October 23, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 23, 1964 |
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BI-rELTON--I ASON COUNTY JOURNAU-- Published in '¢Chr stma. town, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Thursday, October
Shelton General lIosl)ilal
Mr. anti Mrs. Carl Storey, Route
1 Box 103, a boy, Oct. 15.
Mr. 'rod Mrs. Cyrus Turner, Rt.
2 Box 986, a g'ir], Oct. 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lunsford,
2242 King St., a girl, Oct. 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pcterson,
Star Rt. 1 Box ,171, Hoodsport,
a boy, Oct. 17.
Mr. an~i Mrs. Donald Toombs,
Renl~)n, a girl, October 20.
your cracked
ae, windows with
Our complete stock| oft
DUPLATE® Salty Plate @Ill
$OLEX® =.
l~sure you prompt, efficient ghm m-
lJc-ement Joba in all ma~es aml
bmxlels ~ car= on the road today.
3rd A Grove Sts.
MR. AND MRS. ROBERT MIKKELSEN leaving the church fol-
lowing their October 10 wed~ing. She is the former Mona Lee
Barger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Barger. His parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Max Mikkelsen. All are of Shelton. The newly.
weds are living in Olympia. ,Photo by De~an's Studio.
Candle light set the scene for
the Oct. 10 wedding of Miss Mon-
Vote for Ivor Smith,
for your next Representative
The 24th District needs his experience
and judgment in the 1965 Legislature.
Former mayor of Port Angeles, well qualified
in local government, .a man who will work for
the advancement and welfare of his District.
Vote November 3rd for Ivor Smith
as your next Representative
Mason, Jefferson, Clallam Counties.
(Paid Political Advertisement)
na Lee Barger and Robert Eugene
Mikkelsen. Baskets of red roses
and white stock decorated the
First Baptist church for the double
ring rite performed by Rev. War-
ren C. Hale of Winlock. Parents
are Mr. and/:Mrs. W. P, Barger
and Mr. and Mrs. Max :Mikkelsen,
all of Shelton.
Mr. and :Mrs. Barger gave their
daughter in marriage. She was
gowned in a floor-length white
satin dress designed with a long
train and three-quarter-length
sleeves. Tiny white pearls decor-
ated the bodice and a tiny crown
of pearls held her shoulder-length
veil. Her bouquet was of red ros-
es with white carnations and step-
The bride s sister, M~s. Caroll
M:anning, was her matron of hon-
or. She wore a street-length dress
of rose taffeta with matching
veiled bows. Shoes dyed to match
her dress and white gloves com-
pleted hez costume. She carried
nosegay a~'angement of ~whife~ car-
nahons w)th nettmg to match her
Bridesmaids were Miss Adrienne
McCarney and Miss Gloria Walker.
Their pink costumes matched the
style of the matron of honor's.
:Matching pink netting outlined
1:heir nosegay arrangements of
white carnations.
The Misses Sandra To,mils and
Sharlene Mikkelsen were candle
Canal Woman's Club
Has Speaker Explain
Hospital D isMc!
The background and purposes of
the proposed Mason County hospi-
tal district was the subject for
Mrs. Helen A. :McCann's talk when
she appeared before the members
of the Hood Canal Federated ~¥o-
man's Club last Thursday. Mrs.
McCann, for five years adminis-
trator for the Shelton General hos-
pital, told of the problems and
difficulties confronting hospitals
trying to remodel and otherwise
attempt to conform to ~equired
:Mrs. Lester L. Ager, vice presi-
dent, presided at the club business
session preceding hmcheon as Mrs.
Nine Miller, president, was in at-
tendance at the Peninsul,~ Distzict
Federation" of Woman's Clubs'
meeting for its fall convention.
Luncheon was served by a hos-
tess committee of Ho0dsport mem-
bers including the Mesdames Rose
Millo, Verne Hill, L: J. Evans,
Wm. H. Gilbert and John Short-
sleeves. Autumn flowers decorat-
ed the table and club room.
A showing of fall styles for
women and children's clothing was
shown by Mrs. Jim Oakley of Ren-
ton following h|ncheon.
