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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 25, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 25, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 16 HOOD CANAL SCHOOL NEWS Non-taxable Land Makes Up Large Part Of The District&apos;s Area, Superintendent Says t{OOl) CANAL SCHOC)T NE'WS and the Washington State Histor- P. T.A. lea] Museum in Tacoma Oct. 16. Oct. 15 J+ W. Goodpasier ,')nd Paul Gillie debated on three sub- jects concerning the (0unl.y Snper- intendent of Schools, They first debndcd on the duties of the super- intendent, lottl agceed that Mason County Schools silol|ld he more co- ordinated. They also agreed on the second bill. that the SCllOolS in Mason County are good hut as time goes on that they will need Hc)lnl + Jill i)rovcllle+llt. Goodpaster said that he hopes lo sLarL the "Teaching by T, V." method in our schools. The last topic was S. J, R. -1 an amend- sent. t0 the "vVashingtoll State Con- siittltion which would enable us to approve special levies for more thalI 4)11. year. Both illen agl'Ce0 thai, this is an important l'natter and tlrge you lo yore. FIFTH GRADE FIELD TRIP LIBRARY RECEIVES AUTOGRAPHED COPY OF BOOK The Hood Canal Junior high library was presented witi] a copy of Lois Pierce's book. Lost Im- migrants of 1845 and The Blue Bucket Gold. We wistl to thank Mrs. Pierce for her, autographed copy. First they stopped at (he park We have placed it in our library arid ate their picnic hmehes. Let- with other books on the Pacific er they visited the zoo which was I Northwest. It will be a help to very int:erestinK. They plan- I our Junior High students in their ned lo visit Fort Nisqnhily, bnt study of Washington State His- the road was closed by fallen tree., tory. In tle afternoon they visited Mrs. Pierce herself has lived here on the canal for the past: 40 years. She has seen many changes and advances in our fast-growing commmflty. LegM Publications NO. 3348 No'rICF, OF IIEAIIING FINAL RF, I'ORT AND IETITION FOR DISTRIBU lION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OIP WASHINGTON leer MASON COUNTY In tim Matin' of the Estate of BERNADETTE KATItERINE DIEIIL. Deceased. Fred H. Diehl. Executor of said Estate. has filed wittl said Couri his Mr, Bates' fifth grade of the Lower Skokomish School werlt on a field trip to Point Deffarme Park the Museum. They saw the original covered wagon and mounted oxen used by Ezra Muker when he came across the OregoJ Trail. Enjoyed by all was a florcscenl rock show. On displa.y was the most val- uable otter skin in the Pacific Northwest, Then viewed nlany things wMeh helong to Issac Stev- ens, who was the first governor of Washington Territory. One child was asked to play a piece on a piano whicll once belonged to him. Some things of special interest were: a school house of long ago, final report and petition for distribu- tion, asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the properly to tle persians thereto entitled and to dis- clmrge ,'mid Executor. Said report and 0etltion wtll be heard on tim 9th Eegai Publications NIl. :1.101 NOTI('E TO CREI)tTI)II.g IN THE SI!PI;II()i (?t)UIT OF TIlE STATE ()1 , WASH IN(/TON FOR MASON C()IINTY Ill the M:tiI4'v 1 the l']stnio of JOHN (L .IA('KS()N. l)o(.(.as,,d. Wilfr,,d 'r, J:wkson is lht' ai)tmil|od slid qllalil'i,'d ]lJxtH'ul()l' {1|' Nlli(l (*Stilt(*, All l)t't'%lllS Ila illL'. CIill)llH ;l}taillSl said dft'(!as(d glut* I'('1111i I'1 'd Ill :1) l'l'( ' lllo aisle in dllplicato duly vct'il'h'd, on said Exol'tllof lit hi: all<will?y, [al}- ('1'1 L SnytlPI'. :11 lht, ;/dlll't'ss below Mated. slid fih' Iho Ntllllt, with llw t'[ol'l, of mild ('11111"|. l(+/ollwr will t)l'oor ()l SllCh N('I'V i(+(L V.'II lllll IX lllOllthS /tflPl" tile (Jill+' )1 tl',l llllb]ica - lioll <)I" lhi,q III)Ii(+F o1' l}l( salllo will bo I)al'vP(l. DATE of first publwali(m: ()chd)or 18. 