October 23, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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STIELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in t¢Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle
Mailing Address, Box 446, Shelton Phone 426-4412
Published at Shclton, Mason County, Washington, every Thnrsday.
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington
SUBSCRIPTION RATES---S4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance
Outside Mason County $5.00
Member of National Editorial Association
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association
OFFICE MANAGER .... Lodema Johnson
NEWS EDITOR ...... AlAn Ford
SOCIETY EDITOR ..... Marj Waters
PRINTERS --- Dave Thacher, Ass Pearson, Jerry Stiller,
Charles Schwarz, Ed Davis
-------------- COPY ~)EADLINES
PICTURES AND NEWS -- Tuesday 5 p.m.
WANT ADS -- Wednesday 10 a.m.
-/ ,I i , ll,ll i i
i i , q,
No place in America has more reason to observe with
deep-rooted, meaningful appreciation than Mason County
the fact that this is National Forest Products Week.
President Johnson's proclamation designating this as
Forest Products Week emphasized the prominent role of the
forest resources industry in contributing to the economic
growth of the country.
This is particularly true in Washington state
even moreo so in Mason County, where virtually
every facet of our economic life has its roots in
some phase of fl)restry, from tree farming to the
production of the finished manufactured product.
In this last activity Mason County could grow much
farther than it has so far. At this time the manufacturing
end of wood products is rather limited in our community,
but such small plants as John MacRae's Totem Products
may well be the vanguard of future expansion along this
But in our state we are among the leaders in all phases
of forestry production.
Right here in our community the tree farm
program, originated and so did the first Keep Green
forest-Jire-prevention education programs. Both are
now notably successful national forest industry
Mason County is one of the keys to Washington being
the third leading producer in the total of lumber, plywood,
pulp and paper in the nation.
Another notable first for Mason County, in the forest
industry field, is Simpson Timber Company's sustained yield
plan, by which our community is guaranteed an un-ending
source of raw materials for our bread-winners to earn pay-
checks from. This, along With the swift and solid growth of
the tree farm prograpl, promises a continuing source of raw
materials for our wood-keyed economy--the important base
for our present and future economy.
So, this National Forest Products Week, all of us
would do well to pause a moment or two and reflect seriously
on just how important our great, renewable, growing nat-
r "
ural esource--TIMBEKT--means to al! of us.
Unless you are out-of-town or otherwise absent from
your usual business haunts next Tuesday, you will be con-
tacted for a contribution to the Boy Scouts.
• The annual fund drive for this great boys
organization and program will be conducted in our
community on a dawn-to-dusk schedule Tuesday
foUowing a kick-off breakfast attended by the '
100-man corps of solicitors.
We hope you will be generously responsive to their
call for Boy Scouting is one of the finest things that ever
happened to the youth not only of America but of the
world in general.
When the fund solicitor opens your ddor "Be Prepared"
with a generous contribution.
/ II Inviting, informative -teiatum
can get attention and results.
Good business starts with wen
designed, nicely printed literature
• ,., ..'- --.whether it be a simple fold=
, :,..-. or a more complete catalog.
Every time your printed-
literature is read and viewed
you arc making an impression
---good, bad or indifferent,
It is our business to hclp you
produce good quality printed
material that will help bring ill,
ordcr,s for you. Scc us sooll,
Postal Inspector
The Shelton Kiwanis Club, at Edit~
their regular meeting this week,
heard the story of part of the,
work of the Postal Inspector from NOW DEAN, WHERE DO . forsake the thin,~., that de. tro5
Don Bauchletts, PostAl IAspector FEDERAL FUNDS ORIGINATE? both body and soul. If we tm'n to
for the Olyml)ic Peninsula area. Dear Bill: Christ he will cleanse us body and
Bauchletts told Kiwanians thA( I object to Dean Pahncr'sre-soul. Thc person thus cleansed will
in the event of catastrophics such marks in last week's Letters to be a new person, and they won't
as the recent Alaska earthquake, the Editor. He said "they want to know then}selves. Christ is the
the Postal Inspector is among the use the Kitsap County Hospital in answer all our needs. St. Matthew
first sent to the scene; that: the Bremerton. Odd that our money.6.24: "No man can serve two ross-
inspectors are auditors, havingsaving citizens want to use a ters: for either he will bate the
audited 28,417 post offices in 1963 hospital which they did not sup- one, and love the dther: or else he
alone; they are the investigative port with taxes." will hold to the one, and despise
arm of the Post Office in person- The hospital in Kitsap Countyis the o~her. Ye cannot serve God and
nel security, mail threats, crimin- being built with Hill-Burton funds, mammen."
