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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 23, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 23, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Percy M Pio j 6017 S.E. 86th Ave Portland, Ore , he jurols will 'epoltat • " •", " • •• . . aud JVh's. Win• L. Bryant, for entz and I(cily Bl'lllin over a tl'&i;- |]|e'l'P|$ I' ~Savage against nine local persons being hit by a cal' while riding a SET FOIl DI,;XL 14 ~vnd 15 is a n~F|~|ll~ ~ ~kalld a Seattle couple is set to start bicycle. Tbe trial is set Dec. 8 and case transferred here from Pierce ~,.,.... T ........ s Tuesday 1,~¢~.,~TJan. 19 before a Mason County 9. " County, a suit lay Merwin E. Hen- voted t~ end()'~'ce the ploposed'l~Ia-%|'Snpe'l°r Couat july. Set for Nov. 20 is the case of slin against Melvin Morgan for son County Hospital District on,. The trial fs expected to take which voters will cast ballots in~ a week or more, attorneys esti- the Nov. 3 general election. The group also heard explana- tions of three of the state refer- endUln measures which will be on the ballots• " , Marvin Christensen, county juv-' enile probation officer, discussed Referendum 13, which is a bond issue for the construction of a new juvenile home to replace the Luther Burbank and Martha. Washington homes in Seattle. The mate. ', The starting date for the trial was set ill court Friday monaing before Judge John J. of Pacific County who took over the bench fro' that day. Defendants ill the libel suit ~,re Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elmlund, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ritner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bergeson, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sisson and John W. Bennett, all of Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Timbers new facility would be constructed Seattle. at Preston on state-owned land. Mrs. Lucy Bennett. and Mr. and Pat Byrne di~ussed Referendum Mrs.: Odell i~ichey, who were nata- l2, which is a bond issue to pro- ed aiJ' defendants when the action vide state assistance to school districts to construct new build- ings. Refe~'endum 34, the gambling to- leranqe measure, was discussed by Ron Ahlf. was filed, have been dismissed. ast case on the jury calendar. TIlE OTHER. civil cases inclnde: Gregory Allen VCynn, by his guardian, Barbara J. Wynn, who seeks $100,000 in damages from the Port of Allyn, the Coast Oy- ster Company and Keypotnt Oy- ster Company for a :all suffered: at a dock June 22, 1962, set for Nov. 16 and 17. Hnbert LeRoy and Kenneth and Martin LeRoy, minors, who seek about $40,000 in damages from Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gruver and the Kimbel Logging Company as the result of a traffic accident July 7 1963, which is set for trial Nov. 18-19. Corey Cookston lay his guard- Boy N. Collier against Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nold as the result of a traffic accident May 5, 1963. Set for Dec. 16-17 is the case of Barbara McElroy against James Doran, doing business as Dman's Shell Service, for more than $20,000 as tile result of an accident in which Doran's wrecker tipped over while towing her car. She was a passenger in the wreck- cr at the time. Set for Dec. 10-11 is a suit by Mr. and Mrs. James Kelley and their eight children against Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dowie as the re- sult of an auto accident July 4, 1963. Set for Dec. 2 and 3 is the suit !Jan, Jeanne Cookston, against Mr. of William J• Murphy against Lot- damages resulting from a car- truck accident April 11, 1963 in Pierce County. Set for Dee. 21-22 is the case of Mark Lee Morris by his guard- ian, Clyde Morris, against William K. Broughton. Morris seeks dam- ages for injury to the boy, who was stlumk by the defendant's car on the North Shore road July 28. 