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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 22, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 22, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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)ctober 22 1959 SHELTON-tIASON COUNTY m Odd j.h:! if you fixctl call Henry 2/12 tfn Dead sl ovk, prompt, ns co|loci. Itarh,r lendering. 2/27 till sawyer, three nlen, and faih.r wanted. evt,nings. B 9/3 tfn cash paid lor nnpage lands. Call Enterprises, HA 9/3 tfn WATKINS locality Canal. Earnings average for person work. No lay-offs, known spices and in Life, La. aurnal G led House. Ils and otiler magv write Watkins East llth St.. Brem- gton. or phone ESsex a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 3/12 tfn trade -- Tw,) hl,droolll on South.ide Hill. 3 city water anti sewer COUntry, with or w t l- Phone&apos;HA 6-8154 after A 10/22-11/12 new Siegler oil heat- Spencer Lake, Pl'lime after 4 It 10/15-29 RE ESTATE CLASSIFIED SERVICE ill FOt SALE ..... Duplex, 84x28 with 10 ACCORDION prh'ate lessons in your hits. liiquire 1726 Stewart street or honlo. Sianl'at:J Nati.nal School of pllone .']IA fi-SlJll. N 7/23 (fn Ac('ordion, Mrs. Casada, pllone HA ...................................................... 6-8229. 1/1 tfn F()P SAI.E .... Lm'ge, three bodrm,ln Illllno. iwo hliths, If)Is of elil)iilels lll'ld sliirage, dollbie tat'at0, elt:,cirie heal, file,place. 90'xl0f)' lot, I blocks fiolll MI. View sihool. Reasonably nriced. 2127 King sl. W 8/20 tfn 3 13EDR()()M liOliSt, with strong,,, alJ- prais(,d at $75f ). Musl l i, so( n to he :llq)r'ci:ltc'd. tlA 6-3663, N 10/8 lfn FOR SAI,E ...... Wct 7 acres of the Nl,'. - NP, L7 - S:'.; of Section ,'12, t.wnsifip 21, ram4'e 5. Price $750,l)1i. 6q061 K 8/°Ai tfn CLASSIFIED SERVICE MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my res- idence near lhe Lower Skokomish School. Call ' Trojan 7-5438 for ap- intnlent Salurday, Sunday, and ednesday. A. F. Oppelt. O4/16 tfn COMPLETE SERVICE -- Photoslats and roliro(tllci ions. Olylnpla Blllo- print tin(l Copy (3o.. I11 E, Stale Ave,. Olylnpia FL 6-6707. O 9110 tfn PREES TOPPED. tmmea, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service, HA. 6-4823. 2/13tfn SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Expert work. Bonded employee, Leave calls at Journal office, phone HA• 6-4412. Iinger Sewing Machine Co., Olympia. 11/22tfn PROPERTIES BASEMENT, ANGLESIDE ... Just the place for a larger family. 2 bedroom up, roomy kitchen. Beautifully landscaped price is only $9,600. $350 down FHA. Call it today. I.'$  $400 DOWN . . . On this 2 bedroom corner lot home. Nice size room, dining room, large kitchen with break- nook. Attached garage, plus semi-finished up- suitable for 2 more bedrooms: Full price Strong yen to return to Hawaii. NEW AND READY TO MOVE IN . . . 3 bedrooms, fireplace, large all birch kitchen, base- electric heat, fully plastered and insulated. more plus features. Price is $15,600 and can YOurs for immediate occupancy. Call to see it ItlEOROOMS, FIREPLACE, ANGLESIDE . . . LOCated on corner lot in excellent residential area. living room, dining room, attached garage, insulated and has radiant hot water heat. yours for only $650 down including closing Full price is $9,400, FHA appraised. ROOMY 3 BEDROOM . . . 1/2 mile from city limits. Has fireplace, elec- large living room, dining room, roomy en and utility, plus many more extras. Take Gt mortgage. Payments are only $58.00 per including taxes and insurance. Full price is OVER 4Yz% G.I. LOAN . . . this 4 bedroom, 1V2 bath, full basement home. fruit trees, shrubs. After equity, payments $61 month, including taxes and insur- possession can be arranged. Full $9,500.00. SETTLE ESTATE .,. DEADLdNE DETESTER bedroom home, downtown. Llvihg room, dining 11/2 baths, large utility and garage. $6,000. $50 per month. Call Kurt Mann today. FAMILY? THEN SEE THIS... : bedroom home near downtown. Large living With fireplace, dining room, large utility, 1 over 300 sq. ft, of closet space, automatic air oil furnace, new roof and paint job. reduced $1,500, Now only $9,000. Better inves- this today. REALTY Call HA 6-8535 Anytime or call KURT MANN HA 6-3228 Evenings 226 North 1st EXCELLENT BUYS! HOME TO BE SOLD FOR $250 DOWN . . . closing costs. Has 2 nice bedrooms, a fireplace, automatic washer, etc. A buy at $7500. KOKOMISH VALLEY FARM . . . of soil, all cleared and fenced, large barn, river *f property, solid house, dandy orchard, smoke with $1500 down $50/month. BEAT THIS BUY IN A 4-BEDROOM HOME . . . with $500 down and $50/month, and It has a full basement, hardwood floor, etc. A buy! ANGLESIDE HOME ON 2 LOTS . . . 2 bedroom home is nicely landscaped and fruit trees, and berries, Large garage and Cell Mr. Hulder. WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE . . . 3 bedroom Angleside home which you can rent to purchase. $7500 at $60/month. IJOY THE OUTDOOR PATIO AND FIREPLACE . . barbecue in nice fenced yard of this 2 bed- lot, 2-car garage and workshop. All for $8000 down FHA. ExCellent view of Olympics. MOVE RIGHT IN FOR ONLY $500 . . . /month until modest price of $4950 is paid. It's nice South Hill area. Newly redecorated. A WATERFRONT COTTAGE WITH VIEW? a cozy 5-room modern home on 100' good frontage Mt. Rainier and Sound. Double garage and other Call Mr. Hulder. ISLAND LAKE HOME... location, construction, etc., makes this one of the waterfront homes on the lake, So many lovely it's all new. $17,250. [ES $295 TO BUY THIS ANGLESlDE HOME . . . with total of $4450. No other costs, and right in. Excellent location. , OF THOSE LOVELY 3 BEDROOM DEN HOMES it has 11 baths, panelled living room, large room, dishwasher, full basement, excellent view, yard. By appointment. NICE HOME AND 2 RENTALS . . . comfortable 2 bedroom home with basement, auto- heat, and two separate rentals with $70 per month at $5950! A. ROY DUNN REALTOR 6-6363 • Title Insurance Bldg kJ0FIi0.-. blown rock wool lnsula- lion. (luaranteed. Phone HA. 6-6417. 6/20tf A-RTIFICIAL BREEDING service for both dairy and beef, $7.00 cash• Ev- ergreen Northwest Breeders Inc. Call WillianV Turner, Olympia. col- lect. FL. 2-2113, tfn i HI SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS 150-gal., 250-gal., 500-gal., 750-gal. Drain 17'acids, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone HA. 6-3660 8-18tfn FOR SALE 172 acres of land with approxi- mately 60 under cultivation, 80 acres of growing timber. Has A mile o£ waterfront on bay and about l. mile on good oiled high- way. Includes house, barn and drilled well. This will make a very good property for speculation or private use. Check up on it now. * $ * 35 acres of good land with fir, cedar and alder timber, worth ap- proximately $2500 including small one man mill with older runable Fordson. 5-room modern home with 2 bedrooms and utility room in good condition, gravity water system with small creek running through property. Good barn, chicken house, 2-car garage, wood- shed and log house suitable for storage. Several acres cleared with some fruit trees and garden plot. Located about 7 miles southeast of Shelton and a real good value at $8500 with substantial down payment. Replacement costs of buildings worth more than asking price of entire property. Could be Just what you are looking for? ? Partner in business firm. 16 acres of excellent cleared land all fenced and has been under cul- tivation for years. Has good spring and good view but not wa- terfront property. Could be cut into several desirable home tracts. Located on good hard surfaced highway about 8 miles southeast of Shelton. A good value at $5000. 40-ACRES with a)out 12 under cultivation, some growing timber, new 2-car garage, 5-room modern home with unfinished upstairs. ; Has good water system with field sprinkling system and located about 7 miles West of Shelton in; Dayton District. This will make a good suburban place with farm- ing opportunity. A good value at $7,750 with terms to reliable l party. Diseminates information. I $ * * I I 100-ft. of waterfront including tidelands located at Towncreek I about 1 mile East on Bayshore] road. Includes small cabin. A good I bayview tract at a very reason-[ able price. $2750 with terms, See] it today for future use. ; I FOR RENT: 4-room modern home with 2 bedrooms, utility room and electric range. Located close in and a nice place for a couple or small family. To desireable party at $50 per month. Also have a number of desir- able properties, including su- burban homes with some tim- ber and cultivated land. Herbert G. Angle Phone HA, 6-8272 leo FOR SALE 3- m house, 1 lot, $4,000.00, or house can be bought and moved from property. 