ality in connection with use ofThese are federal funds. Possibly Evelene Farrell.
the mails, and many other matters, it is time to remind Dean where
Hetheymentionedhave a recordthat ofduring12,0001963ar- federal funds come from. LADIES TRIOS ~¥ I
rests and 10,500 convictions. * * * * , ,
Two matters he emphasized were The use of non-local bospitals Ba.nboo Shop ...................... 16 8
pornography in the mail and fraud is becoming routine with the ad- Cottage Cafe ...................... 15 9
~;chemes using the U.S. Mail. Porn- vancement of medical technology. John's Richfield .................. 15 9
0graphy, he Said, is a continuous With this in mind I think it would Rex Flooring ...................... 14 10
problem requiring vigilance of the be well to consider the emergency- KMAS .................................. 12 12
citizenry, and is vigorously pur- out-patient type facility beingWingard Sport Shop .......... 11 13
sued by the Postal Inspection De- adapted throughout the" country. B & J Mart .......................... 8 16
partment when brought to their I'm surc a professional hospital Mamie's Cafe. ...................... 5 19
attention. But, generally, theyadministrator such as Cal Hop- High game---Jean Hartwell201
must depend upon parents bring-per is aware of this trend and High series,-J~an Hartwell 538
ing the matter to their attention, could explain its advantage to the
for although grown persons re- Mason County situation. Rex 4 (Virginia Dundas 494),
ceive such mail, it is usually that sincerely yours, KMAS 0 (Davids CAeSAr 443);
sent to youngsters and found out Barbara Nelson Wingard 3 (Peg Johnson 377),
about by parents that tip off the Tsland Lake,' Shelton, Wash. John's 1 (Sylvia Fonzo 423); Bam-
boo 3 (verna Johansen 514). Cot-
investigations. BEAUTY IS ONLY tage 1 (Shirley Weaver 418); Ma-
NE MENTIONED several types rule's 3 (Meridee Guyer 493), B &J
of mail fraud; such things as un- SKIN DEEP, TRULY 1 (Jean Hartwell 538).
true or misleading advertisements Probably most cveryone has
of land development schemes, heard the expression, "Beauty ts
some correspondence courses, some only skin deep". Literally this is WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL
charity drives, and other mail so- true in some eases. There are W L
licitations. He emphasized that in some that are very attractive as Ming Tree Cafe ............ 17 11
Darigold .......................... 16 12
most of these things there are to facial features, but are ugly Richfield Oil .................. 15 13
many entirely legitimate endeav- inside.
These may rely on their attrac-Ogdens Radio & TV .... 14~,.~ 13b~
ors as well, but that the recipient tiveness to get them whatever they Kelly's Furniture ........ 13V.., 14~/,~
of such mail should make every
effort to find which are and which want in this world, but God looks Allyn Shell Service .... 13 15
are not legitimate. When there ap- on the heart, net on the outward Eells & Valley ............ 13 15
pears to be evidence of h'aud or appearance. Sometimes too, the Gott's OihWettes .......... 10 18
misrepresentation, the Post Office outward appearances are broughtHigh game --- Phyl Ziegler 203
Department urges the mail be on by the kind of lives we lead. High series -- Phyl Ziegler 503
brought to them for investigation. Whatever we do to destroy any
Advance fee schemes were es- part of the body, we are destroy- Ogden's 3 (Betty Wolden 494),
pecially stressed in the talk. These ing a part of God's creation, for E & V 1 (Julie Coleman 487) ; Dar-
fare scbemes which in the area our bodies are the temple of our igold 3 (Betty Kruger 464), Kel-
ley's 1 (Jean Ream 491); Allyn 2
i of loan arrangement, for instance, soul.
call for an advance fee, umially It shows in our faces the kind (Joyce Dion 452), Oilerettes 2
10 percent of the applied-for loan of lives we lead, whether we have (June Loving 462); Ming Tree
to be paid to the "broker." He regular features or not..Why not 2 (Celia Gunter 415), Richfield 2
mentioned specifically a farmer in (Phyl Ziegler 503).