1963• Set for Dec. 28, 29 and 30 is the case of Joseph Fruiclmntie against Janet Pricilla Smith for damages from the accidental shooting of Fruichantie's wife. A criminal charge of nlanslaughter against Miss ~Smith was passed over this jmy term. (Continued on Page 2) III i , i i \VE& legislative program. who have been(in- vited to al)pear are Stale Sell. Gordon S~ ndison and IATEFUL FOR HIGHVCAY IMPROVEMENTS. A l)ls ]~(pubhcan oppone.nt, Robcrt i eWay within a short distance of Shelton has been H rose l Pm fl Ol)cncd to traffic by the Departnlent of High- ~/4, 't Townsend. i Candidutes for the district's three l:hmse ef t~et)rcscntative seats are incunlbents Charles Sa- RATEFUL FOR IMPROVED FISItlNG C()NDI- v't,'e " )55 before you became governm' there were 2,543.,- ~ ~ ' Shelton, and Paul Connez, all0n planted ill Mason County. By colnparison !11 Port Ankeles and ~,V. S. Traylor, Port Anpeles all Democr;ds, and !ore 7,979,588 planted in Mason County. In 196.i l=~cpublicans ~V. Ivor Smith and Dr. ~.' Adams Sahnon Hatchery was built at a cost Donald C(n'lctt, Port Angelqs, and ctl(:l Also a,l(:eo to ' for by the City of Tacoma. They ' .~'g"~ Randall O. Thon)pson, P()rt Town- a'ly alma for operation, send, i s.a on County ll. .inod f,,n, .cw stato par,,s. _e,. . te n count Persall. , "es'-ns parks tha ' y ~' Y• IRIN~ FIGHT PeR ATEFUL FOR YOUR UNT u __ _:. I~S~' !ZENS TREATMENT OF MI~NTAL II~LI~ , ]~lason Collnly Depul~' ,~,llel" ¢: lff R I) a x ad p -)NLIN~;m~,Tc'v ~;n~l'l'H CORPS •TRAINING • ~ " - ersall subn{itied hi, No 'Fu o'h%'hT' dk' NST RmHT TO WORK ,e,"anaU,,,l effective Nov. 1 to Sheriff" Sam Clark this wcek. In his letter of, Per- Albert D. Rpscllini, you truly deserve tlle right sall said hc )~as returning to tirays Harbor Couniy to work as a dopnty she{'iff wi{h the Grays Of America's Great Govelhmrs" Persall joined the Mas(n C)tilly Harbor Sheriff's office, ~ ~ t Co• Demo Central Comm., Roy Ritner Chr. Sheziff's office as a deputy in May, 1963. We are grateful for the $14,000,000 Washington Corrections Center• For political rcasons you could have in- sisted the institution be given to a larger comnlmfity, but you thought of the state first and let the capable Dr. Garret Heyns aml his compe- tent staff umke tlle site seh'cLion. Oct. 29 in the Grand C. Angle building nuflti-pm.pose room. Tickets to the dinner will go on sale at I, hc l~2vcrg'rcen School l ofiIe( Oil 21 liar ''~' '. '; ~ t will be avail- l able to the, public. ] : I(H1 \vllh tile ( um]dat(,s for tile] i legislature from the 24th i3isl.rict. , A question and answer pmiod ~111~t be providcd. llEC ltANNAN, executive see- 'retary of lhe Washington Edu- calion Association, will be at Ihe dinner and .will ouiline tile 6overnor Alherl D, TO YOU ,,. cha ,•I: an'R" F. w. o the"R'Sbelto l "" L. omotion ,. o, several key of the Shell on f General Hospital. pe , , were announced today Board s CitizenS' Advisory Corn- The Hergcrts have four sons and by Dr. Edwin L Lovell, Manager mlttee. Hc is also a past; p'resident of..R}tYonier's Oiympic I~esearehJof l.he Conlnnmii.y Concert As:~oc- live at 529 Birch. t)wzslon here '~tion 1 lie M~{sol P I Dr, I-Icrrick joincd Rayonier in ...... .