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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 23, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 23, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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)i :PAGE 18 HEI/PON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in ('Chr{stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Wasliington i, u Legal Publications NOTICE O!W SA1,E OF FORE,'4T :I~I(()I)ITCTN VALIH,;II; AT NOT MOltl,; TllAN $2,e(10.00 STATE OP' WASHIN(ITON. I)I,~'PART- MENT (IF NATURAI~ ]~ESOtIRCI,]S. I]I,]RT L. COLE, C,ml]nissioner of ]?ubtic Lands Nolice is hereby gl'ven thai on I~on- day tim 2nd day of Novelnblw. l,q61, Cf}¥nHl~nclll~4 ;It {{'ll (/cl¢tck in lhe l'~we- noon, .t the Sheltou 1)istri("t Head- quarters of tlw Department of Natur- al I{(!,~OlIPCOS. tlw followi,lK described l'ore~t l)roducis will b,~ sold lit pul)lie aLIcllou to the higll~'sl 1)idd,q'. APl)roxDnat~!ly 700 eollifel'ollS Christ- lnas Ii'eeA wilhin l)l'~q}eFty lines located In Gov. 1,ols 3, ,1, 5, $1/:~ NW{:~. SW!! SEmi, N~5 SW{~, W'5 SE!~. SWL/~ S~V li, S{!C{iOU d; OOV. [Mlt 1, NW1./I NWI~I, Sl~ NW~, Section 9, Twp. 23 N., Itge. 3 (Wl. "W,M.. Masoll County, Washing- toll. SCALE SALE Fores|: l}rodtl('ts will be ,qold on a sclll(~ basis. ~Viillillllnll ai.cel)table bid 'will be 25c Dert r,!e. On or befm, e Novonlber 2, 1964, at 1 0:0(*) a.ID., {!H(!h } lddoP hillS[ lll{ik(! 1% I]lillhllUlll deposit of $17.50 iu tim forlll of f'~iStl, llnlney 0rdeF o1' certi- fied elle~ k, Said deposit shall c(,nsliiute 1t)10l)ellill~2] l)Jd at the alt)l)l'aised In'ice. Upon c,mlph!tion of Kills sah!, tim re- Sp,!ctive dep(>slts shall he returned hi) 111(~ nllsucc,!ssflll bi(l(lel's. The t)llF- eh~lser lllIIst, Oll lilt! day of' sill(!, lllake tin flddJtional paylll(!nl so the| [tip total lllllounl delmsil,'d, excluMve of fees. / will ~!qllal 100 Ill'tel,hi: of tile full bid l~)l'lg/~ l)as~!d Oll ttu! cl'lliS(~ estim:lte; lind a ,~5.00 bill of sale fee. Tbis ad- dilionlll l)liynli~nt illay I)(! by l)eFsonal ehecl(. All checks, Ill(lacy ord(~rs, etC. life t(} b(! lipide liayabh~ Io lhe C01nIlliS- siollel' ()f ]?llblic Lands. BOND: Upon award of sale, the l)nr- ehgLs(!r n'idlsl, llh-~o furnish a t:ash bond (ill $50.(10, in ihe fprm of cash, Illonc'y or- der, cerlified v.heek or bank drnft, 1o guarantee3 clnlnl)liance with all ternls of the btll (ff salt!. Any sale width has been offered, and for wifich no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has been re- advertised. I£ all sah~s cannot bc of- fered within the specified time on tim advertised date, the sale shall continue on the following day between the hollrs of teu o'clock lind follr ~/elock, Legal Publications Th ~ Sta|e of Washington does not guarantee its published cruises of the hereill d,!scrib(~d fort!st products, and I)UI'i'hHs(ws t]lere~of shall have lie re- tout's,~, against either the State of Wa- shington or the tIoard of Natural Re- s(mvces if the actual ('.tit does not equal such l)tlbltsb(!d cruises. I¢(Wt!si. I)PoducIs IllUSt b{~ relYIOVed prior t,, December 24. 1964. Located approximately 4 miles Norlh of Lilliwaup. Accessibilily via Fosen's Lake I~oad. A c()I)y of tll~' f()rcsl products bill of sale eontra(:i is posted ,tit the Sllelton Dislrcit 1leadquarters office. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of thlblic Lands 10/22 It NO. 2915 NOTI('E OF SALE OF ILEAL ESTA'r E IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PRO1}ATE In tim Matter of the eolTlbined es- iah,s of (JYNTHIA AUGUSTA SUR- RAT and WILLIAM I)ORTEI1 SUR- RATT, l'olh Dee, eased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LAIJI{A O. SWETT, in luq' capacity ItS adnlhlish'atl'ix of the abllve eonl- t)ln(~d eslat(~s, will sell at l)rivttte sah! lind fi,r C~lShthe followhlg des- cribed ]'oal ('stat{!: L°ts 11, 12 and 13, nh)elt .I, Beverly ih,ights Addlti.n to Sh,,Iton, Masoa Coa,,ty, ~,'ashh, gton to the highesl and best bidder. :Bids nlust be . submitted in writing and nmy l)e left with the administratrix :)l 121 South Fourtb Street, Shelton, Washington, :Bids will be receiw~d un- Ill lira date of sale. The sale will be nlade on or after Oetobel' 30. 