Montana who, attempting to se- I~IEN'S INDUSTRIAL
cure a $60,000 loan, paid a $6,000 ~V L
advance fee for which he received
Absolutely nothing of value. I-,malbermen's Mcrc ...... 20 8
20th Cent. Thriftway ..19Vz81/.',
THE CONFIDENCE man ()per- Staff SergeAnt William J. Me- C!lary's Trucking .......... 17 11
sting such a scheme usually ad- Donahl, son of Mr. and Mrs. New-Bob's Tavern .................. 16 12
vertiscs that he or his firm haston J. McDonald, Spokane, has Morgan Transfer .............. 13b]14~
arranged numerous loans for oth-been presented the Strategic AirT'antorium Cleaners ...... 13 15
ers; makes a show of investigat-Command (SAC) educational Corrections Center .......... 9 19
ing the credit, assets, and other achievement certificate award atCanteen ............................. 4 24
pertincnt matters of the one heHomestead AFB, Fla. High game--Ken Fredson 215.
is intending to defraud to such Sergeant McDonald received the High series---Bob Newell 590
an extent that the victim rarely award in recognition of his accom- * * :
gets around to investigating thelishments in the US Air Force Bob's 4 (Bob Newell 590), WCC
• . . P • • . ,
conhdence man. One such conh- off-duty education program. 0 (Oscar Dierckins 441); Clary
dence man was exposed recently The sergeant is a graduate oi 4 (Bud Hildebrandt 538), Morgan
in Portland, he said, and it wasJohn R. Rogers High School. i0 (Don Demeer 456); 20th Century
found that the man had been only. Sergeant McDonald's wife, Mil-] 3(RAwlin McIneliy 530), L.M.
a bartender with no experience dret~', is the daughter of Mr. and[1 (Phil Bayley 574); Pantm'ium
whatever in the loan business up Mrs. Charles Dillon Sr. of Shclton, ] 3 (Ken Fredson 580), Canteen 1
to a week before he sent out mail Wash. ] (Roger Russell 472).
advertising that he had long snc- - ..................... !
cessfulexperiencein arranging Llowell D Graveh, seaman ] IIOUSEWIVES LEAGI L
loans. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd l W L
It in difficult, he said, for the Graves, Shelton, is serving aboard Ba11's Fe(M Center. ............. 19 9
layman to recognize many of the /the anti-submarine warfare air- Shelton Union Service ...... 17 11
mail fraud schemes, but that when 'craft carrier USS Yorktown, oper- B & W Marina .................. 16 12
one receives mail promotions in sting out of Long Beach, Calif.Jim Pauley lnc ....... ............ 14 14
which an advance fee is required, Yorktown recently participated in F.onn]e s ................................ 14 14
it should always be turned over a joint Canadian-U.S. exercise off Shelton Marine Supply ...... 13 15
to the Post Office for investiga- the west coast of the U.S. and Hood Canal Marina .......... 13 15
tion. Asked if the Post Office has Canada. The exercise was designed Mell Chevrolet ................... 6 22
a list of firms using mail fraud to increase her anti-submarine High game--SylviA Fonzo 172.
fm a z¢c~ rant to check against, arfa
' '~ "P' " ' w re efficiencyand combat High series--Ginger Olsoe 483.
he explained that once the Post readiness. * * *
Office has arrested and indicted ........ Ronnie's 3 (Virginia Dundas
such a firm or person, there will 461), Union Service 1 (Stella How-
be no more mail delivered fromI;v=no,,~lit! At ard 416); B,& W 2 (Norene Stev-
that source and that, therefore, k~u=aDvuv= a-a= ens 457}, Bali's 2 (Ginger Olsoe
~a| 483); Canal Marina 2 (Lil Up-
there is no sucl~ reference list. Adv~nlisi ,GiIii11r~h To dyke 457), Shelton Marine 2 (Syl-
• via Fonzo 475); Mell Chev. 2 (Pat
Foursquare Church Talk On Af.ca Noreen 378), Jim Pauley 2 (EI-
~. • .. .. , The Sleeping Giant of the past len Rebman 388).
