October 23, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PA E 10
,gT1 ,t?r'ON--MA,gON CO ]NT .T(')T NAT,--]Ntbll.qhed in e hrLrtmct tc wn, TLR.A ,qhdton, Warhlnglnn
T ~* 4 ,)
Thur. day,
Grange Slales Booster
Night, Party Friday
A Halloween theme will be used
for the Shelton Valley Grange No.
403 combilled booster night and
party to bc held in their hall be-
ginning :it 8:30 p.m. this Friday.
There will bc organized games
for young and old as well as card
games for card enthusiasts. The
evening will be rounded out with
a short program mid a pol, hlck
Planning the event are Lois
Simpson and Harley Wivell. Tom
Olson, Master of Shelton Valley
Grange, extends a cordial invita-
tion to all members and friends to
attend and enjoy an action packed
e v elii n g.
II II I i i I
Terrific Music by
The Banjo King Trio
Bennle plays many instruments
Ind all requests, accompanied by
Members Only
i~~ ~ >'? : " F ~:i;~2
FIFTY YEARS of marriage will be celebrated by
Mr. and Mrs. William I~ve~ this Sunday from 1-4
p.m. ,n the Matlock Grange hall. An Open House
has been planned by the grange members and the
oouple's children, Charles of Arcata, Calif., Edith
Karnay of Tacoma and Marjorie Behling of Spana-
way. The Evers were both born and raised in what
is now Grays Harbor county. They were married
Oct. 29, 1914 in Montesano and settled on a ranch
close to the Mary M. Knight school where they lived
until their children were g~wn and married. They
now make their home at 1555Y2 Cota street. Farm-
ing and logging kept Mr. Evers employed the first
years of their marriage. He later went to work
for the Fish and Wild Life Service and was Mare-
mal Control Agent for this department for 18
years before his retirement in 1952. Mrs. Evers
used to use ~some of her spare time for sewing but
her main activity now is gardening and her great-
grandchildren. The Evers have seven grand-
daughters. The third generation produced three
great-grandchildren, two of which are finally
boys. The honored couple have been members of
the Matlook Grange for many years and Mr.
Evers has a 40-year membership pinin the Eagles
Lodge. Huntin~l and trapping continue to keep him
active. The Evers anticipate a happy afternoon
Sunday reminiscing with their many friends. It
has been requested there be no gifts.
TEDDI TRAVIS was a Shelt~n-.High sohool representative to
Girls' State this year, She is Worthy Advisor for the local Order
of Rainbow for Girls and gives LiancTng lessons in her spare
On October 2, the Yakima Morning Herald asked...
Who÷ever Happened To Hones÷y?
Johnson's actual fortune was placed at
from $9 million to $14 million by independ-
ent investigation, but Johnson blandly an-
nounced that his family worth was only
$3i484,098.-by his formula--and then let the
matter drop.
Is it honest for Johnson to boldly cam-
paign for the presidency on government.
financed, nationwide trips which he insists
are "non.political?" Is his sense of values
In reading poll results, newspaper en-
dorsements and voter cormments in the
presidential campaign, we.- are somewhat
disturbed and mystified by the apparent
crumbling of a fine American tradition--
'the once.high regard for character and
total honesty.
We are not surprised at the apparent
wide load Lyndon .lohnson holds over
Goldwater. As a recent magazine article
suggested, it's tough to :beat $100 billion, --and that of the voters--so calloused that
which is about what an incumbent's cam- such outright dishonesty has somehow be-
paign bundle amounts to in taxpayer "con- come proper?
tributions." But :we +are ~listurbed that so Is it honest for 3ohnson to clamp the
many solid/ and honest citiz]ens are:know- lid on the Bobby Baker st~ndal, when
ingly or unknowingly letting t~ieir preoccuo Bobby Baker as Johnson s protege made
pation with Texas charmand government millions out of his operations as Senate
money override their basic sense of values, majority secretary?
for surely it is evident even to the most Is it ethical for Johnson to make a mock-
dedicated partisan that Lyndon Johnson's ery of honesty in the case of nuclear
ethical standards:are clouded, euthorqty for NAT0 commanders, which
Does it mean nothing how ~lohnson won Barry Goldwater proposed? In Seattle,:pur,
his ,senetorship-bow: he squeaked into the suing the branding of Gold~ater as a ',war.
