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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 25, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 25, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 25, 1982 Thursday, JTY ]ers cks Look to the for Good LOOK TO M &amp; S FOOD For Goo.d Thirl'i ' To Eat,, J ':: Taste the refresh- of nature's • finest grains and hops... ' .... assured lass after glass 'bY 01ympia's 'm0st famous Highclimbers, We Hope. Y0u cRbss GOAL,0€ .0tta4,, ingredient: and you Cross the Square . ]1! " , 'r, 0 McConkey's Drug::t :the Water" Evergreen Square I GO GET 'EM LIKE WE GO AFTER IN YOUR CLOTHEI SHELTON AND SI-tELTON--MASON COUNTY 30URNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington SPORTS Mike Johnson Runs 97 Yards For Shelton Touchdown BLAZERS LOSE FIRST GAME OF SEASON, 7-6 JUNIOR HIGH FOOTBALL I V L pf pa Millet" . ......................... 4 1 5,t 18[ Shelton ....................... 3 1 45 20 I Hoquiam ..................... 3 1 54 13 f Jefferson .................... 2 2 2.1 33 ] Washington ................ 2 3 31 44t Centralia .................... 1 3 19 65 Hopkins ...................... 0 4 14 46 Last Veel¢ Miller 7, Shelton 6 Jefferson 12, Washington 6 Centralia 12, Hopkins 7 Today Shclton at Washington Friday Hopkins at Jefferson Centralia at }-Ioquiam the three-game victory string which had placed Coach Bill Brick- ert's kids at the top of the junior high football standings. That exalted spot belongs to Mil- ler now, however, after a skin- tight 7-6 triumph over the Blazers on Loop Field last Thursday. , Tlll,] C, ONFU SED officiating started with the opening kickoff. Miller's receiver caught the hall witl one knee on the ground on the 20 yard line, but he got up and raced into Blazer territory before he was stopped. From there Millet" crunched to a score in just nine plays, featur- ing 205-pound fullback Mike White, who eventually powered across the goal from three yards out. Scatback. Brett. Mehthoff ran left end on a pitchout for the extra point which was to prove the mar- gin of victory. Shelton's touchdown was scored on one of the most .,ensational runs in Loop Field's long history EARLY IN THE fourth quar- ter, the Blazers stopped a menacing looking Millet' drive on the three- yard line. On the first play Mike Johnson. who had just entered the Blazer backfield, took a handoff, hit a quick-opening hole at left guard, then cut sharply to the right. He caught Miller's secon- d,?.ry moving to the left and he had a cleat • field ahead. He made the entire 97 yards without being touched but had to outmaneuver a pursuer who was about to catch him around Miller's 35-yard line. The Blazers had two chances to make the tying try-for-point but couldn't do it. A left-side sweep on the first play was stopped short but a penANy opened the door again. But this time a running Miller': muscxc alw, some con- fused officiating proved too much for the Shelton Blazers, the com- bination serwng as a scissors on Step up the / ladder Lawlon Lumber Go.   0p,, w,..el,.® 8.s Joe V. Simpson / ]'/''' J  H mml lii .cFAOOE, gll r  D E M O C R A T He is proud of the part he played the new institution, the A to Olympia, the George Ad- Looks as Pretty as')) Hatchery and the Potlatch RCA-TV pictU Park. iii .... (Paid Political Advertisement) P Bank On the Hi i, To Dish Out the Footbal Seattle - First : Shclton  RING THE SCORIN 6 001 ;' with Sporting Supplies ff0¢ VERLE'S seO00 GOODS ' 200 Olyinpic Hwy. sO., pllone FOR FINE FOOTI// On the Field, watcl ' the Climbers! .,1 FOR FINE FURN ITv" 011 ! In Your Home, D P d: • e e d ;" Olsen Furnitureff: :: THE FITTING T Ov ]  IS a Highclimber ViC!