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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 23, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 23, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1 64 i i NG CONTINUES RACK BEST Straight weekend, tile pickings Mason County fen Fast week. Best of all 15~i-pounders taken by Mel l)unn and Vern Sewell out o7 Rest-'While Park. Sewell had a nifty limit with 14-0 and 12-4 ., kti'ion:~ while l-)mm had 5-8 and 2.0 takes on another trip. Another nice limit was Sam Totten's 10-0, 1.~-0 and t-8 trio on top of an 6-0 on an curlier trip last week. Cisplayed by elllll e f 1"~)111 fa r-o~I 0gun county, where a beautiful revealed it:4 vellCl'- 1)oubles were taken by Les anew-while face. Blair 12-0, 10-8; AI Mueller 8-8, 7.0; 3()lm Gramnl 10-0 and5-12; ~oleman got a 155- and Chick" Re(key 8-0, 2-0from is sights at 13ing- the FleEt-While vicinity; while day for the best d~wn in the bay-inlet waters Lee County. Norm C:u'lson nailed 8-3 and 9-14 on with George separate tides Sunday ph|s Single a 130-1b. 3-point catches of' 5-0, 9-2 and 7-9 on last "l'htwsc~ay. ai~d took a spil~e on three other trips. Julie Carlson took a 10-5, Julie Bare 10-2 and knocked 9-6 on separate days, Jack Jolift Cushman 7-0, in the same waters. Ward a 125-1b. Harvey Greenwood took his 2- i:Satm'day, 14- fi4ah limit from the Chehalis with an 80-lb. spike 7-0 and 3-0 silvers Saturday. and Seattle Other catches reported from a 90-1b. spike at Hood Canal included Jim OkDnek • lr. 5-1;/; Glen Sowers 6-0; Dixie the wee- Sowers 9-2; Jerry Haskins 12-8; nice for good Gerald Pippin 11-8; Roy Swanson * , , 7.0 Frank Sowder 9-8; B. H. Hazlitt 11-12; Ed Zimmer 11-0;; NG GOOD B.A. Robinson 6-8; D. C: Runte BAY 13-0; Beth Hayden 5-4; A. M. were bitin in Nubert 10-0; Bob Manning 7-8; ~y In- Morrie Shore 8-8; Ralph Jackson during' the 3-12; L. E. Hayden 8-8; Mike Schuller 7-4; Roy Hussey 6-8; Hilda Sehmidt 6-0; Albert Sehmidt 11-4; Bob Wright 12-8; Bob Bell ,qHELTON -MA,qON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Ohrisimastown, U.&A. Shelton, Washington A YEAR AHEAD -- Because they are eith+r big or talented or both, these four 8th graders have made the 9th grade varsity football team at Shelton Junior High this year and will be see- Ing action tonight in the annual Kiwanis Club benefit game. The If there is such a thing as a three straight games due t:o a "breather" on their 1964 schedule, broken nose. Powell needs some the Highclimbers get it this week in their Olympic League pairing against North Kitsap. The Vikings haven't fared well at all this season, having lost five straight games, three in confer- once action, and bring up the rear of the league standings. Last week the Vikings suffered a 27-0 shellacking at the hands i of Central Kitsap, a team the Climbers clobbered 38-14 a week earlier. THE ONLY THING to be said in favor of the Vikings is that they have the home field advan- tage, for thc game is ticketed on Poulsbo's turfed gridiron. A wec worry for Coach Bob Sund is the possibility of a let- down by his Climbers after their peak performance against South Kitsap last week, a worry some- what intensified by the fact that Shelton hopes for a second straight Olympic league title just about vanished when Port Angeles edged ~last Bremert0n, 7-0, in last Fri- day's critical clash. SUND PROBABLY will give his reserves generous playing time to- morrow night, and include along with them as much action as pos- sible for Larry Powell, his mtlscu- lar senior and who has mi.