34 acres, 10 acres cleared, 5 bed- room house, dining room, 1½ baths, furnace, double garage, drilled well, 6 miles from town $11,500.00. * * * 11½ acres in Skokomish Valley, good soi1--$1,300.00. 200 feet of waterfront, low bank, gravel beach, tidelands, orahard, berries, 3 bedroom house could be 5 bedrooms, full basement, fur- nace, flreplace--$16,800.00. 1 lot on Bay, 60 x 385 ft., gravel beach, tidelands, low bank, cabin 28 x 16 ft., we11$5,500.00. i $ i 5 acres, 3 bedroom house, large garage and work shop, 2 wells and pumps, fireplace, furnace, close to town--$8,750..00.. • 1 acre all cleared, close to town, 4 bedroom house, full basement, furnace, fruit trees and berries, insulated -- $8,750.00, $1,200.00 down payment and reasonable monthly payments. i $ $ 2 bedroom house, 2 lots, carport $7,500.00 terms. * $ , * 4 acres, 3 acres cleared, large gar- age, new 3 bedroom house, fire- place--S8,500.00. 3 bedroom house, dining area, plastered, fireplace, electric heat, carport and storage space, 1 lot $12,000.00. • • . WALTER GEORGE Real Estate 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - Res. HA 64530 II Ill II I I ' ' Legal Publications NOTICE OF WARRANT CALL Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing Mason County Warrants are called for payment at the office of the Treasurer of said County, and that in- terest will cease October 22, 1959: SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 311--GEN- ERAL FUND -- Warrant Nos, 52 to 60 inclusive. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 404--GEN- ERAL FUNI  Warrant Nos. 1149 to 1171 tncltmlve. JOHN IL COLE Trumr .of Maso County SAL) State of Washington Dated s.t helton, Washington, OctOber 22, 1959. 10/22 it F Legal Publications NO. 3145 NOTI('E TO ('III:III'F(IR IN TIlE HIrPIi]RIOR ('OIH{T {)F THE STATE el ¢ WASH IN(ITON FOR MASON f'OUNTY in lhr, Matter of the Estate of GEORGE E, FREI)ERICKSON, De- ('(,ased. Grace M. Frederickson is the ap- pointed and qualified Adminisiratrlx (if said estate. All persons having eialms against said dot,eased are re- quired to serve the same ill duplicate, ulv verifi,d, on said Administratrix ,)r tier alt,)rnOY. Rohert L. Sllydor lit the address below stated, and file the same with (he Clerk of said Court, to- g,ther with proof ef such servlt.e. wilhin six months after Ih dills of first puhlicaii+ln of this noli.e, or lhe same will t)" hatred. DATE d first publication: O(,hl)er 1, 1959. GRACE M. FREDE]ICKSON Adminisiratrix Route 2, Box 120 Shellon, Washington ROB}]RT L. SNYI)ER Attorney at Lllw Govey Buildin ; Skdton, Waslungton 10/14-15-22 4t NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMRER ON STATE LANI) Notice is hereby given tilat on Tues- day, the 3rd day of November, 1959, commencing at ten o'clock in the fore- hi,on of said day, in Port Orchard Dis- tract Iteadquarters, located at Port Orchard, County of Kitsap, State of Washington, by the District Admin- istrator of said District, the timher on the following described state land will be sold at public auction to the high- est bidder, to-wit: , Application No. F-5578 Not less than 5,000 Christmas trees located on all of Section 33, north of lIaven Lake Road, Township 23 North, Rang'e 2 West, W.M., containing 3'20 acres, lflore or ]eSS. Christmas trees will be sold on a tree count basis. Minimum acceptable hid: 30€ per tree. The purchaser must cut a mini- mum of 5.000 Christmas trees fr.m the sale area to be paid for at the bid price at the time of sale. All conifers cut are to be paid for at the bid rate. 1 Prior to aUCtion of this sale, each I, bidder must make a deposit of $150.00, I plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or a total l of $155.00 in the form of cash, money I order, certified check or bank draft. I Upon completion of this sale, the re-I spectlve deposits shall be.returned to[ the unsucCessful bidders. The puMlas-1 er must. on the day of sal, snake an additional payment sO that the total amount depodted wilt equal 100% a¢ the full bt pflce_hse on the cruise estimate. Thl add/tiona/ Payment m be by personal cheek. Puhaser mus[, within 30 day of date of sale, furnldt a sm'ety bend of $1,500.00 to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. All Cheeks, money orders, etc, are to be made payable to the Com- missioner of Public Lanas. All sales shall be conducted between the hours of ten o'clock in the fore- noon and four o'clock in the afternoon. If all salbs cannot be offered within the specified time on the advertised date, the sale shall continue on tlte following day between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon. Any sale which has been offered and for which there are not bids received, shall not be reoffered until It has been readver- tised. Cutting rights expire on December 20, 1959. Located approximately 8 miles west of Belfair. Accessibility: Via county road. Complete contract specifications may be examined at Port Orchard District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, aid office, of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Port Orchard District Headquarters on Tuesday, November 3, 1959. at 10 o'clock a.m. Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the. appraised value, as appraised by the Commis- sioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by taw, a statement of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of said county, and Dltrict, Administrator of said district, Terms of sale are: tree count basis. BERT L, COLE. Coninllssioner of Public Lands 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. 3030 NOTI(;E OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DITRIB[]TION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of FLO- RENCE FRISKEN. deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Gilbcrt W. Frisken, Executor of the estate of Florence Frisken. deceased. has filed with the Clerk of said Court his final report and petition for distri- bution, asking the Court to setttle and approve the same. to distribute the property to the persons thereto enti- tled and to discharge said Executor. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that maid final report and petition for dis- tribution will be heard on Friday, the 13 day of November. 1959 at the hour of 10 o'clock I the fore'noon, at the Courtroonq of said (ourlL in Shelton. Washington. DATED this 9th day of October, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Mason Countr Clerk ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Bu/ldig Shelton. washington Attorney for Executor (SEAL) 10/15-22-29-11/5 4t NO. 8149 No00,cE TO CR,:",TORS IN THE S00PERIOR COUR00OF 00ttTo"00" STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY (ia Probate) In theMatter of the Estate of VER- LIE S. BERTELSEN. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Ocar Bertelsen h been appointed 'and has qualified sa Administrator of the estate of Verlie S. Bertelsen deceased; that all lr- sons having' claims against the said deceased or the said estate are here required to serve the same duly ve fled with the necessary v)uaherl tached upon the undersigned Adln trator or record t t iklln his attorne# of r, law office of B, Frs!kll Heast Angle Bldg. Shelton, Washington an, file such el'aims together with proo of service with the Clerk of ihe aloV entitled Court within six (6) month after the date of the first pubitcatiO! of this notice, to-wit 22 October 19$ or all claims not so presented and file will be forever bared. OSCAR BERTELSEN. Administrator of the ltate of Verlle S. Bertelsen. deceued Rt. 2, oX 292, Shelton, Washington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for said Estate Angle Bldg., Shelton. Wash, 10/22-29-11/5-1:1 41 NO. 8140 NOT(. TO .E=TO. TO • RESEN00 A..LE C.IMS IN THE SU00R00OR 00OURT OF ggUNg# SHINGT°N ,'o. (In Probate) _In the Matter of the Estate of BE THA V. MUNSON, Deceased. th NOTICE's IS HEREBY GIVEN th • . unuorsigned, William S. Valley h neon appointed and has qualified Executor of the Last Will and Temt ment and of the estate of Bertho', MUr nson, deceased: and that all per- sons having claims against the ld estat or the said deceased ars hereby required to serv# the same duly ver- ified in duplicate 'vtth the necessary Vouchers attached, upon the under- signed Executor or his attorney of cora at the law office of B. Fran- Henston, Angle Building Sheltml, ashington, and file such latm# to- gether with proof of service with the uerk of the above entitled Court with- in six (6) months after the date .of the first publication of this