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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 23, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 23, 1964
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22, 1964 PAGE 15 SH*ELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington ........ '" ill i i i i (Political Advertising Paid for by B. F. Heuston and Dr. J. T. Morrissey, Shelton) tmtil it's too late to really low-cost Do it NOW EASY.ON Storm Each kit contains molding & nails. up... a complete EASY.ON .... popular win- at your liwaup By Frances C~ttto LILLIWAUP--Fishermen, fish- ermen, fishing out of the Rest While Park boathouse, have been bringing in silvers during the past week. Some were successful on two different days, returning to the resort for another lucky try, following their first• Among the fishermen Oct. 12 were Glenn and Dixie Sowers and Jerry Haskins of Tacoma. Glenn got a 6-pound, Dixie a 91/~-pound and Haskins a 121/2-pound salmon Sam Totten of Olympia got a 6-pounder and came back on the 16th to catch three silvers weigh- ing from 41& to 12 pounds• On the 14th Gerald Pippin weighed in a silver at llJ,~ lbs. and Ray Swanson one at 7 pounds. On the 16th, in addition to Tot- tea's catch, Vernon Sewell's catch was three fish weighing 15~, 12V4 and 14 pounds each• Frank Sow- der had a 91~-pounder, B. H. Haz- ]ett a ~ll~/4-pounder and Les Blair two fish weighing 12 and ]0l& pounds each. Catches were reported Oct, 17: Ed Zimmer, ll-pounds; B. A. Rob- inson, 6~,~-pounds; B. C. Runte, 13-pounds; John Grimm, 10 lbs.; Mel Dunn, 53& and 2-pounds; Beth Hayden, 5V4 -pounds; Bob Man- ning, 7V2-pounds; Morrie Shore, '"'" 36" wid# .lust Cut and Tuck On---'7 Such Other Winter Protectors as: im Windows • Storm Doors Storm Window Kits • Weather-Stripping PHONE 426-4522 8~/.~ pounds and Ralph Jackson, 3 3/4 pounds. Oct. 18 the resort weighed in John Grimm's 5 3/4 pounder, L. E. Hayden's 8~/.~, Mel Dunn's 15V2, Mike Schuller's 7~A, M. D. Rock- ey's 8, also a 2-pmmder, and C. Mueller's two silvers, an 8~/~ and a 7-pounder. PINOCHLE PLAYERS are off to a good start for their fall and winter party series sponsored by the Lilliwaup Community Club. These parties are scheduled for the second and fourth Fridays of each month, the first following the monthly potluck supper and bus- iness meeting. The public potluck supper and business meeting. The public is invited to attend• Friday evening, Oct. 23, is the date of the next party and play starts at 8:00 o'clock. Hostesses will be Mrs. Frank S. McIntyre and Mrs• Ruth Willis and ther~ will be refreshments and prizes. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Rei, of Seattle had a busy weekend with visitors at their Indian Beach cottage, "acid's Roost". Mrs. Blanche Witte of Seattle drove up to spend Sunday. (She is the sis- ter of Mrs. Paul Gerkensmeyer of the Lilliwaup Motel). Mr. and Mrs. Eley, also from Seattle, were spending the weekend at the Canal and visited with the Reids. Lilliwaup members of the Hood Canal Woman's Club are urging their neighbors to remember their club rummage sale scheduled for Oct. 31, when they are inspecting their wardrobes for the winter season or cleaning up basements and attics• Mrs. George W. Moake is telephoning folks in the North Lilliwaup area and your colum- nist is reminding friends while news-gathering• The clubhouse at Potlatch will be open the after- noon of Oct. 28, so that articles for the rummage sale may be left there. Mrs: Edward H. Jenner of Potlatch and Mrs. Zoe Sceva of Lilliwaup will be on hand to re- -,~,e them h'om 1:00 to 4:30 pm "JIM AND DONA O'Ncal, our ne~-cst Indian Beach residents, had as an overnight visitor Fri- day Jim's sister, Anna Hansen, from Shelton. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dok Clark of Poulsbo were guests of the O'Neals. Mr. Clark is a service friend of Jim's. Sig Anderson returned home last Friday from a week's hunting trip in the Othello district of Eastern Washington. His party .of five bagged their limit in pheas- ante. Sig and Bob Anderson of Jorstad's Creek were to leave on Wednesday of this week on a nmose hunting expedition in Can- ada. Mz'. and Mrs. Tcx Shields re- turned to Tacoma Saturday after spending a few days at their In- " Hal Separates To Match Combinations in Colors that Tami Features of all Shaker Knit a Vee Neck C Lble Knit Trim $ Nylon and Rayon With a Side Zip ¢lld Stirrups in 3ned Lengths $ *One Of Miller's Q°aVenient Credit Ask Any Clerk Jblidiary of p. N. Hirsch & Co. & Railroad Shelton Visiting at the Triton Head home of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Everett were Mrs. Everett's son, Jerry Willis, and his