lates i, vangellSt that was Africa, is now the Colds- BANTA-M--~AGUE
-w., ,n~elist Jo~'nn,, P Otto sus of the Twentieth Century," ac-
................... cording to tester Rasmussen, re- WillourInsurance ................ 9 0
t~eno, ~ev. COlzle~ LU t, lte osl~it,us~ , , '
area for tbe first time to conduct ee llYta etur i2%na o LionsCl,nb ............................ 8 1
a BIBLE CRUSADE at the Shel- Y • Y... _ ' .~ . g Jay-Birds ........ : ....................... 6 3
ton Foursquare Church, 910 E. ne callea theuarg uont!nent,"VFW Post-Auxiliary ............ 4 5
~" arb rn and -astoredb- Rev he continued. Rasmussen m the Shelton Journal .................... 4 5
~e o p y
-'-- ~2 ....... a- "speaker for a series of meetings
an(1 NLrs. ,~wls wysol g. .**~ .~ ,,~-~ ~,, io~ r~h-Taylor Townc Cafe ................ 2 4
Otto ha.~ travelled recently , . . Team No. 8 .......................... 0 6
, " " "e ..... dueledTIME' These tortures are to be Cook Plant Farm ................ 0 9
sex erat s~aL s anti nas con ' , • '
• held inthe Shelton Adventist
many successful B~ble Crusades,_:" . " ^'h ; ~... High games .... Connie Fuller
- : been the ^~cst s-eaker atthnurcn, corner o~ ~ ann ~a~- 156, Dana Thompson 178
ana..nas '~.--i .~ " ff_~ .... ',~,,~ road beginning Saturday night at
youth, calllp~ ~ mm vu,vc,,~,,,,,o - ~^, - . . High serios --- Connie Fuller
throughout the west t:,~u p.m. ann running every nignt 264, Dana Thompson 288
-" ~' ...... " ..... de of the week except Monday and
Tne tneme O[ tnlS ~:llOle ~rnsa " " "
,,m~ ........WhoP Gos"el For TImrsday The opening service will . Jay-Bh'ds 3 (DAvid Graffe 217),
w*,* De J-lit3 ~ ~ J~ ' .
...................... feature Rasmussen m an address VFV¢ 0 (Greg Huglaes 254}; Wil-
wfle wnolc 2ann . rne ~mm t~ru- " .... ' ~:'*~" ""~W .... 7~.~
• • . entrees "z~ ~ r~u,.~ u£,lour Ins. 3 (Dana 3bompson 288),
sade will begin each mght at 7 *~r~rr,~ ,,
p m. beginning Oct. 27 and con .... . ......... Team 8 0 (Dale White 385); Lions
." ........... A unique feature of the~e mcet-
unue earn cvemng excep~ ~atur- . , ," ... .... 3 (Randy Churchill 238), Cook's 0
~av.,~',- Otto-" x~,,",m al~, ....... sve,~,,~-,~-* .u.,,~-,.*~" ......... nags which ~rlll present Modern(Bob McClanahm~ 223); Taylor
i ,~,, xr,,,, 1 ~vents m tne ~gnt ot Bible Pro-Towne 2 (Connie Fuller 264),
SCFv~,-~,o •~'" ..... ' r " e t "
....... er ........ phech,will be thB ble MarkingsJournal 1 (Len Peavy 258).
15sen nlgnr~ ~n, ~ Will ue spemm • • . . "
...... ., ,: ........ • .... Plan. Each indw~dual will be gtven
muslewlEn oiu-Llme~u~pcxmnN- . ' of th
• " hm own copy e Bible as he--
,ng. enters. Texts that arc used by thePharmacy Pha©ls
speaker will be given to the audi-
ence by pagenumber, thus enab- From Nell Evander
ling all to follow closely and mark You know? It takes a child to
their own copy. After attending get down to fundamentals, doesn't
lld THE
are back again
your hostess and host
9:30 to 2:00
Open 8:30
Adm. $1.25 per person
On the old "
Olympia--Tacoma Highway
ten meetings of the series, the Bi-
ble will be theirs.