19l;2. VILFII,]D T. .] A('I(S()N li]x(,('lll(,| ' 1728 ()lyldllIic Iligllway N,I'Ill Sil'i| o11. Washillv Ioll IIOId+HtT [+. SNYDI,]ll llol'll('v Ill IM1W 1255 N+ 51h Sho]|Oll, WIISllilIKD )II 11)/18-25 11/1-8 4t I'ALI FOR "NI+:AI,I';D BIDS S(mlod bids wilI i)c taken by Ule F)o/ll'd (If Dil'e('lal's Ill" [It'lloIl ColiN(it ~ idale(I Sch(-)l I)i:;lri(:t No. :]ll!) Ill its ,Jfit'e ill lht' EV*'YgT('('II St'lltlllI. col+ltt*l O1' gill and Pine. Sheltou. Wasilinglon, tlllliI  :I)0 l).lll, rllltsday, N tlV ('111 bt'F 13. 1962. for SllPl)lylllF Itlrtlituvc I))l' tile (lranl C. AIIL"It  S('ll(ml Addilioll. Colllpl(!to Sl)O;:ifi(allOlls slid bid (t()c- lllJlni s ill't, 1 vaillLb]t! I1[ |]1o ('lloal Distri(:I elf i('(, i l; till" E*,+('IW, Fi,vn st'ho()l (-Ol'llOl' lit lll alld ]:)ill('. Sllt.llt)ll xh, rahs- illglon. the first envelope making machine, a mounted buffalo, gome Indian war canoes and the first taxi which was horse drawn. Clttes, 00ownst. Ynereasing l, evy Per00ds_ Proposed Amendment Io tKeJ State Constitution Io be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1963 ) of $tat Sta  WaIngt0=t rams. o.,..., ' ht obedience to the Star4 Conltuffo lfid IM 3otM • On of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there hi hereby published for the consideration of the voterl of the State el Washington, the propo=ed amendment to the eonltitUtNt (i • the laid state, el follOwl ,, =....,.....--=-OFFICIAL B [,B  ,, Substitute House lolal Resolution N, I CITIES, TOWNSt INCREASING LEVY PERIODM Shall the State Constitution be emended to pemlI city and town voters to authorize tax levies in excess of the 40-mill limit at a specified maximum rate for up to four years for capital outlay, if the proposition or propositions be approved by a three.fifths majority and the number of voter voting thereon constitutes not less than forty percent of the votes east at the last preceding general election in such city or town? -- .-- J J J I J i i Be It Resolved, BY the Senate and House of RepreaCntative of the State of Washington In legislative session assembled= THAT, At the gleral el¢ctlon to be hld In thl state on the theUeSday next suaqeeding the first Monday In November, 196 shall be tUlmitted to the qualified ,electors of the stat for their approval and •ratification, ,or rejection, an amendment to Article 7, section 2 as amended by Amendment 17, of the Constitution of the State of Washington, by adding thereto a new subsection desiipnated as subsection ( ) which shall read follows= Article "/ section Z)ubseetion (), BF, ,tm city Or town+ 0r the purposes an d in themanner in this subsection provided. Fhe tax levy or levies at a specified rqaximum rate fop each yeaE may be authorized at any single election for a specified numbe f ,ears not in excess of four ers for a 'lev, for capttal outlay vhea tle proposition therefor has 'been approved b, a matorit ---at leastof, of* ....... the electors votin¢ thereon at ,which 'election the number of persons voting on the proposition shah }onstitute not less than forty percentum of the total number at votes east at the last precedin"g genqrai election tn such city or' wn If any tax levy is authorized pursuant to the provision pf {his subsectlon) the governing bod) of the city or town shall determine annuali 'th.ereater the amount of funds requlre from the authozect 'lev, or levies of theeit or town for eaPlta$ purposes, and within the limits' of each x !evy so auth0r!zeaj ..a lev. shall be 'made at the rate required to pr.oduee the amoun ef flmds determined as aforesaid ,+The proposition or propositions to euth0rlge edd!tional ta+l levies ,for capital out.lay may be submitted+ to,the electors ol city or town at any election whether called ,ttecially for th purPose or called for any otherPurpose, but m+i, be submltte _lnet re.ore .tha.n twice in ary one year+, No or town shall submit to the authorized uate to fulfill all con,,_ the Jn day of Novelnber. 