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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 25, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 25, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, 25, 1962 Journal Want 1i OUTDOORS Don&apos;t Miss the FuP' E,tertainrnent of TAYLOR ELECTRIII 4th. & Cots D A H.Cr SItELTON (;RANGE Sat., Oct, Phone Russ Morken, S IN MASON COUNTY A'I? TAI(EN CUSI|MAN biggest fresh-water eaY: have heard of canle olll of Lake other day, after'fal- the hn'c ,)ffered hy Lois g'ian! weighed in at and iYlcasllrcs 2,I hi- fishing c(mtimmcl to at Cushman, with bel\\;VCell line and lvo only a few days lheil' fresh water the season officially Wednesday, Oct. 31. took her big catch, a 4-pounder she caught years ago, on a Cana- spoon while fishing near the upper end It gave her a, battle an hour with the she was using. are also giving salt same good sport Bay-Hammersly [+Art Hazelquist and An- took eleven, the lar- to 19 inches, Sunday. Phone .EET,NGS HE'-?7 MAULS 2nd andof *he4th T?,00!'PlNS .o  L. FOR 647 , 8 p.m AzrpO'" .... 7 1 ..... • .. ZZZ ............. 4 ........................ , : -- ,' ' .': ........................ 1 7 -- Verna Johanson SCHOOL 236, 224, Don Johanson WEEK OF OCT. 2g 647; Monday -- the year's best scores green salad, of the newly formed milk. Mixed Foursome Tuesday -- Chili con c last week when ctable wedges, pc racked up a string sandwich, cobhler, and 224. games for a Wednesday -- waltzed into first on hot biscuits victory over the Twis- beans, fruit, Ifnudseu 539-220) on milk .... i of it. otller match the You Thursday -- (Chnck Thomp- sandwich, buttered a 3-1 verdict from salad, applesauce (Chuck Knut- Friday -- Potatoes' tuna fish beets, fruit, ice erear Supplement with Plenamins Stewart's Prepp's Shop 133 RR. phone' at New + slde r, to" +,}rt Olympia good waY d re-drilled bowling • REDUCE election ang Louie bowling .. re¢isi0n bowling ball Plugging -- fitting. L va u # 943-3882 • GET more ,;,, tax dollar, Mrs. TeA Bare qlso reports good eatches. Off \\;Valker Park Saturday Mrs. lqlsio Buining and her S-year-phi oTandson, Ken B:lre, csllght tt pair (if si}vcvs, hers a 12-polmiter, his all 8-pollnder. :: o H: t I)EEI{ II ES()I;.T l Deer take was ligitt ao'ain dur- ing the second weekend of the ; hilnting season. I Besl rcpi)rted kill was Bill I{im- bel's 165-i,)llnd 2-point l:a.ken ill i : the Demlv Ahl area Snnday. BOb []')tJov 'and (lordoi! Anderson Etl- t so had 2-point. bottl in the Matlock area Sunday, while 3-points were Mlle.d by Rainc Wilson, 136 lbs., Dayton; Frank ,Vinkleman, 146 lbs.; Allan Mix, 125 lbs.. Matlock; and-Ken Evans, 135 Ibs., Satsop. Two bear were also reported. .lerry and Ted Corly bagged ohe in the Harems Hamma area which was in especially prime condition, while Scott Brigg's look one in the Matlock district. Tile Sowers trio -- Hal, Glen and Ronnie ....... had a successful trip east of the mountains, return- ing wih 31 Chinks and one huge Canadia.n honker which dressed out at 7 lbs. LINDBERG'S 245 BASES 605' SERIES MEN'S COMMERCIAL W L Windgard's Sport Shbp....21 7 Moose Lodge ................ :...17 11 \\;Vilson Company ................ 15 13 B & R Oil ........................ 15 13 Ritner's Broiler . ............. 15 13 Gott Oil .............. : ............. 11 17 Verle's Sporting Goods .... 9 19 Ziegler's Camera Shop .... 9 19 High game--Gene Lindberg 245 High series--Genc Lindberg 605 Gene Lindberg sacked up a 605 series in men's Commercial league bowling action last week with a torrid 245 closing game which also put the clincher on a 4-0 vic- tory for his Wilson Company team over Verle's Sporting Goods (Har- ly Fletcher 474). Otherwise ..... qngard's Sport Shop 4 (Eldon Todd 507, Bill Standt 506, Joe Engen 503), Moose Lodge 0 (Gerry Hart 566) to break a first place tie between them; B & R Oil 3 (Bab Stewart 89), Ritner's Broiler 1 (Dick Gardner 553); Gott Oil 2 (Bill Fox 483), Ziegler's Camera Shop 2 (Dean Perry and Joe Mess 503 each). FRATERNAL LEAGUE V " L Kiwanis Club ................ 