Helping in the collection of ar-
ticles for the club rummage sale
to be held October 31 in the Shel-
ton PUD building are :Mrs. Nina
Miller, Union; :Miss Dora Fred-
son, Shelton; :Mrs. George W. Mos-
ke and Mrs. J. L. Cairo, Lllliwaup.
Articles may be left next Wednes-
day afternoon at the clubhouse in
Potlatch, where :Mrs. Edward H.
Jenner and :Mrs. N. J. Seeva will
be in charge from 1 to 4:30 p.m.
World Conditions
To Be Subject For
Republican Women
The Mason County Women's Re-
publican Club, under the chair-
manship of Mrs. Anna York, In-
ternational Relations chairman,
will present a program on world
I conditions at the Memorial Hall at
7:30 p.m: this Friday.
Dr. Donald D. Corlett of Port
Angeles has been invited to show
slides and report on his recent
tour of Europe with a group of
Washington state agriculturalists,
under the "People-to-People" pro-
D ' "
r. Corlett s active mterest in
community and world affairs en-
ables him to bring vivid impres-
sions to his audiences. He is chair-
manJof the Sequim school board,
vice-chairman of the Clallam
County :Medical Service Bureau
and a candidate for the legislature
on the Republican ticket from the
24th district. He will speak pri.-
marily about his trip inside-Russia.
Refreshments will be served.
r s;c
B apMu
Club Installs New
Officers For Year
The B Sharp Junior Music Club
of National Federation of Music
Clubs met Wednesday for the pur-
pose of installing [he following
newly-elected officers for the corn-
lighters. T.heir street-length gowns t mg year: President, Suzanne Roes-
were of white taffeta and they lsel; vice president, Becky Ring;
wore wristlet$ of tinted white car- secretary-treasurer, Merrilee Sic-
nations with red netting, wart; and scrapbook chairman,
The groom's cousin, Richard A. Judy Laugen. Linda Koch was
Reed, was his best man. Ushers appointed publicity chairman.
were Harvey C. Becker, Jr. and Barbara Greenly and Valerie
Burt L. Maxwell. Music was fur- Sparks played "Little Princess"
nished by Herbert Hergert who by Forrest Buchtel, a clarinet duet
accompanied soloist, Mrs. Marj- and Sandy Johnson performed an
orie Yule. accordion solo.
Pink accessories were chosen T~e program also included a
by :Mrs. Barger to accompany her discussion of Concert Rules from
rose suit. Mrs. Mikkelsen wore a the club's program book for the
brown lace dress with loden green year, ":Much Ado About Music" by
accessories. Both mothers had coP- Kathleen Lawance, under the
rection of lV~rs. Robert Tanner,
sages of feathered carnations and club counselor, and a presentation
The wedding reception was held from "Keynote" by Carol Manner.
in the Colonial House following
the ceremony.
The three-tiered cake was coy- Shelbn Dads Make
ered with tiny red roses. Serving
were Mrs. Oscar Smith, :Mrs. Elms 6cod
Showing At
Olson, and Mrs. Julia McAlister
Mrs. W. E. lY~cAlister and :Mrs. WSU Dads' WeekmEnd
C. A. Barger were in chazge of
the gift table. Shelton Dads of WSU students
at Pullman made a good showing
The newlyweds are making their last weekend when the university
home in Olympia where the bride-
groom is employed by the Mott- held its annual Dad@ Weekend.
man's Department store. Both are A frill schedule which included
such things as football, lunches,
graduates of Shelton High school dinners, looking over the campus
and attended Central W~shington which has a large building ex-
State College. TB~ bride is em-
ployed at the St. Peter's hospital pension progra~n in progress, and
in Olympia: getting acquainted with their son's
or daughter's living companions
and quarters was enjoyed by each
father making the trip.
ST. EDWARD'S CATHOLIC CHURCH was the scene of an
October 3 wedding for Miss Marlene Cleveland and Robert Norris.
Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Cleveland, Shelton.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Norris, Clark, New
Jersey. The newlyweds will be making their home in Long Beach,
Calif. next month. (Photo by Dean's)
worn with ,a white veiled hat and
wrist-length gloves. She carried a
baby pink rose bouquet matching
the bride's.
Best man for the bridegroom
was Robert Burmester of South-
crn California. Ushers were Joe
Tincani of Nebraska and brother
of the bride, James Lee Cleveland.
