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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 23, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 23, 1964
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¸ ,qB'ELTON--MAg0N C01YNTY JOURNAL- Publishedin "ChrL t nastmmb U.S.A.", qhelton, Washington' PAGE 13 I •rOmance THE NEEDLE---His 128 pounds disPersed over his 6-foot frame don't seem, like the qualifications for the tough position of tackle in football, but Mark Weston, called "The Needle" by his coaches and teammates, man- ages to earn a ,starting tackle assignment with the Shelton Blazers iznd will fill that role tonight in the annual Kiwanis Club benefit game against Cen- tralia on Loop Field. RECilEATION LEAGUE W L Ritner's Pink L~di&~ ...... 18 6 v Food nisei] Furniture ............. 17 7 ball Groups Parties 10 p.m. on. & Tues• spring Lemke's Service .............. 17 7 Boysen Construction ......10 14 Shelton Recreation ...... 9~ 14~fi Lucky Lager . .............. _'.. 9 15 l~ainier Beer. ..................... 8 16 Northwest Evergreen .... 71~ 161/~ High game---Sharon Huisingh 190. High series- --LaVonne Castle 501. ¢.: * $ le Gift Shop Ille past b Hood canal Lemke's 4 (Betty Renecker 433), Evergreen 0 (Louise Clay 381) Ritner's 3 (Bobble Barnett 480), Rainier 1 (Mere Smith 454); Of sen 3 (Edna Clary 427), Shelton Rec. 1 (LaVonne Castle 501) Lucky 2 Sharon HuisinKh 488), Boysen 2 (Jan Hoff 44~3). / ON HILLCREST Blazers Score But Lose It, And Game On Penalty, 7 To 0 ,I['NI()I{ Ill(HI I'~OOTllALL %%' 1, pf pa By BII,L I)ICKIE No one•is perfect but you saw Hopkins (Al)er) 3 0 51 0 a pretty close approxim}ltion of M'IIIc P (Aber) 3 I 100 13 \Vash. (ely I ...... 2* 1 7 61 football' perfection if you watched Cenhalia ~ ........... 2* 2 19 70 the Highclimbers draw and quarter Jefferson ely) 1" 2 0 46 the Sleuth I(itsap Wolves at Port }{oquiam ....... :.. 1 3**74 14 Orchard last Thm'sday. Shelton ........... 0 3 '0 47 For what had been figured as a * includes forfeit f~om Hoquiam touch-and-go ball game, the 35 to ** includes 3 forfeit losses 0 score was nothing short of as- La.~t. Week , tounding. Hoquiain 13, Miller 7 But this Climber club went out Washington 7, Shelton 0 to play football Thursday evening, Centralia 12. Jefferson 0 and i[ truly succeeded: If there Today , was a flaw'in this pigskin perfor- Jefferson at Washington manceit escaped this scribe. Hopkins at Miller Coach Bob Sund made a few Tonight shifts to beef up his defensive Centralia at Sheltoa platoon and came up with the right * * :l: ans%vers. There never was lnllcb Tonight, when the Shelton Blaz- wrong with the offense. ers play the Centralia Lellowjack- BIG DAVE (IUNTER, 236-1b. ets in the annual Kiwanis Club sophomore tackle, Duane Wilson, benefit football game on Loop 161-1b. senior end, Ed Dawson, 180- Field, Coach Bill Bricke,%'s home lb. senior tackle, and Dale Down- forces still will be seeldng their ing, 172-1b• junior center, were first point of the season, mainstays of the new defensive But they are armed with the posture, along with Jim Richards confidence that they can score it and Steve Anstey, senior guards, for they did cross Washington's Brian Snyder, 202-1b. senior tackle, goal line in Olympia last Thurs- and Mike Briekert, 175-1b. senior day afternoon, onlsr to have their end, who have been in there all touelfdo~n snatched away by a the time. penalty. The defeuse held South tb 108 WASIIINGTON went on to cap- yards, about half of which came ture a thrilling %0 victory wil:h during a first quarter drive which an 80-yard pass-run play with 17 covered 84 yards in all, from seconds left in the game. The Bla- South's 12 to "Shelton's four. Three zers had driven to the Bulldog 20 passes helped strongly. and lost the ball on fourth down Other tha~ that, and until third one yard short of a first down. On stringers manned the Shelton ram- the first play Washington's Pmfl parts iu the fourth quarter, the Lamm passed to end Rod Dorsey Wolves made no other serious pen- for the victory score. George Van- citations into Climber acreage. derVeen plunged for the extra Despite theh' 5-touchdown binge, point. , the Climbers still found themselves The Blazers Allan Swope ran in a scoreless stalemate at the 25 yards for a Shelton score in the end of the first quarter. third quarter but a clipping in- THEY CltAN'GED that drasti- fraction away from the play nun cally in the second period, and lifted the effort and cost Shelton went to the dressing room at half- a possible victory, time sporting a 21-0 pad. The Blazers defense was out- Bri~kert opened the gate to the standing except for-two plays-- first Shelton score by recovering the long scoring play and a 35- a South fumble 46 yards cut from yard run. Outside of those two paydirt. In four plays and a pen- i gains, Washington made only 40 additional yards in the entire game. Dave Pierson had seven taeldes, Buff Judah six to lead the Blazer defense. BR.ICKERT was pleased with his club'~ effort and improvement, described it as by far their best game to date. Especially outstand- ing was Dave Frank's blocking from the fullback .