.
I remember that when I was
about your age I had some very
strange likes and dislikes concret-
Ing foodstuffs. I remember I hat-
ed peas, turnips, spinach, and jells
because somebody told me it was
made out of horses' hooves. I lov-
ed horses. I dearly loved to eat
big, black ants, various grades of
worms and pink thistle fuzz. I still
sneak a small pinch of thistle fuzz
once in a while.
Tell Morn she's very lucky that
peanut butter and mayonnaise is
the worst of your cravings. (I
tried one. They're good, aren't
Dear Adam,
' What is the difference between
Puppy Love and Mature Love ?
; Amy
Deal, Alny,
I have never been very strongly
attracted to puppies, amorously,
that is, and r don't know what a
Mature is. 'Fraid I can't help you
much. Try a veterinarian.
Jeanne's Bakery...
lleving she is a modern day Sal-
sine when she actually more close-
ly resembles a large, ungainly
eausage. How can I tell her what
I've todd you without running the
risk of being assassinated ?
Miserable Al'thur
Dear Miserable,
It won't be a case of assassina-
' tton, You'll be committing suicide.
If you can't just drop dead unas-
sisted keep your eye open and the
next time she goes out to chop
wood for the fireplace take that
ridiculous nightie out of the .closet
and burn it. Undoubtedly, she will
permanently maim you for it, but
that's better than a slow, violent
death. In any case, don't send me
any more problems like this. I
like living, too.
Dear Adam,
My mother-in-law and I had a
doozy of a row. Before it was over
the battle included my wife, my
two daughters, a neighbor lady
who was attracted by the clamor,
a cop some smart aleck sailed and
our Siamese cat. They knocked
the tar right out of me. My wife
is staying at the YWCA. my kids
won't speak to me and the neigh-
bor lady has a fat lip. I was fined
twenty-five bucks for disturbing
Of Course
Open Sundays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
but there's a lot. of mileage h,ft in
the field of women's glamour.
TIlE OTHER DAY tlae Bay-
shore Golf Clubhouse was brim-
ruing with women to Ileal' the lat-
est direct from a teacher in a
school for models. The ladies, I
thought, had already learned their
lesson on being attractive. Ahuost
any one of then( could have stood
up to have tier costume and ac-
cessories counted anti come within
the "well-dressed" total.
Mind you, this was not an audi-
ence of leisure class. Most were!
women with growing children, new
houses to support and certainly
full days of work for them. Yet
they came as examples of the very
tiling that there were thez:e to
heat .... good grooming, poise and
well selected dress.
When we were in Spokane last
week at the Homemakers' Con-
vention, Gertrude Dieken, a wom-
an's editor for tim Farm Journal
spoke. Part was on the impor-
tance of homenmkers valuing
themselves and not following the
route of complete self-sacrifice
that can make their family un-
easy. Perhaps such interest in
making the most of what each
has, as shown by these golf club
guests, is part of this "h)ve thy-
Vera Troy, Bertha Taylor, Lil-
lian Portman and Evelyn Bishop
were our delegation to this con-
vention. It is the Washington Stats i
Homemakers' Council that start-
ed in 1953 and now has nearly
70(}0 members. It's the voice of
homemakers whose community
clubs use Extension for their edu-
cational programs. Miss Dieken
left some other plxffound thoughts
with the women. She reminded
them that our homemaking is be-
ing done more with our heads than
with our hands nowadays. Making
wise decisions is the best skill we
can have for this. We make our
world with what is within us. If
our world gives us a "beat" feel-
ing we might scrutinize how we
use our time. We all have the
same twenty-four hours each day.
The excuse, "I don't have time",
really means, "1 don't have time
for that". Keep track of how you
the peace. The J.P. who eard the
case warned me to keep my big
mouth shut in the future. Now I
ask you. is that fair?
Healing Slowly
Dear Healing,
Yes INDEED this is fair. The
law clearly states. "It shall be un-
lawful to disturb the peace in the
presence of a Siamese eat." I could
not print the complete text of
yotr fatty but my sweet li'l oi'
spouse read it and she told me to
tell you that you got just exactly
what you asked for.
Shelton, Washin
complished with the completion
of a 240-foot all-steel mainline
railroad bridge st)anning Prairie
River near Lake Quinault. Tile
new bridge which took five
months to complete, consisls of
one 80-foot main span with two
side spans at either end measur-
ing 40 feet each, and crosses 50
feet above the streant bed.
According to L. J. Forrest
Northwest Timber Division Man-
ager for Rayonier, the complct.ion
of the new bridge represents an
importanl step in the company's
over-all raih'oad modernization
plan. This plan includes the com-
plete rebuilding of the company's
mainline raih'oad and replacement
of remaining steam locomotives
with diesel-driven equipment.