1964, Tim adminish'airix res(!rv(,s 1he right t(, I'(~j(!ct Hay ~tlld aH bids. LAURA O. SWETT, Adnlinistral rix Glenn E. Correa Attorney for Administratrix I~ell Building 121 Sot, th Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 98584 Telel)hone : 426-4476 10/22 ]t Legal Publications NO. 8776 NUMMON~ BY I)UIIL1CATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT (.)1,~ THE / STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY GEORGE WILLIAM DEPOE, Plaintiff, VS, FREDA MARIE TINGLEY DEPOE, Defendant STATE ON WASttIN(ITON TO THE SAID I,'I{EDA MARIE TINGLEY DE- POIq, Defendant: YOU life hel'(~ 33" sunulqilned tO qp- Io:ir within sixty (60) days afler tim dale of tile first l,ul)licatiml of |his summons, to wit, witllin sixty (60) days aft(u' the 22nd day of October. 1!164, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled courl, and ilnsweF tile eonlpbtinl of tile plain- tiff, mild sel'v~ a copy of yoHP IHlswer Ill)Oil the LIn(l*H'sigll(~d ~lttoi'n¢!y at Ills office below stated ; and ill c:lse of your failur(, so to do, ju(Ign~(mt will b(! l'(}ndered ~lgaillSl yOU ac(~(ll'(]l ng to the deilland Of the conll)[aint wllie, ll lies beoll filed wilh tin! cltu'k of sltid court. 'l'tlat the eaose ()f action bel'ein IS fill" an annulnlent of the nlarl'iage of Ibe ~, l)arties hereto, or in the alter- native, for It divol'ce W]lerein plain- tiff alleges d(~r~(H'tioll alld Cl'll{~l treat- Illent on 1lie part of tlm del'l!lldaIlt. GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Plaintiff Office and P~}st' Office Address" Bell Building 121 ~South F()urth Street Shelton, Washington 98584 T(dellhone : 426-4476 10/22-29 11/5-12-19-26 6t CALL FOR nIl)S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of COl~lniss|oners of ]~'ason County Fire District No. 3 at Grape- view, Washington will receive sealed bids for a new fire trucI¢ and that thP bids will be opened at the Fire Hall at Grapeview, Was}lington ou Octooer 29, 1964 at 7:00 p.m. Specifications for the new fire truck can bc obtained by writing or con- reeling Art Zehe, Grapeview, Washing- ton. Mason County Fire District No. 3 ART ZEHE, secretary, ].0/15-22 21 Legal Publications lqO. 3586 NOTICE TO CltEI)ITORS TO ])RESENT AND l"lI,E CLAIMS IN THE SIJPERIOB. COURT OIO THE STATE OF WAKHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In ]lie Matte)' el Ihe Estate of FERN It, STEVENS. Deceas(!d. NOTICE IS ttEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Ralph E. Stevens has been app,)inlr~d and has qualified as Ex(~cutor ~)f the Last Will and Test- anlent aild of the estate of Fe'rn It. Stevens, all'ceased ; and tl/at aJl per- s{)ns having clahlls aglltllst |be, said (?stale of lhe satd deceased el'(! hereby requh'ed lo sevve the s[lllle duly veri- fied ill duplicate with lhe necessary ~OUC]I(!I'S attHe]led, upou the under- signed Executor or his Atlorney of record at lhe law offic,~ ¢,f B. Frank- lin Heuston, Angle Building, Siwllon, Was)lington, and file such claims t,)- gether with proof i,f service with the Clerlt of lhe above entitled Court with- in six (6) months after the. date of the firsl publieati,m of this nolle.e, in-wit: 15 Oeh)bel' 196,1, nr,/dl claims not so presented nnd filed will tie ha'ever })arl'P(]. RALPH E. STEVENS, Execuh)r of Estate of Fern H. SIeVOIlS, deceased. Address: Silelion, Wa,~hhlg|On B. Franklin Heuston, Att(n'n(w fin' said Estate, Angle Bldg,. Shelton, WaM1. 10/15-22-29 11/5 41 ............................ 7-- The )h W( By Mary Valley SKOKOMISH .... The Women's Club met in the home, of Mrs. Ethel Richert Wednesday. Mrs. Riche/'t's niece, Mrs. Louise Hudspeth of Lacey demon- strated different ways of decor- ating stationary. Those present were Mrs. Roberta Ragan, Mrs. Anita I)ugger; Mrs. Marsha Ray- burn, Mrs. Jane Gravatt, and Mrs. ~Virginia Bourghult, with thYee guests, Mrs. Eva Latzel, Mrs. Adrene Bearden, and Mrs. Louise Hudspeth of Lacey. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Richert. Recent visitors at the Bert Day home were Mr. and Mrs. John Banks and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donaldson. Tim evening was spent playing Chinese marbles. Mrs. George Richert is spending some time at the home of her hus- band's parents, Mr. m~d Mrs. Ted Richert while George is working on construction and trying to lo.- care a place to reside. MR. AND MRS. Charles Wil- kinson of Shelton and Mrs. Den- nis Temple and son of Tumwater were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and M:rs. Eric Sjoholm. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley made a business trip to Seattlc Saturday and had hmch with Mr. and Mrs. Chet Valley at Rich- mond Beach. Their granddaughter Tammy returned with them for a week's visit. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy wanning vis- ited Mrs. Gladys Tozier in Shel- ton on Sunday aftenmon. )n's Club Sees Mrs. Eric Sjoholm made a tn~'s- incss trip to Tacoma on Wednes- day. Guests of Mr. and Mf's. ])on Re- gau Smldny were Mr. and Mrs. Jay Nee(lh:tm and hits. Margaret Newcll of Shelton and Bill Brown of Canada. Friday evening at 8 p.m. is the regul'l.r mecting of Skoko.. mish Grange. Mrs. I¢.onald Johnson and child- ren of Milton spent last weekend at the Arthur Johnson home. SUNDAY DINNER guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley were :Mrs. Margie Valley, Sue and Jan of Island Lake, and Tammy Val- ley of Seattle. The Sl:l)komish Valley In~provc- men] Club meels at 8 p.m. today. Mr. an(1 Ivh's. Gcorge Barkley and guests Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith and Mrs. Ruth Hoffman of Brenmrton, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith of Seattle enjoyed a picnic dinner at the Bill Hunter beach home near Union on Sunday. MRS. JOIIN ItADLEY enter. rained the Womens Stewa).dship of the Connmlnity Church at her home on Tuesday evening Airs. Greta Van Cleave brought the devotions and Mrs. West narrated on the film strip. Mrs. George Smart assisted Mrs. Hadley with the refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donaldson surprised Mr. and Mrs. Guy Share at Arcadia Sunday with a birth- day cake for Mr. Share's birth- day. Tlmr day, Patsy Bixenmann And Len Whitman Ilomecoming Royalty During Activities By l)ehhie ll()se /~ELFAIR ..... The main activity of North Mason this week has been the Homec,)ming. The first day of Homecoming week was Blue and White Day, Wednesday. Most hoi]le roolns ]l~td a 100 per- cent. Every student who wore blue an(1 white was given a Bulldog ribbon. Thursday, the student body card holders voted for Homecom- ink King and Queen. Friday, there wasn't any school because of tcachers' workshop. Saturday was a busy (lay with the Homecon~ing game starting at 2 p.m. The- game was between Se- quire and North Mason. Saturday night the dance was held with the crowning of the king and queen during intermission. Linda Archer and Mike Campbell were crowned second pr~nce and princess. Arlene DaM and George Dinovi were crowned first prince and princess. Finally Patsy Bixenmann and Len Whitman were crowned King and Queen. Each princess was given a dozen roses. Also during the intermission the alunmi was introduced. Some of the Ahmmi from as far back as 1962 were at the dance. Entertain- ment for the intermission wa~ put on by the Yachtsmen. Members of this group are Tim Wing, Pete Merrill, Tim Thomas, Ted Gierke and are accompanied by Mike Ernest, on the drums and Dee Griffith on the piano. Saturday was their last performance. The dance was real successful. MONDAY the their seuior picture I)ean's Studio. Any to have their will have to pay $3.50 and make an The Nomahi out their second day. The papers at noon to stud{ holders. The trip to Seattle on Jo~n-nalism Conferenc0 sity of Washington. Smokey A POTENTI/ FIRE Chaperone your let them go ont I BE VOTED UPON AT THE NOVEMBER 3, 1964 STATE GENERAL ELECTION Orncz or VICTOR A. MEYER~, Ii~RITARY OF STATF~ STATS OP WAaIIINaTO~ To Whom It Mall Co.e~n~ • In obedience to the State Constltutlon, and file ~.xtraordinary Session of the Thirty-eighth Legislature of the State of Washington, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the state of Washington, the following Refer- endure' Bill; , " REFERENDUM BILL NO. 12 (Chapter ~6, Laws Extraordinary 8e~loz~ 1963) ................... OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE ,, AN ACT authorhtng the issuance and sale of state limited obligation bonds in an amount not exceeding $59¢ 000,0007 appropriating the proceeds for state matching funds for constructing public school plant facilities, and pledging for payment of principal and interest on the bonds a portion of existing motor vehicle excise tax revenues, subject to amounts previously pledged for payment of principal and interest on bonds here- tofore issued. LEGISLATIVE TITLE [S~.