Senate In a 1948 Texas election on the basis monger,' and "trigger,happy" because of
f a h hl " "
ig y.questionable late vote tally,his.NAT0-nuclearstand, Johnson said "only
when Jim Wells County bro~t ia a box the President" has such authority. Yet
with 202 v~tes for 3ohnsoa and 1 for his Time, U. S. News.& World Report and Rap.
opponent? That vote calmt, mysteriously 6raig Hosmer, ranking member of the
"found" one week ~ter,:the election, gave lotnt Atomic Energy Committee, say that
Johnoon ,an ~87.vote margin, b fraud ~arge such delegation by President Johnson does,
was filed, but meanwhile Johnson was safe- in fact, :exist= today. The Johnson discussion
ly seated by the Senate R~_les,: Committee. of that item has collapsed, yet he has re-
With such a cloud wouldn t a totally honest fused to admit that he neglected to tell
and ethical ~andidate have said, "Let s get the truth.
• " " ut
th~s matter cleared up ? :Perhaps these examples are minor, b
discussion--gave an accountm' gbasedd on have just as honorable ethics in small met-
original cost minus taxes and depreciation? ters as in big ones? Is it possible for a
Should not one,s personal wealth at any man. to have a double standard? We're
particular timebe figured on era:rent value? perplexed.
repr nf of editor;all
October 2, 1764, Yeklma Morning Herald
And so are we/These are some of the reasons why many of us in the Demo-
party are supporting Barry Goldwater for President. We hove al.
ways believed in .honesty and Integrity in government. When our elected
/eadeesbetra yf~isi#s trust for tkeir own,personal gain, we believe/f's time
for a change. Barry Goldwater ts a man of unquestioned honesty and in-
tegrity. We urge all Americans to join with us in,electing Barry Gc!dw~er
on November 3rd.
°t$ I ,,,,o,,o,,E~,,,,oN,,,~,,,,,~
SocialEve ,,o,~ ,:,,,~,,,,~,o~
A l•Olln(t t'lble discussion was
heht an(l slides \yore shown by
i ln('nlbtq*s It| the meeting .f the
Society Editor. MarJ Waters • ~'hcne 42614412 Shcll(,n Ch':q)l(,r of the Alllericau
"l~,hododemh'(m Society held tit S
pan. Tiles:lay in tlu, PIll) :ulditor-
Methodist WSCS achel ln0 l Guild i,,n,
I)F, l::lrohl Clark of I~ono'view,
Hears Talk On UN Welo mes Neaber ,,,i.,, ,,f a,,,,,,,,,.. .l,,. ,,,d.',,-
,1,1,., the we- BadI T e ive $1a .s """ ,viii ,,+ g,,es,
men's Society of Christiai~ ,¢.;vrviee [~ ker f(w thv Novelnl)tq" meeting.
of the Methodist chill'oh ~vetls hehl Mrs. ~(,hlt'll Valldel. Wegen was
in the fireplace room Oct. 14 at \veleolned back h) active slatus IlUI~IMAI;E gAL1,]
11 a.nl. lit t.ho eoliclllSiolt of lhe when the lLa(!hel I,:nott Orthopedic A i'linmlag~ sale will be spon-
talSilless nletqing' lilnehetni was Glliht lllet Oclobel, 16 at the hon]e .~'ol'od ill tim PUD atldilol'iIllll this
SOlved by the Miriam Cireh:. of Mrs. Glendon Ferguson for a t,'rMay slid Sitturday by the Laurel
The afternoon pr,)g'ran] began 12:30 p.m. htneheon. Mrs. l~.iehard Collrt, Order of Alnaranlh.
with devotion:; led by Mr r;. It..I. Brewer was co-hostess.