Ronald Mason Takes
Army Training
Ronald Mason, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Nolan Mason of Shelton,
is now taking active training at
Fort Ord, Calif.
Ronald, a member of the Shel-
ton National Guard unit, will re-
ceive six months training in Cal-
ifornia as part of his military.ob-
ligation with the guard organtza-
Rayonier Builds IA Guy Wh° Can't Hell' Being Hum°r°us
An important step in the m(d-
crnization of Rayonicr Incorpor- with the Independent nmkes him
ated's h)gging railroad was :le-
a I)redigal lwlton resident (Bet:k-
Words llis Bread and Butter
use your time for a week and then
ask yourself, "Is this really the
way I want to spend it?"
ItOSIE SMITH and Mrs. Watt,
health nurses, are doing recon-
naissance for audiences for the
wonderful film I have coming into
the county from November 3 to
10. It's "The Medicine Man" made
to tell people the story of the
food quack. The American Med-
ical Association is the producer.
Call us if you want to use it.
Another Christmas Gift Open
House is coming. It's to be Octo-
ber 27 at the Armory in Shelton.
Mrs. H. L. Rendsland will be with
us from Tahuya to show the fine
points of making mosaic tiles.
Clubs are offering demonstrations
for many attractive gifts and .all
in plenty of time for your own
Christmas projects.
Thanks to the know-how of fel-
low County Agents, we have a
good analysis of the difference of
buying beef by the carcass versus
by the cut in the grocery store.
On a half carcass the saving not
including locker rent or home
freezer cost was 14.75 cents per
pound. The total difference was
$38.87 when beef was bought by
the half carcass. We have these
fi,nwes in more detail if you
should cart; to ltave them.
Try a Journal Want Ad
with Jeweh'y, 13). When he mov-
ed to Shelton recently he became
an ex-Union reshh.nt (Waterfront
Realty, 23. His home now is at
1520 N. 2nd (Kimbel Motors, 3)
where you call phone llA (;-4784
(Johnny's Music Box, 15) to reach
In his two separate chapters of
Shelton residence he has been an
at'tire ('ivie worker (Leroy's Tele-
vision Service, 3), former Cham-
ber president IEells & Valley, 22),
and has carrle(l a heavy l,'orest
Festival load ( LM, 22).
Through his work with Simp-
son he mites as a leader in his
flehl (Timber Appliance, 24) and
as a top PR mare (McConkey
Pharmacy, 16). It also sees that
he works hard at tree protection
(Herb Angle, 23), that le rubs el-
bows tlt VIP {Saeger Motor
S h o p, 12), is Widely traveled
(Sears, 20), and that he is in a
sense a lobbyist (LM, 9).
A man who has a "first" name He was r e c e n t I y promoted
for Ills last name, Dave James, di- (L.M., 9) by Simpson as a result
rector of Simpson Logging Corn- of his fine efforts. To become all
pony public relations, takes the these, things Dave James became
stage as the 17th mystery charac- a ..,lf-made.. top-grade, puhlic
speaker (20th Century, 24) and a
tar in the Journal's "Who's Who I4dented tastmaster (Kimbel Me-
in Mason Colmty" contest, tors, 3) with a great, repertoire of
Thirty-three clues in last week's stories (Herb Angle, 23) who
edition should have made identi- seemingly can't help being hu-
flcation simple. The problem was
to find them all. morose (20th Century, 24).
He has become quie a historian
The one quoted to open this (Kimbel Motors, 17)withhiswrit-
story was in the L.M. ad on page ings. All of this makes it evident
9. In other ads you found out he that words are his bread-and-bnt-
was rulm on a farm (Prepp's ter (Seal's, 22).
school menus, 5), his boyhood He has two children (Wheatley
nickname was "Dgo" (Eells & & Keary, 20), Evan and Karen,
Valley, 20) his middle initial is A both now in school, Evan at Shel-
{Bill Johnson's Shell Service, 20), ton senior high, Karen at the Uni-
and that he heg/m.his career in versity of Washington.
Centraih (Kitsap-Mason Dairy, About the only frivolous hobby
21) as a newspaperman, attributable to him is that he
He was raised in the Rochester love. ./uare dancing (LawSon
area of Lewis county, which Lumber, 3).
makes him an ex-strawberry Add 'em up and you have 33
picker (Waterfront Realty, 23), clues to the identity of Dave
and might have had something to James, mystery character No. 17
do with the fact that he has a in this intriguing contest.
distinctly characteristic gait (Mc- Now it's time to start hunting
Conkey Pharmacy, 16) when he for new clues to a new mystery
walks. It was at Rochester that character in this week's edition.
he met his wife of Finnl.h extrac-
tlon (Shelton Hotel, 20), a former
school teacher (Waterfront Real-
ty, 23).