1962, at 10 a.m. The. Board of Dir(etors slmll be sole m the COurtroom of said Colwt, ill Judge of l}lo t,erits and qualifications the Coun]y COtll,thotlse Ill Shelton, of ['UYIlittlI'( i)fl'or,d ttlld l*('H(l'S,('S ltle Wi3tngtoIL right t '++iott lily (lid/el all bids gt,TED THIS 8Lh day of October, and to wai:+, inlS)nhditi(,s in c()nnec- 19 . lion with said bids. HARRY DEYETTE. R.W. OIJFMAN Clerk of the Superior Com't Superintend(rot of Schools by: TECKLA VERMILLION, Sh(,Jton (Xmsolidat(,d School • l:]epilty Clerk • District No, 31)9 ROBERT L. SNYDER Siwlton. Wnshinton Attorney at Law 10/1-25 11./1 3t 125 N. 5th Shelton. Washington 10/11-18-25 ]1/1 4t A Journal Want Ad .00ualifleattons of Voters Proposed Amendment to the State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962 Office of Vietor A. Meytr "-- .J' IkmretaW of State, State of Washingto To Where 15 y Oeneerm In obedience to the State €onUtution, and the Joint Resolu- lion of the State Leglslatur# hereinafter referred to, there Is hereby published for the eonsfderation Of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution of the said state, as follows  , OFFICIAL BLLOT TITLE / House Joint Resolution No. 19 QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS Shall Article VI, Section 1 of the S/ate Constitution relating to qualifications of voters be amended to reduce the periods of state and county residence re- quired for voting a] all elections; eliminate disquali. flcation f,om voting by Indians not taxed, and allow citizens intending to make this state their permanent residence to vote for presidential electors or President and Vice-President of the United States, after sixty dayg residence? i i i i iii ......... i[ i L'-"+' i i Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House at Representatives the State of Washington In legislative session assembledt THAT, At the general election to ba held in this state on the Tuesday next Succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962, there shall be the qualified voters of the state for their approval and ratification, or rejection, amend° ment to Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Wash- lngton By amending section 1 thereof nd by adding a new section thereto to be known as section 1A, so that said section will read as follows: Article VI, section I. All persons of the age of twenty-one years or 'over, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at ell elections: They hall be citizens of the United States; they shall have lived In the state ((erie yeee)) )iX months, and in the €ountyj. ((   i-the)) city, town, ward or precinct thirty days Immediately preceding the election at which they offer to vote; they shall be able to read and speak the English language: tIP, OVID,,D, tttane mt rased f14 eve be  the eteetive hiset A-N IURTIIR)) PROVIDED, That this amendment hall not affect the rights of franchise of any person who is now a guallo fled elector of this state, The legislative authority shall enact laws defining the manner of ascertaining the qualifications of voters as to their ability to read and speak the English language, and provldlig foi; punishment of persons voting or registering |n violation of the provisions of this section. There shall be no denial of the elective franchise at any election on account of sex. Article VI, section IA. In consideration of those citizens o ,,he 14sited ;States who become residents of the state of Washin- ton durtn the}'ear of a presidential election with the intention of makin]g this state their permanent residence this section is /or,the purpose of authorizing such personsp who can meet all ualifications for votin as set forth in section 1 