~pot. Showing how well the Blazers controlled the ball, they had to punt only once and on that occa- sion gained a first down from a roughing penalty. Centralia, tonight's Blazer op- ponent, came up with its first vie- lory of the season by knocking off Jefferson of Olympia, 12-0, last week, then gained a second win on a forfeit from Hoquiam. Brickert, describes this 1964 Bla- zer team as "tile toughest defen- sive club I've had in Shelt(uf'. He alty it was history, with Fred Lament punching the final yard• But junior halfback Mike Johnson gave it the big push with a 36- yard scoot around left end to the Wolf 10. Sophomore Chief Clay- ton kicked the first of five con- secutive extra points and the Climbers were off to the races. Exactly a minute and a half later, at 8:20 of the period, TD No. 2 was in the records. Dave Johnsqn, senior secondary defen- der, picked off a South pass to give Sbelton possession on the Wolf 32. The Climbers then show- ed their proximity to perfection by engineering the perfect play, on the very first play. Quarter- back Bill Archer faked twice to backs running to the left and got the flow going in that direction, them deftly slid the ball to Tom Lowe on ra counter to the right.. LOWE FOUN1) a gaping hole at has been Blazer grid mentor for rigbt tackle, found tim secondary nine years, defenders had gol~e for the fake, TIlE BI,AZERS out-downed kYa- and bolted through for the full 32 shington, 7-4, and rolled up 100 yards without a hand laid on him. yards on offense. He was 10 yards into the second- Tonight's kickoff is scheduled ary before the Wolves realized for 8:00 o'clock, they'd been duped. BrickerI use.d the following play- The third touchdown took a lit- cz's against Washington: ends-- tie longer--10 plays after forcing Buff Judah, Jan Donaldson and South to kick, and covered 57 Dave Puhn; tackles-.Mark Wes- yards• The clock had a 2:12 read- ton, Dave Pierson and Gene Put- ink left when Don Clary skirted vis; guards--Gary Miltenberger, left end for the last three yards• Elton Allen, Chris Thompson, and Longest gain in the move was Steve Bead; center --. Tom MaN Mike Johnson's 12 yard effort at loy and John Tylczak; quarter- left end to get it activated. bacl~---Jolm Koch and Chris Close; The •Climbers took one play to halfbackh---Doug Swett, Allan ~et thcir first score of the second Swope, Steve Reneckev, and Mike half.. After allowing South 15 Swisher; fullback ...... Dave Frank yards in five plays after the sec- and Gary Austin. end half kickoff, the Climbers In a fifth quarter, no score was gained possession on their own 21, made but the Blazers came closewhere a Wolf punt rolled dead. to a touchdown. ARCHER CALLED on Mike The day before, Washington won i Johnson on the fii'st play, and lhe an 8th grade game with Shelton,junior scatback responded with a 13-0, on Loop Field. 79 yard long-distance journey in- SIMIPSON SWING SHIFT W Pin Benders .......................... 9 Planer No. 2'. ..................... 7 Mixers ................................. 7 Hemlockers .......................... 5" Chasers ................................. 5 Team No. 3 .......................... 3 High game--John Lund 183. High' serie.'~--John Lund 508. to pointville. It was around the left flank, the fom'th and last time L he carried the ball for the night, 3 and brought his yardage total for 5 the game to 127, a fantastic .aver- 5 age of 31.7 per carry. 7 Exactly four minutes late*', with 7 4:45 showing on the clock, tbe 9 fifth and final touchdown crossed South's goal. Pin Benders 3 (John Lund 508), Planer 1 (Rick Sharps 474); Mix- ers 3 (Ken Knight and Glen Lau- gen, each 448), Chasers 1 (Bent 413); Hemlockers 3 (Les Crossan 489), Team 3 1 (Clarence Boysen 453). you're start M' to reach the carton.., remember agO'eel Darlgold Milk is better. MERCHANTS I,EAGU# L Fuller Construction Too .... 18 10 State Farm Insueance ...... 16 12 Prepp's Rexall Store .......... 16 12 Stewart's Foodliner .......... 16 12 Ralph's Serve-U .............. 16 12 Ktmbel & Whitev's .......... 14 14 r' Mille s .................................. 8 20 Olympic Plywood .............. 8 20 High game--Bob Fuller 214. High series--Al Johnston 575. $ * $ Prepp's 3 (Bud Donaldson 556) State Farm 1 (Serry Christy 494) ; Fuller 2 (Floyd Fuller 536), Ralph's 2(Dick ' Johnson 502): Stewart's2 (AI Johnston 575) K & W 2 (Bill Staudt 547); Mil- ler's 2 (Hap. Smith 525), Plywood 2 (Jim Simmons 486). SIMPSON WOMEN " , W L Accounting .... ...................... 19 9 Lumber ..... 19 insulating ~'o~'"d ................... 192 " ~r .................. 16 Olympic Plywood .............. 15 13 Loggers ................................ 13 15 Research . 13 15 purchasing "':i:[i:'"': .............. 10 18 Engineering ....... ::::::::::::[:::[: 7 21 High gamc~--Lil Dale 203. High series--Jane Wtzite 567. * i $ plywood 4 (Ann Cole 475), Lum- (Joan Sowers 492) ; Account- 4 (Jane White 567), Purchas- 0 (Helen " • Engin- 3 (Ge2gden 461), Graffe 475), IBP (Verna Johansen 493) ; Loggers '(Marie trunnion 419), Research (Myrt 1VCorkert 431). , n Ed Latham, 206-1b. senior t.ackh; By penalties .................. 1 0 made it lmssible with a fumble re- lhlshing INn• ()f ])l,ays) ..3.1 43 covery on South's :16. In six pklvs Ya/'ds gained ........ i _~:12 322 phls }l five yar(l pen:dry lo,