October 25, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 25, 1962 |
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Published in "Christmastown, U.g.A.," Shelton, Washington
* October 25, 1962
V i .... inviied To M ,.OTT.,, ].T*,, OLON i tten*le' b,* .bo.t erie,., w.o ,..
CITHOLIG WEEK OCT* 26 NOV. 4'Mt, ew PTA Public,. . • arriage Licenses' 1,oo. ,..,,, .v,,,** 1.e.,,le. ol,,f i,.
, a m , . \\;Vinners of the (too1"
PI .... Hear S pe L*hes All Applying for nlarriage licenses The lasl VF,, r P()at ;Hid Auxili- Niia/ P,,lhu'. R)y Caspe,' Lavate,;
ans Carmvat ! .... e er i,, .,e Mason c,,,,,, .ui,.'s of a,','. .t,-,,:o, e,' t.',,-,,,. ,,,,,,(,, ,,,.s Ke. olon.
,t. view .T ..n,,o,,noos is SEA _ .,._llan..,, __ _.X.esda,, ,i(,o this past ....ek we,'e: ,..
I )1' he(mlizzg' Mar,ligrtJs (.;al'lliv:tl H/lrl'y T. Harpel', 19, Hon(IsporL,
• ...t ..., .,,...r f,.,,,. -,, p..,..,,,.,,,.,, sp,,ee is limi,,•.< ,he a.d .,,,',,*h I. Hi,*. 1..h..,*... DARIGGLD and SHELTON MAID BLUE OX
Novenfl)cr ;". A tiggor and belter general public is eorrdially invited Merh, Van 1)oren, 16, l]ldt,r,t(h ,..
c .r]lival i.han ever before is being lo altend the auditorimn portio: lll.,.and Janel Grappe, 15, Ab(.r- .
t,l,,,,e,, .v.h n,,,.' ,,,,*l ,,i(,e,' p,'i-,, t.e .i.el,:o,, ,i,,..oo A.o('i- dee,,. PASKAGED ICE CREAM ST. T. ONLY.
zcs. 'tion's legislnLive banquet at lever- Thonms J. Stephens, 21, Socuz .... rs open at 6:45
The 50 ct,nl Ham di:mm' will in-' ff:'('er sctlool next Tuesday even- ity, Coh)., and I)orothy 13. C.mnp- )lete Show!
chl(fe ham, jeilo or polaLo .:al:,d, ing, acco:'(tillg' in banquet chair- bell, 31, Olympia. IN ALL YOUR FAVORITE s s9¢-CHILD a9¢
l)ake(t be;tl]s lllld roll. An extra ill;ill. Io()lulld P. ]l'o\\;vll. ................
charge will t)e.macle fro' pit,, e(,ffee t,'eat,tred speaker is \\;'rally delta- IN I'OLI('F, (:OI!!UI' Now :wailable for your COIl} k a r It m a
,rod milk. son, field represent:dive for the Two persons forfeilet bail in ill self-service refrigera, tor at ,u, :s0 p.m.
Proceeds will go toward lhe tnu'- \\;,Vashingt,m Educ.*Uion Associ- Shelton Police Court Monday niKhl CROWD WE WILL
e.s. ,, e,,,..i.,,., ,'e(.,',s *,. .,,,,,,. ,.'ofesio,,,..,'a,,,=,,on on t,'.,'fic .*,i.i,,,. e.,,,'.,. "l'h.y McCONKEY'S DRUG CENTER " ONU .,URE.
classr()onls .ll(1 o[.ller PTA hlld- [o which a nl:-kjority of stale edlI- wel'e Kt211neib \\;V..l-;l'o\vn, FiO (,t)er - at 1 a.m.
get items, c;tors belong slot's license, $5 fol'feil, anlt Ted
Tile public is inviled to attend. Invited to the banquet are the DePoe, impeding Lraffie, $5 for- Evergreen Square : MAT.--1 p.m.
Tickets may be purcilased in six h,girdatlve candidates in 1he felt. at 5:15 p.m.
advance at the Mr. View school 24Lh di::triet. The leg'isl'tiive pro- will not show on
offi(:e. .;pec.tive:; and incumbents, as well •night.
................ .... as Johnson, Goodpaster and Gillie,
Ruby Rebekah Lodge win detive,' spceche:-;. EVP'., SUN. MAT.
