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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 25, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 25, 1962
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:;&apos;:i)  :!!: : !? i!:: Tffiirsdayl  0c , October 25, 1962 SHELTON--MAS0N COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrstmastown, U.Z.A.," Shelton, Washington . ary M.K ii andhngBeer Ltlllwaup C n00tl,og.00 moo.s ' ommun:ty Club Names M n ht v..-,,,,,, "'""%d By s,.m Hew Officers At Business Session Board Discusses I NEW ............... LOCATION \\; |iititiaeiw°el' by,iohtLion of t ,her'lf 'h(' LILLWAUI ...... Lilliwaup Com-[and MillieDissen.i,, be hostesses. M0 ey, Bu ng nlunity Chzb ]leld its potluck din-j The pubhc ]s ,nv,te(I. fb0ys under 21 t(, carry out her and business meeting Oct. 12.. t-Iood Canal Garden Club will Matters of finance and pr)blems i [ Slid Cots Stets ] grocerics containing beer The business meeting was called, meet Nov. 1 aL the honle of Marie relative to constlction of the new to ordcr at 7:30 p.m. by the pres- Tu,'ner on the Union side of the school iluilding were (hc principal: R[FRICMI0 .i:,aidll , ird received con> ident. Mottle Backhlnl. Reports Canal. A pothlck hlncit will be husiness under consideration at were given for the past fern" served e.t 12:30 p.m. the school hoard meeting on Men- i Lllll.,,l llr--i-lillllilr-rlJHlllUP ":llthwa:n 2 ..... lnonths as no mcetixgs wcre heh:l Mr. and Mr;;. Lon Webb spent day. October 15. i ,.i , ,,,i . . lnusic period witt, .Dick Endicott cvery Monday. All of thenl lovc nmsic. Renlinders of alIproachiug Hal- lowe'en are prolninent in the fir;st gl'a(le VO(llU, \\;¥iLehcs, owls, plilUt)- kins and black cats have com- bined the.Jr forces Slid invaded us. The cltil(tren al'e i)usy i)la|lnilg timir Hallowe'en eostmnes. ............ :: , : 777- ....... 7. , Page 3 SIIELTON ,IAYI'I TES The Shelton .layettes will meet tt 8 l).nl, tonlgllt at the Jaycee hall. Journal Wahl Ads Pay DECORATE boys ,were handling _.. e in sonic sLores, since June. Under new business several days at Ladysmith on Memhers of the local board vet- i ,,: * * !!_ i I ____...fl'e could have its lie.ense new officers were elected: presi- Vancouver Island (near Nanaimo)  dd t.o meet with directors from } TlilI{i) & I,'OUIUI'll (;IAI)ES _1_-- ......... - ........................ __ J .vlf a conlplaint is signed dent, Jack Leimback; vice-presi- wllere they visited old friends, Mr I all schools in thc county for a con- i Ted Haddock and Bobby h:oon- .... - -- J"i. tim grocerymen, dent, Evelyn Nicholson; treasurer and Mrs. Jeff Davis. The Davis ference with the county comlniS-:ra d have made sornc attraelive _.......,, +o +e+ o, .... .... .... , . : ......  Jack-o-mnterns out ot haby souash. |ll ' l||'V' RU|, Backlund. Three trustees" were ap- Canal and have many friends stoners on October 29 to disc, ss .... I .: . the allocation oi forestry lrl(llleY  .. " " • . : .... ..... • ' b )llIe al|ge pt nlpKlnS vel'e paln- VlW VVi4||I,J ....... pointed by the new president, Neff there The Webhs arriveci home on ....... : .............. : Forestry fmlos are an important "(d " " , " " "" ............ ,:<I 1"%,. Vancb chairman Dess Haines and Frida,, ust ahead of the bi wind : ...... : : : :i:?::: ii .... L -, I on our WlU(iO Dy l-enllett ii! ii Frank Mclntyre. Twenty-rex paid storm'i :  : :?:,: :,.:: ...... : :' ......... " ............ i:: ::: KnlghtS°urce Ofandrevenuezt ]s hopedf°r MarYe elnM lttnl '. ' " :,ii.i':r :: :::::: ::::= : si :][7".'llN IRWI::R:I'a,] dues zor the coming year Last ....  - 2:i . :: :!:::.. : :'  d ualif- fol an amou-t ade-uate to At least one of our students be- ::: .... * : ::: ::: ............ :::::ii "+'' .... wnue tne weDos were .one zvn's ' i. ...................... ...............  ' . " . - ,t . . , :*:;  year the club had 63 paid up mem- " , ................ ' ......... " ............... ::(,"::.a 7 7:: :!.. :::i:7:::.:.:!: .;a .2,;,....,;.1;., ;.. #; ..... ;.... ,h I hevcs m thc pot(ncy of a 'al)hll's • ..... Allie spent the ,,oe00 w,th her } ::a } :: • >:¢ }::: i: : +::: :': "'m £ flJll l&l l iJ llll 111 lll&(llltlli t'al" :i::li:::: ! :i:'.;!,]::4"_ | -, Ders ousl alter Ene new ozncers r .. ... z ...... " {: :  --- "'"'d"n- ;fooc as a gool luck cilarm Larry ..m • ... -O I " " il "h "i --" n[ COUSIn /VlrS W O watson oi el- : .... : *  >:. . new' uu, , ;. ' t XIUIIW ^ t o Enclr cna's t e I gnus we ... ..... *  N.+,:: ..... , ...... Chappe l's success bv using tit s i{1!:'|!,, ).t#,,- out and the meeting was finished fair. i::: :! ;! :/[[ the i)oar(i annoluli'(a ulat tile lnedil ,n v, ..... o fVOl :'*-'^ ,.u ........ }:::: ! Initial paynlent has been ntadc to i.iouerli ""(l ,1 .. h .t. . . b, .... '.'l". Q hy candlelight Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bobington : :.: : ,, ,. :,..::: ........... . • . ............................. :::::::  ::}:: the building architect who has be .... d ....... • .--AM ..7  "THAT BEING the ,e ular card I and daughter, of Renton are ......... "' ............ :::: ::::: ' ....... " ............. ' ........ " g [ spending some time at Triton :  :::* .  . ." are Delng rentc 1 EO nls lwlen(is al ff t..Lt|"  party night five tables of pinochle :L ._ .' ..... :::::<: ........ :::::,: ...... gun to m'aw up plans: .... aim spcm-, test time.' Wonder what tile rab- iall[, , were played by candlelight high 'eaa nurntg ale nunung season, l,,* . ........ i:: neations zor tne n,, nuunug ........... ...... DIES tJllnK O1 tile l(iCa, , 7  I '¢ :  v,  seo,'c going to Jenny Ioff, and . Lon Webb was oneeeOf th:ueky /fiT. A final report was received from The class is learning a eho,'al,  " _ |[  Matt Kaare, low to Mattie Back- cleel' nunters last w .CK w .n ne :. ...... the assessors of Ma:on and Grays : "Mystic Night," to be perfdrmcd  rl|lr,_:7 lund and AI Hartman and "300" got his deer on Cushman Ridge l :;  Harbor counties showing that the i for Hailowe'en. II------A ±--- Pinochle to Kathryn McIntyre and where he ha.d camped out for three " . Mason county vahlation for the I i, , , Iack Leimback. Ernesta Aaxo and days. Mr. Jack Johnston, husband  district has increased about $4.5,-  FIRST GRADE 'L __ n_ Esther Cin'istensen were hostess- of Marion, spent the weekend at .. . 000 and a decrease of $30,000 ini Everyone isworkinghard on Ule  f'n'[r es. heine. Jack has been in the Vet-i ' ....... Grays Harbor county, colnhinations in arithnletic ., ........... ::::::: ,:::::::::::::::a:::::;: • ' ' • ::: Az'oval was iven the final -' - :.', )1 I'lA[/'. .-.."x *-"T'V',-L ............ ,,..a,',.,. p,.,.',. .,,,;,, .,. clans Hospital at Vancouvm the , ............. • " • ., . ., ,P - s . one :econn raaers are now i held FIid exen -'" "" P=n past six weeks and returned to TAILORING CLASSMrs. oy KImbel has fulfilled her, promise; adjusted budget in l:he amount of[,'eadine' 'l new book "Oen Doors" " '  " " y ' zng" uct. ,:o.  - ". . . M  ochle will be playe'd to start at the hoeptal Sunday Hc...m. getting I to train other homemakers in tailoring techniques in a worksh6, $94 856,78 which is necessary to I ;lnrl al 'enjoying it"i l(;t "' liltMlll l[W lily ||ll " | - 8 n m This vent there will be no along talrJy velt out win ne some [ she he d n her home last wee. She is seen here helping on'e of finance the 1963-64 school °per- ] All of us survived'tii i)ad storm '.. vn==uo= * ,, C00 "t] [ lo" -z'ize bu(-io, s.cond hi-hest time before he returns home for her pupils, Mrs. Jack Kimbel, w th a fitting of a woo .jacket.'.' : , ation i last ],hid£y' nio'ht aliitm 1{ 'man" 'ears EXPERIENCE to the ou,.- ! v , " -. s _^ . • ., . . • . . . ,  a Leaders were tra ned ast summer by Mrs Hazel Roberts, The )ro osed bul dm fund ot ,, ., ......... ,,,;[,<.'----- _ score also a prize for 1,000 aces guru. " /  - '" "" ' i t P. ' • g" " went ihollt lights in their honles lenJ---- ....  ..... MR ND MRS Nell Vance en- / Washington State Unive's ty. Extens on erv de c 0In ng spe¢la  $151 846 67 is still ,twaitin a de fol s(ve " " , us :'%'i, ! -- , , . . ..... ..... - ..... :.. o ,, s • • . , th count CO,11..ll.,o,O "L ' UI '%'IV ]' l'encFl free SlY - feL! ||A ...... --- i aoyed a ten-day visit from Daisy's [ .st by arrangement of Mrs Jane Windsor, Mason County ,Exte,- cision of ....... '°";'- Ll'[tl "-'Ul :' ""' - " erving ...... '"Y'" fUn|' |] _ , ,_.s;ste,,' Mrs .... Rosemund T, auger" ] sion ahg:t.i?::hmlalaiTs_rd s hicRdgm • :l0b,ea ners as to distribution of forestry md la t Frida.v, but ' tr ';" S *' I ' ' ........... '"' "=' ", - ' ........ 1 llllll lll n  l. i and her daughter Mrs Pearl l ingot s Y P • ..... J ....... money.  b( "'nse t was her I)irthd ne PUblIC. '  * ' ' V . - q "" b3  rise as ne gllest of ilonor l ficeand maintained an Experie"°e' i :|IVLIUR/  I Dean of Long Beach, Calif. They her taiorng course ast week at the loole KoKomlsn om- The b(ard is re-uesiin- thc 'h'" "' /," ' " .... He.a!l:lVLIUH I munity hall. Mrs. John Jansson is planning her class for No: County Committee on School Dis- ,, par{ ,, give;l by her elassmal :. {D " "["" ' II arrived Oct" 9 and enj°yed several iI1°': days of rain /ffter tbe hot weather :::e:rs:mr!lsH:lwo;h:oti r:lndatsPOfacR,:M:hsl:¢;:k ,;ii !i:i:!gii!!!7;!:!i:i;!!:oeld!nh !iiic: fliiil),l!,p:llii!:f a .......................   Ilmll[ 1 I1 1 I I i  I in Long Beach. One thing they ' i he g I I: _ _A0'lllllllL'll I  [ didn't enjoy was the terrific win(l "e avoerved you well, anal ._  I storm on triday night. Sunday we is schedu" g P g : ,.Y .' ' cision this committ(e ill call a .... = ................ ! 'S P  n I a I l,"  I a, ll took a tr,p down the Canal schoo Ot,er tailoring leaders who are in the process o, arrang- t)thlie meeti,w ,o b-.,,, vie ...... d  " lectmn. /I Q riP_ , I  IL ¢lll I to see the danlage the storm had ng classes are Mesdames William Baker, Clifford. . Vander .Wal,: arguments'- - " orY'=tne ...... people ........ regard-'" li!YaL -  4'llll I done, which was terrible. Alvin Pr dham, Wi tam Bain and Marion NewKirK.' in  the matter = e--Efficiency- "q.'7":lil.__ ..#1   I _., , .. . - ........................................................... --. ,--- ,, The bonding attorney was in- VOTE FOR , , nrr ,_, -=,," . Tnat as tne reason or no IL,. 1} I news ast week Tuesday. Mrs. IllllilA1 PUAO'IrCil) DODC@ ATllO[ fit" structed to make tip 130 bonds in 1- . Ill lUVIIl/[]¥V [[ UlBl 1 \\;* ,, "€ I Trauger and Mrs. Dean left for Ui|U|II4 L UnMr/n nuuK, rK, IRill011¢.. U| the amount of $1,000 each whicl A]]} -It|,,T V llVlrli Illl'- |  " I two days a.t Victoria, B.C., ]- _ ......... mAll mam mtAa| IllliSSq=' the county treasurer will adver- -- ........ n I| IlU NU lU N| II Use and sell for tile district. Due |  I turning Thursday then leaving for i,--!, = . • 'A roximately 22n members and each y,ar on Past Matrons a .. , ... - : " . - I ..... | E P U B L I C A N i "" GOOD THROUGH NOVEMBER 3 ONLY  I their home in Long Beach Calif, " o ' nd to the present demmd fm se(u PP "  ..... , , ... _. • rlties possn)ly on account of the Ileor I Auln Pment) A:. III.V R IIl--l _.__._....i:.  -..,'. i 114 "1 ,. t00war,'s 00oo,, .....,.."SEre, " " .V...J HfllIIV " I Ph n ,..v,s NAlfln. i 426 243, :. |aftera I I I cati°n' M,', Visiting Lcw wonderful two week's vao at Evans the home Holiday of {l'. Beach and i!ql;:!:07 h eO.J ii :(!: )t fWME:iito:l:n ani:! :!i ::lli a e°eeii !:w!i! eptahsWet ;R? e ii 'i!i !i a 7£i i:!i  !4!i il 3 VI U B LJ I|| outn 'tn treet o e - 's "'  ' "' " ' ' " ' -- .... " "' -s in ValnC and gives a fair return a • p'r 'R2t2=%: e' . i I, Mrs. us,e E, ans, Lews mother, Pat,"on. last Saturday at the Ma- trol " ' : • g ¢ "" . " " " "": ENECKER, owner • PAT JOHNSON, operator S II I" IENECKER, owne , [ he ar "ved from Sacramento, sonic Temple emony. 'rnc nlsl;ory oi Lne r De .. t .... ;_.;..., "" ][n,.x.- £ ...... 4-** Calif. Oct. 5. She ]lad not contem- ' .......... " S t,,, ... p,*v,pa* lvl¢l'*.Illt i..UtlI.Jl|lO,)' All past mutrons and'patrons o .+2+ ++y.L ..;?sjay°LyJ2Ly= supt. Eugene F,'enc ,'cpo,'t+d Y plated a trip to Washington, this Welcom+ Chal)ter present at th ' an increase +n daily attendance of (+,v,w,;min.., _ - year, but tlte birth of her first + . ..atrn .. .. ..... -J ................ meCm tooR all Ul the ploglal a,,. v .'r' g" p ..... ' . 404 more than the same period • /  L.L.. ll great-grand-daughter, Faith Ellen, which told the history of Welcome Receiving special honors ' Little Chri.,;ty French got span- kcd last Friday, but it. \\;vas all in fire because it; was her I)irt:hday. Christy was the guest of honor at a party given by her classmales. The children playcd some games, i:ad rou'eshments and the party II0000ll INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR NO' MORTAR--NO FOUNOATIOR FA$1LY APPLIEO II //, /N Z-BRICK AD tESIVE  [[  r" '-77:--3 :::E-' ,7; 7:.;.--;-  " z00ZT.Z,,, .+ CARLSON'S TILE & FIREPLACE SHOP On Mt. View )DEL AMERICAN Custor ), heater, "E" stick other extras, top very few miles. :0. ice-- $' :GNET 2-door hardtop omatie. Big engine, f other extras; This le by owner's wife; : --$2340. = /7 V-200 4-door sedan.' J white s-w tires p] s. This car is -$2165. ice.. $' Ihrs MUST MOTORS, Phone heron, Wash. OUR i)HARGE ,RGE BATH TOWELS EN'S SPORT SHIRTS, size YS' SPORT SHIRTS, 4 and LS' BEACH ROBES, 4 thr0 )'S SLEEVELESS BLOUSES )DLERS T-SHIRTS, 4 thru 6 $2.00 'S SWIM SUITS, 7 and 1# 'S SWEATERS, size large q D'S DRESSES, Misses & ha' .... )'S BLOUSES, 32 thru 36 'S RAYON SUITS, 10 N'S DRESS SLACKS, II Deparlments ' Messy Winter Weather. TH ELECTRIC HEAT! Oleanest; Most Dependable, Comfortable available---and ECONOMICAL, TO0 LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY MASON P.U.D. NO. 3 JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, seoretary; commissioner; CLAUDE DANIELSON, manager born to the Evan's daughter, San- dra Nel.;on, July 30, was her in- centive to make the trip. Knowing another great grand- child was Lo arrive around Oct., she wai*.;ed until this