October 25, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 25, 1962 |
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October 25, 1962 " SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAE -- Published in "Ohristmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Page 15
, Area " + " b e ................ Lak hw ' "" gl S " " inw' neT"+gnur ......... :
r Matl0ck Ladies Clu, Grang e Na atzel Youth Recmves Ea e coutRank
• * * • LOANS
..., ,,, .. ,...__. ...., _. ,._, ., ,,++r ++++,++ on ++. +, ono ,, ,y ,+, + ++++ ..,.-- ..,,..v,,,..
I [] I Y l I I 1 111n>+lln l|n IPigll 1 1416111 mppllngl lIIT IIVPPlf LAKE NAIIWATZJI .... Con- Wcel¢-e.d guests of Mr. att(i I aunt Mr+. Francis Northorzer who
I Y i | | il i II Y r" v. .,ul IilVIli IlI+ViIIIbU hUtll llVVll gratulal.ions to our young neighbor Mrs. Alh:n Hickson were Mr an. d Jwill be 105 years old this Christ-
...... h_ By Dora. Hearing ]mme since the storm last week. !!aa!c. l)axson ?n having, acmevcd ff[.l:s. eorge J(,nes oi O,'L urea- i mas day and is at.ill quite active NEW CONSTRUCTION-- REMODELING
......... . |YV MATLOCK --- The Matlock La- Mr. a ld Mrs. Kermit Smith and U e n]gnest rank m regular scout- a,,u. . ....... and does part of her own house-
Lt/i -- l[il IIUL¢ 1 Iv|ll||U|| dies Club met: last week Wedncs- granddaughter, of }ancotrver were rag. 'ri)c Eag,c Scot!t waro was ,,.tu, l3'.,tttrn([n,,tll,e,y ttela work. One interesting part of her PURCIIASE
b • .n n- I ilv ...... a. day at the Grange hall with Mrs. weekend guests of Mr and Mrs I)Cs(nL'¢; .to .!.])m,. at u}e ,Anm)al '';.. "','.',+','.,1, ..'" ,' nic was how ill 1895 she and her
_ .my ' ay,,,r Joe, Diggle hostess. We celebrat- I C l'ord. ' '" v,,n]i,e[',n, ,wy,u!?g o ,, /.. ?.;::: FL'?: ':'::!L:.:' ................ -- p,'.ts left by ho,'s, an w.,,. 6 % On Reducing Balances -- No Commission
OIIliO RI, il,-3 - SP 4 /-/alz"B Cook d .............. '-" ..... r ..... +on JStl'JCt ot the 'rumwater Area s. ,.,s+ +,at.t:ucCy. . tor eastern Washin ton It t(ok
_.--wii--_-- -- IFwl llt,* - . "'Y . , e Ctll'ee Oll'l:rltl&y8, llenle :oss- MI*. all(1 lv/l'S, leE(-) l:5ooI:lle aYIc[ Cotlllcil ;<st x,,,,. ...... ,,+,,,. r ,,,, Stlllday eveninff tile HicK8Oll'S h .... +i, , ..... €,....,g o ..... 11 .... ,,
lWnlliing ll/#[i.s. Mary Cook of Agate maier, Melba Trenckmann and family of Hoquiam spent Sun- Edward aw2n"wa:; t'orn"izgSe: visited ith the Icnneth Howards !Poi;peni':h "r.e'"'z'mu""¢';at'im Charges
:L mother at 5:30 a.m. Lillian Portman and also took in (lay with Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. ton Nov. 5, 1947 and with his par- of Matlock. over the Snoqtmlanaie pass. In .