19. 8!6 Fuller Construction .... 17 11 Lions Club .......... ...... 17 11 Shelton Hardware ........ 14L 13!4 Eagles Aerie ................ 12 16 Ball Moose ..................... 11}..', 16V., Moose Antlers ................ 11 17 t'0ta ry Club .................... 9! 181/ High game -- Les Shelver 216 High series -++ Back Mackey 562; Shelton Hardwa re 7 (Buck Mackey 562), Moose Antlers 0 (Jack Cowan 489); Lions 3 (Chuck 'White 556t, Rotary 1 (Jim Shrum 496) ; Kiwanis 3 (Les Shelver 5121, Fuller Construction 1 (Howard Hall 505); Eagles 3 (Lionel Leman 544), Bull Moase 1 (RoyTrim 450). D SAVE paying terest. • RETAIN local schools. Vote YES S JR ( Shelton SJR 1, P.O. Box avoid a BIG PINCH in your home financing plan! THE UBIG PINCH" IS a lump sum pay-off . . . a large sum of money that can cause endless worry and scraping to gather. To avoid it see our loan counselor for a comfort- ably planned, monthly-re- payable Home Loan. With flexible loan terms you repay in monthly ' Installments that are always the same.., that your individual income and needs.., and E YEARS or 50,000, .4  that directly reduce principal and interest OWed... until you own free and clear. BARS & TRUOKS Stop in today for fult details on our safe, SUre home financing. )n Pickup speed transmission, canoPY i!: A -foot box !+ 41 ',T 4-door .................... , f{+ + I -doo:r .......... L ................ ' ..... FIFTH AND  WASHINGTON transmission ............................... .--"" )or ................................. IER 3/4-ton Pickul) +" E -- They're Depe dable - SEE "BUD" -- Olympia, Washington HOME OFFICE -- OLYMPIA iN SHELTON SEE LOAN COUNSELOR I ,+ KURT MANN MANN REAL ESTATE 321 S. 1st St. -- Phone 426-6592 .EY MOTORS ! Phone +!; .I SHELTON, MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Oh¢iti's'tdwn, U.g:f./' Slflf6it, Wgtlibh Bulldogs Frustrated Again In VictOry Search, Lose By 20-7 North Mas,m's Homecoming week was a great success except for the most important part of all, the fotball game. That's right, North Mason lost a most wanted victory to the Moelips Hyaks last Saturday afternoon for a 20-7 de- feat. The Hyaks struck hard and fast ill the first half of play and see- ined iO Stlin the opposing Btllldogs. Moelips stoI)ped the Bulldog's first attack and took over the ball on their own thirty yard line. They drove all tile way to the thirty and (.innpleted a triuchdown pass from there. They also ran two other touchdowns, all in the first half. The Bulldogs were out looking for a viclory but the first half didn't leave them with ranch hope. Tile secgnd half saw them fight- ing back hard but without much lack. TilE LAST MINUTE of the game was hy fat' the most excit- ing with the Bulldogs out looking for at least one touchdown. With about 50 seconds left the Bulldogs began a fierce drive for the goal line. They called time-out after just about every play to conserve time. Then from the 4'0:.yard line with only five seconds remain- ing, quarterback Art Kralicek threw a long pass downfield to end Mike Stevenson. The un sounded while the ball was in the air but it was caught on the two- yard line and Mike fought the rest of the way for the touchdown with no time left. The team was very dejected for the dance ttmt night but went to see the Croning of quee+ NanCy Mattus and king" Arthur K;alicek. The two other couples in  Home- coming Coiu, t were Mike Steven- son with Susan Clappe .nd ASB President