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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 23, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 23, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 22, 1964 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 9 I I 1965 PORTABLE AND STAND addition to any to the smart stand on wheels. St tuning system 82 channels. UHF onten- Channel 1965 Portable ItUilt-in Antenna 22 lb. Weight Up Front Controls Speaker Ear Jack For Earphones '$138.00 Sale COLOR TV Deluxe Console Wood Cabinet $ Reg. $650.00 1965- 82 Channel 23" TV Full Console. Walnut Wood Front Controls Illuminated Channel Window Front Controls - Front Speaker Compare Anywhere Lowest in Southwest Washington w/t Quality At Discount Prices On All 1964 TV And Stereos At Drastically Reduced Prices EASY CREDIT 1ST PAYMENT IN 1965 FREE PARKING AT EVERGREEN PARKING LOT WHILE SHOPPING AT Miller's The Most Beautiful Coffee Table you've ever heard #) THE WELLINGTON The New Look of Stereo The distinctive styling of this console combines the elegance of fine furniture with the superb reproduction of General Electric stereophonic sound. $, Let Mother Enjoy The Holidays, Too, With These Labor Saving Appliances From G.E, THURS. FRI. SAT. GRAPEVIEW ...... Although our local grape harvest was nshcrcd in with a chilly downpom" last \Vednesday, by the weekend, sun- shine warmed the clear crisp air and transformed the vineyards in- to beautiful settings for the activ- ities therein, much to the relief of the St. Charles Winery pickers. By this weekend the Orville Kst- gers expected their crop to be pret- ty well harvested, q~he juice plant has been operating since last Fri- day and the Grapeview Grocery has a fresh supply of the delicious royal purple beverage. In the Buckingham vineyards, on the scene for their hmwest was Ethel's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Green who came up from Pe Ell Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Peeples of West Linn, Ore., to spend the day here. Also as- sisting them were the Ralph Greens of Seattle as well as the John Rcischmans who brought their four children to offer 12 more helping hands. Picking up grandchildren John and Becky Buckingham at the Bremerton ferry Thursday even- ins, Ethel and Orin took them to see the Shelton Highclimbers de- feat the South Kitsap Wolves be- fore bringing them out to Grape- view for the weekend. Dean and Billie joined them Saturday to help wind up the harvest and in Dean's case, also to hunt. Sure 'nuff, go- ing out alone in the Grapeview area Sunday morning, in no time, he came back with the baeon,~- er-a-venison ! Several more sagas or success- ful huntersare forthwitb present- ed for your pem~sal and for the encouragement of not-so-lucky, would-be-deer slayers. ~VHILE ItUNTING with Herb Smith last Friday, AI Okonek Q, Es 3"Way Washing Action Pre-Rinse Pre-Wash Service For 15 Setthlg No Special Installation We Deliver And Install FREE w/t made a successful kill iu tile Grapeview area which sent the two men home satisfied with the day's outing. This proved to be an especially busy hunting season for Virginia Hicks. Thm'sday morning her Reg. $228.00 Hereford, Pat, presented her with a frisky little heifer and, to add to the excitement, while hunting WITH AM-FM AND FM STEREO RADIO with Jubie tbat aftra'noon, Virgin- ia bagged a dandy young doe. To keep things moving at the pace Reg. $268.00 already set, Friday morning Venus, ......... Virginia's Black Angus, presented her with a hnsky bull calf. So now, it's up to Jubie and bis tmmty A,UTOMATIG FI-LTER-FLO WASHER WITH MINI-WASH • Big 12-pound capaciLy • Water saver load select;on " Soak cycle • Bleach dispenser • Unbalance load control 12 $, $I ALE ONLY !Ut6UATm _ I'SPEED RANGE • ~3";nch master oven ushbutton controls, h in I:luorescont surface lig t 9 • AUtomotic timer • • ~i-sl0eed Calrod umts Reg. $239.95 3-1tEAT 12 LB, DRYER Front Lint Trap - Easy To Clean Fluff Cycle $, P w/t w/t WITH EACH WASHER PURCHASE A new accessory for Genera! Electric Filter-Fie® Washers with 12 pound capacity! The Jet-Swirl Dispenser slips eve• the center filter post. Jus, t fill with manufacturer's recom- mended amount of fabric soft- ener