~ B~r. No. 9] PUBLIO SCHOOL PLANT FACILrrIES--FINANCING. AN ACT relating to education; providing funds for the construc- tion of public school plant facilities; authorizing the issuance and sale of limited obligation bonds of the state and providing ways and means to pay said bonds; continuing the imposition of taxes; prescribing the powers and duties of certain officers; providing for a Vote of the people under certain circumstances; and declaring an emergency. Bt it enacted by the Legts!ature o~ the State o~ WasMngtom SECTION" 1. For. the purpose of furnishing funds for state assistance in providing public school plant facilities, there shall be issued and sold, at any time prior to April 1, 1967, limited obligation bonds of the state of Washington in the sum of fifty-nine million dollars to be paid ar, d discharged not more than twenty years after the date of issuance• The issuance, sale and retirement of said bonds shall be under the general supervision and control of the state finance committee. The state finance committee is authorized to prescribe the forms of such bonds; the provisions of sale of all or any portion or portions of such bonds; the terms, provisions, and covenants of said bonds,, and the sale, issuance, and redemption thereof. None of the bonds herein authorized shall be sold for less than the par value thereof. Such• bonds shall state distinctly that they' shall not be-a general obligation of the state of Wash- ington, but shall be payable in the manner prescribed in this act from the proceeds of motor vehicle excise taxes as imposed by chapter 82.44 RCW. As part of the contract of sale of the aforesaid bonds, the state agrees to continue to levy the motor vehicle excise taxes referred to herein and to fix and maintain eatd taxes in such amounts as will provide sufficient proceeds thereof available to pay said bonds and interest thereon unti all such obligations have been paid in full. The committee may provide that the bonds, or any of them may be called prior to the maturity date thereof under such terms, conditions, and provisions as it may determine and may authorize the use of facsimile signatures in the issuance of such bonds and upon any coupons attached thereto. Such bonds shall be payable at such places as'the state finance committee may provide. S~c. ~.. The proceeds from the sale of the bonds authorized herein shall be deposited in the public school building con- struction account of the general fund and .shall be used exclusively for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this act, and for payment of the expense incurred in the printing, Issuance and sale of such bonds. Szc. 3. The public school building bond redemption fund of 1963 ts hereby created in the state treasury which fund shall be exclusively devoted to the retirement, of the bonds and Interest authorized' by this act. The state finance cnmmittee shall, on or before June thirtieth of each year, certify to .the atate treasurer the amount needed tn the ensuing twelve months to meet interest payments on and retirement of bonds authorized by this ac~i] The state treasurer shall thereupon deposit such amount in the public school building bond re- demption fund of 1963 from that portion of the motor vehicle excise tax allocable to the state school equalization fund under chapter 82.44 RCW. The amount se deposited in the aforesaid fund shall be devoted .exclusively to payment of interest on and to retirement of the bonds authorized by this act. Such amount certified by the state finance committee to the ~tate treasurer shah be a first and prior charge, subject only to amounts previously pledged for the payment of interest on and the retirement of bonds heretofore issued, against all motor vehicle excise tax revenue~ of the state allocable to the state Ichool equalization fund, which amounts so allocable shah never be less than seventy percent of said excise tax revenues• Said bond redemption fund shall be kept segregated from all moneys in the state treasury and shall, while any of such bonds or interest thereon remains unpaid, be available .solely for the ~ayment thereof. S~c. 4. The legislature may provide additional means for raising funds for the payment of the interest ~nd ~rino!,q of the bonds authorized by this act and this ac~ ~,all noL hc deemed to provide an exclusive method for such payment• The power given to the legislature by this section Is permissive anti shall not be construed to constitute a pledge of the general credit of the state of Washington. Sv.c. 5. The bonds herein