Gene Foster with Mario iyn Mills. Alumni from the two previous years were present. THE "PUPPIES", N:M:'s junior high tackle football team, played another game this last weekend also. Coach Hawkins planned the victory for the seventh grade team but for the second week in a row his eighth graders came up with some rough and tumble plays. This week's score was 14-0 in fa- vor of the eighth grade. The Bulldogs have only three games left in this year's football season. This Friday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. they will host Lakeside from Setttle. AHLQUIST SQUEEZES INT0 600 FAMILY MEN'S CiTY LEAGUE W L 40 & 8 ................................ 14 7 Beekwith Jeweh'y .............. 13 s Shanb-Ellison ...................... 12 9 Frisken Oil ............. :. ........... 11 10 Wilson Company .................. 10 11 Rishel Logging ................. :10 1l Simpson Timber ............ . ..... 10 11 Lumbermen's Mere ........... 4 17 High game--Stan Ahlquist 221. High series--Stan Ahlquist 601. Stan Ahlquist sneaked into the 600 circle by virtue of a 221 clos- ing game which gave him one stick to the good, after openers of 195 and 185. His performance paced Shaub- Ellison Tire to a 2-1 victory over Wilson Company (Toad Sergent 518). In other pairings: 40 & 8 3 (Bill Besch 533), Beckwith Jew- elry 0 (Cliff Howard 511); Simp- son Timber 3 (Bob Coots 483), L.M. 0 (Aub Blockberger 504); Frisken Oil 2 (Gene Tucker 534), Rishel Logging Co. 1 (Meal Dem- eree 524 ). Junior Traveling Loop Commences Play Sun. Shelton's Timber Bowl will again sponsor a team in the Evergreen Junior Traveling bowling league which opens play this Sunday at Hoquiam. Other entries are sponsored by Aberdeen Bowl (two teams), Elms; Lanes, Lacey Lanes, Chehalis Bowl, Harbor Lanes at Hoquiam, and Rock & Roll Bowl at Mossy- rock . HOUSEWIVES L E A'GU E W L Jim P'tuliy Inc ............... 22 10 Hood Canal Marina ........ 20 12 Evergreen Florists .......... 19 13 Shelton Marine Supply ..17 15 Angle Agency .............. 15 17 Edward' Salon .............. 13 19 Sheiton Union Service ..12 19 Ball's Food Center . ......... 10fi 21 High game--Rosa Gish 214. High series--Norene Stevens arid Verna Johanson, each 482. Split picks--Sylvia Fonzo 4-5- 7, Midge Hash 3-10. Jim Pauley Inc. 3 (Versa So- hanson 482), Ball's Food Center 1 (Mary Winn 351); Shelton Marine S ,_y,uunl 3 (Sylvia. Fonzo. 476, Hood Canal Marina 1 (Lfl Updyke 425); Edward's Salon 3 (Norene Stev- ens 482), Shelton Union Service 1 (Midge Hash 716); Evergreen Florists 2 (Betty Johnson 380); Angle Agency 1 (Evadean Lord 450). iii i i i Fun00bles, Blo00ed Pass instruments Of Defeat For Litile Climbers Punt, Pass and Kick Regislration Deadline Due Nexl Wednesday Bob Wolden, Competition Direct- or for the Mason County Punt, Pass and Kick Competition for grade-school boys, has warned that only a few days remain in which to register for the test of foothall skills which could lead to a White House vsit and an appearance at the National Football League Championship game. "Registrations will close next Wednesday evening, Oct. 31", Bob pointed out, "and none can be ac- cepted any later, since we must draw up our competition lists and get everything ready for the big program on Sunday, November 4". Headquarters for registration for the Punt Pass and Kick Compe-i litton, ot)en to all grade school boys seven through 11, is at Jim Pauley's Inc., 5th and Railroad. Entrants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. There is no charge for registration nor is any special equipment needed. Com- petitors will vie with others of their age groups in contests of distance and accuracy in the pas- sing, punting and kicking (using a kicking tee) of footballs. Ther is no