notice, to- wit: 15 .October 1959, or all olaims not so prented and filed will be foV' barred. WI S. V Bertha V. Munson, decea Addv.: 8hellos, Wuhington B. ]rRARKLI1W HEUSTON Attorney for sgid llstate Angle Bldg., Shelton. Wash. 10/15-22-29-11/5 4t Washin Legal Publications NO. 3143 NOTICE TO ('REDITORS IN T}tE SIPERI()R COURT t)F THE STATE OF WASHIN(;TON FOR MASON COUNTY hi lhe Mlit(er .f the Estilte of ZORA A. WALI)RIP. (teoeased. i NOTICE IS GIVEN that James S. Waldrip and Sarah Waldril) Butts are the appointed and qualified Joint Ex- ecutor and Executrix (,f said estate; that all persons havtng claims against the said deceased at,, hereb[ required to serve the same duly verilied in du- ll]teats with the necesstir.v VOtl('h!l'S attadlod, upon the undersigned Joint Executor or Exectltrix ¢)t' (heir Ill- torney, Roi)ert L. Snyder. at iliqr lid- it,sacs hereinbelow tated, and file such ch,inls together with lO'OOf of servi('l with the Ch.rk of salti Court within six months ,f(cr the date of the firs( publication of this notice, to-wit: Octoher 1, 1959. AI,L CLAIMS not so presented and fatal will he barred. JAMES S. WALDRIP Executor 1019 East Cascade Slielton] Wasilington SARAH WALDRIP BUTTS Executrix Ihute 1, Box 259 Ol)'mpia, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER, Cove)" Buildin¥ Shelton, Washington Attorne for Joint Executor ana Executrix 10/1-8-15-22 4t NO. 8140 NOTICE TO CHEDITOrRS ! IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Mason County Now More Urban Mason County is rapidly be- coining ntore and more urbanized, according to latest reports. AS A WIIOLE, the local popu- lation has shown itself to be quite mobile and adaptable to change• ! Its shifting, to take advantage of: better job opportunities offered in l the cities and suburbs, has r'e- salted in a county population that is now 33.7 percent urban. i The developments are seen in] data ass,led by the Department of Commerce and other agencies cov- ering" an eight-year period since 1950, when the last census was taken. They show that the rate of growth in the nation's urbanized areas is several times as rapid as it is elsewhere. Currently, it is estimated, Ma- son County has an urban popula- tion of 5,300, compared with 5,000 in 1950. It represents a 6.0 percent rise: in the period in the number of peo- ple residing in urbanized areas, defined roughly as places with 2,500 or more inhabitants. There are economic advantages in the more compact life repre- HE DECLARES that one shonld not overlook the fact that "large size, high densities and conges- tion were very important factors iri bringing about the increased product per head which has given us the American standard of liv- ing," In Mason Cotlnty, which has a land area of 967 square miles, a population density of 16 persons per square mile has now been reached. Tile pattern in the future, as Dr. Hauser sees it, will be the further expansion of cities outward from the central core. As each subur- ban ring gets built up It will, in turn, become the jumping-off place for another ring, still fur- ther out, Most important to this growth, he feels, is the development of a d e q u a t e mass transportation, "since the automobile may no longer be an effective or permis- sible vehicle for entering the ceu- ter of the city." About 3,500 different books have been made into Talking STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR sented by urban living, according MAS2NC)tUNTY +. ^_.,.. = to Dr. Philip M, Hauser, former tatPs of GEORGE NEWTON ADAMS D puty Drector of the Census. and LELA LeCLAIR ADAMS, de- While acknowledging the at- (tasf d   ' - t tractiveness of cotlntry living, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the ...... :" .... Georgia Miller has been appointed and WlrA tS tack OI congesuon, ne sees has qualified as Admlistratrlx of the certain 'benefits in crowds. estate of George Newton Adams, ue- . • .... ceased, and as Administratrix of thel  j !  i " .... r " ....... estate of Lela LeClair Adams, de-I II ffl 1-.hlu.tinl ceased: and that all persons having [ i....u,a aaxJaataitltnlal claims against tile said estates or the [ said deeeased are hereby required to] NO. 3147 serve the same duly verifiPdln dupli-[ r NOTICF" TO CREDITORS cats with the necessary vouchers at-I IN TE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE tached, upon the said Administrau'tx I STATE OF WASHI1NG"rON FOR r her Attorney at the law office of | MASON COUdTY onert L. Snyder, Govey Ruilding, l (In Probate) Shelton, Washfhgton, and file such In the Matter of the Estate of ETH- claims together witii proff of service EL M. CARLSON, Deceitsed. with the Clerk of said Court withm NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that six months after the date oI the first the Undersigned ha. been -,)ointc ubl:,:tio.5f th]:no.tice, to-wt: oc- and ham quJifl,d a. the A;iFistl;,--- '' , l, ,, O. I claims niT. O pr;- tor ()f *he Estate of Ethel M. Carlson sentcd and fJleu wil] be barred deceased' th t ,1 ,. ' ....... , . a .1. prsons having GO..GIA IILT.R ,- clains against said deceased arc here- AUlnl),tr2X 01.,1  by .r.equlred to serve the same. duly _ "--.. 2o--. . verlt eu, on the undersigne'd Admin- mar rtoute 1 IJox lot) istrator - ' i"--- --  - - • '. , ur 11 s ttLLOl'13ey OI recoru aT. ..... ,Shelton Taungton the address Ielow stated and file the v ... rxu, same with the Clerk of the said court, oey tlluln-. together with proof of such" service neiton, wasnln ton within " " P slx nionttnt after the date of Attorn y for sai Combined Estates fir ' • ' - -- st publication of tlus no(ice or the 10/1-8-15-22 4t same will be barred. NO. 3146 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRF.ENT AND FILE CI.iMN IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the E.tate of RENA MALAVEY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN taint the undersigned. Ellen M. Stuck has been appointed and has qualified as Administratrix With Wtll Annexed of the estate of Rena Malavey. deceased: and that all persons having claims against the said estate or the said de- ceased are hereby required to serve the ,same duly verified in duplicate with the necessary vouchers attached, upon the undersigned Administratrix With Will Amlexed or her attorney d record at the law office of B, Frank- lln Houston. Angle Butldlng, Shelton, Washington. and file such clailus to- gether with roof of service wlth the Clerk of the abow; entitled Court wlth- in six (6) months after the date of the first pnblication of this notice, to-wit: 15 October 1959. or all claim not so presented and filed will be forcver barred. ELLEN M. STUCK. Adniinistratrlx With Wi/l £%exed "of Estate of Rena alavcy, Deceased Address: Shelton. Washington B, FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for Said Estate Angle Bldg, Shelton. Washingtln 10/15-22-23-11/5 4t NO. 3054 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DlT RIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of OTTO W. NELSON. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mary C. Nelson. Adninistrafrlx. of the estate of OTTO W. NELSON de- eea;d, has filed with the Clerk f the above entlthd Court her final report and p*titlon for distribution asking the Court to settle and approve said fihaal report and petltfon for distribu- tion, and to distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled, and to discharge the said Administratrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for dis- trlbution will be heardon Friday the 18th day of November. 1969, at the hour of 10:00 A.M.. or assoon there- after as the same may be heard, at the G)urtrom lu the Courthouse In Shelton. Muon County, Washington. Dated ths Sth day of October, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of County,. Maon. County, Wash. BYRON E. McCLAHAN Attorney for Estate P. O. Box 333 Shelt0n, Washington (SEAL) 10/154-29 3t INV|TATION TO BID Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Commissioners ' of Public Utility District No. 1 of lason Coun- ty, Washhlgton until F D0 p.M,, :Mo" day, Novembq 1.1959, It their o- rice iu Potlatch, washington: o ur- ntsh structure and equipment far two package type eublltiens. Structures. to bo e|ther aluminum or St0el aria equlpme0t to include power .t.rmlsfor- mers, voltage rgulators, 4witcngear, and other idet merl..All bin  to be opened at tne above time a u plae., Plans and specifications .maY be se- cured at the office of the District's consullsnt ,enlineers, Howard enier d Anooiatce, 115 West 18th Street, Vancouver, Washington. Dated this lSth day of Oaober, 1959. Publi Utility District No. 1 of Mason countM HAROLD ItUNTER. lecretarY 10/15-2249-11/5-12 5t No. $tm , NOTICe OF PRIVATE SALt: OF R,AL ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of FRED MILLER. decease& t NOTICE IB ]8[REBY IVEM tha the said Adndnistrtrlx, will on or after the 8z'(1 dNr of November, 1.959 d offer for sale the following aecrlD real property situated in :M%son Coun- ty, Washington: That part of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarr of the Southwest quarter of Sectto 2, Township 21 North, Ranle 4 West, W,I,, tying Sotherly and Wtcr- ly of county road No, 2521 EXC]PT- ING there'fi'mu tra.'t cunveyed to Thomas Petersot and wife by deed dated April 8, 1922 aud ,eeorRed iu Volume 41 of Deeds, page 357 and excepting also tract, conveyed to State Of Washing.ton by dse.ddated July 18, 1924 ann rorc[ed In vof ume 42 of Deeds, page 488. All bids must be in writing attd de- livered to the Admtnistrafrtx. her at- torney, Robert L. Snyder, or the Clerk of said Court. before 12 o'clock noon, November 2. 