His long career in newspaper
reporting f o 11 o w e d graduation
from the University of Washing-
ton school of journalism in 1933,
making him a Ilusky alumnus
(OK Rubber Welders, 20), and in-
cluded stints on the Centralia
Chronicle, Tacoma News Tribune,
the old Shelton Independent, the
Seattle Times, and as bureau chief i
for the Associated Press in Olym-i
pie, this latter position giving rise
to the clue dt,w AP paychecks
(Kimbel Motors, 20). The post
Skirts are shortefl
izes your figure
program of
exercise. You ca
off of your waiSt
slenderize your
pletely equipped
you'll feel better 111
proving your figure,
posture and vitality
mation call today
323 FrS
We Hope to Serve You
Often In the Future
¼-Mile Past South City Limits on Olympia
OK Rubber
sports "nut"
2226 N. ulymplo Hwy.
HA 6-4832
Evergreen Texaco
Motor Tuneup, Generators,
Starters, Lubrication,
Brake Relining
1st & Franklin HA 6-3031
Kimbel Motors
707 S. First HA 6-3433
"Shelton's Favorite"
For Breakfast- Lunch - Dinner
or Just a Snack
125 Cote HA 6-3953
Shelton Union Service
• First in tlres--U. S. Royal
• Economy Car Wash
• Vacation Trailer Rentals
• U Drive Trucks
332 S. First HA 6-8002
Shelton Hotel
"If You Can Find A Better
Place To Eat Try ITS"
• Banquet Facilities
• Sat. Nits Smorgasbord
• Blue Ox Corral
We call him Willie
Ph. HA 6-3341
Leroy's Television
Motorola Television & Radios
"You Get Guaranteed Quality
In Sales and Service"
2218 N. Olympic Hwy.
HA 6-3172
Sears Catalog
"8atlsfaotlon Guaranteed or
Your Money Back"
Evergreen Square HA 6-8201
"Look to the Finest First"
Eetls & Valley
123 S. 2rid HA 6.4663
Forrest's Flowers
Cut Flowers- Plants
Floral Designs
Flowers and Gifts for
All Occasions
Flowers by Wire
In the by-line business
I Rex Floor Coverings
Floor, Wall
& Counter
HA 6-2292
1723 Olymplo Hwy. N.
Timber Appliance
Authorized Dealer
Salea & 6ervioe
Electrical Contmting
Heating -- Wiring
HA 6-4633 114 S. nd
Bill Johnson's
Sllell Serviee
',Service FirSt BaiMaotion
GOodyear Tires
NiL-Sllver Bat(ariel
Fleet & Cots HA 6-390
813 Railroad HA 6-6513
Quality at Budget Prices
Once known as a "cub"
Evergreen Squa HA 6-8293
Kitsap-Mason Dairy
"Good Milk Is Good Food"
• Milk & Cream
• Ice Cream
• Cheese
• Butter
Third at Grove HA 6-4473
Les Fields Auto Parts
Complete line of parts for all
oars & trucks
Automotive Machine Shop
Tools -- Batteries
229 8. First HA 6-3351
Waterfront Realty
Developers of Highland Terrace
Marden M. Stroud, Broker
226 No. First HA 64535
Since 1895"
J & J Service
"The Best Friend
Your Car Ever Had"
Island Laker
MS. Yew HA 6-3969
Insurance Coverage & 8erloe
Angle Agency
Insurance - Real Estate - TPII
4th & R.R. HA 6-/
Evergreen 15ae| Co.
Dlwel OH & Stove OII
AUm=t Refill Service
8t9 S, First HA 6-8103
Plumbing, Heating & Sheet
Metal Contraoting -- Plumbing
Supplies Oil Burners
623 S. Flret HA 6-3483
"Ybu Can't Better The Best"
Premium Ice Cream
At Less than Popular Prlou
422 N. First HA 6-6575
C. C. Cole & Sons
Standard Oil Procuots
"Trouble Free Fuel OII Sevlo@
for the Home"
Eats by words
118 S. Third HA 6-4411
Wingard's Sport Shop
Complete Flshlng and
Hunting Supplies
"Take Along A Buddy"
All Resident & Non-Resident
2210 OlympTc Hwy. N.
HA 6-8672
Saeger's Motor Shop
• Johnson Outboards
• HomelRe Power Saws
• 8kaglt Boats
Sales & Service
Hillcrest HA S-4602
20th Century
"with that
Country Fresh Flavor"
1st & Cedar
"Where Every Customer
Is Important"
Prepp's Rexall Store
'In Buslned8 for
Your Healt,"
419 Railroa@
HA 6-6283
Westlnghou Appllan0es
The best courts no more
Whestley & Kamry Co.