time, so that she could see both babies. Little Gregory Ross was born to Evans' daughter, Sharon Wahl Sept, 30. This brings the number for great- gllandmother Evans to !3 great- grandsons, and one great-grand- daughter-, Last Saturday. Lew and Faith took their mothers to the Wo,'lds Fair. They were met at the Fair : hy Faith's mother, Mrs. Florence! Ross and all five had a gala day ! and managed to show Grand- '! ntother Evans all the things, she wanted to see, and several other besides. , Mrs. Evans is remaining in Se- attle for a couple of weeks, where ; she will visit relatives and friends. She will return to the-Canal, be- fore going back to Sacramento. .... Legal Publications NO. :€351 NOTICI.; OF llEARING FINAL 'l' AND I'ETITION FOlt i)ISTRI]I[!T]t}N ]N THE sUPEB.IOR COU]tT OTr THE STATE el v WASHINGTON OR MASON COUNTY In the Matte," of the Estate of M. C. ZINTHEO. Deceased. W. H. Anderson. Executor of said Estate. has filed witl said Court his final ,'vpo,'l and petition for distribu- lion. sskillg tile Court to s,.tth! said rl'l,orl, distribllN t]l(.! I)rop(rty to the l)t!rSOllS |hlq'(!to (,llllt](d a,ld to dis- (']lal'ge aid Exl,etl[or, Said report and pBliliml will be heard .on the 23rd day (,f Noven,be,'. 1962. at 10 in the Courtroon of said Court. in the County Courthouse at Shelton, Washington. DATED THIS 22rid day of October, 1962. ]-lARRY DEYETTE Chn'k of the Superior Courl; by: Teckla Verlnllllon, DelmlY Clerk RORERT 15. SNYDER Attorn,w at Law Dorothy 01sen Is Guest Speaker For Canal Club The November 18 meeting of the Hood Canal Woman's Club feaLu-, red a Fine Arts progralll. Miss Dorolhy Olscn of "The Barn" was guest speaker. Miss Olsen told of her studies in Europe and of her Art Gallery on Hood Canal. Mrs. Ethel Dalhy, the club's Fine Art chairman, was in charge of the program. Mrs. Lois Pierce was presented a gift for her partieipatiou in club Fine Arts. IL was special recogni- tion of thc award she won fronl the State Federalism hlst May in , Creative "Writing "Serious Verse"  and also hcc reccnlly publishe('I[ hook, "Lost Immigrants of 1845 and thc Blue BucRct Gold", which 'is now on sale. A special attraction, ;t paint!ug last year. This increase is impor- Chapter and of the beautiful sharing the East with WorthyMa- rant becanse it qualifies the school robes. Welcome Chapter is the tron Dorothea Brickert, Worthy for addiional state funds. only chapter in the state of Wash- Patron Clarence Gnmert, Past . • , ington who still has and displays Matron Florence Weelcs and _ast FIRST (;I{.ADI, robes of this type. They are shown Patron Bill Batchelor, was Hazel The boys and. girls enjoy the .................................................... Barron, oldest living Pffst Matron ...................... of Welcome Chapter, and her IJa- ' tron, Eugene Taylor. A very cute addenda, honoring by Mrs. Emcry WinLcrs of I,'m;ks, formerly of Hoodsport, was ad- mired by men'tber: and guests, Mrs. Arcilic Calahan read an ap- propriate pedro, "This ls Art". During the business session pre- sided,over by Mrs. Helen Tiwaitcs, Mrs, Eleanor Brewer, Legislation chairman, discussed tie issues coming up aL thc Novcmber elec- tion. Hostesses for the luncheon werc Mesdames Ilma Jenner, Edith Kraus, Ann Rowe, Maric Turner and Lois Pierce. Helping with de- corations were Mrs. Thwaitcs and Mrs. Marjorie Akers. 