IPP to say goodby as he was two new members, Ann Cash and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goodburn eats moved to Lake Nahwatzcl Mr. and Mrs. F. :. Hewson 1903 they moved to Harrah where Mason C0unly Savings & Loan Association
,ENCE BEDELL [Port Benning, for Frank- Laura Hewson and also voted to and family, Mr. and Mrs. Larry June 1, 1950. i-le began his school- spent tt £ow days visiting relatives she stilt resides with her daughter TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING
[rnany. His wife, Sharon, treat the hu.bands-and families Chamberlin and family and Mr. inn at Mary M. Kmght and enter- in Eastern Washington. Mrs. Annie Guyette. Mrs. North-
: 3, Box 170, Sholton ,!aying with her parents to a Harvest Dinner some time and Mrs. James Rossmaier and ca the Shelton Jr. High when he SHELTON
one 426-4713 : bus, Ohio while he is Mrs. Sewson attended the tea at Prier was born at Toledo in 1857.
in November. daughter, all of Shelton, were Sun- was in the seventh grade. He is the Governor's Marts;on with her "
a overseas. Matloek Grange held their reg- day evening supper guests at the Lawrence Hansen and Truman
now a Sophomore at ±rene S. Reed daughter, Mrs. Phil Parker of
Spencer Lake ular meeting Friday evening. The Lad Rossmaier home. Gliek attended the Fair Saturday. , ....
the Shelton Gem Hos- next meeting Nov. 2 will of elec- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGar- High Scbool in Shelton. Olympia.
His scouting career began in No- Friday Mary Tveit and Mrs. , ,,
past week after under- tion of officers, vie spent Friday and Saturday vember of 155 as a memter of Paul Webster of Bremerton spent
evening at Parkland with Mrs. cub scout pack No. 17 in Monte- the day in Centralia. It's Time For o, Change
Tuesday morning. MRS. LUD ROSSMAIER was McGarvies' brother and family, the sano. The Den No. 8 ot this pack Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson
" Star riding club ex- hosteSSinff ladies:at heZ'Mrs.homeLucyfOrsharp,a desertMrs. A. Tayiors. Saturday they took consisted of boys in the Mary M. of Skokomish Hat+chery visited tlecl Republican
+.: tn invitation to the Bell
................... l ............ J[. .......... .... _ attend their "Get-to luncheon Tuesday for the follow- in the World's Fair at Seattle.Walker Knight School. After two years with the Tveits. • • n • •
I this Den was abandoned due to Last Sunday the Lake Nahwat-
ct. 27at'theLittleSkoo-Arthur Sharp and family, of and Wayne Hollatz spent the lackofintcrestof, someoneto bea zel Vohlnteer Fire Depat'tment I I III I MJI I II I" I I
UPON GOOD FOR i '+I' IlCe Hall st.rting at 6:30
OLAS +° w"' b°+ a P°t "°R °"]'P" "s +'ar'Y O"+mbet"" w°°R+°d at +"but° will' Mr" "d 'ea°t "° °w°s hi+ c°nt"'°°d "'" h:d + m°'t"+g and +'ise"ss°d +"in Seattle. LRW € flII €i
and family, Mrs. Carl Goodburn Mrs. O. W. Walker and Wayne terest in Scouting to the man ter quarLers for tile equipment.
Ping your own service), and family of Shelton, Mrs. Stan Hollatz took in the World's Fair who is still his Scout :Master, Er- Mrs. Lee Dawson accompanied
flancing to live music by Gwinnett and friend, Mrs. Bob
].0 PJlCI-[/SE ca. Hope all you Bell Trenckmann, Mrs. Sam Dingle and Mr. and- Mrs. James Freden hie Anderson of Shelton. He be- by Mrs. Dennis Reed of Olympia CO U N T Y A S S E S S 0R
l tend and have a wonder- children, Mrs. Edward Valley, Mrs. bm'g, of Hoquiam, were luncheon ae is Lh first young man in the lower Yakima Valley while they
longs to troop No. 15. We believe spent three days last week in the
;OUPON WITH PURCHASE i I. Taylors attended the Paul Rossm&ier and son, Mrs. Irv- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Matlock, Nahwatzei area to ever were house guests in Mabton at * No increase in assessments unless proper and true need
inn Sleeveland, Mrs. Elvin Hearing Hearing Sturday. They picked receive the coveted Eagle Scout the hom. of Mayor and Mrs. Har- ex'ists.
