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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrstmtown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington
A!lyn Area Getting Back T O Normal After Storm Damage
heart be troubled: ye believe In
(hd, believe a!8o in me. In my
si(ms: if il wore ]:OL SO, I WOllld
I-.ItVC iol,l y(m. i g'O 10 prepare a
,,,' "" ,8: I - . p ace fov yell. And if I go and
nlal;ls£1ji'i; hi( ( 'ogt(gl:i'°;tln:t prepare a' pl&ce tor you, I will
conl( again and receive VO/I unto
Thursday, October'
October 25 1962
WellDrill" Area
|ll' ]i On Way
,VeFe he tared at ;in open hOsl;e
last Sunday, The open ]louse was
how all of you survived tlme storm given a.t tl{e home of the groom's
last week. It certainly left a lot of folks, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Van
debris and Slyke, Victor. There were about
trees. I think by now most of us 75 friends and relatives who atten-
have our lights and phones rester- done to the house. Thanks to all ded to meet the newly wedded pionship Logging Show, as when
services Smlday ,zt the Shelton
ed. I would like to take this oppof
tunity I,o thank all the crews from
the telephone, company and from
Peninmfia Light company for re
pairing and restoring our phones
and light as .soon as they did. We
know these men were tip ana work-
ing at dawn unLil late night try-
mg to restore our power. Allother
vote of thanks goes to our neigh-
bors and our nelghboorhood gro-
oers of Allyn and Belfair who al-
lowed folks to store things from
their freezers in their cold storage
rooms. What ever would we do
wtthofft our friends and neighbors
when s, disaster such as.this stri-
kes? Thanks to all of you.
We have a few l'cports on some
of. the damage done during the
storm. Tim Mile Lmhrs of Seattle
had three trees fall on their sum-
mer cabin and several more down
their road. The Earl Terrells llad
three trees fall across their road
and Ear, had to cut them down
before he could go to work the
next morning. He was out hawing
trees till midnight. Only a couple
of Willow trees in front Boyees
blew-down. Trees fell all around
Clem.ents house but luckily none
hit the house. We noticed several
trees: down between our house and
Allyn and are thankful none did
much damage to our homes, The
C]eln Sa,l'gonts had several trees go
down taking down the power lines
a,nd phone wires. We had one of
our big Maple trees fall and hit the
house but no damage,
A well-known land mark was
E, E, Jackson's large tree which
c0mpletciy destroyed their dock,
The Frank Jolley's vacated their
house on the hill when large limbs
began flying all over the place.
After things subsided they went
to survey the damage and fouled
their grounds covered about a foot
deep on one side of the Imvse. they
were thankful no sermus damage
was done. The large Poplar trees
at the Howards Wynn residents
were uproted. As Howard and son.
Vere. 12. were out tyymg Lo repair
a 'broken oil line at foot of trees,
Howard turned just ill t, lme to tell
Vere to junlp alsd the tree went
lght of own" throwing the oil
barrel full of oil over on the wis-
est lot next door. Tanks to How-
ards qmck thinking he and his
}on wer: not injured. Bill AItStrlnS
d{llght.er's beach some was des-
tranced by a failing tree. Reggie
lJ,fflan 'slid to rescue his oyster
bj;ge'from the beach wnere it had
be, on blown by wind. It suffered
very little damage. Tile Hmwey
Gri£feya lost half of their up-
;tgirs roof, due to Ihe wind.
At (;mnl'r, Grocery a plate
[}'!48,' window on the side of the
btlilding was blown out. Out at
Bbmn I.lee the Krackenberg's
oa,bhl was destroyed a tree fell on
it, Luckily they were home ill
Seattle when that happened. Bill
Si.oudt., St. lost a few trees, an(I
(lid lllinor damage to Iris tJ'tck.
The MeOrady's lost three trees
which demolished their bath house,
the woodshed and patio. Their
dock and boat were eonlplete Loss.
A.n moccupied house, on Strecll Is-
IItllft ,%V;IS badly {ianlaged. The roof
was parl.ly blown off and the
house almost leveled to the ground.
Btll Sund lost hiS; barn and had
other damage resulting from fan
ten trees.
A tree fell on Virginia George's
ctr jnst missing the house, The
roof on Joe IL'ngen's chicken house
was blown off. The Treasure Is-
l(l, Boat Haven was almost a
total lo,s. Webb Ethel'ton had a
tree fall on their garage putting
a dent sn the roof of the cab Of
their pick-up. The Doug Corliss's
were lucky aa a big fir tree went
down in their back yard just mis-
sing the housc. Robert Andrews
of Rocky Point I(mt part. of the
roof an(,, knocked dmmx fireplace
chimney, Some fornler residents
of All3m, Earl and Slirley,Ander-
son suffered extensive damsge to
their ranch at Mossy Rock. Al-
most all of their buildings and
b,rl+r]lS were lost, Tim winds up-
rooted trees and buildings liRe
they were made of paper. This
was one of the hardem hit. areas
in Waslingl,on with winds up to
120 mph at. times. Even will all
this destxuction lilere were no
Mr. and Mrs, Paul MacKay wish
to thank the Fire Department for
their speed and efficiency In put-
yOIl nlen,
The first Cub Seoul meeting was
held la,t Thursday and from what
we hear il was very successful. Den
1 meets at Barbara Wynns house
and Den 11 meets at Cells Area-
chef. Elaine Kowalezyk is assis-
tant den mother. Dchnar Griffey
is Den Master. David Kowalczyk
is Den Chief.