Vail I)t~ Riel and a stile by Mrs. The l)usiness meeting was con-
I,oui Larson. l~ev. l-{()r/Ico Mounts dHcted by P~esident ]V[1.~. Samuel
presenLed an instructive pr(,,4','am l#ritz. Mrs. Chal'les Allison re- D''t" "f
on the Uniled Nations ithtst'rated polled on tile eorrespondenec she
by ~lide4 taken whe.]~ he and Mrs. had with the O/'lhopedie hospital
MOlln!.s visited s,~vetalsessions regarding tl menlol'ial fnv Miss P.a-
there, chel h:nott. \Vhen a memorial of
At 7:30 p.m. the Vv'SCS spon- this type ix sent the hospital re-
vered an all-ehtlrch st~dy on the qllests ~l history of the person
United State~' responsibility to in whose memory it is given. /VIrs.
"New Nations". Tl,is was led by Fritz asked Mrs. George Cropper
Mrs. Robert Tanner. A second and Mrs. Allison h) l)rel)art~ this
session was held last nighL, information.
..........................It was voted to have the hos-
tesses call members befm'e each
EAGLE NEWS l,.lcheon meeting to find out how
EXPECTING VISITOR nlany will attend. Mrs. Bea. Grout
Eagle Auxiliary No. 2079 will vohmteered to call Hood Canal
be visited by Madam President members. Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale
Erminia Paulon next Tuesday. A was thanked for her efficiency In
6:30 p.m. supper will be served, arranging for the hostesses each
, , , month the past years.
The November 20 meeting will
:CARD PARTY WINNERS be at tim home of M:rs. David Har-
Winning high scores at the Oct-ris with Mrs. Charles Allison as
ober 10 pinochle card party were co-hostess. Mrs. Fritz thanked the
Vi Laugan and Don Ragan. Sec- hostesses for a delicious hmeheon.
ond high went to Edna Kneeland
Frank J. Billinqs, Chmn.,
300 Seuritles Bldg., Seattle
Any similarity between retai
merchandising and social Work
would be hard to pin down but
Teddi Travis is having a hard time
choosing her futm'e career between
the two. She likes aspects of both
types of work, therefore the inde-
cision. Perhaps before this, her
senior year a:t Shelton High school,
is over she will be sure which she
prefers. She has not chosen her
college as yet.
Her winsome smile and bound-
less energy make Teddi a valuable
member of the SHS Pep Staff and
Pep Club. Teddi was one of Shel-
ton High school's representatives
to Girls' State this past summer.
Student teaching in second year
Algebra takes up one of her study
periods a day. Other subjects on
her daily routine include third
year of French, literature and
composition, world problems and s
Art enterprising young lady,
Teddi, with two of her friends, has
started giving ballet lessons,
thereby capitalizing on her ex-
Symptoms oI Distress
-------~ ()ver live mill
for iclwl el s
cess A(
Stomach, GassJnosS
IOSStlOSS, etc., due tO
Over-Night Service on those
• Cylinder Head valve grinding - Cylinder Heads
• Piston Pin Fittinq - Pistons Expanded
• Cylinder Block Reboring - Brake Drums Renewed
• Hi-Pressure Lines for Industrial Equipment
• Crank Shaft Kits
229 So. First St.
and ~rnie Stuck. Traveling pin-
n __
oehle was won by Herman Lor- rav
er~zen and Jo Trotter.
The next card party will be ....
held this Saturday night.
Eagles Aerie 2079 had an offi., 1. •Mason County P.U.D. No. 3 belongs to all the people
cial visit from State President of our County. Its purpose is to furnish dependable electric
Ralph Lee of Seattle October 13. service at the lowest rates possible in keeping with efficient
Three members from Tenino and and businesslike operation.
four from Chehalis were visitors 2. All Commission meetings are open to the public.
a~ou~" with Paul Conner, State Any citizen is welcome to attend and consult with the Board
E~gle Conductor, and Charles on policies, performance or condition of your District. Meet-
Savage, slate representative, ings are held each Monday at 1:00 p.m. in the P.U.D. office.
3. An analysis and survey ,of your District by a national-
Conner gave a report on Grand ly recognized firm of Public Utility Analysts is now going
Aerie convention held in August
and district director Rodncy Wil- forward. This is to assure us of the sound engineering plan-
ning as well as the financial solvency of'your utillty District.
bur of Chebalis Aerie 1550 talked This will also include a review of the local electric rates
on Eagledom. A talk on Referen- looking toward any possible rate reduction in keeping with
dum 34 was given by Lee. ,cur policy of making the P.U.D. debt free at a reasonable
Walter Ruele of Tenino, stale 4. Your District will continue to cooperate with the
chairman fro" the Retarded Chil- other PUDs to provide new power resources for our County
dren's fund, reoorted the state goaland the Pacific Northwest in order to promote new busi-
i~ $7500. President Lee Cook of nesses and industry.