tives for The Bell RidersaCific' Zone meeting as bert Brehmeyer Jr., and son.and Mrs. I. C. Ford and Mrs. Her- grapes Saturday afternoon near award, old Wernex. Mrs. Dawson also vi- * Fair and equal treatrn¢:.', of all pro: erty owners.
your name
I +aastet]ie:tdd:stedo+Vec Grapeview. Thursday William :Manier and * Welcome any oonstruoLive .+;,=l+estions of ¢ritioism for
1 Mr. Richard Cockburn spent Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Mrs. Betty Cooper were dinner+ property assessments.
"'a'dde'ss .......... : .................. a.hi p award's banquet, the weekend hunting with rela- Portman were .Sunday dinner guests oi: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mc- [ * Encourage property improvement and betterment of our
Lives near Chelan and visited his guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Clanahan, community.
tth was asked to be the folks at Sunnyside. He came home Glaser of Harstine Island. They Saturday Miss Ben Manier visit-
tfor this years event. Jim with nice mule deer. * Fair and ethical conduct in Assessor's office at all times.
,, 'greed to be master of ' spent the evening with Mr. and ed the Coopers, and took he," fa-,
ed. This is 1/ .s for the evening. The Mr. andMrs. EdwarVlleynd :Mrs. L.D. PortmanofShelton.
'ashington State Horse- son LeRoy, spent Sturd&y eve- Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook, of ther, Mr. Manier, for a ride along .......
the Beach. (Paid Political Advertisement)
I )avention will be held at ning with the Rodger Spalding Montesano, Mr. and Mrs. Petter- Mrs. Robert Lemke visited with
Nov. 9--11. family, man, of Elma, spent Sunday with ,,
.: clubs were urged to MR.. AND MRS. Harold LeGarde the Kenneth Howard family.
l!t who would be able of Shelton called on Mr. and Mrs. MRS. MATILDA Gustafson, of
on all new measures Edward Valley Sunday afternoon. Montana spent a few days last Shank Portion, Hormel, Heat & Eat, from 12/14 lb, Avg. U.S. Choice, Whole or Half
' of interest to their Has anyone loat a pet crow? week with Mrs. Stanley Gwinnett i A '1
Club and to cast their One has.been at the I. C. Ford of Sinmson Salmon Hotchery. HAM '+:7"-' LEG v'" LAMB o'
election ofnewstate ikokomi+hQra00e-Pla,s--B00s00 '+ " " '+
the coming yea]-. Each
one vote for evet-¢ 25
++c+,,+,+oo+ HAIF 55 i:AM00iI+hi01NI:H01)$ 89
+sLedSadd]egame e]Ubridersinvi-to Night In Hall Friday Night BUTT c c
on, .eco.d Sunay o Ib Ib
month at the Majors
for a playday, start- By May Valley afternoon to view the grape vine- Center Cut for Frying Fresh Washington Grown, Whole Bodied
Will be 1 p.m. This is a SKOKOMISH -- This Friday yards. 1
and willcosteach evening starLing at S:30 is the an- Rev. andMrs. Wa]laceBell, Mr. SLICED HA 8 c FRYERS c
the afternoon, spec- nual 'Booster Night' at Skokomish and Mrs. Arthur Johnson, and Mr. ib Ib
Grange. This is an open meeting and Mrs. Chester Valley spent '
46-OZo 0. RoTes are home af- with a program conducted by the Saturday evening in Olympia and "Good" Grade Beef
TIghTS ek trip trough Califof Lecturer and the public invited, had dinner at Lee's Steak House. Verifine, Quality Controlled
Utah, and Oregon. Therewillbeapothlckhmch at Mr. ad Mrs. Albert Johnson LESS WIENERS 49 RUMP ROAST 79
a business trip, Red the close, made a trip to PorLland recently SKIN c c
have an opportunity Bob Hunter of Seattle visited and spent the weekend with Mr. Ib Ib
i well known Kellogg his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Mrs. Ted Matheisen.