We were.sorry to hear of Glefl
Miller's injury last Friday after-
noon. He was Working on the
North Shore Road when the small
utility truck he was driving L,RS
bumped and sent off the road and
down an embankment. It was
stopped from going on into the
Cansl hy a tree. He was treated
a,t Belfair Clinic for a concussion
and sent, home for rest. Glen is
reported doing fine and anxious
to get back on the active list.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S, Crutchely
are visitors from Seattle at the
Paul MacKay home.
Jewel Von Osten flew to Denver
last week cud to visit his sister
who was critically ill. We recei-
ved word this morning she had
pasd away during the night.
Although it wasn't what you'd
call a pleasure trip Jewel had a
chance to visit old friends and
neighbors while there. We hear
his flight from Seattle to Denver
was pretty rough as the plane took
off during the height of our storm.
Birthday Club met the lmme of
Mrs. Barbara Wynn this month.
There were 14 members and four
children in attendence. As always
a delicious pot luck hmch was
served and they all had a chance
to talk about the storm and what
damage it had done. The meeting
next next month will be held at
Mrs. Lois Terrells. We hope to see
all of you there,
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Congdon
"rod Marie were weck-enff guests
a.t the Vim Osten;,. They were
without lights and phone in town
and knew we at least had heat.
Bruce ad Jim went out fishing and
had anything but luck as they ran
()lit of glls near Grapeview and
rowed the heat to Bob Eldridges.
Llektly Shirley was home and
brought them home or it would
have been a long cold walk back
to AII.I
Mr. ,qnd MFH. Doug Corliss and
four ",hildren were callers at the
Jewel Von Osten llorfle Friday
Mrs. Shtri,'y Va.l,inder and 2
children are staym,g with her
nlotlser and husband, MI'. and Mrs.
Harvey Rice, while lwr husband
is over ill Nolthern Pakistan for
the next 15 months, }tie is in one of
the hot a,pots so she and time child-
ren will not be able to join him.
He has to slmw a permit to prove
he is stationed there. We hope
all goes well for him while his
there, Nice to hart, Shirley and
children in Allyn.
Say, have yon noticed the new
North Mason High School sign?
Sure does look nice.
Mrs, Elaine Kowa.lczyk and
children spent last Tuesday at, tile
Mr. a,ad Mrs. Yh' l{al.;oni hqd to
cnt sllort t,hcir hunting trip at
Brlnnon where they were visiting
the Glenn Butlers. After the sl,)mn
they were without tighls and de-
cided to return to Allyn. Time But-
lel-S returned with them to find
no light:, here, either. The follow-
ing day tile men got Tim some lmnt,
ing and Sunday the Butlers return.
ed home.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Becson
gave a combination "going away"
and birthday party for Jeri's
brother, Bob Baker, In.st weekend.
They all had a. good time despite
the fact they were without lights.
Bob is going into the service.
Mr, mid Mrs. Webb Etherton
were visiting by his brother and
wife. Mr. and Mrs. Etherton of
Saudi Arsbia. Thc.v arrived just
in lime to see one of Wa.shingtons
worst alorln.
Richard Knight left for Los An-
geles last week to escort a trailer
Mr. and Mrs. James Von Osten.
Mr. mid Mrs. Bnice Congdon, and
Bruce's mother, Mrs. Walt Cong-
don attended the Fair last Wed-
ncsday. They arrive¢l when the
Fair grounds opened and didn't
lea.re till after midnight. We tall
had a wonderful day and tried to
see all the things wc hadn't previ-
ously seen.
Mr, and Mrs. Tom Van Slyke
8AFECO makes it easy for agents, like
ourves, to give you the finest in-
eurance coverage poeeihle. For ex.
ample, here is one of the pecifi¢
advantagee SAFECO offers you:
Whcn two akrzco.lasured 8utos ¢ollide, the dednct.
ible clause for both autas is automatically waived.
AFECO offers many more time-saving and money-saving
enefite, It would be our pleasure to discuss them with you.
*W Idle t all otaa
116 No. econd St. 426-3357
There will be a ,t-H leader and
training meeting for parents and:
leaders at the North Mason high
school in the Home Economic
room, Oct. 25., at 7:30 p.m. Any-i
one that is interestea in helping
with 4-H please attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Von Osten
and Susie's dad, John Kalishok
he was a. youngster he used to
work fo; a logging camp.
Congratulation and best wishes
for the futur? go to Mr. and Mrs.
James L. Sargent, whose wedding
ceremony was held in Shelton at
St. Davids Episcopal church Oct.
13. Mrs. Sargent is the former
Diana Harris daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Harris of North Shore.
And Mr. Sargent is the son of Mr.
