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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 22, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 22, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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18 sI-rELTON,MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in g.A.," Shelton J A,' I,I, #// FOR SALE ............. FOR gALE I[(]H POWER.L!ghtest WeightT Fast- BOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, , eat cutting at mghes[ power! Rem- choice of 1322 colors. L. M. DECOR- ington Saws. Bar-Din's Marina, ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. Mounlain View. B 5/14 tfn 1129 tfn RABBIT FRYERS for sale, also rub- FOR SALE: Large selection of re- bit fertilizer. Phone orders between conditioned ranges, refrigerators, 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. PhoneHA 6-3626. washers, dryers• Eeils & Valley Ap- Mc 8720 tfn piiance Center. 6/5 fin • - ROOFING and all other building ma- terlale, nothirg down. 38 mont to pay under FHA terms now available DICK'S TRANSFER at Iwton L.mber, 0 S. 1st St. phone HA 6-4308. 6/5 tn uuv'e" ery PDIN HARIA an6 Power-- and chlnery. Remington chain saws, Zetm generaters, portable power. 1915 Olympia Highway No. B 5/14 tt PHONE HA 6-6364 C-OV-RIN-=-- for walls, windows, floors. Faint, wallpaper, drapes, Day or Night Service rugs, tile yardgoods. L. M. DCOR- AGENT- LYON VAN LINES ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. 1/29 fin 5114-ffn TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. m. Ogden. HA 6-6156. 2/12 tfr ___ ...... COLOR FILM proceaslng, direct deal- er, faster, more efflcienL Also 34- hour photo finishing• Try us. Zleg- ler'e Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HA 6-6168. APPLIANCES 8/I n "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.S.A." rubber FOR RENT st.p, for .ale t the lethal, ,1. each. 107 So. 4th. 12/1 tfn Clark Electric 1loor Sanderl 14 FT FIBERGLAJ runabout, 85 hp. Sterlln FJectHc Portable hand starting T,:vinrude. All ready to , - _ go. Complete price $1100.00 and up. /-lan(1 anGerm Shelton Marine Supply (formerly Regina Electric moor _H!ncrea.t_Hardwa_), - 7/_+tfn Polishere NOTttlNG DOWN, 86 montl to pay . . tder F.H.A. terms on all building L'I0 JacJRB supplies. Lump it all under one bill Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st t., Ph. LAWTON LUMBER _HA6-4=__ ...... /5 tin 420  1st Phons HA 6 43 L COLOR PRINT PRICES REDUCED: " ' " " Made from your favorite color slide 2-10tfn or colored negative. Pot card size was 76C--now 39€, 5x7 was $1.50-- .... ................. now 98¢. Including deluxe folder. One day service on Ektachrome and ..... Anscoehrome color proceaslng- 2 1 day service on color prints. Zegler's Custnm i Studio, 124 N. cond. Z 8120 tl aetr Wnrk ........... ' BRO ' o,^..;t- ^. ,-- " ".---.-- I W8 m AIOUND at Bar-Din. There v., .- .gular plowm, g,[ is sure to be nomething yOU will cmg ana narrowing, excavating, [ want either in the Thrift departs, ent blade eveling, road grading, road| or the Gift .an.d Hobby Shop where wn,nl VO'all o=,4 .n.,A,,o* w^. tnere are ar[lllOlaL [lower arrange- ....... menlo of every kind and mite. Bar- Dy flour emgle-nanL Jerome Din, opposite the Armory. 5/21 flu Burke, HA 6-3678. -ORSi---XN-'Tgs-:--I' Fat sows, $45.00. Phone HA 6-3624. LI ** !# ............. SEPTIC TANKS Drain field, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marr Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 . i1!/ , ,, BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tfP i i i i i NOW A revolutionary new wood burning heater! RITEWAY atdomaic wood burning heaters and furnaces SEE IT AT Eells & Valley A I0/22-11112 WX i D'-S- "ii'()'R'TA'B-i  --Tzi'g'- z a g sewing ma(hJnc, alSO a treadle-electric com- bination cabinet model sewing ma- chine. Tip dyed brown skunk fur ,:ott, size 14-16. Two large rug pads, cheap! Phone HA 6-3498 any day ex- cept Friday or Saturday. B )0/22 tfn XiiTSfW?EEY- 20I--UINCOE school used brick for sale. Phone HA 6-2010. E 10/22-11/5 ,,,,, , ,11 ,11 ii I , ,, BATTERIES - TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery - Lowest Cost per month for Nationally Allstate Silent Cushion Tires Advertised Tyrex Cord FREE TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Shelten Ph. HA. 6-8201 c'-- T---------- ii i Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New amd Rmodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No Job too large or too small Shelton, Washington 11-90 tfn i , I BUDGET SHOP Across From Evergreen Square On Railroad Ave. USED FURNITURE :BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Com- pany sales and service, Local repre- sentative Wally Anderson. Phone HA 6-6001. A4/20 tin 5-Pc. Dining Set .................. $25,00 Step End Tables, Bid ..... $2,50 ea. P'loor Lamp .......................... $6.50 Crib, 6-yr ................................ $9,50 Hi Chair, Like new ............. $9.50 Swing Rocker ...................... $10.00 Club Chair ............................ $7.50 Coil Spring, full size .......... $7.50 USED APPLIANCES Wood Heater ........................ $35.00 Wood Range, white ............ $35,00 Wringer WaSher .................. $20,00 10" Range, Elec $49.50 Apt. Size Range, A'."I""IIIIII $45,00 Prig. Refrigerator .............. $59.50 El" TV Set .. .......................... $39,50 Kitchen Heater, wood ........ $39,50 Siegler Oil Heater, A-1 ...... $99.00 321 R.R. AVE. HA 6-4332 , , l, ,,,, ,  ,  II ,, I , BOATS, TRAILERS and outboard mo- tors at Silelton Marine Supply, 1209 Olymplc Highway, South, HA 6-8163. 2/20 tfn )NE YEAR GUARANTEED Reming- ton saw, 60 days guaranteed chain. Bar-Din Marina and Power Ma- chinery. See them lI B 5/14 tfn UG CLEANING Professional equip- ment for rent. Makes rugs like new. L,M. Decorating Center, 321 Railroad. B 7/9 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tin '.H.A. TERMS now available on all building materials allows you to lump construction costs under one bill. For information Inquire at Lawton Lumber, 420 S• 1st SL Phone HA 6-4. 6/5 tfn EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR nalu and service at Shelton Marlne Supply, 6-816_l3Olympio Hlghway, South, HA 3/ tin See FRIGIDAIRE First @ REFRIGERATORS RANGES • WASHERS DRYERS t also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 M ZRCAMTtLIC Monday morning quarterback. SONOTONE, latest model, hearing aid eye glasses for emir. Used one month, uaranteed. Phone HA 6-3818 after :30 p.m. 7/30 tfn F()i'-SAi----- 3"-y-E dump box. $5000. Phone HA 6-4064. K 9/8 t/n AUTO.tITle. BATTERIES and acces- suries. Wholesale and retail. Shelton Marine Supply (formerly H/llcrest Hardware), on HUlcrest. 9/3 tfn R'i'-C B-------/K--TO---t-IL, fill dirt, road and fill gravel, washed sand • and gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman An- derson, phone HA 6-3552. John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/2 tfn TfTsAL organ. Like new. Save ;100.00. Easy terms• Johnny's Music Box, 8/6 tfn good condition. One Carco arch, also some rigging. Phone Drew Cole HA 6-8448 or Mrs. Louis Durand HA 6-3036. D 9/17 tfn 11 ft. plywood heal, glass bottom. $35 cash. Call HA 6-2118. C 10/22-29 SOUP'S ON, the rug that is, so clcan the spot with Blue Lustre. Leaves no rings. LumL)ermen's Mercantile Com- pany. 10/22 RCA E ST A T E- -e]'e-c(i;] ('- -17, ,-d i) u b I e ow,n witi broiler, four burner, deep well, surface grkid]e, Phone HA 6- 4418. H 10/22 Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (mmimum ch&rge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertlon, $2.50 for three insertions. Additional in- sertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ads on requeet, Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $I,00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t 1 e • i $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertinemt mtmt be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone mnst e paid before the end of te month. An extra charge of 10f will be made when billing ,eeeaaary. ' FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Davenport, accordion, 111 Bass, H-O gauge model train. Phone HA 6-3231. C 8/6 tfn Necchi Sewing Machine Reposssed, take over payments FOR SALE -- One 8 ft, plywood-(luc' $5.00 per month or pay off balance boat, one year old, new paint job, ($42). This Necehi M-1 machine $25.00. Phone HA 6-8623 before 6 p.m. I] 10/15-22 le equipped to zig-zag, overcast, do decorative stitches, etc. For ,, , i iii, , , USED FURNITURE We Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET :SHOP 321 R.R. Ave HA. 6-4332 5/7-tfn UNUSUAL FIREPLACES... We can screen them/ FOR SALE 23 FOOT LAKEWOOD house trailer. fully equipped, like new. Phone tlarry Craig, Elma 29-R-12 or see nine miles from Shelton on Lost Lake Road at dairy farm. 10/15-29 COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR in per- fect condition, for sale. Completely reconditioned and refinished. $50.00. Phone HA 6-2445. W 10/15 tfn CHO1CE KING apples for sale. Mary Watson, Rt. 2 Box 806 Agate Dis- trict. HA 6-4926. 'W 10/15 tfn FOR SALE oil range, blower included, good condition. Pimne HA 6-3589. D 10/15-2_9 Iv'OR SALE -- Portable wood buzz saw with loader, 1936 Plymouth motor. mounted on '37 Plynn)uth chassis. Used for cutting stove and fireplace slab wood. Call HA 6-2118. C I0/15-29 ; I)R SALE or trade -- 18 ft. speed: boat. Phone Union 428, FOR RENT 2 OR 3 ROOM modern esl)ins by day, week or month. Junction Auto Court, 10 miles north of Shelton. E 10/1 tfn FOR RENT -- 1 bedroom iurnished apartment, close in, ground floor. 706 Cota. P I0/i tfn ONE BEDROOM furnished house for rent, Suburban location. HA 6-6976. D 10/1 tfn FOR RENT Mt. View, one bedroom duplex with stoves, garage, water and garbage furnished, $40 a nlonth, Adults only. Phone HA 6-3218. B 10/8-22 GARAGE FOR RENT -- For car or boat. Inquire 629 CoLa or phone HA ..... 6-6663. C 10/8-29 FOR RENT -- CLETRAC with blade, drum. We deliver. Power saws, large or small. Evergreen Texaco, let and Franklin. phone HA 6-3031, evenings HA 6-3503 or 6-6343. 10/8 tfn Chrome Set ............................ $29.50 Vhatever Its slze or ships, we oSR WEANER PIGS for sale. Phone -A: FOR SALE -- Old growth dry wood. 6-4511. Charles A. Phillips, Islana Fireplace, stove or furnace. Phone Lake. P 8/20 tfn H 6-6844. H 10/22-29 WE BUY YOUR EQUITY, or will sell FOR SALE -- Black cocker spaniei on consignment, your boats, motors, puppy to good home, $5.00. Phone trailers, etc. Shelton Marine Supply. HA 6-4648• M 10/32 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA .... 681. 2/m FOR RENT FOR SALE: Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys.and shafts. All types sal- UNFURNISHED house for rent  two rage. nelton Junk Co., First and bedrooms. Phone HA 6-3434. Mill, phone ILA 6-8629. 