PrecoAing tile 7:30 p.m. audi- "IIO[)R VOTE WILL BE APPREC"
To Host Grays Ha, rbor torium portion will be a supper ItTRICTLY&
Ruby Rebeltab Loage win host whi(?b wnl he .e,'ve,.t t,, eli:* men> IATEI) AT THE GENERAL aeeAm,
]odKes from Gz')ys Harbor county bez's anti invited guests. Serving
at. 8 p.m. tbi: Friday at its re'u- begins l.t 6:30 p.m. TION NOV. 6, 1962.
lax meeting in the IOOF ball. En-
tb.,i:.tertainmentvisiting lodges.Will be furnished by Olynipia ,Gfiild Slates --Si.cerely
Relreshment committee is Alma The Seattle Symphony
Wbite, Sue re.aver, Rosalie Wells,
Louise Rose. Nellie Nelson and Sa- The Olympia Fin# rts Guild
die Seljestad. will preaent the Seaf.tle Symphony "'='----'-- -- WlIII' g RIIDNgT'T
orchestra wiLh 1Vfilton Ks.time, con-
................................. r-º (hmtor, ThUrsday, November 8 at WWIli-E"|IIW IL'[]
Igl |EIi- II /
KELLY FREDSON, Marsha Smith and Bill shops and banquets as well as a formal ball. The Navy Mothers Club s p.m. in the Olympic Theatre in
with their advisor, Miss Charleen Smith, theme for this years' convention is. Reverent Meets Next Thursday oJympi,. Edward Seferian, violin'- Democratic Nominee
observeLeDrew Mayor Frank Travis, Jr. as he signs a Youths anti Loyal Leaders. Marsha Smith and The next meeting of theNavy ist, will be the featured soloist. [lf
M Counly Assessor
proclarnation which sets the week of October 26 Bill LeDrew, both ISR seniors, have been chos-
to November 4 as National Catholic Week. en to represent the teenagers of St. Edwards Mothers Club will be held at 7:30 'The program will include num- aso
Eleven CYO members and two adult advisors will Catholic church as outstanding Boy and Girl of p.m. next Tbursday at the Mere- bers byBerilioz, Beethoven, Vieux- t==..-
observe tills week by attending the ninth Aroh- the Month° They will be competing for a $250 m'ial ball. Mrs. Don Aitken will temps and Respigb]. Shelton resi-
Diocesan Convention in Tacoma at the Winthrop scholarship each to the college of their ehoioe, be hostess. I dents my obtain tickets by con-
'rllere will l)e a Memorial service tacting Mrs. Terry Cooper, 426- (Political Paid Advertisement)
Hotel Oct. 26-28. They will attend several work- Ma:ry November 1.
.......................................................................................... .................................................. t:OZ' Mrs. Cox. 2125 before '- r
, - - - - -- -- - -- - v l ALLYN GIRL WEDS L j r
] tended 1he Septez}]bev 28 "4edding
. . . . ,,o, iss Ob,.'lo*t, *,m ¢,,s, ,ol- DEMOORATIG OENTRAL GOMMITTEE
I£ r • I , I, I"I I "_II____-- [ lev datlg'hter of Mr. and Mrs.
:Kecme vavorlles oI boumy leSlU(Ilt]FA'mk Jolley, Allyn, and Mr. Tom MINEE L _ HE
[. land Mra. HarmoI'l Van Slyke, Gig'
Harbor. Rev. Gire performed the
ceremony in the Fireside room at
the Belhtir Community church. "'
Baskets of flowers decorated the
,,,ore PiLE I1
Miss Jolley. wore a white scoop I1 '*.'.. F,
neck sae.th with ,,,.to,. le,,:., AND GES QUALIFIED MASO GO NTY ELEGTORS TO
sleeves ,,nd carried pink flowers. UR ALL N U i: :°s - L°*'s - "'
The eo,,ple spent tim week-end ]!EXOAVATING
at the (mean returning to find a '
reeel?tionattheVanSlykesatten- VOTE FOR THIS TEAM "'"'"
de(1 hy Lhe SLo('k, :]olley, Vail Sly- Undergrou
ke and i3r tdley families.
The bride was a senior at Nm'th
Mason High scbool. The bride- By Hour t
g'room is a graduaie of Peninsula
High sc.bonl and is now attending --LOADERS.
()lyml)ic cotlege. They a",,' at home MACHINERY LOWBI
........................ , DIAL--426-62(
707 Sot
Senalor For Auditor For Commissioner For ,11 rSALZ:" N
SHAFL. INE ADAMS, this week's cook of the week, shares a won-
derful 1rozen dessert recipe with us. With her in the picture are
her two sons Mark, and Timothy. i "'"
()It(* ,l l*tc ttlr,'l qt'l'lllllt)llllll Fl'OZIql 'l'l'o[)icl|l ])l'lig'hl: . I
s,,,,n,{i,',:_:. ,,,.,.'.:.4,','1 r('c,I,,'s w,, l,ave ] Cup Evapo,'ated Mill, Our Schools FACE i
,,:,.i ,,, :;,,,,,,..,,.,. . l,,,,,1,,e i. ,,. :,,,, l',.,,zen t,,.wbe,.,'y- NEW GHALLENGES Incumbent WARREN G. r
.,,,,,s' ,',,,,.,, "r,,,,,i,.. ,,,i,t l'i,'.,.,.pr,', Co,,,:e,m',,,e ,or R.sp- MAGNUSON ............ Nominee KATHERINE H. Incumbent JOHN E. Nominee GWEN H.