Fwst church of Christ, Scientist
in a Lesson-Sermon on the subject
• 'Probation After Death•"
Opening the Responsive Read-
ins will be these verses from the
and Mrs. L. T. Sargent of Victor.
The young couple plan to live in
Seattle where both are employed.
myself; that where I am, there
yc may be a,l;o."
One of the citations from "Scien-
ce and Health with Key to the
Seriptln'es" by Mary Baker Eddy
states (p. 487: "The understand-
ing that Life is God, Spirit, leng-
thens our days by strengthening
ear tst in the deathless reality
of Life, its ahnightiness and im-
Bedell Drilling
Route 3, Box 170, Shelton
Phone 426-4713
tly Sally Taylor
SP. 4 Harry B. Cook
Mary Cook of Agat(
mother at 5:30 a.m
to say goodby as he wa,
ort Benning, for Frank.
aany. His wife, Sharon
with her parent.,
Ohio while he i,,
Spencer Lake
the Shelton Gem Hos.
NUT STIGKS 3/'1 r -r°ersona#'"
NESGAFE L°; °' 89 .¢
JURE wo.oo 4/$1
46-oz. tin
• •
$100 VALUE
Just come in
and register.
Drawing will be
Held Sat. 6 p.m., Nov. 10!
(You needn't be present to
your name
Permanently 00i/vered-Fu/ly Guaranteed This h
finest g/ass o# its hind on the market
HN [
BA'ARO o. 10 €
PILLSBURY, .......................... PKG.
w ................................................. 5/Sl
PARD DOG FOOD ,5-oz. tins ................
TOMATO' SAUGE " ......... 6 o:;
Wash. CUT Grown UP 3
Fresh or Fresh FrozenLB j
BAKE.A-FRYER extra eat,, large ............ LB.
LEG U'LAMB ...................................................... L,.
shoulder .................................... LB,
Trimmed ........................................ LB.
Juicy ............................................ LB.
! Chunk .................................................... LI.
• : i
past week after under.
Tuesday morning
ver Star riding club ex.
invitation to the Bel:
attend their "Get-t(
27 at' the Little Skoo.
Hall starting at 6:3(
will be a Pot Lucl
own selwice)
to live music b
Hope all you BeE
and have a wonder-
Taylors attended th(
Zone meeting a.,
for The Bell Riders
discussed were:
the date set for the
awm d's banquet.
was asked to be th
this years event. Jim
to be master ot
for the evening. The
State Horse-
will be held at
or. 9--11.
clubs were urged tc
who would be able
on all new measures
be of interest to their
Club and to cast their
election of new state
the coming year. Each
one vote for evmT 25
fraction there of.
Saddle club invi-
sted game riders to
second Sunday ot
month at the Majors
for a playday, start-
Will be 1 p.m. This is a
and will cost each
the afternoon, spec-
Rowes are home af-
trip trough Califof
Utah, and Oregon.
a business trip, Red
have an opportunity
well known Kellogg
Calif., famous
horses and Sun-
exhibitions. The Rowes
the Whitmore Arabian
Lake City, Utah,
opportunity to see
of the best known
in the United
connnent was that
ed Egyptian Arabian
a differ,ent "look"
seen in most maga-
at horse shows. In this
the first one I saw made
what was different
I finally realized" it
foreheads are not
the eyes and the
SUcl a way giving an
to the face,
lnlagine such a thing.
of the Arab stays
matter where they
and the Rowes. were
in this as they
fields of strange hm'-
Whitmores and all the
to be loved and
there were about 80
The &rabs in the
s kept their horses
at night, rather
fellow but the fact re-
this breed of horse has
outstanding for its
sot to mention its
and beautiful
Pierce. Damage Con-
Class, USCG, was
Coast Guard Good
at a formal Change
and Awards Cere-
the'CGC Winona in
Oct. 10.
the son of Mr. and
Shelton. lie gra-
Irene S. Reed High
' I I I I I edlll[ NSTLES I€ ' He has been at-
I APPLE S 10 I Winona since May
u=v.r 5-o,:ar ............ / J hhl r 00'lhlPh .
" ZEE 8O € Hi Country previously been as-
AI'i'L¢ t, IMr-R , aboard the CGC
c NAPKINS .......... 2or. 25 , Gallon Bay, Ore.
onduct Medal is a-
Delicmus Ib
sezice men who dis-
QUAKER OATS . ' ling conduct and
znarks in profieien-
for a three year
I CELERY ,s'i , --=
,,,,0 ........ ,..,, ,0,00,,
Hubbard Ib € , .
Fr, $ ,o.oz
KRA GARMELS ,,.o,.,,.3/ 1 BISQUIGK ........... : .................... p..
SUNSHINE 12-oz, $1 .s your e
Vanilla ............ 3 pkgs, 3-bag0er ...... CHOOL SUPEI
Pictsweet S
VEGETABLES P,ot,wootasst,d ..... 6 pks.$1 STRAWBERRIES Fro,
200 ft. roll .............
Double Luok H
...,.O M. M 2,
UHHU|E::O' Assort. bars ........... ............
ARDEN BUTTER .................. .
TED ,o
County schools are
equal to or above