- I l~ an t .... 1 County e(- - mtzecl,lve umncdiatcly, Dr. R. J. oral Credit Union. 1950 after receiving a do(~torate in conca uecomes r0searct'l supervisor t 2he Concas reside in Shelton organic chemistry from Michigan State University. He is also a in cll}~:rge of the pull)ing section. I with their two children at 505 AsSlstl!?g Collca will be Dr. H. L. South 161.11. graduate of l,~illanlctI c University. lterge~, Who becomes pulping scc- [ DR. It[ERGERT reccived his dec- Born in Seattle, tierrick spoilt lion leader. Dr..F. xV. Hen'ick is]torate in forest prr~ucts chore- much ofhisyouth in South Ameri- plonlol((l to i.• ! section leader and listry fronl Oregon State Univer- ca whore his parents wcrc educa. "¢, nl assist Ill r. r ' ": •" '. K. R. Gray, research[sity' ill 19,)2, lie is also a grade- tional missiomu'ies• sup e.rvlsor o£ the silvichcnltcalslate of Recd Collegc~ and attended Herrick ts activc in tlle Corn- section• • Othe~ I the Institute of Paper Chenlistry. nmnity Concert Association and -'ons of changes arc the .p~ona0-I_P.!uor to .loining R~jyonier in 1954, is a "member of the Methodist Chur(:h choir, Iqc also has a strong interest in horticulture and is cur- rently presidcnt of tile Shclton Chapter of the Anle)'iean Rbodo- dcndroll SocieLy, ~t director of the American llllododendron Society, and tt nlelnbcr ¢)f the Anlerican Hol'i:icul tural Society. The Hi, ricks havc two child"on "Y" '¢tli~ I , ' , ' "' • and reside at 1125 Olympic Ave., community, • Coa¢ curt a y a Is a plat cltairman of tltc boa l Shclton. ~IIIII II should be used, particul.arly as long as the dry east winds of the past few days cmltinue. The fire danger is especially high above the elevation of 1,500 feet. LIQUOR SALES Sales at tile State Liquor Con- Irol Board Store in Shelton dnring September were $29,895•50 the liquor board reported this week. The sales were $25,940.06 in re- taft sales and $3,955.44 in class tt sales. over in OIynlpia. COACH BILL BEICKERT feels Ms squad, rather snlall and lack- mg experience as junior high tcanls go, is about to jell and tonight will break out with its top performance so far. The teanl has shown consistent inlprovement in each ganle. Brickert said "we can win this one witll an even shake in the breaks• Thesc kids aren't afraid of anybody and they're physically i Mason County's annual fund- ~ 'aising drive for Boy Sc(nlts takes place next, Tnesday during a dawn ice dusk solicitation which will be ~ @ activated at an early breakfast.~ ~ W] Approximately 100 drive' work- =~' ,=Ill ors will set early alarnls so they won't be late for a 6:45 a.m. breakfast in the Timbers Restau- Both opponents and proponents of the proposed county- rant, where they kvill receive their wi " " " ' ' " • .• . - - .. de hospital dmtncL on which voters will cast their bal- campaign materials ana lull':' in- structions from an organization of lots NOV. 3 stepped up their activities in informing the captains and block leaders h,~ad- ,,,,-~*,a~,c n'm ~'h~ io¢~a~ ~-~t;¢a ~7¢ata]r ed by Bud Puhn, Mason DiSt~i'ict ................. ~ ............ • . .... campaign chairman. .~ Representatives of the citizen's committees, formed last o ooys ~rom the ~x- annual funo raising auction this weeKend. The Other Tumwater Collncil Boy ...