• Calif., famous Hunter, over the weekend. Mrs. Chester Valley accompan-
Xabian horses and Sun- Mrs. Ida Johnson drove to Sum- led by Mrs. Alvin Huibert of Shel-
4 rrlT s exhibitions. The Rowes nor on Monday for an overnite visit tonntadeatril) toTumwaterF,.i. Calif°rnia Greenilicers 5 FancyWashinitsn Delici°us 10
the WhitmoreArabian with Mr. adMrs. RonaldJohnson dayandspentthedaywiththeir CUCUM ERS ' APPL €
Lake City, Utah, md family, mother, Mrs. Sarah Lozicr. EACH LB.
opporLunity to see Mr. and Mra Archie Vaughn vi- Miss Jan Valley of Island Lake .... ......................
of the best known sited in Longview last weekend was an overnight guest of her
in the United with his brother and family, Mr. grandparents, Mz'. and Mrs. Ches- Tender Size Crisp Solid Heads, California
' c°mnmnt was that and Mrs" Earl Vuglm" W'hile ter Valley °n M°nday" CAOTS: € LETTUCE 2//2 €
d Egyptian Arabian there anoLier brother Harold "
a differ.eat "look" Vaughn and his wif from Eugene, .... 1 LB. BAG EACH
seen in most magi- Ore., came to join the family for ,.
)0 at horse shows. In this a. visit. TOMATOS +/++'"+°
15-oz. tins ................ +, !the first one I saw made Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm were California Extra Large Red Slicers LB.
what was different Fair Visitors Fzday, staying over ........
;E HUNTS 6 . .. I finally realized' it I night in Seattle with relatives.
:s On Saturday hey drove on to Eve- Look for Pumpkins, Pomegranates, Persimmons, Orna-
........................ ,+ foreheads are not rett to visit their son Fred and
Lhe eyes and the family, mental CorI nd Ornamental Gourds.
Such a way giving n Mrn. Ia:ona. Vaughn accomper-
to the face, nied Mrs. Florence White to the
L lnlagine such a thing'. Worlds Fail- last Friday. I llelb fox' letfO
of the Arab stays Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stenberg i
1o matter where they made a, trip to Seattle last Thurs- Prices Effective
rozn and the RoTes were da.y to meet and visit with Mr. and
in this as they Mrs. John Cahoon of Salt Lake OCT. 25-26-27
LB. fields of strange hof City who were registered at the
* te Whitmores and all the Olympic Hotel while attending a Right to limit
to be loved and Ceramic Convention. While Mrs.
there were about 80 Cahoon was visiting relatives in
ra meaty, large ............ LB, . The rabs in the Sweden several years ago she
s kept their h°rses f°und she had B" c°usin' Isaac Sten" NEW Ii0MELITE
aLl night, rather berg, living near Shelton so she ++
-CARVED this breed of horse has enjoyable dinner at: the Hotel, Mr. f ..,.,_.,::.?.:.:;.'.:...:.::.: .... ..:::...;y....+.,.,. ........
Ider .................................... LB, outstanding for its Stenberg, s brother-in-law of Seat- " ..' .'::,,;.." ".:V:.:.:e,. ,e::6*_::.Y:,.$$" ""'L,'
:,+ ..... ..:.,:.,... +.: ..,,.,,.. "+.+.
not to mention its tle, Arthur Johnson, showed the l ,'-'. ".:',''::::-.
,¢£. "*;:::.:::'.':.% jililDlllpi li HILLS BROS., J,¢ 2-1b, 1€ '"--
:d LB. ce, and beautiful Cahoons some places of interest _..+'+" + ," ¢2+ IilI'IPIPIPIP drip or reg., 1-1b. ][! + +. z }',.