19119. Said property will be offered for sale for cash. or cash and/or credit, and the sale shall he subject to the, confirmation and approval of said Court. The Administratrix reserves ths riglRto reject lUld and all bids. . )TED this 9th day of Octooer, 199. rt0Smav r,, ZR -' ' Attorney fr AiLminietratrlx R/)BERT L. 'YDER Govey Bulldin Shelton, Waslnngton 10/15-22-29 3t (SEAL) Date of first publication: October $, 1959. /S/ LAWRENCE A, CARLSON GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building Shelton, Washington 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. 30 NOTICE OF liEARING FINAL RFTORI' AND I'ETITION FOR I)INTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OP THE STATE OF' WASHINGTON F(.)R MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of LEONARD L. HAWK. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BERTHA VISSER. am administralrix of the Estate (,f Leonard I,. Hawk has filed in (he office of the Clerk of said Court her Final Report and Petition for Distribution asking the Court to setth, said Report. distribute the prop- erty to ?he perscns thereto entitled and t(} discharge said administratrtx: arid lhat said Report and Petition will be heard on the 13th day or Novem- ber. 1959, at 10:00 A,M, at the Court Room of th{ Pr¢lha(e Di.partlnen! (if said Court. at which time and place any person interested in said Fstate may appear and file objections the, ro- t. and contest the same, DATED this 2nd day of Oft., 1959, HARRY DEYETTE Clerk )f said Cotlrt GLENN E. CORREA Altorney f,)r Estate Boll Buildin  121 South Eourth Sreet Shr, ltt)n, Washington (SEAL) 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. 3144 NOTICE TO CREDITOR TO PRESENT AND F[LE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianshi]a of the Person and Estate of VIVIA A. JACOBSEN. A Mentally Incompet- ent Person. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters of (.uardianship in the above entitled matter were granted to the undersigned on the 2nd day of Octo- ber. 1959 by said Superior Court, NOTICE IS FURTIER GIVEN that all persons having claims against the said person or her estate are required to sevve them with necessary vouch- era attached upon the Guardian for said estate or upon his attorney of record for sold dardian, B. Frank- lin Houston, Angle Butldiug, Shelton. Washington being the place deslkned for the, tineactlon of the business o said gtmrdianship, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court together with proof f aervtce within 6 months after the first 'publlcatio of this no- tice. to-wit: 8 October 1959. or said claims will be forever barred. H. C. ROTTER Guardian of the Estate of Vlvia A. Jacobsen F00N00LIN wash A g g,, ' 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. I0 NOTIC TO CRED|OR IN TH] SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STAE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY, In the Matter of the Isiate of WAL- TER FANKLIN McCORD, Desexed. LORNA V. McCORD is the appoint- ed and qualified Administratrix of said .state. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly veri- fied, on said Administratrix or her at- torney, Robert L, Snyder at the ad- dress below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. togeth- er with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first pub- lication of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: October 22, 1959. LORNA V. MCORD South Fifth Shelton, Washington Adminlstratrix ROBERT I, BNYDER Attorney at Law Govcy Building Shelton, Washington 10/22-29-11/5-I 4t • NO. 8100 NOTICE OF HEAmIN( FIIA REPeal AND PET|'rIN FO D1STRIBUION IN TH]B SUPgRIOR COURT OF THE STATI OF WASHINGTON FOR MAS01 COINTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of RICHARD ADAMS, JR.. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that RICHARD C. ADAMS. SR.. as admin- istrator of the Estate of Richard Adams. Jr.., has,filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court his Final Re- port and Petition for Distribution, asking the Court to settle said Report, distribute the property to the persons ! thereto entitled and to discharge said [ administrator;, and titat said Regrt| and Petition will be heard on the 30th I dayd November. 1959, at 10.:00 A.M. | at the Court Room of the Probate De- ! pertinent of said Court, at which time an@ place any person interested in said Estate may appear and file ob- jections thereto and contest the same. 1969. DATED thi 18 day of October. B[AtRY DIYETTE Clerk _f _said Conrt UiNN E. comr g, ttor, for AdsJnistrator 11 klig Shelton, Washington 10/22-29-11/5-12 4t Said David's Church (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Rev. Robert Bonnet Echols, Vicar SUNDAY, OCT. 18 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion 9:45 aim. Church School 11:00 a,m. Morning Prayer and ermon Firs! Ohristian Church I F I IRST BAPTIST CHURCH t[ 7:00 p.m. Evening Service -- Color Film [ [ "Joseph, The Young Man" [ [ Message "Troubles To Triumph", , I FISlIERBEN'S CLUB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3rd and Cota SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 9:30 a.m. Guest SpeakerBill Dickie "Newspapers at Your Service" 10:00 a.m.Bible Study "No Problem Is Impossible" t FAITN LUTHERAN OHUROH 7th and Franklirl Street Worship Serdces ...................... : .............................. 8:15 and 11 a.m, Sunday School and Bible Class ........................................ 9:30 a.m. Mid-week Bible Study .................................... Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. .... --- CARL J. CARIEN, Pastor ...... ! I i i TII METIIODIST OIIltOII North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R, RINGS. Minister Morning Worship 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Chumh 8Oh0ol 9':41S a.m. ALUANOE CHUltOH Washington & J 8ts. Euoens Breid, Pastor' Sunday School .................................................................... 9:45 a,l' Morning Worghip ................................................................ 11:00 a.ra A. Y. F ................................................................................. 6:30 p.m, Evening Service .................. 7:30 p.m Mid-week service Wednesday .......................................... 7:30 p.m, EVERYONE WELCOME Your Ohoi. DIAL 920 ON YOUR RADIO EVERY SUNDAY 11:05 - 11:30 A.M. FIRST PROGRAM SCHEDULED NOVEMBER 1ST 20 On ths DIE Sponsored by Sheiton Baptist Church 130 E. Pine,St. Mason Younglund, Pastor * *  $ * i Sunday School (Sunday School is for everyone) ........ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors ......................................................... 6:00 p,nt, Revival Service .................................................................... 7:00 p.m. Listen to REVlVALTIME Sunday, 10:30 p.m. KIRO SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD YOU ARE WELCOME AT THE FRIENDLY Books ........ long-playing records ex- clusively for the use of America's SECOND STREET estimated 350,000 blind people, ac- Bible School 9"45 a m cording to the American Founds- Church Services "11"{ a m, tion for the Blind. The Talking and 7"00 p m to 8"()0 p Book is 25 years old this year. , " .... ' ' ] ...... ..... i  ....... ii " , ] NN"I ' < :: -- : = = ............................. r:; ........ ; 0 LD EVANGELISM RALLY r For All Children 4 thru 15 Years [ FmDAY NtlHT, 06T. 9 ! B/PTIST cHURcH AUDITORIUM, 7.00 p.m. I PRIZE FOR CHILD BRINGING MOST GUESTS | (Which can include parents or other adults) | REV. ARTHUR NICKEL presenting tricks of I Magic, Flannelgraph Story, Other Entertainment I NO ADMISSION CHARGE 11 Ii i i iii iiiii i i i ii i i i i "New Testament Christianity  Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Hall )ctober 22 1959 SHELTON-tIASON COUNTY m Odd j.h:! if you fixctl call Henry 2/12 tfn Dead sl ovk, prompt, ns co|loci. Itarh,r lendering. 