~,~1. ,,., I~,.~l~ ~:~.,~. ¢ +~,,. ; ........ ;n .~^^..~^.. ~^.~.~_...:_t.. program unload an automatic boys have been busy the past several days hauling Scout ie,aders who will assist in **.~ v~A ~v~. aA~a u~ ~x~t; ~u~, wx. xut:~ ut:~ zvAuuu~3, xxA~u~ Will go up for auction at the group's and arranging the items which will go up for bid. getting" the drive kicked-off in to discussthe possibility of issuing a fact sheet which both • ~l l~(),.eS te ,,s :l,~ bid f;l• ~ 1,e al, tos' gl,llnS, tel evisio,1 .... prO~O~~ ~f~;nae)U~oAVe~Yf?n?nme sides can endorse for tuesentatlon to the voters• SPECIALISTS---Their penchant Coaeh BHI Brickert wi,I call on wine selection of ar- sets ,)aPt)liances, household goocls, ~ ,~**~ IE~***] chairman; Warren Moe, Mo~son Tile meeting was arranged by telephone Monday night] for defense has earned Steve themtonight when 'Centralta ~ Ma.aon County Fair] fixtu,'cs, furnitu,'e, assortcd ma-I I~|l~yl~l[J~t~#J ~,]lpl~l~l~'~]distllct finance chairman; .~ick durin meetings of both .rou-s ono .... I Boad John Tylzcak has the pigskin n the annual ~aen. second annual[ chinery, sporting cquipntc,ll., pt- [.. ) 'Whitney Council Scout exec*ii~Vc" _ ,, ~ ~, ~ t" , .........................[ and Elton Allen (44) special as- Kiwanis Club benefit game on auction , anos and anti laS " l/~ |J# $ ~ # " ' • • ~" ~ ' /~elialr s gnments with the Shelton Blaz Loop Fmeld • " i • q.... , ~'aq~A =m,aA~~ ,~,m, Charles Devine, Council ~.resi,--nt; • - . I - . ~'~tart at 730 p,m [ The items have all been do-I ##~ ~U##~U~V[Btld Lyon general soli¢ital'ion The oint me qn.... m ~ ~,~i~ .+ n',,~n ~..~. ~tr.....~..I ers when the enemy has the ball. ¢ill . I ....... I / I o . " ' .... * , } J ~ ~ ~¢¥ AAA f~t*.~ AAt.~At~O1~ | • IJ•IJ[IL,AyJLIJ$.A~L6~r * * *!* It* commcnce again naLco Dy persons inLercsLc¢l in cnan'nlan; ano l:loo ~ny(le,I:t: pros- .. ~_,_ ~.v.~. ,~ . ..- • ,-.-- ,~ -- -- , •. ,. • I " " i~rday and again at lhelping {tie program. I Sen. Warren G. Magnuson, scn-[pcdts and rating committee'chair- in Lfle FUIJ ,3 Dunmng nl ~ne~ton. ~ aetegauon oI sixI .--. -'t - y. [ TIlE BOYS participating hi the ior Senator from Wasltington / man. . . [ members of the steering committee from the North Mason [ ,. Olynlpia, will be I progranl, under the direction of Al ] State, speaking at. a noon luncheon ] Rev. Itorace ivmunts, Methodist ¢'ro,-, u'i11 ~-÷,~,~A " I~llln~nll |1 n--1~ Vii IBl~mn ~ln this year. [ IVagner have been collecting the ! said \Vedncsday that "The major] minister, will give thc invocatio]L ~ "~v ............ , I s having tll-e auction ..... [ items for sale the ,o.l).t,'t few days.. I issue. ..... of this presidential canll)aign and a Boy Scent from one of t • The Hospital district received endorsement from both __= le prooTam for an-land arranging them ill a display I lS ~,Vtl(~ther or llot the United States ]Mason County troops, will giil÷l~,~ T .... ; ....A ~^~.,^.~ ~t.~.~t. .................. / ~~ m~ I ~l~l~k~ ltii o.(,,~, ..... m~nt sun I at the fail" e'rounds ]wil remain in the forefront el I a welcome to the fund seeker~.]