~sed work to g'et back in shape for the remaining two games on the Climber schedule, against Monte- sane next %veek and the season finale the following week against East Bremerton. Steve Close probably won't be ready for action tonn)rrow, the senior tackle still being plagued with back miseries, but otherwise the Climbers are in good health and raring to play football. ...... t-a? E-ewhoHV Available to yOU wlthouI a doctor's pro- scril)tit)ll, our drug c,fllod ODRINEX. You must lose ugly let or your money back. No str,~IlUOUS cxor('tse, laxatives, lllassage or takillg" Of .~o-clllled rel|uc- ills CllIl(llos, (!l'a(~kel's 1)1' cookie!S, or chewing gum. OI)I{IN],~X is ~t lilly lab- let and easily swallowed. When yell lake ODRINEX. you still enjoy .','our meals, still cat the i~oo(is you like, but yOU silllply don't hsxe tim urge for ex- tra porlhms because ODRINEX depres- ~eS your appetite alld decl'l~ases yOtlr desire for food. Your weight must e(,lll('~ dowII, I)(~C~lllS~ ItS your owll (|oc- h)r will tell you, wholl yell (HIt IO:4S, you weigh less. Got rid ,ff excess fat told live longer. ODRINEX costs $3A}0 "and is s(fld on this GUARANTbllf: If not sstisfied fOl• lilly l'Pason jast re- ttu'n the package t() your druggist and get your full lnoney back. No (itlO.,I- lions asked. ODP.INEX is sohl with this guarantee by: EVERGREEN l}Rl~(l CEN'I'I'IIt 306 Railroad Ave. Mail Orders Filled Where Something New Has Been Added 6.4; and Gene Barber 5-0. !0r Hood Canal Dolly Varden trout provided 1~ S Rre 1 hr. ~d some fun in the Staircase area for (:l pltm 8.0 IR. three fishermen late last week. " ~ .----.., Jack Leimback picked off a pairLittle Climbers Win Wiih Spirit, Oaring Previously Missing ) let. 23 weighing lOVz lbs. each, Jack Cun- :5 -1.4 ft. ningham one at 13Vz lbs. but the :~, a,m. 12.0 ft. biggest fish of the entire week, With a spirit and daring they The play was good for 30 yards.= to South s 15 and to Marshall (in :16p.m. 5.1ft.either fresh or salt water was hadn't exhibited in earlier games, Cole bucked over the point. :the flat)to thexone. :32 p.m. 11.7 ft. Cal Gravatt's18-lb. Dolly takenthe Little Climbers got back onShelton boosted its lead to 19-8 It was dangerous strategy but Y,'Oet. 24 Sunday. the victory path in B squad foot- in the third quartet', and sewed fit was the Little Climbers' day :36 a.m. -1.9 ft. ball play Monday evening with tip the game as event turned out, : and they got away with it. :37 a.m. 12.2 ft. JUNIOR. LEA(IUEW L a 22-13 victory' over South Kitsap by going from the second half Next Monday afternoon, ~t 4:00 :07 P.m 5.9 ft. on Loop Field. kicRoff to a touchdown. Marshall p.m., the Little Climbers are at :12 11.4 ft. The Hut ......... ' ..................... 8 4 Shelton grabbed a 13-6 halftimethreaded the middle for the final home again, hosting North Kitsap six yards, on Loop Field. . Beckwith Jeweh'y .............. 7 5 lead by scoring in both the first "2Oct. 25 : a.m. -2.0 ft. Eagles Aerie 2079 .............. 6 6 and second quarters, sandwiching SOUTtI MOVED into a threat- : COACH LARItY WEIR used an :37 a.m. 12.1 ft. Hembroff Agency .............. 6 6 touchdowns around one scored byening position with a score in the:offensive lineup which included :05 p.m. 6.6 ft. Merv's Tirecap .................. 5 7 visiting South. final quarter which Shelton pro- Jim Grimes and John Boardman :54 P.m. 10.9 ft. Joslin Insurance .............. 4 8 Quarterback Ron Cole scored sented the Wolf Pups with two at center; John Kunkle and Bob fumbles, one recovered on the Lee at gu~ards; Don Armstrong ~, oct. 26 High ~ames--Sonja Ahlquistthe opener from two inches out Shelton 38 (which was stopped and Milt Schnmacher at tackles; :14a.m -1.7ft. 160, Mike Mills 211. to end a Shelton march cover- :43a.m' 11.9 ft. High series-Sonja Ahlquistins half thc length of the field, on the Climber 5), another re- Rollie Duckham and Jeff Kieburtz covered on the Shelton 20 two at ends; Ron Cole, Toni Villines, 15 7.1 ft. 459, Mike Mills 576. Cole was held short on the conver- plays later. This time the visit- and