of tiffs Article gcept for residence, to vote for presidential electors, or on the office of President and Vice-President'of the United States t a the case may be, but no. other, provided, that such persons hve resided in file state at least sixty da'ys immediately nreced= .jng' the pre*sid+ent'ial ' election coieerned. "" The legislature shall establish the time manner and plac for such persons to cast such' presidential ballots. And ]Be It Further Resolved, That the secretary of tata shall caus the foregoing constitutional amendments to be published for at least three months next preceding the election In a weekly newspaper In every county In the state In which such a newspaper is publi+shed. Palled the Senate February 211, 1901. Passed the House February I0 =901, JOHN_ A. CHERBERG, JOHN L, O'BRIEN, . Fretdlnt o$ the ¢nate. Speaker ol the House. • .XPLANATOR COMMENT ' 11 words cn©losed in double parenthee and Ilne Ihrough re In our State Constitution at the present and axe being taken out by this amendment. All words under- seared do not appear In the State Constitution as it is now Written but will be put In It this amendment Is adopted, I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash• tngton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of House Joint Resolution No. 19, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file in my office. Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of Washington • Ja tat day of August, 1962. A Legal Publication  VICTOR A. MEYER$ From e O o!  .... ecreta of 8 / spsglfled in this substton shall be deemed umulative to the other procedures I specffied in this se,c.tion. And Belt Resolved, That the secretary of state ahal| cauN the foregoing constitutional amendment to be published for at least three months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper h every county In the state In which such • newspaper is published. JOHN L. o  .. "- pre; el ths Su=. , Sleeker o$ the Hom,e. EXPLANATORY (OMMKNT All words undereored' do not eppesr In our 1111114) onstltutlon as It is now wrllten but IvJll be put In It this amendment is adopted. I, Victor A. Meyer& Seeretery of 8tare of the State of Wash- lgt0n, hereby certify that the ebove is a full, true and correct copy of Substitute House Joint Resolution No. 1, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh • ession, as appears from the origindl of said Substitute Joint ResMutlon now on file In my office. Witness My lland and the Seal Of the State  WuhlngtoB Ods 1at dsy of August, 19611. A'Legal Publication  CTOE   Ft00an the Office of . met, Legal Publications NO. 3311 NOTICE O!,' llEAItING FINAL ItF, I)I)RT AND VF/I'I'rl/)N l,'Oi l) t '|' l{ I lIt'l' I O N IN TIlE Sl]PE[llt)lt (.'t)ttq' ()IO Tltt STATE" ()l o "k/A l I ] N (Ut'()N J+'t) t MAS()N L?(.) UNTY ]II I]11' l al I ( t" €)[" lho []F;IHI O ()[' +xVA L'L'I+,I I.()IENZF]N. t)e(+,'w(+(l. Htll)y M. [ ,,)t'ciizon Adtliillisl i'al l'iX el snid EMah'. has fih'(l witll said (.*at ll'l hot' I'illIII I'l'[)Ol'l Sill1 |)olilhdl flit' di.ll'ii)tllJ()li aSklll4 lilt' ('()al't lo ,otlh' FIIhl )'t'I)()l'I (]}sll'il)ll|O the pro- l)t'l'13" t(' |ill' |)"I'St)IlS Iht'l'(q() (,nlitlod tl/lfl [() di:('h;(l';, s:li(.] Ad lllllSll'IlIl'lx. S:li(] l't'l)<)l'l Sill1 I)t,ltli()ll will h,, }lt'll'd Legal Publications N(). 8285 l'SI tl()NN IY I't'III,]CA'I'ION IN 'l'[ll,] Sll'b'.I{l()]l C()URT t)l,' TttE STATI,] /)1' :A.'4111 Nil'r( )N FOIl M:\\;)-;()N  't )ITN't'Y ll[+],SIh] LI'H'] S'ITU[A,ER Ptainliff. vs. H()VARJ3 .I +. M(f{ROW :rod ".lANE ]')()I+:" M()I{]I()/. his ,,*,'if('. l)of('n(lan|s STATE t)I," WASIIINt'T()N q't) THII' SA! l) lt()¥Al{1) J. MOI{IOW AND 'LI ANE 1)()[,"' M( )tI'U)V. I)It,'I,]NY)- A N T S "V()IT lll(I (,:lt')l 4)[" "%+(,11 a|'o hc|'(q)y F:lllllliH)l|cd |1) ;t])]H'lI' WilJlill SIN|y ((;()) (IH3S ;llh'l (lie d;IJ.