~ ] ~a,~. a~u~ ~,~ ~s~xu~ ~xxa.muev~ u~ ~omIIlerce LI!IS weeK. I "~am~l~ m411P Ill vmmmm~nmnmm hieh"th'ev"are trvin'~[ Amon~ the thin;s which w Ill world leadership or witladraw to a,I ----- '- Jl{I 6;' At its Friday morning meeting, the Chamber Board of l ...... _-- I .... ~, ' '. ° . fear-ome osturc 6f'war-like iso- ,~,, ' . . [ Sheltolm football falls are whoop-the toughest ,~luad I've ever hau- ~:,~hrough. ]gn on the auction block m the I, ', ~:. ~ P [ t, ~ I Dixectors v Qted to endorse the formatma of the district ing it up this week b.eC iil~e for _._" K ....... - ' ' ~ wlllch' h s bcel~, ~ ,:,..,it,,. , ,, , , .... . ,- ' , - - ' . 8, I tte pland a staltinL lines'- con eros ii)hlch will be. 11~20 Doage plcat p, a ..... T e' -~ " • • ..... • the first time since i~ ina ural • • ' ~ v ' - 'OUnds for b~ddcrs to idonated by Wagner I Sueaking to a groupof 100/ tar. #ear i h Jaycees, at their meeting Tuesday mght, voted to ........... , uEL mstulg of: • ' ' " r * , • . ~ul.e Auur or zn e yem~ ago, tnere I ' ' I 'm'e ~'ro'")'been ~-ivelr a 1964 I pcople at rimbers Restaurant Sell_~[ __ I endorse the dmtmct lia no conflict betw e • " I ENDS--Buff Judah 7 and Jan J Falcon,--'" ~" ~ '" " ~" miles ] Ma~:,n}}son~ ch.a.rged the ' P~II;~* ] • e n the annual , ,. ' with only 6,000 on R?public~n/ * ~ .... * * • I Kiwanis Club benefit game, in- Donaldson 8. u oPi)osnlon wIEn an unwllun n(ss ~- , , T " r L / [ it on which 'ticlcets will bc Sell] I,. ~ ' .• ~ :' -.". g~. "'"1 ~~/~ ] About 2O persons attcnded the~ Opponents of tile formation of Iw)lxing Shelton Junior High, and] ACKLES-...Mark V~cston 19, I ) rice LO lace Lne ItCL LniL a ntooel n 1 ' and D V .ha rn a [The winner will bc anl(u '.o I ....... 1,~ ' ¢£,,.~ ..... ~^~._ j,~,,,~ .... ",, [ Bob Keenan of Union got a 4001meeting of the Citizdn's Connnit-Ithc propoaed county-wide hospital lTM Highclimbers game of the [ a e Pierson 9. -- =~ =~1 ~ Dec. 19 to give the group more [ ~,,-,,~ •~.,•,.: -~,.., ...... .~.". "."'~" ....... ] pound' black bear last Thursday I tee for the Hospital ~3istrict ill ] district, who have fornled the Ma- I same week. ] CUARD~ Cary Miltcnbcrger 5 time for ticket selling• [ ~ontum] wnlriwmo cam-~night_.with his car. I the PUD 3 Conference Room in lson County Citizen's Group, are[ That comes abnnt because the land Etton Allen 44. d a palgnmg tel ule Dcmoclatm team Shelton Monday night conszdenn a new , Kiwanis ,~ L ,,rn a'. The car was dmlated by E n [ a .. sn" m-" )e ~ ' -.. I Keenan and his wife were Oil] ' • ' ~' "' g ' t~ist tothe " ' benefit game this year] CENTER---Tom Maik)y 10 OI JOnU O u r~um rare tlla~ ' " |r~ |]~TI" | Johnson of Shelton. I. . . .' . } _ . 1 Y . [the way into Shclton on the Pur-I Discussion cen~erea around the[ 'in protest demonstrations. I has been shifted to Thursday---! QUARTER--John Koch 1" SV n is LaKen llln] iroDl one SlOe ol d C1 o o In uestlons w that's tom UUUI~|L I Lunch at the auction will be ~' ,_: "~n to "-, "- ' 2~ '1 Y zt ff Road ab ut a mile fro / q ' • hich keep coming up I IVe have heard of sit-ins, stand- ] t., . 'ght--.thus enabling grid! HALFBACKS---Steve. Rellecker ann~ ......... .~ ~,.._.~ ..... ] scrvcd by the Mason County 4-H v,~sn~nlgl:,~ ilom:"e,l~nc~,xvl~finu~.lthe ~ish Hatchery when the car, about the proposed district, fins, walk-ins--now the group front I to]low the Hlghclimbers to 2 and Allan Swopc 12. • ~' ........ [ Co • -- v v ~ ,,~ I anu the oear met ill the zxmd Thc It was pointed out th,tt the [ the Nolth . A-~ortn Kitsa tomorrow FUL - ~ ' ef , .~ Leaders uncfl. ," t . ,, . • ..... Mason aaea p~o oses P • LBACK--Davc l~zanlc 3 Btemm Lon ~ ele ., . Mason Coun y to tlulv scarcll ...... . P , • • . ' _Wn--~ ~ • '.