9/9 tfn D 10/1 tfn HO T'POiIT-'-DELuXE clect-ri-c--stovel FOR RENT -- furnlshed apartment good condition $60, Sunbeam electric suitable for one person, downtown. shaver, practically new $12. Phone 722 Pine. P 10/1 tfn HA 6-4328. W 9/17 tfn F'-OR RENT, lease or sale, rcaso-n-ab|'(! Large building home, 220 wiring at LOCKER MEAT 201 East Pine. Also two bedroom Cut. double wrapped and trimmings home for rent, 220 wiring. Fox" more ground--5 cents per pound. Don Wil- information, please call HA 6-4297. Hams, 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6-3040. 205 E. Pine. K 10/22 tfn 9/17 tfn FOR RENT.or sale -- Three bedroon'' FOR SALE -- Coldspot deep freeze, unfurnished house. Skokomisll VaN 15 cu. ft. $165. Call HA 6-2169. ley. Phone HA 6-4121. N 10/22-29 L 10/15-22  ,, Mountain-View CABINET SHOP East K Street Tel. HA 6-2042 JOHN BUNKO 225 South llth Street Res. Tel. HA 6-3279 Shelton, Washington TERMS further information call Olympia 7/9 tfn M 10/15- tfn FOR RENT -- Large, 3 bedroom un- LOCKER BEEF for sale. Baby beef,, I furnished house on nice beach, four and older. Also weaner and feeder I miles out. Phone HA 6-4000. pigs. Phone HA 6-6842, R 10/15-29 I B 10/8 tfn GOOl,:al room lhOXne:- -6'°° 105 t -' I F°uR' n R hE(NT o :u Ttr/ne, s b3d .Ang eside K / [ hone HA 6-8563. No Saturday calls. Ew SUPPLY of gold fish for yOUr] A 10/8-22 fish bowl or ponds Phone HA 6-4378 I ...... ._, ,v r--eea Apt. z-Dearoom un- or inquire as ICala I • " " " ...... -'"12 furnished, yard, large garage. Waiter v -u/,=.= / ..... George. HA 6-6642 or 1-IA -4636. 10/2-11/13 tfn R RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. 718 No. 6th. phone MA 6-4348 after 5 p.m. D 10/11 tfn NT -- 1 bedroom house, un- furnished, downtown, easy walking distance to mills, etc. Phone HA 6-6532 days. After 4:30 HA 6-4612. i D 9/24 tin IOR RENT: 3 bedroom home. Large living room with fireplace. Automat- ic heat, Basement. Lease $60.00 per month. Waterfront Realty. HA 6-8535. i 10/22 tfn FOR RENT or sale --- 2 bedr house, unfurnished, close in. Call Centralia PErshing 6-9425 after 5 p.m. B 10/15-11/5, working couple. Inquire 1427 Cots, across the bridge. L 7/30 tfn FOR RENT -- 3 roem apartment with hath, downtown. Unfurnished except for range. Refrigerator if desired. Phone HA 6-3283, Mrs. Beckwith. 6/26 tfn FURNISHED APARTMENT available at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 tfn OVERNIGHT or WEEK.END guests you haven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apt.-Motel. Apartments now available by day, week or month. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177 7/16 tfn house. Phone tIA 6-8150. FOR RENT LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., ] heat and hot water furnished. Phone I _______-3064. "IFOR RENT -- One and two bedroom supply custom built screens for your fireplace. Wide selection of stylss and finished,  flresereen pr0Mm .MILS.. DECORATING CENTER 321 Railroad Ave. HA 6-8241 FL 7-7761. lUlll ii i BELFAIR GARDENS PT Lovely Spruce, up to 5 feet, at BILL'S SE IC TANK wholesale prices---White spruce, SERVICE Norway spruce, Black Hill spruce. Make very good outdoor Christ- SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING mas trees. Phone HA 6-2442 5/7-tfn Star Rte. 1, Box 55, Belfair, Wn. Across from BelfaSt P.U.D. WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'8 FURNITURE HA 6-2411 T ,,,, i FOR SALE OR LEASE FOUNTAIN, LUNCH, GROCERY AND LIGHT LUNCH BUSINESS THE TIN HAT HILLCREST 10/15-11/5 ,Is, I,  ........ :  !J! ELEUIOLUX Sales, Service, Supplies JOHN RICE Phone HA 6-6108 10/15 tfn "1' WOOD FOR SALE Dale Jones Ph. HA 6-4660 10/15 tin NO SPARKSl NO SMOKE! NO FLOOR HAFTSI LOWERS FUEL ElLiS! Un;fe#m. keet hm se to eilil. lul wed. Wilts-lees el' blqqusts. Yam nwel  . . . ymW Imumm and family mleH lIP, NIl FIIEPIAO| '11/10111 lint IIEIIIWIP, II|CEIV sr/Ml IMIOIdM Ill|El WE INSTALL Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cots St. Phone HA. 6.4702 Business Opportunity FOR LEASE SIGNAL SERVICE STATION, First and Cota, Shelten, Small investment required for stock. Phone Collect Olympia FL 6-8245 8/20 tfn i iiiiii1,11 Xmas Trees Wanted YOU CUT or WE CUT Alpine Evergreen Co. IHONE HA 6-2452 If No Answer Call Collect OS 4-4011 (Bremerton) 10/15-tfn j Hill PAINTING Residential and Commercial Papering and Spraying Phone Olympia FL 7-3744 For Free Estimates • 10/15-11/12-5t I , ,,  , ,, , HA 6-8150. N 9/10 tfn unfurnished apartments. Ranges and refrigerators supplled. Laundry fa- cilities. Hot water heat. Holly lliil Apartments, phone HA 6-6593 or Roy Dunn Agency, HA 6-6363. B 7/9 tfn FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom furnished house available Sept. 28, Phone HA 6-4719. B 9/24 tfn FOR RENT: light housekeeping rooms. 100 W. Pine, phone HA 6-4679. R 4/18 tfn FOR RENT -- unc bearoom duplex apartment, partly furnished. Inquire 1619 Adams, Mt. View. S 10/8 tfn R RENT -- Sluall house on high- way, close in, free water, $35.00• Phone HA 6-2455 after 5 p.m. D 10/15-22 bR RENT -- With lease: Attractive downtown home. 3 bedrooms, plus den. Full basement $75.00 per month. References. Waterfront Realty, HA 6-8535. 10/15 tfn FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom house on Angleside, unfurnished. Phone HA 6-2349. M 10/1 tfn FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and trailer spaces. The Pines. L 10/9 tfn CLEAN AND QUIET rooms, by day or week. Cameron Hotel. 2/3 tfn SMALL FURNISHED two bedroom house for rent downtown. Phone HA 6-3104. W 9/17 tfn THREE ROOM e-d apartment FOR F()R RENT --. 1 frigidaire. 