°]t I or a Pal,' shoe<'% i : TIIE BOOT:I: "" "" '&e play to the opposite was even less succesful. MILLER RETURNED the kick- off to the Shelton 49 but Dale Downing and Dave Gunter drove the Bobkittens back to their own 33 on two successive brillhmt de- fensive plays and the visitors had to kick. From their own 46 the Blazers had a good-looking drive going i which included a 15-yard pass from Scott Swisher to Johnson, but an interception on the Millet' ten stopped the potential victm T move. The Blazers, through badly out- weighed, outgained Miller 189 to 139 yards and held the edge in play in the last, three periods. A- gain t-he Blazer defense was stout, ted by Downing Gunter, Steve Nelson and Dave Cox. Brickert started Brady Whitener and Jeff Kieburtz at ends, Gunter and Mill Sclmmacher at tackles, Cox and Nelson at mrds, Down- ing at center, Bill Archer at quar- ter, Swisher and Mike Buzzard at halfbacks, and Roger Samples at fullback. Elton Olson and Bob Johnson relieved at ends, ten Hurst and Dan Barvom in the line, and Mike Johnson in the backfield. The Blazers go to Olympia this afternoon to tackle "Washington. 8th GRADERS LOSE ................ Shelton's eighth graders lost two decisions at Ioquiam last Wed- nesday. The varsity dropped a 13- 2 verdict on a poor first half, the reserves a 13 -7 nod to Hoqtfiam 7th graders. Shelton's touchdown was scored on a 70-yard punt return by Jim Bieh!, who also lind a second ;touchdown taken away by what the officials later admitted was a "fast whistle". PREP FOOTBALL RESUI,TS Olympic League North Kitsap 26, Central Kitsap 6 Port Angeles 7, South Kitsap 6 Bellevue 41, Shelton 0(n-l) Seamomt League Fife 26, Curtis 0 North Thurston 25, White River 7 Sumner 25, Peninsula 7 Bethel 26, Laughbon 0 Central League Elma 32, Chehalis 0 Montesano 26, St. Martins 6 Eatonville 19, Mossyrock 14 ¥hite Pass 33, Yelm 6 Raymond 33, Tumwater 6 Others Moclips 20, North Mason 7 Port Townsend 21, Forks 0 Aberdeen 49, West Bremerton 0 Fort Vancouver 19, Hoquiam 7 Olympia 47, Centralia 14 A' wide variety of Northwest fruits are picked, processed and packed at lheir fla- vorful best. Then they are rushed to refrig- erator cars where constant temperatures are maintained while they are speeded to Eastern markets. Electronically controlled equipment, com- munications and data processing, super- vised by skilled employees, monitor each shipment. Giant turbine and diesel Iocomo. tives keep freight rolling dependably on Union Pacific-the automated rail way. Fruits from the Northwest move to market dependably.,. OHEYENNE' HVAHA CffllSAfl UNION Those HighclimberS Pl)':i¢ PRETTY AS A piOW ,0111 ! When is comes fl _,1 i Ziegler's Camera l° e m PACIFIC ACK [IF P°I AMBL1g .il ITNE00, s For the Town .,.f 1 n'st and IaP for expert Freight or Passenger information, call: For expert Freight or Passenger information call FL 7-3345, Olympia BELLEVUE JUSTIFIES HIGH oowm00oow,s 8,0 ON 223 LAST GAME RANKING IN 41-0 VH}TORY i ,NDOST.,A.,00EA00OE l?.,,,h Th,'i,',way Shelton had one liie V- ooking ColCs Mohil Service ..... 