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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 23, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 23, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 22, 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 3 Bid City Commission to the city co- study and approval or the single bid it re- SUpply the city with its "water and server for the coming year. bid was received Salt Corp. at the same o1! Kelly's Fnrni- at the commission ask if the ('.it3' cnnld in the area of First ~t any assistance in done about the the Simpson Power is giving them trouble. told that the city has in this kind of prob- the hest possibility affected to do some- own. VALLEY HALL !MUSIC BY THE TOPPERS VVeat]ler 'High Low Precip. 48 .48 i Octoher 14 .... 63 October 15 .... 55 39 .23 I October 16 .... 56 37 .21 October 17 .... 56 41 ..... October 18 .... 61 39 -- October 19 .... 65 3:; -- October 20 .... 62 35 ..... Gounly Gels Lellor On Flood Oonlrol Project Further study is needed to find additional benefits from a pro- posed flood control project on the Skokomish Rivet', the Mason County Commission was told in a letter this week. In a letter to the commission, the Soil Conservation Service said that studies conducted over the past several years show that the cost to benefit ratio of the pro- posed project, is too high to be considered by the Federal Govern- ment and that further studies to bring to light additional benefits will be necessary if the project is to be undertaken. A copy of the contract for the clearing and grubbing of a sec- tion of the Leeds Loop Road with Deno Bros., Bremerton, was sign- ed. The contract was awarded to them after the low bidder on the job, Lloyd Pahm, was unable to furnish bond. Weasels are killers by nature and habitually kill just for the sport of it. ./ t [ : MILL COMES DOWN--The Simpson Timber Company Mill One, on the waterfront here Is about one-third demolished. Crews of the McFar- land House Wrecking Co., Seattle, have been working on the demolition- project. The old mill, the first Simpson lumber remanufacturtng oper- ation, had been closed for several months before the demolition was started. AMBASSADOR 990 SEDAN offers -- Come in and test drive it f CLASSIC 770 V8 4-Dr. Sedan "- in Black Orlyxwith-Gulf St/'eam Trirn--- This one will Please You CLASSIC 660 Sta. Wagon COmpletely Decked Out Witi~-~[utomafic and The New Cyclone 232 6 Cylinder Engine out of the Worlds Most Advanced Engine .Plant) AMERICAN 330 SPORT SEDAN In Snow White with Vermillion Trim. Has a lot of pretty things like white-walls and fancy wheel covers - Also Radio This One Saturday Only Reduced To ! ~ ¢ .... Also A Couple 1964 Ramblers Left. l °atiac --- Buick -- Rambler --- GMC 426-8252 • • ii • • ii ii iii Ii ii i • • • • lln lllllilll II II nlII=N lllll=lln lllll Iiii,, l'illilll~.,,=Ulllllll ml= ..II IIIII IIIIW From The I COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the Mason County Commission were to D. K. Larson, barn, $4,- 000; Paul Goddard, wood cabin, $700; Roger Addleman, remodc' residence, $500; Wayne B. Moon. wood cabin, $1,500; Clark Beall, carport, $150; Hal B. Williams remodeling, $12,000; Gordon Sim- mons, garage, $500; Robin Hood Lodge, garage, $1,000. FERRY RECEIPTS Receipts from the Harstinc Island Ferry for the week ending Oct. 17 were $219 and for the week ending Oct. 10 $269.50, the Mason County Engineer's office reported. Ill Call For Phone 426-6902 , now representing In Mason County NEW AND USED CARS 22, Manchester, and William E; Miller, 1.8, Shclton, collided at the intersection of Highways 106 and 3 at Belfair Oct. 20. Both vehicles were going north on Highway 3 when the Miller vehicle stopped for the stop sign at Highw~ty 106. The Brown vehicle failed to stop, col- liding witll the rear o~f the M:iller vehicle. The accident was investi- gated by Trooper Robert Furseth. SHELTON POLICE Rodger Russell reported 30 ear- tons of cigarettes stolen from a panel truck. Ted Little reported gasoline siphoned from the tank on his car at the Simpson parking lot. Earl Gallangcr reported a similar offense. Cars driven by Robert W. Rog- erson and Cynthi'/ Pedeferri col- lided at 13th and Turner Streets. Nornmn Wang reported a bat- tery taken from his cat'. Kcith Jackson reported a dog missing. It was later recovered. Mrs Jerry Bloomfield reported the aerial broken from a car. SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARRESTS Booked at tlle Mason County Sheriff's office during the . past week were Edward I. Cook; BaN lard, taking motor vehicle without permission of the owner; Morman Tharp driving while intoxicated Charlene D. Abbott, auto theft; James L. Dishon, hit and run. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Louis Arnold reported gasoline theft and vandalism to logging cqnlpment. Barry Caskins reported a stray bullet hit a tree near him. William L. Ktdd reported a tire and a battery stolen. Ervin Nestell relx)rted gas be- ing' siphoned from the tank at Pioneer School. James W. Churchill reported a cat" radiator taken from a shed at his home. Rita Morse reported a record cabinet, money, a jacket, a pig- gy bank and shoes taken from her home at Union. Frank Gosser reported a tele- vision set: stolen. M. J. Whitchurch t'et),)t'ted a radiator col~, two radiators, eight tires and a battery stolen. POLICE COURT ' I On the docket in Shelton Police! Court before Judge Rolls Halbert! Monday nioht were Tox Cuzick, drunkenness, six days in jail; Ter- rance L. Holland, drunk and dis- orderly, $25 forfeit; Guy E. Sage, parking meter warrant, $6 forfeit; Thomas Pulsifer, no operator's li- cense, $I5 forfeit; ;Stereo T. Holt, speeding', $15 forfeit. ,= , i .................. .J I~.II i ...................... I # 3 Days Only! Begins Oct. 29-30-31 ALBUM WITH 0 Non-91ard lights ' get natural smiles.. 'Do your baby-bragging with a beau- tiftfl photo •- ."worth more than a thousand words. Get a Completely finished photograph for only 59 . You will not be urged to buy but if you wish the remaining poses thev're yours for 1.35 for the first, 1.25"for the 2nd and $1 for any additional. ---~, ~GE LIMIT 5 yeaxa. One or two'children rl'Ups Exclusively per family will be photographed singly 12:00.1:00 additional child under five, 1.50. i i 1 only - Reversible Mattress Pad $4~00 Twin Size Soiled ............................ i-- 130 yds, Piece goods Denim' ~+ Sailcloth .................... yd. 50¢ 1 only - 52 x 52 Plastic Coated $~44 Table Cloth ...................................... 16 only - Bedspreads $1~00 Assorted Twin 8+ Full .................... 16 only - Rug Runners $#1199 Multi-Color 30 x 72 ........ ..:~ ............. ~ 8 only - Chrome Towel Poles .................................................... ton Piece Goods 70 yds. - Cot " , Assorted Pr nts ............. yd.~Jl=~= ¢ 116 yd.- Cotton Piece Goods AIAI¢ P rint & Solid ................ yd. "=IP"I' 38 only - Odds and ends ...... . ~¢ notions ............................................. i.. ~v 4 only - Thermal Blankets $599 72 x 90 .............................................. 8 yds. - Solid Color Corduroy 36" wide .................................. yd. 68¢ 6 only - Hand Bags I~'-'¢ Women P aid .................. ~i~O 9 ,only-Bras ';4 ..... $~ Odds & Ends .................... [ & ~ 6 only - All Weather $--44 Coats .................................................... 9 55 only - Full Length , $--"--00 Coats .... ................. : ........................ 20 19 pr. - Slacks $+=188 Assorted Stretch .......................... ~1~ 8 only - Swim Suits .... $ - 8S 30-34 .................................................... 1 ter Dresses 52 only - Bet , $~ $~ Reduced ........................ ~]) To J- ql~ INFANT'SDEPT. 34 only - Stretch Terry (~O¢ Play Suits ..................................... ~ n n Pants 132 pc. - Trai ' g $~ /$~11 Double Body Triple Crotoh .... ~/ l 30 pkgs. - Birdseye Diapers $ +" 00 6 to a package ............................ 1 38 only - Stretch Creepers ................................ i ....... GIRL'S DEPT. 14 sets - Knit Top, Corduroy Pants S zes 10-14 .................... set $ 00 8 only - Durene Sport T, ops broken sizes ................ .................... 86 sets - 2pc. Short Set ............................ ~--~,~¢ 65 only - Coats Assorted Styles and $9 $10-,12 $15 colors 67 only - Dress Assorted - Reduced $1~0 ,3~0 56 pr. - Assorted Shoes $A88 Reduced To i ..................................... i@ 23 pc. - Assorted Flats and Sandles ...................................... 8 pr. - Mens 8 inch Leather Boots .................................... 51 pr.- Leather Look 199 Women s Vinyl Boots .................... 31 pr. - Mens Imported $j88 Rubber Pars ........................................ mt 8 pr. - Boys Imported $¢~88 Rubber Pars ...................................... ~,~ • MEN'S DEPT. 51 only - Short Sleeve Sport $+1188 Shirts S-M-L ..................................... ,L 10 pr. - Kaki Pants $t 99 " 34" " 30 to Wa=st ............................ dl, 18 pr. - Wash Slacks $4'~50 Assorted Sizes ..................................... I-- 7 only - Cotton Flannel Shirts ' $444 Size M ............................................. =+- 63 only - Short Sleeve Dress $~44 Shirts .............................. . ..................... + i BOY'S DEPT. ,?,y- hort S,oeve Acr,,an $1 °+ K )'t Sh' "ts ........... ' ......... .................... 30 only - Cotton Knit $4133 Shirts 2-6 ............................................ 17 pr. - Corduroy Pants $1133 Sizes 6 & 7 .................................... 8, 9 pr. - Cotton Flannel Pajamas $,1133 Sizes 2-3 .... :: ...................................... ,I, 6 only-Shorts ~)=¢ Size 6 ................................................~--~ ='=l W. E. Strope Dies On 82nd Birthday A Mason County resident for the past 41 years, %Villiam Ehner Strope, l~oute 3 Box 518. died in a local hospital last Thursday on his 82nd birthday. He was born in Appleston, \Vis. Oct. I5, 1882. The funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Saturday in the Batstone Funeral Home with Rev. Mason Younghmd officiating. Burial was in Shelton Memorial Park. Survivors include three daugh- ters. Mrs. U. Bmnice Boys, Elsin- ore, Ca.lif., Mrs. Billie E. Suther- land, Lakewood, Calif., and Mrs. Eldon (Dorothy) Todd, Shelton; one son, Elmer \Vfllia.m Sttope, Shelton; 11 grandchildren and 6 greatgrandchildrcn;