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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 23, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 23, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i,~¸ / PAGE 20 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, O TIpS --should've been on ou~ ga~. ............................................................. Drain Fields, Dftch Digging age!" Plastering Patch plastering -- Marblecrete Stucco --- also taping reasonable rates 426-4638 ', ',' , 8/27 tfn ............ BOOTH --+ ........... CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES ~IOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 7/23 tfn I iii Mc( ULLOCH CHAIN SAWS LOW AS $124.95 Sales & Service -- Sharpening B & W Marina --- Union, Wash, 898-2355--5th & MoReavy 4/9 tfn r HAIRCUTS at 211 West Cota Adults $1.50 Kids $1.00 VERN'S BARBER SHOP ii Home Slaughtering Unit Cooling, cutting Lemke's Service 426-6779 Glenn L. Probst Olympia 352-2255 11/21 tfn U i ii ,i i i i, ii i ii,Jl ii HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE 426-4867 ...... H 4/4 tfn Art's Bulldozing! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl ~h. 877-5454 Hood~port, Wash. 5/17 tta - Spo g G._._oo_ds _ CUSTOM AMMUNITION -- Over 35 calibers available fast service, low prices. Prepp's ReloadingService, phone 426-4143 or 426-4642. 10/8-22 Rag-Guide steering and controls, windshei]d also trailer. Phone 426- 4365 P 6/25 tfn ~O-TO~R~, TRA£L~RS, equip II ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on ll beautiful /-Iood OanM. Phone Hoodl- II port Tr 7-K244, 1/19 tfla I See Dick at Rod and Dicks Shell I Station, First and Cola, II Mc 10/1 tfn II FOR SALE -- 14, foot ~-'~t-f'iS~ II motor, trailer. Good shape• $400. II Phone 426-6789. . C 8/13 tin I I Y985- i'lX/N I E K"i:F~t7 ~i-[ b'llh~:~--~i/d-~kY= lark horse trailers on sale now at Shelton Union Service Station. 332 So• 1st St. R 10/15 tfn +USED FURNITURE 1 walnut buffet, exoellent condition 2 end tables with lamps Mahogany coffee table Kitchen table, 3 chairs (wood) Kitchen table, 4 chairs (chrome) 1 Frigidaire electrio range All reasonably priced, deal directly with owner. Phone 426-4305 D/9-10/tfn ,, , - ,, . Used Appliances WASHERS (all brands) DRYERS DiSHWAsHERS FREEZERS Refrigerators (both deluxe and those perfect for summer cabins). All used appliances have been th,oroughly reconditioned and all are guaranteed. "It's the service after the sale that counts" .~nd & Cota 426-2445 __ I I II II IIIII1~ II Clayton Ferrier Hoodsport ' Ph. 877-5245 K 10/8 tfn I Journal W ani Ads Pay Backhoe, Trencher for Hire SHARER DIGGING SERVICE • Phone 426-3660 CR 5-2157, Belfair. 8-18tfn NOTHING DOWN --- NO PAYMENT until February, 1965 $60 22 cu ft. Chest Freezer ............................................ SAVE-S40 15 ou ft Upright ............................................ Installed Installed SAVE $50 30 cu. ft. Upright Holds over 1000 Ibs ..................... Installed 17 cu. ft. Upright Freezer ............................ $21886 Installed STOP IN TODAY OR CALL YOUR ORDER IN AT 426-8201. LET US INSTALL A NEW FREEZER AT YOUR HOME. Evergreen Square 426-8201 If Thermostatically controlled circulating Fans and Automatic Draft Control MODELS • All in stock • Ready for Immediate delivery • 24" Models $159.95 to $259.95 ' Get yours today. One-year Guarantee! 01sen 328 Cota St. Phone 426-4702 Located in the downtown area among Shelton's finer homes. 