'ri,e ,,.,,.: s,,.gesl:.: ,,inner Im,ty be,Ty-t',ne,,pple ,,r Orange-Pine- JOHNSON BARIEKMAN IAI SUTHERLAND ........
f,,,, bin, slmrline .,ys "noL s:o". laPP i': Our Schools NEED -- " ............................
11 h,, t,,,)ea:-:y ,,, put ,ogett,,q' an,.l ' Cup Sugar or H.oney NEW LEADERSHIP n , ,,,"e-resen'a':ve
,,u, d,:th:i(,us t,,, ;;ave re,' speeiat ,., Cup Maraschino Che.rries, drai- For Assessor For Sheriff For
<w(:tl;iOIIA, II(!d al'ld chopped
: ' ' f OJ' 1]If! /lll)lln- 1:, Clip Mashed I{ipe Bananas (1 For Qualified Informed,
.,h,,,l. ive,l +:,s,. ' 3rd District
I:,llli bPl'o£e hcr Drl3Fl'iH)'e, but her lle(]iun]) Respected, Full-time Lead-
ership . . .
lnd/,nd. ;('¢)]t4(', i. a hal.lye Shol- Vhip milk in chilled bowl witb
tonian, q'te Adams Imvo two little eifilled i)eaters until stiff peaks
.,:,.,, ,,,.l,. a, ,,,,.,l 'ri,,.,th>,, =7, ELECT /
• f,n'm. Fold 1)artially lhawed juice, BOARD TAB[
Ill(,Yltt]N. r['hey ;llst) h;:lVe tv,'O los- SUg':II'. t:herr'ies and mashed ban-
PA ""'"'°'°'"'"
lu' da|];.',hl('l'F;, Linda, 1.1. and AHL- a.llas inio whipped milk. Turn in- up and dow. adl
ur.,n.L 10 lo refrigerl,.t.oP trays aild freeze bullt4n cord mlndm
A l:H'.:e yard 8.1"td garden site unlil firnl (about 2 hOltrs). Mnkes top. cord,
J C C tr' I ) Sh:,rlilm and George btlSy. He ] quaJ'L MASON COUNTY
: l ; ' " ; ' ' : = L ' ) t" t11e gat'de.n while ................................... SUPERINTENDENT Quart$1xe
>h,' tt:lvis 10 tile flower8 and lawn. OF SCHOOLS
,,.i,, ,,,.,,,. t,,a.,i.,i i.,.v,,,. i,, ,,e," Use Joarnal Want Ads ,,,d Political Adv.)
).ncd Sl)(:"tt( hiKhly of her garde, n- :i::'?;:
in;.'. ; blity. , ,
,,.,,,,,, 1,s,, h,. ,ami,¥ as ,,,,, KING'S ELEOTRIO SERVlOE
,lhet' ht,bby. Sh( was ;.t long Lime
wail.inI4' tot her ct]ihh'en and take.s Repairs to:
lllll('h [)l( }lPtlll'( in [lleII1 ll()w that
Yuu lmve a chili<we ,l: flavors RALPH B. KING
vehcn W:tl I.Fy Sharline's Frozen 1325 Olympic Highway S. Phone 426-8158
Incumbent BYRON E.
"l','ophat Deli.2ht. . ............ ,noumbent JULIA BUTLER ,ntumbent WILLIS E. N Nominee . s. (S,M) N McCLANAHAN
Warlllo alm0at; liK HANSEN .................. BURNETT ................ CLARK ......................
' fOr
• and
. ' I .contento cold
". llllleeI ,e,e, .e,l ' longer.
'eee| ("i'*',: ....
% . :]
/-- % {
o ";
" Annlver=ary
of 4 each:
N N 'Ucer.. de.,ert.
Even [n co[eject: weak, her, you can stH[ gel the wal'mh of a sunny Incumbent PAUL N Incumbent JAMES' L. Nominee CHARLES R. Incu,,bent JOI..IN B, . lates one =ugor
• CONNER ................... McFADDEN .............. SAVAGE .................... COLE ....................... "',.
summer day with STANDARD HEATING OILS. They give
,,.,, ......
clean, safe, all-enveloping heat .. , warm almoat likesummer. TEAM SPIRIT
Order your supply today. Mason County
For anyStandardOllproduct,¢all WILL MOVE US FORWARD Committee, Harry
C. C. COLE & SONS, lllc. • 1.18 So. Third St., 426-4411