2 nishl!d. N,) pets. PARTIALLY rent. Non-drinkers. FOR RENT -- 2 South 3rd. $40 nished. Phone 6708. row boat. Owner Soule, Star Rt., LUST LOST -- Ladies vicinily of Irene school, sentimental Phone HA LOST --- Vicinit blue parakeet, ward. Phone LOST -- answers to October 11, Day1 pet. Phone HA for rent• Downtown near stores. Phone HA 6-6365. M 9/17 tfn Phone HA (51--iR-E-Ni,-----------6--b-d-on-hrne. TRUCK AND 24' unfurnished except for stoves, nice yard, garage. Phone HA 6-6270. D 9/17 tfn FOR ]SENT -- Comfortable sleeping rooms with kitchen privileges if de- sired. Phono HA 6-3487. Inquire 720 No. 4th. R 9/3 tin t()OM AND BOARD, attractive rooms, excellent meals, downtown. Double rooms also available. Phone HA 6-2208. B 6/11 tfz ONE LARGE 8-ROOM apartment at reduced rent. Will take one small child. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA 6-2228. La12/4 tfn GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At highway bridge. S 4/4 tfn have a piano or organ in your hon]e. Johnny's Music Box. 10/22 tfn 'OR RENT -- On(; room furnished apartment, suitable for working lady or bachelor. Downtown. Phone HA 6-6632. B 10/1 tfn FOR RENT--One-bedroom heated fur- nished apartment. Adults only. 311 No. 1st. Phone HA 6-3025. P 3/12 tfn N 9/17 tfn L-AWi'0N---XRi'MENT-Bachei0 -r MS-DE-RN2-'-b'di:ooh'--dtl-ple-xT-Sle:ciric units Ideal for single men o* worn- heat, utility room and garage. Phone en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilities FOR RENT--Partly furnished apt. :1 mrge bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt. furnished. HA 6-4894. Call fter 6:30 p.m. K2/26 tfn home. fireplace, oil furnace, auto- matic laundry. Phone TR 7-5457 or Olympia FL 2-3760. C 9/3 tfn one or two persons. $25.00 monthly. Hillcrest. Phone HA 6-4428, J 10/13 tfn FOR RENT--Modern furnished cabin electric range and tank. Water free. Reasonable, Phone HA 6-8272. C 1/8 tfn 3 ROOM apt. and bath downtown: Un- furnished except for range. Refriger- ator if desired. Phone HA 6-3283 Mrs. Beckwith. 6/26-7/6 tfn ql ii i FOR SALE Bayshore Fuel Co. and Equipment Phone HA 6-2271 or 6-6553 ,,J. IIm, mosl" * Amenc. IbemIk e, emUdl e lml*.*d lee l:t Imm* qdMmu* elmIm Kelly's Furnilure 625 SO. 1St HA 6-2411 BAR-DIN'S MARINA & POWER MAOHiNERY PRAMS Unfinished Finished 8-ft ........... $40 $5S 10-ft ........... $60 $75 FISHING BOATS 12-ft. to 16-ft. $115 to $305 RUNABOUTS Custom built from blueprint or kits. See our plans and prices before you build. Marine paint, fiberglass, hardwood, hardware and repairs. Remington Power Saws Zeus Power Generators 3 Models from $243.50 to $279 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH • PHONE HA 6-6837 tfn TREMENDOUS SAVINGS DURING SEARS ANNUAL FLOOR COVERING SALE EVENT Scc Samples at furnished except lights. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 12/4 tfn FOR RENT -- Three room furnished apartment $45, 218 North First. Adults only. Call HA 6-6176. M 6/11 ttn i,ii, OWNER' RETIRING ...... Excellent one-man business for mechanically inclined person. Same owner 27 years. Will yield approximate net profit of $7,500 per year. Full price of $8,250 includes complete inventory of stock, equipment and machinery. Call Kurt Mmn, Waterfront Realty, HA. 6-8535 or HA. 6- 3228 evenings. USED FOR SALE or 1956 Dodge R & H, spotli miles. Pimnc FOR SALE or trade for small sawn}ill |llUllll iii i FOR SALE 2nd Hand Furniture Biltwell davenport, $39.50 5-pc. chrome set, $25.00 (like new) 2 wood cook stoves, $22.50 Montag wood heater, $20 1 Kenmore oil stove Mahogany desks, $29.50 Combination Chest-Desks, $19.50 2 30-inch ranges (like new) Refrigerators, $39.50 to $69.50 40-gal. electric hot water tank, $39.50 2 electric ranges (new elements) 5 electric dETers 4 Cosec posture chairs, $6.50 each 1 blonde mahogany cheat of drawers, $39.50 1 40-inch Philco range with 30- inch oven 1 freight-damaged new 5-pc. bed- room suite, $40 discount 1 Incinerator, like new 1 Set Bunk Beds 2 Twin Beds, complete $49.50 1 5-Piece Dining Room set, $39.50 3 Overstuffed Chairs, $15-$29.50 School desks, $17.95 up a Unpainted Furniture Desks, Chests, Stools, Ntte Stands, Wardrobes, Ch£onicr  a New Furniturc 4-pc. bedroom suite, $/69.50 1 3-pc. solid maple bedroom suite, $189.50 Daveno & chair, $169.50 5-pc. daveno & chair, 3 l a- bles, $229.50 Haocks, all sizes, $3.95 to $22.95 Swing rockers, $59.50 Cricket chairs, maple, $19,95 o All Summer Furniture Discontinued o Standard-gauge inlad linloum tile, 9¢ each 9x12 rugs, $47.50 (pds $7.95) Print linoleum 89¢ sq. yd. Oval rag rugs, $2,95 up. i KELLY'S FURNITURE 625 S. 1st HA 6-2411 SEARS CATALOG SALES OFFICE Evergrecn Square HA 6-8201 Space peddler. iii overhauled, new lining tarp, spot tional signals. go. $1.150. 8:00 a.m, to CARD oF We wish to gratitude for the and assistance, also offerings given our loved one, Mrs. Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and GERMAN away to good after 6:30 i).nl. SEVEN FOOT truck load c[mtracts. Pi}one WE BUY scrap ir torE, copper, Sheiton dunk Streets. Phone HAIN SAW accurate preci Saeger Motor tIA 6-4602. WANTED : 1000 Rubber Welders, DRESSMAKING and tonholes, apronS, and 1"ancywork HA 6-2104. MAN OR in hours of per hour Is a Lired pezs(,)n who Write Watklns lltb St., eali a.m. e, UTO PAINTING paint houses, ruates phone 1202 Cota St. 1)ere Fassio, P. t)Z' pho]le Union tensed ]-]o111e. Phone HA 6-3465. ALTERAT] ONS, lailoring by Phone HA WANTED - ihonm 4 dtys i Phone HA WANTED : timber. Cash. our expense. Co.,P.O. WANTED -- Bark FURNACE stallations, Furnace Co., 6-6121. SILENCE THERM ( woRK Sure- It's "N( w0op BELOW * The only espeelally type woods. * Avery thou,and, of them bein9 * FIVE ROOMS modals only (plul fre|ght). OET YOURS sock= are Fr ,ola IST & MILL 18 sI-rELTON,MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in g.A.," Shelton J A,' I,I, #// FOR SALE ............. FOR gALE I[(]H POWER.L!ghtest WeightT Fast- BOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, , eat cutting at mghes[ power! Rem- choice of 1322 colors. L. M. DECOR- ington Saws. Bar-Din's Marina, ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. Mounlain View. B 5/14 tfn 1129 tfn RABBIT FRYERS for sale, also rub- FOR SALE: Large selection of re- bit fertilizer. Phone orders between conditioned ranges, refrigerators, 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. PhoneHA 6-3626. washers, dryers• Eeils & Valley Ap- Mc 8720 tfn piiance Center. 6/5 fin • - ROOFING and all other building ma- terlale, nothirg down. 38 mont to pay under FHA terms now available DICK'S TRANSFER at Iwton L.mber, 0 S. 1st St. phone HA 6-4308. 6/5 tn uuv'e" ery PDIN HARIA an6 Power-- and chlnery. Remington chain saws, Zetm generaters, portable power. 1915 Olympia Highway No. B 5/14 tt PHONE HA 6-6364 C-OV-RIN-=-- for walls, windows, floors. Faint, wallpaper, drapes, Day or Night Service rugs, tile yardgoods. L. M. DCOR- AGENT- LYON VAN LINES ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. 1/29 fin 5114-ffn TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. m. Ogden. HA 6-6156. 2/12 tfr ___ ...... COLOR FILM proceaslng, direct deal- er, faster, more efflcienL Also 34- hour photo finishing• Try us. Zleg- ler'e Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HA 6-6168. APPLIANCES 8/I n "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.S.A." rubber FOR RENT st.p, for .ale t the lethal, ,1. each. 107 So. 4th. 12/1 tfn Clark Electric 1loor Sanderl 14 FT FIBERGLAJ runabout, 85 hp. Sterlln FJectHc Portable hand starting T,:vinrude. All ready to , - _ go. Complete price $1100.00 and up. /-lan(1 anGerm Shelton Marine Supply (formerly Regina Electric moor _H!ncrea.t_Hardwa_), - 7/_+tfn Polishere NOTttlNG DOWN, 86 montl to pay . . tder F.H.A. terms on all building L'I0 JacJRB supplies. Lump it all under one bill Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st t., Ph. LAWTON LUMBER _HA6-4=__ ...... /5 tin 420  1st Phons HA 6 43 L COLOR PRINT PRICES REDUCED: " ' " " Made from your favorite color slide 2-10tfn or colored negative. Pot card size was 76C--now 39€, 5x7 was $1.50-- .... ................. now 98¢. Including deluxe folder. One day service on Ektachrome and ..... Anscoehrome color proceaslng- 2 1 day service on color prints. Zegler's Custnm i Studio, 124 N. cond. Z 8120 tl aetr Wnrk ........... ' BRO ' o,^..;t- ^. ,-- " ".---.-- I W8 m AIOUND at Bar-Din. There v., .- .gular plowm, g,[ is sure to be nomething yOU will cmg ana narrowing, excavating, [ want either in the Thrift departs, ent blade eveling, road grading, road| or the Gift .an.d Hobby Shop where wn,nl VO'all o=,4 .n.,A,,o* w^. tnere are ar[lllOlaL [lower arrange- ....... menlo of every kind and mite. Bar- Dy flour emgle-nanL Jerome Din, opposite the Armory. 5/21 flu Burke, HA 6-3678. -ORSi---XN-'Tgs-:--I' Fat sows, $45.00. Phone HA 6-3624. LI ** !# ............. SEPTIC TANKS Drain field, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marr Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 . i1!/ , ,, BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tfP i i i i i NOW A revolutionary new wood burning heater! RITEWAY atdomaic wood burning heaters and furnaces SEE IT AT Eells & Valley A I0/22-11112 WX i D'-S- "ii'()'R'TA'B-i  --Tzi'g'- z a g sewing ma(hJnc, alSO a treadle-electric com- bination cabinet model sewing ma- chine. Tip dyed brown skunk fur ,:ott, size 14-16. Two large rug pads, cheap! Phone HA 6-3498 any day ex- cept Friday or Saturday. B )0/22 tfn XiiTSfW?EEY- 20I--UINCOE school used brick for sale. Phone HA 6-2010. E 10/22-11/5 ,,,,, , ,11 ,11 ii I , ,, BATTERIES - TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery - Lowest Cost per month for Nationally Allstate Silent Cushion Tires Advertised Tyrex Cord FREE TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Shelten Ph. HA. 6-8201 c'-- T---------- ii i Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New amd Rmodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No Job too large or too small Shelton, Washington 11-90 tfn i , I BUDGET SHOP Across From Evergreen Square On Railroad Ave. USED FURNITURE :BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Com- pany sales and service, Local repre- sentative Wally Anderson. Phone HA 6-6001. A4/20 tin 5-Pc. Dining Set .................. $25,00 Step End Tables, Bid ..... $2,50 ea. P'loor Lamp .......................... $6.50 Crib, 6-yr ................................ $9,50 Hi Chair, Like new ............. $9.50 Swing Rocker ...................... $10.00 Club Chair ............................ $7.50 Coil Spring, full size .......... $7.50 USED APPLIANCES Wood Heater ........................ $35.00 Wood Range, white ............ $35,00 Wringer WaSher .................. $20,00 10" Range, Elec $49.50 Apt. Size Range, A'."I""IIIIII $45,00 Prig. Refrigerator .............. $59.50 El" TV Set .. .......................... $39,50 Kitchen Heater, wood ........ $39,50 Siegler Oil Heater, A-1 ...... $99.00 321 R.R. AVE. HA 6-4332 , , l, ,,,, ,  ,  II ,, I , BOATS, TRAILERS and outboard mo- tors at Silelton Marine Supply, 1209 Olymplc Highway, South, HA 6-8163. 