3 spacious carpeted bedrooms, mast- er bedroom has tile bath and attractive dressing ro,om. Large family room with fireplace. The main floor features a generously carpeted living roorn with fire-' Mace, formal dining room, classic kitchen with pretty and well de- signed breakfast room. Also an extra half bath. This home speaks of elegance from the full base- ment to the floored attic. A wonderful family home. The price is $22,500. An excellent value for a family with good taste. CALL A. ROY DUNN REALTOR 426-4447 or 426-4601/2 Real Real Estate APPROXIMATELY two acres, level FOR SALE - WATERFRONT -- 85 fL NO. e]earcd, six bh)cks from downtown i wat,rfr)nt/tideland~ con)fortabh, )[ I I IO Hoodst ort Year-round creek Phone I i (l~) ' Inn, ¢" • ~'' ~ ;, ". NOT (! '] '¶' ' ~ • • , " ...... ~, . '0,. tl(O, (leoI) ~ll'llleU i .... n 765-3423, Box =3, Quilce~e. ..... I well. ni(.e yard. Owiier ill Sell equity IN_ THE SI.IPER~.~'~ S/g4 10/22 I $4750 ('ash. Assume nlonthly pynlt, of I STATE (He wA~ FO-R---SA-LE -- Three bearo-~0~--14~l $50. I3alaace on transfel"able con- MASON COUNTY at Fivc Corners. Plionc ~126-'31g§"af~. h'aet $8.000. Write Shelton-MasonlIn the 5'Iatt(~r o ter 5 p.m. B 7/23 tfn [County Journal Box No. C. [ GRACE MOGG I AT'J ..................... 10/15-2'2 I ISLAND LAKE for summer ru~---~i LE~S~---Wi~7(7~7>¥iL-~Ttoi>;,:: -~ul I ............. R: year round living, 115 ft. of water-I ~ Y-- ~' "'1 .... ~'~,,'~ ~S ,,E front suitable for one or twn f~m I nishcd two bedroom homo in Shel-[the und(~rsigno(1 llas (lies' enjoyment. Call 426-8589 ~my- _ ton, phone 426-8715. M 10/15 tfnand has qualified as time. L 7/16 tfnEMIGRATING TO --AU+TR)(1LIA-~-- t(i:::.e~:~:~te ~ tGl'aa(it; A'-I~--D~A~ ~---~--~]-e~t. Must sell our waterl'ront honie. Foul' (ll,ilil~. •,~J .... i' ~nid d( brick, 2 bedrooms main flonr_ [ b )droo )s. 18x24 l v ng re) ii w th I ..' ......, •,, q,•.,,,i, a ,o s.L'_~ ,,e. full basement includes lec room ] wall-to-wall rug and drapes fire- I _" .... ? •-~. • e • ' " VOl'liie(l oil 1.ilO Llilu~- that can be used for bedroomsdeen plae , separate dlnhlg soonl reo- ' --'" " R drilled well excellent water ~,un~l~v- ]" r(ati)n io)n breakfast roe)') etc ~7 n('r~uorn,~yo~ sl • ~'~ ¢' e ' ( . ' li'*'SS D(]I()W SLII[e,. 5 acres (3~ pasture) 1~ merch- :115 of waterfrmt and tidelands. I,,,ith +h,, ~l,..~, ,,r tile antable' timber, young' fruit trees 4.6 acres Would m lke beautiful salt l~'~;• ..... Z? ....... , berries aud fine garaen shot 426'1water subd vision On y 21~, m lesg~{)y" ~wun p)~(m~ af 8563 No Saturday ca(Is please "i from Shelton Make us an '~ffer on Wlt llin.~ .l.x l uonulSf th • ' ' "• " "~ l" )JICL~il(~n O A 5/21 tfn our equity• Phone 426-2101. ' ....... ., ;" . bedroom, one 2-bedroom, and one I WOODED BUILDING site nine miles [ 196,t ' " 1-bedroom house• Good condition from Shclton with 530 foot frontage ' • ..... ti close to school and business district, ] on Highway 101, Lots of spring wa- ] /s/ ~mu'jorle r~ 2328 Adams St. Phone 426-4238, ] ter. 31/.. acres. Price $1600. Phone[ Executrix P 7/16 tfn 426-6953". D 10/8 tfn Presented I)y: ' large living room. electric or oil l .~na Ar,,-m.~ ,~.,. ~,..G-~on~ ,,.~, I Attorney for Estate heat, Call 426-4245. R 6/4 tfnl ~.'~an.c~"m"~'on"'";e.~'~,~.~'~'~'~~ ~"~'~" Tith' Insuran(~'e Buildl NICE TWO BEDROOiVl.home, electric Iloan 4,++ ,56.00 per month pay- ~22elRa:lrm(l+l~ve~U;l neat, fences yaru. patio an(1 garage, I ments. 426.8632 or 426-3204. ]~ " ol, wa. g ~0/2, newly painted. 428 Beuevuc I H 8/6 tfn I ~ " ' J F 8/6 tfn ......... -+~ ..... ~';'~]-I" 1-~-~---IANGLESIDE three bedroom - two| .... ' _. AT ~TADIUIVt ~Au , n ~rapevlew . in " ''I I' ( " SUP! .......... ~e.~ , ........ ' Ifireplaces, laige family room, din g l NOt (, ', )]' , .. ~nree neavny wuuu u ,ut~, m QlS~ln- ~ J 'FT li~ ..........,.~ .i.^,__. I room. all electric, w/w carpet, patio, I1 [ DG , guisne? +setu n.~ch~,~ar~orU.naskoppo- I fenced yard F H A terms $15 80q I Notic+ is h,.reby gi,, ~.~lan;.'aiT00=';er< ft. PriVate o;,~;I bYd2wner" 426-4400 after 50o[./l e l S ep, i,,lill Shclton. Phone 426-8715. M 10/15 tfn I ] w)erathm '~f' • the ind ice 1or tlll,~l 2 b ~. ~.~a.a.x~ V,a. .,l.~,.,~ ..,I- ,¢l*'l~..I. 'l..~a.~ ~JL total pr •" • edroom partly I ] Shelton. furnished house l,a blocks fronl 1st I Lo t Lake roan i Auy taxpayer h,t~Y St. Bayshorc Highway. Lot 60x210. I " ~..