Tenino reported on the success of It is my pledge to the people of Mason County to serve
+l.he Labor DaV ~arade and Savage them in furtherance of good dependable electric service by a
also gave a speech, solvent and efficient Utility District with the lowest possible
.......................... rates under sound business practices.
Royal Neighbors of America will
meet at 11.:30 a.m. Monday in
the Memorial Hall. Luncheon will
be stowed by Mrs. Cecelia Corn~
~nd Mrs. Luci]le Florek and the
door prize will be furnished'by
Mrs. Willie Quinn.
Get this automatic
perienee and practice in the past
Responsibility is hers in her . .,:~.~::~!~!i'.:.!i;ii~i!~:Vi::::,:::~
position as Worthy Advisor of tile ...............
local Order of Rainbow for Girls• Makes diapers :
She is a member of a Junior Or- softer, towels ,,, ~'~~-\ ~!~a~~\-'~
thopedic Guild and Episcopal . ' ' ~4:.~: ~.:'.
Youth Club. "fluffier, lrontng
Born Jtme 22, 1947 to Mr. and • "
e .";::,: ',
Mrs. Frank Travis, Jr. in Shelton, $:i:[i~;i/~~t~~\~ ,..~q~~.~}!:}'.,'.:.+
Teddi has lived hare all her life. i' '/~~:~t.\:;~::~l
She has one sister, Mary Jane, __ ~" " ~)i~'!~
five. Her father is the present ~~lt~
mayor of Shelton. ~.~....
Teddi stands just barely over
five feet tall. She has blue eyes j~~~~
and light brunette (almost blonde) ~~~
hair. Swimming and water and~ , .,.:.,-a.,:~a~,;,~
snow skiing are her favorite ~ • ....... '~"~'+~ "
sports, civics and algebra best
liked subjects: when you buy thin
The regular meeting of the Ms- 2 speeds--AUtomatiC
son County 4-H Leaders' Council '.+ - - ¢oaU n,de +oo!
was held October 13 in the court-
house annex. ~- • NeW Deep Actton Agitator. Jet
Officers elected for the year are: ~.--.~~'~. ,-.rrents gi~/e all your wash
President, Cora Drake; vice pres- ~i~ ~',~" ctlon'~ ¢leanmg,
ident, Helen Bakke; secretary, Deep A " "
s Ci0theS come Out loose, easy-
Jem~ Brown; t,'easurer. Joyce Sny- ' |~] . I! even ppron strlngs seldom snarl;
der; news reporter, Catherine Bra-
Leaders' Council will serve the
food at the Exceptional Foresters' : •Jet,simple design for top de.
auction Oct. 23-25. The proceeds . tlp
will be given to the Exceptional
Foresters. , '
The guest speaker for the eve-
ninff, Tom Quann, 4-H Club spec- ~ ~S
ialist from Puyallup, led a discus- . Even .
Mods "
sion on a different approach to 4-H 4 c010~| ar wltltel /
individual evaluation.
MOUN-~I-N- V]'~ P-TA
Edwin W. Taylor
(Pai~l Political Advertisement)
Mou.ubHn V:ic'w PTA will meet
at 8 p.m. next Monday in the
nuflti-purpose room at the st:heel.
Rooms will be open at 7:45 p.m.
for parent visitation.
Mr. Tuson will speak on legis-
lation pertaining to education. The
flag salute'wtll be led by Mrs, M E: Re:AN
Dethlefs' Jr. Girl Scout Troop No.
P.U.D. He. 3
Get any of these
ue O
you buy
Pampers your clothe., .
gentle Flowing Henri
* No-stoop lint screen right 0II ':
the door,
t Smooth rust'resls~lll~ P r¢$ :
lain Enamel drum. ~i
I WJ'inkles-Awajdtyrng for Wa)¢l
Wears ~aves ironing tim0!
M0d01 eDA.6~, 010ctr|a
4 colors or white!
1st &* Pine Sts.