18 ) ():, What dan be said wllen your team takes a 41-0 pmnmeling? Well, in the case of the High- climbers, who know the feeling after their with big, had Bellevue Friday night, you simply say they went down battling. They didn't give up. They made the D, rolverines earn what they got. While tltere is no glory in a 41-0 lick'ng, there is no dishonor, either; not in this case. Not when you look at the odds, which included : (a) being outweighed from stem to stern by a substantial margin; t b) playing one of the state's top-ranked AA teams, defending champions of their Kingco league from last year and undefeated, so far this year; (c) meeting "m all-st'ttc shoo-in like 190-pound fullback Mike Shinn, who is as shifty as a rab- bit while running like a buffalo; (d) and trying to stem all this with a squad so badly decimated by illness, injury and insurrection that 12 of the 25 normal varsity players were not in uniforms and others who werc became ill while playing. To elauorate a bit on this last iem, here's what Coach Bob Sund faced as his squad suited up Fri- day night: Sick -- Kelly Hurst, Dave John- son, Jim Richards, and Bill Bat- stone; hurt ..... .Tim Lament and Doug Lutz; dismissed -- Bruce Crawford and Jeff Drebick; and benched by lack of equipment Gary Peterson (his knee brace, sent away for repairs, failed to get l back before the game). TO GET SOME semblance of depth Sund had to rise B squad reserves, and during the game put no less than 12 sophomores into the fray, some of them playing a major share of the contest. It was a night the Highclimbers would have had trouble with the jtmior high, much less mighty BeN: levue. At that it took the Wolverines a while to wear the Climbers down , the highly-touted visitors having to punt the first two times they owned the ball: But Shins showed his class fi- nally and led Bellevue 68 yards in ten plays for touchdown No. 1, scored 44 seconds before the end of the first quarter. Shinn carried for 11, 10, 9, 6 and finally 7 yards on the scoring play. The Wolver- ines had been running from a T until they hit Shelton's 13, then suddenly swil.ched to single wing• In two plays both single wing) Shins made the 13 yards. He also booted the extra point. SHINN HAD TWO mm'e before the half. His second came early in the second quartm: on a 38 yard slant through right guard with a cutback to the left. The third just barely beat the clock, com- ing 20 seconds before the half on an 18 yard bm'st oft right taclde on which he swung wide to the right after getting into the secon- dary. In both cases he kicked the extra points, so at the half it was Shinn 21, Shelton 0. Refreshed by their half-time rest, the Climbers battled their hearts out in the third quarter and ellevue didn't score• But the Wolverines made it on the fourth play of the final period with Mr. Shinn again doing the honors from 46 yards away, on a sweep around left end. Shins had another one only moments later, whe an interdep- ted pass gave Bellevue the ball on Shelton's 25, but a clipping penalty mfllified his reception of a pass from quarterback Rick Stanford. However Stanford got scoring tin'eat going in the third Clary Ttucldng ............ 18 10 qtlartel', set. up when Doa Clat'y Pantormnl Cleaners .... 15 .12t,, rctm'ned a punt 40 yards to the Lun]bernten's Mcrc ....... 14 1,1 Bellevue 19. An ll-yard pass from Canteen ...................... 13 15' Dan Olson to Joe "Waters had a Morgan Transfer. ......... 10 1S first down on the seven, hut two Shclton Motors ........... 