2/20 tfn )NE YEAR GUARANTEED Reming- ton saw, 60 days guaranteed chain. Bar-Din Marina and Power Ma- chinery. See them lI B 5/14 tfn UG CLEANING Professional equip- ment for rent. Makes rugs like new. L,M. Decorating Center, 321 Railroad. B 7/9 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tin '.H.A. TERMS now available on all building materials allows you to lump construction costs under one bill. For information Inquire at Lawton Lumber, 420 S• 1st SL Phone HA 6-4. 6/5 tfn EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR nalu and service at Shelton Marlne Supply, 6-816_l3Olympio Hlghway, South, HA 3/ tin See FRIGIDAIRE First @ REFRIGERATORS RANGES • WASHERS DRYERS t also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 M ZRCAMTtLIC Monday morning quarterback. SONOTONE, latest model, hearing aid eye glasses for emir. Used one month, uaranteed. Phone HA 6-3818 after :30 p.m. 7/30 tfn F()i'-SAi----- 3"-y-E dump box. $5000. Phone HA 6-4064. K 9/8 t/n AUTO.tITle. BATTERIES and acces- suries. Wholesale and retail. Shelton Marine Supply (formerly H/llcrest Hardware), on HUlcrest. 9/3 tfn R'i'-C B-------/K--TO---t-IL, fill dirt, road and fill gravel, washed sand • and gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman An- derson, phone HA 6-3552. John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/2 tfn TfTsAL organ. Like new. Save ;100.00. Easy terms• Johnny's Music Box, 8/6 tfn good condition. One Carco arch, also some rigging. Phone Drew Cole HA 6-8448 or Mrs. Louis Durand HA 6-3036. D 9/17 tfn 11 ft. plywood heal, glass bottom. $35 cash. Call HA 6-2118. C 10/22-29 SOUP'S ON, the rug that is, so clcan the spot with Blue Lustre. Leaves no rings. LumL)ermen's Mercantile Com- pany. 10/22 RCA E ST A T E- -e]'e-c(i;] ('- -17, ,-d i) u b I e ow,n witi broiler, four burner, deep well, surface grkid]e, Phone HA 6- 4418. H 10/22 Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (mmimum ch&rge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertlon, $2.50 for three insertions. Additional in- sertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ads on requeet, Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $I,00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t 1 e • i $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertinemt mtmt be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone mnst e paid before the end of te month. An extra charge of 10f will be made when billing ,eeeaaary. ' FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Davenport, accordion, 111 Bass, H-O gauge model train. Phone HA 6-3231. C 8/6 tfn Necchi Sewing Machine Reposssed, take over payments FOR SALE -- One 8 ft, plywood-(luc' $5.00 per month or pay off balance boat, one year old, new paint job, ($42). This Necehi M-1 machine $25.00. Phone HA 6-8623 before 6 p.m. I] 10/15-22 le equipped to zig-zag, overcast, do decorative stitches, etc. For ,, , i iii, , , USED FURNITURE We Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET :SHOP 321 R.R. Ave HA. 6-4332 5/7-tfn UNUSUAL FIREPLACES... We can screen them/ FOR SALE 23 FOOT LAKEWOOD house trailer. fully equipped, like new. Phone tlarry Craig, Elma 29-R-12 or see nine miles from Shelton on Lost Lake Road at dairy farm. 10/15-29 COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR in per- fect condition, for sale. Completely reconditioned and refinished. $50.00. Phone HA 6-2445. W 10/15 tfn CHO1CE KING apples for sale. Mary Watson, Rt. 2 Box 806 Agate Dis- trict. HA 6-4926. 'W 10/15 tfn FOR SALE oil range, blower included, good condition. Pimne HA 6-3589. D 10/15-2_9 Iv'OR SALE -- Portable wood buzz saw with loader, 1936 Plymouth motor. mounted on '37 Plynn)uth chassis. Used for cutting stove and fireplace slab wood. Call HA 6-2118. C I0/15-29 ; I)R SALE or trade -- 18 ft. speed: boat. Phone Union 428, FOR RENT 2 OR 3 ROOM modern esl)ins by day, week or month. Junction Auto Court, 10 miles north of Shelton. E 10/1 tfn FOR RENT -- 1 bedroom iurnished apartment, close in, ground floor. 706 Cota. P I0/i tfn ONE BEDROOM furnished house for rent, Suburban location. HA 6-6976. D 10/1 tfn FOR RENT Mt. View, one bedroom duplex with stoves, garage, water and garbage furnished, $40 a nlonth, Adults only. Phone HA 6-3218. B 10/8-22 GARAGE FOR RENT -- For car or boat. Inquire 629 CoLa or phone HA ..... 6-6663. C 10/8-29 FOR RENT -- CLETRAC with blade, drum. We deliver. Power saws, large or small. Evergreen Texaco, let and Franklin. phone HA 6-3031, evenings HA 6-3503 or 6-6343. 10/8 tfn Chrome Set ............................ $29.50 Vhatever Its slze or ships, we oSR WEANER PIGS for sale. Phone -A: FOR SALE -- Old growth dry wood. 6-4511. Charles A. Phillips, Islana Fireplace, stove or furnace. Phone Lake. P 8/20 tfn H 6-6844. H 10/22-29 WE BUY YOUR EQUITY, or will sell FOR SALE -- Black cocker spaniei on consignment, your boats, motors, puppy to good home, $5.00. Phone trailers, etc. Shelton Marine Supply. HA 6-4648• M 10/32 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA .... 681. 2/m FOR RENT FOR SALE: Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys.and shafts. All types sal- UNFURNISHED house for rent  two rage. nelton Junk Co., First and bedrooms. Phone HA 6-3434. Mill, phone ILA 6-8629. 9/9 tfn D 10/1 tfn HO T'POiIT-'-DELuXE clect-ri-c--stovel FOR RENT -- furnlshed apartment good condition $60, Sunbeam electric suitable for one person, downtown. shaver, practically new $12. Phone 722 Pine. P 10/1 tfn HA 6-4328. W 9/17 tfn F'-OR RENT, lease or sale, rcaso-n-ab|'(! Large building home, 220 wiring at LOCKER MEAT 201 East Pine. Also two bedroom Cut. double wrapped and trimmings home for rent, 220 wiring. Fox" more ground--5 cents per pound. Don Wil- information, please call HA 6-4297. Hams, 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6-3040. 