........................................ around Sea.ttle, accompanied by ..#::....,,: • • I'll II IIl tinslV( .ins q'V
++°"+°+' '+"°+*°"+°'" ,'I4ATI'S*A't W .,,m ':.m "/lUi. m
+,o, oo o.o,+ +o. +,++ o,+ +o++ o, +, +++ .+- +m SHORTENING $9' = o
utricious LB, Coast Guard Good One of the lucky hunters in the t . r PloYs°rite! + +1
at a formal Change Valley who got his dee]" last week .e
++ 00o,e .v+ .., Or++. TOMATOJCE 4/1
+ LI, Lhe'CGC Winona. in :M'iss Esther John+on and Miss ..'. IX'+ +I t'' e Y'+r++' ';-- 46oz T,ns I O?+)':
Oct. 10. Judith Kerns of Seattle Pacific C 4 .-'
• PERED LB, the son of Mr. and College spent the weekend dth :.,y.+.. --ste+eXX': +41 .ov303 +oX3 1/ i = " " " .......... O$ f,:+ W"
.............................................. Shelton. ]tle gra- Esther's pa.rents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- ZEE III :+-oz. €. Jr" i+, +'-'----
,+ + + .... SANDWICH BAQS 3/2S+ °-++asia: -- °
R He, has been at- Mr Mtdml Hunter WaS a Sun- tnS II " , 30 ct,
Winona since :May day dinner guest of Mrs. Justin :. kt pack OO$. L RO/
previous, y bee,, as-T=ylor of Oy, ter Bay. PAPER NAPKINS!.% 2/25
ITi Country aboard the CGC Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Nelson .... €
½ Gallon Bay, Ore. drove to Yakima recently where
Medal is a- they attended the wedding of their , .
set,ice menconductWho anddiS" Brown.niece Miss Patsy Shea to Chester S Shop
marks in proficien- Mr. and z's. George Barkley On Hillcrest
for a three year and M:r. and Mrs. Humphrey Nel- i i
=OZ. son drove to Strech Island Sundy
.., I, 24-oz. Bottles
. ++
.o,,.wo++,,o +.. liE ELECT UN 4/'1
g +oz. " BUMBLE BEE -- Your Best Buy
............................... pkg.
• 6-OZ. TINS
NALLEY'S as your comity
|llgtlll= Pictsweet ++ i+ilili: .-- ----. TREE TOP
Illi.'lllnlmv Froz, " " B --?A LLON'+ HALF 47' i
"* ". W (BILL)G000PASTE+" : ..-- .... .... ,,,x,+++.. +,
+, :iil - ++ +.+, ....... +++¢
• APER %1. o,, ............ ;+ i ' -+::+:+.': : .
*::":.:::"::::!::""'.'::/.. PRICES EFFECTIVE Oct. 25-26-27 "4..
.=A.¢ oo,b,o ..o . IllltllT£1t TO SERVING THE SCHOOLS [ ..:.'.";:£":;''" " :],: ,, K-P
!+IHIIF.U and THE PEOPLE oF MASON COUNTY ;.:+ _..tl - -- '+:+ d I.,'13:l'ImOll 'k\\;lV €il I and Stowly
Assort. bars ......................... I Fl ........... :::i:'t _=U "111 "J • Vd - I NIGHT!
tt County schools are all solvent and in good financial conditiont Teachers' sap OVEN .SH ,4e+ ;: o _t1Xp . . | Ill I [] II1111..#' . . ] L,Ve,
are equal to or abovc statc average for this class county. , DOZEN a" ! 'o.€€ I n4Lr, n \\; #, .,..,2.._.....
n|l_ Pictsweet = V BHUoT%R BREAD ',+ +,, 3,+ [r I ^,, H-'Ii..A.I X',,PN '1 II,§,U, UIIAUKi'II3
-.=-.or,o .. KEEP PRO EN ABILITY IN SGHOOL SERVICE __. oP',. +el i u,, llllllrUll \\; k\\;_ la-, '+S.LT,NS" +le
BY REELEGTING' BILL GOODPAsTER ++o.,oo ,o.,:1 + +.o+ I O.O.+ONO,Y+ % -A 1.2 °°"° LI-
,1", + ," " ........................ -"
(Paid Political Advertisement) --