2/27 till sawyer, three nlen, and faih.r wanted. evt,nings. B 9/3 tfn cash paid lor nnpage lands. Call Enterprises, HA 9/3 tfn WATKINS locality Canal. Earnings average for person work. No lay-offs, known spices and in Life, La. aurnal G led House. Ils and otiler magv write Watkins East llth St.. Brem- gton. or phone ESsex a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 3/12 tfn trade -- Tw,) hl,droolll on South.ide Hill. 3 city water anti sewer COUntry, with or w t l- Phone'HA 6-8154 after A 10/22-11/12 new Siegler oil heat- Spencer Lake, Pl'lime after 4 It 10/15-29 RE ESTATE CLASSIFIED SERVICE ill FOt SALE ..... Duplex, 84x28 with 10 ACCORDION prh'ate lessons in your hits. liiquire 1726 Stewart street or honlo. Sianl'at:J Nati.nal School of pllone .']IA fi-SlJll. N 7/23 (fn Ac('ordion, Mrs. Casada, pllone HA ...................................................... 6-8229. 1/1 tfn F()P SAI.E .... Lm'ge, three bodrm,ln Illllno. iwo hliths, If)Is of elil)iilels lll'ld sliirage, dollbie tat'at0, elt:,cirie heal, file,place. 90'xl0f)' lot, I blocks fiolll MI. View sihool. Reasonably nriced. 2127 King sl. W 8/20 tfn 3 13EDR()()M liOliSt, with strong,,, alJ- prais(,d at $75f ). Musl l i, so( n to he :llq)r'ci:ltc'd. tlA 6-3663, N 10/8 lfn FOR SAI,E ...... Wct 7 acres of the Nl,'. - NP, L7 - S:'.; of Section ,'12, t.wnsifip 21, ram4'e 5. Price $750,l)1i. 6q061 K 8/°Ai tfn CLASSIFIED SERVICE MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my res- idence near lhe Lower Skokomish School. Call ' Trojan 7-5438 for ap- intnlent Salurday, Sunday, and ednesday. A. F. Oppelt. O4/16 tfn COMPLETE SERVICE -- Photoslats and roliro(tllci ions. Olylnpla Blllo- print tin(l Copy (3o.. I11 E, Stale Ave,. Olylnpia FL 6-6707. O 9110 tfn PREES TOPPED. tmmea, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service, HA. 6-4823. 2/13tfn SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Expert work. Bonded employee, Leave calls at Journal office, phone HA• 6-4412. Iinger Sewing Machine Co., Olympia. 11/22tfn PROPERTIES BASEMENT, ANGLESIDE ... Just the place for a larger family. 2 bedroom up, roomy kitchen. Beautifully landscaped price is only $9,600. $350 down FHA. Call it today. I.'$  $400 DOWN . . . On this 2 bedroom corner lot home. Nice size room, dining room, large kitchen with break- nook. Attached garage, plus semi-finished up- suitable for 2 more bedrooms: Full price Strong yen to return to Hawaii. NEW AND READY TO MOVE IN . . . 3 bedrooms, fireplace, large all birch kitchen, base- electric heat, fully plastered and insulated. more plus features. Price is $15,600 and can YOurs for immediate occupancy. Call to see it ItlEOROOMS, FIREPLACE, ANGLESIDE . . . LOCated on corner lot in excellent residential area. living room, dining room, attached garage, insulated and has radiant hot water heat. yours for only $650 down including closing Full price is $9,400, FHA appraised. ROOMY 3 BEDROOM . . . 1/2 mile from city limits. Has fireplace, elec- large living room, dining room, roomy en and utility, plus many more extras. Take Gt mortgage. Payments are only $58.00 per including taxes and insurance. Full price is OVER 4Yz% G.I. LOAN . . . this 4 bedroom, 1V2 bath, full basement home. fruit trees, shrubs. After equity, payments $61 month, including taxes and insur- possession can be arranged. Full $9,500.00. SETTLE ESTATE .,. DEADLdNE DETESTER bedroom home, downtown. Llvihg room, dining 11/2 baths, large utility and garage. $6,000. $50 per month. Call Kurt Mann today. FAMILY? THEN SEE THIS... : bedroom home near downtown. Large living With fireplace, dining room, large utility, 1 over 300 sq. ft, of closet space, automatic air oil furnace, new roof and paint job. reduced $1,500, Now only $9,000. Better inves- this today. REALTY Call HA 6-8535 Anytime or call KURT MANN HA 6-3228 Evenings 226 North 1st EXCELLENT BUYS! HOME TO BE SOLD FOR $250 DOWN . . . closing costs. Has 2 nice bedrooms, a fireplace, automatic washer, etc. A buy at $7500. KOKOMISH VALLEY FARM . . . of soil, all cleared and fenced, large barn, river *f property, solid house, dandy orchard, smoke with $1500 down $50/month. BEAT THIS BUY IN A 4-BEDROOM HOME . . . with $500 down and $50/month, and It has a full basement, hardwood floor, etc. A buy! ANGLESIDE HOME ON 2 LOTS . . . 2 bedroom home is nicely landscaped and fruit trees, and berries, Large garage and Cell Mr. Hulder. WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE . . . 3 bedroom Angleside home which you can rent to purchase. $7500 at $60/month. IJOY THE OUTDOOR PATIO AND FIREPLACE . . barbecue in nice fenced yard of this 2 bed- lot, 2-car garage and workshop. All for $8000 down FHA. ExCellent view of Olympics. MOVE RIGHT IN FOR ONLY $500 . . . /month until modest price of $4950 is paid. It's nice South Hill area. Newly redecorated. A WATERFRONT COTTAGE WITH VIEW? a cozy 5-room modern home on 100' good frontage Mt. Rainier and Sound. Double garage and other Call Mr. Hulder. ISLAND LAKE HOME... location, construction, etc., makes this one of the waterfront homes on the lake, So many lovely it's all new. $17,250. [ES $295 TO BUY THIS ANGLESlDE HOME . . . with total of $4450. No other costs, and right in. Excellent location. , OF THOSE LOVELY 3 BEDROOM DEN HOMES it has 11 baths, panelled living room, large room, dishwasher, full basement, excellent view, yard. By appointment. NICE HOME AND 2 RENTALS . . . comfortable 2 bedroom home with basement, auto- heat, and two separate rentals with $70 per month at $5950! A. ROY DUNN REALTOR 6-6363 • Title Insurance Bldg kJ0FIi0.-. blown rock wool lnsula- lion. (luaranteed. Phone HA. 6-6417. 6/20tf A-RTIFICIAL BREEDING service for both dairy and beef, $7.00 cash• Ev- ergreen Northwest Breeders Inc. Call WillianV Turner, Olympia. col- lect. FL. 2-2113, tfn i HI SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS 150-gal., 250-gal., 500-gal., 750-gal. Drain 17'acids, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone HA. 6-3660 8-18tfn FOR SALE 172 acres of land with approxi- mately 60 under cultivation, 80 acres of growing timber. Has A mile o£ waterfront on bay and about l. mile on good oiled high- way. Includes house, barn and drilled well. This will make a very good property for speculation or private use. Check up on it now. * $ * 35 acres of good land with fir, cedar and alder timber, worth ap- proximately $2500 including small one man mill with older runable Fordson. 5-room modern home with 2 bedrooms and utility room in good condition, gravity water system with small creek running through property. Good barn, chicken house, 2-car garage, wood- shed and log house suitable for storage. Several acres cleared with some fruit trees and garden plot. Located about 7 miles southeast of Shelton and a real good value at $8500 with substantial down payment. Replacement costs of buildings worth more than asking price of entire property. Could be Just what you are looking for? ? Partner in business firm. 16 acres of excellent cleared land all fenced and has been under cul- tivation for years. Has good spring and good view but not wa- terfront property. Could be cut into several desirable home tracts. Located on good hard surfaced highway about 8 miles southeast of Shelton. A good value at $5000. 40-ACRES with a)out 12 under cultivation, some growing timber, new 2-car garage, 5-room modern home with unfinished upstairs. ; Has good water system with field sprinkling system and located about 7 miles West of Shelton in; Dayton District. This will make a good suburban place with farm- ing opportunity. A good value at $7,750 with terms to reliable l party. Diseminates information. I $ * * I I 100-ft. of waterfront including tidelands located at Towncreek I about 1 mile East on Bayshore] road. Includes small cabin. A good I bayview tract at a very reason-[ able price. $2750 with terms, See] it today for future use. ; I FOR RENT: 4-room modern home with 2 bedrooms, utility room and electric range. Located close in and a nice place for a couple or small family. To desireable party at $50 per month. Also have a number of desir- able properties, including su- burban homes with some tim- ber and cultivated land. Herbert G. Angle Phone HA, 6-8272 leo FOR SALE 3- m house, 1 lot, $4,000.00, or house can be bought and moved from property. 