(' O1" Ill(' l'il'1 l)tlb+ ]h'alh)ll ()I lhis SIIllllllollS, Io+''ll willl+ eli |hi' ,(|lh (l:t3 id" Nt,v(qabcl'. II)62. I  x ' ((i()) i v; el(('(* lh(' 27th of ht H) :l.}ll. Ill Ih(' ('lit I'II't)olll i)f said S(,I)l(.tll))(.I." 1!}(]2 slid dcfl'lld /h* a|)ovc+ ('Oil I'l ill 1]11' ('t)Ulll y t SIll( I }l)ll:tt' LI ('lllillod ;Ic[it)ll ill the ;II)I)VO-CIII illod  h(.llon. WltSII[II;I )It. I):VPli]l) Tills ll 11:13' t)l ()('hd)0r, 191;2, IIAR[Y 1 )I,]YI;]TTIq. ('b'l'l t)| l|lo Sllt)('l i()l' (',)|ll't I)y: T('('k/:t Vt,l'ltli[lioll. I)*'l)llt y ( "h'l'l.; ],()IIEIUI" 1. NNYI)Iqll A ll()I'lll y ill [AIW 125],/.., N 5th  h(qit)ll. .Va:ih illglHl. I(|t11-1-25 lI/l 41 NO. 3100 NOTI('I,; T(, Clt;I,;I)ITOi¢S IN T]tIQ ,%/HqC1lt)I¢ (:t)l.*/l'.l" (IF T]]lg STATP] t)[ c WA,qlt INGT( )N F'() l> MASON C(KNTY Jlt tlw Mailer el tile Eslal(, (if NE1) A, [I!CKI*]IL l.)t,c(,ased. 4"t':IIIC('S L. t.ta,:k('r iN lllt at)l)oillI(,d [llld (Itla]il'i('d Ext,('tlll'iX of said (,s- IIxtt,. AI] l)t'l'Nt)llS IlavlllK ('l/lilllS aKl]illNt F, aid (tl '('oas(Kt tll'O l't'(] LlirL2d It) (1'*,'( th(' N[llllO I1 dlIIdicalt', dilly vol'ifio{t, Oil said EKocII[ I'ix oF IIOF ll I Ol'lloy, T.()bert , Sll3:dt'v :tl. =hi' addl'PS. lit'* h)w stalt'd, and ['ih' the same wilh th(, (loI']¢ t)l' said C, otlFt togelh(,(' Ail]l I)I'OC)| 4)f ,Sll('h SI'I'VI( 't+ . *,vithill SiX monlhs after lho date t)f fir:l publi- ('lti(ql of this not|ca, el' the Stlllle will i)0 l)a ('l'od. DATE of Firm publicalhm: Octobor 4, 1.962 .. ]'1l ANCES [, IITCKER I'] X('('U t fix. ]{otltt' '3. I:h)X 422 E S}l(!tl(ll, Was [|llll'l Oil YtOIIERT I,. SNYDEI{ Allal'llOy nt IAIW 125.5 N. 5lh SI wll ¢11, ashingl eli 10/d-11-18-25-4t The JOURNAL ('()lll'l slid ;lll,h'('l ' l]h' collll)]aillt )[ Ill(' l)lailltiff. ;Ln(] .(.rv, :1 ('(,t)Y oF yotlr ;lltVW(,t" Ul)t)lt Ill() tllld(,Isi:ll*.d all(.)l'll('y at hi offit.o I)(,l(x*,, slll,.d: and la (.ast of V()LII' I;lillll'(  1 s( do. jll(lgl)l('lll will lit' t'('l)(l<'l'('d ;tt-),'HlllSl yell a('(:Ol'(l" ill)' h) 111,' d'l)l+lltd of Ih' t'on)l)l:tlllt, v.'lli(']l h:ls I)(,t,ll ! lh'l wilh Ill(, ('hq'l. ()1 th(' aid ('t)lll'I The| ill+ c:,ll.,' of II('lit)ll hi'rein i.q f<)l |he F((t)%'('I'y iI])()n a ])l'l)ll| isst)l'y 1".)11''(I I)3" ')(i I() |]11, l)l|illlll"f nnd whi,'h wns (tu(+ (,n the 2SIh day Of AtIK|lSl. ]l)t]l. Slid whi,'h is now W]lt)lly il| (h'fatlll .lt)tlN ('. ItA(IAN A1 hl'noy I'ol' Plaillt iff ell'ice and lets1 ()l'fi('o Address: ]2A St)lllll ]l)ul'th Sll'('oL S}ll,Jloll /;is] I ]ll [ oil (.)/27 10/-I-11-1S-25 11/1 6t NO. 3398 NOTI('I,: TO ('J£E|)ITO|{ IiXl TItlq SLIPI,]RI()I COLIRT (IF TI-IE STATIC ()l' WASItlNGTON le():R MASON (OUNTY. IN II{OtATE Tn tht, Maltvv (,f tlw Estato (,t" BVEN ERtK ],'ORSIEII(I. D(t'p+ts('d, NOTICE IS II1,;REI+¥" CIVEN that (]10 lllldol'Sii lied has b(Oll Ill)pal ntetl and llas (]tlali(it'd its lllO Adlllillistl'alrix of th,' Es(:dc t)l' Svon E|'ik Fol'sJol'g, dt'C('|L¢;('(t : | (Ell :l]] |)OFSOIIS having cl;lilllS IIK;I IIN1 s;lid (]O('t/IsPd ar(, hol'(q.)y l't(lllil'od It) SOI'VO the saluo. duly vcril'ied, on tilt' im(h,rsignod A(I- Ininistt'al.|'ix +It" lwr altol'Iloy el" l'OCol'd at thc addr,,ss bel)w staled :rod file th(" same wilh Ih(' Cle)'k ot tlm said ('oLll'l. I(k'(qhof wilh Dot)f (If Sll('h .:('I'Vi(H' wilbill ix IllOlllhs afh'r Ilia dell' of fil's| t)lll)]it'!lh)lt of this Iioti('0 or the .a m' will be )HFl'O(t. ]ato o[ fil'S| 1)ul)]i('atioll: October 4. 1 !)