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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 22, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 22, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-10 - Shelton-Mason Journal Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020 Shelton police chief search narrowsto 3 General Election 2020 CANDIDATES ENDORSED in the 35th Legislative District Candidatos Endorsados por el Distrito Legislativo la Eleccién General (Mason County and parts of Kitsap and Thurston Counties) (Condados de Mason, partes de Kitsap partes de Thurston) By the 35th LD Democratic Party For el Partido Demdcrata del Distrito Legislativo 35 State House of Representatives Ca’mara de Representantes del Estado COLTON MYERS (position 1) and DARCY HUFFMAN (position 2) ~ Federal Candidates ~ ~ Candidatos Federa/es For President and Vice President JOE BIDEN and KAMALA HARRIS For US Congress CD 6 —— DEREK KILMER Candidato Federal Cémara de Representantes CD — DEREK KILMER For US Congress CD 10 — Beth Doglio and Marilyn Strickland, both Approved Candidato Federal - Ca’mara de los Representantes CD 10 ~ Beth Doglio and Marilyn Strickland — Ias dos candidatas fueron aprovadas (No US Senators are up for election this year) (No hay Senadores en la eleccio’n de 2020) ~ ~ ~ ~ WASHINGTON STATE CANDIDATES Governor/Gobemador - JAY INSLEE Lt. Governor/ Vicegobernador — DENNY HECK Secretary of State/ Secretaria de Estado — GAEL TARLETON State Auditor/ Auditor Estatal — PAT MC CARTHY Attorney General/ Procurador general — BOB FERGUSON Treasurer/ Tesorero MIKE PELLICCIOTTI Commissioner of Public Lands/ ,Comisionada de Tierras Publicas —- HILARY FRANZ Superintendent of Public Instruction/ Superintendentede lnstruccion Publica CHRIS REYKDAL Insurance Commissioner/ Comisionado de Seguros — MIKE KREIDLER Supreme Court Justice/ Corte Suprema de Justicia Position 3 ~ ’ RAQUEL MONTOYA-LEWIS Supreme Court Justice/ Corte Suprema de Justicia Position 6 - I HELEN WHITENER ~ ~ KITSAPCOUNTY CANDIDATES ~ ~ County Commissioner/ Comisionado del Condado District 1 — . ROBERT GELDER ‘ ' County Commissioner/Comisionada del Condado District 2 CHARLOTTE GARRIDO Superior Court Justice/ Juez de la Corte Superior Position 1 LYNN FLEISCHBEIN ~ ~ ~ THURSTON COUNTY CANDIDATES ~ ~ ~ County Commissioner/ Comisionada del Condado District 1' - CAROLINA MEJIA ~ ~ ~ 23rd LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT ~ ~ State Senator/ Senadora Estatal — CHRISTINE ROLFES State Representative/ Representante Estatal Position 1 TARRA SIMMONS State Representative/ Representante Estatal Position 2 — DREW HANSEN ~ ~ 26th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT ~ ~ ~ ~ State Representative/ RepresentantelEstatal Position 1 — CARRIE HESCH State Representative/ Representante del Estatal Position 2 — JOY STANFORD For more information about voting or location of ballot drop boxes, contact your county elections office. Ballots are due by 8 pm. Nov. 3. Submitting your ballot early is recommended. Kitsap County: 360—337—7128 or Mason County: 360-421-9670 or Thurston County: (360) 786-5408 or ] Paid for by the 35th LD Democrats 90. Box 3212 Belfair, Wa. 98528 R,AAAI syndicates. Three finalists remain under con- sideration to become the City of Shel- ton’s next chief of police. ' Following interviews Oct. 12 and 13, the city announced its three finalists to replace outgoing police chief Darrin Moody, who will retire in January. The three finalists are Ronald Schaub, a lieutenant with Pierce Coun- ty Sheriff’s Office, Ton Phan, former deputy police chief for the Davis (Cali- fornia) Police Department and Carole Beason, a lieutenant with the San Di- ego Police Department. The three were chosen from an initial pool of 16 applicants, of which eight were selected fOr last week’s in- terviews, The three candidates participated in a virtual open house Wednesday night and will be interviewed by City Manager J eff Niten Friday. Niten previously said he expects to announce the hire in early November. Schaub is a programs lieutenant with