125, N. 5th Shelton. washington A wee.k of ilLtrd work by nlenl- 10/25 11/1-8-15 4t bors, husbands and friends ilas ............................................... nEade lhe chlbbonse shinc insidc +--- aud the yard much nlore attrac- r,o Lafe To Classify OR. SALE -- '55 X'ord 9-passenger stath.m wagon. GoBd eondili+m. Call 426-2204. M 10/25 tfn ONE BED:20OM'-Kt=iiGl'd-'iTi)ifsT-fSi. rent. Phone ,126-464,L S 10/25 tfn NEE].} MONEY ? Avon- -Cosmetics " has Oil(' o])eniIlg in Sheltoll. Peak carll- ings now: Don't wit! Write Avon, 604 Ellluor for prk'ate interview in yollr holac. L 10/25 tire. Plans are going allead rapidly for new electrical wiring inside and thc installation of a new 'hot water heater. The chlb plaits a rummage sale December 14 at the PUD building in Shelton. Art is either a plagiarist or a revolutionist. --Paul Gauguin WHAT ARE YOU DOING SATURDAY? Your Grocery Store will be open. You can also buy a pair of sex, a new tire or fishing tackle. You can see your Real Estate Dealer, your Insurance Agent and your Doctor. Bui' YOU CAN'T SEE YOUR AUDITOR, BECAUSE HIS DOORS ARE CLOSED ON SATURDAY J I am pledged to RESTORE Saturday Service In the Auditor's Office! If you believe as I do--that a person should be ble to do business with his County Auditor as conveniently as he does his other business--then VOTE FOR ME! KITTY JOHNSON-- FOR AUDITOR (Paid Political AdverLisement). the past matrons was given by El- sie Seljestad, Mary Ann Besch, Alice Palmer and the Welcome Chapter choir; ' The chapter room was beatiti- fully and apprQpriately dccorated with antiqne items. The dinifig room alo carried Out Lhe anLiquc theme. The entran'ce hall held, a beautiful encased display showing the beautiful robes in miniaturc. This display was made some years ago by some of th Past Matrons of Welcome Chapter. PARTY ICE Small Cubes in 10-1b Sacks BILL'S SHELL SERVICE First and Cota OPEN TIL 9:00 P.M. General Election - Nov. 6, 1962 Volers of 3rd Oommissioner District and All Mason County,,, "THE BEST GpVENMENT IS THAT WHICH IS CLOSEST TO THE PEOPLE." My tcaining and years of experience in land, timber and property appraisals will be of good use in solving the problems of equitable ta×ation. OSCAR LEVIN (Paid Political AdverLisenlcnL) VOTE % GENERAL ELECTION FOR I [ ESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 LAURA M. <+,,,+. oo0,<o> W A Ii E N E R REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR COUNTY *"Resident of Mason County 16 years, during which she assisted her late husband, George "Scratch" Wagener, in the operation and man- agement of the Wagener Feed Store. * Widow, 46 years old, mother of Lynn Wagener Halbert, 24, and Mickey, 16. * Presently employed as a clerk; previously re- ceptionist at Boston Children's Hospital in Boston, Mass., and clerk with Albert Bros, Mil- ling Company. * Education  Two years at Central Washing- .ton College of Education, six months business college, two terms post-graduate night school. * Recent physical check-up accepted' by strict life insurance company reveals exccllcnt health. * Born and raised in State of Washington. CLERK * Will devote full time to position if elccted. * Charter member, Mason County Orthop(>dic Association, and its treasurer. * President many years of Mayme B. Tayh)r Ortlmpedi € Guild. * Member P!T.A. 16 years, held numerous offic.cs in it. * Melnber Parent-Teacher-Student Organization, * Zonta Club. + * Mason County Heart Association. * Member of Sllelton Varlley Grange. * GM Scout treasurer many ycars. * Cub Scout den nmther. * Member and past-president of l:evicwel:'S Club. * Red Cross worker. (Paid 1 olitical Advertisentent)