(;2. IlllTIt M. LTNDSEY, Adminislral('ix CLENN E. CORtREA A(tt)rn(Lv for Es(a((" P,+,II l]uilding SheI(on. rlL.'l}|ing loll ]0/4-n-18-25-4t Publleafion of 00o00osed Constltutloned 1 _ . I , i • ., .... tl j Amendments q Proposed Amendment to the State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962 Office of Victor A. Meyer& Secretary of State, State of Wms • e Whom 15 M' neerm In obedience to the State Constitution. and  Joint Resoluo t/on of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the propose¢i amendment to the constitution of the said state, as follows: OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE Senate Joint Resolution No. 2 PUBLICATION OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Shall Section 1, Article XXIII, of the State Constitu- tion requiring publication of the text of each proposed constitutional amendment in a weekly newspaper in each county for three months prior to the election, be amended sO as to require only that notice of the pro- posed c6nstitutional amendment be published at least four times during the four weeks prc.ceding the elec- tion in every legal newspaper in the state? Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: THAT, At th general election to be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the state for their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amendment to Article XXIII, section 1 of the ConStitution of the State of Washington, to read as follows: Article XXIII, section I. Any amehdment or amendment to lids Constitution may be proposed in either branch of the legislature; and if the same shah be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each of the two houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shah be entered on their journals, with the ayes and noes theron, and be submitted to the qualified electors of the state for their approval, at the next general elec- tion; and if the people approve and ratify such amendment or amendments, by a majority of the electors voting thereon, the same shall become part of this Constitution, and proclamation thereof shall be made by the governor: PROVIDED, That if more than one amendment be submitted, they shall be sub* mitted in such a manner that the people may vote for or against such amendments separately. The legislature shall also cause notice of the amendments that are to be submitted to the people to be published ((  et tet. theee  ne+,et ..... v, ,,-,,"'-" the ,c;;'papcr ie-imbtished thrc'-gheu - 41 se)) at least four times durin the four weeks next preceding the elegtion in every" legal newspaper in the state: PROVIDED That failure of an newspaper to publish this notice shall not be interp<eted as affectin the outcome of the election. , Be It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state sha cause the foregoing constitutional amendment to be published for at least three months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper in every county in the state in which such a new- paper is publ.ished. psz,$ed the House March 8. 196L passed the Senate February 24. JOLN L. O'BRIEN, JOHN A. CHERBERG. peaker ol the Hou. President o$ the Senate. EXPLANATORY COMMENT An words enclesed in double parentheses and lined trough are In otir State Constitution at the present and axe being taken out by this amendment. All words under., seored do not appear In the State Constitution as it is aow written but will be put in it thia amendment is adopted, L Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash- Ington, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and ¢orreeg copy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 25, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the origina! of said Joint Resolution now o file in my office. Witness My Hand and the Seal of the Staqe of WasMngto t daF of Au 1962, A Legal Publication  VICTOR A. MEYER lml Thursday, October s:dd Est:|h, ha, I'il,'d wilh mild C,)t£rt ]1(+1 ' rilHi ])tl[ i()ll SIlil I"(|)(!1•1 TV Service 25. 