Miss Marlene Cleveland became
the bride of Robert Norris October
3 in the St. Edward's Catholic
church. Parents of the couple are
Mr. and Mrs. MeIvin. E. Cleveland
of Shelton and Mr. and :Mrs. Wil-
liam R. Norris of Clark, New Jer-
The bride chose a floor-length
gown of white bridal satin with aThe bride's aunt, Mrs. Dale
clmpel train and an clbow length Cleveland, sang accompanied by
veil. She carried baby pink roses :Mrs. Bea Larson at the organ.
and white stephanotis and was A long-slecve blue wool sheath
given in marriage by her father, with navy blue stmcs and white
A color scheme of pink and or- hat and gloves was selected by the
chid was carried out in 'the boWS!bride,s mother. A pale blue bro-
on the pews and altar baskets of cede suit was worn by the bride-
pink and white gladioli, groom's mother with accessories of
:Matron of honor for the occasion light bhm. Corsages of pink and
was :Marjorie Lumt of Renton who white gladioli complemented both
wore an orchid brocade sheath of the mothers' costumes.
with a white veiled hat and elbow- The church parh)r was the scene
length gloves. She carried pink ()f the reception following thc ccre-
and white gladioli and chrysanth- mony. The color scheme was car-
emums. ' ried out in the thrce tier cake
Mrs. Leila Ffale was bridesmaid which had pink and orchid roses
in a pink brocade sheath with on it. It ~as topped with a ,in-
gloves and hat to match the ma- iaturc bride and groom.
iron of honor. Her bouquet was of Serving were Mrs. Roy Sands,
orci]id and white gladioli with annt of the bride, :Miss Susan Hick-
chrysanthemums, am, Mrs. Jack Mallinge|', (~odn]o-
The bride's sister, Janice Lynn, ther of the bride, and Mrs. John
was her junior bridesmaid. Hcr Wcbber, the bride's cousin. Opcn-
orci~id print dress was made with ing gifts were Mrs. Stuart Steehlcr
a white chiffon overskirt and was and Mrs. Karlee Howe. Mrs. Duc-
ane W~ight was in charge of the
guest book.
0 thopedi Guild The bride is a graduate of Shel-
F C~ ton High School and also attended
Entertains Guest Pe e, t,n School of Business in Se-
S attle, tter husband is a graduate
From New Zealand of *rthur L. Johnson .i h
in Clark, New Jersey and is now
The Georgine Reed Orthopedic stationed in Seattle with the Un-
Guild held its September meeting ited States Navy. The newlyweds
in the home of Mrs. Charles Lewis will be making t]~eir home in" Long
last Friday. Mrs. Calvin Mann Beach, Calif., when his sliip leaves
was luncheon hostess to 15 mere- in November.
bets and two guest~ from Keri ------------
Keri, New Zealand, :Mrs. Noel ~ ....
Brady and hap 4cushier, Miss Jil-
lian Brady.
Mrs. Roy ~cConkey, guild pres-
ident, announced that $75 was
given to the guild by the bridge
club comprised of six guild mem-
bers and their husbands. Orthope-
dic calendars were distributed to
the members and Christmas card
orders were taken.
:Mrs. Olavi Aho will be hostess
for the November meeting.
USED - 'UPRIGHT PIANO Exo.,,e.t co.d,t,o. ............................
TWO IISED 'UPRIGHT MANOS xoe,,o.t Condition .................................... S150
LOWREY STAKET ........................ Re ..r,oe $5 5.oo ................................ ow$425
LOWREY HOLIDAY ........................ .e,. Pr,oo $, 5.0o ............................ .OW $82S
" Cost New $1245.00 .................... NOW $925
LOWREY HOLIDAY DELUX ........................ r,oo$10,5.00 ........ $995
LOWREY HERITAGE ........................ Reg. ,Price $1535.00 ............ NOW
Fathers visiting daughters in-
cluded Harry Ross (Joan), Buck
Price (Peg), Walt Clayton (Pam),
Walt Elliot (Molly Murdy), Mark
Fredson (Kelly), Martin ~useth
(N'eva), Steve Hale (Linda), Gor-
don Dickinson (Mary Ann), Mar-
tin Auseth (Neva), John Hardin
(Carol) and Bill Brickert who
divided his time between Wendy
and Brian.