authorized stiall be fully negotiable instruments and shall be legal investment for all state funds or for funds under state control and all funds of municipal ~orporations, and shall be legal security for all state, .county and municl~al del;o~LI& • Szc. 8. For the purpose of carrying out the provlslone of this act funds appropriated to the state board of education from the public school building construction account of the general fund shall be allotted by the state board of edPcation in accordance with the provisions of sections 7 through 15, chapter 3, Laws of 1961, extraordinary session: Provided, That no allotment shall be made to a school district for the purpose a~oresaid until such district has provided ,funds for .school building construction purposes through the issuance of boncll or through the authorization of excess tax levies or both in an amount equivalent to ten percent of its taxable valuation plus such further amount as may be required by the state board of education. The state board of education shall prescribe and make effective such rules and regulations as are necessary to equate insofar as possible the efforts made by school districts to provide capital funds by the means aforesaid. .Szc. 7. The total amount of boncls authorized for issue under the' provisions of this act shall be reduced by the amount of federal funds made available during each biennium for school construction purposes under any applicable federal law. In the event the entire bond issue authorized shall have been sold by the state finance committee, the proceeds in' the public school building construction account available for allotm~mt by the state board of education shall be rdduc~d by the amount of such federal funds made available. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the total amount of bonds authorized for issue under this act and/or the total proceeds from the sale thereof shall not be reduced by reason of any grant~ to any school district of ~ederal moneys paid under Public Law 81§ or any other federal act authorizing school building construction assistance to federally affected areas. Szc.. 8. In order to provide an alternativa method for furnishing funds for state assistance in providing public school plant facilities, in the event' the issuance of bonds by the stat~ finance committee pursuant to the authority given It by seetious 1 through 7 of this act is held by the supreme court of the state of Washington to be invalid for the sole reason that the proposition, to issue such bonds must have.been referred to the people under the provisions of section 3 of A~iele VIII of the state Constitution or in the event none of the bonds heretofore authorized Ior issue by sections 1 through 7 of this act are sold by the state finance committee on or before July 1, 1964, then a proposition as to whether or not fifty-nine million dollars In bonds shah be issued and sold under the terms and condition| as set forth in sections 1 through 7 of this act shall be submitted to the people for their adoption and ratification, or rejection, at the next general election. S~C. 9. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this act should be held to be invalid or unconstitu- tional, such act shall not affect nor impair the validity or constitutionality of any other" section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word:of thie act. It is hereby declared that had any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word ae to which this act is declared invalid been eliminated from the act at the time the same was considered, the act would have nevertheless been enacted with such portions ellminatad. Sv.c. 10. Thi~ act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and for tha support o~ state government and its existing public Institutions, and shall take effect immediately. Passed the .Senate March 27, 1963. Passed the House April 5, 1963. Approved by the Governor April 18, 19~& # @ERTIFICATION I, Victor A~ Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash- Ington, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and co~rect copy of Senate Bill No. 9, passed by the Extraordinary Sdssion of the Thirty-eighth Legislature of the State of Washington, u appears from the original of said measure now on file in rn~ ~A:k:e. this 3rd day of Au.gustl 1964. Witness My Hand and the Seal of the Stato of Washington VICTOR A. MEYERI