Chief Clayton at quarter; Skip :45 p.m. 10 2 ftSplit picks--.Rocky Robinson 6- sion plunge. quartet included Chris Clole (43), Gene Purvis (41), Mike LaMarsh (27), and Gary Austin (23). Kickoff time is 7:30 p.m. OrJd- mi--S - At Tuesday Program Fathers of athletic sons, and all interested sports fans, are in- vited to bring their sons to a showing of motion pictures of all Ilighclimber and Blazer football games so far this season to be held in the Evergreen school auditolium next Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. The program is being sponsored by the Shelton Fullback Club, which has been meeting bi-weekly for several months with the goal of improving athletic field faciliL ties in 8helton. City School Supt. Bob Quiggle will explain the pro- Hea nly Fried Cbk/im EAT IT HERE... TAKE IT OUT "--c-.-- h SPECIAL PROCES. ~]'eat)¢~Iy Chlc*~:~B IT IS COMPARAELE TO OLD FASHIONED PAN-FRIED CHI(;KEN / Oct. 27 7-10 Gary Robinson 5-7, Frank ors took it all the way in sixPurvis and Tom Marshall at half- ....o,,n, ......... ,;.,n ...a .+~,,~, SOUTII TIED zt m the second plays• backs;and M~ke Carper at full-F s s;_~. ,~ ....... ,.~ 7"4~..__.~ _1" .eL_* ...... ]'.] ] 3 a.m. -1.0 ft. Hughes 7-'9. -uarte~ aftc~ ~ceove|in- a Shel -- " " n~ ~" "- O sid - "" " p " t~. ~j a~,~m tam ~r=,~j ~U~V-~,~ .r i2 a.m. 11.9 ft. , , ~: q " , • . " " ~ . " g - An~clpatl ~ ~outn s n- e DacE. _ .............. I~IP~I~ I[./Il~lJ!" I[,qP 17p.m. 7.0ft. Mike Mills shot a sizzling 576ton fumble,38 yards. . from the.kickoff, the Little. Climbers.. reeov- In his defensive, lineup, Weir. • MR. & MRS. LEAGUE ' J i2p.m. 9.3 ft. series to feature Junior Leaguegoal Shclton held on the extraered the ball with two mimltes to used Dave. Armstrong at middle w L 0et. 28 individual performances Saturd'~y point, to leave it at 6-6 but the! play Insiead of trying to play guard; Jinx Borst Knnkle an(t Art ~ ...... . ...... ~'~ u ili~l tHii 14i~1lip l |m•~lllJl • !Da,.ra. -0.2ft. at' the Timber Bowl. Mike led Little Chml)ers broke that dead- out the clock, Shelton went forTozier at tackles' l{Ack Marshall ........ ~, u till I|ll lh hll l|ll' 1 . • . , " " . " ' " stock s t~rapevlew ......... la u .JO,p.m. 11.9 ft. Merv's Tireeap to a 4-0 shutouth)ck for good wli,h a second quar- another score and got it, a fmld and Kmburtz at ends; Bob Bry.- j 2, I -%r,,iee 15 U ll l IIVI II= I Ll|l|l lll )2p.m 6 3 ft. of Her0broff //~gency (Peg Bloom- ter marker on Tom Marshalrs goal by Chief Clayton with one ant,. Larry IAIt~ and Gary Mar-' .. "';'e "°'~o" slr ;ction .......... 12 12 ..... ) ' ' " S ) r ~ MI 111 y U n t t ,5p.m: 8.7ft. field 4221. In other matches Jos- pus to R( llie Duckham who made second" to go from the one-jard shall as l]ncbaekers Clayton aflit'., "-= ': .. ., ....... -- -- • For tile mlexUe cteff coml)anv '" ' .... • " " .... ' " vonn Marsn t~eaity ........ xu ±,i " x x a , O~;~. 29 tin Insflrance 3 (Frank Hughes a spectacular catch from three line. In the positioning rnancllv- Oarper at wingJ~acks, and Toln ~..,. ..... ~¢ ....... in ~. defending backs on the one-yard ors, Cole ran for 15 yards to Marshall Purvis, Dave Williams ,~u;s~2n'-~'~L~ .............. ~ ~; @ For hurtles, ,)icllics snack time etc :29a.m. 0.7ft. 501). The Hut i (Chuck Thompson line and fell into the end zone. South's .15, passed to Jeff'i ' * ' - ........ 0 ~- • L STAMOUT HOME COOKING • A " i }li .It ~ ill ~ ": Stock's 4 Joe Lngen ,)37) ., ¢) --,) , ~ ,, ,~_ '~i'~l~ ~,,'i;~ , ] Thurston Savings & Loom 0 (Fred JLZ I)CS. $;L95 21 l)es. $4.95 T ~~~ "..~]~E,, ~.~.:"~ ~" ~:~,~l[~,~]~lt ; Rupe 486); Griffcy Bros. 4 (Bob ........... t0PEZ"t" QUIPHEH ':/~ ,li~~ "~R~ ' Myers~ 480), J & J 0 (John Hulet v||illllll i~l|.m ii w |vinlV|Qlu llll |usmllllllllim|m~"" Ill" |~w.--] ~ ~ L':---~--q:--~--=- lli~W:ti,~lJ~i) ~ii:~')~