wife from Seattle. Other weekend guests were son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane, also of Seattle, with their children, Pam- ela and Scott. Mrs. Robert L. Hyatt, her son, Francis, and daughters, Suzy, Ter- ry and Heidi, were dinner guests Friday at the Jack Carte home. They are from Olympia, where they were neighbors of the Cat- to's dmbng their residence there• A vezT pleasant weekend visit from former Tacoma friends was enjoyed by Ruth and Barney Zahl dian Beach cottage: Their daugh- ter, Mrs. Jim Oakley of Kent, was up Thursday, when she presented a showing of fall garment styles for the Hood Canal Woman's Club. GRANDCHILDREN have been frequent visitors at t~ae Sigurd Hoff home, where GrAndmother Jenny has had theAr company weekends since fire destroyed the home of her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Odus L. Hutch- ins, in Shelton. The Hutchins have been staying with Mrs. HuLchin's sister, Mrs. Sonya West, since the August fire. They sa~e moving this week into the newly installed trailer home they put on their lot. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burg of North Lake, came up for hunting last weekend and took home with them their daughter, Nelda, who had been visiting for several days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Neff Vance. Mr. and Mrs. John Paxton of Port Orchard were Canal visitors early last week, guests of the Louie Schauflers. They did some hunting while here, but luck wamft with them on this trip. AMONG TRITON Head sum- mer residents out for the fine autumn weekend were Mr. and Mrs. George Chm~ch and their daughter, Barbara of Renton. Neighboring friends were pleased tO see them, as they had not been out to the Canal recently. The Gordon Smiths of Seattle were at their place over the week- end and a group went hunting. The report is that they got a bear weighing about 150 pounds. at their beach home. Their guests were M/Sgt. Donald Meyers and his wife Jeannie, who have spent some time, in Germany and are now in Kansas, where Sgt. Mey- ers is stationed at Fort Leaven- worth. The one silver caught on the weekend whetted their fish- ing interest and they planned an- other trip to the Canal before leaving. They have been visiting friends in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barber of Rest While Park resort are elated over the arrival from Missouri of their son, Gene. and his faro- fly, and the prospect of having them make their home here. The young Barbers have a son and daughter, Bill and Barbara, both seniors, who started last Monday to attend high school in Shelton. They have been living in Hiram, Mo. By Mabel Kidd was her brother George Kirk, who DAYTON---Dayton Community with his family arrived Oct. 4 on extends heartfelt sympathies tofurlough from" Hawaii where he lhc family of Mrs. "Rose Phillips is stationed with the Navy. who pas~ed away Oct. 14. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Teitzel of Phillips had been living in this Tacoma were Sunday visitors in commm~ity for more than 40 years, the home of Mr. an~l :Mrs. A. O. Survivors" are three dell hter~. • " g ~, Schuffenhauer. The group enjoyed Rose of Seattle, Helen and Virgin- a drive through the beautiful ia of Shelton, two sons, Staa of country to Grapeview. Shelton and Tom of Port Angeles.~VEEKENI) GUESTS of Mr. and She had nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren. • Mrs. Wayne Evers ~ere her par- Jim Leman, son of Mr. and Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Truman My- Robert Lemau arrived home via crs of Montesan0. car Saturday morning on a 30-day The Charles Willis family and furlough from Walker Air Force the Ge~gc Kirks visited Mr. and Base, New Mexico. Mrs. Garfield Robbins in Tacoma Dayton Ladies' Club met Oct. on Monday. 13 with Mrs. Helen Leonard as Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield hostess. The next meeting will be and family visited Sunday ;,fter- Oct. 27. noon with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Doris Hickson arrived home Sat- Schuffenhauer of Shelton. urday after a two-week visit with Jim Leman called on the Wayne her brother, George Landers, in Evers family Monday. Fremont, Calif. Wednesday visitors in the Pete Saturday overnight guests of Bloomfield home were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf Mrs. Earl Olsen, the Floyd We, tiers were Etta Sherid and daughters and Mrs. Les Bishop. of Shelton. Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Chapman were Mr. and Mrs. Ivyl Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Chapman, Lake Isabel- la, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chapman and children of Agate and Lee Chapman, Shelton. MILLIE SELVIDGE of Kamil- che was Saturday overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Brown. Mrs. Pete Roberts spent from Friday thi'ough Monday visiting sisters, Mrs. John Gates and Mrs. Vernon Stonefelt of Kirkland, Mrs. Ted Monson of Renton and niece, Mrs. Derald Owens of Seattle. The Robert Leman family vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Evers of Satsop. The Alvie Chapman family were guests in the Isabella Lake home of the Ivyl Chapmans Saturday evening for ice cream and birth- day cake• Present also were Mr. and Mrs. James Chapman, Seat- tle the Chester Chapmans of Ag- Belfair Groups Hold, Plan Fund Raising Bake Sales By Betty Criss BELFAIR .... The Junior High BYF of the Belfair Community Baptist Cburch will hold a bake sale Oct. 24 at the Belfair Serve-U. Donations as well as purchases will be appreciated. The Junior Class of the High School held a successful bake sale last Friday at both Belfair stores. Proceeds will go towards the Jun- ior Prom. The Homecoming Dance last Saturday night was also spon- sored by the Junior Class who decorated the gym for the event. Entertainment during the halftime at the Homecoming game was provided by the Band and Major- cites with the Drill Team making its first appearance of the season•~¢ The Ekementary PTA invites everyone to attend the Spaghetti dinner which they are sponsoring next Saturday, Oct. 24 at the Cafeteria from 5 to 8. • If your dog shows signs of be- mg poisoned, empty his stomach at once. The easiest way is witb hydrogen peroxide. Mix the reg- ular drugstore strength ( three per- cent} with water in 50-50 propor- tions. Pour it down the dog's throat• He will vomit in about two minutes. PUT YOUR VOTE TO WORK FOR' BETTER GOVERNMENT with Dr. D. D. TT Our Most Important Job Today Is To Accelerate and Improve The Training of Our Young People. As Your Representative I Shall Exert Every Effort 3",o Maintain A Sound and Progressive Educational System. ate, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Chapman. The oceassion was in celebration of the birthday of Mrs. James Chapman. The Todd family held a reunion Sunday at the Shelton Valley Grange Hall• There were 42 mem- bers present, the L. A. Todds and children, Shelton, the Harvey Todds and children and the Roy Todd family of Seattle, M1~. Ethel McDowcll of Trumbull, Neb., Mrs. Beulah Pelcher of Mills, Wyo.- ruing, Mrs. John Horrell of Marys- ville and the Wes Todd family of Hubbard, Ore. Mr. and Mrs~ L. B. Pharris, Shelton, Mrs. Mike Johnson and children of Island Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Phar|'is and children of. Federal Way and Terry, Steve, Matt and Tammi Mercier spent an enjoyable Saturday at West- port. The Pete Bloomfield family at- tended the Wt;dding and reception of Miss Vickie McInelly and Gary Clark hehT Sat(|rday in the ,Meth- ~ (~dist Church. The Ron Moore family spent Saturday overnight and Sunday in the Tacoma home of Mr. and MrS. Ralph Jenkins. Sunday the two families visited Point Del;iance Park. Mrs. Edith \¥illis baggcd a doe sunday. Hunting with the party TT YOU BET Republican for STATE REPRESENTATIVE 24th District • Mason, Jefferson, Clallam Counties (Paid Political Adver~iseme,~) I I I I II I I Following is a schedule of the 5-MINUTE network TV programs scheduled by the Republican National Committee DATE TIME " N~TWORK FOLLOWING Oct. 22 (today) 3:55-4:00 p.m. NBC-TV "You l)on't Say" Oct. 24 (Sat.) 9:.25-9:30 p.m. ABC-TV "Lawrence Welk" CBS-TV Ed Sulhvan Oct. 25 (Sun.) 8.55-9:00 p.m. " " • " Oct. 26 (Men.)8:55-9:00 a.m. NBC-TV "Today" 8:25-8:30 p.m. CBS-TV I ve Got A Secret Oct. 27 (Tues.) 1:55-2:00 pm. CBS-TV As The World ]urns 9:25-9:30 p.m. CBS-TV "Red Skelton Show" Oct. 28 (Wed.) 11:55-12 noon NBC-TV "Jeoimrdy" Oct. 29 (Thurs.) 8:55-9:00 a.m. NBC-TV "Today" 3:55-4:00 p.m. CBS-TV "Edge of Night" (plus 7 others prior to the General Election Nov. 3 which will be announced in this space in the next edition of the Journal. Watch for the schedule and .tune-in on "THE REAL GOLDWATER", as well as other special Goldwater- Miller caml)aign programs to be announced in the near future). Political advertisement paid for by Mason County Republican Central Committee, S. W. VanderWegen, chairman. AT AN EXCITING NEW GROUP OF MISSES FALL DRESSES Designed To Add ZEST To Your Fashion Life For Thq Fall and Winter Months To Come. NEW FASHIONS IN FABRICS AND STYLES TO PLEASE THE MOST DISCRIMINATING WOMAN. ONE PIECE DRESSES WITH SLIM :OR PLEATED SKIRTS. TWO AND THREE PIECES WITH THE SOFT SUITED LOOK, SIZES 10-18. I Priced $, 98 $' From Remember 10% Down Holds Any Item 'Till Christmas AT A Subsidiary of P.N. Hirsch & Co. 3rd& Railroad