t TO BE VOTED UPON AT THE NOVEMBER 3, 1964 STATE GENERAL ELECTION Or~ o~ WICTOR A. II~RETARY OF STATi~ STATE OF ~o Whom It Mall Coneemt In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Extra'ordinary Session of the Thirty-eighth Legislature of the State Washington, there is hereby published for tha consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the following andum Bill; / % REFERENDUM BILL NO. 11 (Chapter lZ, Lawe Eztraordinary Session, 1963) OFFICIAL BALLOT AN ACT providing for the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds In an amount not $10,000,000 to acquire land and appurtenances for outdoor public recreational use, and providing that ol3e" half of the proceeds from existing corporation fees collected by the state be deposited in a fund for paymel t of principal and interest on the bonds, subject to existing charges on such proceeds. LEGISLATIVE TITL~ [Housl BILL NO. 6]~ OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIE~--BONDS--- CORPORATION FEES. AM ACT provldlng funds for the development of outdoor recre- ational facilities in the state; authorizing the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds; providing ways and means to pay said bonds; amending section 13, chapter 174, Laws of. 1957 and RCW 43.31.620; amending section 14 chapter 152, Laws of 1961 and RCW 43.31.740; providing for the submission of this act to a vote of the people; and declaring an emergency. 11¢ It enacted bl/ the Legislature o! the State of Washington: Szc~xo~r 1. For' the purpose of providing funds for the development of outdoor recreational facilities in the state, the: state finance committee is hereby authorized to issue, at any time prior to January 1, 1970, general obligation bonds of the elate of Washington in the sum of ten million dollars, or so much 'thereof as shall' be required to finance the program for which these bonds are being authorized: Provided, That funds realized from the sale of such bonds shall be used solely for the acquisition of land and attached appurtenances and such property shall be for outdoor recreational use. The state finance committee is authorized to prescribe the form of roach .bonds and the time of sale of all or any portion or portions of such bonds, and the conditions of sale and issuance thereof. The bonds shall pledge the full faith and credit of the state of Washington and contain an unconditional promise to pay thla principal, and interest when due. The committee may provide that the bonds, or any of them, may be called prior to the due date thereof under such terms and conditions as it may determine. Szc. 2. The proceeds from the sale ot the bonds authorized herein shall be deposited in the parks and parkways account of the general fund or such other account or fund as shall be established for this purpose. Any agency or commission charged with the administration of the account or fund is authorized to use or permit the use of any funds derived from the sale of bonds authorized under this act as matching funds in any case wlaere federal or other funds are made available on a matching basis for projects within the purposes of this act. • Szc. 3. The bonds issued under the provisions of this act |hall be payable from the proceeds of one-half of the corporation fees collected under all the provisions of chapter 70, Laws of 19137, as now or hereafter amended• The bonds and interest shall, co. long as. any portion thereof remains unpaid, constitute a prior and exclusive claim, subject only to amounts previously pledged for the payment of interest on and retirement of bonds hnretofere issued, upon that portion of the corporation fees eo ~olleeted. Sgc. 4. The outdoor recreational bond redemption fund is hereby created in the state treasury, which fund shall be exclusively devoted to the payment of interest on and retirement the bonds authorized by this act. Szc. 5. The owner and holder of each of said bonds or the trustee for any of the bonds may bY mandamus or other approlsrlate proceeding require and compel the transfer and payment of funds as directed herein. Szc. 6. The legislature may provide additional means for ra|sing moneys for the payment of the interest and princlpal ef the bonds authorized herein and this act shall not be deemed to provide an exclusive method for such payment. S~c. 7. The bonds herein authorized shall be'a legal in- vestment for all state funds