Ralpk McGann, baritone soloist
will sing" and direct the music in
the series. Among his many solo
appearances, lVleGann sang with
the Arlington, Mass. Philharmonic
Orchestra, the Concord, N.H. Or-
atorio Society. He recently led and
sang at the North Pacific Union
Youth Congress at Portland, Ore.
and was soloist at the annual
presentation of the Messiah in the
Centralia-Chehalis area, whcre he
A reproduction of the famous
painting by Harry Anderson.
HANDS" will be given to the first
50 families.
Another first night feature 'will
be a color movic entitled "I Be-
held His Glory".
it. Here we've been talking about
all kinds of pharmaceutical suh-
jects. But it took a little boy's
question of, "What's a drug, *** ?"
before I realized wc'vc never
thought to ex-
plain what a
dmzg is! Well, a
drug can be de-
fined as any sub-
stance Ifood ex-
cepted) used to
improve the con-
dition of the
body. You know,
of course, that
penicillin is a
drug. But would it occur to you
to call Vaseline a drug? Vaseline
is a drug because it can be used
to soothe (improve) irritation of
the skin. Powerful drugs require
you]" doctor's prescription, but wc
also carry many others for your
better health requiring only your
nced and request for thcm.
Open Dally 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 - 6:00
. ___tiL'~=¢'a|idl|i=l-'l-Ilri'=h='a 4th &~ Railroad
V¢ L
Loaders ...................... 20 4
Raih'oad ..................... ,". ..... 16 S
Mill 3 .............................. ::.:::::15 9
Shops ..................................... 13 11
Engineers .............................. 12 :12
Mill2 .................................... 9 15 ROESSELFLIRTS WITH
Insulating Board .................. 6 18 MEN S COMMERC~L L game, Vincc Adail
Loggers ................................ 5 19
High game -Stan Ahlquist 233. with a 20;; also. B i
High series--Glen Robertson 602 Ziegler's Camera Shop .... ]8 10 just (we short of
* * * Wilson Company . ........... 16 12 ord scratch figure
Glen Robertson's 602 series fAil- Motel Timbers .................. 15 13 was only fix'(" shy (
ed to save his Engineers from a Gott Oil ............................ 14 1,1pimmvl(~. I] & R ca
1-3 defeat at the hands of ShopsWingard Sport Sbop ........ 14 1,1tory over \Vingard
(Fred Rupe 548) in Simpson Verle's Sporting Gods .... 1,1 1,1(Bill Staudt 509).
men's league play last week. B & R Oil .................... 12 16 In other mater
Glen's 224 opener had the doubleR:itner's Highballers ...... 9 9 (Gayle \V~inLz 510)
'effect of giving him the "fat" High games ..... Glen Roessel Tim'bers t Genc Hull
for following 179 and 199 games 279. Bert Hoard 242 son Con~par~.y (Da~
and to keep the Engineers from High series .... Glen Roessel 592shut out Verle's
suffering a shutout shellacking. - ....... (Bob Cleveland 479)
In other pairings, all also byGlen Roessel came closer to Camera Shop (Clyd
3-1 margins, Mill 3 (Ted Blairfashioning a perfect bowling game topped Riiner's I-Ill
534) beat Mill 2 (Val Sienko 562), than anyone has in quite some Turner 553) by a 3'
Railroad (Stan Ahlquist 579) beat while in Shelton when he crack- --~---~"
]BP (Bill Fredson 517), and the ed off a ~79 in men's Commercial
Loaders (Chris Fischer 571) beat league play last week. ii::!i~:~i:i::::::ii!!!~i~::::!ii~i~i~i~
the Loggers (Norm Castle 511).He lost it in the second f,'ame,ti:~:iiii~iii!i;i!:;!!!![::!'!iii!i
........... when he spared after an opening iiiiii!iiiii!iiii!!l~]~ i:~i~__.
GRANGE LEA~E L strike, then went all the way nntili~~~i~
his final ball in the 10th, on which
Matlock ............................ 20U, 3~ he left a wobbling ten pin.