34 acres, 10 acres cleared, 5 bed- room house, dining room, 1½ baths, furnace, double garage, drilled well, 6 miles from town $11,500.00. * * * 11½ acres in Skokomish Valley, good soi1--$1,300.00. 200 feet of waterfront, low bank, gravel beach, tidelands, orahard, berries, 3 bedroom house could be 5 bedrooms, full basement, fur- nace, flreplace--$16,800.00. 1 lot on Bay, 60 x 385 ft., gravel beach, tidelands, low bank, cabin 28 x 16 ft., we11$5,500.00. i $ i 5 acres, 3 bedroom house, large garage and work shop, 2 wells and pumps, fireplace, furnace, close to town--$8,750..00.. • 1 acre all cleared, close to town, 4 bedroom house, full basement, furnace, fruit trees and berries, insulated -- $8,750.00, $1,200.00 down payment and reasonable monthly payments. i $ $ 2 bedroom house, 2 lots, carport $7,500.00 terms. * $ , * 4 acres, 3 acres cleared, large gar- age, new 3 bedroom house, fire- place--S8,500.00. 3 bedroom house, dining area, plastered, fireplace, electric heat, carport and storage space, 1 lot $12,000.00. • • . WALTER GEORGE Real Estate 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - Res. HA 64530 II Ill II I I ' ' Legal Publications NOTICE OF WARRANT CALL Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing Mason County Warrants are called for payment at the office of the Treasurer of said County, and that in- terest will cease October 22, 1959: SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 311--GEN- ERAL FUND -- Warrant Nos, 52 to 60 inclusive. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 404--GEN- ERAL FUNI  Warrant Nos. 1149 to 1171 tncltmlve. JOHN IL COLE Trumr .of Maso County SAL) State of Washington Dated s.t helton, Washington, OctOber 22, 1959. 10/22 it F Legal Publications NO. 3145 NOTI('E TO ('III:III'F(IR IN TIlE HIrPIi]RIOR ('OIH{T {)F THE STATE el ¢ WASH IN(ITON FOR MASON f'OUNTY in lhr, Matter of the Estate of GEORGE E, FREI)ERICKSON, De- ('(,ased. Grace M. Frederickson is the ap- pointed and qualified Adminisiratrlx (if said estate. All persons having eialms against said dot,eased are re- quired to serve the same ill duplicate, ulv verifi,d, on said Administratrix ,)r tier alt,)rnOY. Rohert L. Sllydor lit the address below stated, and file the same with (he Clerk of said Court, to- g,ther with proof ef such servlt.e. wilhin six months after Ih dills of first puhlicaii+ln of this noli.e, or lhe same will t)" hatred. DATE d first publication: O(,hl)er 1, 1959. GRACE M. FREDE]ICKSON Adminisiratrix Route 2, Box 120 Shellon, Washington ROB}]RT L. SNYI)ER Attorney at Lllw Govey Buildin ; Skdton, Waslungton 10/14-15-22 4t NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMRER ON STATE LANI) Notice is hereby given tilat on Tues- day, the 3rd day of November, 1959, commencing at ten o'clock in the fore- hi,on of said day, in Port Orchard Dis- tract Iteadquarters, located at Port Orchard, County of Kitsap, State of Washington, by the District Admin- istrator of said District, the timher on the following described state land will be sold at public auction to the high- est bidder, to-wit: , Application No. F-5578 Not less than 5,000 Christmas trees located on all of Section 33, north of lIaven Lake Road, Township 23 North, Rang'e 2 West, W.M., containing 3'20 acres, lflore or ]eSS. Christmas trees will be sold on a tree count basis. Minimum acceptable hid: 30€ per tree. The purchaser must cut a mini- mum of 5.000 Christmas trees fr.m the sale area to be paid for at the bid price at the time of sale. All conifers cut are to be paid for at the bid rate. 1 Prior to aUCtion of this sale, each I, bidder must make a deposit of $150.00, I plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or a total l of $155.00 in the form of cash, money I order, certified check or bank draft. I Upon completion of this sale, the re-I spectlve deposits shall be.returned to[ the unsucCessful bidders. The puMlas-1 er must. on the day of sal, snake an additional payment sO that the total amount depodted wilt equal 100% a¢ the full bt pflce_hse on the cruise estimate. Thl add/tiona/ Payment m be by personal cheek. Puhaser mus[, within 30 day of date of sale, furnldt a sm'ety bend of $1,500.00 to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. All Cheeks, money orders, etc, are to be made payable to the Com- missioner of Public Lanas. All sales shall be conducted between the hours of ten o'clock in the fore- noon and four o'clock in the afternoon. If all salbs cannot be offered within the specified time on the advertised date, the sale shall continue on tlte following day between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon. Any sale which has been offered and for which there are not bids received, shall not be reoffered until It has been readver- tised. Cutting rights expire on December 20, 1959. Located approximately 8 miles west of Belfair. Accessibility: Via county road. Complete contract specifications may be examined at Port Orchard District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, aid office, of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Port Orchard District Headquarters on Tuesday, November 3, 1959. at 10 o'clock a.m. Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the. appraised value, as appraised by the Commis- sioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by taw, a statement of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of said county, and Dltrict, Administrator of said district, Terms of sale are: tree count basis. BERT L, COLE. Coninllssioner of Public Lands 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. 3030 NOTI(;E OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DITRIB[]TION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of FLO- RENCE FRISKEN. deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Gilbcrt W. Frisken, Executor of the estate of Florence Frisken. deceased. has filed with the Clerk of said Court his final report and petition for distri- bution, asking the Court to setttle and approve the same. to distribute the property to the persons thereto enti- tled and to discharge said Executor. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that maid final report and petition for dis- tribution will be heard on Friday, the 13 day of November. 1959 at the hour of 10 o'clock I the fore'noon, at the Courtroonq of said (ourlL in Shelton. Washington. DATED this 9th day of October, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Mason Countr Clerk ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Bu/ldig Shelton. washington Attorney for Executor (SEAL) 10/15-22-29-11/5 4t NO. 8149 No00,cE TO CR,:",TORS IN THE S00PERIOR COUR00OF 00ttTo"00" STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY (ia Probate) In theMatter of the Estate of VER- LIE S. BERTELSEN. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Ocar Bertelsen h been appointed 'and has qualified sa Administrator of the estate of Verlie S. Bertelsen deceased; that all lr- sons having' claims against the said deceased or the said estate are here required to serve the same duly ve fled with the necessary v)uaherl tached upon the undersigned Adln trator or record t t iklln his attorne# of r, law office of B, Frs!kll Heast Angle Bldg. Shelton, Washington an, file such el'aims together with proo of service with the Clerk of ihe aloV entitled Court within six (6) month after the date of the first pubitcatiO! of this notice, to-wit 22 October 19$ or all claims not so presented and file will be forever bared. OSCAR BERTELSEN. Administrator of the ltate of Verlle S. Bertelsen. deceued Rt. 2, oX 292, Shelton, Washington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for said Estate Angle Bldg., Shelton. Wash, 10/22-29-11/5-1:1 41 NO. 8140 NOT(. TO .E=TO. TO • RESEN00 A..LE C.IMS IN THE SU00R00OR 00OURT OF ggUNg# SHINGT°N ,'o. (In Probate) _In the Matter of the Estate of BE THA V. MUNSON, Deceased. th NOTICE's IS HEREBY GIVEN th • . unuorsigned, William S. Valley h neon appointed and has qualified Executor of the Last Will and Temt ment and of the estate of Bertho', MUr nson, deceased: and that all per- sons having claims against the ld estat or the said deceased ars hereby required to serv# the same duly ver- ified in duplicate 'vtth the necessary Vouchers attached, upon the under- signed Executor or his attorney of cora at the law office of B. Fran- Henston, Angle Building Sheltml, ashington, and file such latm# to- gether with proof of service with the uerk of the above entitled Court with- in six (6) months after the date .of the first publication of this notice, to- wit: 15 .October 1959, or all olaims not so prented and filed will be foV' barred. WI S. V Bertha V. Munson, decea Addv.: 