at beginning of wash cycle -softener is released automat- ically, at the right time, with the incoming rinse water- clothes come out soft, static~ free, and easier to iron! Autonmtic Drying or can be timed drying Fluff Cycle De-Wrinkle Cycle All Deluxe Controls Reg. $219.95 SHELTON SMALL APPLIANCE GIFT ItEADQuARTEI S ALWAYs SHOP MILLEWS FIRST SHOP AT IIOME A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. rifle to provide the next install- ment of this story! Several of the pertinent facts concenling our current, :Mason County hospital district proposal were learned by your reporters who, with their husbands, attend- ed Monday evening's meeting of the Citizens' Committee for the Hospital District held in Shelton at the PUD building under the chairmanship of Jerry Samples. Cal Hopper, Shelton General Hos- pital Administrator, informed us that: A. Present physical hospital plant, the Shelton GencrM Hospi- tal, is sub-standard, permanently unacceptable and must be replaced. ]3. Goal is to provide a good hospital, economically operated. C. Mason County is the only area in Washington State now with a N0. 1 priority to qualify for federal fm~ds :nnder the Hill- Burton Act and in such a category , could receive 40 percent of the to- tal cost. After questioning the possibility of h)sing onr allotted fire district revenue, should such a, district be formed, we were ~tssured that this would be highly improbable due to the fact that the senior tax dis- tricts (such as Shelton) would have to relinquish a portion of their millage before we (a junior tax district) could ever be required to do likewise, To the besL of our knowledge, this has never occurred in the history of :Mason County. TItE COMMITTEE emphasized thaL the voting public will, at this time, only be deciding whether or not to form a, hospital district and not deciding for or against tt bond issue or any fomn of taxation. ~,.=,. II I ....... -- r - -- Saturday afternoon l.wo memb- luck dinner was enjoyed hy all. ers of the Grapeview V.F.D. Ladies Seems to us, fall is as good s. Auxiliary took advantage of the time if ,not better than spring to invitation from Union F.P.D. No. do a thorough house cleaning. 6 to the general public to come Why not look into this and save and take. a look at their h)vely all of your dry-cleanable items for new fire truck, l~fuch impressed by Ihe Grapeview V.F.D. Ladies Aux- the gleaming white vehicle, Louise iliary's economy cleaning project Okonek and 'Salli Cl.ayton visited to be held at the Shelton Coin- with Fire Chief Otto Wojahn long i Operated Laundry Thursday, Nov. enough to learn that the new truck 5 from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tilts is is powered to pump 750 galhms also an excellent opportunity to of water a minute, has a 750 gal- refresh the children's winter school lon capacity, that it was purchas- clothes. Bring in your items or ed from WesteFn States Fire Ap- ask a willing V.F.D. Anxiliary paratus, Inc., ~md has an Intemm- member to do so, but remember, tional Harvester chassis. Mrs. at- please provide your own hangers. to Wojahn and Mrs. Karl •'Berry All proceeds will go into the Any most hospitably offered the ladies iliary treasury. :a warm welcome, steaming hot Thv Halloween party commit- ;coffee and a wonderful variety of tee of the Grapeview Mothers' home-made cookies while they Club is busily planning for their compared notes on their respective part in this mmual grade school vehicles, fire departments and fire i affair. The party will be held Oct. districts in general. 30 at 7:30 p.m. and the general Out" beautiful Indian Summer public is cordially invited to or- There will be a costmne weekend lured many "city folk" )arade, entertainment, prizes and out to this area, some for a last- surprises with refreshments be- fling-of-the-season outblg, some to ing served afterward. As a sub- seek grapes and grape juice or to stitute for "triCk or treat" in hunt deer and some to clean up this rtlral area with its lengthy the fallen leaves and set their lanes and far-spread residences, summer places in order: In this the IV[others' Club has placed a l~tter cate~0ry was Mrs. Elizabeth perky pumpkin head in the Grape- :Morgan of Bremerton who recent- view