4 2,1 pla3's later a Climber I)ack was High games-Cal'l Downing 223, out-of-position and got in ltle wt.ty Vtnlt Rat 220. of the pitch-out from Bill Smith High series Carl Downing (;:10. to Tent Lowe. Bellevue re('.ovcrc(I , , , the ball on the 17 and the Climbers Carl Downing used a 223 oh)s- never got past the Wolverine 40 ing game at:: l.hc :pringbeard to ya.rd line again, a (110 s(vies in Industrial league Even m the shamb!es of the 41-0 bowlig last week, at the same pasting tim phty of It.on err, Bob l.ime pacing his 20th Century Jeffcry. Gone Toney, Bill Sin]ill, Thriftway teanunales into first Bob Walker and AI Wagner rates place in the standings on a 3-1 an accolade, victory over Chtry Trucking (Bill YET YOU CAN'T get awsy Brown 502). from tiffs Shinn. The big guy tuck- In other action: Panlorium Clea- ed the ball under hi, arms22 times ners 4 (Ken Fredson 576, Can- and wmmd up with a net of 225 teen 0: Cole's Mobil Service 4 yards, more than four times the (Glen Parker 515). L. M. O (Bob net Shelton made as a team. Vuencit 529; Morgan Transfer 4 The guy's good. (Wiley Surratt 537) by forfeit from Shelton Motors. Sund employed every able-bo- died lad he had in uniform. They ........... were : ENDS .... Boh Kiehurtz, Lar- I{E('I{I,:ATION LEAG U E ry Powell, Floyd Barnes, Ron err; W L TACKLES ..... (;,one Toney, Bol) Shelton Recreation .......... 19 5 Jeffery, Denny l,uller, Brian Sny- Rainier Beer . ............... 16 8 der; GUARDS ..... AI Wagner, It:m- Lemke's Service ............ 15/ 81,..t, dy Kingshury, Carl Dagger, I{et Ritner's Pink Ladeia....13 11 LcBresh, Roy Ritnet; CENTERS ..... Lucky Lager Beet' . ....... 11 12V, Steve Archer, Tim Sheedy, Steve Olympia Beet' . ........... 11 13 Anstey; QUARTERBACKS ..... Northwest Evergreen .... 7V 16,,. Bill Smith, Brian Brickert, Mike Olsen Fma]iture ............ 6 17. Brickert; HALFBACKS ..... Don High game ....... Vcra Bishop 190 Clary, Joe Vtatcrs, Mike Sheedy, High series ..... Vera Bishop 506 Dan Olson, Tom Lowe; FULL- Shelter, Ree 4(Donna Coleman BACKS .-- Gary Coral)s, Bob Wal- .t69), Lemke's Service 0 (Adair kcr, Fred Lament Butch Drones; Neau 442); Rainier 4 (Will] Mills KICKER -- Ken Droscher. 450), Olsen Furniture 0 (Edna SCORE BY QUAIVI'EI{S i Clary 408); Olympia Bcer 3 (Ma, ry Bellevue .............. 7 14 0 20--.-41 Crossan 407), Northwest Ever- Sheltou ................. 0 0 0 0 ...... 0 green l[Pauline Archer 353); Touchdowns: (B) Shinn, 8, runs; [ Lucky Lager 2 (Shirley Stites Shinn. 35, run; Shinn. 17,run; 4,t6), Ritner's PinR Ladies 2 tVera Shinn. 46, run; Stanford 8, run; Bisho t) 506 McDonald, 5, pass from Goodson. Convlrsh)llS /B  Shinn 13 ). kick ; Falkenstein (2). kick. run. TEAM SFAII, 'II(.S B S First down ....................... 15 2 By rushing ................. 12 1 By passing ................ 3 1 By penalties ................ 0 0 Rushing (No. of plays)..48 22 Yards gained ............ 369 61 Yards lost .................... 1 10 Net yards gained ........ 368 51 Passing Number attempted .... 12 11 Nnmber completed .... 5 2 Nmnbcr had intcrJept. 1 2 Yards gained ............ 51 18 Total net yards ............ 419 69 Total plays .................... 60 33 Fnmbles ......................... 0 '1 Ball lost ........................ 0 1 Punts ............................... 4: 8 Yards ....................... 132 283 Average ...................... 33.0 35.4 Punt reLurns ................... 1 3 Yards returned ............ 3 45 Average ......................... 3.0 15.0 Penalties ........................ 5 2 Yards lost ................... 45 10 IND! VIi)UAL N ! A FIS FI(.,S II'llevuc lhJshing': TCB YG YL NYG AvE. Smith ......... 6 L 7 -4 -0.7 Stanford 9 47 1 46 5.1 Johnson .... :) 29 0 29 3.2 Passing PA PC Int. YG Avg. Stanford .. 9 4 1 46 5.1 Goodson ... 1 1 0 5 Holden .... 2 0 0 0 0.0 Sllelton Itushing; TCB YG YL NYG Avg. Smith ........ 6 3 7 -4 .0,7 Waters 5 7 1 6 1.2 . .-.- Olary 2 7o 17 ,5 Combs ...... q 33 3 33. Passing: PA PC int. YG Ig6 Olson ........ 1 0 . Smith ....... 8 1 1 6 0.8 Waters ...... 