body contact. Prizes in the Mason County com- petition include San Francisco 49'er warm-up jackets for the top winner in each age group, football helmets for second place winners, and autographed footballs for third place winners. Area win- ners, determined bV comparing scores of all state "winners, will receive expense-paid trips for themselves and their fathers to: National Football League games for half-time competition to de-: termine the 10 finalists. The Na- tional finalists and their parents: will receive expense-paid trips to Washington for a White House; re6eption, to be followed by a trip to the championship game of the National Football League, where the National winner in ,each age groui) will be determined by a half time competition in the crowded stadium. The Mason County Punt, Pass, and Kick competition is sponsored by Jim Pauley Inc. The program, in which more than 200,000 boys competed throughout the country last year, is sponsored nationally by Foxd Division of Ford Motor Company and the National Football League. Two Local Horses High In Year's Scoring Two Mason County horses fin- ished among the top scorers in the Washington ,State Horsemen Inc. state championship ride to- tals fer high-score competitive trail horse for 1962. Ed Carney's Chub scored 1278.7 points and Leo Bishop's Shadrack tallied 1015.15 points. The championship went to Im- pala, owned and ridden by Don Johnson of Hoquiam with 1511.8 points scored on six 1962 rides with a close second going to Ar- mand Mooney's Honey Girl at 1503.S points. Carney was third and Bishop fifth in the state to- tals. Singer Wins 'Cycle Scrambles At Tacoma Derreill Singer carried the eol- ors of the Shelton Trailblazers ov- er the finish line in first place last Sunday in the C lVfain class at the Graham motorcycle scrambles in Tacoma. The Trailblazers are holding a scrambles of their own this corn- fag Sunday at 1:00 o'clock at the club track at the airport. Riders and spectators are welcome. OLYMPI( LEA(;UE W 2 L T pf pa North .................... 0 0 52 12 East ........................ 3 l 0 58 50 Port Angeles ....... 2 71 1 45 25 South .................... 3 2 0 $2 45 [Central ................ 0 3 ] 6 64 Shelton ................. 0 3 0 19 66 I ,al ,Veelc North 2(;, (k+ntrai ( Port Angeles 7, South 6 Bel]cv.e 41, Sheltcm 0 (n-l) This Friday Central at She(ion North al Bainhri(lge (n-l) Port To\\;vllsend ;,it; Port Ang'e- les (n-l) South at Sequim Ill-l) ill i IIH i i i ill( i( l ............ VICTORY HOPES HIGHEST YET +."++," AS CLIMBERS FACE COUGARS eL A R K Hopes run strong for the fil's Highelimber football victory of the season tomorrow night. Central Kitsap's Cougars. sche- doled to visit Loop Field for an Olympic League contest, have had their troubles this seasou like the Climbers. IYntil last Friday the Cougars hadn't crossed a coDfcrence rival's goal line. They (ttd it once Friday but still accepted the short end of the score, 26-6, a.aainst unbeaten North Kitsap. TIIE COUGARS started the sea- son with eleven' lettermen, five backs and six ]inemm. In the front wall the Cougars will i)]'esent some sizeable lads for the Clhnbers to cope with, such as L)on Reece, 200, guard; his cousin, Roy Recce, :185, the other guard tackles John G¢+- forth, 2351- and Ervin Hnmc, 200; e0d DennY Hudson , t90; and end Bruce Corm, 180. Four other squad members top the 180-pound nark, including let- terman fullback Jim Sura, biggest Cougar backfielder. Other letter- men in Central's backfield are Jer- ry Campsna, Gary Wing, Fred Sto- ry, Mike Witt and Craig Coons, the latter switching from end to quarterback. THE III(IICLIMI!!]RS figure to be at greater strength against Central than they were against Bellevue last week. Many of the ill have shaken their flu bugs, end Gary Petersnn has his knee brace back from the repair shop, and in general Coach Bob Sand's squad is numerically stronger this week than it was a week ago. Full Strength is not: at: hand, to be sm'e, with Jim Lamont's lcnee MERCIIANTS I,EAG UE W L Old Mill Tavern ........... :19 5 Kimbel Motors ............ 