Patrons ............................ ~5 9 Combined with Bert Hoard's tor- :i~i~:iii~
rid 242 in the same game, Glen's
Pomona ............................ big one led B & R Oil to a near- i
~- t^ 13 11 : ! !i~:i!~
A~ ~ ............................... record 1148 team total for that
Skokomish ...................... 13 ,11
Shelton Valley ................ 7~m 16~/~ MIXED FOURSOwMES L
Southside ........................ 7 17
Harstinc ......................... 6 ~ 18
High games .... Nellie Rossmaier Knock Outs .................. 17 7
174, Jim Rossmaier 191. Timber Ducks ............ 16 8
Strippers ........................ 15 9
High series ...... Ina Ktmbcl 460,Odd Balz ........................ 15 9
Joe Simpson 520
What s Next .................... 9 ~,~ 14 ~/.,
Southside 4 (Carl Emslcy 512),Twisters .......................... 9 15
Harstine O (Ralph Simpson 404) ; All Kats .......................... 7~,,~ 169', ~ ~]
Pomona o (Henry Cook Jr. 543),Board Busters ................ 7 17
Agate 1 (Max Mikkelsen 489); High games -- Marge Witcraft
Skokomish 3 (Dutch Stanley 505),215, Jack Frost 588 ~f,~l~]~
Shelton Valley 1 (Ins Kimbel 460); ~ High series -- Marge Witcraft
Matlock 3 (Jim Rossmaier 492),'539, Jack Frost 588
Patrons 1 (Joe Simpson 520). Stair-step --Marge Knudsen
FRATERNAL LEAGUE 131-132-133 ~~
W L Tinlbe?" D]lcks 4 (Jack Frost
:Fuller Construction .... 16 8 588), Board Busters 0 (Chuck
Eagles Aerie ................ 13~fi10~/~Thompson 501); WhAt'S Next 3~
Kiwanis Club ................ 13 11 (Max Mikkelsen 437), All Kats For 24 months af
Rotary ClUbshelton HardwAre .................... 12 12 O isti3r s (( JW;:!~ ~2 ~ ~'~ii( Me m ° r Y S nn t h419)~0Kn°ck ~..~...~._...,,..u....~o .,.,.~.~-- JOItNSON M0~I
Moose Antlers ................ 12 "12 place, withou~ '
........ 11% 121. =!:~Z'::!:~*t:::~::'
Lions Club .................... 11" 13"
I Bull Moose ..................... . 7 17 pers 1 (Cla(~de Cook 507}. ' inspection prave~
i High games -- Frank Marlcr failed in normal ~
:230 Do]] Johnson 226. WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE faulty material or
High series ..... Don Johuson W L sh p
576 Sunbeam Bread ................ 17 7 Th
-- , Lumbcrmen's Mere ............ 15 9 . ,e " -t;
Eagles 4 (Frank Marlcr 551),Hoodsport Lumber. ........... 12 ]2 a donnson ~sno~
Lions 0 (Chuck White 525);Shel-Evergreen Drng ................ 12 12 . .: it's a j~A~,
makes the 2 yea,
ton Hardware 4 (Bruce Schwarck Polka Dot .......................... 12 12 "" " d t
496), Bull Moose 0 (Cec Bingham Millo's Diner .................... 10 14 possible .... an .
499); Fuller 3 (Don Johnson 576) Morgan Transfer . 9 15 you can buy any
Kiwanis 1 (Jim Sneddon 550); Shclton Hotel ........ ii:i::::ii:. 9 i5 Johnsonoutboa~:
Antlers 3 (Lloyd Clark 561), Ro-High game --- Vi McGee 213, with confidence: ~
tary Club 1 (,lack Swanson 471). Mildred Daniels 200 now!
