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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 23, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 23, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAG 2 SIIELT0}¢--MA t')N COI. TY J'OITRNAL--Published in CtCh, r,L hna, town, U.R.AY, ,qhelton, Washington October taxing di:*tricts, and, some free miEa~e ill lhe City Wa~ llvailable, iI WOIlld b,e iinpos:dble for tile hnspital district I.i, h, vy in the area olltNide tI!c city since lhe law specifically states ti~at all areas in a laxing d.:siricl ll],lsI he levied equally. At present the 40 mills in the city go t(l: City--16 mills County Cm'rent Exp. 8 l'miis School l)ist 1.1 nlills State 2 mills (for i)nblic as- sistance Tile I'OSSil|ILITY that any of these senior tltXillg ai,,.;tvict,,~ would be able to reliilquish any of the nlillagc they are now geL- ling iv allnot~t noa-existant. In budget, b'tlallci~lg l'or Ih('- coming year, _ completed recently, all three of tlle h,eaI di,'Jiric/s were forced to keep spt~llding to a min- imum in order to stay wiLltin the alnount of nloney they had avail- able. With the growth in the area putting demands for more ser- vices on these taxing units, the demand for additional services and lhe increasing costs of the se~¢icea now provided, the possibility of any reduce|ion in mill levy is re- nlOtE. The need for a new hospital and studies of method:~ of financing were also outlined. The studies, which have been carrie.d oll ow~r several years, re suited in the Eonelusion that the only way a new hospital conld be financed is through formation of a hospital district, the passage of a bond issue in the future, an( from federal funds through the Hill-Burton program. JItRY (Oontinued From Page One) In the list of 11 criminal case~ to be tried this fall are that of :Marden M. Stroud and Block V. Sturtevant ml charges of grane larceny stemming from two real estate transactions. The two sep arate cases have been set for Jan. 12 and 13 and Jan. 14 and 15 OTHER CRIMINAL cases in- clude: Theadore Ray Palmer Jr., and Robert W. Frost, second degree assault, set for Jan. 8 and 9. Set for Jan. 6 is the case of Wa~e A. Schnabel, charged with second degree assault. Set for Jan. 7 is the case of Michael A. Griffin, charged with taking a motor vehicle withqut permission of the owner. , The case of John M. Wilson, charged with indecent liberties, is set for Dec. 7. Wilson, in eour! for arraignment Friday, pleaded not guilty. Set for Jan. 5 are the appeals from traffic violation convlctlon.~ in Justice Court of Wesley i. Vaughn and Thomas W. Kimball Set for Jan. 6 is the appeal of a Justice Court traffic conviction of Eugene D. Anderson. The case 0f.5~ichard I~eyette, also a traffic violation conviction appea,ledl is set for!Jan. 7 Set for Dec. 7 are the traffic violation conviction appeal of Carl Emsley and the case of Jerry C. Skinner, charged with third de- gree assault. (~I~IlliI|uod Fvo,,i Page lille) 1.I10[. IlntiIprob(~ evtTy noel( tlll(I crartny of the bnilding". TilE GROUP, according to the lettel, will be selected fr(,rn a mob of irate mothers from the nol'th Ci)llllly pl'ecintJts Wll!ch wan to be exchlded fl'olll tilt, pi'oposecl b(,spital district. Along with scrubbing and chant- ing, the proposal is lor t!le grotlI to ask the Plosecuting Attorney to pref~,r C'l:[l'g~S (Jr gl'and larceny *t~'.-till}lI wl~fs,,"et' tH' wh(m]evcr stoic the $5 mW, in:l of north county vahlat ion, Tile plan a~'~o o,iI]:4 for a larg(, sign to be planted on the court l'ff)llSe ]a'wfl l:t~,O (l'4in~" tile eotlllL'v wide hospital district as "The Big '(~!;;[ ,~:~,*(~ll " lilt:,) VIe . .e.'t~t_l [.J:)5 His Petitio.s." t' r)¢ t " ' ) l)ltl:;I)tll'.q, c}f ", 1]O1'(,' ~el't(' 1:4 na,tlll'~L v, te.¢a SIlg" :e ~te"~ COUi'zI(P,; of ac[i/)n lay coun- .y off'ciah~ Cn:' auo~,.caLion is that thecoun ~,.,-;...~