- I The Exceptional Foresters pro- ,~.~. ~ .... ,o u,t; ....... ' I cat was not damaged• vote in the Nov. 3 election is just] a "scrub-re" at the Mason County qhe Blazcls tomght play llost to Other menlbers of the s uad me" • C~SOll ~ounty Super-| ~ram whicil got underway last ~','_~;,~" ~,~a,'~sj~ ~ tnc omy.answer Keenan stopped the car and on the formation of a district court house to blin~ [heir views thc Centralia YellowJackets on ENDS Dave Pnl~n "~8 a~:e~ mrges Ol taking a ~ '. . " • tllht.mZ ~u,,,eup IS Lnat we • • , • • • ' ' * ~ " " • • . - .... ~" ' "~ "~ s t olde~m(ntall they could heal the heat thlesh No bond msue ~s revolved to the Loo F~eld K~ckuff tulle ~s 8 00 ' Wi .... I year, 1. o tram .... ' 'Y should continue ..... I " ". - , • [ - attention of the voters P -' • " • ' : Carlson 17, Mike LaMarsh 27. ' ulout pernusslon ". aneao, ncmaer ill afoul i ' ' ' " • ed some t e of g Id n the blush off the o clock , ] retard boys todo " " YP 'left nor ri~'ht" ' [ ...... ;- ALSO EMPHASIZED was the This was one of three nlans '' Gat.'y Nault 28. - at w ' he can be self o " ~,._ o ,r°a°' Tney contmueo on their wa ' " t ' "- ' • " ' ' ~ ' e wink hmh t y MAGNUSON Y question whethel ol not the p~oplesented to the County Co 1ROC~EDS OI thin annual TACKLES Jn ( h Wa "- ,CHAIRMAN ot ..... " "" ".- . . minis ...... "~ t)ne 24 Tom a.r s set at $.~,,00u| supporting' the Senate Comnlerce Conlmittee ] ~t,.~he~ton to p)ck t½p theLr ,son posed hospital district could take[ sion in a letter presen}ed at the game, .the. only night game in Demmon 29, Gene Purvis 41 Bill ~.aut, enoacuOz ] *Jt,,l~ ~,,e i~nelLon 121gn ~cn0ol gwa . v~nlcn the Btazel a ", , ............ will go to Brcmerton. He was ' . .... y part of the mill levy now commission meeting' Monday mot- " ' "s p rticinate are Tibhits 4'~ Mttr,~ .~ ...... ~l :;a ....... /~ n m. F • • conlnanied durin-'~ i~.,.,,. ~/ . '_ • , .. Y. ..going to rural fn'e dlstrlcis./nmg by Bill Somers. Gra eview split, between the Klwams Club, ,. ...... ?, V~llf) was on the . ,. ac- Rooter Bus, and, on the wa nome • . . . . .. a . .. - , -, ............ ~,~, o~• ~,,urL sessmn. , , ,, .a ........ v -, StOl)pea again a~ tne scene o~: It was ' " " ' P ' wh', ' . ~ GUARDS---Chris 3homps~m 6, •. [naea er uo =mann Shelton by local attorney Delbcrt/ .................. pointed out that while ]spokesman for the group lch uses ItS 8har~~, 1.o fmanc. ~. ..... --~-.~ ~ "~xn.. ~,o.,. .... cn',alged., • -,ltll, .... taK •- " (Ba d) Johnson ~, - the conlslon. J_ney coma Still near this zs theoretically,. . possible.. ., the ...... According to the plan "outlined, the annual Shelton football ban- ~)an~'G,~o'~''2,,~.°'I3;,~'''r ace ]/~""~'Vcalson .t,,3 on,glng, to E,,annett/MnneilYa@ ~1~ R=llni 'hc Washilwt0n Senate ..... [ the__beal' threshin• .g alound.~ • . .... probability of it in tim, foreseeable i a "determined band of 95 little qnet at the end of the season, and .lo,-,v nnho,to,;-' ,) ' " • 5, ~eptracl ton" 9. They were/ |l|~ta~Ed Mackm' ~•assistant~HVaattorncy payee- _. .'-7"'Ln(,: ~tenne¢l~':2 ~ ~_ '- Joun" " soil' "admin-~;'""" ! theTneGameneXt Dem°rmngpartn~enttneYwhn°tltleCllCh .... in future is almost non ex'l. nLan~ ..... ..... I ~omen-,, armea- " u;nn ........ sclun' " relishes,. ., the, jhmior lli~h~ a*l-le':e~ u ~uau," .... -~'•'CENTERS_John .................. Tylczak 20' , • ' • , [ " , • . . istration sacco'm,qishmen .... [ .......... ' " The probability is alnmst ruled will swarnt over the Mason County ~hich helps pay for equipment Rtu And,..... ~r~ ' .