.................................. High series ..... Vi McGee 532
RAYONIER RESEARCH Split picks .... Helen Spaulding _.mL
W L and Helen Harris 5-7, Nellie Chap' GO "FIRST
Acetatc Aces ............. , ...... 20 8 pell, Sue Jaynes and ~He Dilley ~v'lth a ,4, aorlt
Silva Foxes ........................ 18 10 5-10, Darlene Blair 5-8-10. Betty ~J~r,
Maintenance ...................... ~.17 11 Robertson 3-10 and 5-6, Vi Me- JOHNSON ~;/a"
Wood Birds ...................... 14 14 Gee 4-5, Frances Fischer 2-7 ~
Fourfowlers ........................ 13 15 ........... it doesn't cost ¢
Water Boys ....... ................. 11 17 Hotel 4 (Marvine MeKec 485),
Rayoncttes .......................... ]0 18 Millo's 0 (Margie Bent 331); Sun- A dI
Pin Curlers ........................ 9 19 beam 3 (Mildred Daniels 504), ,
High games .... Marg Bacon 174,Morgan's 1 (Vi McGee 532) ; Pol- ~----g~--
Bill Barron 190 ka Dot 3 (Jeri Albrecht 424), eaL~
Higt series ..... Marg Bacon 492,Hoodsport Lumber 1 (Helen ~IIUI%
Bill Barron 535 Spaulding 463) ; Evergreen Drllg ;
............. 2 (Bobble Barnett 457), LM 2 reS
Rayonettes 4 (Marg Bacon 492), (Evelyn Eliot 454). on Hlllo~
Pin Curlers 0 (Aune Carlson 394);~-- i~
Wood Birds 4 (Tom Matye 492), ~ ~~m--~
Fourfowlers 0 (Beth Brown 4091; [] ............... ._ ~
Silva Foxes 3 (Mary Lund 471),I / ,iJlnl I |lA'li'An I=il
Water Boys 1 (Arn Cheney Jr.~ l llll I BIDI||I: ! UV
527); Maintenance 3 (Bill Barron I ~|i~ll~ [] Vii I I|l~/Vli v
534), Aces 1 (Jess Tobler 485). ~ __
................. [] --NICER USED CAR,S--
MEN'S CITY LEAGUE i 1964 BUICK wiI r3~.&T g~dan "" '""
u, • [] 1964 BUICK WILDCAT Sedan 11,000 Miles ............. .
40 & 8 Voitu,'e 135 12 ~ I 1963 LeMANNS SPORT cOUPE Sharp .................... ',.
Beckwith r~..:~,.." ......... .. ~[] 1963 RAMBLER CLASSIC 660 Sedan ........ :'"'"~~
,,,~wun'y .............. -z u H EVY "'<
Dair,,Chle ...... [] 1962 CHEVY II VVAGO-N-Nice . .........
Wils~r~t~:L=::Z... ................. ±z /, II 1960 CHEV BEL-X'I'R-.-..'[...:[: ...................... • ...... :C':
Pre;n' ......... ." I C; deUZIIII21TZZ/IIII ........... i
Stm'I~son "'Tll;3"l~er~ ........... 8 10 I 1956 CHEV BEL-AiR 2 dr. H-top (stick) .......... : ....... ::
Frisken Oil .............. 6 22 ~ 1956CADILLAC Sedan Loaded (See this one) ...... ,,
Shanb-Elliso~l"": ..................... 5 13 ~ 1955F.ORO STA.-WAGON V-8 (Real Good) ........... :':.i
High game--Stal~"Ah'l'q'(dst 224 ~ 1955FORD Club Sedan V-S ................................... "'"'::~
'High series--Stan Ahlquist 599.~ 1955PONTIAC H-top. Coupe V-8 ................................. .j
Beckwith 2 (Ron Strickland 576), ~ LLOYD SUNDBERG--SALES
Wilson Co. 1 (Dan Wilson Co. 1 [] JAY ROBINSON--SALES :
(I)an V¢ilson 566); Simpson 2 I -~'*~-~""~ ........
(Keith Shnpson 569) 40 & 8 1 • ~=vn~= r=,~o=--,,,~n.
~?:S2ii;~i;!~':i::°~~;~ i SHELTON HolroR,.~.¢{
" rnal """ " " " '" [] PONTIAC--BUICK--RAMBLER--'GMO :
JOU W$~II~ /~(JS l~ay ! 426-8252 ,,i
They Really Get Results
present facilities at Shelton General Hospi'
outmoded and woefully inadequate to meet the needs
community. Unless the community acts soon to
situation, it is very possible that Shelton General
will be condemned by the State Health Delc
its closure.
Such a step would be a serious blow to Mason
future growth.., its ability to attract new industry. •
We are convinced that the best solution to our
problem is the formation of a county-wide Hospital Di:
We feel that this would provide the needed new
the lowest cost to Mason County taxpayers, and provi,
citizen a direct interest and voice in our local hospital a
We urge you to VOTE YES on November 3 F01 i