8hellos, Wuhington B. ]rRARKLI1W HEUSTON Attorney for sgid llstate Angle Bldg., Shelton. Wash. 10/15-22-29-11/5 4t Washin Legal Publications NO. 3143 NOTICE TO ('REDITORS IN T}tE SIPERI()R COURT t)F THE STATE OF WASHIN(;TON FOR MASON COUNTY hi lhe Mlit(er .f the Estilte of ZORA A. WALI)RIP. (teoeased. i NOTICE IS GIVEN that James S. Waldrip and Sarah Waldril) Butts are the appointed and qualified Joint Ex- ecutor and Executrix (,f said estate; that all persons havtng claims against the said deceased at,, hereb[ required to serve the same duly verilied in du- ll]teats with the necesstir.v VOtl('h!l'S attadlod, upon the undersigned Joint Executor or Exectltrix ¢)t' (heir Ill- torney, Roi)ert L. Snyder. at iliqr lid- it,sacs hereinbelow tated, and file such ch,inls together with lO'OOf of servi('l with the Ch.rk of salti Court within six months ,f(cr the date of the firs( publication of this notice, to-wit: Octoher 1, 1959. AI,L CLAIMS not so presented and fatal will he barred. JAMES S. WALDRIP Executor 1019 East Cascade Slielton] Wasilington SARAH WALDRIP BUTTS Executrix Ihute 1, Box 259 Ol)'mpia, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER, Cove)" Buildin¥ Shelton, Washington Attorne for Joint Executor ana Executrix 10/1-8-15-22 4t NO. 8140 NOTICE TO CHEDITOrRS ! IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Mason County Now More Urban Mason County is rapidly be- coining ntore and more urbanized, according to latest reports. AS A WIIOLE, the local popu- lation has shown itself to be quite mobile and adaptable to change• ! Its shifting, to take advantage of: better job opportunities offered in l the cities and suburbs, has r'e- salted in a county population that is now 33.7 percent urban. i The developments are seen in] data ass,led by the Department of Commerce and other agencies cov- ering" an eight-year period since 1950, when the last census was taken. They show that the rate of growth in the nation's urbanized areas is several times as rapid as it is elsewhere. Currently, it is estimated, Ma- son County has an urban popula- tion of 5,300, compared with 5,000 in 1950. It represents a 6.0 percent rise: in the period in the number of peo- ple residing in urbanized areas, defined roughly as places with 2,500 or more inhabitants. There are economic advantages in the more compact life repre- HE DECLARES that one shonld not overlook the fact that "large size, high densities and conges- tion were very important factors iri bringing about the increased product per head which has given us the American standard of liv- ing," In Mason Cotlnty, which has a land area of 967 square miles, a population density of 16 persons per square mile has now been reached. Tile pattern in the future, as Dr. Hauser sees it, will be the further expansion of cities outward from the central core. As each subur- ban ring gets built up It will, in turn, become the jumping-off place for another ring, still fur- ther out, Most important to this growth, he feels, is the development of a d e q u a t e mass transportation, "since the automobile may no longer be an effective or permis- sible vehicle for entering the ceu- ter of the city." About 3,500 different books have been made into Talking STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR sented by urban living, according MAS2NC)tUNTY +. ^_.,.. = to Dr. Philip M, Hauser, former tatPs of GEORGE NEWTON ADAMS D puty Drector of the Census. and LELA LeCLAIR ADAMS, de- While acknowledging the at- (tasf d   ' - t tractiveness of cotlntry living, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the ...... :" .... Georgia Miller has been appointed and WlrA tS tack OI congesuon, ne sees has qualified as Admlistratrlx of the certain 'benefits in crowds. estate of George Newton Adams, ue- . • .... ceased, and as Administratrix of thel  j !  i " .... r " ....... estate of Lela LeClair Adams, de-I II ffl 1-.hlu.tinl ceased: and that all persons having [ i....u,a aaxJaataitltnlal claims against tile said estates or the [ said deeeased are hereby required to] NO. 3147 serve the same duly verifiPdln dupli-[ r NOTICF" TO CREDITORS cats with the necessary vouchers at-I IN TE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE tached, upon the said Administrau'tx I STATE OF WASHI1NG"rON FOR r her Attorney at the law office of | MASON COUdTY onert L. Snyder, Govey Ruilding, l (In Probate) Shelton, Washfhgton, and file such In the Matter of the Estate of ETH- claims together witii proff of service EL M. CARLSON, Deceitsed. with the Clerk of said Court withm NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that six months after the date oI the first the Undersigned ha. been -,)ointc ubl:,:tio.5f th]:no.tice, to-wt: oc- and ham quJifl,d a. the A;iFistl;,--- '' , l, ,, O. I claims niT. O pr;- tor ()f *he Estate of Ethel M. Carlson sentcd and fJleu wil] be barred deceased' th t ,1 ,. ' ....... , . a .1. prsons having GO..GIA IILT.R ,- clains against said deceased arc here- AUlnl),tr2X 01.,1  by .r.equlred to serve the same. duly _ "--.. 2o--. . verlt eu, on the undersigne'd Admin- mar rtoute 1 IJox lot) istrator - ' i"--- --  - - • '. , ur 11 s ttLLOl'13ey OI recoru aT. ..... ,Shelton Taungton the address Ielow stated and file the v ... rxu, same with the Clerk of the said court, oey tlluln-. together with proof of such" service neiton, wasnln ton within " " P slx nionttnt after the date of Attorn y for sai Combined Estates fir ' • ' - -- st publication of tlus no(ice or the 10/1-8-15-22 4t same will be barred. NO. 3146 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRF.ENT AND FILE CI.iMN IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the E.tate of RENA MALAVEY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN taint the undersigned. Ellen M. Stuck has been appointed and has qualified as Administratrix With Wtll Annexed of the estate of Rena Malavey. deceased: and that all persons having claims against the said estate or the said de- ceased are hereby required to serve the ,same duly verified in duplicate with the necessary vouchers attached, upon the undersigned Administratrix With Will Amlexed or her attorney d record at the law office of B, Frank- lln Houston. Angle Butldlng, Shelton, Washington. and file such clailus to- gether with roof of service wlth the Clerk of the abow; entitled Court wlth- in six (6) months after the date of the first pnblication of this notice, to-wit: 15 October 1959. or all claim not so presented and filed will be forcver barred. ELLEN M. STUCK. Adniinistratrlx With Wi/l £%exed "of Estate of Rena alavcy, Deceased Address: Shelton. Washington B, FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for Said Estate Angle Bldg, Shelton. Washingtln 10/15-22-23-11/5 4t NO. 3054 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DlT RIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of OTTO W. NELSON. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mary C. Nelson. Adninistrafrlx. of the estate of OTTO W. NELSON de- eea;d, has filed with the Clerk f the above entlthd Court her final report and p*titlon for distribution asking the Court to settle and approve said fihaal report and petltfon for distribu- tion, and to distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled, and to discharge the said Administratrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for dis- trlbution will be heardon Friday the 18th day of November. 1969, at the hour of 10:00 A.M.. or assoon there- after as the same may be heard, at the G)urtrom lu the Courthouse In Shelton. Muon County, Washington. Dated ths Sth day of October, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of County,. Maon. County, Wash. BYRON E. McCLAHAN Attorney for Estate P. O. Box 333 Shelt0n, Washington (SEAL) 10/154-29 3t INV|TATION TO BID Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Commissioners ' of Public Utility District No. 1 of lason Coun- ty, Washhlgton until F D0 p.M,, :Mo" day, Novembq 1.1959, It their o- rice iu Potlatch, washington: o ur- ntsh structure and equipment far two package type eublltiens. Structures. to bo e|ther aluminum or St0el aria equlpme0t to include power .t.rmlsfor- mers, voltage rgulators, 4witcngear, and other idet merl..All bin  to be opened at tne above time a u plae., Plans and specifications .maY be se- cured at the office of the District's consullsnt ,enlineers, Howard enier d Anooiatce, 115 West 18th Street, Vancouver, Washington. Dated this lSth day of Oaober, 1959. Publi Utility District No. 1 of Mason countM HAROLD ItUNTER. lecretarY 10/15-2249-11/5-12 5t No. $tm , NOTICe OF PRIVATE SALt: OF R,AL ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of FRED MILLER. decease& t NOTICE IB ]8[REBY IVEM tha the said Adndnistrtrlx, will on or after the 8z'(1 dNr of November, 1.959 d offer for sale the following aecrlD real property situated in :M%son Coun- ty, Washington: That part of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarr of the Southwest quarter of Sectto 2, Township 21 North, Ranle 4 West, W,I,, tying Sotherly and Wtcr- ly of county road No, 2521 EXC]PT- ING there'fi'mu tra.'t cunveyed to Thomas Petersot and wife by deed dated April 8, 1922 aud ,eeorRed iu Volume 41 of Deeds, page 357 and excepting also tract, conveyed to State Of Washing.ton by dse.ddated July 18, 1924 ann rorc[ed In vof ume 42 of Deeds, page 488. All bids must be in writing attd de- livered to the Admtnistrafrtx. her at- torney, Robert L. Snyder, or the Clerk of said Court. before 12 o'clock noon, November 2. 