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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 25, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 25, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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G Thursday, OctoA  October 25, 1962 SI-IELTON--MAfiON COUNTY-IOLrRNAE- - Puhllaliad in ,Chrstmaslpw!h U.." Shel%on, Waalnhgton ,  , , , . Page 5 , ,-- -- i i i i J ,, ;ON :ltend,'d bv ahut i35!*'[,_ .... .......  .................. ,',, .......... " " ' ) lllS ('nel'Ly \\;\r"lO C,qn- ' "V • V ,,,, I,.,.(, ,,. fl .yogi ,. it " Dept. Commander OCFOBER 13 WEDDING RIFES FOR Rummage Sale VVinners of the do P " --J  ....... el" * • • , ' • , , I .... ., ,m n f e To Benefit T.B. I / \\; / \\; v' o,., A,t×d,- n,;, P(,tte,', IV)y t'tnerl )an C,,sp(, Laver Pays Vst ro DIANA HARRIS, JAMES SARGENT '  ,, s  I ' ce was' Ken Olson  ........... .... ,. ulul A, l. s. t k.)k.)ll t  h,s i ived t .......... ,:" Local VFW Post 'W BLUE OX IV'E., SAT. MAT. ONLY. [l)Oors open at 6:45  [CCompete Show! RS 89¢ - CH I LD 39¢ +. a,d SXELTON HAlO BLUE OX GED ICE CREAM sA. MAT. ONLY. rs open at 6:45 V01{S ,,ete Show! FAVORITE FLA s 89¢ - CHILD 39¢ ,le for your convenience o k a r a m a rvice refrigerator at 't. 1:3o p.m. !CROWD WE WILL Program Here !Y'S DRUG at 1 ms. "verg reen Square ,£'-" M AT .'l"--p.m. 0Ut at 5:'15 p.m. w .'T" ; =;Tl/grarn wil not sho on _  = r/_h _ .... " EVE, SUN MAT 'E WILL BE APPREC" ', !HE GENERAL ELEC" srmcrLY A :), ).9(;2. --Sincerely The VN\\;V Post No. 169,1 and ils Auxiliary was honored on its last meet.inK night hy 1 visit of i tie l)epartment Commander, \\;Vil- }(> Polla, ri and his wife. Jerry. In his sl)eeeh to the Post. Com- in;,ndel' Pollari emphasized that the Vt'l.01'tnI:4 lotlght for GIll' right Volt' lind lie hopes evel'y()ne ex*,reise:¢ thai right at election ilnP. E. BURHETT mratie Nominee County Assessor CENTER , ONOS .,CU.E. ",'l,,' l, ighl,.'h, o the e.+nio ,came when lie prcsentod Larry Godwin with a Distinguished Dis- l Paid Advertisement) trial Comma, tder's pin. Larry was commarmer of District No. 5 htst m,r'';t  " . Si.qce there were ,)nly three or" the..;e pros given in the entire ',-;tPte. the l-)o'.t is really proud of him. '/'he annual Turky Shoot spon- YOl't'(( by the I'ost will be held Nov, ]7 aL the airport The public is in- vited. Tickets are now being sold a.l several of the local bilsiness establishments. Orri Brumbaugh won the jack- pot and S|an PlLrl{el"S llalne was drawn for the $50. COMING flaME ON LEAVE Glenn C. Story will arrive via jet this Sunday to spend a leave with h's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Story. Story is stationed on the USS Constellation This will be his first trip home in 14 months. 'H PRIDE,, E ES !!. QING(Ip::BUILOI N AN0TIR;0 G FOUNDATIONS TI0'N E_ _ =, [EXQAVATING -- PITRUN GRAVEL / / I l! Underground Utilities  [: EQUIPMENT RENTALS   !1 ![( , By Hour or Contract I i  i :]'3"RUCKSLOADERS--SHOVELS--TRENCH HOES ;th MACHINERY LOWBED  BOOM TRUCKS ! OZERS . ROAD GRADER - COMPRESSOR - PUMPS DIAL---426-6203 -- 426-3433 I OFFICE , For Clerk SALE NOW IN PROGRE! - • ):,i:i!,!( :¸: Nominee GWEN H. SUTHERLAND ......... Rtgulady Sea/Out Cold With HAIRFELT WEATHER- STRIPPER For Pro Incumbent BYRON E. Met For Treasu Incwnbent JOHN B, COLE (Political dvertiee 1 Mason County Dem °crati Committee, Harry • FRONT LEGSI BOARD TABLE It n'eWelt Ironing board makss, Ironing eosy l nlw up and down odlustment. EXTRA res card mlnder and outlotl Steam ;tel] top, 6 fuot cord, UL approved, Quart Size sl,o for and activities, I .contents cold t longer. ALTERNATES ctrlc POPPER Anniversary of 4 aach: 'U©ers# dessert, Iotas, one sugar alum- Inum wlth heat proof plast cleat ondhondlt. 2 quart UL approved. PACKAGE Apply wlt 17 feot strip around dbors windows. Eliminates drafts, cuts down on fuel bills. "King of All" DRAIN PIP For €leaning €logg0d or alug. glsh plpei and fixtures. "King of AH" r BOWLCLEANER St Removes stains, cuts IVll ,fresh clean scent, i Harm. IS to septic tanks. 22 ounce cane "King of All" Reg£i 0 SEPTIC TANK CLEANER WHITE GLADIOLI and chrysanthemums decrated:,the St. Da- vid's Episcopal church for the October 13 wedding of Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence Sargent. She is the former Diana Jacqueline Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Harris, BelfaSt. His par- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Sargent, Victor. e The October 13 wedding of Miss Diana Jacqueline Harris and Mr. James Lawrence Sargent was held at 4 p.m. in the St. David's Epis- copal church. Rev. Clarence Lody performed the ceremony. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Harris, Self air, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Sargent, Victor, * • ribbon streame:s, Miss Connie Harris, sister of the bride, was her maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Patricia Bird, Seattle, and Miss Darlene Sargent, sister of the groom. All three wore pale green brocade dresses with short bell-shaped skirts. They were styled with are parents of the bridegroom, round necks and three-quarter White gladioli and chrysanthe- sleeves. Each wore gold shoes mums decorated the chfirch. Mrs. and gold flower and net headpie- Charles Lewis was the organist, cos. The bride s father gave her in mar- The bridegroom's nieces, Susie riage. Leetham, Bremerton, and Janice k floor length gown with bell- Lawson, Montesano, were flower shaped skirt was chosen by the girls. Ed Stock, Allyn, was best bride. The bodice was styled with man. Ushers x,,ere Lutlmr Rivers, a round neck and three-quarter Seattle, and Bill Walbaum, BeN sleeves. She wore a butterfly net fair. on her pearl l:iower headpiece. Her A moss green silk sheath with white bouquet was centered witi three-quarter sleeves and white a white orchid corsage with ivory accessories was chosen by Mrs. I Harris for he}' daughter's wedding. Mrs. Sargent chose a gold wool sheath with three-quarter sleeves and brown accessories. Both had green orchid corsages. 938 STORES IN 21 STATES AND STILL GROWING == FREE' WlNDSHI ELD SCRAPER to car viSOr. Just It In our Auto- motive Doporlm ont. Corrugated STAIR TREAD Activates the bacteria and €lurs septic tanks. "King of All" SEWER CLEANER Llqulflas grens, and ,otto 1/10 gallon cartridges. holr, llntrand fibrous tree roots. Your choice, with or 6 ounce can. without the spout. Lightweight.Strong ALUMINUM .... rEXTENSION LADDERS 20 FOOT SIZE. (BWGP706) 24 FOOT SIZE. (BWGP708) Regularly $€ ## $41.95 Inter ocklng ,U" :h,',nnela pro- vide smooth free dlldlng action. 1 inch diameter rungs are hydro locked through an exclusive 'ERNER process. Safety shoos slip resistant neoprene treads. Underwriters Laboratories Approved. RAY PROUTY Society Editor * Mars Waters • Phone 426-4412 WEDDING BELLS TO RING SOON i MR. AND ,MRS. DAN A. CUZICK announce the engagement ,of their daughter, Zelda Faye, to Robert John Hess, son of Mrs. Jean Wiley. A November 21 wedding is being planned by the couple. - It's A Date Today, Thursday, Oct. 25 Tuesday, Oct. 30 Golden Age Club, 6 p.m., pot- Kiwanis Club weeK;y mneheon, luck, Memorial hall. noon, Memorial Building. Evergreen PTA, 8 p.m., school City commissioners weekly auditorium, meeting, 8:00 p.m., city hall. Shelton Jayettes, 8 p m, Jaycee lice station. hall. ' Wednesday, Oct. 31 Rummage Sale, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m., State Patrol drivers license ex- PUD building. Proceeds to T.B. aminer, 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., po- Rotary Club weekly hmcheon, lice station. noon, Shelton Hotel. Thursday, Nov. 1 Friday, Oct. 26 Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m,, $€ EACH All corrugated matting styled to reduce nolle and Increase =ofaty. Easy to wash and sweep. Block# 9 x 18 Iflche i. r ! FOR , Natural Color CAULKING CARTRIDGE @ ® ® 2nd and Cots Phone 426-3111 I j The wedding reception was ...... tmld at the churcb followiag the [ceremony. Mrs. Williams S. Wing acted as hostess. Mesdames Mat" 3 , Bowser, aunt of the bride, and i Arnohl Mullenix, atmt of the I groom, poured. The bride's cake was cut by Mrs. Fred Harris and Mrs. Willi-tm Cady. Set;yanK groom's cake was Mrs. Karl Matz and Mrs. Rex Crossen. Miss Jeri Matz and Miss Suzy Wing pre- sided at the punch table. Miss Patricia Evans attended the guesl book and Miss Sandf'a Cllnfton the gift table. Dream cake was passed by the two little flower girls. The newlyweds are making their home in Seatttle where he is em- ployed at Seeings and she works at the University Hospital. The new Mrs. Harris is a graduate of Port Orchard high school and at- tended the U of W. The bride- groom is a 1959 graduate of Irene S. Reed high school and attended Olympic college. The worshipper of energy is too physically energetic to see that he cannot explore certain higher fields until he is still. --Clarence Day SEY Club work party, 7 p.m., church basement. Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m., IOOF Hall. Rtmmage Sale, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., PUD building, proceeds to T.B. Olympic League football, Shelton vs. Central Kitsap, 8:00 p.m., Loop Field. Saturday, Oct. 27 SEY Halloween Carnival, 7:30 ).m., church basement. Rummage Sale, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. PUD building, proceeds to T.B. State Patrol drivers license ex- aminer, 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., po- lice station. Sunday, Oct. 28 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Monday, Oct. 29 County commissioners weetdy meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse. Dance To Follow Homecoming Game Irene S. Reed high school Girls' Club will sponsor a dance in the Shelton gymnasium following the Homecoming game Friday, Nov- ember 2. The Class of 1962 will be :hon- ored. Tickets for the alumni will be sold for 30 cents at the door. The dance will last until midnight. MOVING FORWARD  John Bariekman, Third Road District commissioner for the past eight years, stands on a section of the Arcadia Road recently completed in its new location, one of the projects to which he points with pride during his tenure in office. He seeks re-election Nov. 6 on the practical experience he has gained in those eight years working with the present board for four years and a previous board for two years, during which Mason County has been placed on a solid financial foundation. His thorough knowledge of all areas of the county from extensive work with survey crews in the Christmas tree industry is another asset to which he points. He has been Master of Pomona Grange (with 11 subordinate granges ) for the past fp[ur years. , .(PR1 p0lltial advelliii?ittt): Memorial Hall. Junior high school open house, 7:30 p.m., at the school. ...... Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Shelton Hotel. 40 & 8 Voiturc 135 monthly Promenade, 6:30 p.m., Lake Cush- There will be a Rummage Sale today, Friday and Saturday from 9 a,m. to 4 p.m. in tim PUD build- ing, Proceeds will go to the local T.B. program and will be used to replace parts for the x-ray mach- ine. Large x-rays only will be taken m the future. Manv interesting articles will be offered for sale --- very few of which will be priced over $1. Di- shes, cooking utensils, and lots of childrens winter clothes will be on hand. Such. items as phonographs, radios, electric rotisserie, sewing machines and oleetrte coffee pots will even be ,vailabie. All clothes are clean and elec- tric appliances are in working or- de'. FOR OUR GRAND OPENING DATES COMING SOON! Lem Warren Refrigeration In Our New Home at 2nd & Cota FRIENDS and VOTERS Dear Friends and Voters: Many st:tements have been made during this campaign about the Sheriff's budget. Most of these have been half truths, insinuations or untruths. The truth of the matter is that the budget is set by the three Coun- ty Commissioners and in heir opinion must be justified or it is not allowed. In my opinion, the voters of Mason County pay enough tax- es to be entitled to their fight to good law enforcement. If I am plected Sheriff I will do my best tO see that' they get it. I will not promise to cut down on the force or the budget, i will do my best to build a big- ger and better department, and I will ask you to come to the budget hearings and assist me to the average we need at least three more deputies, there has been no increase in this in this matter. I believe with the coming of the new prison in ason County which will be gory in the past 10 years. Once again I ask you to look in operation during this term .... of office the voters of this well to the zuture, mxpertence county will slee  better nights and trained men will be needed .... , .... =...v.^ -;, .... '... to cope with the problems be- nrotected tore us. • respecuuy aSK yOU "- " , to take the time to use my stic- The sheriffs Department ker or write my name in on now consists of the Sheriff, your ballot for Sheriff of Me- Chief Deputy, five Deputies, son County. Identification officer, Secretary, Sincerely, Jailer and Matron. To be up WALLY ANDERSON WALLY ANDERSON Sticker Candidate on the Democratic Ticket FOR MASON COUNTY SHERIFF ....... (Paid Political Advertisement) SHOPPER SPECIAL A STRATORESTER R00lining Chair for Dad MODERN OR COLONIAL STYLE A quality-made, first Class pioduct, not a sub'standard or miriiature Chair, 0Hginal price $99.50 and $109:50: SAVE $22,50 to $s.50 Thurs,. Fri,. Sat,, $ ONLY O0 Olsen Furnlture Co. 328 C ota St. 426-4702