=.v x~ ~O]al)ove.mbntio~'led time ~e7~ :p°l:r/;' :.£7:7'!oYr°rap,:850ar?rsl °al l from Shelton. G o o d agoi trail ,r , ; " { nything I can use builAin¢, A h ~ 11 f .~0 IDah,d al Shelt0n ..' on my ranch. Balance of contract I "'"~" ~ "" V '~ " ~v I JAMES A'. pAU $1750 at $25 a month. Call 426-6953. I acres cleared i D 10/1 tfn I ' " I - ~' )se t • ~ooerT t. ~loane, ll-~,l Ch•"o stores and school. Call 426-I I - . 8553. , B 10/l_~tfn i 110 Cota Street, ] LARGE HOME :IN ,I ~]¢ATE-R~R-O-.Nlq-+-lO~x'-1000-f-t-fdeePl gh*l÷~. W.~hi*~+~,~ I lot overlooking ~a Good spring water, sonic fruit, I ....... ' ......... .... / tains ;three .bedrel grapes. Small housc Electricity. I / ,n,~ ~to. ,~.'.:nets :ga Route ~, Box 808. (Agate) [ 10/15 - 22] shop Phone Unio~ L 10/1 tfn ] , i ' Vo~--SKKE--gv--o~ ~k~--~-~- ~-d: I -- re( m hot~e on Arcad a Ave. $6950. ] I " Phone 426-2278. M 8/20 tfn I] UAMIIVU~ M ~PD[l~llt/ II nanut maa arl:,unlll. , I| HOOD CANAL II FOUR rOOM HOUSE... 'mOO ~0 II ( cash or trade) SOUTHSIDE II Call Union 898-2263 |n Then ONLY $35 per MONTH! And owner II will redecorate this 4 room house with partial basement 3 miles out New three bedroom view homc, ]l " "'" " ¢ two baths, two-car garage and II Call manager Blue Ox Theatre . . . Fri. - Sat: workshop. $20,000, terms. II I!l Four bedroom home on Calm / ': • ~ Cove near Alderbrook. Beach, dock I I " = and float access. $19,950, terms. II I RFD~AOM HAIl+ [~ ;bc:ach ts, $, 5, • , II AS LOW AS n . Three bedrooms, two (',reeks, 130 [ _~~[~t~ it. bcacl~, across highway, wonder- 'I ~_ql~lllllIBUU ful canal and mountain view. $1J,- [ ~i~f~tVV , ' 500, terms. I I YOUR PLAN OR OURS 0 I ACROSS FROM KMAS, HIWAY 101 N ° WESTSIDE I New condition three bedroom I home, hot water heat, fireplace. Also guest cottage with fireplace. All on the beach. $27,000, terms. 50' lot with cabin in Potlatch, $9,500, terms. Real clean two bedroom home on Finch creek• A good buy at $7,650, terms. Two bedroom, hasement, fruit trees, 2~ acres, 200' on Hamma Hamma rivcr, $15,750, terms. View lots with beach access $1,- 400 and up. 1 OFFICE PHONE 426-6642. WALTER GEORGE - ASSOCIATE PHONE 426-3530 (1) For Lease: 2 Bedroom Duplcx, $95.00 .pel: , (:2) HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 2 Lots on Salt Water, 110 Ft. & 200 Ft. Approximately 7500 Ft. of Hood Canal tidelands• Approximatcly 80 acres with son~¢ price $60,000.00• Terms. ' ...... or 877-5277 evenings ' $3500/07u Union 898-2263 (4) 3 Bedroom Home at Hoodsport. Price (5) 150 ft. waterfront, $30.00 per foot. with (6) 100 Ft. with tidelakds, sumnercottage, lion on Harstinc Island. $7000.00. Ea~ (7) (8) First class duplcx excellcnt ncighb(fi'li'o'0d, decorated, full basement and furnaces, this is a rcal buy at $15,800.00. Tel'iris. 150 ft. tidelands, good level building cellenL gravcl Beach. $75.00 per fast.' Benefit for Retarded Childl n in Excel)tional Foresters Program. Autos., Guns, TVs, APl)liances, Household goods, fixtures & furni- ture. Assorted Machinery, Sporting Equil)ment. Pianos & Antiques. Thousands of donated items from homes and businesses. Friday, (9) tl0) (11) (12) Beautiful view of the Olympic Motu)tains, surround this neal•ly new homc, fireplac ins, large garagc with storagc room. 3 Bedroom Home, fireplacc, Dining RoOl~ 'mcnt, beautiful view of the city, district. Full price $21,500.00. Private lake with 30 acres, some timber: ~',l,iCe ~ 80 Acres, al)proximately ',J5 cleared, hoUs¢~ (]hI•istinlts t.rce grotln(l and seniti timber. $1'i,500.00. Tcrllls. .. Evcnir,~g Call 426-33.97 :i C0nlinuing Saturday, I:00 p,m, 2 bedroom housc " Newly painted in Gontinuint Sunday, I:00 p,m, " 325 S. 3rd St. At Hason Co. Fair. s Near Shelton Airport Sandwiches & Coffee available from 4-H Leader's Council Call 426-8715 Has ev, g " to start " of a lifetime CI ,,i