19119. Said property will be offered for sale for cash. or cash and/or credit, and the sale shall he subject to the, confirmation and approval of said Court. The Administratrix reserves ths riglRto reject lUld and all bids. . )TED this 9th day of Octooer, 199. rt0Smav r,, ZR -' ' Attorney fr AiLminietratrlx R/)BERT L. 'YDER Govey Bulldin Shelton, Waslnngton 10/15-22-29 3t (SEAL) Date of first publication: October $, 1959. /S/ LAWRENCE A, CARLSON GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building Shelton, Washington 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. 30 NOTICE OF liEARING FINAL RFTORI' AND I'ETITION FOR I)INTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OP THE STATE OF' WASHINGTON F(.)R MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of LEONARD L. HAWK. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BERTHA VISSER. am administralrix of the Estate (,f Leonard I,. Hawk has filed in (he office of the Clerk of said Court her Final Report and Petition for Distribution asking the Court to setth, said Report. distribute the prop- erty to ?he perscns thereto entitled and t(} discharge said administratrtx: arid lhat said Report and Petition will be heard on the 13th day or Novem- ber. 1959, at 10:00 A,M, at the Court Room of th{ Pr¢lha(e Di.partlnen! (if said Court. at which time and place any person interested in said Fstate may appear and file objections the, ro- t. and contest the same, DATED this 2nd day of Oft., 1959, HARRY DEYETTE Clerk )f said Cotlrt GLENN E. CORREA Altorney f,)r Estate Boll Buildin  121 South Eourth Sreet Shr, ltt)n, Washington (SEAL) 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. 3144 NOTICE TO CREDITOR TO PRESENT AND F[LE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianshi]a of the Person and Estate of VIVIA A. JACOBSEN. A Mentally Incompet- ent Person. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters of (.uardianship in the above entitled matter were granted to the undersigned on the 2nd day of Octo- ber. 1959 by said Superior Court, NOTICE IS FURTIER GIVEN that all persons having claims against the said person or her estate are required to sevve them with necessary vouch- era attached upon the Guardian for said estate or upon his attorney of record for sold dardian, B. Frank- lin Houston, Angle Butldiug, Shelton. Washington being the place deslkned for the, tineactlon of the business o said gtmrdianship, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court together with proof f aervtce within 6 months after the first 'publlcatio of this no- tice. to-wit: 8 October 1959. or said claims will be forever barred. H. C. ROTTER Guardian of the Estate of Vlvia A. Jacobsen F00N00LIN wash A g g,, ' 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. I0 NOTIC TO CRED|OR IN TH] SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STAE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY, In the Matter of the Isiate of WAL- TER FANKLIN McCORD, Desexed. LORNA V. McCORD is the appoint- ed and qualified Administratrix of said .state. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly veri- fied, on said Administratrix or her at- torney, Robert L, Snyder at the ad- dress below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. togeth- er with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first pub- lication of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: October 22, 1959. LORNA V. MCORD South Fifth Shelton, Washington Adminlstratrix ROBERT I, BNYDER Attorney at Law Govcy Building Shelton, Washington 10/22-29-11/5-I 4t • NO. 8100 NOTICE OF HEAmIN( FIIA REPeal AND PET|'rIN FO D1STRIBUION IN TH]B SUPgRIOR COURT OF THE STATI OF WASHINGTON FOR MAS01 COINTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of RICHARD ADAMS, JR.. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that RICHARD C. ADAMS. SR.. as admin- istrator of the Estate of Richard Adams. Jr.., has,filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court his Final Re- port and Petition for Distribution, asking the Court to settle said Report, distribute the property to the persons ! thereto entitled and to discharge said [ administrator;, and titat said Regrt| and Petition will be heard on the 30th I dayd November. 1959, at 10.:00 A.M. | at the Court Room of the Probate De- ! pertinent of said Court, at which time an@ place any person interested in said Estate may appear and file ob- jections thereto and contest the same. 1969. DATED thi 18 day of October. B[AtRY DIYETTE Clerk _f _said Conrt UiNN E. comr g, ttor, for AdsJnistrator 11 klig Shelton, Washington 10/22-29-11/5-12 4t Said David's Church (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Rev. Robert Bonnet Echols, Vicar SUNDAY, OCT. 18 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion 9:45 aim. Church School 11:00 a,m. Morning Prayer and ermon Firs! Ohristian Church I F I IRST BAPTIST CHURCH t[ 7:00 p.m. Evening Service -- Color Film [ [ "Joseph, The Young Man" [ [ Message "Troubles To Triumph", , I FISlIERBEN'S CLUB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3rd and Cota SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 9:30 a.m. Guest SpeakerBill Dickie "Newspapers at Your Service" 10:00 a.m.Bible Study "No Problem Is Impossible" t FAITN LUTHERAN OHUROH 7th and Franklirl Street Worship Serdces ...................... : .............................. 8:15 and 11 a.m, Sunday School and Bible Class ........................................ 9:30 a.m. Mid-week Bible Study .................................... Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. .... --- CARL J. CARIEN, Pastor ...... ! I i i TII METIIODIST OIIltOII North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R, RINGS. Minister Morning Worship 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Chumh 8Oh0ol 9':41S a.m. ALUANOE CHUltOH Washington & J 8ts. Euoens Breid, Pastor' Sunday School .................................................................... 9:45 a,l' Morning Worghip ................................................................ 11:00 a.ra A. Y. F ................................................................................. 6:30 p.m, Evening Service .................. 7:30 p.m Mid-week service Wednesday .......................................... 7:30 p.m, EVERYONE WELCOME Your Ohoi. DIAL 920 ON YOUR RADIO EVERY SUNDAY 11:05 - 11:30 A.M. FIRST PROGRAM SCHEDULED NOVEMBER 1ST 20 On ths DIE Sponsored by Sheiton Baptist Church 130 E. Pine,St. Mason Younglund, Pastor * *  $ * i Sunday School (Sunday School is for everyone) ........ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors ......................................................... 6:00 p,nt, Revival Service .................................................................... 7:00 p.m. Listen to REVlVALTIME Sunday, 10:30 p.m. KIRO SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD YOU ARE WELCOME AT THE FRIENDLY Books ........ long-playing records ex- clusively for the use of America's SECOND STREET estimated 350,000 blind people, ac- Bible School 9"45 a m cording to the American Founds- Church Services "11"{ a m, tion for the Blind. The Talking and 7"00 p m to 8"()0 p Book is 25 years old this year. , " .... ' ' ] ...... ..... i  ....... ii " , ] NN"I ' < :: -- : = = ............................. r:; ........ ; 0 LD EVANGELISM RALLY r For All Children 4 thru 15 Years [ FmDAY NtlHT, 06T. 9 ! B/PTIST cHURcH AUDITORIUM, 7.00 p.m. I PRIZE FOR CHILD BRINGING MOST GUESTS | (Which can include parents or other adults) | REV. ARTHUR NICKEL presenting tricks of I Magic, Flannelgraph Story, Other Entertainment I NO ADMISSION CHARGE 11 Ii i i iii iiiii i i i ii i i i i "New Testament Christianity  Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Hall