205 E. Pine. K 10/22 tfn 9/17 tfn FOR RENT.or sale -- Three bedroon'' FOR SALE -- Coldspot deep freeze, unfurnished house. Skokomisll VaN 15 cu. ft. $165. Call HA 6-2169. ley. Phone HA 6-4121. N 10/22-29 L 10/15-22  ,, Mountain-View CABINET SHOP East K Street Tel. HA 6-2042 JOHN BUNKO 225 South llth Street Res. Tel. HA 6-3279 Shelton, Washington TERMS further information call Olympia 7/9 tfn M 10/15- tfn FOR RENT -- Large, 3 bedroom un- LOCKER BEEF for sale. Baby beef,, I furnished house on nice beach, four and older. Also weaner and feeder I miles out. Phone HA 6-4000. pigs. Phone HA 6-6842, R 10/15-29 I B 10/8 tfn GOOl,:al room lhOXne:- -6'°° 105 t -' I F°uR' n R hE(NT o :u Ttr/ne, s b3d .Ang eside K / [ hone HA 6-8563. No Saturday calls. Ew SUPPLY of gold fish for yOUr] A 10/8-22 fish bowl or ponds Phone HA 6-4378 I ...... ._, ,v r--eea Apt. z-Dearoom un- or inquire as ICala I • " " " ...... -'"12 furnished, yard, large garage. Waiter v -u/,=.= / ..... George. HA 6-6642 or 1-IA -4636. 10/2-11/13 tfn R RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. 718 No. 6th. phone MA 6-4348 after 5 p.m. D 10/11 tfn NT -- 1 bedroom house, un- furnished, downtown, easy walking distance to mills, etc. Phone HA 6-6532 days. After 4:30 HA 6-4612. i D 9/24 tin IOR RENT: 3 bedroom home. Large living room with fireplace. Automat- ic heat, Basement. Lease $60.00 per month. Waterfront Realty. HA 6-8535. i 10/22 tfn FOR RENT or sale --- 2 bedr house, unfurnished, close in. Call Centralia PErshing 6-9425 after 5 p.m. B 10/15-11/5, working couple. Inquire 1427 Cots, across the bridge. L 7/30 tfn FOR RENT -- 3 roem apartment with hath, downtown. Unfurnished except for range. Refrigerator if desired. Phone HA 6-3283, Mrs. Beckwith. 6/26 tfn FURNISHED APARTMENT available at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 tfn OVERNIGHT or WEEK.END guests you haven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apt.-Motel. Apartments now available by day, week or month. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177 7/16 tfn house. Phone tIA 6-8150. FOR RENT LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., ] heat and hot water furnished. Phone I _______-3064. "IFOR RENT -- One and two bedroom supply custom built screens for your fireplace. Wide selection of stylss and finished,  flresereen pr0Mm .MILS.. DECORATING CENTER 321 Railroad Ave. HA 6-8241 FL 7-7761. lUlll ii i BELFAIR GARDENS PT Lovely Spruce, up to 5 feet, at BILL'S SE IC TANK wholesale prices---White spruce, SERVICE Norway spruce, Black Hill spruce. Make very good outdoor Christ- SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING mas trees. Phone HA 6-2442 5/7-tfn Star Rte. 1, Box 55, Belfair, Wn. Across from BelfaSt P.U.D. WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'8 FURNITURE HA 6-2411 T ,,,, i FOR SALE OR LEASE FOUNTAIN, LUNCH, GROCERY AND LIGHT LUNCH BUSINESS THE TIN HAT HILLCREST 10/15-11/5 ,Is, I,  ........ :  !J! ELEUIOLUX Sales, Service, Supplies JOHN RICE Phone HA 6-6108 10/15 tfn "1' WOOD FOR SALE Dale Jones Ph. HA 6-4660 10/15 tin NO SPARKSl NO SMOKE! NO FLOOR HAFTSI LOWERS FUEL ElLiS! Un;fe#m. keet hm se to eilil. lul wed. Wilts-lees el' blqqusts. Yam nwel  . . . ymW Imumm and family mleH lIP, NIl FIIEPIAO| '11/10111 lint IIEIIIWIP, II|CEIV sr/Ml IMIOIdM Ill|El WE INSTALL Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cots St. Phone HA. 6.4702 Business Opportunity FOR LEASE SIGNAL SERVICE STATION, First and Cota, Shelten, Small investment required for stock. Phone Collect Olympia FL 6-8245 8/20 tfn i iiiiii1,11 Xmas Trees Wanted YOU CUT or WE CUT Alpine Evergreen Co. IHONE HA 6-2452 If No Answer Call Collect OS 4-4011 (Bremerton) 10/15-tfn j Hill PAINTING Residential and Commercial Papering and Spraying Phone Olympia FL 7-3744 For Free Estimates • 10/15-11/12-5t I , ,,  , ,, , HA 6-8150. N 9/10 tfn unfurnished apartments. Ranges and refrigerators supplled. Laundry fa- cilities. Hot water heat. Holly lliil Apartments, phone HA 6-6593 or Roy Dunn Agency, HA 6-6363. B 7/9 tfn FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom furnished house available Sept. 28, Phone HA 6-4719. B 9/24 tfn FOR RENT: light housekeeping rooms. 100 W. Pine, phone HA 6-4679. R 4/18 tfn FOR RENT -- unc bearoom duplex apartment, partly furnished. Inquire 1619 Adams, Mt. View. S 10/8 tfn R RENT -- Sluall house on high- way, close in, free water, $35.00• Phone HA 6-2455 after 5 p.m. D 10/15-22 bR RENT -- With lease: Attractive downtown home. 3 bedrooms, plus den. Full basement $75.00 per month. References. Waterfront Realty, HA 6-8535. 10/15 tfn FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom house on Angleside, unfurnished. Phone HA 6-2349. M 10/1 tfn FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and trailer spaces. The Pines. L 10/9 tfn CLEAN AND QUIET rooms, by day or week. Cameron Hotel. 2/3 tfn SMALL FURNISHED two bedroom house for rent downtown. Phone HA 6-3104. W 9/17 tfn THREE ROOM e-d apartment FOR F()R RENT --. 1 frigidaire. 