2 0 1 0 0.0 BUSH COAT ... in Pure Wool • rhls smart casual jacket ]et .yell dO things! Action styled in springy, reeF. lient naturM wool for full freedom m, easy comfort. Will hoki its shape mlra¢o t;Iously and wear and wear and wear, Ample warmth for Ih¢ chilliest dayg t yet no excess weight or bul 1o ilov/ you down. Ruggedly handsome, co* rectly tailored . . . perfe,.:tly "at cast? in any outdoor company. Tan or grey nd while pncheek, Glen Plaid= • Plain Camel Tar , LUMBERMEN'S MERGANTILE MEN'S DEPARTMENT ;, I llIl TIHE FOR A CHANGE VOTE FOR STAN E. PARKER Your Livewire Candidate 'rid i)h, ture taken Oe(• 1962 by i)ettn'N Kid P.U.D 3 COHHISSlONER For Betler Public Power (I md [ohLmal Advtttisement) iL four plays later on a 3-yard ,  u,. crack at right guard after Bob .................................................................................................................................................. Iverson had run 29 yards on a double reverse around right end to put the ball on the six. THE FINAL TOUCHDOWN just beat the final gun and was achiev- ed on a 5-yard pass from Bill Goodson the Kirby McDonald. Bob Falkenstein place-kicked the last two ,extra points. i FORD FAiRLANE SQOti :3: I# OUR l/NE FORD glRIA/YES/ ,00Only your Ford Bealer has 'em! Hot new middleweights with V-8 punch! New wagons! New hardtops! New sedans! New savings! Ford Fairlane goes all out [or '631 Handsome middleweight wagons in a size as new as '63 itself. They load like the big ones, save like the compactsl Trim hardtops--and you can even have bucket seatsl Dashing sedansl Each ot these solid citizens can be fired up with your choice of 2 optionat Challenger V-8'sl Or choose the gas-sipping slandard Six. And remember •.. thee cars cut your costs and cares as only Fords can--with exclusive twice.a.year or 6,000.mile rnaintenancel So come in--discovor Fairlane and all the rest of America's Iweliest, most carsl .o... JIM PAULEY IN G, 501 Railroad Avenue BOYS--7 thru 11--Register for the PUNT, PASS & KICK Competition! Details at Participating Ford Dealers' i; WOMEN'S 12:30 LEAGUE W L NeWs Pharmacy ........ 18 V._, 91/.o Phil's Richfield ............ 15 13 Shelton Union Service 13V2 14Va Dairy Queen .................... 9 19 High game -- Edith Levitt 191 High series .... Edith Levitt 518 Phil's Richfield Service 4 (Vera Bishop 463), Dairy Queen 0 (Ellen LeBresh 365); Shelton Union Ser- vice 2% (Connie Cronquist 511), NeWs Pharmacy 1. (Edith Le- vitt 5i8). TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and 50 min. later and plus 3.0 ft. Friday, Oct. 26 High, . ............. 3:53 a.m. 10.0 ft. Low .............. 9:33 a.m. 4.0 ft. High .............. 3:40 p.m. 11.3 ft. how .............. 10:08 p.m. 2.0 ft. Saturday, Oet. 2.7 High .............. 4:33 a.m. 10.4 ft. Low .............. 10:11 a.m. 4,5 ft. High .............. 4:06 p.m. 11.1 ft. how .............. 10:37 p.m. 1.3 ft. Sundy, Oct. 28 High ............... 5:12 a.m. 10.8 ft. Low .............. 10:48 a.m. 5.0 ft. High ............. 4:25 p.m. 11.0 ft. Low .............. 11:07 p.m. 0.8 tt. Mondty, Oct. 29 High .............. 5:49 a.m. 11•2 ft. Low .............. 11:26 a.m. 5.5 ft. High .............. 4:47 p.m. 10.8 ft. Low ................ 11:35 p.m. -0.7 ft. Tuesday, Oct. 30 High .............. 6:28 a.m. 11.5 ft. Low .............. 12:04 a.m. 6.0 ft. High .............. 5:10 p.m. 10.7 ft. Wednesday. Oft. 31 Low .............. 0:08 a.m. -1.0 ft. High ............. 7:09 a.m. 11.7 ft. Low .............. 12:45 p.m. 6.5 ft. High .............. 5:38 p.m. 10.5 ft. Thursday, Nov. 1 .L43w .............. 0:45 am. -1.2 ft. igh 7:55 a.m. 11.7 ft. dw 2:3i p.m. 7.0 ft. High .............. 6:08 p.m, 10.2 ft.