14 10 R:J+lph's Serve-[)" ........... 13 ! 101], ', Prepp's Rcxall Store .... 13 11 Tinlbel' Apt:)lance ....... 1 () :, .13 / T]mrsLon S & [., ........... 11 J3 Bill's Shell Service .... 10 14 Olympic Plywood ...... 7 ]7 Higi game 'Vilfl'ed \\;Vhile 216 MAJOR LEAGU E Northwest Evergreen ...... 12 6 Olson Barber & Beauty ...... 11 7 Timber Bowl ........................ 9 9 Jim Pauley Inc ................... 8 10 Dan' Nite Hawks .............. 8 110 LaBissonier Agency .......... 6 12 Nigh game--Sonny Lowe 220. :High series--L. L. lIcIneliy 593. • :l= * Northwest Evergreen 3 (Bert Hoard 571), LaBissoniere Agency 0 (Rawlin McInelly 526); Jim Pauley Inc. 2 (Lionel Leman 576), Dan's Nite Hawks•l (Sonny Lowe 545); Olson's Barber & Beauty Shop 2 (Ted Wittenberg 522), Timber Bowl 1 (I. L.. McInelly 593). MIXED FOURSOMES Knock Outs .................... 19 9 Timber Ducks ................ 16V.2 11V.., What's Next .................. 15 13 Board Busters ................ 14 13V, Rusty Ducks ................ 14 14 Pin Busters .................... 11 16... Odd Balz .................... 11 17 Strippers ....................... 10!. 17V High games -• Ellen Rebman 177, Ed Crossan 190 High series --- Ellen Rebman 447, Bud Temple 489; L(.)(.)K AT THESE '149s EASTMAN MOVIE CAMERA 8 mm ......................................... scmcK ELECTRIC RAZOR super speed ............................ MICROSCOPE (1200 power) ........................... MICROSCOPE '199S '279s '139s The East Bremcrton Knights, sing fumbles and a blocked pass for their touchdowns, handed the l Shelton Junior Varsity Little Clim- bers theh' second con,,ecutive de- feat as they blanked the Little Climbers 113-0 at East Bremerton Monday evening. The Knights scored both of their touchdowns in the first period. The Little Climbers received the kick- off deep in their own territory, but lnanag,d to net no first dowa so tbc Little Climber5 were forced to I)unt. The Knights also were held for three plays and they returned ;' punt to the Little Climbers where the punt w;:s fumble(i and recovered by the Knights on their opponents' 20 yard line. The Knights took the Little Climbers misfortune to post their first score a few minues later adding the ex- tra point, leaving the score at 7-0. LATER ir, the period the Knight's capatalized on a blocked pass wiich was intercepted by their left end who rambled all the way for their final score of the game. The aLtempt for the extra point was to no avail as the Little Climbers halted the Knight's at- tempt which ended the scoring at 13-0. The Little Climbers and the Knights battled at even terms for the rest of the game. ' : The loss to the Knights left the Little Climbers record at one win, three losses and one tie. The Litt- le Climbers have scored 19 points while their opponents have cros- sed the goal line for 63 points. The Little Climbers leading scorer is Larry Powell with 12 points while Denny Wagner has 7 points. PLA¥1NG for the Little Clim- bers Monday werePowell, Tom Lowe, Butch Drones, Fred La- Mont, Mike Brickert, Brian Sny- der, Steve Clinton, Steve An=tey, and Duane Wilson. Also playing in the game were Bill Merifield, Bob Sargent, Jim Rice, Jack Dier, Dave Smith, Jim Rutledge, Tom Fredson, Ken Lab- resh, Ctrl Duggar, Bob Kieburtz, Tim Sheerly, John Redmond, Bill Fox, Dick Nelson,'Ralph' Noll, and Jerry Raymond. Tom Wingard and Bill Surratt were the trainer and manager respectively. Shelton .......................... 