Others being hosted by their
sons were Bob Snyder (Joe), Lloyd
Van Blaricom (Donald), and Glen
Leeds (Bob).
Julte Stock, Ed's uncle, visited
him, and Rudy Oltman was Ron
Orr's guest. Although he didn't
qualify as a father, LeRoy Austin
made the trip to spend time with
Joe Waters.
Marriage Licenses
Applying for marriage licenses
in the Mason County Auditor's of-
fice this past week were:
Gregory C. Danford, 18, Shelton,
and Donda Saeger, 18, Shelton.
Branson, 26, Shel- |
ton, and Monica Coles, 19, Shelton.
George Pauley, 20, Shelton, and
Candy Lea Hickam, 16, Shelton.
Seven tables were in play at
N~onday night's meeting of the
Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club.
North-south winners were Percy
Bean and J. W. Butts, Gordon
Bennett ..and Jane Bennett, Ann
Correa and Gusti Goldschmid.
East-west winners included Mar-
den Stroud and Jim Fletcher, Dick
Perry and Los Stewart, Jim Hart-
ley and Lou Hartley.
205 Cota St. . 426-4302
Winners Of Belfair
Poster Conlest To SKYLINE
5 Miles So. of
L%©eive Prizes T day o,1 us
24 Hr. Ph.
Priz(,s will be awarded at the
Belfair l~lemeniary school this Fri. - Sat.
nmrning to the winners of the Open at 6:45
~oster contest sponsored by Nuel Show at 7:15
Curtis Post and Anxiliary 5372.
The posters, which depict the
commlmity ]:fn.lloween Carnival, 2 - INVASION OF
will be (m display this weekend SAUCER MEN
in the various husiness houses,
along with an elecirie elocl¢ which 3 - PIT & THE
will be given away at the carni-
val. Oct. 31 - Big
Contest winners arc Tcena Kay Show at 12
Williams, Peggy McK'~y, Mary Pat
Lane, Kathi Polhanms, Roy L.
McKelvy, Chert Peterson, Shiela
Shelby, Los Ann Lane, Betty Pru-
it, Mike Amaeher, Connie Baselt, BLUE OX
Bonnie Johnson, Vanessa Hoppe, Shelton
and Gayle Cook. Honorable men- Open 6:45 Start~
tion went to Shirlcy Smith. Fri. - Sat.
Tim anxiliary extends its thanks 24 Hr. Ph.
to Mrs. Steve Alfl, Mrs. Stan Free-
fin and Mrs. Rex Crosscn for judg- ALL SEATS
ing the posters.
..................................... Starr;n
Open House Fetes
Potlatch Woman
On 80th Birthday
An Open House in the Potlatch
clubhouse of the Hood Canal Wo-
man's Club celebrated the 80th
birtl~day of Mrs. Ernest Carlson
Sunday when friends dropped in
to honor the long-time resident
of Potlatch.
Mrs. Carlson, who has lived in
Potlatch since 1914, is the widow
of the late Ernest Carlson, who
was with the pioneer Phoenix Log-
ging Company in this area. She
was born in Sweden.
Assisting with arrangements for
the affair were :Mrs. Walter S.
Allison and Mrs. Esther Maury,
who is a daugi~ter of :Mrs. Carlson.
Her son-in-law, T. R. Sheldon,
from near Philadelphia, Penn., ar-
rived to visit her before the party.
6 Brand
plus your Beatles
Midnight Show - OCt,
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'59 STUDEBAKER 6 - overdrive ........$
'58 RAMBLER 6 - 4-door - Stick ' ..$
4 new recaps
'57 FORD FAIRLANE 500 ..................$
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'57 FORD WAGON .................................. $
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'57 CHEVROLET Seda i, 2-door ......... $
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'58 PLYMOUTH Club Sedan ................ ,
Engine Being Rebuilt Now
'54 OLDSMOBILE 4-Door - Sharp ...... $
'51 CHEV. 4-door Sedan ........................ $
Standard Transmission
'50 CHRYSLER 4-Door ........................ $
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Use now (il's a good lime) or
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