2 nishl!d. N,) pets. PARTIALLY rent. Non-drinkers. FOR RENT -- 2 South 3rd. $40 nished. Phone 6708. row boat. Owner Soule, Star Rt., LUST LOST -- Ladies vicinily of Irene school, sentimental Phone HA LOST --- Vicinit blue parakeet, ward. Phone LOST -- answers to October 11, Day1 pet. Phone HA for rent• Downtown near stores. Phone HA 6-6365. M 9/17 tfn Phone HA (51--iR-E-Ni,-----------6--b-d-on-hrne. TRUCK AND 24' unfurnished except for stoves, nice yard, garage. Phone HA 6-6270. D 9/17 tfn FOR ]SENT -- Comfortable sleeping rooms with kitchen privileges if de- sired. Phono HA 6-3487. Inquire 720 No. 4th. R 9/3 tin t()OM AND BOARD, attractive rooms, excellent meals, downtown. Double rooms also available. Phone HA 6-2208. B 6/11 tfz ONE LARGE 8-ROOM apartment at reduced rent. Will take one small child. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA 6-2228. La12/4 tfn GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At highway bridge. S 4/4 tfn have a piano or organ in your hon]e. Johnny's Music Box. 10/22 tfn 'OR RENT -- On(; room furnished apartment, suitable for working lady or bachelor. Downtown. Phone HA 6-6632. B 10/1 tfn FOR RENT--One-bedroom heated fur- nished apartment. Adults only. 311 No. 1st. Phone HA 6-3025. P 3/12 tfn N 9/17 tfn L-AWi'0N---XRi'MENT-Bachei0 -r MS-DE-RN2-'-b'di:ooh'--dtl-ple-xT-Sle:ciric units Ideal for single men o* worn- heat, utility room and garage. Phone en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilities FOR RENT--Partly furnished apt. :1 mrge bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt. furnished. HA 6-4894. Call fter 6:30 p.m. K2/26 tfn home. fireplace, oil furnace, auto- matic laundry. Phone TR 7-5457 or Olympia FL 2-3760. C 9/3 tfn one or two persons. $25.00 monthly. Hillcrest. Phone HA 6-4428, J 10/13 tfn FOR RENT--Modern furnished cabin electric range and tank. Water free. Reasonable, Phone HA 6-8272. C 1/8 tfn 3 ROOM apt. and bath downtown: Un- furnished except for range. Refriger- ator if desired. Phone HA 6-3283 Mrs. Beckwith. 6/26-7/6 tfn ql ii i FOR SALE Bayshore Fuel Co. and Equipment Phone HA 6-2271 or 6-6553 ,,J. IIm, mosl" * Amenc. IbemIk e, emUdl e lml*.*d lee l:t Imm* qdMmu* elmIm Kelly's Furnilure 625 SO. 1St HA 6-2411 BAR-DIN'S MARINA & POWER MAOHiNERY PRAMS Unfinished Finished 8-ft ........... $40 $5S 10-ft ........... $60 $75 FISHING BOATS 12-ft. to 16-ft. $115 to $305 RUNABOUTS Custom built from blueprint or kits. See our plans and prices before you build. Marine paint, fiberglass, hardwood, hardware and repairs. Remington Power Saws Zeus Power Generators 3 Models from $243.50 to $279 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH • PHONE HA 6-6837 tfn TREMENDOUS SAVINGS DURING SEARS ANNUAL FLOOR COVERING SALE EVENT Scc Samples at furnished except lights. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 12/4 tfn FOR RENT -- Three room furnished apartment $45, 218 North First. Adults only. Call HA 6-6176. M 6/11 ttn i,ii, OWNER' RETIRING ...... Excellent one-man business for mechanically inclined person. Same owner 27 years. Will yield approximate net profit of $7,500 per year. Full price of $8,250 includes complete inventory of stock, equipment and machinery. Call Kurt Mmn, Waterfront Realty, HA. 6-8535 or HA. 6- 3228 evenings. USED FOR SALE or 1956 Dodge R & H, spotli miles. Pimnc FOR SALE or trade for small sawn}ill |llUllll iii i FOR SALE 2nd Hand Furniture Biltwell davenport, $39.50 5-pc. chrome set, $25.00 (like new) 2 wood cook stoves, $22.50 Montag wood heater, $20 1 Kenmore oil stove Mahogany desks, $29.50 Combination Chest-Desks, $19.50 2 30-inch ranges (like new) Refrigerators, $39.50 to $69.50 40-gal. electric hot water tank, $39.50 2 electric ranges (new elements) 5 electric dETers 4 Cosec posture chairs, $6.50 each 1 blonde mahogany cheat of drawers, $39.50 1 40-inch Philco range with 30- inch oven 1 freight-damaged new 5-pc. bed- room suite, $40 discount 1 Incinerator, like new 1 Set Bunk Beds 2 Twin Beds, complete $49.50 1 5-Piece Dining Room set, $39.50 3 Overstuffed Chairs, $15-$29.50 School desks, $17.95 up a Unpainted Furniture Desks, Chests, Stools, Ntte Stands, Wardrobes, Ch£onicr  a New Furniturc 4-pc. bedroom suite, $/69.50 1 3-pc. solid maple bedroom suite, $189.50 Daveno & chair, $169.50 5-pc. daveno & chair, 3 l a- bles, $229.50 Haocks, all sizes, $3.95 to $22.95 Swing rockers, $59.50 Cricket chairs, maple, $19,95 o All Summer Furniture Discontinued o Standard-gauge inlad linloum tile, 9¢ each 9x12 rugs, $47.50 (pds $7.95) Print linoleum 89¢ sq. yd. Oval rag rugs, $2,95 up. i KELLY'S FURNITURE 625 S. 1st HA 6-2411 SEARS CATALOG SALES OFFICE Evergrecn Square HA 6-8201 Space peddler. iii overhauled, new lining tarp, spot tional signals. go. $1.150. 8:00 a.m, to CARD oF We wish to gratitude for the and assistance, also offerings given our loved one, Mrs. Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and GERMAN away to good after 6:30 i).nl. SEVEN FOOT truck load c[mtracts. Pi}one WE BUY scrap ir torE, copper, Sheiton dunk Streets. Phone HAIN SAW accurate preci Saeger Motor tIA 6-4602. WANTED : 1000 Rubber Welders, DRESSMAKING and tonholes, apronS, and 1"ancywork HA 6-2104. MAN OR in hours of per hour Is a Lired pezs(,)n who Write Watklns lltb St., eali a.m. e, UTO PAINTING paint houses, ruates phone 1202 Cota St. 1)ere Fassio, P. t)Z' pho]le Union tensed ]-]o111e. Phone HA 6-3465. ALTERAT] ONS, lailoring by Phone HA WANTED - ihonm 4 dtys i Phone HA WANTED : timber. Cash. our expense. Co.,P.O. WANTED -- Bark FURNACE stallations, Furnace Co., 6-6121. SILENCE THERM ( woRK Sure- It's "N( w0op BELOW * The only espeelally type woods. * Avery thou,and, of them bein9 * FIVE ROOMS modals only (plul fre|ght). OET YOURS sock= are Fr ,ola IST & MILL