0 0 0 0 Bremerton .................... 13 0 0 0 SPILSETH SLASHES 658 AFTER DELAY SIMPSON MEN'S LEAGITE W L Znsulating Board ............ 17 11 Mill 2 ............................ 16 12 Mill 1 ............................ 14 L:, 1'+'., Loaders ............................ 14 14 Railroad .......................... 14 14 Shops ................................ 13, 14: / Engineers ........................ 12 1(; Loggers ........................... 11 17 High games Les Spilseth 257. John Land 242 Aub Block'berger 220; High series ..... Les Spilseth 658 Those power failures two weeks back may have been a blessing in disguise for Les Spilseth. Shnp- son men's league bowling was de- layed from Thursday of last week until last Saturday, which was the "right day" for Les. He hlt a blistering 658 series on games of 184-257-217 which usher- ed league-leadbg Insulating Boat to a 3-I victory ovcr the Loaders (Dick McGee 5771. In, other ac- tion: Raih'nad 4 (Slan Ah]quist 564), Mill 1 0 (Ted Blair 467): Shops 3 (Roy Anderson 467). En- gineers :1. (Ca] Poe 516+; Loaders 2 (Harry Cole 517, Mill 2 2 (Val Sienko 521 ). In last Thursday's play Jolm Lund's 242 game was the main noise and clinched a 3-1 victory for Mill 2 over Raih'oad (Aub Blockberger 542-220). In other matches: Mill I 4 (Ray Sharps 792), Loaders 0 (Harry Cole 478); Shops 4 (Roy Petty 578), Loggers 0 (Norm Castle 483); Insulating Board 3 (Fred Rawding 447) ]n- gineers 1 Fritz Neau 535). still keeping the capahle senior t:wlde on the sidelines, and many of the hospital r(!tnrnes Dot 'itt: full sLrength by any n]eitns+ SPine, while i)l unifornl, will lie restricted to linliled sol;ion. Ganw time is the usual 8:00 p.m. LEAGUE SCORING td pat ttl Jerry Williams NR .... 6 1 37 Steve Lovely Sk ........ 5 1 31 Gary Cotpcr SK ....... .1 3 27 ]hmry B<mi PA ...... 3 1 J9 Ton] Grathm EB ....... ; 0 !8 Jeff Williams EB ....... 2 :I 15 Mike Stuffer EB ....... 2 :1 1:1 I)ennis Alwine PA .... 2 0 12 Mike Priee SK .......... 2 0 :12 Barry Edclblute NK . 1 :1 7 Jim Aardahl PA ...... 1 J. 7 Don Clary S ............... 1 0 6 Gary Combs S ........... 1 0 6 Fred Lamont S ........ 1 0 6 Harvey KorLman EI3 1 0 6 Rod Williams EB ...... 1 (I 6 Error Darling SK ...... 1 0 6 Chris Detlefson PA .. 1 0 6 John Eliason NK ...... 1 () 6 Jerry Turner CK ...... 1 0 6 Marshall McCoy SK .. 1 0 6 I Ken Droscher S 0 1 1 .......... Perry Gnos NK .......... 0 1 1 Jon l=oline PA .......... 0 1 1 Jim Hemj¢lcson NK .. 0 1 1 • HONEST • DEPENDABLE; SHERIFF (Paid Political Advertisement Totals .................. 41. 16 262 ....... COIN' HUNTING? GET ACCIDENT INSURANCE FOR YOUR TRIP I Whether you're away from home one day or longer, up to 6 months, you can have continuous protection on land, sea and in the air with Trip Travel Accident insurance. Rates are low. For slight additional cost you can have insurance protection for your hunting equipment and other personal belongings . you take with you. 4 ANGLE AGENCY DICK ANGLE HERB ANGLE 426-8272 USED CAR SPECIALS '59 Buick eonvertible ...... $1895 '59 Chew'pier Impala ........ $].795 '57 Chevrolet 4-dr ............... $995 '55 Ford V-8 ....................... .$495 Till '61 Falcon sedan ................ $1695, '60 Falcon sedan ................ $1545 '60 Ford 4-dr. wagon ........ $1895 '59 Ford 4-dr. hardtop. +.$1695 ,'54 Ford 3/4-ton '54 Ford Panel TRUCKS guaranteed } Anti. Freeze '47 Ford ½-ton '55 Ford ½-ton • HOSES CHECKED • COOLING SYSTEM CHECKED ANTI-FREEZE INSTALLED and GUARANTEED ALL WINTER! JIM PAULEY, INC. USED CARS -- 5th & Cota QEALERSHIP -- 5th & Railroad 426-8231 I Ill Nell's Pharmaey See your doctor now for flu shots :MORGAN, EACRETT LUMBER CO. HILLCREST Phone 426-4522 1