1962 Tire Service I cores :aml N'S p LU M611 NG, SHEET MB- HEATI ph, Mt. View Ph. 426-4832 S 1st. '"' Mrs. Robinson. low. 623 4S the winner of high -'vas won by Mrs. Dean 'i, !ldren attending were pre- Eleetrieal Floristm Trick or Treat bags I!uests were served home • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps + • Electric Heating • Plants l,and coffee. Responsible • Westinghouse Appliances for all occasio ::iJ. a'nt affair beside Mrs. ,'Were l¢esdames Orin • Flowers e.nja, Les Soule and Her- 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 EVERGREEN r,--n 8HELTON ELF-.43TRIC CO. 4th & Birch 8 to 8 sy couple last Satur-  "J0on and evening were llillis Lutz who enter- Drugs Auto GIass--"i ;r°up of apprentice- . Helena Rubinstein cos- Ice-workers with Fred) metics • xpert !lift, get Sound Naval Ship- • 'Prescriptions Insta ffatlon :l!remerton. Arriving at • Hypo-A.11eic cosmetics JIM PAULY Itgr°up (which ihcluded 7 i'Sth ph  treated to a tour of NEIUS PHARMACY & Railroad ,arles Winery, followed Govey Bldg. Ph. 426-3327 e.J dinner stowed at the  lively game of cards ,,-] ..... activity-filled after- Used Furniture 151Ke 00nop !,:. e congenial visitors. I • Appliances • Sales and Repair Z first glimpse of our • " ..... m"h +.a KeY"l. 'rY for several of the • Furniture .uur.= .... ,t ,'d' they expressed" great • Beds & Mattresses . OOOlea . _ *the iocal scenery and KELLY'S FURNITURE 1st & Mill Ph. 426-2411 SLEYSTER'S BIKI Guests ineluded Mr. Roy Clinton 223 . L. Vralker and family, s. Stan Hagedorn, Mr. -  ,;:;en Anderson and baby ,, . S. Shews Bnmpass and Printing raperles---:., Mr. and Mrs. Stuart ----r ..... '!ifaraily, Howard Wilcox cust6m made • Quality Work ; o]eman. free estimates d i r' of All Kinds Nork guarante0  "out, of town" with iaater Laurie Lutz spent !m ,, --y ¢$ t Uldt ickson THE JOURNAL J. C, PENN .-,II " and fa- 227 Cota Phone 426-4412 Ph+.eginnirtg to wonder if 3O5 RR Ave. !low"b: of Oct. 12 had Vay all the deer ,from --. o dt!;te !'he., woods. According Temporary Performanc OUgh, at least two of '  d up in glm-sights. J Onek family brought p ...... J.-- 'l'"gil'Pointer Saurdav morn- roposeu Amengmelltt--- J___- tO t. i0000ear thatIiow#il Hardy _ _ = • . " '/i wn a spike the smn'e btate, tonst|tutl0n "lrs had passed since _,'.i,I Mm'ial Somers had 6][ ; gUests of l'tst Wednes to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 19 , , ,- • , 0tl. :Brief though it was, -- - +)I Ps thoroughly enjoyed ','l With Gard;er, Mass. Office of Victor A. MeY#r,P and Mrs. Paul Ste- Secretary of State, State o: W'" To Whom Ii Ma oneerm -.lestricti°? In obedience to the State Constitution, and the JoLt.rl tlon of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, hereby publlshed for the consideration of the voters of ti" JUU Ame of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constttu" a" the said state, asfollows. +,L+[I:::' State Co, OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE-----"r [;i  voted on N(: - [ s ' House Joint Resolution No.   , . TEMPORARY PERFORMANCE O¥ JUDI¢-- DUTIES .di:: b   e,e, cer= ShMI Article IV of the State Constitution be ame %dience totbe state cox by adding a new section providing that when .e he State Legislature h sary for the prompt and orderly administratl; blished for the eonside justice a majority of the Supreme court is emP° ngton, the proposed an to authorize judges or retired judges of ¢oUh [atate, as foaows: record in this state to perform, temporarily, .J' euties ,in the supreme court, and to author.e  +:""--0 super!or court judge to perform judicial duties t  FFICIAL B, superior court of this state? Senate Jolnt R( ABOLISHING RE Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of of the State of Washington in legislative session ' "+ LAND O this |t e con " THAT, At the general election to be held in r " stitutmnal re the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in NoV,. land in the State I'll tlz 1962, there shail be submitted to the qualified vote o, ens be removed b mn al ' as a state, for their approval and ratification, or reject" ,  mended by Am men( to Article IV of the