Grocery to act as an offic- ly purchased the section of prop- ill receiver of cash donations. erty which formerly belonged t;~ This money will be used to defray the late Charles Davis and named the expenses incurred for the par- it "Happy Haven". ty which is aimed at subduing Mrs. IVforgan is no stranger to any overly frisky ghosts and goh- this general area having spent lins and placating any evil spirits much time near Vaughn at her in the area. See you there, Boris! sister's holdings on the north point THE LADIES of our Sarah of Rocky ~ay. There are no ira- Eckert Orthopedic Guild had a mediate plans for building, all such busy meeting last Friday at the ideas being shelved until :Mrs. Mar- attractive Treasure Island home of gan retires. ~E ARE delighted beyond Mrs. H. T. Dowell who was assist- ed by :Mrs. A. O. Rindal. During words to learn that Ml~. Les Rice the course of this work meeting, is at home once again, having the 15 members present made ar- been released from the Sheltonlrangements for the Orthopedic General Hospital :Monday after-:Country Store and Game Night noon after having been there for to be held at the Grapeview School almost five weeks. Nov. 13, and, for their rumm~age :Margaret is able to be up and sale which is to be held the day about occasionally but will un- after Thanksgiving at the PUD doubtedly need much rest to effect building in Shelton. a successful recovery. Friday, the Carl Stocks with ...... sonTerryanddaughterKathyar- L~~~ rived from Bellingham to visit dur- ing Friday and Saturday ~ith Julia : and Doris and spend Friday night with sister Martha. TAKING TIME OFF from her studies at the U of W, Liz Seiners still plays an active part in "Rain- bow". As Rainbow's Grand Chap- lain for the Washington and Ida- ho district, Liz attended the re- ception held Saturday evening at Tacoma's imposing ]V~asonic Tem- ple for Mrs. Edwin F. Kenrick, the newly-elected Supreme Inspec- tor of the Washington and Idaho International Order of B.ainbow for Girls. In honor of this charm- ing lady, Liz gave a personally composed prayer as her contribu- tion to the success of the evening. After spending the night at home herd' in Grapeview, Liz was able to a c c o m p a n y her family to Lake Lucerne wllere the5' all enjoyed Sunday.. dinller wiLl~ Grad:dpa and G~andma Opdal b~;- if•re returning Liz to the U. Of W. campus. AND IT'S A SPLASII~r new maroon 1965 Impala for the Bern- ie Tresners! Son "B. G." was hap- py to visit local friends and show off the new family "wheels" when the Tresners drove out from Taco- ma Sunday to check their beach home just north of the Les Soules. A Jolly two-family group drove over from Puyallup to spend Sun- day afternoon with the Walt Clay- ton, Jrs. Chris and Gloria •'Kelly and their two sons, :Mike and Cllris were happy to have with them Chris's sister :Mickey and familY, the Phil Carbaughs of Fife Heights. Kathy, Phillip, Pat and Kat~en were delighted to be initia- ted into :Mike and Chris's favorite Grapev~w pastime, fishing off Cl~ytons' dock, and enough dog- fish and bullheads obligingly took their bait to provide the necessary excitement. Before their depart- ure, the ladies pooled their culin- ary resources and a delicious pot | • $o light and .osy to handle thet evict, one can use It • 0nly 12 Ibs. toss bsr end chain • Cuts through 12-Inch logs In 18 se~ ends, felll tr.el ~p to 3 feet in dl* smoter • Portable, psollne-englns driven, wIUI tap professional leatures WORLD'S UGHTEST DIRECT- DRIVE CHAIN SAW , / JUVE A FREE DEMONSTRATION TODAYI on Hillcrest Phone 426-4602 We Service What' We Sell MASON COUNTY'S ONLY AUTHORIZED G.E. FACTORY TRAINED SERVICE For Expert Service CALL 426-8215 Miller's Al)pliance 50¢ A WEEK Sales and Service "Leading Lady" Hair Dryer by General Electric f.. i With Each Major Appliance Purchase TillS SALE ONLY APPLIANCE DEPT. A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. 1 LOVELY WALNUT FINISH uiBi i 100as OF US - RECORD CABINET . HI.FI CABINET - GRACES YOUR PICTURE WINDOW • BUFFET SERVER • BOOK CASE • CREDENZA • ROOMDIVIDER Adlustabe shelf lets you customize to fit any space needs,., legs are self-leveling 'with sparkling brass finish tips,., full finished back to make ideal room divider