or for funds under state eontrol and all funds of municipal corporations. SEC. 8. Section 13, chapter 174, Laws of 1957 and RCW 43.31.620 are each amended to read as follows: As a part of the sale of the bonds herein authorized, thl state undertakes to continue to impose the license and other fee~ on domestic and foreign corporations prescribed by and at th, rates authorized in chapter 70, Laws of 1937 aS las~ amended b~ the 1957 legislature and to use and prorate in the orcter set fortt below, one-half of the proceeds of such fees, as follows: (1) To pay into the world fair bond redemption ~und hereb~ created as a special fund within the state treasury, such sum. as shall be needed to ~ay the interest on all outstanding bond: authorized by chapter-174, Laws of 1957 as amended by chapter 152, Laws of 1961. (2) To pay into the outdoor recreational bond redemption fund such sums as shall be needed to pay the interest on all bonds authorized by thie act and outstanding. (3) All of said one-half of the proceeds of roach feel maining after making the payments required under the ceding paragraphs (l) and (2), shall be deposited in the fair bond redemption fund until all of the outstanding authorized by chapter 174, Laws of 1957 as amended by 152, Laws of 1961, have been paid. After payment and ment of the aforesaid world fair bond~ all of the said of the proceeds of such fees shall be deposited in the recreational bond redemption fund for payment of the of and interest on all of the bonds authorized by this act. SEC. 9. Section 14, chapter 152, Laws of 1961 and 43.31.740 are each amended to read as follows: As a part of the sale of the bonds herein authorized, state undertakes to continue to impose the license and fees on domestic and foreign corporations prescribed by the rates authorized in chapter 70, Laws of 1937 as last by the 1957 legislature and to use and prorate in the order forth below, one-half of the proceeds of such fees, as (1) To pay into the world fair bond redemption fund created as a special fund within the state treasury, such as shall be needed to pay the interest on all outstanding authorized by chapter 174, Laws of 1957 as amended by 152, Laws of 1961. (2) To pay" into the outdoor recreational bond fund such sums as shall be needed to pay the interest on bonds authorized by this act and outstanding. (3) All of said one-half of the proceeds of such fees maining after making the payments required under the ceding paragraphs (1) and (2), shall be deposited in the I feir bond redemption fund until all of the outstanding authorized by chapter 174, Laws of 1957 as amended by 152, Laws of 1961, have been paid. After payment and ment of the aforesaid world fair bonds all of the said o~ !of the proceeds of such fees shall be deposited in the recreational bond redemption fund for payment of the of and interest on all of the bonds authorized by this ~cto Szc. 10. No bonds authorized by this act shah be until there shall first be obtained and filed in the office state finance committee the written consent of the aH outstanding bonds issued under authority of Laws of 1957, as amended by chapter 152, Laws of 1961, changes effected by this act in the Order of priority of of said world fair bonds out of the proceeds of the fees collected under chapter 70, Laws of 1937 as SEC. 11. This act shall be submitted to the people adoption and ratification, or rejection, at the general be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding Monday in November, 1964, in accordance with the of section 3, Article VIII of the state Constitution; aecordancd with the provisions of section 1, Article II state Constitution, as amended, and the laws adopted the operation thereof. Szc. 12. This act is necessary for the immediate of the public peace, health and safety, the support of government and its existing public institutions, and effect immediately. Passed the House April 4, 1963. • Passed the Senate April 3, 1963. Approved by the Governor April 17, 1963. CERTIFICATION I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of ington, hereby certify that the above ts a full, true and copy of House Bill No. 6, passed by the Extraordinary of the Thirty-eighth Legislature of the State of appears from the original of said measure now on file office. Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of this 3rd da:/of August, 1964. VICTOR A. Secretary /!: '),