Constitution of the State ,E t;0 of WsS'^7)((Ustltution? by adding thereto a new section to be numbered secti >:r Of Article IV. which shall read as follows: / >r:" .Section 2(a), When necessary for the prompt n By the Senat administration of justice a majority of the Supreme,@r of Washington in 1, empowered to authorize iudges or retired udes of=. &t the general electio: record of this state) to'perform,...temporarily t udicia[A,, sueeeeding the fl= the Supreme Court t and to authorize an" superior coUr.t be submitted to tl to perform judcml dutms xn any supertot court of t JhlS .adoption or rejection, Be It Further Resolved, That the Secretary °.f.l  Constitution of the shall cause the foregoing constitutional amendment to I.i++ )e 3, de H and Am, lished f°r at Ieast three m0nths next preeeding the el7 e Constution of  some weekly newspaper, in every county where a Ilew-' is published throughout the state. Passed the Senate March 9. ]9L Passed the House 1€ II / JOHN A. CHERBERG, JOHN L. o'BRII .'Il Pre++ae., me S,,e.ker )"' EXPLANATORY COMMENT" All words underscored do not appear In our Constitution as it is now written but will be put this amendment is adopted, tesolved, t e of W ,At the t tmec be sut i.adoption Pealed, t Further Resolved,' 'tt°reg°ingthree constitution 3. + months next pr , every county in till t@ t IL Meyer$, Secretar certify that the a Joint Resoluti( tate of Washingtor om the original of s I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State lngton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true copy of House Joint Resolution No. 6, passed by the • lure of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now In my office. Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of this 1st day of August. 1962. A Legal Publication @ VICTOR A. MI From the Office 0f Secretly LeM Publications Legl Island Vi, Ill( ) ])( 'l+,-Ol|S (hi+F('|( " ) NO 331',) NOTICI,: O],' JlEARING FINAl] d]s('.l]a|'IXo said "+" :'"" '""'" 'era Y0t I[1':!'I)1{'1' AND I'FTITION Fl.l{ lth' 1611! dmy of Navonl I)l,T,t I II I"|'ION. l0 :l.l||. |)1 Ilia ('+1 ll|'tl IN THE SIYPEIILOt-t COURT ()lr TI-IE Court in Ihe County STATI,] ()t,' WASIt IN(VI'()N I cC)t{ S]loll (ill. Vttshi ng'| oil. MASON COUNTY ) DATED THIS ]SIh  IEXV -- Grape harvest  In lho Mall<+(' (,f (It(" Estnh, of I!)62. _ _, ;,'] swinff and Grapoview ] ]{ItJ)()IA-[] A. OIS()N. I)('('('a!,'d. ]TARRY" 1)I'l'Yt 'try, h|. , "' . .. I Ih)|'a Mlllh'l', ,\\;d|,|illistl+ill|'ix ,If Cl(l'k of tilt Stlp01,101* | tl'll]y lives tip to its :ti(l Est:th,, ha, I'il,'d wilh said C, £rt tlC)BI]RT L. SNYI)EI \\;i!l>eral vi'nevards on Strech I Iwr final roln)l't and p('titim] l',)g (ti:lri- Altorn.,y at Law tOnened'fnr Public nick- I)tlti()ll :;Skil|L' | It" Coll|'t I) :.,'1(h 125.:, N. 51il ....  - . .r . ' - . <rid r('p(u+t, di;dril+ul,' ,}w lw,,p,'rlv I()S)wt,*n+ Vea:d, inKhm. I0/18"P+  and JI|dglttg by the I L idlways most of lhe day I i I'I IP P'l'ttBl+t, ess th.00t business was f | iiR i i iylneyards oft'ering gra-l glllkm- I Vl'/,T@ick"em-y °u''self'' basis [ ' -- j season 'are those he- I ....... , Orville Kager, Rohert ] !V Service loor t;overmgs +i,yl.y Hillman and Wal-I • Linoleuln - .i*lt; all on Strech Island. • ladio-TV • Tile " .]iLl.rbor Grange hosted a I • Phonographs • Carpeting eSflll card party last • CB 2-way radio . • Formica ,ycning at the Grape- LEROY'S TV SERVICE _- .... 2. ,,n 1: According to party[ L View , Ph. 426-317 HP_X I-LUOH t)-Mrs Ann Westberg, it -2 I Mt. View while endeaver, linen-] as wen as giving l .... ,,ttOlded a relaxing, fun-] re Service00 Radiator Relmi r ig. Prizes captured in, • O_llmg OU¢ "lllIIIll '  "'" hi-h" i • New - Goodrich , pooner tor g • Recapping " -Sfi ldelylng - 'i{illiam Stock and Ed] • Used • ewc?r, , ,,, y' "low'" Floating pmz'e ] uup  e.Lv, ¢ Learnerd Mrs Buck- OK RUBBER WELDERS ' • i