"Service and QbJlity First"
Plum.fl -- Heating
Piper Paint
817 8. FirSt HA 6-4553
M. and S. Food Store
Quality Food Low Prioee
Free Delivery
120 Cots HA 6-4892
Treasures raincoat.
UW class of '34
2nd & Cota HA 6-6311
For over 24 years It ha| been
MoOonkey's ,or Brup
"Two Locations to Serve You"
306 Railroad 329 Railroad
HA 6.3466 HA 6-4466
Make-up's important to him.
Johnny's Music Box
429 Railroad HA 6-4302
Pianos • Organs
Accordion Lsssone
Band Instruments
Sheet Music
Photographer, of sorts.
Exoiualve Dealers for
Open Bowling for the Whole
Family Friday Saturday,
Likes to bowl
Shelton Recreation
128 N. FlrSt HA 6-62S2
Budget Shop
Decorating Center
Across from Evergreen Square
Lawton Lumber Co.
• C & C Paints
• Building Materials
• Tools Rentals
420 S. First HA 6-4303
Thackeray Electric
"Electrical Contraotors"
Lighting Fixturee
Electric Heat
Wiring Supplies
and Repalre
217 Cota HA 6-6477
129 Railroad HA 6-3283
Western Auto Supply
The Name tur Quality
315 S. First HA 6-6183
Bitner's Broiler
"For Fine Foods
Reasonable Prices"
102 S. First HA 6-4223
Doema't emoke
Whore !o Look for Olues...
Copyright 1959 by B. Reinhardt. All rights reserve&
Clues may be hidden in ANY ad in this group ad.
appears in any of these ads, it means that additional
that merchant appears elsewhere in this issue of the paper,
tional clues may be hidden In any of those ads also
Clues will be scattered.., there may be from one to
any ad or none. This is a contest of skill -- and we
our best to outwit you. We invite you to do your best to
RULES Is between the heavy
issue. You may enter at
1. This l a family fun contest ]- wish! There are no
tries welcome from every member of entries will be accepted
the family old enough to fill out his tries will not be
or her own. You MAY submit one en- bsr of the family may
try per person at any or all of the tries for that family.
Sponsoring Merchants whose ads are 12 must be accompanied
in the row that is heavily bordered
6. This week's contest
this week but only one entry per receive this issue,
person at anF one store (more than ).m. Monday of the
one will d/sqalify all entries of that
time (5 p.m. next
perann for that week). Anyone may drawing will be held.
enter unleua member of your family drawn that correctly
in employed iy the JOURNAL. Sport- WHO'S WHO will win
sorlg Merelumts and their famil/es
entry also lists every
(and their employees and families) are ads of Sponsoring
most welcome to enter EXCEPT daring NUS of $35.00 "will be
the week that the Sponsoring Mer- ever this BONUS is not
chant's store is featured, added to next week's
will continue to grow
2. Nothing to buy. Use any slip of Wtnning the BONUS
paper for entry blank. DO NOT put FECT list of clues
your eltry in an envelope. Not neces- ber, and all copied
ssry to be present at the drawing to
win. 0t necemary to be a wubscriber 7, At unannounced time
to the JOURNAL to participate, the contest, a special
held to determine the
8, O'S %'JO may' be anyone In MYSTERY JACKPOT.
the Mason County area, Clues to his will take place
(or her) ldenflty will be hidden ONLY drawing is completed.
in ads of 8ponsorg Merchants (this regular drawing will
means any ad' In this section or any for the drawing of the
ad of the same merchant elsewhere in 3ACKPOT. Winner of
the paper). When star(s) appear in JACKPOT will be the
any ad In this section, it is your warn- drawn (after completion
lug that other ed(s) of the same mer-idrawing) which has
chant (in which there may be clues) rect identification of
appear elsewhere in the paper. Clues and a perfect list of
will be scattered--many ads will have will not be held for
no slues, while others may have as POT every week.
many a five. This Is a contest of skill,
and we intend to do our best to outwit 8. Every possible
you. We'll be delighted if you succeed taken to prevent
in outguessing us, in spite of our best that might be mistaken
efforts! errorless typography
4. If by coincidence, the name of the fisher of the
WHO'S WHO (or other facts about judge in all questionS,
him) happen to appear in news items, is final.
editoHal matter, or other places in this
newspaper, these will not count as Family participation
clues, for chance is win ttm
wife, husband, or
5, TO enter, write down the name youngster MAY spot S
you think the WHO'S WHO is. List miss!
all the clues you can find In all the don't enter!
ads of the Sponsoring Merchants in . . Rmornber, you
this issue. Don't forget your own name
and address!l Then. drop your entry Got any Perry Mason
at any SpoMoring Merchant whose ad hlnk YOU can