PCSO. He has worked as the pub- lic safety chief for Pierce Transit, di- rector of public safety for Steilacoom, COUNTY BRIEFS County approves COVID response MsseWty CommISSIOn- ers on esday approvéa'iatré“ffifid§f"“‘flfé¥i‘i€fi" more personnel and more time to re- spend to COVID-19. ' Among the commissioners’ ac- tions was the approval of not only a contract amendment to increase funds by $1,741,242 to support Public Health’s COVID response and hiring a newly created community services pandemic response community health specialist position. It will be a union position tied directly to COVID fund- ing or Foundational Public Health funding through June of 2021. The increase of funds provides ' $351,672 in federal funding for CO— VID-19 contact tracing, $29,605 in reimbursable federal funding for Public Health Emergency Response Training, up to $1,389,600 in re— imbursement for COVID—related costs of emergency preparedness and response, $50,000 in reimburse- ment for the costs of Carrying on the Overdose Data to Action program, and $116,000 to be used in any or all of the Fundamental Public Health Services. The amendment also provides $205,782 for a new hepatitis C pro- gram and $195,605 to fund current ongoing programs. . The pandemic response communi- ty health specialist would fall under Mason County’s Community Health and Human Services division, but ' may be housed at Emergency Man- agement forefficiency. Funds for the position are avail- able through the state Department of Health’s Local Health Jurisdiction COVID-19 response funding through Dec. 30, and from the Fundamental Public Health Services through June 2021, with a prospective salary range of $3,793.53 to $6,172.70 f, ghgiim-masmmtm‘ln and had supervisory positions with the crime analysis and marine service units of PCSO. Schaub earned a master’s degree in public administration .from the Univer- sity of Washington. Phan worked for the Davis police from 2001 to 2018. In addition to be— ing a deputy police chief, Phan was also a lieutenant and patrol sergeant. Phan also worked for the Fairfield and Vallejo police departments. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Long Beach State and graduated from a Leadership in Police Organiza- tions program and POST (Police Of— ficer Standards Training) Command College. Beason has been a police lieutenant with the San Diego police department since 2015. She has also been an acting detective, field training officer and ser- geant with the San Diego .police; Beason has a master’s degree in law enforcement and public safety leader- ship from the University of San Diego. She also graduated from law enforce- ment leadership programs at the San Diego Regional Leadership Institute andthe POST Supervisory Leadership Institute. New process : for contracts Mason Count Commissions s aue' I ’5" a a: u in) -—- ‘7 Services to sign amendments to the Department of Community Serines’_ consolidated contract with the state Department of Health. The contract will extend through the duration of M the COVID-19 response to reduce turnaround times for smallcontract amendments. ' David Windom, Community Ser- vices director, said that granting him such authority would improve the county’s response times to budget ad- justments. . According to the resolution, amendments to the contract often arrive on short notice, with short turnaround times, and their funding is frequently smaller than the cost of staff time to move the contracts through the'briefing and commission process. Committee ‘ vacancies Mason County seeks applicants for vacancies on the MasOn County: mm ning Advisory and Historical Preser- vation commissions. Applications for the vacancies are being accepted until the positions are filled, and should be submitted to Ma- son County commissioners at 411 N. 5th St., Shelton, WA 98584. Application forms are at the com- missioners’ office. Call'360-427-9670, ext. 419, or go to If you have questions about these positions, call Michael MacSems at 360-427-9670, ext. 571, or email him at ' I Compiled by reporter Kirk Boxleitner mac d