~r Sh • eneral, will explain state mess- 'o ~ ' . v.. L~ m vestlgatea ann Ionncl the oear not out because all" ofh 4 " " s " used b Blaz~' . ............ "~,.. ,.v. ,. elkon attolney,| g ........... ..,~.. ,~ I zclgn and domestm areas With[ ~,... ¢ .... *~. ................. t e 0 mills Court House on a sunny Monday .- y . er athletm teams c~Uap~.~-~aor:~ ~.n.~ ~,.,~ by the court as[ ures to De vo.tea on ,~,_~,,~,,~[-~ the stated objcctives of the' Re,,ub n "=:..:::"~:'~ ov,,:.,,',~n ,.,s o~.~ allowed under the law is taken up nmrning sometime bet~'een now throughout the school year. ,h~. "~1"~1~.~"~;~]~-,,'",~'~~ ~'~': ~Iln' r eneral elecuon aL the Htee~tN • . . e - mjm'eu, uamc orncers snot ine • . . " ........ , ....... 'C~a 2~, --,,,~*o rag. The Abbott[ g ............ ~ hcan opposition "Our om)ositinn "] ~-^-- " m the city of Shelton by seniorand Nov. 3 They will clean and Kiwanians and Blazer ~'ridders r, lo~ ~ son {Jount -Ij~lllt'/Ut¢~t* , • rt "," , #JE;¢~I* " • , O" • "" ' ' ~ u **~*.,,,~ ~ro, eoult she had con of the 2as Y Ma nuson said 111 Contmm d onPage (onimtud on Pageo hay een h t :~ • "| ............. i~ the Court g ' "" their own] " " - - ~ " - e b awking ickets around HALFBACKS--Ron How~ ~:ney in Bremerton[ ~entrat .~ ......... ~,,,, Ritnerwords say they don't want to] _-" -- town for the past couple of weeks, Willie q;eo 22 I)o--, .~,,,,t.~" ~' ~t r~ouse at o f' '". tuu~,y .... .~ ' b " ' wan ,, " • " "~' ........ ' ' ' | .................. nced ufld, they t to tear down | at $1 a throw. Without competi- Steve Mills 14 ~on entered a plea| county cnau,,a-,. ........ ." ,. - .................. | tion from the senior high school 'FULLBACK~ Gary Austin 23 .to a charge of ln-~' Mary Smitll, cnau:man . el, me ~,AI,~**~ T--, II__a .| this year, an extra large crowd is T~rr,,,~ ~ H°'+'',,~n -£'~,.,~,~,, o.. " ' • When he appeared t Dollars for Democrats orl\e ano /I~IUlII~I~ /U i10~1[ ~ exnected to watch tonight's bene- ay His him was Tex Lambert chairman ot "Count- s , , .. .... I . .'-~: .... ° ................... ....... . , A~.L game. BUR ' " " .. erm ,,Inch w,l l do- 6 t .. _Lee:manve Gandldales Tile B azcrs win be striving fro" OVE, ry t , " 1 4" will nesent reports . NIN(I PERMIT SEASON 1l e l ecanct C( mmitteenlen al]o v , , her All p" ' ei ht , " { a first toni,ir first score . v'~l-'esenten" ............. ov ~neL-ntLere.~cd Democrats. are nrged.~ Lo , .,The, _...g . can(hdates for, legis- u~'-~ u,e ........ ~ un~-g ~n .... u,,"" ............ t,e m e Burning permits are no longer r,^.~^~" attend Ritner said,ut,s zrom abe 24th District .~_,_ ~,,~.a~ ..: .... ;~ ~.~:~ .tt.~ required since Oct. 15 the De- .~uc'ctt, ' ' " " have been invitedi t0, a Legislative ,,a~e Ll,ey ,t,~vt~ ,y~t t,u,~S n,, partnlent of Natural 'Res(iurces dinner Sl)Onsored bv lhe Shcltoni opponent's goal line legally, Last said this week. Howevcr, the de- Education Associatit;n at 6:30 p.m. wcck a clipping penalty cost tllem partment said, caution in burning a touchdown against Washington 78th YEAR--No. 43 Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton, Washington, 22 Pages --- 3 Sections under Act of March 8. 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cota. Thursday, October 22, 1964 Published in "C ,ristraastown, U.S.AY, Sbelton, Washington 10 Cents per Copy